HomeMy WebLinkAboutOLE JULE LANESTAT// OF N//W YORK, COUNTY OF TOWI/ OF S~THOLD. In the ~atter of the l~1n~ out of t~e (3) certa~ To~ Hl~ys ~n the To~ of ~uthold, Cowry ~ Su~olk ~d State of ~ew York. WI'~ TM CONSENT OF T~ ,rom O aD. Oral application havin~ been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, for the laying out of three (3) certain Tewn Highways, in the said Town of Southold, by ~uliue Zebroski and Frank Tuthlll, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Toan, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town havlng been glven mm prescribed by law, end a dedlcatlon and release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of the lands through which the proposed hlghwsys are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which ls hereto surtaxed, and nothing hevln~ been paid to any claimant for such damages, NOW, T~REFORE, I. the Town Superlntendant of Highways of the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE ~ND O~I)~R that three (3) To~ Highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows, and are to be ~nown as (1.) OleJule Lena, (2) Channel Lane and (3.) ~[raus Road, as follows:- ALL those tracts or parcels of land situate et ~attituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described as follows:- The right hand line of the proposed blg~wey to be ~no~n as "OleJule Lane" is decrlbed cs follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue at th~ northeasterly corner of lend of Maurlce H. King and et the northwesterly corner of land of Frank Tuthlll; and running alon~ said land of ~aurlce H. King S.?e 32~ 40" W.- 100@.50 feet to a concrete monument; thence on the direct extension of said line and along the easterly line of land conveyed, or about to be conveyed, by Julius Zebros~l to Frank Tuthlll S. ?$ 32~ 40" ~- 150.64 feet to a point in the direct extension westerly of the northerly llne of land of Jo?~ Schiller; said extension being the southerly line of said land conveyed, or a~out to be conveyed by Julius Zebroskl to Frank Tuthlll; thence along said extension westerly N. 81~ 07~ 40" W.- 260.62 feet; thence over land of Julius Zebrosk! the followln~ courses: (1) S. 4° 56~ 40" W.- 248.15 feet; thence (P.) So14o 03~ ~0" E.- 285.0 .feet ; thence (3) S.11. O~! :/0" E.- 100.0 feet ; thence (4) S. 3o 03' ZO" B.- 100.0 feet ; thence (5) S. 1. 03' ~0'~ E.- 100.0 feet ; thence (6) S. 5o 26* 40" W.- 100.0 feet ; thence (?) S.49. 19t 40" W.- 100.0 feet ; thence (8) So 80~5~ 40" W.- ~90.0 feet ; thence (9) S. ?40 35~40,, W.- 85.0 feet ; thence {10) S. 64~ 35t40'' W.- 90.0 feet ; thence (11) S. 580 to be known as (12) S. 52, to be known aa feet; thence (13) S. 460 35~ 40" W.- 65.0 feet; thence (14) S. 30~ 35~ 40" W.- 65.0 feet; thence {15) $. 14o 09~ 50" W.- ?0.0 feet; thence (18) S° 5o 58~ 50" I~.- ?0.0 feet; thence (17) S. 32o 58' 50" E.- ?0.0 feet; thence (18) S. 57o 58~ 50" E.- 85.0 feet; thence (19) S. 61~ 58~ 80" E.- 155.0 feet; thence (20) S. ~6~ 58~ 50" E.- ?0.0 feet; thence (21) N. 8Vo O1~ 10" E.- ?0.0 feet; thence (2~.) N. 53~ 01~ 10 E.- 90.0 feet; thence (23) N. 5~o 27~ 10" E.- 558.?2 feet; thence ~5~40" W.- 65.0 feet to the northeasterly line of a proposed highway "Channel Lane'~; thence 35~ 40" W.- 50.0 feet to the southwesterly line of seld proposed highway "Channel L~ne"; thence continuing on the same course S. 52~ 35~ 40" W.- 15.0 (~4) N. 2o 35~ 10" E.