HomeMy WebLinkAboutWESTPHALIA AVENUEC · e© TO THE TOWN SUPEMINTENDENT OF T{IGHWAYS OF THE TOWN O~ · SOUTHOLD: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway ~axes i~ the Town of Southold, hereby applies to 7ou to alter a highway in said Town, known as W~. STPHALIA AVE;~E by changing the cottvse of a part of the seine, so ~h~:s~$ shall run as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side or line of Westpha- lia Avenue, at ~[attituck, adjoining land of the Long Island Rail Road Company and ~ld of Albert H. S~lkworth, and running thence N. 850 ~A, W. ZO feet to a road marker; which is <1.8 feet distant from an Oak tree; thence running N. ?0. AS' W. 0~.~ feet to a road marker on the Westerly side of Westphalia Avenue near the bridge; the Easterly line of said proposed, alteration to be parallel to and three rods distant from said Westerly line, which proposed alter- ation will pass through the improved lands of 7our applicant, Albert H. Silkworth, only; and for the discontinuance of such part of ~estph~lia Avenue as now laid out at ;~attituck, in the said Town of Southold, in the County of Eu'ffolk and State of New York, as is not contained r.~it~in the limits of the above PrOPOSed alteration, all of which also lies within lands of which the fee belongs to 7our applicant, Albert H. Silkworth, who hereby consents to ~uch proposed laying out, alteration and discontinuance. Dated July ~9. 1916. C · · · Present: At a meeting Of the To~~ at ~~, in said TOE, on the 7~%j~ daf of David W. Tuthill, Joseph N. Halleck, William W. Griffin, Charles G. Core¥, Elbort E. Luce, William A. ~asson, ) George H. Fleet, To~m having met Supervisor. Town Olerk. Justices. Superintendent of Highways. We, the undsrsign~d, and considered the application of Albert H. Silkworth to alter Westphalia Avenue at l~attituck, as set forth in his application hereto annexed, dated July 29,, 1918, ~ud having heard the allegations in favor of such proposed alter- ation, and after due deliberation thereon, hereby sensent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order , alto~?ing a part of the highway known as Westphalia Avenue, at ~,lattituck, by changing the cottrse of a part thereof.so the s~me shall run, as followS: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side or line of Westpha- lia Avenue, at Nattituck, adjoining land of the Long island Rail ~oad Company snd land of Albert H.'Silkworth, and running thence N. 6S° 24' W., SO feet to a road ms_vker, which is 41.8 feet distant fmom an Oak treet; thence running N. ?0o 48' W., 555.2 feet to a road marker on the Westerly side of Westphalia Avenue near the bridge; the Easterly line of said proposed alteration to be paralle~ ~to and three rods distant from said Westerly line, which proposed alteration will pass through the improved lands of the applicant , Albert Ho Silkworth, only; and to the discontinuance of such part of Westphalia Evenue, as no~ laid out at Eattituck, in the said Town of Southold, in the ~ount¥ of Suffolk and Etate of New York, as is not contained within the limits of the above alteration, all · · · · · · of which also lies withal lands of which the fee belongs to the said app~ Lica~t, Albert H. Silkworth. , Justice of the Peace. ~ ~ 'f,'~ii'~ ~'~~ , Justice of the Peace. , Juctice of thc Peace. .... ~/% ~' ,~ ~ , Justice of t'he Peace. ~ ~~~/___A~, Town Euperintendent of Highways. I, ALBERT H. SILK~0RTH, of Mat%ituok, in the Tow11 of Southold, county of ~uffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the al*eration of a highway in said Town of Southold, known as westphalia Avenue by changing the course of a par~ of the same so that the same shall run as folloWS: Beginning at a pein* on the westerly side or line of ~es%phalia Avenue, a% MattitueK, adjoining land of the Long Island Railroad Company and land of Albert H. ~ilkworth, and tanning %hence N. 63° 24' W. 30 fee~ %o a road marker, which is 41.g fee% dis~an`s from an oa~ `sree; thence running N. 700 ~6' W. 555.2 fee`s `so a road marker on the ~e~erly side o2 wes`sphalia Avenue, near `she Bridge; %he Eas`serly line of said proposed al~era`sion to be parallel 'so and three rod3dis`san`s from said ~es~erly line, which al`sera`sion passes `shrough `she improved lands of me, %he said Alber~ H. 9ilKwor%h, only, as described on a Map made by Franklin F. Over`son, ~urveyor, May ~th, 1916, dQ hereby dedicate to `she Town of $outhold, `she s`srlp of land Three rods wi~e above described `shrough my lands and do hereby release said term from all damages by reason of the laying ou`s alSera`sion and changing of `she course of said highway as aforesaid. Da~ed 9eptember 15`sh, 1916. $`saSe of New Yo~Ir.., t county of SuffoIk, 89: on before me person~ly came ALBERT /~ay of september, 191 H. SI~KWORTH, of Ma`sti%uek Suffolk County, New YorK, personally Known to me and Known `so me to be the same person described in and who executed and he duly acknowledged `so me the foregoing ins`srument; ~hat he executed the same. The undersigned GEORGE H. FLEET, the Town Superintendent of Highways, of the Town of 2outhold, having met with the Town Board of the Town of ~outhold, on the 7th day of AUgt~l 1916, at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, and having Beard the allegations both in favor of and in opposition to the alteration of the highway in said Town, known as ~est~halia Avenue, NOW, upon the written application of ALBERT H. SILKWORTH, a person liable to be assessed for Highway LabOr in said Town, which application is hereto annexed, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, having been given, as prescribed by law, which is hereto annexed, and the Release from damages having been executed by Albert H. gilkworth, the only owner of the land through which the proposed alteration is to pass, which is hereto annexed, the consideration paid to any one claimant for m~oh damage being nothing and to all the claimants bein nothing, and due deliberation having been had thereon, it is hereby 0RDEREB AND DETERMINED that part of the highway at Nattituok, in the Town of 9outhold, County of ~uffolk and 9tats of New York, known as `westphalia Avenue, be altered by changing the course of said highway as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side or line of Westphalia Avenue, at Nattituek, adjoining land of the ~.ong Island Railroad Cc~pany and land of Albe~t H. 9ilkworth, and running thence N. 6~° R4' West ~0 feet to a road ~arker which is 41.6 feet distant fram an oak tree; theuce running N. 70° 46 ' W. 555-2 feet to a road marker on the Uesterly side of ,westphalia Avenue, near the Bridge; the Easterly line of said Alteration to be parallel to and three rods distant from said westerly line, which al%eratidn passes through the improved lands of Albert H. gilkworth only as described on a NS made by Frar~lin F. Overton, Surveyor, May ~, 1916, and such portion of westphalia Avenue as is not contained within such alteratl~ di scont ina ed. Dated this /&~dayL of 1916. Town ~P_srlnte_ndent of Highways the Town o~ Southold. MAP OF PART OF WESTPHALIA AVE, /~IATTITI~G/~ N,Y.- STRAIGHTENED MAy ~1~. FROM ~.R. To BRIDGE, SCALE: