HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST CREEK AVENUEAt a meeting held by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold in the deliberating on the propriety of ~-~["-' a highway at ~ in said Town. hereinafter desoribed, on tke written application of 4~.-'t.-'l~ d ~ a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town. and thc wr~**e,~ '~n~"t ',f thc Town Board ol smd Town. and~a~'-a"from the ownerJof the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same as hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: Commissioner of Highways $OUTHOLD ORDER in the Town of ~ __ . County of Suffolk and State of New York. for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold. in said cormty, a strip of land across my premises in said town for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been sur*'eyed and is described as follows: 5~- ~x ~- I .......... And I also hereby release said town /'rom all damages by reason of the laying out and ..... opening such highway ........... IIq WITNESS WHEREOF, .I have hereunto set my hand and seal thisJ. ...... day of ~ of ..... :-- ' ~ _ STATE OF NEW YORK' SUFFOLK COUNTY _On this___ /~' ~ _~lay of .... ( _ - .~-~.. ~ _ One _ .~9_usa_n_~__~n~e__H~uEdre~__a~.n_d_. _j~.~_' __..~.~ ,_~be_f~.r__e_ me personally came to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that e executed thesame. TOWN OF Commissioner $OUTHOLD of Highways IN THE MATTEI~ OF~.~tw~ ' APPLICATION Avenue~ at F!eet~s Neck~ in said Tow9 New York, as fotlows~'- sale~ Fifth oourse~ an~ bein& ~iaF'o~ally opposite T~est Creek Avemue as lal?~ out. The allered port,on to be ~2 feet wi~Te~ and ail of sai~l hiFhway as laid out or~lnal!v~ between t}~e enSs as'a~-ove aitere~ not "~ Fleet a;l~ ~Iai,~ ~. Fl~et~ his wi~e~ om!y~ ~own o~ So~%~o1~ bav~n~ met at g e of~ee be Su~erv]sor~ a~ oonsi~ere~ the application of ~eor~e }{~ Fleet a~r~ Ka~e ~. Fleet~ Ave~ue~ at F!eet~ Nec~ in saiY~ Tow~ of Sou%%ol~, Suffolk County~ New York~ de hereby consent that such alteratio~ be made in accordance w~tb the prayer of the within pet~tion~ Cutcho~ue~ ~ov~n of Sout~o2~ Suffolk Cou~ty~ Now comsideration of the su~ of One Dotlar~ to ns in hand pal~ by Soutbol~ am~ in further Oonsi~eratJo~ ~ the a!teratio~ of ~est Creek Avouue~ at Fleet~s Neck~ In said Town of $outbotd~ ~ASTERLY line as ~lte~ea is aescribed as sai~. Fifth ceurse~ and ~ei~ dia~o:~a~ly opposite the northea~ier!y T%~ altered port,on to ~e ~ feet as l~!~ out o~i~lly~ bet~een the ~nds as which ~ropose~ alteration passes t~rou~h Fleet an5 Kmte E~ Flee%~ his w~e~ on!y~ and inoludeY~ within the premises a~cove ~escr-ibeS, and ~o here~y Date~ this day of Fe~r~ry~ 1999~ ~Y OF SUFFOLK. On thi~ his ~e~ o~ C~tcbo~ne~ Suffol~ ~ount~ New York~ personally TO~~ OF ~ n'L"T ~ OLD · In the Matter o~ the Applicat~on 8E0~GE H. FLEET and RATE FLEET, his wife, · SOP the ,Iteration oi' ~ST CREEK AVENU~, at Fleet's Nectr~ in the Town oC Southold, Suci~olk Cour~y~ Ne~v York. APPLICAT I0N, CONSENT OF T0'~ BOARD, P~LEASE OF DASttGES. The uildersitmae~ liable to be the To~,.~ of ~ou~hoid~ i~emeby apply to you to alter s.n~ wi~en s higL~ay i;'~ the To~n of Southold, ~uffolk feet the office ef~pervisor~ at Fteet~ his v~Fe~ for the altering and =i&ening of ~ Dighway in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Oounty~ New Tork~ ai Outch~gue~ ~ewn as ~eot Oreek ATenue~ de her,e~by consent that sue5 hig~w~y be altered and widen%d in aecord~uoe with the prayer of the within petition~ altering and wzde~ing a ~ie,~y ~n the ro%~ of ooutho~d~ Suffolk ~ste~ i~ line m~dene~_ portion ~ ~ ~ ~ '- said D:~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~BO~ W~-25~09 feet to a concrete monument~ thence parallel to ~n~ 50 feet distant e of Ol~ rastu~ ~e~eby release said To~ from al! damages ~ ~ of the ~j reason me ~d k~o~ to m~ to be the s~e persons desoribed i~ and acknowledged to me that they e~ecnt~d the To the Commi~ioner of Highxvays of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk:-- ...... The undersigned, liable to be asse~ed for highway labor in your to~vn, hereby ap- pj~ies tq yo~:~_~:o lay out a highway in said town as follows: ~_ ~ ~ ~ w]fich proposed highway will pass through the lands of , ~9oy. TOWN OF SOUTHOI~D Commissioner of Highways IN THE MA'fTER 0 : AP'PL,ICATION _i In the ~Matter of the Application -of- .~ATE B. FL~:i~T, his '.,ifc, for the a].terin~ an(l ~(~en~ng Sotlt~ol~, Su~foI]r County, New ,[e~,t ~ree~. ~ivenue.