- 502.56 feet to the southerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Kraus Road" at the northwesterly corner of land of Fred Kraus. The left hand line of said proposed highway to be known as "Ole~ule Lane, is parallel to STATE OF NEW YOF~, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD. In the Natter of the laying out of 5 certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. C, 0NMENT OM, ~ BOARD. UPON READING AND FILING the dedication.And release of Julius Zebroski and Frank Tuthill, dated September 7~ 1949, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for 8 certain oronosed town highways to be known a~)OLEJULE LANE} (9) Channel Lane; (8) Kraus Road; it is hereby RE~OLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold,make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highways to conelst of the lands described in the said dedication snd release and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said aoollcatton,all in accordance with the Orovlsions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated, at the office of the Suoervtsor of llhe Town of South. old, at Greennort, TOWN BOARD OF TM~E TOV~N OF SOU~"~OLD COUNTY OF ~,FFOLK,STATE OF NEW YORK, c~erl~. ' Superintendent of Highways. STATE OF NEW YOR~, COUNT~ OF ~ ~ Ma~er of t~ la~lng ou~ of ~ee (~) cer~a~ Town Hl~w~s In the Town of Southold, Cowry of ~d State of ~ew York. II~DICATIOM and RFj2/A-~]/. W~f~RA$, appliCatiOn has been duly ~ade to the Town Su~rin~e~dent of Highways of the To~ of Southold, ~ the ~ty of S~ffolk ~d State of ~ew York, for t~ layl~ ~t ceftin to~ ht~ys to be ~o~ ~ (1.) OleJule ~ne, (2.) ~nnel L~e ~d (3.) Road; ~d WH~, ~ ~d~ ~e t~ o~ers of the prem~s to ~ dedlcat~ as hereinaf~er ~ovlded ~d are all of the ~r~ns ~v~g a~ ~teres~ In s~d rights of way ~d ~d pr~os~ hi,ways. S~thold, ~ consideratl~ of the sum of ONE ($1.~) Dollar, to each of ~ In hRmd pa~d, by ~, To~ S~er~tend~t of Highways of t~ To~ of S~thold, ~e ~ceipt whe~of ~s he,by ac~o,leaged, ~d ~ f~r co~lderatl~ of the layl~ out of ~ new ~ways ne~ MattitucX, In ~ T~n of S~thold, Suffolk Cowry, M~w York, to be ~own as ~ ~NE; ~ md ~AUS ~, ~ her~y ~eaee, ~lease ~d convey to the s~d To~ of Southold, f~ hi,way ~u~ses, the ~ollowlng l~ds, ~o wit:- The rl~t ~d l~e of the ~op~ ~w~ ~o be ~o~ as "OleJule~ is described as follows:- B~IM~IMG at a con,ts mon~nt s~ on the a~therly line of New ~folX Argue at the northe~erly co~ner of l~d of Mauvice H. king ~d at the northwesterly corner of l~d Fr~X ~t~ll; ~d r~ng along s~d land of Maurlce H. X~g S. ~= 3~~ ~" w.-lO09.~ feet ~o a concurs monthS; t~nce on t~ direct extensi~ of ~ld ll~ ~d along ~ easterly l~e of l~d conveyS, o~ about ~ be ~n~yed, by Julius Zeb~skl to Frank ~thill S. 40" W.- 1~0.64 feet to a point In the direct extansl~ westerly oF the northerly line l~d of Jo~ Schiller; s~d exte~lon berg the eout~rly l~e of said land conveyed, or about to be conve~d by ~ullus Zebro~l to ~k ~hill; thence alo~ s~d extension westerly N. 815 O?~ 40" ~.- ~60.~ feet; thence o~r l~d of ~ull~ Zebro~l the followl~ co~ses: (1) $. 45 [~! 40" W.- PAS.15 feet (R) S. 14o 03~ 20" Ro- ~5.0 feet (~) $. 11o 03t 20" R.- ~00.0 feet (4) S, ~e OS~ ~" E.- 100.0 feet (5) S. lo O~~ ~" E.- 100.0 feet (6) S. 5o 26' ~" W. - 100.0 feet (7) S. 49e 19' ~" W.- 100.0 feet'. (S)S. SOw ~ ~" W.- ~0.0 feet~ (9) S. 74~ ~ ~" W.- 85.0 feet'. !lO) S. ~4= ~5~ 40" W.- 90.0 feet: (11) S. 56o 35t known as "Channel (1~) S. ~o ~5t 40" W.- be known as "Channel Lane"; thence thence thence thence t~nce thence thence thenoe thence thence feet; thence (1~) S. 46~ 3~t ~0" (14) S. 30o 35! 40ii (15) S. 14o 09 (15) S. 8o [Nit 50" (l?) S. 3~o 58~ ~" (1~) S. 5?~ ~' ~" (19) S. elo ~' ~" (20) (21) N. 8Go 01' 10" (~) N. 530 O1~ 10" (23) N. 56' ~ 10" (~4) N. 2~ 35' 10'~ ~own as "~ua Road" The 40" W.- 65.0 feet to the northeasterly line of a proposed highway to be Lane"; thence 50.0 feet to the southwesterly line of said proposed highway to thence Continu~ng ~ the sene cot~rse S. 5~ 35* 40~: W.- 15.0 W. - 65.0 feet; thence W.- ~5.0 feet; thence W.- ?0.0 feet; thence E.- ?0.0 feet; thence E.- ?0,0 feet; thence E.- 85.0 feet; thance ~,- 155.0 feet; thence E.- ?0.0 feet; thence E. ?0.0 feet; thence E. 90.0 feet; thence E. 555.72 feet; thence u. ~M~.55 feet to the southerly l~ne of a proposed higheey to be at the northwesterly corner of land of Fred £raus. Lane left hand llne of said proposed highway to be known as "OleJule,/ls P~rallel to and 80 feet to the left of the above described rig~ht hand line, measueed et right angles thereto. The northeasterly line of the proposed h~way to be ~nom~ as "Channel Lane" is described as follows.. Beginning at a point of the northsesterly line of the proposed hi,h- way to be known as "OleJule';/~d point being the Initial point of course #(12) of said northwesterly line, as descrl§ed e~ove; and runnin~ at right en~lee to said course #(12) N. 3~e 241 ~0e W. - 200 feet, more or less, to the ec~e of a proposed dredged channel. The southwesterly line of said proposed hig~hwsy to be known ss "Channel L~ns" is parallel to and ~0 feet southwesterly from the above described northeasterly line, measured at right angles thereto. ~he southerly line of the proposed hi.way to be known ~ t'Kraus l~oad" is described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of PB~d L~ue, said point of be- ginnlr~ beln~ on the westerly llne of a 25 foot private road leadin~ northerly eo New Suffolk Ay®hUe; and runn~n~ along said lend of Fred £raus N. 80~ 37~ ~0" W.- 441.35 feet to the. northel'ly terminus of the easterly line of a proposed hl~hway to be k~own as "O!eJulee;~~e thence contlnul~ on the some course ~. 80e ~?.~ 20" ~.- across the northerly end of said proposed highwayto be Known as "Olelulebd~ over other land of Julius ~ebroskl, 166.87 fast to the easterly line of said ]~roposed hlF~hway to be known as "OleJule";ane The northerly line of said proposed hig~hway to be ~nown as "Kreus Road" is parallel to and ~0 feet northerly from the above described southerly line, measured at right an~les thereto~ and we do hereby release said Town from all damages by ~eanon of the laying out of the said above described new highways. STATE OF NEW YOR~, SS:- COtF~TY OF (~ t~s ~..~da~ of September, 1949, before me personally cema J~LIUS ~, and ~, of the To~n of Southold, Suffolk Cotu~ty, New York~ to me Knosn end known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the ~oregolns lostrument and they severally acknowleo~od to me that they executed tho same. PUBLIC in THE STATE of NEW YOR~ l~eaiding in Suffolk Con~ty ~uifolk Con.fy Clerk's. No, 1136 F. orm 5~2 N. Y. AFFIDAVIT OF TITLe. FAP~K A. TUTHILL,of Mattituck,Suffolk County,N.y. being That he is of the so called duly sworn, depose and say , the owner of prem~ises known ws "BEF~INGMAM ESTATE" the Northerly portion and more p~rtieal~rly described in a certain deed f~om Julius Zeb~oski to Frank A. Tuthill as bo~mded Northerly by New Suffolk Avenue,Easterly by Nineola Mead, Southerly by John Schiller and Westerly by P. aurice H. King, That said premises h~ve been held by deponent and preceding owners from whom title is derived for the period of TWEJVTY YEARS last po~st and upwards and that the possession thereof h~s been peaceable and undisturbed and that the title thereto has never been disputed or questioned to the knowledge of deponent ; that deponent know of nothing which might tend to bring said title into q~estion or by reason of whick any claim to any part of said premises or to any undivided interest therein, adverse to deponent , might be set ~p or made; that said premises are free and clear of any and att liens, encumbrances or cleud~ of every name, nature or kind, either recorded or unrecorded, EXCEPT: Hone Deponent f~rther say s that there is no judgment, order or decree against deponent ~npaid or unsatisfied of record; that no proceedings in bankrwptcy have ever been institatod by or against deponent nor ha ~ deponent ever mad~ any assignment for the benefit of creditors; That at this time there are no ~npaid tawes or assessments, ordinary or extra- ordinary, now due or levied against said premises or any part thereof, EXCEPT.. None Tt~t no payment of any Federal or State Income Tax ha~ ever been demanded of deponent and still remains unpaid; That said premises are not c~r~e~b~ or encumbered b~ an~ FeStal ~s~tes T~ or Col~ter~l ~n~t~nee or Transfer T~ or ~n~ ot~r T~t denonent is not ~ ~on~man ~pon ~n~ BO~D for ~n~ person, ~ or T~ deponent i ~ now ~n possession of s~id premises ~bove &scribed; ~t deponent is a ciHzen of ~he United ~e of twen~ne ~rs ~nd ~pw~r~; That each and all of the foregoing statements and representations are in each and all respects true and are made for the purpose oflnduclng the Southold Town Board to ~ccept the westerly fifty (50) feet of deoonent'e property fop the purpose of dedicating the same for oubiic highway purposes together with the oroposed hlEhway being continued over lands of Julius Zebroski, - S~bscribed and sworn to before ~ $ me tlzis 7th. d~!i of September ¢1. D. 1949, after the contents thereof had been fzclly explain~ d~~o~~ JOSEPH A. KRUPSKI N~'~ PUBLIC in THE ~AI*E of NEW YORK Residing in Suffolk County Suffolk Cou. ty Clerk's~lo. 1135 My Commission ; ffii a it ofi itk TUTH ILL.,.. , Seotember ~949 ount OfSuffoZk, JULIUS ZEBROSKI, of Southold, Suffolk County,New York bein~ d~ly sworn, deposes and say s, ?he Southerly portion That he i s the owner of premises known of the so called ,Bermlngham Estate" { and more particularly ~s~bed in a certain deed from Leslie R. Be~tn~ to Julius Ze~skl,dated Janua~ 24,1944 ~d recorded In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office In Liber 2558 of deeds at page 4~ on Jsnua~ 95, 1944, exceotlng theref~m ~o much thereof as was heretofore conveyed by your deoonent to M~ A. ~lthlll,Fred Kreh,Jr. Mred Kraus and Willi~ Kraus, T~t sang premiss ~ve bee~ ~ by ~po~e~t a~g precegZ~ o~ers ~o~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~veg for ~ penni of T~E~T~ ~EJRS ~t p~t a~g ~p~ar~ t~t t~ possesslo~ t~reof ~ bee~ pe~eable a~$ ~gZst~rbeg a~g t~ t~ ~tle t~re~o ~ ~erer bee~ g~p~g or q~es~eg to ~ k~o~tegge of depo~e~ ; ~po~ent k~o~ of ~oth~g ~k~ck m~ht te~g ~o b~g sang ~tle ~ q~es~ or by re~o~ of which a~y c~Z~ ~ a~y pa~ of sang premiss or ~ a~y ~ng~v~eg Z~rest there~, ~verse to ~po~e~Z , ~l~ht be set ~p or ~; t~t sa~ premises ars a~g ckar o~ a~y a~g all l~s, e~c~mbra~ces or clo~ o~ eve~ ~ame, ~at~re or egt~r recorgeg or ~recorgeg, E~CEPT: NONE~Tha~the p~posed highw~ i~ within the limits of the property o~ed by your deponent & M~nk A. Tuthill,as shown on a certain map herewith 8ubmitted entitled "Man of Prooosed Highway through l~ds of Julius Zebroski and F~k Tuthill at Mat~i~uck,Town of ~ou~hold,~uffolk County,N.Y." 8u~eyed Seot~mbe~,lS~ by Otto W V n ul~ _Icen BUs v or, r e p rt .Y. h~re i he ~Ub~erl~t~ ~e~ner ~pone~t ~pa~ or ~nsa~s~d of re,rd; t~t no proce~in~s in bank~ptey ~ve ever been insHt~d by or a~agnst ~ponent nor ~ deponent ever m~e any ~si~ment for the benefit of creditors; T~t at ~ Hms t~re are no ~npaid ta~s or ~sessments, ordina~ or extr~ ordinal, now d~e or lev~d against sa~ pre~is~ or any pa~ t~reof, EXCEPT: That no payment of any Federal or State Zneome Tax has ever been demanded of deponent and still remains ~npaid; That said premises are not c~r~eable or encumbered by any F~ral Estates T~ or Col~teral ~n~tance or Transfer Tax or any ot~r Tax; T~t deponent is not at th~ gms a Bondman ~pon any BO~D for any person, fi~ or eorpor~t~o~; j T~t deponent [ s now i~ possess~ of said premises ~ove desc~bed; ~t deponent ~ z a ci~zen of the United S~tes of Jme~ca and of the age ~rs a~d ~pwar~; ~ , , Thateack and all ofthefore~oin~ statements and representations are in each and allrespectstr~e and are madeforthe p~rposeofl~du¢Ing the $outhold Town Board to accent a fifty (50) foot oroposed highway as shown on said Map for the purpose of dedicating the same for public highway nurposes together with proposed road over the lands of Frank Tuthill, Swbscribed and sworn to before me this 7 th. .day of September .4. D. 19 49, after the contents thereof had been fully expl~ine¢ ~ ROTARY PUBLIC in THE STATE of NEW YORK Residing in ~utfolk Comity Suffolk Cou.t~ Clerk's. No. JULIUS ZEB~OSKI, STATE OF NEW YOBK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWI%' OF SOUTMOLD, In the mat%er of the laying out of three : (3) certain Town Highways in the Town of : Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York, : Consent and R~l~ase. Mattituck,Suffolk County,New York, FRED KRAUS AND F~ANCES D. KRAUS, his wife of Mattltuck, Suffolk County,New' York and WILLIAM H. KRAUS AND ELLA KBAU$, his wife,of ~,{attituck,Suffolk County,New York,being the o~mers of certain lands in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, adjoining whose lands said proposed highway, known as "O!eJule Lane","Channel Lane", and "Kraus Road," will pass and described in the application in the above entitled matter dated September 7, 1949. Now,in consideration of the sum of One (~1.00) Dollar to us in hand oaid by Harold D. Price,Sunerintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of the highways to be known as "OleJule Lane", "Channel Lane" and "Kraus Road," do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all right,title and interest which we may have to the lands over which said proposed highways will pass and described as follows: All those tracts or parcels of land situate at Mattituck,in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,more particularly described as follows:- The right hand line of the proposed highway to be known as "OleJule Lane" is described as follows:Beginning at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue at the northeasterly corner of land of }~aurice H.King and at the northwesterly corner of land of Frank Tuthill;and running along said land of }~aurtce H.King 8.7~ 32' 40" W. 1009.50 feet to a concrete monument;thence on the direct extension of said line and along the easterly line of land conveyed,or ~bout to be conveyed,by Julius Zebrosklto Frank Tuthill S. 7~ 32~ 4(J~.- 1-60.64 feet to a point in the direct extension westerly of the northerly_li~f_land of ~ohn Schiller; said extension being the sou~herl~J-a~ ~ %%~n~ ennuiS,/ by Julius Zebrsski to F~ank ~uthill;thence along said exzens~on westerly N. 81 07' 40" W.- 260.62 feet;thence over land of , Julius Zebroski the following courses: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) S. 47 56~ $.14u 03I S.1 ,o 03' 8.3 ' 03~ S.1 031 20" E.- S.5 26~ 40" 7;.- $.49 19~ 40" W. - S.80' 35' 40"~. - 5.74' 35~ 40"W. - S. 64~ 35~ 40"W. - S. 58~ 35' 40" W.- 40" W.- 248.15 feet; thence 20" E.- 285.0 feet; thence 20" E.-100.0 feet; thence 100.0 feet; thence 100.0 feet; thence 100.0 feet; thence 100.0 feet; thence 290.0 feet; thence 85.0 feet; thence 90.0 feet; thence 65.0 feet to the northesstePly line of a roDosed h~ghway to be known as "Channel Lane"; thence 12) S. 52 35~ 40" W.- 50.0 feet to the southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be ~k~own as "Channel Lan~";thence continuing on the same course S. 52 35~ 40" W.-15.0 feet;thence (13~ S. 46° 35' 40" W.- 65.0 WW 65.0 (14) s. oo 35, 4o, '; 70.0 (15) S. 14~ og' 50" (16) S. 80 58~ 50"E. -70.0 (17) S. 32 58' 50"F. -~.0 (18) S. 57° 58~ 50"E.~.0 (19) S. 61O 58' 50"E 155.0 70.0 feet: ' thence feet! thence feet, thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence thence feet; (20) S. 66° 58' 50"E. feet; thence (21) N. 89° 01~ 10"E- V0.0 feet; thence (22) N. 537 OiI IO"E.- 90.0 feet; thence (23) N. 56° 27' 10"E.-558.72 feet;thence (24) N. 2° 35~ 10" E. 502.56 feet to the southerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Kraus Road at the northwesterly corner of lands of FBed Kraus. The left hand line of said proposed highway to be known as "01eJule Lane" is narallel to and 50 feet to the left of the above described right hand line,measured at right angles thereto. "CHANNEL LA~E" · The northeasterly line of the prooosed highway to be known as ~ ,Channel Lane" is described as follows:Beginning at a point of the northwesterly line of the orooosed highway to be known as '~ "OleJule Lane";sald point being the initial point.of course ~(12) of said northwesterly line,as describe~ above;and running at right angles to said course ~(l~), N.37~ 24' 20" W.- ~00 feet,more or less,to the edge of a oroposed dredged channel. The southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be known l as "Channel Lane" is oarallel to and 50~et southwesterly from thei above described northeasterly line measured at right angles theretO. "KRAU $ ROAD" The southerly line of the nrooosed highway to be known as "Kraus Road is described as foll0ws~Beginnio~ at the northeasterly corner of land of Fred Kraus,said ooint of beginning being on the westerly llne of a 25 foot private road leading northerly to New Suffolk Avenue: and running along sai~ land of Fred Kraus N. 80° ~7' 20" W.-~41.35 feet to the northerly terminus of the easterly line of a o~oposed highway to be ~nown as "OleJule Lane" thence continuing on the same course N. 80 37~ o~D"W.-across the northerly end of said oroposed highway to be kno~wn as "Ole~ule Lane" and over other land. of Julius Zebroski,166.87 feet to the easterly line of said Orooosed highway to be known as "OleJu!e Lane ". The northerly line of ss. id proposed highway to be kno~.-n as "Kraus Road" is parallel to and .50 feet northerly f~om the above described southerly llne,measured at right angles thereto. And we do release the said Town of Southold,from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway. ~Fr~nc~s D.K~a~s Ella K~aus, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFuLK. On this .~ ~[~2-~4~ do~ of September, 1949, befo~ me ~vsonally c~e ~URI~ H. KING ~d ~,,J KIN~, his wife, of the Town of Southold, S~folk C~ty, New Y~k, to me ~o~ ~d ~o~ to me to be two of the in. vitals descrlb~ in ~d who execut~ the foregoing ln- atr~ent ~d they severely ac~owle~ed to me that they execut~ the s~e. ~ot~ ~bllc, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK. On this , ,~ ~'~ de~ of September, 1949, before me personally came FReD KRAU$ ~d ~NC~ D. ~US, ~s wife, of the To~ of ~uthold, S~folk Cowry, ~ew ~orX, to ~ k~wn ~d ~own to me to be t~ of the lndlvi~als described In ~d ~o ~ecuted the foregol~ l~tr~ent ~d ~hey serially ac~owle~ ~ ~ tha~ th~ ~ecuted ~he s~e. f Notary Publlc, " STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF S~FFOLK. On this_ ~ day of Septemher~ 1949, befor~ me personally c~me WILLIAM H. KRAUs and ELLA KRAUS, hZa wife, of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nee York, to me Known and known to me to be two of the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument ,nd they severally acknowledgec to me that ~hey executed the same. Notary l~blic, and 80 feet bo the left of the above described right hand line, measured et right angles t hereto. The northeasterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Channel Lanen ls described as follows: Beginning at a polnt of the northwesterly l~ne of the proposed highway to be known as "Ote~ule Lane"; seld point being the lnitlal point of course #(12) of said northwesterly line, as described above; ~nd runnlng et rlght angles to sa~d course #(12), N. 3?0 P~: 20" W.- 200 feet, more or less, to the edge of a propose~ dredged chmnel. The southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be ~nown aa "Channel Lane" is parallel to and 50 feet southwesterly from the above described northeasterly line, measured at right angles thereto. "~A~S ROAD" The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Xraus Ro~d is described es follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of lend of Fred Xraus, said Point of beginning being on the westerly line of a 25 foot private road leading northerly to New suffolk Avenue; and running along said lend of Fred Xraus N. 800 5?' ~0" W.- 441.~ feet to the northerly terminus of the easterly l~ne of e propose~ highway to be known as "OleJule Lane" thence continuing on the same course N. 800 37t ~0't W.- across the northerly end of said proposec highway to be known as "OleJule Lane'~ end over other land of Julius Zebroski, 166.87 feet to the easterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "OleJule Lane". The northerly line of sald propose~ highway to be knom as "Kraus Road" is parallel to and ~0 feet northerly from the above described southerly line, measured at right angles thereto. Dated, this ~day of ~tdh~y 1949. 'roWn'SUPerintenden[ Of Highwaye, Town of Southold, Suffolk Cowry, Mew YorX. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TO~ OF SOUTHO~D. In ~he Uatter of the laying out of three (S) certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ~DICATION, REL~SE, CONSENT ORDER. ,;Ou~fY' OF SUFFOLk, in the ~[atte~, of the laying out oF three (3) certain Town Hlgh~aye in the and State o£ ~e~ Yor&. and k~agAS~.