HomeMy WebLinkAboutVISTA PLACEfl )is r enture, ninetssn h~ndr~ !, Ma~e the 1 st day et April !I e~d sixty-nine HAROLD T, KRONER and EM~ MA~ ~ONER, his wi/e~ both residing at 37 ~lwood Avenue, Hicksville, New Yo~k; ~H 80W~S~ ~R,, and ~TE~HANIE M. SO- ,; WINSKI, his wife, both residin~ ~n~el Brink R~d, Head of Harbor, New York, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD and 00/100 ($1.00) ......................... Dollars, ONE ....................... I~tol money el tke United States. and other valuable.consideration paid by the part y o! the second part hereby ~rent end re/ease unto the part y of the ascend part, the ~r snccessors PARCEL l: and assigns forever, ~[[[ those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land. situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of $outhold, County of ~folk and Stat~ of New York, shown as "Vise Place" and "Glen C~rt" on a cee~in ~mp entitled. "Map of Vise Bluff, Cutcho~Me, Town of Southold, S~folk~o~nty, New York", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as lile 54ap No. 50o0, boumded and descried , .01) BEGINNING at a monumen~ on tb,~ north~*.~lerly line of Duck Pond Road. -~6. 05 feet m~rttm:asterly ~long said line from the norihc~ly t,-r~nu~ m the westerly line of said Duck Pond Road and Ibc ,.,a~t - ~:rly ~'~minus Of the northerly li~ .,f B~rch Lane from said point of ~6innin~ rum'nn~ the foll~, m~ eleven courses: (l) N. 39' 00~W. (2) N. 60' 42' 20" (3) N. 6° 00' E. '- - 472.0 fee,h them'c; E. - 395.22 feet. t*,*'nce 20.0 feet; thc:nco (4) N, 52° ~0' 40" g. - 100. o fe.e~; (5~' S. 19' 17~ 30" E. - i05. 57 %,~r (7) N. '84* 04' W. - 52.30 feet. (8) 'S. 60' 42~ 20" W. ~'310,94 f,',~t: SoutherlF on a cu~e to the l~tli a radius of 21.86 feet, a dis~.%l%ue cf 38, 04~et; thence S, 39' 00~ E. - 346.54 feet; thence Southeas~rly on a cur~ to the left having a radius of 18,19 feel, a distance of 34.37 feet to said northwesterly line 'of Duck Pond R~d: THEN.~.~E along ~id northwe:sterly line, ,q. we~rly~e from i~e inter~ec~ion wi~e high water ~k of THENCE a~or~ry high.er ~rk as meas~ ti~ N, 6~ ~Erl00.0 feet to ~y line ~uck Pond ~o~ The aforementione'd property is deeded to the Town of Southold for th- purposes of highway dedication _:~. -"- -'---.. ~l:-~.;;;;C ~-~.~_.._..~ ........ ,~,~ 8oseph Sowinski, $~, and Stephanie M, Sowinski have joined in the c×ecution of this deed because they are the owfiers of Lot No, 12 on the aforesaid ~rmp; · nd in the deed from Reno Gendron to them dated September 9, 1968, tbs Sowinskis ~cqnired an interest in the street lying in front of their premises. Harold T. IKroner and Emma IM~.I{roner have joined in the ,~xec~,ti{~n of this deed because they are the owners of Lot No. 11 on the aforesaid map; and in the deed fromRene Gendren to them dated February 6, 1969, the Kroners acquired aninte~ est in the street 1,,dhF in front of their prer~ses. ~IT~ tho said p~rie, of the incumbered in an? way whatever. :~elve the vo~ider~fto~ to~ t~t~ conveyance and will h~ld fha right to receive sgc~ co~ideration as a the same ~or 4~ ot~er pur~. han~ end seals the da~ a~d yea~ ~rit above written. STATE ()F NE N YORK ) COUNT%- OF ,~FFOLE ) On the //'~' day of April, Suffolk County NEW YORK On the April nineteen hundred and ~J. xty-nine before me came HAROLD T. KRONER anti EMMA '~ KRONER . ~0 me k~ow~ ~d k~o~n ~o me ~o be the .mme.t, .~d .ck~owledged to me ~b.~ t be y ~ta~ of ~W YORK · \ TO ME i(NOWN AND KNOWN TO ME to be the lttdl~tdua~ described In, and who and ac~owledged to me that t~~ ~. ~"~ /'~ ~ :~. ~'~:. L.~.'.~:~ ...... ,. ~ ~ir~ ~rm ....... No'fy ~blfci County CONSULT YOUR LAWYIR IIIK)RI~SIGNING THIS INSTRUMINT-,THIS INSTRIJMINT SHOULD BI USID IY LAWYIRS ONLY. THIS INDINTURS, Jnad~ the ~/ day m April , nineteen hundred and aixty-nt~a PHOEBE VINCENT,'"regiding at Glen Court, Cutchogue, New york, party ~( the first port, and . ~ENE.G~NDRON, residing at~,~olden Lane, South New York, -' ...... party of the s~cond port, _ WHIRIAI, the parly of the first part is the holder of the following mortgage and of the bund or note secured thereby: Mortgage dated the ~-nd day o! October , 1~7, made by RENE OENDRON to PHOEBE VINCEI~T ' I i. the principoI sum of $ 30,000. O0 and recorded in liber 5247 of section of $ortg~gas, page 147 in the office of the Clerk of the Coul!d:y of S~golk on Octobe~ 10, 1967, which mortgage was ~he~ea~tor duly a~lig~d by ~n assign- ment dated ~he Mat d~y. og May, 1968, ~de by PHOEBE ~CgNT to the NORTH FORK BAN~'~ TRUST COMPANY, and recorded in Li~ 5~9~ of Pa~e 9% in the Offic~ 0~ the Clerk ~ the CounW o~ Suffolk on ~e 10th da~ of ~une, 1968, which mortgage was t~reafter duly assigned by an aaai~nment dated the 7th day of No~m~ 1968, ~de b~ the NORTH FORE BANE & TRUST ~ANY to PHOEBE V~CENT~ and recorded l~ ~lbe~, 5497 o~ mort~a~ea, 07, in the Ofilce..o~.the ~lerk of ~he CountK ~ ~lk on the llth da~ o~ 1968, coverttlg certain lands had ~tnlements; of which the. lands hereinafter d~cribed are part, and WHIRLS, the ~y of '$h~ first ~K? at tho r~ueal of tho ~rt~ of the a~ond ~rt. has agreed to give. Up and ~nrrenddr the t~ds' herei~afie~ ~rihcd :~h~ ~e ~,y+0f ~h~ ~ond ~rt. and to hold 'and r~u~ the residue of the mo~ag~ lqnds ~ ~rity;fq~ ~.