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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST STREET, Fishers Island The undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County o£ Suf- folk, hereby consent that the Commissioner of Highways of said Town, make an order ~ ~ the proposed highway, described in the pursuant to Section 80 of the l-~ighway Law. of the _ Peace TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways !~IN FHE MATTEP~ OF ORDER m ~ . in hand paid by~- as Commissmner~.. of Flighways of t~ Town of Southold. in the County of Suffolk ~d State of New York. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do ~Iereby Consent. Chat a highway be ~ S.J~gr-"-"~ _ and opened across ~.~ ~ premises, in the s,rid Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as · ~, GEORGE W. MILLER, Clerk of the' Court of 'Quarter Sessions, in and for the County of Allegheny, in the Oommonwealth of pennsyl- vania, the same being a of Law and Record, do by these presents Oertify that th~ foregoing......~...~,~,~.~.~,..,.~ ............................ hereunto, in his o~oper handwriting, sub- time, and iska~.- ............................ z ..................... and for said County of Allegheny, duly and sworn, a~d authorized by law of the Common- wealth to take a.~davits and acknowledgments of deeds for lands and real estate in said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. and to all whose such, due faith and credit are, and of right ought to be given, throughout the United States and dsewhcre. And farthcr, that I am acq~miuted with his handwriting and verily believe the M.#nature d~ereto to be his genuitle slg~latm'e. ~ that the forcgoi,,.~ ........... aCC~~ .................... wa~ taken in aecor~a?,ee I further ,.itl, t~,e l~,ws of the ~t,lte of ~,.,~l~a,~ia.:' // ~ ...- ' IN TESI'L~£ONY WHF~..OF, ~ haoe hcrem~to set ~y 1,q~ and a~xe.d~bc seal qf the/.said Court · .at rittsbar-h this .~...~ ......... day of Y , .............................................................................................................................. ~--: .............. ;- ..... / , ............ ......... and __.----- to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. T~OWN OF $OUTHOLD Gommissioner~ of Highways IN THE MATTER OF RELEASE ..................... to ~ in hand paid by ~ as Commissionerl~. of Flighways of the Town of Southold. in the County of Suffolk and State of l'~ew York. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do l-Iereby Consent. that a highway be premises, m the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as follows: . And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason 7~7 ~"-" and openiug such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof J have hereunto set ~ hand and seal this /~day of (3~/~ , x9of. In presence of State of New York ) Suffolk County~ ss. came ? On this J6 ~day of , t9o/, before me personally ~ ,, to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Comm~sione~ of Highways IN TI'IE MATTER OF RELEASE OF To ~ae Oo.~issioners of I~i~-~y's. , Of tae town of Soutk01d in the. County. of1 Suffolk. Tae ~de~signed liable to be assessed for hi~wa/hlabor ~o~ of Seut~old, ~ereby apply to you to lay out a ai~wmy-in te~' co~encing at intersection ef road to be ~o~ as Belle Hill 'Ro~d, and-ter~dna%~ng ~% ~ques%ri~ Avenue as_!mzd do~ in s~id ros, d ~o be kno~ as Wes~ Street, ~ich proposed road Will '~asS t~roug~ tae lands of ~r E. [~j ~er~son; Mr W~iton Wilbur~WnO consen~ ~o %~e ~y~ ou% of su~ ~ig~way. for and in consideration of the sum of ~ ~ ~ __ . to ~ , in hand paid as Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~ ~-a~A-'~'-~' ~ and opened across ~ ~ premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And /Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason ol ~ ~ and opening snch highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof ~'~ have hereunto .set hand and seal this ]'f day of I9O,I. In presence of State of New York Suffolk County SS. came t9o/ , before me personally to me kuown and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissionec$ of Highways IN THE MATT£1~ OF RELEASE OF ~ At a meetiag hehl by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the '~ ~' day of ~ , t9oi, for the purpose of deliberating on the propriety of ~ a highway ~ iu said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of ~ ~.~/..~.~.-~.-~.n-~. ~ person.[liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Towu, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, and releases from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, the considera- tion of any one claimant not exceeding 8~oo, and to all the claimants not exceeding 85oo, it is ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: ~ Dated, this,~O~day of ~ , ~9oJ. Commissioner~ of Highways TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways TIlE /~IATT~R OI~ ORDER