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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWELLS AVENUEORDER LAYING OUT A HIGPP~JAY WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TO?.~ BOARD. Written application having been made To me town superintendent of highways the Town of Southold~ Suffolk ~ounty~ New York~ by Kathryn No Wells ~nd other, personm liable ~o be assessed for highway taxes in said Town and the ~written corzent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and release Rom damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed hig~hway is ~o be laid out~ copy of which is hereto . annexed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ it is 'hereby ORDERED AND DETERminED that a highway shall be mud the same ia hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- Said highway is ~o be known as W~LLS AVEN~JE~ The Easterly line is described as followe:~ BEGINNING au e point on the southerly line ef Hain Road on the division line ~e~ween land of Charle~ H. Becktold and land of Estate of George Ho Wells and running thence along said divisinn line, two cou~ses~ as follows:- 1. S. tBo A~ l0w E. 871.78 feet; thence 2~ No 700 22~ 20e E. 1&~.89 feet =o the southeasterly corner of l~ud of said Charles H. Becktold and ~o land of 4~ Barton Hill; thence along said land of L. Barton Hlil~ two courses~ as follows:- i. S, 2Ge 5~~ O0~ E. ??8.08 feet; thence ~ ~. $. lgm 09~ 10~ E. 1~98 feet; thence along other land of Estate of ~eorge Ho Wells on a curve to the rig~ whose radius is 249.~ feet a distance I~n said curve of~lgOl2~ fee~; thence a~ong other land of Estate of George H~ ~eltw~ $. 24* SO' 60~ W. 8~.07 feet; thence along other land of Estate of ~Gcorge Ho ~elle ~n a curve to the left whose radius is leg,Z8 feet a distance on said curve ;f 195.30 feet; thence along land of Estate of ~eorge H. Wells~ thr~e courses, am fo!lows:~ 1. $. 5In O0~ O0~ E. 408.00 feet; thence ~ $. 49o 40~ ~0w E. ?~.SZ feet; thence ~. S. 58~ ~0~ O0~ E, 80.00 feet To the northwesterly corner of lot number lA as sho~a% on a map entitled~ ~Plan, of Lots owned by George H. ~ells situate let Southold~ Suffolk County~ New Yor~ dated Nov. 10, I92~ and filed in guffolk County Clerk's Office Nov, ~8, 1927 in File N~mber 859; thence along the westerly lime of Lot No. !~ on said map~ S. 2~o ~ E. 55.0 feet; thence along the westwrly line of lot No. iS on said~p~ ~. 4~ 48~ ~0~ E. 58.0 feet; ~.~ence aio~g the ~esterly line of Lot No~ XZ on, said map, S. 2~ ~ W. feet; thence along ~he westerly line of Lot No. ll on said mmp~ $% 41~31~0 72.85 fee~; ~hence along the westerly line of Lot No. 10 on said map, S. $0~ W. ?0.0 feet; thence ~long tDm westerly line of Lo~ No. 9 on said S. 8~0~ W. ~0.0 feet; t~nce along the northerly line of Lots Nos, 8,7~8 and 8 on said m~p, &. 81~ 40~ W. 40~.21 feet; thence along the northerly line of Lots Nos. 4~ $~ ~ and 1 on said map, S. ?So 20~ W. ~80 feet ~o the easterly line of Oa~ Lawn Avenue at a ooint about E~O feet northerly from the shore of Jockey Said proposed highway is ~o be 50 feet wide excepting opposite ssld south- leastarly corner of l~ud of Charles H. Becktold et which point said highway is ~idsned by a c~rve to the right whose radius is 80 feet~ begir~uing on said ~outherly line 50 feet southerly from said land of C. Ho Becktold and running on said curve a distance of 12~.85 feet ~o a line 80 feet westerly from said ~and o~ L. Bsrroa Hill, I hlch proposed laying ouw will pass through lands of the Estate of George H. / 'I(~ ~upe~-n~endent of Highways. rO £HE ZO~I SUP'~RINTEND£NT OF HIGH~ OF TEE TO~ OF SOUTHQLD, IN TKE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~D STATE OF NEW yORK. The und~rsig~ad~ liable To be a~sessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold~ hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at $outhold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as WELL~ AVENUE, and deacribed as Fotlows:- Easterly line ia described a~ Follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Main R~d on the division line between land of Charles H. Bscktotd and land of Estate of George H~ ~[ells and running thence along said division line, two courses, as follows:- 1o S. t5~ 45~ tO~ Eo 571.78 f~et~ thence B~ N. 70~ ~ 20~ E, 14~89 feet ~o the ~utheasterly corner of land of said ~narles H~ Becktold and ~o land of L~ Baron Hill~ thence along said land L, ~rPon Hill~ two cc~ses, as follows:- t~ S~ 200 68~ ~ E. 7~8.08 feet~ ~h~nce 2~ S. 19. 09~ lO:~E, i87,98 feet; thence alone other l~d of Estate of George H, Nellz on a c~ve to ~he ri~t whose radius is E49~8~ feet a on said c~v~ of l~O~ feet~ thence alone o~her l~d of Estate of George Wells, a. ~G GO~ 80~ W~ 84~07 fe~t~ ~hence along other land of Estate of George H~ ~ells ~ a curve vo ~he left whose radiua is 1~38 feet ~ dist~c~ on said curve of I98~S0 feet~ thence along land of Estate of George H, Wells~ ~es co~ses~ az follows:- t~ S. 07~ O0~ GO~ E. 408.00 Feet; ~hence 2~ S~ ~, 40~ 40~ E. 78.8E feat~ thence 3~ 2. 3~ 30~ O0~ E. 60.00 Feet vo the no~thwemto~Iy corner of lot n~ber 14 as shown on a map entitied~ ~PI~ of Loss o~ed by ]~eorge H. Wells situate a~ Southold, Suffolk Co~y, New York~ dated Nov. 10, l~B7 ~d filed Suffolk Cowry Clerk's Office Nov. BS~ I~7 in File N~oer 85~; t~nc~ along the westerly line of Lot No. 14 on said m~p~ S~ 23- 25: E. 56.0 feet~ thence along the westerly line of lot No. ~3 on said map~ 2~4~ 46~ 40~ E. 55.0 feet; thence alo~ the westerly lhe of Lot No. 12 on s~d map~ S. E4~ ~5~ W~ lO0.O faet~ thence alo~ the westerly line of Lot No. !I on said map~ S. 41~1~40 7B.~3 feet~ thence along ~he westerly line of Lot No. t0 on said map~ 50~ W. 70.0 feet~ t~nce along the ~terly line of ~t No. ~ on said map, S. 68~ 20~ W. 70.0 feet; thence alo~ the northerly line of Lots Nos. 5 on s~d ~p~ S. 81~ ~0~ W. 403~21 feet~ thence along the northerly line of Lots Nos. 4~ 3~ B ~d I on said map~ S~ 73e 20~ W. 380 feet vo the easterly line of Oak Lawn Avenu~ az a point about E20 Feet northerly from th~ shore of Jockey Said proposed highway is ~o be 50 Feet wide exceptL~ opposite said south- e~terly corner of l~d of Charles H. ~ktold az which point said high~y widened by a curve zo zne ritz whose radius is 80 f~et, begirming on said southerly line ~ feet southerly from said l~d of C. ~. Becktold mud ~nning on said curve a distance of 123.85 feet zoa line 50 feet westerly From said l~d of L. Barton Hilt~ which proposed 12ying out will pass through the Ignd of the Estate of George WES the u~dersigned~ a maJoi~ity of the Town P~ard of the Te~a~ of $outhold~ having, met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town~ on the /~Y day of ~194~, and ¢o~sidered the application Of KathrYn N. Wells and others for the laying out of a new hiEhway at $outhold, Town of South~l~ Suffolk County~ New Yorks to be known a~ EELLS AVENUE. do hereby consent that such laying out ~e made in acaorda~uca with the prayer of the withi~ l~etiti~ ~ Town~Cierk' ) Peace ) Superintendent of Highways~ ~, KATH~N N. WELLS; CZP, OL E. ~'~ELLS; GLADY2 W. ~R~tlN; HE!