HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST ROADTo the To'~ Superintendent of Highways of the Town Sou%hold~ in the Oo~nty of ~folk a~d S%mte of New York: the maid Town of Southold~ hereby applies to you to alter the highway know~ as ~EST ROAD at ~leet's Nook, in the ¥illmge of Outohogue, Tow~ of Southold~ S~'fo2J~ Oo~ty~ New Tork, des~ e~ibed ~ fol!ows:~ The ~or~hsrly ti~e as altered to begin at a ~on~ete mon~ent on the westerly li~® of ~leet"e Nook Road, dis%~a?t $1o~ Feet northerly~om the firs% defleotion point in said westerly line Peq~$~ Avenue)~ dmted ~h t~, Isgs, ~d re~orded in the opposite ~ old ~ite mon~ent w~oh~ks ~ defleeti~ $out~riy line of t~$ romd; ~eoond Oo~se: $. ~°40~10- ~--lSl.$O f~e~ to m point dimgonm!ly opposite ~ old ~te mon~ent msrking ~ defl~tion in the southerly line of ~s ro~; thenoe ~rd Oo~se:~ $. ~o$$'$0" ~,-165,5~ Feet to m point di~gonmlly opposite an old ~a~te mon~ent m~ng a defies%ion in the ~outherly line o~ t~ ~o~d; ~ked by oonorete mo~ents set on the e~sterly li~e~ of Swo new bemringm ~e mm~e~lc, ~d a map show~g all OF the ~bove g~th~ with other ro~ at ~leet~s Nook, ~s be~ ~de by Otto ~ Vm~ T~i~ ~oensed ~v~yor~ ~eenport~ N.~.,~and i~ filed herewith ~ds m p~t of ~i~ w~ioh propoSod mi%station will pass through the ~uds of George day of August~ 1928. Ne~ the undersig~.ed~ m majority of the Town ~oard o~ the Town of Sou2hold~ having met m% the oFfioe of the SUpervisor, at ~reenport, in s~id Town~ on the ~ ~ d~y o~ ~<~ 1~8, and o~sidered the mpplieation of ~eorge ~. ~Iee% for the in t~e Village of Gut~kngue, Town of $outhold~ $~ffolk Oe%zaty, New York~ do hereby o~nsent that suoh mlter~tion be m~de in with the prayer of the within pe%itiom. ) ) I~ GEOR~ ~. FLEET~ of Out~hogue~ uffo_k ~o~ty~ New Xork, in consideration of %he s'~ of One Del!ar, to me in hand paid by George a. Fleet, Town SUperintendent of~ighways of the Town of Southold, ~d in f~%her ~onsideration of the altering of the highway k~oWn as ~EST ROAD a% ~lee%'s Neck, in the Village of Outc~gue, Town of Southola~ Suffolk Oou~ty, New Tork~ ms follows:~ The northerly line as altered to begin at a oonorete monument on the westerly line of Fleet~s Neck Eoad, distant 9!oS feet northerly from the first deflection point in smid westerly line ~!ms described in 0rdor laying out ~leet~s Neck Road (then k~ow~ ms ~lPequ~sh Avenue)~ dm%ed Nabob 1~, 18TS, ~nd recorded in the Southold i~Town 0ierk~s office in Liber I ~t pmge elS; r~i~ t~noe ~irsl Oo~se: S. ~°4~00" W.~$2.$O feo~ to a pein% ~ia~nml!y opposite ~n old ~te mon~ent w~oh~ks ~ defleoti~ in the ~outherly line of t~s romd; thence Seo~ Oo~s~: S, ~8o ~0't0~ W.-lS!.$O feet %o m poiu~ dimgon~ ~lly opposite mn old ~ite mon~en% ~ki~ m defleotlon in the southe~-ly ti~e of t~s ~omd; thence T~rd Oo~se:~ S. ~ ~Z~" ~.-18~.SU feet to ~ point diagonally opposite mn old ~te mom~ent m~king ~ deflection in the southerly line of this ro~;thence ~o~t~ ~o~se:~ $. ~o SS~ 40" W, ~boUt 900 feet ~o the easterly side ~ Wick's O~sek ~t ~gh w~ter ~rk; t~s ~'belng ~rked by concrete mon~ents set on the emzterly lines two ~w ~ways w~oA r~ northerly from t~s oo~se~ '~olden Aven~e and West Greek avenue. $~id ro~d is ~5 feet width~ bearings are ma~etio~ ~d a~p showing ~ali o~ the together with ~ther roads mt Floet'$ Neok~ h~s been ~de by Otto W. V~ ~ayl~ Licensed $~veyor~ ~reen~ort~ N.T.~ ~ is Filed herewitD mr~ ~do ~ p~ of t~s record, which proposed alteration passes t~oUgh the l~ud of *serge H. Fleet only, d~'2~sreby dediemte and re!ems~ to the Town of Southold, all l~nd heretofore owned by me s~d included within the premises above desoribed~ and do hereby relemse said Town from mll d~mmges by reason of fha ~e~io~of smtd highway~ STATE OF NEW YORK~ 0OLd'Tx OF SUFFOLK~ thi o~e GEORG~ ~. FLEET~ d~y of August~ I~Be, before me persor~iiy of ~toP~gue, Suffolk Oo~uty, New York~ persor~iiy known %o me ~nd knoWn to me to be the smme person described in and who executed the foregoing i~strument, mhd he duly mo~uowiedged to me that he executed the same. Notmr7 P~b~io. TOWN .... OF SOUTHOLD o In the Natter of the APplica~ion of ' GEORGE H. FLEET, , for the alteration of the highway known as WEST ROAD at Fleet,s Neck, in the Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk aounty, New York. · APPLI CATION CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD, RELEASE OF DANAGES