HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/16/1954SOUTHOLD PARK o=~TRICT Minutes of Annual Meeting of Southold Park District held February 16~ 1954. Meeting was called to order by Chairman G. Nickels. Chairman appointed E. L. Donahue S cretary of the meeting. The call of the meeting was read b° y E. L. Donahue. The minutes of the annual meeting were read for in~orma~ion. Chester Jankowski was elected Chairman during the election of a Commissioner for three years. Gottlieb J. Nickels was nominated and seconded for Comm- issioner for three yea~s. Chairman apoointed Joseph Conway and'W. Corey Albertson tellers for'the meeting. Tellers were sworn in by Justice Lester Albertson. Motion made, seconded and carried that where there is only one candidate~secretary be instructed to cast one ballot for candidate. One vote was cast for Gottlieb J. Nickels. Chairman de- clared Gottlieb J. Nickels ecected Commissioner for three years. The vote on the appropriation of $5000.00 for the main- tenance of the Park District Properties was as follows: Total votes cast ........ 87 Yes 86 No 1 The appropriation was declared carried. The vote on Proposition No. I to demolish and remove the public dock at Founders Landing was as follows: Total votes cast -~ ...... ll9 Yes ~ No Blank 2 Chairman declared Proposition NO~N~u carried. Due to the fact that Proposition . 1 was carried Proposition No. 2 was not voted upon. The vote on the Proposition No. 3 to demolish the struct- ure known as Community Hall was as follows: Total votes cast 113 Yes ....... !I0 No 3 Chairman declared Proposition No. 3 carried. Motion made that the Chairman appoint a committee of n~ne to deci~e upon a plan to construct a building upon the p~esent site of the Hall and to study the proposition of supporting the American Legion in their building plans and to report at a meeting to be held on Tuesday~ April 20~ i9~+. Motion was seconded and carried. Chairman appointed following Committee: Dr, Claus Robohm~ Chairman John Kaelin Ann Currie-Beil Robert Hyatt Mrs. George Bridge Herbert Weils~ Jr. Russell Davison Mrs. Ralph Glover W. Corey Albertson Meeting was adjourned. E. L. Donahue Secretary 3OUTHOLD PARK DISTR~CT Minutes of Annual Meeting of $outhold Park District held February 16! 195~. Meeting was called to order by Chairman G. Nickels. Chairman appointed E. L. Donahue S[cretary of the meeting. The call of the meeting was read by E. L. Donahue. The minutes of the annual meeting were read for in~o~a~on. Chester Jankowski was elected Chairman during the election of a Commissioner for three years. Gottlieb J. Nickels was nominated and seconded for issioner for three Chairman appointed Joseph Conway and W. Corey Albertson tellers flor the meeting. Tellers were sworn in by Justice Eester Albertson. Motion made9 seconded and carried that where there is only one candid~te~secretary be instructed to cast one ballot for candidate. One vote was cast for Gottlieb J. Nickels. Chairman de- clared Gottlieb J. NlcEels ecected Co~missioner for three The vote on the appropriation of $~OOO.OO for the main- tenance of the Park District Properties was as followsl Total votes cast ........ 87 Yes ........ 86 No ........ 1 The appropriationwas declared carried. The vote on Proposition No. 1 to demolish and remove the public dock at Founders Landing was as fol!owsl Total votes east ........ 119 Blank - .... 2 Chairman declared Proposition No9 ~ carried. Due to the fact that. Proposition N . 1 was cart&ed Proposition No. 2 was not voted upon. The vote on the Proposition No. 3 to demolish the struct- ure known as Community Hall was as follows~ Total votes cast ........ 113 Yea ....... 110 No ....... 3 Chairman declared Proposition No. 3 carried. Motion made that the Chairman appoint a co~mittee of n&ne to deci~e upon a plan to construct a building upon the present site of the Hall and to study the proposition of supporting the American Legion in their building plans ~nd to report at a meeting to be held on Tuesday9 April 209 19~+. Motion was seconded and carried. Chairman appointed following Co~mittee~ Dr. Claus Robohm~ Chairman John Kaelin Ann Curtis-Bell Robert Hyatt Mrs. George Bridge Herbert Wells9 Jr, Russell Davison Mrs. RalphGlover W. Corey Albertson Meetingwas adjourned. E. L, Donehue Secretary