~o~y 're~lnjng due on said NOW THll INDINYUR! WITNII~TH~ tlmt the ~r~y of tho first ~rl, in pnrsnm~ce nf said ~gree- ment and in consideration of ' ' O~g'aM 00/~00 '{$~, 00} .... ~ ..... a .... ~ ............................ Dollar~, lawful money of ~h~r'U~it~ States, ~ - ., ~id by the ~y ~ the ~ond ~rt, doe~ grant', r~lease and quitclaim ~to the lmrty 'of the s~ond ~rt, alt t~ ~ of said m0rt~ed hods de~rlb~ as follows: . - SEE OVER sh~n . . muff, Cu~cho~ue.~ ~ o~ =-.~ ~ .- .- ~ ~ ~n~eq, ,,~p bo~ded and descried ~S, fdl~a; ~ ' ~, . P N · 5060, line of ~ck ~ond R~d~ along said line from the n~;l, te.minu, ot the westerly line of said Duck Road a~ the east. t~om ~aid point of ~gi~n~ ~u~ng tbs. eleve~ o~se s: (1) N, 39° 00, W. - 472.0 feett (2) N. 60~ 42~ 20" ~.. 395, ~ tee~t thence (3) N. 6' 00~ E, - 20.0teetI thence;" (4) N, 52' 20~ 40, E.. 100.0 feetI (5) 8. 19' 17~ 30. E, - 105.37 feet; thence (6) S, 52' 20~ 40. W, - 50~0feetI t~n~e (7) N. 84' 04~ W, - 52;30 !ee~; thenc~ (8} ~. 60~ 42~ ~0' W, - ~10.94 feetl thence (9) 8outherlF on a ~urve to the left, a radius ot 21.86 ieet~ a dis~nce ot 38.04 tee~; a ~diu. of ~8.19 tee~,,. ~ distanCa.o~ 34, 37 ...... , .... · .... , :, c '~j ~t Ce~ta~ ~ot, piece or ~rcei of'land, ~ing a~ Cutcho~e;[~n'of Southold C~.-+.. ~. ~.-. ...... : , l~ng and bonded and deSCri~d'as foll~a: ~ ' --...~ ~* ~zozx ana ~:e of New York, ~G~HXNG at ~ poi~ 0~ ~ westerly,line of Duck Po~ R~d, ~0; q iee~ northerly alon~ said westerly line from its intersection with the north- w. ea~erl~.line of said Duck Pond Road; from said point of ~E~nin~ rv~inE ~o courses: (1) S, 60° 42~ 20" W, - 85.0 feet; thence (2) N, 2~0 541 50" W. - 98,51 /est tO ordinar~ , ' ' ' ~gh water ~rk o! L.I. S~nd; TO~,IffHI~ with all right, title and lmerest, If any, of tls' l~rty of the~,~rst ~a. ~. a~d to any streets of ~r~nal pr~y which a~e now ~ntain~ In ~id P~I,~ and wbtc~ ~y he ~vered by ~ld mortgage of thorny of the first ~, in an~'~' the same, ~o the ~tent ~ha~ ~heJnnd~ hereby released t~y be db- mon~go s~et~ m~y r~ain me.gaged to the ~y of the Rrat ~rt aa heretofore. TO MArl ANe TO N~ the~hds and p~ hereby released and q~dtel~imed t~ the ~rty of the second part, and to the he~, sncc~s m~d ~Ss~r d the i~y of the second p~ for~er, free clear end dt~harged o{ and fr~ all lieu and claim under and by vl~ue of said morgue nfore~ld, STATII OF. _NL'~_ YORK, COUNTY OF, SUFFO=~ ; ,,,1. On theo/l- day of April , nineteen hundred'and b~fore me personally came PHOE B~- V~'q'(~i~l'q'~' sixty-nine to me known to he the. individual acknowledged that she executed the same. CHARt. ES ~. R~FFE NOTARY PUBLIC. Stole of New York ~uffolk County- No. 52-319~315 Term Ex~ires March 30, 1971 STATE OF N~ YORK, COUNTY OF O~the ~yot b~O~ mo pot~o~lly ~e described it] aud who executed the foregoing instrument, and Not, a~y ~uffolk Counter , ninetee, hundred and to'~me k~ibwn' to be the Individual describe4 in and who executed the foregoing {nstr,ment, and ~ek~"°wlfldgad that -:~' '*'' executed the same.' - - came HAROLD T. KRONER and EMMA MA~IiRONIDR, his wife to me known to be the individuals descl~ibed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF/7~¢'¢~'~ ) Notary On the //; day of April, 1969, before me personally came JOSEPH SOWINSKI, JR. and STEPHANIIfl M. SOWINSKI, his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instr'ument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. Notary Public The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specif. lcally shown and delineated upon the said map UMap of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York. AND WE DO CERTIFY that the consideration paid tc the under- signed for this dedication and conveyance, aide the £ollowing, to wit~ To Rene Gendrou,. the sum of One Dollar. To Harold T. Kro~er and Emma May Kroner, his wife, the sum of One Dollar. Ta Joseph Sowinski and Steph~r~le M. ~owinski, his wife, the sum of One Dollar. IN WITNESS WHERmOF, I have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this ~$~ day of April, 1969, Rene Gendron Harold T. Kroner F~AF~'E & F~AFIWE STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY ,OF SUFFOLK ) On' the :%$~ day of April, 1969, before me persoaallV came RENE GENDRON to me known to be the individtm] described and who executed the foregoing instrument, and &~knowled~ed that executed the same, STATE OF NEW YORK. couNTY oF gTATI OF NIW YORK, hundred and borer, mo ~rammlly c,qma to ~ ~o~, w~, ~t~'by;mi t~ly sworn, did d~ ~nd ~y that ho.