HomeMy WebLinkAboutYOUNGS AVENUE, ORIENT ¢ © FC!,I 3 At a Term of the Cgunty ~ourt cf Suffolk ~ounty, held mt tbs ~.bambers of the ~ounty, on'the~day of Suns, 1902. In ~he Mat~er of the Appllca%ign 9f ~'~AHLES L. YOU~G to 1~ out a Ui~hway in the Tow~ of 2outho]d ~nd the as~ee~',~ent of day.lea therefor. ORDER On readin~ and fllin~ tbs petition of Cberle. L. Youn~ of the ~wn of ,~outhold In said C~un~y, dated t~e 22md ~my, 1~0~, pr~yin~ for the appointment of three eomzaiselone~, pursuant to section 84 of %be ~fl~bway Y~w, to e ~tlfy ae to th~ neoes~lty of l~'i~ c~t and opcnln~ town, tc extend from the ~ld ~ing's 7~I~bway northerl~ in to l~n~ ~sl~d 29u~d, ~nd more B~ticul~ly described l~w~: ~e ~sterly s~.~e tb~reoff northerly side Gf the ~ld ~l~'s }~l~bw~ from wh~Qh p~i~t of~ b~innAng t~e nearest westerly bl~hw~ bou~detone of laid ~in~'8 ~ighway hears floutb twenty five dlmt~t seventy .Ix feet, ard ~A~ thence north twelve degree ~d thirty minutes e~t tbr~e hundred and ai~b~y n~ne feet, then nin~een degrees a.d for~y five minut~ wast f~ve hun- dred ~d eight and cn~te~th feet, then Berth nine degrees wemt four hundred ~d t~rty six feet, then north one de~ree and fXf%een a~.utem west ninety %w9 feet, tb~n on a defleo- tlon lefft eight degrees one hundred and sixty eight feet~ ~ then north eight degrees and ten m~nutes west one hundred an sixty four feet, then on a deflection left eleven degrees fifteen minutel Iix hundred wad seventeen feet to Long lslan~ Sound; which proposed highway ts to Be of tbs width of forty ntne ~d fZve-tenths feet thro~hout its entlre length, ~d w~ll pace th~,~ ~he land of ~a Y. ~dm, M~y So~ell~nger, ~lorl~na Young, ~elle V~, Vlllim E. ~ro~ ~d DelXa E. ~ro~, bis wife, ~tha 9. ~ro~, ~leg Young ~d ~el~ 2. Yo~g, his wife, A~stua C. ~eker (wXdewer), ~,Ael ~. Tuthlll ~d ~ellne T. Tuthlll, his wife, ~d C~rie ~. Reeve, mor~g~ee, none 9f ~om ~ f~ma: ly eoneente~ t~ the l~in~ ~ut cf the said hlgh~, with the e~ept~ea ~f Chiles L. Yegg, ~e ~pllo~t herein, 9f ~ has rele~e~ ~y ela~ t9 ~ea by re~c~ 9f the l~ng o~t of the said hl~w~;' ~d to assess the d~ea by reason off l~l~ Out s,~h highw~ ~d on re~i~g ~d not~oe off the p~s~tltion of the Bald petition, ~d proof o~ due oe~loe of said notice ~d of a o~y of said petition tbs ConuisSlOner of .~.I~hwa~¥s of maid town, a~d no ot,~er no- tice bein~ required by tbs County ,Tudffe; and on reading and filtn~ the undertaking of the said applicant a~d petitioner, executed by him and by a surety, pursuomt to section 83 of the Wlghw~ taw, and a~roved by the County Y~e, ~~-~ be ~d they ~e here~y '~point~d such eom- missionere, ~hay being disinterested freeholders, who have not been na~ed by a~y person ~ntereeted in the proceedings, who ~re reside~ts of t~e County but not of the town wherein the highway is located, and who ~re not related by oonsa~- guinity or affinity within the sAxth degree to the applicant or to a~y person interested in the proceeding, or to the Owner of any lands to be taken or affected by the laying out of the said highway. Enter STATE OF NEW YORK, I, WILLIAM F. FLANAC. AN~ Clerk of the County of Sulfolk~ and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in and for said County (said Court being a Court o{ record) Do HeRltn¥ CZRT[V¥ that f ha'..e compared the annexed copy whole thereof. /' . a~d ol thc ~Z.ES; PLEA~ TA~ NOTXC~, that ~be within is a t~te copy of an order duly made in th, within entitled proceeding &nd tbia day e~tered a~d filed in the office of %be Clerk of the County cf ~uffolk, New Ycrk. Dated, September /~i 1908. ~o~rs, eto.t Attorney for Applicant, 49-51 ~all 2freer, SIRS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the within is a true copy of an Order made in the within entitled proceeding and this day duly entered a~d filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk. Dated, June 8, 1908. Yours~ etc.~ TO GEORGE H. FLEET, Esq., Co~mmissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold. ~RBERT L. FORDH~M Attorney for ~e~itioner, 49-51 ~all Street, Borough of ~fanhattan, City of ~ew York. NATHAN 0. PETTY, ESQ., ) CHARLES S. EDWARDs, ESQ., : Commissioners. WILLIAM R. FA3U~ING, ESQ., ) Fol.1 3 At a Term of the County Court of Suffolk County, New York, held ~t Rlverheud in said County on the lath day of Sep- tember, 1908. PRBeBIfT: HON. TImOThY M. GRIFFXIM, County 7udge. In the Mat~or of the Application ' of C~AI~LR5 L. YOUIq~ to lo~v out a ~l~hw~y in the Town of Southold and the umeeg~ont of dmn~ee therefor. On readinf and fll~ the deeimion of the commission- ers, Nathan O. Petty, Boq., Charlem $. Edwards, Emq., and Wlll~sm R. Ymnninf, Esq., in the ~ove entitledm~tter, dated on the 2?th de~y of 2uly, 1908, ~nd filed in the offfioe of the Clerk of the town of 8outhold on the 2gth d~y of ~uly, 1908,, by Which it appeirm that the said eonnaieelonere granted the application herein; and On reading a~d filing the not~oo of not,on to confirm the said dooiaion, with pFoof of duo,and timely eervtee of the maid notice on A1Ber~mon Case, Esq., ; the attorney for the oommisai0ner of highways of the town 0f! 50uthold, ~nd on Le Roy E. R~yner, ~eq., tho attorney for ~e~'y B. 5ohelltnKer o~d othere, they beinf ~11 tho ~rt~ol entitled tO not~oe ~ tho oa~d motion, ~g on ro~n~ md fill~ the ~eord ~ ~1 ~e proceeding8 ~n ~s matter, ~d~ ~tor hoerl~ ~e~ort %. Yor~o tho attorney for the c~t, ~n favor of tho ~d mot~o~, ~d no one ap~e~ ~n opposit~on t~oroto, exeopt the se~ ~bertaon Cue, Go vis ~eKd cn t~o question ~ 4 N 0 V, en ~etien Of 3Ter~rt L, 7ortho, the Ittorney for the ~l~Pl~oan%, fifty dellarB OOStl bm B~M the liege i~hereby awe-tied to the illld 1Tel'bert Y,. Forths, the &ttorney for the &ppl~e~t here- ~ WhLeh e~ ~hal! be &u~Lted ~ p&~d Moord~ to law. ]ate r T. }~. Oriffin'g, Co..'fudge. Folol 2 COURT OF SLT~T~ COUNTY.' of C~..ARL~ L. YOTD~ to la~ out & HiKhway Ln the TGwn Of ~OUthOld~ ~d the &~se~ent of d~e8 therefor. TO T~Lg COUNTY COURT OF SUFFO.T~ COID~TY: The petition of Charles L. Young, of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of ~ew York, re-j speotfully shows that your petitioner is a person liable tO be assessed for hi~hvay labor in the said town of ~outhold; that on the 20~h day of ~ay, 1908, he presented a~ applio&- tion in writing to the Co.wnissioner of ~l~hwaye of said tow~ aB follows: TO T~E OOKMZSSIO~ER.~OF ~IS~VAY~ O~ T~ TOV~ O~ SOUT~OLD, IN T~E CO0?TTY OF SUFFO~, N~ YOlk: The undersiKned, liable to Be aJseeeed for highway labor in your town, hereby ~pliee to you to lay out a high- way in Orient, in 8aid town, to extend from the old ~ing'e ~[ighway northerly to tong ~sl~d 2o~md, ~nd more partioularl described as follow~: The westerly aide thereof to begin at a point on the northerly Bide Of the old EinK's ~lghway from Whioh point of beginning the nearest westerly highway boundstone of said i ELng's Highway bears south twenty five degrees west a~d is distant seventy six feet, smd run thenoe north twelve degrees and thirty minutes east three hundred, a~d eighty nine feet, F01ol COID~TY COUIIT 07 .~U~?OTj& CO~?TY. In t~e ~.~tter of the ~Dplic~tion " CI[~I~S L. YO~G to lay out m " ~L~w~ In the Town of Southold " ~d the assessment of d~a~es " therefor. - 2 3 SIR: YOU ~ILL PLEASE TAKE ~TOTICE, that I shall present the .petition of which the within is a copy, to the County Court of Suffolk Co~Anty, at a Term thereof to be held at the cham- bers of the County Yudge in Riverhead, in the town of River- iihemd, in said County, on the 8th day of Yune, 1908, at 9:30 ~o'clock in the forenoon cf !las counsel can he heard. that davy, or as soon thereafter Dated, Nay 22, 1908. Yours~ etc,~ ;{ERBERT L. Attormey for ~etittoner,! 49-51 Wall 9treet, Borough of Manhattan, City cf Mew York. To GEOR~.M T-Y. FL.~ET, ESQ., Commissioner of Mighways of the Town of Southeld. 2 4 then nineteen degrees and forty five minutes ee~t five hun- dred a~d el~% a~d one-tenth feet, then north nine degrees i!west four hundred a~d thirty six feet, ~hen mort~ one degree and fAftee~ minUtel west ninety two feet, then On a deflec- tion l~t eight degrees one hundred ~d sixty eight feet;the2 !north eight degrees a~d ten minutes west one hundred and six~ ty four feet, then on a deflection left eleven degrees and fifteen mlllutes six hundred a~d seventeen feet to Long Island ~ound; which proposed highway ia to be of the width of forty nine &md five-tenths feet throughout its entire length, and will pass through the land of ~ma Y. ~dwards, Mary B. Sehellin~.er, f;lorlanna Young, Belle Way, ~(illiam E. Brown a~d .~elia E. Brow~, his wife, Martha ~. Brown, Oharles L. ~ffotmg a~d ~r,lyn ~. Young, his wife, Augustus C. Becket (Widower), Samuel ~. Tuthlll and ~eline T. Tuthlll, his wife and Carrie M. Reeve, mortgagee, none of whom ha~ formally consented to the l~ing out of the ~aid highway, with the ex- ception of Charles t. Young, the applic~t herein, and none of whom hal' released any claim tO laying out af the said highway. ~a~ed, this 18th day of May, 1908. d~,~aF,,es by reason of ~he Chas. L. Young, Applicant. Th~ said application was in good faith made; that the ~iestoner ef ~ighways has not laid o~At the said highway ,ursuant te section 80 of the ~iehway Law, hut has refused ;0 tO do. IK~]~FORE, your petitioner prays that three commission ~re be appOinted, purlua~t to section 54 of the ~lghway Law, ~o determine ,~on the necessity of the proposed highway, and 3 to assess tbs d~ages by reaacn off l~ving Out or openLnK such highway. Dated, thla 22nd d~y of Way, 1908. Chas. L. Younz, Petitiomer~ 8 STATN OF N~T ¥ORT ) COU~-TY 07 ~T1V~L~ ) bain8 dilly sworn, says: that he hal read the foregoing petAtion subscribed By h~-., and that tbs same is tr~e ~f his ,wn knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on info m&tion and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sworn to before me thin ) 29th dcm of Mmy, 1908. ) Cha~. L. Young. Eliiha ~. Rack ~t, Yustlce of the Peace. TO ~rE COMMISSIOI,,~F_r~ OF 'JIGS{WAYS OF T~{E TOWN OF SOUIW~OLD, The undersigned, liable to be accessed for highway labor in your town, hereby applies to you to lay out a high- way in Orient, in said town,~to extend from the old ~ing'e ;~ighway northerly to Long Isled