HomeMy WebLinkAboutWILMARTH AVENUETo the To~p ~ " ~ ~ ouperln~enaent of ~ighways of the Term of · uffolk and State of New Tork: Southo!d, in the County of S The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of $outho!d, hereby apply to you to lay out new highways near the Village of Greenport~ in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Oounty~ ~ew York~ to be lmo~n as WILh~TM and BOOTH PLACE described as follows:- W~L~TM AVENUE, The Southerly line is described as follows: Beginning at a monument set on the westerly line of Eain Street, 2~I,4~ Feet northerly along said westerly line from a monUment on the northerI~ llne of Washington Avenue~ thence S.87°34~50nW.-2~,59 Feet to a monument; thence S. $7°3~50"~- ~21,20 feet to a monument and land of Arthur ~, Tasker, And the ~ortherly line is to be 50 feet northerly fro~ above described line and to run from said westerly line of ~ain Street te land of said ArthUr ~ Tasker, E00T~ PLA~E. The easterly line is described as Fotlews:= Begin~ng aS ~ monument 32~.S4 feet ~es~erlv from uhe ~oint ox begi~ming of ~he se0ond course o~ ~he sou~her%y ~mne of samd Wilmarth Aven~e hereinahove deseribed~ ~ud runnlnM thence Avenue~ S~°~$~10 southerly at~ aright angle to said W_lma~th W - E~-240.0 feet ~o a mon~ment 6n the northerly line of ashlngton Avenue~ And the ~esterly line is to he 50 feet westerly from above described line an,! parallel thereto~ from said Witmarth Avenue to sai~ Washing%onAvenue~ ~.~h~cn propose~ laying out will pass throug~ the lands of ~ ~ L - ',v~fe~ Julius Levine ~ Anna Levine~ his wife~ ~)~harles S.W~imsrth ~nd~:ary Wilmarth~his petm~oners herein that the Term of SouthoId is to have an easement for the purpose of discharging surface water from the highway !muown as w~mar~h Avenue at a point on the ~ortherly -~ne of sa~d W~lmarth Avenue which is distant t84.51 feet es~e~ ly from the deflection point in said no_ ~herly lm~-e of said ~iLmarth Avenue anc] to run nor~._erzy at a r~ght an~le to said mortherly line thereof !50 fe~t~ more or less, t~ la~ of Horton~ b~i~g five feet in wiclth. iud %he~ said 'parties of the first part~ their heirs, administr'at~s, .successors and assi~ns~ agre? to hold the · o,*n ef S~ ess from any clai~ or d~mage resulting an~ over ghe presses of ~e se.i~ pe~i~io~sA~yfng~o ghe ~ Dated tn_s ~y of ~t~ 199~ We~ S~WYE. L L~!NE and ESSIE LEVI~?M~ his wife; J%rLIUS his wife~ of Greenport, Su=~Tolk County~ consideration cf the sram of O~E DOL~ to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price, Town Superinte~tent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ and in further consideration of the laying out of new highways near Sreenport~ Town of Southol~ Suffolk County~ New Yor:~ to he ~c~own as ~I~/ARTI{ A'~E!~JE and MOOTE PLAOE descr=o~d as follows:- 5~RTM AVEk~IE. The Southerly line is described as follows: ~eg~ning at a monmment set on the westerly line of ~ain Street~ 231~ feet northerly along said westerly line from a monument on the northerly line of ~ashin~ton ivenue~' thence running S. ~7°34~50~ ~.-27~,§9 feet to ~ monument: thence S. 821~0 feet to ~ monument and land of Arthur ~. T~sker. And the Northerly line is to be 50 feet northerly from abo?e described line and to run from said westerly line of ~ain Street to of said Arthur ~[. T~skero ~00TH PLAC~. The e~sgerlv line is described as feI!ows:~ !!Heginnin~ at a monument 3~8~ Feet westerI~ from the point of ~!he~inn!ng of the second course of the southerly lmne of !~southerly at a right angle to said Wilmarth Avenue~ E--240,0 feet to a monument on the northerly line of ~ashington Avenue° And the westerly line is to be 50 feet westerly from aUoove described line and parallel thereto~ from sai~ Wilmarth Avenue to said ~ashington Avenue~ togethem with the ~ight and Drivi!ege of the Yo~ ~o~%h o~ saia ~i~ar~h ~nue and aa3a~en~ ~hePe%o in the p~t~t~on herewith and. set forth on a map of proposed highways to he known as Witmarth ~enue ~d~ ~ooth Place s~uate ~Torth of Greenport, Town of Southo!d, New York~ and filed herewith and made a part of this record_ which proposed laying out passes through our l~uds only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southo!d~ all land heretofore owned by us za~d included within the premises above described, and do here~oy release said from all damaF~es by reason of the laying out of said highways and the easement of '~ discharge of surface water as aforesaid. the Town of So%~thoid~ having met at the office of the day oi~r~u~, 199~ an~ considered th.e application of ~muel ~ev~ne and others for the laying out of new highways near ~reenport~ Town of Southotd~ Oounty of S~folk and State oF New York, to Be ~ow~ as ~I~RTM A~M~ and BOOTH PLACE~ do hereby consent that such laying out be m~e in accordance with the prayer of the within petition~ Superintendent of !'~ighways- Dated this STATE OF NEU UOL~'~ 0F S~FOL~ Oounty~ New York~ personally the ss~e persons described in and who executed t~e fore~oing instr~ment~ and they severally ac~nowled~ed to ~e t~,at they ~a~ of I930~ before me persm~aily car~e C~!APT~S Ss u~£JgTH and_ ~{~ E, WY~BTI~ his wife~ of Amit~i!le~ New York~ personally !~own to me an~ ~mown to me to be t~o of the individ_uals described in and who~ execute8 the foregoing instrument, and they severally aolmo~te~!ged~ to me thzt they execnt~d the s~ N o:~ary Pu~iic ~ Oo~ty, T 0'~z OF SOU~w OM) In the ~'[atter of the Application of for t~,e layin?: out of new highways near Greenpo~t, Town of State o~ ~'ew York~ to be ~own as WIL~.IART" A%~?~gE and. ~00TI~ PLACE · APPLICATION, 00NSENT OF TOVfN BO;~RD, R~LEASE OF DA!~GES.