HomeMy WebLinkAboutRILEY AVENUE TO THE TOW~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TO'TN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at ~{attitucK, Tov~ nr(qouthold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as RILEY AVENUE, as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land shown ss "RILEY AVENUE~' on a certain map entitled "Map of Property of George H., Wm. T. and D. T. Riley, Mattltuck, N.Y." dated March, 1924, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, in File Number 185, on November ET, 19S8, more particularly described as follows:- The Northerly line of said proposed Highway begins at a c~ncrete monument set on the easterl} llne of Bay Avenue 534.E feet, more Or less, southerly along said line from the south- westerly corner of land now or formerly of J~mes H. Rainbo and runs at a right angle to said easterly line of Bay Avenue, N. ?0°31~ E.- 594.3 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument and l~nd now or formerly of Harry De?etrls. The Southerly llne of said proposec highway ls to be parallel to and 50 feet dlstant southerly from the above described Northerly llne~ which propose~ laying out will p~ss through the lands of George H. Riley; Estate of 't;llllem T. Rlley and Daniel T. Riley only. ~.~ ~'~ day of Yay, 1935. Dated this As Exec~s of ~'LaSt ~¥111'and Testament of ) %';lll£~m T. Riley, deceased. WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor~ at Greenport, in said Town on the ~ day of~1935, and considered the application of George H. Riley and for the laying out of a new highway to he k~ewn as RILEY AVENUE, at Mattituck~ Ln the To~n of Somthold, Suffolk County, New Yerk~ do hereby consent that such layinE out be made in accordance with the p~ayer of the within petitien. Justices of the Peace. ~1~, ~EOR~-E H. RILEY and MAE B. RILEY, his wife, of Mattituck,~ Suffolk County, New York; ~d~A D. RILEY and LONG ISLAND STATE ~JJ~K AND TRUST COMP~h~ of Riverhead~ Suffolk County~ New York, as executors of the last Will and Test~ent of Wllli~m T. Riley, late of the Town of Riverhead, deceased; DAt~IEL T. RILEY and NORA RILEY, his wife, o£ 119-41 F~rmerz Avenue, St. Albans, New York, in conslderatlon of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, ~o us in b~and paid by Harold E. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways, of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new hlghway to be known as RILEY AVENUE, au Nattttuck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as follows:- ALL tl~t certain tract or parcel of land shown as ~FJ~LEY AVENUE~ on e certain map entitled ~ap of Property of George H., Wm. T. and D. T. Riley, Ns. ttituck, N.Y." dated N~rch, 1~24, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, in File Number 186, on November 27, 1~28, more particularly described as follows:- The Northerly line of said proposed Highway begins at e concrete monument set on the easterly line of Bay ~venue ~4.2 feet, more or less, southerly along sald line l~Pom the 8outh- westerly corner of land now or foPmerty of ~ames H. I~o and Puns mt a right angle ~o s~d easterly line of Bay Avenue, N. ?O°Z1~ E.- 8@A.~ feet, more or lees~ to a concrete monument and l~-nd now o~ formerly of Hsa~ry DePetris. The Southerly ~line of said proposed highway is to be parallel to mud 50 feet distant southerly from the above described Northerly line, which propased laying out passes through the land of George H. Riley ~d wlfe~ ESTATE of Wllliam~ T. Riley and ~anlel T. Riley and wife only~ do hereby dedicate ~nd release to the Town of Southold~ all l~ud heretofore owned hy us and included wi%hin the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town f~om all ~mages byi.~.eason of the laying out of the maid new highway. As ExecUte' o~t~e~l~s~ W~t ~d Testament of Wflllam T. Riley, decease.. STATE OF NEN YORK, ¢ot~Y OF SUFFOM{. ~C~ ,~ On this / 1935, befo~,e me personally came GEOR6E H. RILEY and ~E B. RILEY, his wife, of ~attituck~ Suffolk County~ New Yo~k, personally ~nown to me and. known to me to be tw~ of the persens described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they severally acknowledge~d to ms that they executed the s~me. Notar~f Public, Surf. Co. STATE OF NE~' YORK, SS: ~ CO~/ffY OF SUFFOLk. On this 7-~ ~ ds~v of May, 1935, before me personally came ANNA D. RILEY, of Rlverhead, Suffolk County~New York~ as co-executor of the last Will and- Testament of $~illiam T. Riley~ deceased, personally known to me ~-~d kno~m to me to be one of the executors described in mud who executed the foregoing instrument ~nd she duly ack- nowledged to me t?~t she executed the same as such executor. STATE OF NEW YORK~ SS:- COUNTY OF Sb~FFO~K. On this ~ ~'~- day of May, 1935, b~efore me came ~//~ ~ %/~ to me known, who~ being by me duly swozm, dia depose ~ud sa~. ~.e.~r~e~s~des in t%iverhead,~ Suffolk County~ New York; tb~t he is the President of the LUNG ISLAN]) STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY the corporation described in,and ~hich executed the foregoing instrument, mhd which corporation is co-executor of the last ~ill and Testament of William T. Riley, deceased~ that hs l~nows the seal of said corporation~ tb~t the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate se~l; it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation; end that he signed his name thereto by llke order as ~o-executor of said estate. Notary Public, . STAT~ OF NEW YORK, COUN.~ OF ~ SS:- NORA RILEY, his wife, of 11~1 Farmers Avenue, St. Al~an~ New York~ p~sonaily known to ~e and .known to me to be ~wo of the persons described in and who execut~,~ the feregoing instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the Same. Notary Public, ~ Co~I LAYING O~T A HIGH~A_Y WITH THE CONSENT OF TO~N BO~D. Written application having been made to me, To~ Superintendent of Highways, fo~ the Town of Southold, S~zffolk County, New York, by George H~ Riley wnd others end liable to be assessed for highway taxee in s~id Town; mhd the written consent oF the Town Board of said town ~ving been executed es p~esc~lbed by law, a~ leases From dem~ges having been executed by the owners of tha land throu~ which the p~oposed highway is to be laid o~t, copies of which are hereto annexe~, and nothl~ having been paid to any claimant for such d~m~ges, it is h~reby ORDERED end PETE ~ ~hmt the highwe~v shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town am follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel- of land shown as ~RILEY A~A~~ on a certain map entitled ~Nap of Proper~y of George Ho, Nm. T~ end D. To Riley, Mattituck, N.Y~" dated March, 1~, end filed in the office of ~he Clerk of the County of Suffolk, in File Number 1~8, on No~ember 27, 1~28~ more particularly described ms Follows:- The Northerly line of said proposed Highway begins at a concrete monumen~ set on the easterly line of Be~ Avenue 3~2 feet, more oP less, southerly a!i~ng ~e~id line from tha southwesterly corner of ie~d now or fo~erly of ~mmes H. Rambe end ~s at a right arkie to said easterly line of Bay Avenue, N. ?0°~i~ E.- 89A.~ fe~t~, more or less, to s concrete monument end land now or formerly of Harry DePetris. ~e Southerly lime of said proposed highway is to be parallel to end ~0 feet distant ~outherly from the e~ove described Northerly line, which proposed laying out will pass t~n~ough land of George H. Rlle~; Estate of William T. ~c~ley and iamiel To Riley only . Dated tt~in ~%~ay of June, 1935. Town uper~ntendent' of Nigh~eys. In the Matter of the Applicatlon . ; GEOI~GE H. RILEY & · for the laying out of a new highway at Nattituck, Suffolk Co~ty, New York, =o' . - .,: be ~own as RI~ A~E. APPLICATION, _" ' · :" i'. " -" CONSENT mhd - -' ' '"" ' RELEASE. .