HomeMy WebLinkAboutWESTVIEW DRIVEREC In %he ~atter o£ the ~ppli~ation of WILLIA~ H. ~ON and PL~R~_wY E o ~ON, fo~ lay- ing out new highways ~ Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Co~ty of Suffolk and S~ate of ~ew Tork~ to be ~own as Westview Drive, Wo0dcliff Drive, B~w~r Road, ~ayflower Road ~d ~e ~cho~age. b~th residing at New Suffolk~ Suffolk Cnty ~ W~ H. }~0~ ~d P~ E. ~O~ff berg the owners ox ~.y certain land in Mattituck, in the To~ of Southold~ Cowry Suffolk and State of ~ew York, over which lands certain proposed hmghways t~uo~ as Westv_ew Dr~ve, Woodoliff Drive, Brewer Road~ Mayflower Road and The ~chorage and described in the application ~u the above entitled matter, dated Mayf~ 1953~ will pass, Now, i~ oons zderatlon of One ($I.00) Dollar to us in ha~a pai~ by Harold D. Price, Superzntend~nt of the Highways of said SouohoL Town~ mud in further consideration of the laying out of the new highways~ known as Westview Drive, Woodoliff Drive~ Brewer Road~ ~ayflower Road and The Amchorage, do hereby release and dedicate the Tow~ of Southold~ all the land heretofore ovaaed by us and throughwhich said proposed highways will pass, and more fully de- scribed in Schedule ~ hereto annexed~ Amd we do release the said Tov~ of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways. ~illiam ~. ~ason ~arry~/$~ason On this 28 day oI' may, ±9o~ before me, the subscriber, per- ~onat!y appeared Wl~z~LL~ H. ~SOH smd PL~R~£ E. I~Ol~, to me per- serially known and ~%o¥~_ ~o me to be the same persons described in and w~o executed edged to me that ROEO ©/~ . the wmbh~n Ymstr~nent and ey severally acknowl- they executed the sa'~. / /5. STATE OF ~¥ YORK COLR~%f OF SUF~.FOLK, TOV~I~ OF SOUTHOLD Lu the Matter of the Application of WILL~2~ H. ~ON and ~_R~ E. ~ON~ for ~ laying out new highways in Nattituck, in the To~ of $outhold~ Co~ty of Suffolk and = State of New York, to be ~own as Westview Drive, Woodcliff Drive~ B~owe~ Road, ~ Mayflower ~ad ~d The ~cho~age ORDER LAYING OUT HIG[~t~YS WITH ~ CONS~T OF THE TOWel BO&~D ~ Written application having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of High_ways for the Town o£ Southold, Suffolk Count~, New York, for the laying out of five Town Highways in the said Town of Southold, by William H~ Mason and Harry E. ~ason, liable to be assessed for highway ts~es in said Town~. mud the written con- sent of ~ne Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, end a dedication sm~d release from damages having been ~xec~ed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of 2t~e ~lands through which the ~z~e proposed highways are proposed to be ._amd out~ a copy of which is hereto am~exed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, NOW~ T~REFOP~.~ i~ the Town Sup.~eintendent of Highways of the Tow_~n of Southold~ Suffolk Cotu. uty~ New York~ DO ~BY DETE~.~i~ZE AND ORDER that five town highways shall be, and the smme are hereby laid out at ~,~attituck~ ~ said Tewn~ each of which shall be fifty feet in width~ as ~et forth in the Schedule ~"A~ hereto annexed. Dated~ the T0~%~ OF SOD~-THOLD~ STATE OF N~i YORK Lu the Eatter of the Application of WILLIA~ H. ~t~SON and .P~RF~f E. ~0N, for lay- ing out new highways mn Eattituck, in the Tov~n of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as Westview Drive, Woodcliff Drive, Brewer Road, Nayflower Road and T~e Anchorage. C0t{SENT We, the undersigned~ being a majority of the Tow-n Board of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York~ having duly met at a regular meeting o£ said Town Baord, at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, in said To~n~ on the 26th day of May, 1953~ and having d!mly ~nsidered the applica- ion of ?~t~am H. ~ason and Har~ ~, Mason~ dated the ay of !~53~ for the laying ont of new highways at ~ Suffolk~ in said Tov~ and to be ~_ovm as Westvisw Drive~ Woodcliff Drive~ Brewer Road, ~[ayz~ow~r Road ~ud The ~mohorage, do h~reby consent that such laying out be made in acco~ce with said petition. /S~e~_~end6n~ G~ Highways ITOVfN OF SeUT~tOLO. STATE OP N~E~¥ YOFuK Y~_ the Hatte~ of tlm~ Application of Wi~ H. ~ON and P~R~ E. ~ON, fo~ lay-: lng out new highways in Nattituck, in the To~ of Southold, Co~ty of ~uffolk and State of New To~k, to be ~own as Westview D~iv~ Woodciiff Drive, Brower Road, ~yFlowe~ Road and Th~ ~chorage~ &PPLICATiON To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town oF Southoid, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York the undersigned petltmoners, William H. ~lason amd W Mason, both residing at New Suffoik~ Suffolk County, New yo~m~ l_able to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to the Tow~ Superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways at ~attituck, in the Tow~ of Southold, Co,story of Suffolk State of New TOrk~ to be k~aown as Westvisw Drive~ Woodcliff Drive, Brower Road, [ayflower Road and The Anchorage, and more · u_ly described in Sc2medule ~ hereto arnaexed~ & ~ap of said proposed ~ h_ghways has been made by Otto ~. Var~ ~o_k and is Tuyl & Son, Licensed Laud Surveyors, Greenport, New ~ ~ hexed hereto and made part of this appl~ca~ZOno hereto ~ud made a part of this application is a release and d~dlcatmon to td~e Town ol~ Scut]acid by the petitio~ers herein, over '~_ose property said highways are William H. H~r?y~i,~fas on/ CO~T~ OF S~FOLK~ WILL~i H. ~f2~ON ~d H~R~ E. ~ON~ each being duly de. sss ~ud says that he is the petitioner herein$ that he has ~ea5 the fomego~g petition ~d ~ows the contents thereof, and that the s~e is t~e to his ov~ ~ow!edge. except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon inFo~ation ~d beiieff mud as to those matters he believes it to be true. SOlD day~x May~ 19o3. SCHEDULE ALL those certain tracts or parcels of land situate, lying-and., ~eing at Mattituok, Town of Southel~., Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows I ~-~' WE~ ~W DRIVE ~ The northerly line of the hi~hway known as "Westview Drive"begins at a comorete monument se~ on that course of the westerly line of Grand Avenue which runs S. ge 52' 00" E. 240.27 feet southerly alen~ said westerly line from the mortherly termimus of said course; and runs ith~oe $o 78° 42~ 40" W. 358.54 feet~ thence 8. 71° 42' 40" W. fe~'t to an iron ~lpe and the easterly line of the highway known aa" ~oodcllff Drive , hereinafter desoribedl thence across said:"~oodollff Drive" and across the hlglx~ay known as "~xe ~olxoFa~e~, on the ~ame course, 91.15 feet; thence So ?1" 42~ 40" W. 185.57 fee~ thence ,on a e_~u~ve to the left havl~xg a radius of 106051 feet a distance of 154,29 feet to the westerly line of said "Westvtew Drive~J thence S. 11" 20" E. 1012035 feet; thence on a curve to the left hav~,i~_ a l'adius of 150.0 feet a distance of 255o95 feet to the southerly line of said · "Westview Drive"~ thence 1~o 71° 42' 40" Eo 178.18 feet~ thence. No 57° ~2' 50" E. ~23.17 feet; thence om a curve to the left hav~h~ a ra~us of 108.38 feet a d~stan~e of 1~0.~.1 feet to the easterly line of 'sal~ '~estview Drive"l thenee ~. 11e 17~ 20" W. 122,0 feetl ~hence om a' curve to the right having a radius Of 50.0 feet a ~istan~e of 78.54 fee~ to the southerly llne of the highway known as eBro,er Road#, herein- after described. : The southerly line of said "~estview Drive" begins at a O°norete ~onument set on that Ochres of said westerly line of Grand Avemue ~h ich runs ~. ge 52' 00" Eo 170.88 feet northerl~ along said westerly lime from the southerly tern~lnus of said course, being also 50002 feet southerly alon~ said westerly line from the point of beginnir~ of ;the northerly line of said "Westview Drive~, as hereInabove ~escribed! ~ns S. 78e ~2' 40" ~. ~OAotA feet to an iron pipe ~nd the e~sterly line of the highway known as "Mayflower Road~, hereinafter ~escribedl. thence across aai~ "Mayflower Roadw om the same course, 50o0 feet to~ a concrete ~om,,=emt and the westerly line of said "Mayflower thence ~. ?1° 42' 40" W. ~00.0 feet to a iron pipe and the easterly ~ine of said hi.g~,wa7 ~wn as "Woodeliff Drive"; ~henoo across said Woodcliff DriVe on the same course, 50.~8 feet to a comorete monument and the westerly line of said "~oodcliff Drive"~ thence S. ?1e 42' W. 220.0 feet to an iron pipe; themes on a curve to the left having a radius of 5~.51 feet a distance of 81.85 feet to an iron pipe and the easterly line of acid "~estview Drive"; thence S. 11e 17' 20# Eo ?~5o.0 feet to a comcrete monument and the northerly line of said "~rower themce across said "Brewer Roade on the same eourse, 50o~8 feet.to a concrete monument and the southerly line of said. eBro,er RoadeI thence So 11° 17' 20"'E. 188.97 feet to an iron pipe~ thence on a curve to the left having a ~adius of 100.0 feet a distance of 162.~0 feet to an iron pi~e and the northerly line of said 'W/estview Drive"! thence N. 71° 42~ 40" E. 1V1.gV feet to an iron pipe) thence Nn ~7~ 32~ 50" E. ~l~.gB feet to an iron pipe~ thence on a curve to ~he left having a ~diua of §8.38 feet a distance of 70o14 feet to an iron pipe and the westerlu line of acid "~/estview Drive", thence N. 11° 1V~ 20e We 172.0 feet to a con- crete monument and the southerly line of said WBrowsl' Road"o WOODOLIFF D RI~YE The northerly line of the highway known as "Woodeliff Drive" Begins at a concrete monument set on that course of the westerlu line of Grand Avenue which runs S. 11~ 04' 00" E. 102.80 feet northerly along said westerly line from the southerly terminus of said course, being also 258.72 feet southerly along said westerly line from ~e northeasterly corner of land of William and Har~ry Mason; and runs S. 78e 42' 40" Wo 367.99 feet; thence S. ?1° 42~ 40 ~o 249098 feet; thence on a' curve to the left having a radius of 106.51 feet a distance of 154029 feet to the westerly line of said ~oodeliff Drive feet ko a concrete monument and the northerly line of tho highway known as wThe Anchorage=; thence across ,The AnohorEge" and ac~ose a highway known as eWestview Drives, heroinabove describ~, on tl~e same course, 196.59 feet to a concrete monument and the southerly line of said "Weetview Drive"; thence S. 11e 17t 20u E. 825.0 feet to a concrete monument and the northerly line-of the highway known as "Brewer Road", hereinafter described. The southerly line of said "Wocdoliff Drivee begins at a concrete monument set on that course of said westerly l~ne of Gr~nd Avenue whic~h ~a ~. 11= ~' O~ E; 5~.80 feet l~e f~m ~he so~erl7 ~e~ ~f said course~ berg a~o 5Os0 feet sou~erly along said westerly ~ne f~m ~e ~int of ~he~17 line of sa~ "Wood~liff D~ive" as he~e~a~ve deacrib~ ~a 8. 78° 4~* 400 W. ~.~ feet to ~ i~n pipe} ~enco 3. ?1° 42* ~" W. 246.~ feet to an i~n pipeI ~noe on a o~e ~ the ~ft hav- ~g a ~adius of 5~51 fee~ a-d~st~ce of 81.86 fee~ the easterly l~o of said- ~Woodcliff D~veUl ~co ~. 11° '17* 20uR. 250.0 ~e~ to ~ i~n pipe a~ the northerly l~e of aa~ ~ea~tow DriveS) ~enoe ao~ss said ~ef~i~ D~ive" on feet to an i~n pi~ and ~ son, fly l~e of sa~ "Westv~w DriveS; thence S. 11e 17' R0" R. ~5~0 feet ~o ~e of sa~ "B~wer The northerly line of the highway known as "Brewer Road" begins at the intersection of that course of the westerly line cf G~nd Avenue which ~:~is S. 11e 17! 20" E. with that course vlxich rrrna S. ~8° 15! 20" E.~ and runs thenee on the direct extension southerly of the first ~ourse of said westerly line hereinabove described, 3. 11e 17~ 20' Eo 34.~4 feet to a concrete monument; thence So 78e 42~ 40" W. 500.0 feet to an ir~n pipe and the easterly line of the high_way known as eMayflower Reade, hereinafter described~ thence across said sMayflower Road" on the same course, ~0o0 feet to a concrete monument and the westerl2 line of said n~ayflower ~oad"; thence ~. ?1~ 42' 40" ~. ~00.0 feet to an iron pipe and the easterly line of tbs highway known as ~Woodcliff DriveS~ thence across said S~oodcliff Drive~ on the same course 50o58 feet to a con- orate monument and the westerly line of said "Woodcliff Drivee~ thence 3. 71° 42' 40s ~. 2?0,0 feet to a concrete monumen~ and the easterly line of the highwa~ k-~own as eWestview Drive~. The Southerly line:' of said "Brewer Roade begins at a concrete mon- ument set on that ~ourse of the southwesterly line of Grand Avenue which runs S. §8° 00t 20" Eo ~8.18 feet southeasterly along said aou~h- westerly line fr~m ~he n~rthwesterly te~minu~ cf sai~ course, being also the northwesterly corne~ of land of Edelmann and the nortkeasterl~ corner of la~d of Willia~ and Ha~x-y Mason; and x,Ams tI~enoe S. 78° ~' 40' W. 28g.40 feet to 't~ easterly line of said ~Westview DriveR} theses across said "Westview Drive# g.eo~rees as followsl (1) So 78~ 4~~ AO~ ~. 96.95 feet; thehce (~) ~. ?1e 42~ 40~ W. $o0~ feet to a concrete monument and the westerly line of said eWestvisw Driv~"~ thence S. V1e 42' AO" W~ 620~58 feel to a concrete monument and the easterly line of said ~. "Westview Drive", The easterly line of the highway ~'~own as "Mayflower Road" begins at an iron pipe set on the soutlxerly line of the highway known as - "Westview Drive" 504.24 feet westerly along said southerly line from the westerly line of Grand Avenue] and runs thence $. 11e 17' 20" E. 82500 feet to an iron pipe set on the northerly line of the highway known as "Brewer Road" at a point 500.0 feet westerly along said northerly line fr~m a concrete monument se~ on said westerly line of Gr~nd Avenue, aa hersinabove described° The westerly line of said "Mayflower Road" is parallel with and 50,0 feet westerly from the above described easterly line, measured at righ~ angles thereto° The northerly line of the highway ~own as ~fhe Anchorage~ begins at a concrete monument set on that course of the westerly line of the highway known aa ~oo~cliff Drive" which rune~ g. 11e 17' ~0" E. 110o13 · feet southerly along sal~ westerly line from the northerly terminus of ri t hav~.i~ · radius of Se/d course; and l~mS thence on a curve to the ~ 23.03 fSet a distance of 55.47 feet; thence No 53 lV' 2,0 W. 73.15 feet to a concrete monument; thence No 68e 59~ 30w W. about 202 feet to the ordinary high watex' mark of Mattituok Creek. "The southerly li~e of ~The Anchoragew begins a~ a point on that eoux. se of ~he. northerly line of the highway known as ~eetvtew Drivee which runs $. ,71e 42' 40" W. 746.61 feet westerly along said northerly line from the westerly line of ~and Avenue~ and runs thence on a cur~e . to the left having a ~dius of 26~0~ feet a distance of 55~V9 feet to a concrete mon~nt; thence No 53° 17~ 20~ W. 13Bo9~ feet to a concrete monume~t~ thence N. 83~ 17' 20" W. abou~ 1~1 feet to said ordinary high water max~k of Ya~tituok Creek at a point 100 feet southerly from the westerly tex*eflnus of the northerly line cf STYe Anchoragee, her~lnabove desoribedo