~Mfl nt No, the colorlon do~rt~ tn and which' ex~t~ tho foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of Mid ~tjon; that ~ ~l affjx~ to ~Jd Initr~nt j. such eo~o~te ~eRl; that it wus .o ~fflxed by or~ ~ ~ ~ o~ dt~or~ of ~ld ~tlon, ~ [ha~ he st~d h name thereto I)y like order, ITATi OF NEW YORK, COUNTY oF On tho day of ~uh~Hh~nli[ w!tnm m the foregoing instrument, w th whoso1 ! am person~llyi~cq~tqtod, duly ~m. d:d d~e and ~y t~t he re~ldfl' a~No g . that ho ~w~ tndivid~l d~rl~ in ~ who ex~ut~ ~e fore,fig [nstr~ent; that ~t~ tho ~, ~d that , nineteen hun~ and2 whp, behlg by me tn be the he wai prflent and saw he, said wttneos, thereupon at the sam~ time subscribed h R~N~GENDRON THE TITL£ ~U.4R/LN~E£ COMP~4.A~Y $~CTION nLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN ~own of ~ou~hold 747 E, MAI~ ST. RIV~.READ, ~o ¥o Zip No. RAFF~ ~ RAFFE STA~TE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Sv2folk and State of New York. Application Having Been Duly Made for the laying out of two town highways in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, which highways are shown as "Vista Place" and "Glen Court" which are delineated on a certain map entitled "Map of Vista Blu/f, Cutchogue Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Stfffolk on March 15, 1968, as file Map No. 506~ and a dedication and release from the owners through which the high- ways are proposed to be opened, having been given: NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby deter- mine and order that the two town highways therefor, shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, iying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold0 County of Suffolk and State of New York,' ~aown as "Vista 1~lace' and 'Glen Court" on a certain map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of - ? Southold, Suffolk County, New York" fried in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1,968, as file Map No. 5060, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at~ m~lll~rnent on the northwesterly line of Duck Pond Ro&d, 26, 05 feet northeasterly along said ltae from !~e northerly terminus of the weste~llr line of s&td ~uck Pond Road and the east- erly tetanus of the northerly line of Birch Lane; from said point of beginning running the following eleven courses: {11 N. 39° 00' W. - 47l. 0 feet; thence (~) N. 60* 4~~ 10' E. - ~5.22 feet; thence RAFF~: & RAFFE Dated: (3) N. 6' 00' E. - Z0. 0 feet; thence (4) N. 5Z° Z0'40"E. - 100.0 feet; thence (5) S. 19' 17' 30"E. - 105.37 feet; thence (6) S. 5Z° Z0~40'~W. - 50.0 feet; thence (7) N. 84' 04~ W, - 5Z. 30 feet; thence (8) S. 60° 4Z' Z0'W. - 310. 94 feet; thence (9) Southerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of ZI. 1~6 feet, a distance of 38.04 feet; thence (10) S. 39' (Jo' E. - 346. 54 feet; thence (11) Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 18. 19 feet, a distance of 34. 37 feet to said northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road; THENCE along said northwesterly line, S. 33° 04' W. - 77. 55 feet to the point or place of beginning. o~vn Superinti~ent of Highways -Z- STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY. OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter DEDICATION AND of the RELEASE OF LAND FOR TOWN HIGH- Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the WAYS Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York~ WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Super- intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of certain town highways, conforming to the highways designated as "Vista ~lace" and "Glen Court" on a certain map entitled "M~p of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as file map No. 5060; which highways extend through the land of Rene Gendron, residing at Golden Lane, South Jamesport, Town of Riverhead, County of S~ff®lk, N~f~ York, Harold T. Kroner and Emma Mae Kroner, his wife, residing at 37 Elwood Avenue, Hicksville, New York, and Joseph Sowinski and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife, residing at Brangel Brink Road, Head of Harbor, New York, the owners of the lands to be included within the said highways, do hereby dedicate, grant, release and convey for highway purposes to the said Town of Southold, its successors and assigns, the following lands, constituting those lands shown on said map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" as '~fista Place" and'Glen Court" as shown on said map: Ail those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southoldj County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as "Vista l~lace' and "Glen Court" on a certain map entitled "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as file map No. 5060, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road, Z6. 