HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DRIVES~A~ O~ ~, ~ OF In the ~at~er of ~he laying out of t~ree .attain To~n Hi~w~ys in ~ T~ee of ~holdj C~ty of Suffolk ~tate of New York. OONS~T OF TO~ BOARDt oati~ ~d rel~ai~ ~e ne.essaY l~dS far ~ee ear.in proposed COURT~. R~,OLV~, ~hat eon.ant be and the ~ame hereby is 6i~n ~hat the ~ ~er~t~te~ ef ~ye of the To~ of ~o1~, ~ an ord~ la~ng out ~e aforesaid ~ ~s to ~nsist of ~e i~s ~esortbed in ~e ~id ~edicatton a~ rel~se and to exte~ aa A~eated upon ~e ~P -~-~ed to sai~ applieation, a~ ~ acco~nee with the provisions of Seotion 171 of the ~Y ~w of ~e State of ~ York. ~te~, at the office of the of the l~Oae OUT h.~::~ and ~escribed ~s foiiOws:~ pO~t on ~e ~o~.~erly line of ~e~on ~i~ is ~r~d by a concrete mo~n~ ~nd which po~t Is B~ minu~es, ~0 seoonds Eas$ a ~s~ of ~he eaaterly line of T~st ~ive; ~ing ~henc~ ~uth ~o ~hm poin~ ~r place of be~i~ ~i~-i~ ~ T~ of ~ut~l~, Oo~%y ~ ~0~ ~d State of ~ee~, ~ ~e ~o~the~steriy. corner of ~and OZ ~b (on a curve having a rs~i~s of 18oAS feet) e distance of 28.96 fee~; a con~re~ ~n~n~$ ~ thence ~u~h 66 degreeS, r~i~ thence ~USh $5 ~gre~ 5~ ~n~tes,' to a poin~ m~ke~ by ~ c0~cre~e ~en~ c~ve ~ the righ~ a di~ance of ~2~ ~h~ee ~u~Iy ~o~ the ~ste~ly eide of ~eS~ Drays ~ distance ~ive~ r~ ~h~e ~th 66 deg~es~ ALL that ~eertai~ piece or parcel of l~nd b~i~ in the ~ ~f ~h~ld, Co~y of Sa~oik an~ Yo~, h~d ~ desCriBed ~ folio~:- ~coA~m ~at a disrobe CE t~l soU~h~sterly di~eetioA ~io~ ordinary h~gh water ~egrees~ 58 ~nut~, ~0 seconds at ~l po~m ~O fge% from the ~r~east~iy ii~e s~t ~e t0 the right ~D~s t~ the point or p~ce of beg~n~ ~%V~ll~ O~ ~JFFOLE~ TOWN O~ DEDI~TiONA~YD ~E~E!$, Spli~!~ has bee~ duly made to the ~wa Sup~ri~ %enden~ of~H&ghEa~ $~ ~he Towa of~ Southold ~ iu the Gounty of Smf~oik and ~t~e of -~e~ York~ fo~ t~e laying out of three %ain %own highways to be knov~ as ~T DBIVE, LAEEI~IVEand LAKE GOURT, a~d place ~ b~i~ess at the i~ds th~ w~ch the high~s NOW, THEREFORE, t~ said LiDIGO GOBPOR~TION~ i~ ~nsid~a%ion PRICES To~ S~e~ of ~gh~ys of the T~ of $outho~d, ~he reeeip~ ~er~f is hereby ac~owiedged~ and in f~ther con- sideratio~ ~f the i~i~ out of t~e new high~s~ a~ ~U~hol~, WEST DRIVE, ~ DRIVE and LAEE COURT. DOES HEB~BY DEDICATE, B-~.~ ~ND ,CON%~/ TO THE SAID TOWN O~ ALL that ~a~% o~arcel of '.~d,~situate, lying an~ being BEGINNING a~ a poiR~ on the south~iy ii~e of Leet~n Drive (which Deist is ma~ksd .~y a oen~re~e monument and which poin~ ia ~o~h 4~ ~egre~, ~5 mimUtes, ~0 seconds F~st a distance of 201~04 fe~ from ~he west. er!y ~e=mi~us of the ~oUthe~ly line of Lee.