HomeMy WebLinkAboutWICKS ROADORDER LaYiNG OUT H!GH~ ~ITH ~g GON~T OF ~H~ _vO~t~ BOARD° Written application having been made to me ~own superintendent of highways for the Town of Soutb~ld~ Suffol~ County~ New York, by C-eorge F. Grathwoht and others, persons liable ~o be assessed for highway ua×es in said Town e~d the written cop~ent of the Town Board of said Town having bean given as prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway ~o be lald out~ copy of which is hereto eanexed~ end nothing having bees paid to any claimant for such damages~ it i~ hereby -' ORDERED ~d~D D~T~RMiN~D that ~he highway sh~il be and the same is h~reby laid ou~ in said Town as follows and uo be B-~,~GINNING a~ a concrete monument se~ on the easterly line of Grath~.~ohl Road~ N. 580 17~ E. gFS.05 ~eet along said line from a concrete monu~ent at a dsflection point in said line; thence along said eaa~eriy lioe of Srathwohl Eoad~ N. ~5o 17~ Eo 5S~76 feet; thence S. 730 ~t~ E. ~28~40 feet ~o a concrete mon~en~ se~ on the westerly line of Ngw Suffolk Lane 7E.~4 feet southerly along said line from a defi~ction point in said westerly line of N~w S~fotk L~e~ thence southerly along said line to a concrete mon~n= 50 Feet sou~her!y From ~he northerly bomndary above descrlbed~ m~as~ared at right ~gles thereto$ thenc~ N.73o 21~ ~ 558~44 fast ~o ~h~ point of ~gi~ming. Said pro~sea highway width~ ~Kaich proposed laying ou~ will pass through l~nds of George Grathwohl, his ~if~ ~nd Forrsst H. C~rdon~ only. Dated ghis d~y of~ 19~6~ / Town SupoPingend~a~ of Hi~z~ays~ TO TY~ TOV~N SUP~R~N~,~YDEN~ OF HiGHWAI~ OF Th~ TO~.~ OF ~O~fEOLD~ IN Th~ ~OUNTY OF ~UFFOLK AND STATE OF NE~ YOit~, The ~udersig~ued$ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the ToWn of So'~thold~ hereby apply To you to lay- out a new highway au New SUffolk, in the To',%~ of Sou~chold, S.~ffotk Co~ty, New York, zo be ~o~ ~ ~IC~ RO~ and d~scri~d as follows:- BEGINN~G a~ a concrete mon~ent se~ on t~ a~terly line of Grathwohi Road, N. 35~ 17~ E. ~.05 feet along said li~ ~om a concrete mon~env ava deflection point In said !ine~ thence alo~ said eas~er!y line of Grathwoht Road, N. ~8o 17~ E. 6~78 feet; ~hence S. 7~ Sl~ E. 5Z8.40 fee~ ~o a concrete mon~enr se~ on ~he westerly Iin~ of New S~folk L~n~ ?B.~4 feet southerly along said line from ~ d~flectlon point in said westerly line of New &uffolk L~e~ thence southerly aio~ said line ~o a concrete mon~en~ ~ fes¢ southerly from nne northerly bo~dary above described~ measured a~ right angles thereto; thence ~ 75o ~i~ W~ ~8.44 fs~ ~o the ~ln~ of begi~lng. Said pr~oossd highway !$ ~ feet in width, which ?~pOsed layip~ ou~ wilt pass through the lan~ of Geor~ P. Grathwoht ~d Elsie ~. ~rathwob2~ his '~%fe~ and Forrest H. C~ordon~ only. day of June~ F~E, the undersigned, a majority of the To',~n ~o~d of ~ha To~a of SoutPoid~ having mez at ~'~n~ = office of ~ne Supsrvieor~ at Green'oort,. in said Town~ on thc ~_ day of 1945~ and considered the application of George F, Grathwohl and others For the layir~ out of a new higa~ay ay New Suffolk~ Town of Southold, Suffolk COunty~ NeW Zork, to be known ~s ~ICI~ EOAD~ do hereby oonsent that such laying ou~ oe made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. 2own Supervisor. Justices of the Peace~ Sup~o f Highway. ~E~ GEORd-E P. GRATH~O.~ and ELSIE ~g~ GRAT~f~OHL his ~fe~ ~d FO~BT H. ~rried, of NeW S~folk~ S~fotk Co~ty~ New York, ~n ~nsideration of th~ sum of O~ DOL~E~ ~o ~ in h~ud p~id by ~OLD PRi~, Town ~uperintsnden~ of Highways of the Town no~nozd~ and zn D~rther con~iderati~ of the lmylng ou~ ~of a hlghw~ a~ New Suffolk, of Sout~old~ ~folk Co~ty, N~w York~ ~o be kno~ as ~IC~ RO~, and described ~ follows:- ~GII~iNG at a concrete mon~ent se~ on t~ e~erly tins of Grathwoht Road, N. 19~ E~ ~.05 fes~ s~long said line fro~ a concrete mon~m~ at z deflection point in said !ine~ thence alone s~id easterly llne of Grathwohl ~oad~ N. 35o 17~ E. 5~.76 ~ee~; throe S~ 73~ ~I ~ E. 628.40 feet ~o a concrete mon~en~ set on the weste~ty line of New Suffolk Lane 72.~ feet southerly along ~id line fr~ a deflection point in said westerly line of New Suffolk ~; thence southerly alop~ said lin~ to a concre~ mon~n~ 50 Feet southerly from the northerly bo~nd~y above described, me~ed a~ right a~les thereto; thence N. ~l~ W. 558.44 feet [o the ~lnt of begi~l~. ~id proposed highway is ~ feet in widths. which proposed new highway will be ~own a~ ~TiC~ ~0~ and will ~ss though the lands of George F. Grath~mhI mud ols~e ~,~ Grathwohl~ his wife~ 2nd Forrest H. Cordon, only do hereby dedicate ~d relate to the Town of Sou~hold, alt land heretofore owned by us ~d includ~d within the pre~ses above described~ and do hereby release said T~n ~om ~l damages cy reason o~ un laying ou~ of said new high~y. On the /> da~ of June, 1945, before me personally came GEO2~ Fo u/J~T..,,On~ and ELIS£ ~. C~RaFH~%'OHL~ h~s wife, and FOfd~EST H. GOF.J~O~, ur~arrled, all of New Suffolk, Suffolk Co~/ty~ New York, perso~ily fnown ~o me mud Fmo~m ~o me ~o be the persos~ described in and who executed ~hs ~o~going instrument and they ~everally ac~owledged to me that they executed No~y ~ablic, surf. .. .: .. ,,. ,, . . , ~ ~ .'~.~j[~ - ... , .... "..' .,,... ,~ . . .~, 4, " :,"" .... '~' ' ', ' "'' , ~ ~- . .~ " .? .'. ~ [ '. ~, . / '~ : '. , . , , ~ :~ ,. ? . .. . . .. , , ~ · .,t., . . . , . ~. ~.,~ ~ " ~' '~ :}"" ; ?~t ~'~.t~''A'~ ,;'O~"~-{,: ~ . ~'~ g.~ ,. . . . ~ " . . '~ . 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