Sound, a~d more particularly dencrib~ ~ follows: Tbs w~sv. erl~ side ~e~eof to be~in at a point ~n tbs ~o~tb~rly side of tb~ old ~ln~'a ~ighw~% from which point of~ baginnin~ the nearest westerly highway bound~tone of aai~ , ~in~'a ~i~bway bears south twenty five degrees west and la ' distant seventy nix feet, a~d r~ thence north twelve degrees a~d thirty minut~s e~at three hundr~ ~d eighty n~ne feet, th~n ninete~ de~re~e ~d forty five minutes east five h~- dred an~ ~lgbt a~d cee-tenth feet, ~hen north nine degrees west four hundred ~d thirty six f~et, then north o~e de,reel and fifteen minutes west ninety tw~ feet, then ~n a deflectl~ left eight degrees ~ne h~dred ~d sixty eigb~ feet; then nmrth eight deEreea and ~n minutes wemt one hundre~ ~ ty four feet, then on a deflection left eleven de,rosa ~ fifteen minutes mix hundred ~d seventeen feet to Island g~und; ~ich pr*posed highwmy ls ~o be of the width of forty nine ~d five-tenths fe~t throughout lta entire length, mud will pass through tbs land of ~m .~. ~ary B. ~ehelllnger, glori~na YO~g, Belle U~, V~illl~ M. B~own ~d Delim f~. Br~-~, his wife, }<artha Z. Brc~, Ch~$1 L. Young ~d Evel~ B. Y~g, his wife, Augustus C. Becket (widower), S~uel H. Tuthill ~d ~eline T.2~ls wife, an~ Carrie M. Reeve, mortg~ee, n~ne Of wh~m has focally eonaen~e~ ~ tbs layi~ eu% of the said highw~, with tbs caption ~f ~arl~m L. Yegg, the applie~ herein, ~ of whom has released any elaim to dama&ee by reason off the layim~ out,of tbs said highway.'~' Ohas. L. Young, Appllc~t. Fo1.1 3 ~OUNTY COURT OF S~YFFO.~,f COUNTY. In the Matter of the Application of C~{ARLES L. YOUNG to 1 ~, out a Wi~h way in ~he Town of Southold, ~A.1~he" assessment of damages therefor. " # The above n~med petitioner being about to apply to the County Court of 2uffolk CO ~nty by the annexed verified peti- tion for the appointment of t~,-,ree commissioners to determine upon tbs necessity of tbs highway therein proposed to be out, ~d ~o assess the damacee by reason of the laying out of such highway ~ ~ow therefore, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, we, Charles L. Youn.~. as principal, and Frederick Tabor as s~rety, both residents and free-I holders of the town of ,2outhold in tbs County of ~uffolk~Newl York, do undertake that if the commissioners ~ppointed deter~ mine that the proposed hi~,bway is not necessary, we will pay~ to the commissioners their eompe~sation, at the rate of four' dollars per each day necessarily spent, and all costs and pences necessarily incurred in the .~erformance of their du- ties, in an amount not to exc ced the sum of one hundred dol- lars. Dated, May 22, 1908. Chas. L. Young, (Seal) ~rincipal~ Frederick Tabor, (Seal) : Purety. STATE OF NEW YO2K } SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOI~ ) On this 29th day O~ Ma~ 1908. o~efore me personally c~e CHILES L. YOI~G ~d F~D~C~ T~ )R, to me kno~' to be the individuals described in ~d ~o executed the fore& goin~ lnst~ent a~d severally ac~owled~ed to me that they : executed the Elisha M. Raekett, Justice of the Peace. STATE OF ~ YO~ ) s~ e~h for h~self s~s. I ~ a r~ldent ~d freeholder~ of th~ to~ of Southold In tbs County of S~lk, Wew York, and ~ ~rth at least the s~ of one thous~d dollars over all the debts ~d liabilities ~leh I owe or have incurred and exclusive of proDerty exempt by law from levy and sale under an execution. S~t~ t9 before me this day of ~_ay, 1908. Elisha M. Haekett, Justice of the Peace. Ch&s. T,. Youn~ Frederick Tabor I hereby approve of the above undertaking as to its i form, the manner of its execution a~d the sufficiency of theI surety. ~o~ty of 2uff~olk~ *~ew Y~, on ~Gnd~y, ~he lO~h dey of A~- us~, 1908, at nl~e e'eloek tn the forenoon aa soon %hereafter me non. eel e~ be heard, for ~ or,er con the a~v. entitled ~t~er, whieh deoXai~n Xs dated on the 27~ d~ of .V~y, 1908, ~d was fi!