~ET ~l'. WELLS; ALICE ~. ~LLS end ELIZABETH H, ~ELLS, all of Southold~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ beLug all of the devisees named in the last %'~3ill and Testamen~ of GEORGE N, WELLS, late of the Term of 2outhold, deceased, in con- sideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR~ -co us in hand paid by H~OLD PRICE, TO~i~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWA~I~J~ of the Town of Southotd: and in further consideration of the t~ying ou~ of a new highway at 2outhotd~ Tomu of $outhold, Suffolk County: New Iork, to be kno.m~ as ~ELLS AVENUE~ end described ~s follows:- The Easterly line is described as follows:- B~GINNiNG at a point on ~he southerly line of ~sin Road on the division line between land of Charles Ho Becktold and land of Estate of George H. ~ells end running thence along said division line, two courses, as follows:- 1. S. 15- 45~ t0~ Eo 871.78 feet; thence 2. N. 70o 22~ 20~ E. 149.89 feet ~o the southeasterly corner of lana of said Charles H. Becktotd and to land of L. Barren Hill; thence along said land of Lo Barton Hill, ~wo couraes~ as follows:- lo S. ~0o $8~ O0~ E, 778~08 feet~ ~hence S, 2. 19o O@~ lOUE. 189.98 feet; thence along other land of Estate of IGeorge H. Wells on a curve ~o the right %fLoss radius is 249.59 feet a distance ca said curve of 190.E3 feet; thence along o~her land of Estate of George Wells, 2. 24o 30~ 50~ W. 84.07 fee~; thence along other land of Estate of G~orge H, Wells on a curve ~o ~he left whose radius is 1~9.38 feet a distance :on said curve of 198.~0 feet; thence along land of Estate of George H. Wells, ~three courses~ as follows:- l. 2. 57c O0~ O0~l E. 408.00 feet; thence 2. S. 490 40~ 40:I E. 76.82 feetS ~hence 3. S. 36e 30~ O0w E~ 50°00 feet ~o the northwesterly corner of lot nun~er !14 as shown on a map entitled, nPlan of Lots owned by George H. Wells situate ~ar So~hold~Suffolk County, New York~ dated Nov. lO~ 1~27 and filed in ~uffolK County Clerk's Office Nov, SS: !9E7, in File Number 859; thence a~ong ~the westerly line of Lot No. 14 on said map, S. S3o E5~ E. 55.0 feet; thence .along the westerly line of lot No, 13 on said map~ So 40 48~ 40" E. 55.0 feet; thence along the westerly line of Lot No. 12 on said map, 2. 240 Z5~ W. lO0,O ~feet~ thence along the westerly line of Lot No. ll on said map~ 72,63 feet; thence along the westerly line of Lot No° l0 on said map~ 50~ We 70.0 feet; thence ~long the ~esterly line of Lot No. 9 on saio map, S. 66o 30~ We 70.0 fee~ thence along the northerly line of Lots Nos. 8, 7~ 6 and !5 on said map, S. 81o 40~ We 403o21 feet; thence along the northerly line of ~Lots ~os. 4, 3,~ and 1 on said map, $. 730 20~ W. 380 feet ~o the easterly line !of Oak La~m avenue a5 a ooint about EeO feec northerly from the shore of Jockey Creek. Said proposed highway is ~o be 50 feet wide excepting opposite said south- ~ssterly corner of land of Charles H. Becktold az which point said hlg~hway is ~Idened by a c~mrve 5o ~he right whose radius is 8~ feet, beginni~ on said l~n said curve a distance o£ 1E3.85 ieet ~o a line 50 fee~ westerl~ from said i and of n. arron iIZ, reason of the laying out of the new nlghway. Beln~ all of the devisees named In the last ;,¥ill and Testament of G~0RGE H. WALLS, dsceased. CbUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the /7 ~- day of ApPll, 194&, before me personally came KATHRYN N. WELLS; CAROL E. ~LLS; GLADf~ ~. ~IN; H~BEkT ~. ~,~LL~; ALI~ ~. WEL~ and ELIZ~EfH H. ~L~, being all of the d~vlsees n~ed In the last Will ~d Testa- ment of ~O~eh H. ~L~, deceased~ all of Southold, New York, personelly ~own to me and ~o~ 5o me uo be the persons descriDed in ~d who executed the foregoing lnstr~ent anG ~aey severally acknowledgeG to me ~hat they executed y ~ubllc, Suff. Co.6/ IN TH~ ~ATT]~ OF THE AP?LIbATION OF KATHRYN N. ~EL~5 AND ORS., for the laying out of a new Highway at Sou~hold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as WELLS AVENUE. APPLICATION; CONSENT; RELEASE end ORD~.