HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/08/1953MEETING OF OCTOBER 8~ 19%3. The Southold Town Board met at th$ office-of Supervisor ~N~rman E. Klipp at Greenport~ on Thu~sdaY~ October 8, 19%3. The meeting was called to order at 1:'30 p.M. with the follow- ~ing present: Supervisor Klipp; ~ustices Terry~,~ Tuthi~l,Albert- son and Clark;-Town Superintendent of Highways Price; Town Attorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth. The BOard sat at once as a committee on audit to examine Claims against the Town, concluding the audit work at 2 o'clock p.mM. M~ved~ bylJustice Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be and hereby are duly~approved as read. Vote ~f Tow~ ~eard: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, Albertson and Clark. Moved by Justice Tuthill$ seconded by Justice Albertson:~ ~ESOLVED: That the regular monthly meeting of this Board be held at ~e office of Supervisor Norman E. Klipp at Greenpor~,~ °n Tuesday, 0etcher 2?, 1~%3, at 1:30 P.'M. Vote of 6wu Beard. Ayes-Superviso~ Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, lbertson and Clark. Moved bY J~Stice Clar~; seconded by Justice Terry: WHEREAS~ the Town of outhold has been advised by the New York StAte Public Service Commission that a recent in- spection found the approach warning signs to several rail- read crossimgs missing or broken at the following locations: Hortons ~ ~ Crossing,~Peconic, Railroad Avenue CroSsing~ Southold~ Neck Crossing, S6uthold~ Laurel Avenue Crossing~~ old, therefore be it RESOL~D~ the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold be and hereby is instructed to rectify this conditio the least possible delay and when same has been ac~ ~ed, to so notify the New York State Public Service ~ion. Vote of BOard: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, Albertson and Clark. Me, ed !by Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark~ , WH.ERE~S, tions were r~ceived from Abe Brown, Lev~nson s, Lipmam Brs. and H. Levin on overcoats to be purchased for the Peli¢ ~t ef Southold BE IT That after careful deliberation on the quotat ~ervisor was instructed to place the order with H. Levin. Vote ~ Town Ayes-Superviso~ Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, ~lbertson and Olark. Moved by. Jus!tice Terry; seconded by Jmstice Tuthill: RESOLVED. ~h~t General Bills in the amount of Lighting DiStrict Bills in the amount of $1,399.~6, Fishers ~sland~FerrYiDlstrict Bills in the mmount of be and~the.~e ar~ hereby ordered paid. Vote of Town!Beard. Ayes-Superviso~ Klipp; Justices Terry~ Tuthill, Albertson and Clark, Lawyer Krupski presented to the Board for its approval a map of Southwood for sub-division purposes~ property of William H. Kelynack~ at Southold. Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 33% of the Real Property Law~ the Town Ooard does hereby approve the map of °outh- wood for sub-division purposes, situated at Southold~ Town of Southold, Suffolk county~ New York, owned and developed by William H. Kelynack. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill~ Albertson and Clark. 8'0 Moved by.Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Terry~ RESOLVED. That the Police Report for the month of September be accepted by the Town ~oard and placed on fil?. Vote of Town'Board: AYesiSuperviso~ Klipp; Justices~Terry~ Tuthill~ Alberts$n and Clark. Moved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Tuthi~l: WHEEEAS~ it is necessary to purchase a tractor~ to be used on Fishers Island for Highway work~ now, therefore, be it~ RESOLVED. That the Superintendent of Highways be a~dmhereby is authorized to purchase from the Long Island ProdUCe and Fertilizer Compa~y~ ~outhold~ N.Y. OneCub Farmall Tractor Ser.ial N°. 157622 at a c$st not Vote of Town Board: A Move~ by. Justice Albertso~; seconded by Justice Tuthill: RESOLVED. That this Town !~oard does hereby prepare and approve attaohed and mad~ a part of this resolution~an~be FURTHER RESOLVED. That such p~eliminary b~d~et~ Shall be fil~ in the office'of the Town Clerk where ~t s~all be available for inspection hy ~ny interested person at all reasonable hoursi~ a~d be it~ i FU~THER RESOLVED:~~ T~at this Beard shall a~2 o'clock P.M. 'on of Nbvember, ,se of holding ~ing and be ~t FURTHER That the Town of such ~the manner provide~ of the Town Law~ and That SUch notice be ~nt-~ ially thefollo~mngi!form: NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINAEE B~GET Notice is hereby given that the p~ of the Town of Southold for the fiscal year January lst~ l_2~Ahas been completed and f! office of the Town Clerk at Southold. is available by smy interested person hours. Further notice is hereby given that of the Town of Southo~d will meet and inary budget and hold a public hearing of the o'clock P.M. on the day of at such-R-~ing any person may be heard against the preliminary bedget as against any item or items therein Pursuant to Section 113 of t! salaries of the following town officers as follows: Supervisor Justices of the Peace (5 @ $1,700) Town Clerk Town Superintendent Town Attorney BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD. in the ~here'it sortable Board ~he,~ snd that Of or or liproposed specified $ 5~O00.00 8,~oo.oo 3,ooo.oo: )5,~00.O0 ~,200.00 RALPH P. BOOTH Town gl~rk Dated: October 8~ 19~S. PRELIMINARY TOWN BUDGET ~o~ 19T* Highway Fund (Item Estimated expenditures Estimated Revenues State Aid Unexpended Balance 'Bridge Fund (Item $2) Estimated Expenditures Estimated Revenues Unexpended Balance $ 4, ~oo.o0 1: 500. O0 Machinery Fund (Item ~3) Estimated Expenditures Purchase of Machinery Repairs to Machinery Estimated Revenues Unexpended Balance 27,85'2.78 l~; 500.00 Miscellaneous Fund (Item Estimated Expenditures Snow Removal 7,000.00 Weeds & Brush ~-%00.00 Salary, Supt. of Highways~ ~00.00 Expenses, Supt. of Highways 500.00 Other Miscellaneous Expenses 6~O00.00 Estimated Revenues Unexpended Balance Public Libraries Semorial Day Observances -Legion Post Rentals Public Welfare .... General Fund: Fixed Salaries:- Supervisor Town Clerk Registrar Town Counsel Justices of Peace (~ @ $1,700) Assessors (6 @ $1,700 Chairman $800) Receiver of Taxes Attendance Officer Constables Clerk for Supervisor Clerks for Tax Book (Bowden $2,800 (Winters 2,800 General Clerk Town Historia~ School Traffic and Special Officers Salaries-Clerk for Receiver of Taxes Building Inspector Janitor's Services Life Guard $ Town Beach Town Dump Attendant Dog Warden $ tO7,536.~9 2,652.29 ~,6~2.29 43,3 52.78 22,500.00 500,00 ~,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 8,500.00 11~OO0.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 39,988.,80 2,800.00 5,600.00 1,200.O0 400.00 8, ~o.oo 1,200.00 1,200.00 800.O0 ~oo.oo 2~9OO.OO 2~O0,00 0.00 42,852.78 22,000.00 12,500.O0 200.00 1,200.00 10,000.00 101,338.80 2,500.00 5~000.00 5,000.00 Dog Pound P~anning & Zoning Bulldozer - Town Dump Fire Pump & Equipment, including Building- Town Dump 1 Rent for Supervisor's Office Rent-for Greenport Justice Rent for Greenport Jail Printing and Advertising 0 1 0Tribe ~xpenses, mSupervisor~& Highway ffice, Telephone, Postage, ~ta~ionery, 1etc. 1~200.00 Premiums on Bonds, Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes, Highway Superintendent Office and other Expenses-Assessors Office and other Expenses-Justices of Peace Expenses-Receiver of Taxes Supervisor's Traveling Expenses Insurance-Compensation, Public Liability, Traffic Lights, Highway, and Town Beaches & Parks Office Expenses-Constables Police Department Equipment & Operating Expenses Fees to Physicians Parks, Beaches & Recreation Office Equipment, for General Town Use Maintenance of Town Dump Use of Greenport Dump Tax Map State Retirement System Association of Towns Long Island Association, Dues Building Department Expenses Shade Tree Fund Heat, Light, Water - Town Clerk's Office Addressograph Plates Office Expense-Town Clerk's Office, Telephone, Supplies, etc. 700.00 Maintenance of & Improvement - Town Clerk's Bldg. :600.00 Advertising F~nd 500.00 Expenses- Town Historian lO0.O0 Street Sign Fund 500.O0 Inland Waterways Improvement 2,000.00 Support of Historical Purposes 500.00 Light for Traffic Circle 89.10 Civil Defense Purposes 500.00 Contingent Fund 5 ~_~TIMAT~D RECEIPT_ . _ ~ Per Capita assistance for the support.of Local Government In lieu of Taxes Tax Penalties Licenses (dog) Village of Greenport, Use of Radio Station Fines and Fees (Justices of the Peace) Concession at Town Beach Town's Share Dog Tax Money from County Mortgage Tax Fees, Town Clerk, Licenses, Etc. Fees, Registrar ~ees, Assessors - Dog Unexpended Balance Orient Fire Orient Light Orient Mosquito East Marion Fire East Marion Light Fishers Island Light Fishers Island Fire East-West Greenport Fire ,8oo.oo 720.00 ~o.oo 3~o.oo ,000.O0 600.00 1,600.00 6~0.00 1,000.00 300.CO 9; ~oo. co 8oo.oo 10,6o0.oo 2%00 2,000.00 ~oo.oo 1,200.00 2,000.00 200.00 9,000.00 61.oo 40.00 200.00 1,000.00 650.00 200.00 000.00 70.2~.10 ' $361,863.17 41,293.60 ~o.oo 1, ~00. OO 3?%00 1,500. O0 600.00 15o.oo 1,000.00 ~,OO0.00 905.00 300.00 75,00 22,OOO~Q~ ~000.00 ,~7%oo 2,500~00 e, 5o0.qo 1,209.60 .l,.~99,.96 9,45o.oo 73,7)+8,60 SoUthold Fire Southold Light S~uthold Park peconi¢ Light OUtchogue Fire Cmtchogue Light Mattitmck Fire Mattitmck Light #1 MattitUek Bo~evard Light #2 Mattitmck ~ark ($2~000 paNment of bonds plus ~, i ' $192.00 interest) Fishers Island Ferry District West Greenport Light District FiShers Island Refuse & Garbage District SCHOOL _D IS_ ~TR~IC TS__ 2,906.0% ,5,000.00 1,725.00 ~,32~.00 3~26~.32 7~800.00 ~;ooo.oo ~7~.oo 6,$10.00 29~030.00 307.20 18,675.00 ' $1~3,931.~ No. 2 Orient 26,  East Marion 18~ Fishers Island 50, ~ Southold 13~ Somthold  Peconic 25 Cutchogue 30 9 Mattituck 97 lO Greenport 190 ll LaUrel 12 12 CutChogue 28 1~ Mattituck 12 15 New Suffolk 13 Vote of 00.OO 0%00 200.00 oq-o.oo 4oo.oo 000o00 200.00 600.00 5oo.oo ~3.18 945.00 000.00 81~.oo $6~,~5.~8 Town Board: Ayes-Superviso~ Klipp; Jmstices Terry~ ~Tuthill, lbertson and Clark. Adjournment was at %:15 P.M. Ralp~ P. Booth Town Olerk