~ in the cffi~e Te~ Clerk of the to~ of ~O~A~hold o~ the 1~8. will be made at the $~e %1~ ~d plaoe for this ~%lOn ~d f~r %be eests of this proc~din~, ~d fcr su~ ~r%her relief mB the Co,~t may de~ prc~er; ~ that Bush a~pllea~ion will be made ~on tbs 8~d deeislo~ ~d upon the record and all other papers tn t. ht9 Dated this Rgth day Qf July, 19OB. A%tolmey for Applicant ~ ~e~J richer, 49-51 W~I ~treet, B~ro~ of M~stt~, ~ew Ycrl Fol · 1 2 COUNTY COUBT 07 SU?FO/J( COU~T¥. In the Matter of the Application of # C~ARL~;5 L. YOUI~C, to la~ out a High- " way in the Town of 5outhold and the ' The u~dersAgned, oomuieelonere herein, hereby appoint the 23" day of .rune next, at eleven o'olook in the fore- noon of ~at d~, at the residenoe of ~arlee L. Yo~g, In : the vill~e uf Orient ~n the tc~ of 5outhold, S~fclk Coun- ty, N~ York, ~ the time ~d plaoe &t ~ioh they will all meet to he~ the oo~tae~onar of hl~w~, ~d ~1 other per-~ sons lntereste~ In the hl~w~ ~ntion~ In the order by ; ',~whioh they were appointed suoh co~lssio.ers. D&%ed thie 10 day of O'une, 1908. Nathan O. Petty Oharles S. ~,dwards rm. R. Fanning Com~lssionere. 3 ,COUNTY CObraT O~ ~J .~OI~' COUNTY. In tbs .~atter of t~e Application " of C;{ARLES L. YO~ %o lay out m w~ in the TO~ of ,Southol~ ~d %he " STATE OF NA~ YOi~K ) : SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOT~f ) ~e, NA~{kN O. PETTY, CHARLES S. EF3WAADS and ~I~l~ B. F~{ING, being duly s~, do severally solely swear: that I ~ a fre~older reeldins In the to~ of Riverbed, ~uffclk Count, ~Tew Yo~, and ~m not related by consanguinity or af- flni~y within the sixth de~ree to tbs appl'ioant, or to any p~son interested in the proeeedin~, or to th. o~er of any lands to be t~en or affected by tbs l~in8 out of the s~ld highway; that I will support the Constitutio~ of the United Stat~ ~d the Constitution o~ tbs State of N~ York; that I ~will faithfully discharge the duties of %be office cf cc~is- sloner tc 1~ out a hi~hw~ according ~o the best cf my abil- ity. .~everally sworn to before me ) : this 10" day of .?une, 1~08. ) James T. Walsh, Notary Public. Nathan O. Petty Charl es S. Edwards Wm. R. Fanning in t);s T¢~ of 9cu%hold. Out efa hl~hw~ in Orient, In sgd To~, ~c extend fro~ the psrtieul~ly deeort~d se follows: motherly si~e of the cid ring's ~ighw~ fro~ ~loh point of bqianlng tho n~sst westerly hi~w~ ~dstone of ~Ing' s Wiehw~ dlet~ oevmty s~ feet, ~d run ~enoe north ~welve degrees ~d thirty minutes cass three h~dr~ ~d et~ty nine feet, ~en nineteen degrees ~d f,~r~y five ~nutes e~ five h~- dred ~d eight ~d one-tenth feet, ~e~ north nine degrees ~st four h~dred ~d thirty six feet, then n~rth one de~ree ~d flfteew minutes west ni~ety two fdot, than on a defleo- 'tb~ north e~g~t de.tees ~nd t.~n minutes west one hundred ~d sixty f~ feet, then ena deflection left eleven de~r~es ~d fifteen minutes sAx h~dred a.d s~enteen ~et to Lon~ Island 5~d; ~lch proposed hAghw~ la t~ Be ~f the width ~f forty n~ne ~d f~v~ten%ha fee% thro~cut its entire length, ~d will p~s tbro,~ the l~d ~f .f'~m ~. ~w~da, ~ ~. Sohel- Delia E. Br~. his wife, ~tha S. Bro~, Charles L. Yegg and Evel~ B. ~.~un~, his wife, Au~ma~ua ~. Backer (widower), ~uel ~. Tu%htll ~d ~elAne T. Tuthill, his wife, ~d Carrie ~,~. Reeve, m~rt~ee, ~one of ~ has focally eon- s~ted t~ the l~l~ out ~f the s~d hl~w~, with the exeep- tlo~ cf ~h~r!es T.. Young, tbs applicant herein, and none of ~O~ h~ released ~y cla~ to d~es by reason cf tbs lay- t~ Out of the said bl~way; that by ~ order of the County OO~t off Suffolk OO,~mty, made ~n Ihs 8th d~ off .r~e, 1908, and du~ entered In tbs offloe ef the ~le~ of th~ said Coumty, Nath~ 0. Petty, Rsq., 0h~les 2. ;~w~da, Esq., and · llll~ R. U~nln~, Fsq., all of the tO~ ef Llverbe~, were appolated eo~iss~ners to certify ~ to the necessity of t~ said proposed highway, ~nd tO ~sess the d~a~es by rea- son of the l~tng oat ~d openln~ of auoh hi~w~ ~d that s~ o~issioners will ~1 m,~et at the residence of ~harles; L. Y~, the ~dersl~ed ~plio~t, In the vlll~e ~f Orient in the To~ of ~outhcld, Suffolk ~e~ty, Wew York~ on the ~rd d~ of Y~e, 1908, at el~ o'olock In the fore- nc~n ~f that d~, to ex~ine the ~r0posed hiFhway, a~d to hear the ~o~lssioner of Hlghw~s ~d ~1 others Interested therein, ~d to assess t~e d~affes if such bi~w~ be deter- m~ to be neeess~y. Dated, t.hielO' day of Sune, 1908. Attorney for ~etlti~ner, 49-51 ~all Street, 2stench of ~ity of Wew Yo~. ~ARV~5 L. Y~UNO, A~plloa~t and ~etltloner. FO1.1 2 OOU~'~TY COURT OF ~UF~OI, F COU~"~Y. In the ~atter of the Application " # CHARLES L. YO~O to 1~ OU~ a ~l~h- w~ tn ~he T~ of ~outhold ~nd the atsesmment of d~ therefor. " I, AUfSU~TU2 C. ~H~.KER, a party to the above entitled proceeding, hereby admit due and timely personal service of the notice of the first hearing' before the commissioners in this proceedin.~, e~d ! do hereby waive any other or further notice of any hearin~ or motion herein. IN WITNESS Ftr~,REO:F, I have hereunto set 'my hand and meal this lSth day of June, 1908. Augustus C. Hecker (Seal) STATE OF NE~ YOR~ ) : SS: COUNTY OF KINGS ) On this lSth day of June, 1908, befcre me pereomallM c~e AU~USTU~ ~. BECKER, te me known t o be t~e l~divldual de-. scribed in and who executed the above instrument and acknowl-i edged to me that he executed the same. (Seal) P. Hamilton, Notary Dublic, Eings County, New York. FOl, 1 2 4 5 COUNTT COURT OF SU~OL,~? COUNTY. In the Matter of the Application Of w~ in the Io~ of Southold ~d the " asses~nt of d~aKeo therefor. STATE OF ~ YOR~ ) CO~TT OF SII7.~OY~f ) SS: FREOERI,.m~. L. TFRRY, being duly sworn, says: ! am over the a~s of twenty one yea~ ~d reside in the vlllaee of 3reenpo~ in the to~ of Scuthold, Coum~ of Suffolk, ~ York. On the 12th day of Yune, 1~8, I p~sonally posted u~ copie~ of the ~nexed written notice in not les. th~ three public plaoe~ in the to~ of Southold, County of Suffolk, Ne~ York, speclffyi~ the h~gbway propo~d to b~ laid out, the trots or p~o~s of lan~ thro~ which ~ runs, a~d the time a~d place off tbs meeti~ of the oc~ssionera appointed by tbs County Court t9 ex.ins the h~way. A~ that t~e ~d ~laee I posted the three said copi~ follows: one at the rient Post Office, One in the store of John Young, and one on the liberty pole in front of the bulldir~ of the ~oquatuo] ;took & Ladd es' Company, all in Orient in