05 feet northeasterly along said line from the northerly terminus of the westerly line of said Duck Pond Road and the east- erly terminus of the northerly line of Birch Lane; from said point of beginning running the following eleven courses: (1) N. 39° 00~ W. - 472.0 feet; thence (Z) N. 60' 4~-' ~-0" E. - 395. Z2 feet; thence (3) N. 6* 00' E. - 20. 0 feet; thence (4) N. 5Z° 20' 40"E. - 100. 0 feet; thence (5) S. 19° 17' 30"E. - 105.37 feet; thence (6) S. 52* 20' 40" W. - 50.0 feet; thence (7) N. 84' 04' W. - 5~-. 30 feet; thence (8) S. 60' 42' 20" W. - 310. 94 feet; thence (9) Southerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 21.86 feet, a distance of 38. 04 feet; thence (10) S. 39' 00' E. - 346. 54 feet; thence (11) Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 18. 19 feet, a distance of 34. 37 feet to said northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road; THENCE along said northwesterly line, S. 33° 04' W. - 77.55 feet to the point or place of beginning. Dedication and Release of land for Town Highways. -2- RAFFI~ & ~AFFE COUNSlK~ORI AT LAW The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specif- ically shown and delineated upon the said map "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk Coumty, New York. AND WE DO CERTIFY that the consideration paid to the under- signed for this dedication and conveyance, are the following, to wit: To Rene Gendron, the sum of One Dollar. To Harold T. Kroner and Emma May Kroner, his wife, the sum of One Dollar. To Joseph Sowinski and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife, the sum of One Dollar. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ! have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this [$1 day of April, 1969. Rene Gendron Harold T. Kroner ~Ste phanie M. Sowinski STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the IS' day of April, 1969, before me personally came RENE GENDRON to me known to be the hadividual described in and who executed the foregoing instruraent, and acknowledged that he executed the same. ST*TE OF NEw YORK COUNTY OF Notary , Suffolk County CognJY ' No. 52.3195315 -3- ~AFF£ & RAFF£ ~OUNIF--OIRI AT LAW On the J~ ~day of April, 1969, before me personally came HAROLD T. KRONER and EMMA MA~KRONER,his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the sam~ , STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY 0 F~ ~'~i SS. : Notary Public On the /7 day of April, 1969, before me personally came JOSEPH SOWINSKI, JR. and STEPH~NIF. M. SOWINSKI, his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that th~ey execute~..~he s~me. ' Notar, Publi~:O' ....... EeO DED -4- MAY ~S Ig~9 @ II-oS" LESTER M. ALBERTSON Clerk of ,.~olk Coun~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Layin$ out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSENT OF TOWI~ BOARD TO PRO- POSED TOWN HIGH, WAYS UPON READING AND FILING the Application of Rene Gendron, Harold T. Kroner and Emma Mae Kroner, Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowiqski dated and acknowledged April 1, 1969, and the Dedication and Release of Rene Gendron, Harold T. Kroner and Emma Mae Kroner, Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski, dated April 1, 1969, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for two proposed Town Highways shown as "Vista Place" and "Glen Court" on a certain map entitled "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as file map No. 5060, and RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid town highways, the said town highways to consist of lands described in the said dedication and release and'to extend as dellneated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. ]~ated: ~F ~ 1969. · TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YOR Supervisor v ~ustice of the Peace '~'-~ustic~ ~-~ ~e -P~ace Councilman RAFFE & RAFFE COUNBELORB AT[AW STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of APPLICATION FOR DEDICATION New York. TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF H/GHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK The undersigned, taxpayers of the Town of Southold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes herein, hereby applies to you to lay out two highways in said Town, known as '~fista Place" and "Glen Court" on a certain map entitled "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 15, 1968, as file map No. 5060, which proposed highways will pass through the lands of the undersigned who consent to the laying out of these highways, which are bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road, 26. 