HomeMy WebLinkAboutVILLAGE LANE, 1906 THIS INDENTURE made this 22nd day of October, 1966 between' WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, residing at 5l Mohegan Road, Larchmont, New York, ROBERT A. GOELLER~ JR. ~ SANE Po GOELLER, residing at Birch Lane, WILLIAM J. BAXTER and BEATRICE P. BAXTER, Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, parties ELMER D. RULAND~/residing at Mattituck, second part, and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Greenwich, Connecticut, residing at Nassau of the first part, and with office at South Street, iparty of the third part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties Greenport, Suffolk County, New York of the first part are the owners of certain premises at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk.County, New York, known as Village Manor, at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York, which said premises are more fully shown and designated on "Map of Village Manor at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York," filed in the.Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 24, 1962, as Map No. 3699, and have offered to dedicate a certain highway known as "¥illage Sane," also shown and designated on the aforesaid map, to the Town of Southold as a public highway, and WHEREAS, the party of the third part, as a condition to the acceptance of said highway as a public Town highway, requires that drainage facilities be installed to drain surface waters from said highway across the premises adjacent thereto to a certain pond located on the easterly boundary line of the premises of the parties of the first part and the westerly boundary of the premises of the party of the second part, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. The parties of the first part do hereby grant and New York, party of the a municipal corporation release unto the party of the third part, its successors and assigns forever: All that certain plots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: Parcel I A ten foot strip along the southerly boundary of lots Nos. 14, 15 and 16 on said "Map of Village Manor at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk~County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 24, 1962, as Map No. 3699, and further bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Village Lane at the southwesterly corner of lot 16 as shown on the "Map of Village Manor" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map #3669; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Village Lane, N. 17° ll' 40" W. - lO.O feet; thence through said lot 16 and through lots 15 and 14 as shown on said map, N. 72° 48' 20° E. - 558.09 feet to land of Ruland; thence along said land of Ruland, S. 16° 39' 40" E. - 10.O feet to the southeasterly corner of said lot 14; thence along the southerly line of said lots 14 - 15 and 16, S. 72° 48' 20" W. - 358.0 feet to the poing of beginning. TOGETHER with the right and easement to lay, maintain and repair pipes, culverts and other drainage facilities on, over, under, through and into the pond located on the premises of the parties of the first part as shown on the aforesaid map, for the purpose of draining surface waters from the aforesaid highway. Parcel II A ten foot strip along the easterly boundary of lot No. 14 on said "Map of Village Manor at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk 0ounty, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 24, 1962, as Map No. 3699, and further bounded and described as follows: BEGIIINING at the easterly end of the southerly line of Village Lane at the northeasterly corner of lot 14 as shown on "Map of Village Manor" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map #3669; from said point of beginning running al?ng said easterly line of lot 14, two courses as follows. (1) S. 19° 17' 20" E. - 152.88 feet; thence (2) S. 16° 39' 40" E. - 63.12 feet to the northeasterly corner of the l0 foot easement across the southerly end of said lot 14; thence along the northerly line of said easement, S. 72° 48' 20" W. - lO.O0 feet; thence on a line parallel to and l0 feet westerly from said easterly line of lot 14, two courses as follows: (1) N. 16° 39' 40" W. - 62.98 feet; thence (2) N. 19° 17' 20" W. - 152.65 feet to the southerly line of said Village Lane; thence along the southerly line of Village Lane, N. 70° 42' 40" E. - 10.O0 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with the right and easement to lay, maintain and repair pipes, culverts and other drainage facilities on, over, under, through and ~to the pond located on the premises of the parties of the first part as shown on the aforesaid map, for the purpose of draining surface waters from the aforesaid highway. 2. The party of the second part does hereby grant and release unto the party of the third part, its successors and assigns forever, the right and easement to discharge water on, over, under, through and into the aforesaid pond located on the premises of the party of the second part and adjacent to the pon~ located on the premises of the parties of the first part as afore said. 3. That the rights herein granted shall be for the bene- fit of the land of the parties of the first part embraced within the subdivision above described and also other lands which naturally drain therein. 4. That the parties of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby release the party of the third part from any and all damages whatsoever occasioned as a result of the discharge of water into said pond as afores/a~d. ~ Patricia ~axter Jane P. G~eller~ Beatrice P./Baxter El~gr DX. Ruland~Jr, STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this 22nd day of October, 1966, before me the subscriber personally appeared WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, ROBERT A. GOELLER, JR., JANE P. GOELT.~R, WILLTAM J. BAXTER and BEATRICE P. BAXTER, to me personally known and known to me robe the same persons g0ing inS'trument and they executed the same. described in and who executed the fore- severally acknowledged to me that they STATEi OF NEW YOP~K: : COUNTY OF .SUFFOLK: SS expfr~ ~ ~, 196~' On this 26th day of October, 1966, before me the subscriber JR. )ersonally appeared ELMER D. RULAND~/to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same° in the Town of ~ .' , County of Suffolk and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across ~1~ premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed And/~lso hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. Ila Wm'laEss WltEREo~'~..have hereunto set ~_hanc~and sea,this day of ~ , x9o,~. ~ STATE OF NEW XarORK SUFFOLK COUNTY Thousand Nine On this ~g/* day 9f ~ One Hmadred and ~ -- before me personally came to me to be the same persona~described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that ~'~executed the same. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF At a meeting held hy the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the day of , t9o , for the purpose of deliberating on the propriety of · ~ a highway at in said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of ~ ~ ..~ a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, and releases from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, the considera, tion of any one claimant not exceeding ~oo, and to all the claimants not exceeding 85oo, it is ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows Dated, this ~ ~ day of Hig~ ~ways TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~mi~oner of Highways :~IN THE MA'~FI~R OF The undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, hereby consent that the Commissioner of Highways o/' said Town, make an order  c~ the proposed highway, described in the application of ~--~'~t~-~ ~ -- pursuant to Section~ of the Highway Law. Dated, this day of , ~9o~. Supervisor. Town Clerk. Justices of the Peace /?/~ TOWN OF: $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways OF TOWI~T BOARD ./ in the Town of ~aJ'~~- , Count3~ of Suffolk and State of New York, for value receive~e 'to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed g_nd~also h~se said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. I~q WX'rN~SS Wa~aEo~'.Ml~aave hereunto set ~ handa and seals this On this q~'~ day of ~ ~ One before Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ , me personally came to me to be the same person~desc_ribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ~_he ~ ~ ack~nowledged Ih_at th_eT{ exe~uted the same. . TOWN OF '$OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE ~ATTER OF DEDICATION OF ' t I t to ~ , in hand paid by -~ ~ Cc.~am;o.i~,~,c~ ,~£ :lighwayz of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~ and opened across premises, in the said Town of. Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason o~ ~ and opening such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set ~ hand and In presence State of New York ) Suffolk County~ ss. ~'~'~'~'~ , r9~O, before personally On this ~..~d~. day of , ~ me came ~~4-. ~ '~ to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing relea~5~ and ~ ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. ~']~~~~ /¢/~ · ow~ o~ sou~t~o~o · ' Highways IN THE MATTER OF RELEASE OF~ To th,, Tov~n Sup~rintendant of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York; The undersigned, resident of Orient, Suff. CO., N.Y., liable to assessment for highway J~axes or highway labo~ in your Town, hereby applies to you to lay out a ne_ to be of the width of three rods, the names of the ow~lers of lands through which it will pass,' are, _ of whom wilt consent and release to laying out of said highway. Dated March, ~d., lgog. Application I,eRoy E. Raynor, - Atty. for Applicant, Groonport, Suff. C0.N.Y To the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk :-- The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway labor in your town, hereby ap- plies to you to lay out a highway in said town, as follows: TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTEI~ OF APPLICATION WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR. & OTHERS to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EASEMENT DATED: OCTOBER 22, 1966 WILLIAM WICKHAM MATrlTUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK ! 