said town of ~outh- old. On the same de.v, in Orion t a~oresaid in said town of 6outhold, I l~rso~ally served the said notice on the ownerS a~d occupants of the land described in the said notice by de= liver~ng a copy of the said notice ~o each of the following nsmed personB and leaving ~he same with them: Emma ~. ~dwarde ~ary B. Sehelllnger, ~lorianna Young, ~elle ~ay, ~illia~a ~. Brww~, Delia E. Rrow~, ~rtha S. ~rown, Charles t. Young, Evelyn B. Youne, 2amuel ~. Tuthill and ~melins T. Tuthlll. On the same day, in the village of ~reenpcrt, Suffolk County ~ew York, I p e~s~ally served the said notice on Carrie M. Reeve, who holds a mortga~.~e on a portion of the said lands, by delivering to and leaving with her a copy of the said ties. on the sams day, at the villaee of 5r~enpOrt afore- said, I m~lle~ a o~py of the said n~tice to Augustus C. Beck- er, one of the owners smd occupants of the said land, he not residing in the said ~ow~ a~d personal service upon him in said town bein~ impossible, by depositing a copy of the said notice, ~r~perly emelosed i~ a post-paid wrapper, in the Poet Office in the village of ~reenport aforesaid, directed to t~e said Augustus ¢. Seeker at ~12 ~rand ~treet, Brooklyn, N. Y., that hein~ k~ow~ ~o me to he tbs correct address of the said Augustus ~. ~cker at that time. The aforesaid persons, all of whom ! have served with the said notice as above desoribe~ are known to me to be all the persons named in the said noti~ a~ having a~y in~ersst in the property affected by the said proposed highway. Sworn to before ~e this ) : d~V of ~une, 1908. ) FOlol 2 ~OUlJTY ~OURT OY ~F~'FO~ ~O~FY. Of · ~rAl~S8~. T00B0 to lq' out a ~tho In ~o T~ ~ 8ou~old t~for. The undersigned, by an order of the Count* Court of Suffolk County, dated on the 8th da~ of ~une, 1908, on the appliottlon of Charles ~. Young, having bean appointed oom- ndssionsra to oertlfy as to the neoeosity of lay~.~ out and opening a highway in the town Of 8ou%hold In laid oounty, said highway being in 0riehl in said town and extending free' the old KlngOs H~hw~r northerly to Long Island 8ound, and more parY. loularly ~eserlbod aa follows: T~e westerly side thOFeOf tO begin at a point on the northerly olde of the old Elng*s ~lahw~v fFom whloh point beglrml~ the nearest westerly h~hw~y boundstono of said ~LUg'S Righvay b~rs south twenty five degrees west ~md Is dbtant seventy s~x feet, ~md run thenee north twelve de~re~,s and thirty minutes east three hundred arid eighty ntRe feet, then nineteen degrees and forty five mlnu~og east five hun- dred ·nd sigh% and one-tenth feet, then north nine degrees west four hundred m~d thll~y slx feet; then north one degre~ and fifteen minutes west ninety two feet, then on & defleo-; lion ref~ eight degrees one hundred and sixty eight feet;th~n north eight degrees and ten m~nutes west one hundred end tM four feet, then On a defleotlon left eleven degrees and fifteen mixutes eix hundred and seventeen feet to 2 4 lslen4 ~; ~d~leh pFOpOeSd hL~hw~y ~O tO be of tho ~d~ of ~o~y n~ue md ~ye-tontha r~ t~out its ~t~re L. YO~ ~d ~ ~. YO~, h~ ~feo ~tua C. Beoker md C~e M. ~e, ~qee, none of ~ h~ e~t~ to qbe 1~ out ~ ~e a~d hlf~, w~ the o~tl~ Of ~eo L. Yo~, the applio~t herein, ~d none of ~m h~ rele~ed ~ olah ~o d~e by rea~n of ~e be emed {tv~ due no~ee or ~e ~he md plaee at ~ieh we ~oul~ meet, md all hav~ mt at the residues of ~arlu L. the a~l~omt hre~, In Or~en~ la s~d ~ of ~uthold ~ t~ ~ d~ of ~e, 1~80 p~o~t to gush notioe, havl~ ~he~tefore t~ ~e e~titutlon~ oath of office, ~d ~-; polnt~ ~e g~d t~m ~d plaoe of meetly, md on proof of the aeries md p~tl~ of the not,es by the appl~oant, ~ur- su~t to 8eetAen ~ of the Nl~ ~w, hayer vi~ed the p~peaed hA~ md ~e l~do ~ ~loh It lo p~pooed to be l~d eut ~d opened, a~ ~en md at subsequent hav~ag he~d ~1 the ~le~tio~ of ~he o~saloner of hi~. v~a of ~e to~ of ~uthold ~ the ~Aes interested t~re~ md ~e ~id~oe ~f ~1 wl~n~seo produo~, we do eert~fy ~at ~ o~ spanish It ~a n~eoa~y md p~p~ ~o hl~w~ be laid ou~ md o~A, p~u~t ~o the ~pl~oa- ~ion of o~d ~les ~. Ye~ horetofo~ muds to the eisner or highways or ~hs town or ~ou~holde and da%ed on 18th day Of M~, 1~8, ~oh o~4 h~ ~s ~o be ~ee ~n ~d~ ~d La 8p~lf~oaXl~ he~nb~ore deoor~bd, ~d ~ ee~ ~r~ ~d described ~ a o~n su~ by ~ber~aon Cue, Boq., ~r, ~ sU~e~ ia Go~ ed M~ 4, 1~8, m~ bo~h of ~i~ were An~rod~ ~n ev~denoa b~ore ~, md ~ioh maps are hereby referred ~o p~ of ~o deololon~ md we ~her o~if7 ~he~ we hive ers by reas~ of ~he l~lng ou~ md open~n~ oF ~he are as follows: OlorLan~a Young, 0 Belle Ws~V, 0 Vllllam I. ~rovn, 0 Delia B. brown, 0 hl~ ~. Yo~f, 0 A~uotuo ~. ~ooker, 0 ~Xne T, Tuthlll, 0 C~rie M, Reeve, 0 And we further o er ally, tA&t the probable esot of laying 0u~ and oemple~lnf the proposed highway, in our spins ion, ~hl~ ia based upon the evidenee given before us on the hearing herein, will be the s~a of $1~50. ~ateA ~la ~'J ~' of Suly, 1908. SIRS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the within is a true copy of an order made in the within entitled proceeding and this day duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk. Dated, June 8, 1908. Yours, etc., To N]~RBERT L. FORDHAM, Attorney for Petitioner, 49-51 Wall Street, Borough of ~a~hattan, City of ~ew York. GEORGE H. ~LEET, Esq., Commissioner of Highways Of the Town of Southold. NATHAN 0. PETTY, ESQ., ) CHARLES S. EDWARDS, ESQ., : Commissioners. WILLIA~ R. FA~ArNING, ESQ., ) COUNTY COURT OF SUFFOLK COU}~Y. In the Eatter of the Application of CHARLES L. YOU~TG tO lay Out a Highway in the Town of Southold and the assessment of damages therefor. (Copy) NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO COI~FIPA{ DECISION HERBERT h. FORDHAM, A#arney far Applicant, 49-51 WALL STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, ~! llarney .for Due and timely service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. o~ o o o c+ o 0 ~ o ga, ° SI RS: PL~ASR TA~ ~OTIC~, that ~e witbln is a trt~e ocpy off an order duly made in the within entitled proeeeding and this day eatered a~d flled in the orifice off tbs Clerk Of tbs ~Ounty of ~uffclk, Xew York. Dated, September /~ 1908. Attorney f~r Appllea.t, 49-~1 ~all 2freer, City of New York. To ALBERTSON CA~, ~SQ. , Attorney f~r Cc.w~isslcner of ?~l~hw~ys of tbs Town of ~outhold. LE ROY E. RAY'R, ESQ., Attorney for Mary ~d others. Sohellin~er COUNTY COURT OF SUFFOLK COUNTY. In the Matter of the ~nplication of CHARLES L. YOUNG to lay out a Highway in the Town of Southold and the assessment of damages therefor. (Duplicate) DECISION FAVORING APPLI- CAT ION HERBERT L. FORDHAM, AHorney {or . Applicant, 49-51 WALL STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, C~TY OF N~.W YORK. ~ltlorn~y far Due and timely service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted.