HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOOD LANESTJ~T~ OF N~ YOR~ ~OUNTY OF SUFFOLK, T03,~J OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, Gounty of Suffolk and State of New York. DEI)ICATION AND RELF. A.qE. WtfER~.A,q, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to be known as WOOD LANE, INLET LANE & B~Y ROADz and WHEREAS, PEERBERT FORDHA~ and INEZ FOHDHA/~, his wife~ CLINTON A. HOMMEL, BERNICE T. HOMMEL, LESTER POLLOCK, AUGUSTUS STRAUSSNER, ANTON FICURILLI, JULIA FICURILLI and JOSEPH P. GETCHES and others as set forth in the supplemental Dedication and Release are the owners of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided and are all of the persons having any interest in said rights of way a~d said proposed highway, NOW, T~-tEFOREt we, HERBA/QT FORDHAM and Ii~',]Z FORDHAM, his wife, and ~thers as hereinabove set forth 'all residing near Greenport, in the Town of Sou~hold, in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, to each of us in hand paid, by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway near Greenport, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk Oounty, New York, to be known as WOOD I~ If$~iET T~'E & B~Y release and convey to' the said Tows of Southo~ighway purposed, the following lands, to wit:- ~LL that tract or parcel of land situate near~GraehPgrt, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described as follows:- BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the sou{herly line of Umnhanset Avenue, said monument being the northerly ter- minus of the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Wood Lane, Inlet Lane & Bay Road, and being S. 87o05,00"E.~ 7.39 feet from a concrete monument set on said southerly line at a deflection point in said line; and running across the northerly end of said Wood Lane, S.87o05,00-E.-50.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly lihe of l~n- hanset Avenue at tlm northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Wood Lane; thence along said easterly line of Wood Lane, So2°5~,00-Wo-617~63 feet to a concrete monument set at i~s intersection wi~n %he northerly line of a proposed highway to be known a2 Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of Bay Road, So8oO15,10-Eo-178.58 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Inlet Lane; thence along said westerly line of Inlet Lane, £ courses, as follows: (1) No 12°29'20"E.-131o39 feet; thence (2) N. 2°55'00-E.. 500°0 feet to a concrete monu~en~ set on said southerly line of ~anhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of said westerly line of Inlet L~ne$ thence across the northerly end of said Inlet Large, S.8?o0b,00-E.-50,0 feet to a conerete monument set on said southerly line of l,~nhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Inlet Lane; thence along said easterly line of inlet Lane, S.2°50,00-W~. 504.20 feet; ~ence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane and along the easterly line of said Bay Road, S.12°29,20"Wo- 219.96 feet; thence along said easterly line of Bay Road, S.4u21'20"Eo-439.06 feet to its intersection ,,~ith the southerly line of said Bay Road; theace along said ~o~therly line of Bay Road, 2 courses, as follows: (1) ~-o~°3~'40"Wo-90.0 feet to its intersection with the boundary line of the Village of Greenport; thence (2) along said boundary line of the ~llage of Greenport, No54°Z3'50"W.-104.13 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of Beach Place along said easterly line of ~each Place, N.4°21~20"W.-23 feet, more or less, to i~s intersection with the curved easterly line of Beach Road; thence along said curved easterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 220.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 91 feet, more or less, to the point of tangency of said curve with the easterly line of said Beach Road; thence along the extension southerly of ~.~ 21 20 E.-64.29 feet ~o said easterly line of Beach Road, ~ its intersection with the northerly line of said Bay Read; thence along said northerly line of said Bey Road, 2 courses, as follows: (1) S.5~°33'50"E.-101-64 feet; thenc~ (£~ N.85°38'40"E. 21o9 feet to its intersection with the westerly line of said Bay RoadS thence along said westerly line of Bay Road, N.4°21,20"W.- 438.59 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Be~ Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, N.83o15*10~W.-101.91 feet to its intersection with the ex- tension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road; th6nce along said extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Read, S.4°21~20"Eo-61o76 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said easterly line ~th ~he curved northeasterly line of said Beach Road; thenc~ along said curved northeasterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left, having a radius of 137.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 188.65 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said curved northeasterly line with the northerly line of said Beach Road; thence along Rhe ext?nsion easterly of said northerly line of Beach Road, So83°15 10"E.-13.09 feet to a concrete monument set at the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Wood Lane; thence along said westerly line of Wood Lane, N.2°5~'00"Eo-614.28 feet to the point of beginning. and we do hereby release said Town from all dam~s by re%~ of the laying out of the said above described new high~ ~/ ~! c0u T or S FFOLK. a~ th~ '~ ~ dam of ~-~4~ , 195~, before me personally to me to be the indivmduals described i~and who executed the roregomng instrument and severally duly acknowledged to me that they executed the sa~e. NOTA_q~LIC, STATE OF S[~.TOE~T ~I~OLK CO., CLERK'S No. \ (3) STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ~ ( day of ~t~, 1951 before me personally appeared CLINTDN A. HOMMEL, BERNIC~ T. HOMMEL, LESTER POLLOCK, AUGUSTUS STRAUSSNER, ANTON FICURIELI, JULIA FICURILLI and JOSEPH P. GETCHES, to me known and known to me to be the indivi- duals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and severally duly acknowledged to me that they executed the STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a Certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. X : DEDICATION WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town ~per- intendant of Highwaye of the TOwn of Southold, in the C~unty of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out ..ef ~ ol~tain town highway to be known as WOOD LA~E, INLET LANE & BAY ROAD, a~ WI~REAS, HERBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, CLINTON A. HOM~E~L, LESTER POLLOCK, AUGUSTUS STRAUSSNER, ANTON FICURILLI, JULIA FICURILLI and JOSEPH P. GETCHES, WILLIAM H. SCHWEINSBURG, HARRY D. BOWDITCH are the owners of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter' provided and are all of the persons having any interest in said rights of way and said proposed highway, WILLIAM H. SCHWEINSBURG and others as hereinab~ve set forth at Shelter Island, Shelter Island ~ residing/~ in the Town of/~ in consid, oration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, to each of uP in hand paid, by HAROLD PRICE~ Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of SoUthold, the receipt whereof is hereby acknoWledged~ an. in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway near Greenport, in the Town of $outhold~ Suffolk County~ New York~ to be known as WO~ ,LANE~ INLET LANE & ,BAY ROAD, do hereb~-dedieate release and convey to the said TOwn of Southold, for hlghway l~a~posed, the folle~ing tanda~ to wit~- ALL that tract or parcel of land situate near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and ~tate of New York, more particularly described as follows:- BEGINNING at a concrete monument set' on the southerly line of Manhanaet Avenue, said monument being the northerly terminus cf the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Wood Lane, Inlet Lane & Bay Road, and being S. 87o05'00sE.-7.39 feet from a concrete monument set on said southerly line at a deflec- tion point in said line; and running across the northerly end of said 'Wood Lane, ~. 87~O~t00"E,-~0.0 feet to a concrete menmaent set on said southerly line of Manharmet Avenue at the northe~ y texm~tnus of the easterly line of said Wood Lane; thence along said easterly line of Wood Lane, S. 4~5'00"W.-S17,63 feet to · concrete monument set at its intersection with the northerly li~ of a proposed highway to be known as B~a~ Road; thence along Paid northerly line of Bay Road, S. 83~1~,10 E,-178.58 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Inlet Lane; thence along said westerly line of Inlet Lan$, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. 12o29,20"E.-131.39 feet; thence (2) N. 2°55'00~E.- 500.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of said westerly line of Inlet Lane; thence across the northerly end of said Inlet Lane S. 87o05,00"E..50.0 feet to a~ concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly ter~ainus of the easterly line of said Inlet Lane; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane, S. 205~'00SW.-504.20 feet; thence along said (2) ealterly line of Inlet Lane and along the easterly line of said Bay Road, S. 12029'20"W.-219.96 feet; thence along said easterly line of Bay Road, S. 4°21'20"E.-439.06 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, 2 courses, as follcws~ (1) $. 