HomeMy WebLinkAboutWATERVIEW DRIVE in the ~atter : of the L~ing out of a certain town ~ghway in the Town cf Southold~ Ooun~ of Suffolk~ State of New ~ork. : CONS~{T T0.WN BOARD UPON READING aND FILING the dedication and release of JULIHS ZEBROSKI mud EASTE~ SUFFOLK REALTY, INC. dated De~e~er iO~ 1954~ duly acknowledged dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for a proposed town highway to extend from Cedar L~ue through lands of said JULIUS ZEBEOSKI ~d EASTEt~ SUFFOLK REALTY., INC. mud other l~uds of JULIUS ZEBROSKI~ to a point ~u the Bay View Town Eighway at the boundary of the said lands of JULIUS ZEBROSKI. RESOLVED~ that consent be ~nd the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid to,wa highway~ the said town highway to consist of the l~ds described in the said dedication and releas~e and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed~ ~all in accordance with the provisions of Section ltl of ~he ~ghway Law of the State of New lork~ Dated~ SePtember 1955 TO~ BOARD OF THE TOWN 0F S0'UTHOLD COUNTE OF SUFFOLK~ NEW ~ORK. SUPERVISOR/ JUSTICE OF T~ PEA~ JUSTICE OF T~E PEACE CLEF~K In the Matter of the of the L~y'~mJag out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Zcrk. Application having been duly made for the laying of a town highway in the To~m of Southold, Suffolk County, New Eork, extending from Cedar Lane to Bayview ~oad and a dedication and release from the owners of and other persons interested ~ the la,ds through which the highway is proposed to be opened, having been given; NOW~ T~EHEFORE, I~ the Town Superintendent of Eighways of the To~m. of Southeld~ SMffoik Co~aty New Eor~ do hereby ~etermi/~e ~ud order that a ~own highway shall be and the smme is hereby laid out in said teton as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the~sterly line of Cedar Lane, 99.20 feet southerly along said westerly line from it's intersection with the northerly lf~ue of the North Bayview Road; and running along land of Zebroski~ 3 courses as follows: (t) N~ 66° 20~ O0~ W. 325.20 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) ~. 38° 37~ 50~ ~. 299°58 feet to a concrete monument; thence (3) N. 57~ $2~ O0~ E. lO0.61 feet ~o a concrete monument and land now or formerly of J.T~A. ~ooney; thence along said land~ N. 38°$2~40mW. 350 feet~ more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek; thence westerly along said ordinary high wa~er ma~k of Goose Creek, lOC feet, more or less; three along land of Eastern Suffolk ~ealty~ ~c~ 2 courses~ as follows: (1) S~ 38° $2~ $0~ E~ 240 feet~ more or less ~o ~ concrete mon~en$~ thence (2~ S. 57* 42~ O0~' W. 619.13 feet ~oa concrete mon~ent~ thence ~long s~id t~d of Easzern ~ffolk ~ealty~ Inc. and along said ts~d of Zebroski~ southerly on a curve 5o bhe left havi~E a r~dius of lll.12 feet~ a diet,ce o~ 151.O4 ~eet to a concrete mon~ent$ thence st~ll along said land of Eebroski~ 3 courses~ zs f&llows: (1) S. 15° Ol~ 30~ E. 179.23 feet to a concrete mon~ent; thence (2) southerly on a curve to the ~ight hav~g a radims of 175.07 fe~t, a diet,ce of 1~&.39 feet to a concrese monument; thence (3) S~ 32° 539 10~ N. 237.5& feet to a concrete monument set on the northerly line of Bayview Road abomt 853 feet wes%srly alon$ s~id ~o~therly line from said Cedar L~e; thence sl~ng said northerly l~e of Bayview Road, 59~ 01~ ~0~~ E~ 50.03 feet to ~ concrete mon~ent~ throe zlong s~id l~d of ZebrosKi~ courses~ as follows: (1) N~ 32® 53~ 10" 237.90 feet to s locust pos~; thence (2) northerly on s cmrve ~o the left ~v~g a ~adius of 225~07 feet~ ~ dis t~ce of 18S.20 feet to a locust post~ th~ce (3) N~ 15e 01~ 30~' N. 179~23 fe~t to a locust post; thence (4) northerly a curve to the right having a radius of 51~12 feet, a distance of 77~58 feet ~o a locust post ~d the bo~dary l~e betwemu said land of ZeSroski ~d said l~d ~f Eastern Suffolk Realty~ ~c.; throe along said bo~dary l~e, N. 57° ~2~ ~0" E~ 573.8'2 feet~ thence along said l~d of Zebroski~ two courses as fellows: (1) $. 38~ 37~ 50~ E. 317.$~ feet; thence (2) $. 66° 20~ OO, E. 336.29 feet to s~id westerly t~e of Cedar L~; thence al~ng s~i~ westerly l~e of Cedar Lane N~ 25e 05~ 30~ E. 50.02 feet ~o the point of kud the said Line of survey shall be the center of the highway, which shall be 50 feet in width. in the Matter DEDICATI0_~ Laying out of.-a' certaL~ town highway : in~ the-Tom of. Southold, Co~ty R~EASE ~ffolk ~d ~tate of ~ew ~crk W~EREAS application has been duly made to the Te~n superintendent of Highways of the Town cf Scuthold, in Suffol~ ~ottuty, New ~ork, for the laying out of a ce~£ain tcv~ high- way %0 extend from Cedar La~e through aud over the t~nds cf JULIUS ZEBROSKI and EASTE~ SUFFOLK REALTX, tNC. and over other laud~ of JULIUS ZEBROSKI to a point in Bayview Road at the boundary of the lands of JULIUS ZEBROSKI. NO~ THEREFORE., the said EASTERN SUPFOI~K P2~ALTY, !NC~ amd JULIUS ZEBROSKi~ the owners of lands to be included within% tee said ~lghway~ do hereby dedioate~ release and convey to ~e said To~m of Southold, for highway purposes~ the fol!owin~ lands, to All that piece or ~arcel of land situated at Bayview Road, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ more particularly described as follows: Beginr~ing at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Cedar Lane, 99.20 feet southerly ~l~ng said westerly line from it's intersection wi%h the northerly line of the North Bayview Road; ~d running along land of Zeb~oski, 3 coUrSeS, as f~tlows: (1) N. 66° 20~ 00" ~.~25.20 feet to a c~ncrete monumeait~ thence (2) N. 38~ ~7~ 50~ W. 2~9.58 feet to a concrete m~umen~ thence '(3) N~ 57~ 42~ 00" E. lO0.S1 fee% to a concrete monu- ment mud l~nd now or formerly of J~ T.~. Mooney~ ~ence along said land~ N. 35~ 42~ i?~ W. 350 ~et~ more or less~'to the orainary 'nigh water mark ~f Goose Creek; thence west~rty along said ordi- nary high water ~ark of Goose CreekS' 100 feet~ more or less; thence along l~ud of Eastern S~.ffolk Realty, Imc., 2 courses, as follows: (1) S~ 38° -2- ~2' ~0" E. 2~0 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument; thence (2) $. 57° ~2' 00" W. 619.13 feet to a concrete monument; thence along said land Eastern Suffolk Realty, Inc. and along said land of Zebroski, southerly on a curve to the left having a radius of lll.12 feet, a distance of l~l.0~ ~eet to a concrete r~onument; thence still along said land of Zebroski, 3 courses as follows: (1) S. kSo 01' 30" E. 179.23 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) southerly on a curve to the right having a radius of 175.07 feet, a distance of 146.39 feet to a concrete monument; thence (3) S. 32° 53' 10" W. 239.56 feet to a concrete monument set on the northerly line of Bayview Road about 853 feet westerly along said northerly line from maid Ceda~ Lane; thence along said northerly line of Bayview Road, S. 59°Ol' 00" E. 50.03 feet to a concrete monument; thence along said land of Zebroski, 4 courses, as follows: (1) N. 32° 53' 10" E. 237.90 feet to a locust post; thence (2) northerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 225.07 feet, a distance of 188.20 feet to a locust post; thence (3) No l~o 01' 30" W. 179.23 feet to a locust post; thence (4) northerly on a c~vve to t~e right having a radius of 61.12 feet, a dzstance of 77.58 feet to a locust post and the boundary line between said land of Zebroski and said land of Eastern Suffolk Realty, Inc.; thence along said boundary line, N. ~7o42, 00" E. 5?3.82 feet; thence along said land of Zebroski~ two courses as follows: (1) S. 380 50" E. 317.~6 feet; thence (2) S. 66o 20' 00" E. 336.29 feet to said westerly line of Cedar Lane; thence along said westerly line of Cedar Lane, N. 25° 05' 30" E. 50.02 feet to the point of beginning. The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specifically shown and delineated upon the survey of Otto We Van Tuyl and Son, dated May 28, 195~, which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof, and which said lands mo dedicated, shall hereafter be known as "Waterview Drive." AND we do hereby release said Town of $outhold from all damages by reason of the laying out of the above described new highway. AND. WE DO CERTIFY that the considerations paid to the undersigned for this dedication and conveyance, a~e the following, to wit: To ~JLIUS ZEBROSKI, nothing; to EASTERN SUFFOLK REALTY, INC., nothing. IN WITNESS YE~EREOF~ we have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this 10th day of December, 195~. WJLIUS ZEBROSKI $~TE 01~ i~ YORK ) O0~NTY OF SUFFOLK ) $S: this 10th day of December~ 19m~ bezo,_e me ~o~a~Ily appeared JULIUS ZEBR0$KI, to me t~nown and ~ be the person d*~cribed in ~ud who executed the instr~ent ~d he ~c~owledged to me that h~ ],~TATE OF NEW YORK OF S FFOLK this i3th day of December~ I9~ before me appeared R~.LPH WINTERS and B. AR~6UR THU~!