1952 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER REIIORi SIG#ING THIS.I~TRUMI~IT--THIS INSTRUMENT SL ~.D BE, US.ED ~Y LAWYERS ONLY. da /4 ~a-~/--- ~ INDF-JFI1JII~ made the y of ~ , nineteen hundred and Sixty-four BEI'WERN WILLTAM J. BAXTER, JR. and PATRICIA BAXTEr, his wife, residing at Palmer Road, New Rochelle, New York, RoBErT A. GOELLER, JR. and JANE P. GO~, his wife, residing at Birch Lane,. Green- wich, Connecticut, and WILLIAM J. BAXTER and BEATRICE P. BAXTER, his wife, ~esiding~ l0 Bayeau Road, New Rochelle, New York party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a mun±ci~al coroorstio~ wi~n office at oouth Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New ~or~, party of the second part, 'WI'I~.~SJ~II'I, that the party of the first part, in consideration of-One and 00/100- - - ......................... ($1.00) -- dollars, ~aw~u[ money o[ Ihs United States. and other good antd valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereb.x grant and release nnto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, Al.l. that certain plot, piece or parcel of land,~ .... ~ _' ....... situate, lying and bei~ ~ at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ,,~'~' ~or~, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of the Main Road at the southeasterly morner of land of SteWart Estate and the southwesterly corner of land of the party of the first part; from said point of beginning ~,m~ing along said land of Stewart Estate, N. 17°51'~0'' %4. 2~2.15 feet to an iron pipe; thence through said land of the party of the first ~art the following 8 courses: (1) N. l~O)l'~O'' W. 210.58 feet to an iron pipe; thence (2) N. 20o00' W. 280.95 feet to an iron pipe; thence (5) N. ~9° 42'10" W. 501.26 feet $o an iron pipe; thamce (~) N. 17° ll'~O" W. 259.95 feet to an iron pipe; thence (5) Northeamt®rly on a curve to the right ~avi~ a radius of 100.0 feet a d~eg~e of 15~.72 feet to an iron pipe; thence (6) N. 60000' E. 2~.2) feet to an iron pipe; thence (~7) N. 19017'20'' W. ~.11 fee~ to a monumant; thence (8) N. 70°~2'~0" E. 100.0 feet to an ires pipe amd land of Ruland; thence along maid la~d of Ruland, ~. 19017' 20" ~. 100.0 feet to an iro~ pipe; them~e '~l~rough said land' of the party of the firet part the follovin~ ? courses: (1) ~. ~o ~2'~0~ W. 100.0 feet to & me~u~ent; thence (2) I. 19°17,20, V. 25.0 feet to an iron ~xpe~ thence'(5) S. 60000 218.96 fee6; '~hence (4) Southwesterly on a cur~e to the left hav~n'g a radius of ~0.0 feet a distance of 67.~6 feet; throe (5) ~. 19°11'~" E. 25~.0 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (6) S. ~9°~2'10" E. ~.0 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (7) S. ~°00' E. ~00.0 feet iron pipe ~d l~d of Wo~-~ton; thence along said l~d of ~orthi~ton S. 1~°~1'~" ~. 2~.81 feet to a monet on said northerly l~e of the ~ Road; '~hence aloe' said no~rly line, S. 62° 08'~0" W. 60.0 '~t Zo the point ~e abo~e de,criBed pre~ te'~ ~e Iho~ on ~he map attached "~p of Village ~or at Natt c~ck, To~ of Southold, Suffolk Co~, New York" s~eyed ~Lly 2~, 1~2, by.Otto W. & Son, Greenport, N.Y. , ~d f: l~d ~ S~folk Cowry Clerk's Office on October 2~, 1962 aa ~p No. ~699. T~. with ~ easeme] ; for ~a~age p~oses, over the southerly ten (10) feet of L< t No. 16, ~d the easterly ten (10) feet of Lot No. 14 on said ME p. ~lkIF2~ with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the firs~ part in ~ ro ariy streets and · roads abutting' the above deseril:~l premises to the center lines thereof. TO~_.~.l~ with the appurte~s and all the e~ate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, · to l.[Av]]~ A]~) 'to [.]o[.~ the premises herein granted unto the !lmrty of the second p~rt,~ succes~°rs~--~--~:~-:--~-~=';~----'~c~'~----<x Or assigns fo~ highway dedication purposes only. its ~ the party of the first p~rt eovenant~ that the party of the first part has not do~e or suffe~! ~q, thiz~ whereby the ~icl premises have b~n ineumhered in any way whate~er, ca.spt ~$ aforesaid. ~ the party of the first part. in o0mplianee with Section 13 of t~e Lien Law, ~o~enants that the lmrty of the first part will r~elve the eonaideration for this coov~y~nce and will hold the right to re~i~ such eon$id- eratlon as a trust fund to be applied fi~l~r the purp~ of paying the cost of the improvement and will ~ the same first to the payment of the cost of the impr~ement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "pan'y" ~ he oonstrued as if it re~d "parties" whenever the ~ of this indenture ~o r~quir~. IN ~1'l~ ~[~1~0~', th~ pm'ty ofth~ fa~t pm,~ has d~ly mt~--m~d thi$ deed the d~y and ymr Irst ~ writt*a.