05 feet northeasterly along said line from the northerly terminus of the westerly line of said Duck Pond Road and the east- erly terminus of the northerly line of Birch Lane; from said point of beginning running the following eleven courses: (1) N. 39' 00' W. - 472.0 feet; thence (2) N. 60° 42' Z0'E. 395.?.2 feet; thence (3) N. 6' 00~ E. - Z0,0 feet; thence (4) N, 5Z* 20~49" E, - 100.0 feet; thence (5) S. 19' 17~ 30" E. - 105.37 feet; thence (6) S. 52' ~-0~ 40" W. - 50. 0 feet; thence (7) N.' 84' 04~ W. 5?`. 30 feet; thence (8) S. 60* 4Z* 20"W. - 310. 94 feet; thence (9) Southerly on a curve to the left, having a radius of 21.86 feet, a distance of 38.04 feet;thence (10) S. 39° 00~ E. - 346. 54 feet; thence (11) Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 18. 19 feet, a distance of 34. 37 feet to said northwesterly line of Duck Pond Road; THENCE along said northwesterly line, S. 33* 04' W. - 77.55 feet to the point or place of beginning. Duck Pond westerly line fx westerly line of point of be ' (1) S. 60' (Z) N. 27' THENCE feet line of y along said ith the north- Road; from said COUrSes: 85. 0 feet; thence 51 feet to ordinary 100.0 ) Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain ma~;., showing the courses of the said proposed highways,~n~ ~ ~;.=,~ .... ~ Harold Ti Kroner and Emma MalEK'roner have joined in the execution of this Application for Dedication because they are the owners of lot No. 11 on the aforesaid map; and in the Deed from Rene Gendron to them dated February 6, 1969 the Kroneralacquired an interest in the streets lying in front of their premises. Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski have joined in the execution of this Application for Dedication because they are the owners of Lot No. 1Z on the aforesaid map; and in the Deed from Rene Gendron to them dated September 9, 1968 the Sowinskis acquired an interest in the streets lying in front of their premises. Dated, this /$i day of April, 1969. Rene Gendron RAFFE & RAFFE Harold T. Kroner ~AFFE & RAF'F'£ Emma Ma~Kroner ose ow r. ff Stephanie M. Sowinski STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ]~t day of April, 1969, before me personally came RENE GENDRON to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac.l*nd~ledged that he executed the same. STATE OF NEW yoRK cOUnTY SS. : CHARLES E. RAFFE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yor~ Suffolk County - No. 52-3195315 Term Expire~ March 30, On the/~day of April, 1969, before me personally came HAROLD T. KRONER and EMMA IViA~ KRONER, his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that theyexecuted the ~ne./ STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF~~ ) SS. : Notary Public FRANK ~. PERROTTA NOTARY PUBLIC:, State of New Ym'E No. 524332325 QuaflRed in Suffolk Ommfy On the /? day of April, 1969, before me personally came $OSEPH SOWINSKI, JRo and STEPHANIE M. SOWINSKI, his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, andacknowledged thatthey executedthe s~ Notary Public, t~__ [ / '~ ~7~1~ ~m~ ~r~ ~ SO, 1~ May 19, 1969 Mr. Lester M. Albertson County Clerk Riverhead, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Albertson; .~losed herewith are the following to b6 filed in the office of the County Clerk, together with a check in the amount of $20.00 to cover filing fee for s&mel Deed between Phoebe Vincent and Rene Gendron Gendron Deed between Rene/al~d others and Town of Southold Dedication and l~e~ease of land for highwmys d~ignated as Vista Place end Glen Court on & certain map entitled "Map of Vilt& Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, guffo%k Co., N.Y." Very truly yours, Albert W Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk RAFFE & RAFFE COUNSELORS AT LAW August 29, 1969 Southold Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York Re: Gendron - Vista Bluff Dedication Gentlemen: I enclose herewith the following: 1. Dedication and Release of land for town highways on the Map of Vista Bluff; 2. Release of Part of Mortgaged Premises running from Phoebe Vincent to Rene Gendron dated April 9, 1969; 3. Deed from Gendron, Kroner and Sowinski, Jr. to the Town of Southold, dated April 1, 1969. Very truly yours, RAFFE & RAFFE CER:jb Encs. By: Charles ~.. ~fe RAFFIZ & RAFFE SEARCH SCHEME John Haurus Phoebe Vincent Rene Gendron Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife. Harold T. Kroner and Emma Mae Kroner, his 1/1/19 to 6/1/55 5/1/55 to 11/1/67 10/1/67 to date 971/68 to date Z/1/69 to date Ihereby certify that all necessary searches (United States Federal Court and Bankruptcy Searches excluded) have been run against the above parties for the period set opposite their respective names, and that the following is a true and correct abstract of the record. I certify title to the following premises: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as Vista Road and Glen Court and a park playground on a certain map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 15, 1968 as file map #5060, is in the name of Rene Gendron and one-half the street lying in front of Lot No. 12 on the aforesaid map is owned by Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife and one-half the street lying in front of Lot No. 11 on the aforesaid map is owned by Harold T. Kroner and Emma Mae Kroner, his wife. Dated: April /7 , 1969 Riverhead, New York RAFFE & RAFF£ ABSTRACT OF TITLE Pretties under examination: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as Vista Road and Glen Court and a park playground on a certain map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on March 15, 1968 as file map #5060. Title is assumed good by a full covenant and warranty deed given by Lillia May Newbold to John Haurus, dated January 3, 1919 executed on the same date and recorded January Z8, 1919 for the tract today kno as "IV[ap of Vista Bluff, "and other property. billia May New,old Southold, New York to John Haut us Cutchogue, New York Premises: Title follows herein. F.C.W. Deed Dated Jan. 3, 1919 Ackd. Jan 3, 1919 Recd. Jan. Z8, 1919 L. 974 cp 237 Cons. $1. 00 and other valuable consideration Habendum: fee Parcel I in this Deed does not effect premises under examination. Parcel II Also all that tract of land situate at aforesaid (at Oregon, North of Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York). Bounded southerly by the Duck Pond Road, Easterly by the Duck Pond Road, northerly by the Long I~land Sound and westerly by land of Edmund R. Lupron. Supposed to contain about eleven and one-half (11 l/Z) acres more or less. n RAFFE & RAFFE John Haurus Cutchogue, New York to Phoebe Vincent Woodbur y Road Woodbury, New York Deed: B & S. with coy. Dated May 7, 1955 Ack'd May 7, 1955 Rec'd. May 1Z, 1955 Gonbid. $10-ogvc Habendum: fee ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Oregon North, in the Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwesterly corner thereof formed by the intersection of the Easterly line of the lands formerly of Edmund Lupton and the Northerly line of Duck Pond Road; running thence in a general Northerly direction N. 39" 00' West 7Z7 feet more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; running thence in a general Easterly direction along the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound to the Westerly line of Duck Pond Road; thence running in a general Southerly direction along the Westerly llne of Duck Pond Road S. 19" 17' 30" East a distance of 430 feet more or less to a point; thence continuing along said Duck Pond Road two (Z) courses; S. 31° Z7' 30" West 188. 9Z feet; (Z) S. 33" 04' 00" ~Nest 43Z. 94 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to Duck Pond Road lying adjacent to said premises and to the center line thereof. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of~ in and to the lands and the land under the waters of Long Island Sound adjoining the premises above described on the North. -Z- RAFF£ & RAFF£ Phoebe Vincent Sound Avenue 1Viattituck, New York to Rene Gendron Golden Lane South Jamesport, New York Deed: B & S w/cov. Dated: Oct. 2, 1967 Ack'd, October Z, 1967 Rec'd. Oct. 10, 1967 L. 6236 cp 182 Habendum: fee ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Oregon North, in the Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northwest side of Duck Pond Road where the Easterly line of Map of Birch Hills at Cutchogue, Map #4908 inter- sects the said Northwesterly side of Duck Pond Road and from said point of beginning; running thence North 39° 00"West 727.0 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary h~gh water mark of Long Island Sound, North 60° 42' Z0" East 15. ZZ feet to land of Vincent; thence along land of Vincent the following three courses and distances: I. South 39° 00"East 255.0 feet; Z. North 60* 42' Z0" East 100. 0 feet; 3. North 39° 00" West 255.0 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound on a tie line of North 60° 42' 20" East 630. 39 feet to the Westerly side of Duck Pond Road; thence along the Westerly and Northerly sides of Duck Pond Road the following three courses and distances: 1. South 19° 17' 30" East 430.0 feet; 2. South 31° 27' 30" West 188. 92 feet; 3. South 33° 04' 00" West 432. 94 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. The party of the first part herein reserves an easement of ingress and egress in common with others over a right of way more particularly bound and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwest side of Duck Pond Road where the easterly line of Map of Birch Hills at Cutchogue, Map #4908 intersects the said northwesterly side of Duck Pond Road and from said point of beginning. RUNNING thence north 39 degrees 00 minutes west 472 feet; THENCE north 60 degrees 42 minutes Z0 seconds east 115. ZZ feet; feet; THENCE south 39 degrees 00 minutes east 50. 73 feet; THENCE south 60 degrees 42 minutes Z0 seconds west 64.49 THENCE south 39 degrees 00 minutes east 396. 54 feet to the northerly side of Duck Pond Road; THENCE south 33 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds west along the northerly side of Duck Pond Road 52. 55 feet to the point or place of beginning. The party of the first part herein also agrees that upon filing of a -3- RAFFE & RAFF~ subdivision map this fifty (50) foot right of way can be dedicated to the Town of Southold as a street without the consent of the party of the first part, or her successors and assignees. The party of the first part further reserves the right to have the Lighting Company and/or Telephone Company erect utility poles from Duck Pond Road along the side of the aforementioned right of way north to property owned by the party of the first part. Rene Gendron to Phoebe Vincent Mortgage Dated: October 2, 1967 Ack*d. October 2, 1967 Rec~d. October 10, 1967 L. 5247 mp 147 Amount: $30,000. 00 Same premises as described in Liber 6236 cp 182. Phoebe Vincent to North Fork Bank and Trust Co. Mattituck, New York Assignment of Moxt~age Dated: May 31, 1968 Ack'd. May 31, 1968 Recorded: June 10, 1968 L. 5392 mp 99 Assigned mortgage record~ in L. 5247 mp 147 North Fork Bank and Trust Co. to Phoebe Vincent Rene Gendron' to New York Telephone Co. 140 West Street New York City, New York Rene Gendron to Assignment o£ Mortgage Dated: November 7, 1968 Ack'd. November 7, 1968 Rec'd. November 13, 1968 L. 5497 mp 07 Assigned mortgage record~ in L. 5247 mp 147 hereto- fore assigned by Phoebe Vincent to North Fork Banl and Trust Co. by assign- ment recorded in Liber 5392 mp 99. Telephone Easement Dated: May Z1, 1968 Ack'd May21, 1968 Recorded: June 6, 1968 Easement over the streets shown on the map of Vista Bluff for the construction of aerial telephone lines and poles. Deed: B & S w/cov. Dated: Sept. 9, 1968 Ack'd. Sept. 9, 1968 -4- ~d ,d RAFFE & RAFF£ COUNSELORS AT LAW JosephSowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife. Brangel Brink Road, Head of Harbor, New York Rec'd. Sept. 11, 1968 L. 6416 cp 478 Habendum: fee ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yor[ known and designated as lot number 12 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 3-15-68 as map #5060. Together with a one-half street clause. Rene Gendron to Harold T. Kroner and Emma Ma.~ Kroner, his wife 37 Elwood Avenue Hicksville, New York Deed: B & S w/coy. Dated: Feb. 6, 1969 Ack'd. Feb. 6, 1969 Rec'd0 Feb. 13, 1969 L. 6505 cp 41 Habendum: fee ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Vista Bluff", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 15, 1968, as Map No. 5060 and being known and designated as Lot No. 11. Together with a one-half street clause. -5- TAX REPORT Lot Nos~ 1 to 10 inclusive, including the streets and an area designated as park playground, on the map entitled "Map of Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" file map No. 5060 filed March 15, 1968 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office are assessed to Rene Gendron, Golden Lane, South Jamesport, New York for the year 1968/1969. Lot No. 11 on the aforesaid map was assessed to Rene Gendron and such assessment has been changed to Harold T. Kroner and Emma May Kroner, his wife of 3? Elwood Avenue, Hicksville, New Yokk. Lot No. 1Z on the aforesaid map is assessed to Joseph Sowinski, Jr. and Stephanie M. Sowinski, his wife, of Brangel Brink Road, Head of Harbor, New York. The tax search was made from 1947/1948 through 1968/ 1969 which revealed the following: For the period from 1947/1948 through 1961/196Z the premises appeared on the assessment rolls as follows: Assessed to John Haurus, 8 acres, School District No. 14, Oregon North by Sound South by Duck Pond Road East by Duck Pond Road West by F. J. Nolle All taxes paid. For the period 1955/1956 through 1967/1968 assessed to Phoebe Vincent, 8. 