~ they were President ~ud Seeretary~ respectively, EAST~2RN SUFFOLK REALTY~ INC~ of Riverhead~ the n~med in and which executed the foregoing that they know tho seal of said corporation the seal a~fixed to the foregoing inst~ent is seal~ and it was ~o affixed by authority of the Boar~ of the EASTERN S~JFFOLK REALTY~ INC. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE We do hereby certify to the Town of Southold, S~o~folk County~ New York, that~ in o~ opinion, based on Lu~udberg ar.d Young~s abstract No~ 7i78~ that EASTERN S~FOLK REALTY, INC~ and JIW~IUS ZEBROSKI are the fee title holders tc the following described premises, which premises are free and clear of any enc~m~rances of record~ and that a convey~uce and dedication ~d release from said EASTERN SI~FOLK REALTY, to said Town of gosolute in the INC. and ~JLIUS ZEBROSKI of said premises Sou~moid will vest title in fe~ simple To~ of Southold. ~All that piece or parcel of land situated at Bayview Road, To~ of Southold, S~_olk Co~mty~ New York, more particularly described as follows: Begir~uing at a concrete mom~ent set on the westerly line of Cedar Lmue, 99~20 feet southerly along said westerly line From its intersecticn with the northerly line of the North Bayview Road~ and ~maning along land of Zeb~oski, ~ courses, as follows: (1) N. 66 degrees ~0~ 00~ W. 32~.20 Feet to a concrete monument~ thence (2) No ~8 degrees 57~ ~0" W. 299.~8 Feet to a concrete monument; thence [3) N. ~7 degrees 42~ 00~ E~ 100o61 feet to a concrete monument ~ud landnow or formerly of J.T.Ao Mooney; thence along said land, No 38 degrees 42~ ~0~ W~ 5~0 feet, more or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Goose CreekS thence westerly along said ordinary highwater mark of Goose Creek, i00 feet, more or less~ thence along land of Eastern Suffolk Realty~ Inc~, 2 courses~ as follows: (1) S. ~8 ~egrees ~2~ ~0~' E. 2kO feet, more or less~ to a concrete mon.amen~ thence (2) S. ~7 d~g~ees ~ 00~' W. 619.15 feet to a concrete monmment~ thence along said land of Eastern S~folk R~alty~ Inc. and along said !~ud of Z~broski~ southerly on a c~ve to the left having a ~adiua of ii!.12 feet~ a distance of ~i~0~ fe~t to a concrete mono~eut$ thence still along ~aid l~d ~f Zebroski~ 5 co.~s.s as follow~: (1) S. l~ degrees O1~ 50~ E. 179~23 fe~t to a aoncrete mon~ent; thence (2) southerly on a curv~ to the right having a radius of 17~07 feet, a dist~zce of 1~6~39 feet to a concrete mon~ent~ thence (3) S~ 32 degrees 53~ l0~ W. 2~9.~6 feet bo a concrete mon~ent set on the northerly line of Ba~i~w Rcad about 8~3 feet westerly along said northerly line from said Cedar Lane; thence along maid northerly line of Bayview Road~ S, 59 degrees Ol~ O0~ Es 50°03 Fees to a concrete monumentS thence along said land of Zebroski~ ~ courses~ as follows: (1) N~ 32 degrees 53~ 10~ E, 237,90 £eet to a locust post; thence (2) ~ortherly on a curve to the left having a radium of 22~.G7 fee$~ a distance of 188~R0 feet ~o a locust post; thence (3) N~ 15 degrees O1~ ~0~' W~ 179~23 feet to a locust postS thence (4) northerly on a curve to the right having a radius of 61~12 fee$~ a distance oF 77~8 feet to a 1,oust Dost and the bo~_udary line between said land of Zebroski and maid land of Eastemn. Suffel~ Real~y~ Inc~ thence along fee~S thence along said !~nd of Zebmoski~ two co-~ses thence (2) S, 66 g e ~0 , said ~ wester_y line of Cedar L~ne; thence along said westerly line of C~dar L~ue~ N. 25 degrees 05~ 30~ E. 50,02 Feet to the point of beginning,~ CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD EASTERN SUFFOLK REALTY, and. JULIUS ZEBROSKi INC. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain tow~ highway in the Town oF Southold, .~.ORDER GRIFFING AND $~,IITH ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR5 AT LAW RIVERHEAD, N. Y, EASTERN SUFFOLK REALTY, and 0VJL N~ S ZE3ROSi{i To INC. GRIFFING AND SMITH ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW RIVERHEAD~ N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE EASNtRN S~JPPOLP2 REALTY, and J~JL IUS ZENROSKI To file TO~Ii OP SOUTNOLD INC. GRIFFING AND SMITH ATTORNEY5 AND COUNSELOI~S AT LAW RIVERHEAD~ N, Y. 0 0