~o~ E~ive and ~he easterly Line of land of Ward)~ r~uing thence South to a po~t markzng %he ~mterseotzon of ~he southerly iz~e of Lake Drive with the easterly tine of West Drive; running %hence SOuth or less, to a polar o~ ~h~ westerly li~e of the premises hel~ln dee¢~l~oee {sa~d point ~e~ng ~ne sout~hwes~e~iy corner of the premises he~ei~sori~ad)~ ~m~g thence in a nor~hwesteriy direction a distance Of ZI.57 f~et t~ a point marked by a concrete menu~ent~ ning thence Nor~h~5 ~e~es~ ~5 minute~, ~0 seconds Eas~ a di~an~e of 50~E6 fact t~ the Pei~t or place o~ beginning~ ~$~I~ f~t: r~ ~h~n~ on a ~e to the le~ ~f $26.8$ fee~s ~ug then~ on a c~ve to the ~ a ~st~e of fe~t ~ ~'po~t ~ by a concrete mon~nt~ r~ 66 de~es~ 2~ ~nu~es, 20 ~on~s ~st a dist~ ~ po~t ~ke~ hY a ~o~c~e mon~e~t$ ~i~ %henCe on a ~ong %he ,ea~teriy side of ~st ~ive a dist~ee of 75 or leSS, ~ the souSheas~e~ty ~i~S of ~es~ Dr~e~ ~ or less~ ~o e pein% ~rk~ by a C~e~te thence in a general easter~, nor~heas~e=$F~ sou~aS~ari~ a~d eas~e~iy direction ~o ~he westerly line of ~y~s ~ad ~sald eo~s~ ~ei~ a~ ~1 points ~ti~ ~ ~ 59 fe~t. diS~ line of the p=~is~ h~e~ ~ea~ri~e~}$ =~i~ ~hen~e nor~ly %he westerly line of K~'S E~a~ ~m the point or place of be~i~ ~ that t~a~ or par~ of land situate, lying ~d being in the ,~C~a Of ~ou~ho!~d, Oou~y of ~fo~ ~d St~t~ of N~ York. bo~ded BEginNING at ~ point ma~ked by a concrete monume~ on ~he southerly se~ ~st a dis~anc~ of ?5~i4 f~et~ r~n~i~ ~henu~ o~ a ~he !~ a dish.ce Of ~,~ f~e~ ~o a pcin~ ~ked hy a ~O~ ~S ~ea~ ~d); ~ ~henoe in a ~ou%~S~a. iy air~tz~n ~ o~i~ry hi~. ~%er m~k of G~at Pond a ~S~ance of 6g~5 ~s~ {0n ~ line pa~ii~ ~o ~ a~ a~ points 50 f~e$. ~o,m ~he north~ ~s~erly ~e of the presSeS herein des~ribed~ ~ dis~ee c0nti~ ~e~e ~n a ~ig~t c~ve ~o the ~ght~on ~ ~ve~ ~alleZ ~o ~d a~ ~ po~ ~0 ~e~ dis~ant from the ~e of ~he pre~ses here~ ~$~c~bed) a distance 0f 112~2~ $oU~e~Iy ti~ of ~e ~i~. ~i~ throe North ~5 d~rees, u~e~ 30 $~con~ ~st aio~ the southeasterly line Of ~k~ ~ive to the po~ or piece of begi~. J~ND the maid LIDIOG OORP~t~¢~ does hereby releas~ sai~ Tom~ fr*m all dmma~e~ by rea~o~ of ghe iayi~g out ~g ~he ~aid ~bovs described ne~ highw~ys~ iN ~NESS ~EOF, the its duly authorized officer ~him qgth ~ay of sai~ LIDIO0 GOEPO~ON ha~ ~aus~d its Decen~0¢r I~50~ STATE OF NE~ YOHK, COUN~ OF Mew York the 29th ~ay Of December , I950, before ~e c~ to me known~ who~ being bym~ duly sworn, did depose amd say that he ~,~ev/0od ~._~ (N0 o~P~e~ ,~.~he~ ~ Di~ x~'~ ~h~ he:i~ the ~siden~ o~ ~DICO ~.~OH, the corporation and which exesu~ the foregoing instruments that he k~ows the seal of said co~porat~O~ that ~he seal affixed ~o said inst~men$ is ~sh corporate seals that it ~s so affixed by order of the B~ard off EM_rs~$ors of ~mid corpo~l~a~$io~; ~nd ~hat he signed hie n~me thereto by iik~ order~ / Notmry ~biico No, 4b0656t00 LONG /$L ,~ ND SOUND LL ETON D t~I V£ LEE TON P/~/~t¢ 107 C£N TR,~ L LAKE I E£TON t~.~t~/1' DRIVE .,f .5-~. O O · ZEE TON % MAP OF WEST SOUTHOLD-ON-S'OUND PLOTS NO. 1-234 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK OOUNTY-NEW YORK SCALE I"=100' COURSES MAGNETIC OWNED BY LIDICO CO~POR ATION N~.,.,.,.. 4~ WADING RIVER, N.Y. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEF-LAND SURVEYOR NEW YORK STATE LICENSE NO. 7885 JULY 1980 MAP NO, 85/4-