8%°3§'40"W.-90.0 feet to its intersection with the boundary line of the Village of Greenport; ~henoe (2) along laid bOmndax~y line of the Village of Greenport, N. feet to itc intersection with the easterly line of Beach Place; thence along said easterly line of Beach Placer N. 23 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the curved east- erly line of Beach Road; thence along said curved easterly line~j of Beach Road on a curve to the left having a radivJ of 220.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 91 feet, more or loci, to the point of tangency of said curve with the eaBterly line of said Beach Road; thence along the extension southerly of said easterly line of Beech Road, S. ~°21t20"E.-~.29 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of said Bay Road, 2 courses as follows: (1) $. %~°33,50SE.-101.64 feet; thence (2) N. 21.9 feet to its intersection with the westerly line of maid Bay Road; thence along said westerly line of Bay Road, N. W.-~3§.59 feet to its intex'section with the southerly line ~aid Bay, Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, 3e15'10 W.-101.91 feet to its intersection with the ;xtenalon northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road; thence along laid extenlion northerly of said ealterly line of Beach Road, S. 21'20"E.-61.76 feet to a comcrete monument eot at the point of tangenoy of said easterly line with the c~ mortheaatex, ly line ef said Beach Road; thence along said curved northeasterly line of Beach Roa~ on a curve to the left, havi .~g a radius of 137.0 feet, a .diitanoe along said cua~ve of 188~6~ feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency Of said curved line with the northerly line of said Beach RoadJ thence along the extenlion eastex-ly of said northerly line of Beach Road, 15'10"E.-13.09 feet t~ a concrete momument get at the southerly tex~minua cf said westerly line c_f Wood_Lane.$ thence along said westerly line of Wood Lane, N. 2°55'00"E.-61~.28 feet to the point of beginning. And we do hereby release said Town froT~ ail damages by reason of STATE OF NE~ YO~ Co Nr S FI'OLK) said above L,S. L.$. L.S. L.~. L.$, L.S. L.S. ...... ,L.S. .. On the ~da.V o~f ~ , 19.~1, before me person- a-£y appeared : WILLIAM H. ~C~FEINSBURG. ~o~ and ~o~ to ~ to be t~ ~lvidu~ ~scri~d in and executed ~e fo~goi~ instant ~d severely d~y ac~owle~ed to ~ ~at they e~cuted the STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK, TOWN 0F SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a Certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. X : DEDICATION : AND RELEASE WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Super- intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to be known as WOODLANE, INLET LANE & BAY ROAD, an~ WHEREAS, HERBERT FORDHAMand INEZ FORDHAM, his wife, CLINTON A. HOMMEL, LESTEH POLLOCK, AUGUSTUS STRAUSSNER, ANTON FICURILLI, JULIA FICURILLIand JOSEPH P. GETCHES, HARRY D. BOWDITCH, WILLIAM H. SCH~EINSBURG are the owners of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided and are all of the persons having any interest in said rights of way and said proposed highway, HARRY D. BOWDITCH NOW~ THEREFORE, I,/~Xl~YJI ~X~,~a~d others as hereinabove set forth at Shelter Island, Shelter Island ~ residing/~, in the Town of/~ in consid- eration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, to each of us in hand paid, by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as WOOD LANE, INLET LANE & BAY ROAD, do hereby dedicate release and convey to the said Town o---~old, for highway purposed, the following lands, to wit:- ALL that tract or parcel of land situate near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described as Zollows:- BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of Manhanset Avenue, said monument being the northerly terminus of the westerly line of a proposed highway to be knoWn as Wood Lane, Inlet Lane & Bay Road, and being S. 87o05'00"E.-7.39 feet from a concrete monument set on said southerly line at a deflec- tion point in said line; and running across the northerly end of said Wood Lane, S. 87o05'00"E.-50.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Wood Lane; thence along said easterly line of Wood Lane, 8. 2o55'00"W.-617.63 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the northerly lin~ of a proposed highway to be known as Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of B~y Road, S. 83O15'10"E.~-178.58 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the westerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Inlet Lane; thence along said westerly line of Inlet Lane, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N. 12029'20"E.-131.39 feet; thence (2) N. 2055'00"E.- 500,0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of said westerly line of Inlet Lane; thence across the northerly end of said Inlet Lan~ S. 87o05,00"E.-50.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Inlet Lane; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane, S. 2o55,00"W.-504.20 feet; thence along said (2) easterly line of Inlet Lane and along the easterly line of said Bay Road, S. 12°29,20"W.-219.96 feet; thence along said easterly line of Bay Road, S. 4°21'20"E.-439.06 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, 2 courses, as follows: (1) B. 85°38'40"W.-90.0 feet to its intersection with the boundary line of the Village of Greenport; thence (2) along said boUndary line of the Village of Greenport, N. 54o33'50"W.-104.13 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of Beach Place; thence along said eaSterly line of Beach Place, N. 4o21,20"W.- 23 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the curved east- erly line of Beach Road; thence along said curved easterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 220.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 91 feet, more or less, to the point of tangency of said curve with the easterly line of said Beach Road; thence along the extension southerly of said easterly line of Beach Road, S. 4°21'20"E..64.29 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of said Bay Road, 2 courses as follows (1) S. 54°33'50"E.-101.64 feet; thence (2) N. 8~o18'40"E - 21.9 feet to its intersection with the westerly line-o~ skid ~ay Ro~;_t~ence along said westerly line of Bay Road, N. 4o21'20" W. 43~o59 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, N. 83°15'10"W.-101.91 feet to its intersection with the extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road; thence along said extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road, S. 4o 21'20"E.-61.76 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said easterly line with the curved northeasterly lin, of said Beach Road; thence along said curved northeasterly line of Beach Road on a curve to the left, having a radius of 137.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 188.65 feet to a concrete ~nument set at the point of tangency of said curved northeaster; ne with the northerly line of said Beach Road; thence along th( extension easterly of said northerly line of Beach Road, $.~3o 15'10"E.-13.09 feet to a concrete monument set at the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Wood Lane; thence along said westerly line of Wood Lane, N. 2°55'00"E.-614.28 feet to the point of beginning. And ~we do hereby release said Town fro~ all damages by reason of the Aaying out of the said above desc~ibed new high_way. I - ! ...... ., L.S. / ,, L.S. L.S. L.S. . ....... L.S. StArS oF ¥oP ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~,~ ~ 0~~' 1951' bef°r~ me pets°n- On the day ofB )eare ally apt th~ known and known to me to be individual~ described in and ~ho! executed the foregoing instrument and severally duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. STATE OF NA%~ YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOU'iSi0LD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD. UPON B]~.ADING AhUJ FILING the dedication and release of HERBERT FORD}LAM and IN~z FORDtLAM, his wife, and others as set forth in the attached releases and dated May 31st, 1951, June 1st, 1951 and the the necessary lands for a certain proposed town highway to be known as "WOOD LA~fE ~ "INLET LANE"&"B~Y ROAD'; RESOLVED, that consent be and the sa~e hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of ttighways of the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highway to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said application, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of tile State of New York. Dated, at th~ office of the Supervisor N.Y.°f the, So d, at, 195~o TOWN BOARD OF THE T0%~N OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. Justice of the STATE OF NARY YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOU~IOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. 0RDFJ4 LAYII~G OUT HIGI[~aY %fiTtI THE CONS~,IT OF THE T0~,?l~ BOA~D~ 0ral application having, been duly nade to me the Town Superintendent of Highways for the 'Down of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain Town tIighway, in the said Town of Southold, by Herbert Fordha~ and Inez Fordham, liable to 9e assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as pre- scrioed by law, and a dedication and release from damages having been executed acknowledced and delivered by the owners of the lands through which the pro- posed highway is proposed to be~laid out, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing having been pai~ to any claimant for such damages~ NOW~ '~/~EREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DE,EtienNE MVD 01tDER that a town highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows, and is to be known as "Wood Lane," "Inlet Lane" & "Bay Road:"- kl.i~ that tract or parcel of land situate near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of lJew York, more particularly des- cribed as follows:- BEGII~ING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of ~ahhanset Avenue, said monument Oeing the northerly terminus of the westerly line of ~ proposed highway to be known as %~od Lane, and being 5o87°05'00"E.-7o39 feet from a concrete monument set on said southerly line at a deflection point in said line.; and running across the northerly end of said %~od Land, S.87°05'00"E.-4~0.0 feet to~:a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Han- hanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of the easterly line of said %~od Lane; thence along said easterly line of Wood Lane, S.2°50'00"Wo-617.63 feet to a concrete monu- ment set at its intersection with the northerly line of a proposed highway to be known as Bay Road; thence along said northerly line of Bay Rmd, S.83°15~10"E.-178-58 feet to a concrete monument set at its intersection with the westerly line of a proposed highway to be kno%m as Inlet Lane; tt~nce along said westerly line of Inlet Lane, 2 courses, as follows: (1) N.12°29'20"E.-131.39 feet; thence (2) N.2°50'00"E.-500.0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of Manhanset Avenue at the northerly terminus of said westerly line of Inlet Lane; thence across the northerly end of said Inlet Lane, So87°05'00"E.-D0-0 feet to a concrete monument set on said southerly line of k~nhanset ~venue at ti~e northerly terminus of the easterly line of said Inlet Lane; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane, S.2°50'00"W--504.20 feet; thence along said easterly line of Inlet Lane and along the easterly line of said Bay Road, ~.12°29'20"~.-219-96 f~et; thence along said easterly line of Bay Road,, S.4°21'20"E.-439-06 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Bay Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, 2~ courses, as follows: (1) S.85°38'40"Wo-90o0 feet to it~ ihtersection with the boundary line of the Village of Greenport; thence (2t along saia boundary line of the Village of Greenport, N.54°3Z'50"W.-104.13 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of Beach Place; thence along said easterly line of Beach Place, feet, more or less, to its intersection with the curved easterly line of Beach Road; thence along said curved easterly line of Beach Road on a curve to t~e left having a rad,~us of 220.0 feet, a distance along said curve of 91 feet, more or less, to the point of t~nge~cy of saia curve wi~h the easterly line of said Beach Road; thence along the exten- sion southerly of said easterly line of Beach Road, So4°21'20~E.- 64.29 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of said Bay t~a~; thence along said northerl~ line ~f said Bay Road, 2 courses, a~s follows~ (l~ S.5~33'50"E°-101.64 feet; thence (2) ~o85~38'40"E.-21.9 feet to its inter- section ?i~h the westerly line of s~id Be~ Road; thence along sazd westerly line of Bay Eoad, No4~21~20"W.-438.59 feet to its intersection with the southerly line of said Bay _Road; thence along said southerly line of Bay Road, N.83OlS'10"Wo-lol.gl feet to its intersection with the extension northerly of said easterly line of Beach Road, So4O21'20,E.-61o76 feet to a concrete monument set at the point of teJ~gency of said easterly line with the curved northeasterly line of said Beach Road; thence along said curved northeasterly line of Beach Road on a curve to left, having a radius of 137.0 feet, a distance slong said curve of 188o8~ feet to a concrete monument set at the point of tangency of said curved northeasterly line with the northerly line of said Beach Road; thence along the extension easterly of said northerly line of Beach Road, S.83°15'10"E.-13.09 feet to a concrete monu~.~ent s~tm-at the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Wood Lane; thence along said westerly line of Wood Lane, ~.2°55'00"E.- 614.28 feet to the point of beginning. Dated, this ~~ day of ~ , 1950. Out of a Cegtain Town Hi.way in the Town of Southold aud Sta,te of New York and County_ of Suffolk Property of INEZ FORDH~I, north of the breakwater near Greenport Henry Booth Moore, Attorney for applicants Groenport, New York. N A v ~ ~ u E