7 acres, School District No. 9, Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York. North by Sound South by Duck Pond Road East by Duck Pond Road RAFFE & RAFF£ West by Birch Prop. Inc. All Taxes paid. The 1968/1969 assessment is set out in full above. The first half 1968/69 taxes on Lots 1 to Il inelusive and the Park Playground area are paid. Both halges 1968/69 taxes on Lot No. 1Z on the aforesaid map are paid. -Z- August 28, 1969 Mr. Leeter M. Albertson County Clerk Riverhead, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Albertson; On May 13, 1969, we forwarded to your office, two deeds & dedication and release, in relation to certain highways known as Vista Place and Glen Court in the subdivision known as VISTA BLUFF, Cutchogue, N.Y., and a check in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) to cover fee for ~ec6nding. On May 16, 1969, these instru- ments were returned for further information. On May 19, 1969, we returned them to you for recording and have to date never received the originals. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LESTER M. ALBERTSON, COUNTY CLERK PHONE: PARK 7-4700 May 16, 19 Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: We are herein returning enclosed deed and dedication for the following reasons: 1. Must have the address of Town of Southold in the caption of deed from Rene Gendron. 2. You must print the name of the Notary Charles J. Jones under his signature as the name on his stamp will not photocopy. 3. The recording fee will be $~.00. Very truly yourst LESTER M. ALBERTSON COUNTY CLERK JJK: ec Enclosures XXXKXXXXXXXXXXX April 23, 1969 Mr. Charles Raffe, Esq. 747 East Main Street Riverhead0 New York Re: Dedication of Street at Vista Bluff Dear Charles: Respective to the above I return to you herewith the deed, application, release, consent and order. When you have amended the enclosures to delete any ref~ee~lee to a park playground please return them to me and I will present the matter to the Town t?,oard at its next meeting. Yours ver3r tru'~y, RWT:LW Enclosures I~©BERT W. TASKER BOARD OF ASSESSORS SOUTHOLD, N.Y. April 21, 1969 Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Main Street Greenport, New York Dear Sir; The assessment on Glen Court, Vista Bluff,Sub- Division, Mattituck, New York, meets the requirements which are necessary for the Highway specifications. WBT:Jk Very truly yours, / Wendell B. Tabor, Chairman Board of Assessors Y~ly 13o 1969 M~. I~ster #. &lbertaon Suffolk County Clerk County Center Riverheed, ~.I.,N.Y. 11901 Dear Mr. Albertsonl Enclosed herewith are the Dee~ and Dedication and ~elease for the laying out of certain town highways deaignate~ aa #Vista Place" and "Glen Court" in the subdiv- ision known aa Vista Bluff, Cutchogue, New York, to be recorded in the files of the County Clerk. Enclosed with the above is a check in the amount of Twenty (920.00) Dollars to cover fee for filing same, together with self-addresse~ envelope for returning Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWe/mr Town Clerk RAFFE & RAFFE COUNSELORS AT LAW ?4? EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK ! 19OI ~OLOMON RAFFE CHARLES E. RAFFE Smith, Tasker, Finkelstein and Lundberg, Esqs. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Attention: Robert W. Tasker, Esq. Re: Rene Gendron, Vista Bluff Dear Mr. Tasker: April 24, 1969 I enclose herewith Deed, Application, Release, two Consents and two Orders for the dedication of the streets on the Map of Vista Bluff. I wish you would be kind enough to return one conformed copy of the Consent and Order after they have been signed. Very truly yours, RAFFE & RAFFE CER/lb Encls. Charles E. Raffe'~ of the ~y~§ o~t o£ two c~t~ H~w&y$ in the ~own $o~hokl, ~o~y o£ $~££oN~ ~d APPLICATION FOR DEDICATION RAFFE & RAFFE 747 EAST MAIN STREET In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain Town hi hv~,,¥s and park playfzround the Toxin of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York ABSTRACT OF TITLE RAFFE & RAFFE ATTORNEY AT /AW 747 EAST MAIN STREET In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of S~ffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS RAFFE & RAFFE 747 EAST MAIN STREET In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HI©HWAYS RAFFE & RAFFE 747 EAST MAIN STREET In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LAND FOR TOWN HIGH- WAYS The land affected by this instrument lies in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. RAFFE & RAFFE 747 EAST MAIN STREET G~'N COUp7- ~ Vi s 7,4 fi? L u~ ~T C U7-CHO~U~ TO JA/N OF ,.~ U mF'O~K CoutVTVY N_~t,v Yo,,=~ __ ..~ ', ~: B IRCN fiANEIt OWNED /~ND D~V££OP£D ,~3y 6 - 7'yplca/ PVell- :t