HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUNNEWETTA ROADi~own of Sou~ho!d, ~uf-f,lk County, ~ Y. ~Gentlemena The Undersigned owners of property at Nassau Point respectfully request that the Town naintain the rogds known of Southeld take Point Road Broadwaters Ro~d -~fro~O~a~ ~ Cove Road to Nassau - from Little ?econio B~4YRosd to ~ishermen's Be~oh .Little Peeonio Bay' RO'~.'d J~?om Vanston ROad enclosed mapy. Ow~ier Of ~ ~ · :0 ~ Nufa~ers To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southeld, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York:. The undersigned, liable to he assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold~ hereby applies to you to take over and mafntain~ as town highways, thm~ roads at Nassau Point, Town of Southeid, S~folk Couuty~ New York~ k~own as Wunnewetta Road from its intersection with Broad.waters Road to Nassau Point Road~ Broadwaters Road From its intersection with 01d COve Road to Nassau Point Read; Haywaters Road from its intersection with Little Peoonic Bay Road to Fishermen's Bea0h~ Little Peconlc Bay Road from its intersection with Vanston Road to Nassau Point Road. All of said ~a~s'Being des!~ated ena certain map known as ~Ea~ of Nassau Point owned by Nassau point Club Properties, !nc., situate in ~wn of Southoid~ Long !slan~, N. Y~, July ~9~ 19~ Otto W~ Van TuYI~ ~. E. copy of which map is suhmmtte~ with this application, and which proposed roads are now the sole property of the Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc-, the ~etitioner herein-' Bated this ~ ~ day of WE~ the undersigned~ a maJerlty of the Town Board cf the Town of s outhold~ having met at the office of the supervfsor~ a.t Greenport~ in said Town, on the /~ day 1927, and considered the application of Nassau Point Club Properties~ Inc. for the taking cv er and maintaining, as town htghways~ the reads at Nassau Point~ Town of Soutbold~ S~ffolk County~ New Tork, known as Wunnewetta Road From its intersection with Broadwaters Road to Nassau Point Road; BroaSwaters Road from its intersection with 018 Cove Road to Nassau Point Road; Maywaters Read from its intersection with Little Pecenic May · ead to Fishermen~s Beach; Little Peoonio Bay Road from its intersection with Vanston Road to Nassau Point Road~ do hereby consent to such taking over and maintaining maid reads and that same be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition- Supervis or · Town Clerk · of the . ~ . ~o~) Peace. ~perintendent ef ~!ghw~yS Nassau Point Club Prsperties~ Ync~ a domestic corporation having its principal office end place of business at Street, Borough of Brooklyn, Cou.nty of Kings~ City ~nd State New Tork~ in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by ~eorge H, Fleet~ TO~ Superintendent ~f Nighways of the To~ oF So~thold~ and in further consideration oF the acceptance and maintaining by the Town of Southcld, as public highways~ all of the Following roads at Nassau Point, T~n of SoutholS~ S~fotk Oounty~ New York~ ~wn as Wu~ewetta Read From its intersection wi~h Broadwaters R~ad to N~ssau Point Roads B~oa~ater~ its intersection with 01d ~ove Road to Nassau Point RoaS$ Rea~ from its intersection with Little Peconic Bay Road Fishe~en's Beach; Little Peoonic ~ay Road from l~s intersection with Vanston Road to Nassau Point Roa~, Alt of said roads ~ing designated on a certain map ~o~ as ~ap of Nassau Point ~ned by Nassau P~int ~lub Properties~ In~ situate in To~ ef Eouthotd~ Long Island~ N~ Y~ July 29~ ~92~ 9tto W. Van Tuyl~ Surv~yor~ ~reenport~ N. Y.~ a copy of which map is submitted with this ap~lication~ and the title to w~ich reads is entirely said Nassau Point Club Properties~ !no ~ ~ does hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Soutbold~ all land owned by It and eluded wltBin the premises above desoribed~ and does hereby re~ lease said Town from all d~ages By reason of layir~ out and maintaining the said roads as afo~esa~- Da~e~ this ~0 ~ day of / / P~ sident. STATE OF ~,W YORK, cet TY_ OF On the day of~~ 1927~ before me came WAL~. Lo ~O~SON~ to me ~owns who~ being by me ~uly sworn, ~id depose an~ say that he re~ides~~L President o~ NASSAU POINT OL~ PRO~TIES~ INC.~ the co~poratlo~ described In~ an~ which exe~ted the instr~en%~ that he ~ows the seal of sai~ corpo~ation~ that the seal alfred_ to said instr~ent is such ~orp~ate seaI; it was so afflxe~ ~y order of t~e ~r~ o~ directors sai~ corporation; ~n~ that he si~e~, his name theret~ like order ~ Notary Expires the' Ma'tte~ Jof ~'the [Applic at ion TOWN new roads at Nassau Point,~ · ~. own of': -S outh olcI, ::Suffolk 6/19/02 Jack Sherwood from the Assessors' Office stated that Wunneweta Rd. Ext. was only 25' wide. Town only takes possession of improved highways and the roadway must be 50' wide. Therefore, town never took control and maintenance of the highway. It is a dirt roadway. 6/24/02 Highway Dep. Supt. advised that Highway considers it a paper road and does no maintenance, spring/fall clean up, etc. on the extension. 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