HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST MILL ROAD To the Towm Superintendent of Highways of the Town of 5ou-~hold, in the CoUnty of Suffolk and State of New York.' The undersigned~ liable to be aseeesed for highway taxes in the said To~n of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out, alter a~d straighten a highwmy in amid Town of Southold~ known ms highway leading from the 01d Mill tc Oo~s Lane, by including within said highway m etrip of land d~sorib~d as follows~ ALL that tra~t or parcel of lar~ eit?~ate in the Town of Southold~ 0curtSy of Suffolk and StaDe cf New ~o~k~ at ~ox~e Neck, near Mattltuok, lying b~twe~n two parm!lel lines 49.5 feet apart~ defined by a center line 2~..?~ feet from sash of said pmrmllsl lines~ said center defining line being described as follows~ Beginning at a point in the center line of the highwmy leading westward from the 01d Nill at Mattituek Inlet to Oox'e Lane, said point being 24~75 feet easterly fro~ a concrete mon,~ment ~arking the southeasterly $orner of land of E. Bom~ot, ~ur~ning thence S. 21°15 S. E70 52~i0"No=I0~.52 feet~ thence $. feet~ thence $.58°~?'~0"W~67o1~ feet W.~275.80 feet, thence to interse0tion with the center line of said roa~ as now monumented and used~ at a point opposite the southeasterly corner of lmud of ~reo F. So Ashlsy~ amd each deflection point in the westerly line as above defined is marked by a g~anite or a sonurete monument~ These lines are shown on a certain map of survey made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Surveyor~ Greenport~ N. Y~, dated J~nuary 10th~ 1925~ to be filed in the office of the Clerk of said Town~ and by excluding from said highway a strip of land d~seribed as foitows~ ALL that tract Town of Southold, Co~uy of 0ox~e Neck, near ~mttituok, or paro~l of land situate in the SUffolE and State of ~ew York, East of a line parallel to and E4o75 feet Emeterly from a certain cenze? line described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the ~b~ghway leading westwar~ from the Old ~il! at Mattituck Inlet Oox's L~ne, said point being ~4.75 feet easterly from a concrete monument marking the southeasterly corner of lar~ of ~)~thenos S.~8°~40~W.-87.~ feet to intersection with the ioenter line of said romd as now monumented a~d u~ed. Th~e Tuyl~ ~veyor~ 'Gre~nport, E.Y,, date~ J~nuary filed in t~e office of the Olerk of s~id To~ w~oh ~ropo~ed l~ying out~ ~ltermtion ~nd straightening will pa~ the lends of D. m~ted the ~ day of ~E~ the undereigned, a majority of the Town Board of t~c own o_ Southold~ having met at tho offio.e of the ~upe~visor, at Greenport~ in said Town on the day of ~y~l~E5, and oonsidered the application of Daniel D~ Jaokson, for thc straigh%ening~ alteration and laying out of ~ highway k~own as highway leading from thc 01d Hill to Oox~s Lane~ at Nattituok~ in said Town, do hereby oonsent that such str~ightening~ alteration laying out bc made in aooor~anoe with thc prayer of the within petition~ Dated at Gr~cnpo~t~ Supcrvisor~ ~ . To~n cf H~ghways~ DANIEL Do JAO~£ON~of ~mttituok, iR the Town of Southold, Oounty of Suffolk ~nd State of New Tork, in sider~tion o~ the s~ of ONE DOLOR, ~o me in ~nd paid by George ~. Fleet, To~ S~o~rlntendent of Hi~way~, of eaid To~ of Southold~ ~d in ~ther oo~ider~tion of ~e laying out~ altering ~ str~i~tening of ~ hi~wmy in staid To~ Oouthold~ ~ ~s ~ighway le~ding From the Old Mill to ~Oox's Ne$~ by o~nging the oo~se of m p~rt of the s~me ti~t s~id ro&~ will include ~ width of *g.S feet~ defined by line being defined as ~oliows: Begi~ng ~t ~ point i~ the center line o~ the ~nw~y le~ding westwmrd fro~ t~ Old Eill mt ~attituok Inlet to uox~s L~ne. said point being ~.T~ Feet e~sterly From m concrete mon~ent ~rking t~e 8outhem~terly corner of l~n~ of E. BO~mOt~ r~ng thence ~ Bi°!8~ 275~80 feet, thence S. 27°~2~10~W~-10~.52 feetS thence intersection with th~ o~n%er line of s~id ro~d ~s now merited and us~d~ at m point opposite t~ southeasterly corner of ls~nd of ~s. F. S. Ashley, ~ud s~oh deflection point in the ~-esterly line ~$ above defined is ~ked by ~ ~anite or a concrete mon~ent. Tnes~ lines are ~so~ on ~ certain of s~v,y made by Otto W. V~ Tuyl, S~veyor~ ~eenport, dated Jmn~ry lOth~ 1925s to be Filed in the office of the Olerk of $~id To~, w~oh propos~ ~lt~ation~ straightening ~nd l~ying out passes t~ou~ the l~d of s~id Daniel D. J&okson only~ do hereby ~s~ioate ~d release to t~ Town Southold, ~ll l~d h$retofore owned by me lying within the bo~darios of said hi.way ~s above d~scr~bed, s~nd do hereby r.le~se s~id To~ ~om mll ~mge~ by re~on of th~ l~ying out~ ~lter~tion ~d straightening of th, oo~se of s~id ISTATE OF NE~ YORK, ~COUNTY OF OUFFOLK. On t~e ~ ~ j ~7 of ~m~, 1925~ Suffo~E Co~ty~ N~ Y~k, per~o~liy ~oE to me ~d ~own ~o me to bs the s~me person ~escribed in ~d who x c ted the f~egoing inztr~ent; ~ he duly mo~owledged to me ~hat h~ oxeoutod s~s. ~ In the Nattsr of the Application DANIEL D. JACKSON, ~'iz-z-//I M t~, t% I P for the Straightening, Alteration and b~ying Out of a Highway known a~ highway leading from the Old ~ill to Cox's Lane, at ~at~ttuck, in said Town. ~ APPLICATION, Consont of Town Board~ Release of Damages. (Original).