HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/15/1961-SSPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 15, 1961. We, the undersigned, being members of the Town Board Of the Town Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby severally waivenotide of the time, place and purpose fo the meeting ~o~-the Town B6ard to be held aboard the-boat Tex III in the Town of Southold, New-York, on Tuesday, August 15, 1961, at-4:25 P.M. and do hereby consent that the same~eld on said date for the'transaction of any business which may proper~y come before this meeting. Dated: August 15, 1961. Lester M. Albertsona S~pervisor So~thold, N.Y. Corwin G. Grathwohl, Councilman Louis M. Demarest Ralph W. ?uthill, ~stice Henry A. Clark Albert W. Richmond, To/Wn Cl~k · A special meeting of the Southold Town Board was held aboard the Boat Tex III on August 15, 1961, the members of the Board.having waived notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Albertson at 4:30 P.M. with the following present: Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and_Grathwohl; Jutices Tuthill and Clark; Town Attorney Tasker and Town Clerk Richmond. Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Tuthill: CAPITAL NOTE RESOLUTION DATED AUGUST 15, 1961. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CAPITAL NOTES OF THE TOWN ~F SOUfHOLD, SUFFOLK ~ COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000.00 TO PAY A-PART: OF THE COST OF PURCHASING A INTERNATIONALCRAWLER TRACTOR WITH ONE ~ HYDRAULIC BUCKET LOADER ATTACHED FOR SAID TOWN. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, ~ Suffolk County, New York, as loll=we: Section 1. The specific object or purposeffor which obligations are~to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance a part of the cost of purchasing a used TD-6 International crawler tractor with onec...~ubic yard hydraulic bucket loader attached, for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, SECTION 2. The estimated maximum cost of such tractor is $5,700.00 and the plan of financing such cost is as follows: By surrender by the'Town of Southold to the vendor of a used T6 International crawler.tractor.~ the balance~of the cos~ is to be provlde~ f~gm proceeds of/~5,~.~6, ~c~ ~ne_ sal TOW in tn ri cl al' ount o . . Finance Law. SECTION 3. It is hereby determined that subdivision 29 paragraph a of. Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law applied to such object or purpose, and that the period of probable usefulness thereof is five years. SECTION 4. The proposed maturity of the capit~l no~e hereby authorized will ~ot be in excess of five years. SECTION 5. The faith and credit of the Town of Southotd Suffolk County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such note. An amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on such capital note shall be included in the annual budget and levied as a ~art of the taxes for the fiscal year in which the same matures. SECTION 6. It is hereby determined that no down payment is necessary in connection with the aforesaid object or purpose. SECTION 7. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to sell such note is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such note shall be of such terms, oform and conten~s, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by the Supervisor, consist- ent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. SECTION 8. The validy of such note may be contested only if: (1) Such Note is authorized for an object or purpose'fOr.which said _Town of Southold is not authorized to expend money, or (2)'!The provisions of law>~whidh should be comp!ied~with at the date of publication ~f this reso!ution-are~not substantially c_omplied with, and ah action, suit or proceeding contesting such ~.tidity is commenced within t~enty days after the date of such publication or (3) Such~.~note is authorizedin violation of the prov~si6ns of the consti~tion. This resolu~ion which takes effect immediately, shall be publ full in the SUffolk Times, Greenport, New York, the official the~'Tow~ of South01d, together with a ~notice of the Town substantially the ~orm provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Board:'AyeS-Supervisor AlbertSon; Councilmen Demarest and JUStices Tuthili and Clark. Justice Clark; seconded by COUncilman Demarest; ~' the Auxiliary of Burton Potter Post %185 has applied to the Town Clerk for a Bingo License, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after investig- ating the matter duly made findings and determinations as required by3~law, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Supervisor be .and he hereby is and directed to execute on behalf of this Board the findings required by law and be it further Town Clerk be and 'he hereby is directed to issue a Bing L~cense to the Auxiliary of Burton Potter Post %185 VOte-~0f Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Dema~est and~ Grathwohl; Justices Tuthii1 and Clark. Adjournment was at 4:40 P.M. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk