HomeMy WebLinkAboutVILLAGE LANE, MattituckTO~'N OP SOUTHOLD - STATE 0F ~ YOP2{ Ir_ the Matter of the Appiioa~ion off ROBOT A. G0~R~ ~. ~ JANE P. GOEL~ for layin~ Out of a New Ri~hway in Ha%~itmek, To~ of Southold~ Suffolk Co~y~ New York~ to be ~o~ as DEDIOATION and AELE SE WE, WII~IAM J. BAXTER, DI~PATRICtA B~_I[TER,, ROB~R~ A. GOELL~ ~.~ JANE P. %0%~_ WI~L~ ~. BAZT~ a~d BEATRICE the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co,unty~ New York~ included wi-bhi~. which land is proposed highway kmowr_ as Yiilage Lane descriked in ~he application in the above entitled matter dated July NOW~ THEREPORE~ in consideration o~ One (~1.00) Dollar So us in hand paid by Harold }. ways of said Southold To~, am.d in £urther consideration of laying ouv of the new highway knovm as Village Lane~ do hereby release and dedicate to the To~ of $outhoid all of the land heretofore owned by us included within said proposed highway and described as follows: 1~ Proposed highway %o be knom~ as Village Lane ruzraing north from the Main Read: BEGI~7[iNG as a monmmen~ on the northerly line of the Main Road at the southeasterly corner of land of Stewart Estate and the southwesterly corner of land of the %etitioners% from said point of beginning r~m~ing along said land o£ Stewart Estate~ N. l?°~i~e0'' W. 2~2.15 feet to an iron pipe; thence through said land of tke petitioners the fol!owin~ 8 courses: (1) N. 17~ ~1~0'' W. 210.38 feet %o an iron pipe~ thence (2) N. 2Q 00~ ~. 2S0.9~ feet to an iron pipe~ thence (3) N. ~9~2~10~' Wo }0t,26 ~eeu ~o an iron pipe~ thenc~ k!¢ N.t/ ~1 CO' W~ 259.95 feet ~o an iron pipe~ thence (~) northeasterly on a c~k~e to the right havin~ a radius of i00o0 feet a distance of t}~°72 feet so an iron pipe~ thence (6) ~ 60° 00' E~ 228~2~ feet to am iron pipe~ thence (7) N. 19_ 17'20" W. 2~.ti feet to a monu~env~ thence (8) N. 20° ~2' ,aC" E. 100~0 feet so an irom eipe an~ land of Ruland~ thence alon~ said land of Ruland3 S. 19 17~20' E. 100~0 feeto ~o ~ irom pipe; thence %~ough said land of eeti- ~ionems the following 7 courses: °4 , (1) S. 70~ 2 40" W. 100.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. 19~17'20' W. 25.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (3) S. 60v00'W. 218.76 feet; thence (4) southwesterly on a curve to the left having a radius of^50.0 feet a distance of 67.36 feet; thence (5) S. 17Vll'~O",E.,, 250.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (6) S. 39 42 l0 E. 300.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (7) S. 20u 00' E. 500.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Worthington: Thence along said land of Worthington, S. 17~Sl'&0'~ E. 233.81 feet to a monument on said northerly line ~f the Hain Road; thence along said northerly line S. 62v08' 30" W. 60.0 feet to the point of beginning. AND we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway. STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOI~K: On this~ day of Jul?, 1964, before me the subecriber personally appeared WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER~ ROBERT A. GOELLER, JR.~ JAi~E P. GOELLER~ WILLIAM J. BAXTER, and BEATRICE P. BAXTER, to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who excuted the within Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ~/-//~ ~' -~'"'H6m~C'Titl¢ Division .)- ~ ~/~ '// ~-~o ~ ~ - , Insurance Compare, '/1'1' -- ChicagoTitJe . ,.-? ~.- V ~, ~)~ ' " ' ~I~TAM J. ~T~, ~'., Etal... '. to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEDICATION AND WET,E~E, ._~ i ,~ . ; -CT - Record and Return to: Mr; Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk, Town of Southold MaLuRoad Southold, New York WILLIAM WICKHAM ~OW!~ OP SOU~ItOLD: S~ATS OP zNSW -X In the Hatter of the Application o£ WILLIAM J~ ROBERT A. WILL~ for the Laying Out of a New Highway in Mattituck~ ~o~ of Southold~ Suffolk : Cowry, New York~ to be ~o~ as : VIL~GE ~. : i~PPLIOATION To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the. To~m o£ Southlld, in the County of Suffolk and State of New~ork: The ~dersigned petitioners, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR. and PATRiCIABAXTER~ residing at Palmer Avenue~ New Rochelle, New York,~eBERT~Ao GOEL~ JR. and JA~-E P. eOELLER, residing at Birch Lane, Greenwi~h~ Commecticut~ WILLAt~ J. BA~TER and BEATRICE P. BAXTER~ resid~ing at l0 Bayeau Road, New Rochelle~ New York, liable so be assessed for highway taxes in the Tewn of Southold~ hereby apply ye the Town Superintendent of High- ways to lay out a new highway at Nattituck~ in the Towm~ of Sou~hold~ Comnty of Suffolk and Sta~e of New York, to be knowm as Village L~ue~ and more fully described as follows: 1. Proposed highway ~o be known as Village Lane North from the Main Road: BEGZNNIsh~G a~ a monument on the northerly line of the Ha~u Road at the southeasterly corner of land of Stewart Es~ate~and the southwesterly corner of land of Petitioners; from said point of be~in~ rum_ming along said land of St~ewarv Estate~ N. 17 ~l 40 We 242~15 feet to an iron oipe; thence tD~ough said ~and of petitioners the fellow- ~n~ 8 courses;- (1) N. 17~3~0' We 210.38 feet to an iron pipe; thence (2) N. 20~00' iron pipei thence (3) N~ 39~2110" W~ 501.26 feet to an ir~n pmpe; thence (~) N~ 17~ll'~O' W~ 259.95 feet to an iron oipe; thence (5) northeasterly on a curve to feet to 9n iron oipe and t~_d of Ru!~d~ thence ~$en~said land of Rul~nd~ S. 19 17'20~' E~ lO0.O feet ~ i~n pipe~ thencn throuEh sa6d land of ~etitioners ~6 f61iowi~g 7 courses:- (1) S~ 70 ~'40' W~ 100lO f~e~ to a monument; thence (2) ~ee'~ to an ~ron oipe~ thence (3) s. 60 00' W~ 218.76 f~et~: thenc~ {/~)~s~uthwestert~ om a cu~e tc the left having a radius Qf 50.0 feet a distance of 67.36 feet; thence (5) S. 17~ll'#O" E. 250.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (6) S. 39~42'10" E. 300.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (7) S. 20uO0' E. 500.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Wsrthington; thence along said land of Worthing- ton S. 17 31'~0" E. 233.81 feet to a monument on the said northerly line Rf the Main Road; thence along said northerly ~ine S. 62v08'50" W. 60.0 feet to the point of beginning. A map of said proposed highway has been made by Otto W. VanTuyl & Son, Licensed Surveyors, Greenport, N.Y. and is annexed hereto and made part of this application. Annexed hereto and made a part of this application is a release and dedication to the Town of Southold by the petit- over whose property said highway is to run. ~atricia BaXter. Bea~ric~-P. Baxter// - STATE OF NEW :YORK: COU~TY OF SUFFOLK: SS: WILLIAM J. BAXTER, ~-R. , PATRICIA BAXTER, ROBERT A. GOELLER JR., JANE P. GOELLER, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, and BEATRICE P. BAXTER being duly sworn, depose and say that they are the petitioners herein; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof, and that the same is true to their own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be all- eged upon information and belief and as to those matters they believe it to be true. R6bert 'A. ~oelSerVJr. i~illiam~/J¥ ~axter Sworn to before TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - STATE OF N~ ¥©R~ In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM J. B~_XTER, JR., PATEiCIA BAXTER, ROBERT Ac GO~J~R, JR o ~ JANE P. GOkTF,T,ER~: WILLIAM J. BAITER, and BEATRICE P. R~TER, for laying Out .of a New highway in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ to be known as "VILLAGE LANE". RELEASE W~, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, ~R.~ PATRICIA BAXTF~R, ROBF2~T A. GOELLER, JR.~ JA~E P. GOEI~, WILLLA2~ Jo BAXTER and BEATRICE P. BAXTF~R, being the owners of certain land at TM +~+~ ' the Town of Sou~hold~ Suffolk County, New York, included withi~~ which land is proposed highway known as Village Lane described in the application in the above entitled matter dated July NOW~ THEP~FORE, in consideration of One ($1~00) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D~ Price~ Superintendent of High- ways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of iayi~g o~- o~ t.~ ~ew highway known as ¥ii!age La~e, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold all of the lend heretofore owned by ~m included wi=hin said pro~soed highway and described as follows: 1. Proposed highway ~o be known as ~¢illage Lane north from the Y~in Road: BEGIKNING at a monumen~ on the nort~rly line of the Main Road at the southeasterly corner of land of Stewart Estate and the southwesterly corner of land the petitioners~ fro~ said point of begging along said land of S~ewart Estate, N. 19~31'~~ W~ 2~2.15 feet to ~ iron oipe~ thence t~ough said l~ of the petitioners the ~ollowing 8 courses: (1) N. 17~ ~10~8 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (2) N~ ~00 2~93 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (5) N~ ~9~2~10 ~t.~ feet to an ir~ pioe~ ~hence ~ N. i7~tl'~ 259-95 feet to an i~ pi~e, ~the~e (5) nor~heastsr!y on a c~e to the ri~t hav~ a radi~ of 100~O f~e~ ~i~t~ce of 1~.72 feat ~o ~ iron pipe; thence (6) ~' E. 228.23 feet to ~ iron pipe~ th~ce (7) N. 19 17'~" W. 24.11 feet to a m~en~; thence (8) N. 70 ~2~" E~ 100.O feet to ~ i~ pipe ~ l~d of thence alo~ said l~d of Ruled, S. 19~17'~~ E. 100.O feeto ~o ~ ~on pipe~ thence t~ou~ said l~d of tioners the following ~ co~ses: (1) S~ 70,, 2 ~ IJo 100.0 feet to a monument; thence (2) 1t.1" ' " · ' , · 9^17 20 W. 25.0 feet to an ~ron p~pe, ~h~nce S. ~'W. 218.76 feet; ~hence (~) s~thwes~e~ly on a c~e to She ief~ ~v~ a ~adius of ~0.0 feet a dist~ce of 67.56 feet~ thence (5) S. 17°ll'~' E~ 2~.0 feet to ~ ~on pipe~ th~nc~ (6) S. E. 300.0 feet to ~ iron p~pe; thence (7) Thenoe along said l~d of Wort~, S. 255.81 feet to a mon~en$ on said northerly line ~f the Ma~ Road; thence al~ said ~ortherly l~e $0" W. 60~0 feet to the po~t of begging. AND we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway. William STATE OF NEW YORK: ,° SS: COD-NTT OF SUFFOLK: oS befe~re me the $~t~ri~ personally appeared WILLIAM J. BAXT~, JR. ~ PA~RIOIA Y~R~ ROBERT A. C-OE~ JR~ JA~P. C-OE/~, W7%LI~3{ J. ~ and ~EATRICE P. BAXTER: to me perso~ally k~own and k~ ~9 me to be the sa~e pers~ described im and who excu$~ ~ within Instrumen~ anal they s~.eraiiy ack~owl~ge~ t~ ~ $~a~ ~hey ~x~¢uted the same. ~OW~ 0P SOUTHOLD : $~ATE 0P ~iEW YORK Is_ She Matter of the Application of ROBOT A. ~R~ JR.~ J~ P. WI~M J~ B~TER ~d B~TRICE P. B~T~R : C 0 N S E N T for the Laying Out of a New Eighway in Mattituck~ To~ of Southold~ Suffolk : Co~ty~ New Tork~ to bs ~o~ as VIL~GE ~E. : ~ the ~dersignsd, be~g a majority of the To~ Bo~d of the To~m of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said To~ Board~ at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport~ in said Town, on the day of , 196~ and having duly considered the application of William J. Baxter~ Jr., ~atricia Baxter~ Robert A. Goeller~ Jr., Jane P. ~oetler~ William J. Baxter sad Beatrice P. Baxter dated the~ day of ~i~6~2~ ~i~ for the laying out of a new ~ighway a~ Matti~mc'x~ in said To~n~ and to be known as Village L~ue, do hereby consen~ tha~ such laying out be made in w~h said petition. Sup eri~nt en~de~t ~Hig~hways TOW~ OF $OUTHOLD : STATE OF l'Yi~g YORK In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA ~T~, ROBOT i. C~ELY,'ER~ JR., J~ P. ~EL~ WILLI~ J. B~T~ ~d B~&TRICE P. B~T~ for the Laying Out of a New Highway in Mattituck, To~ of Southold~ Suffolk Cou~ty~ ~ew Tork~ to be ~o~ as F!L~GE ~. ORDER LAYING OUT A HIGA%~AY WITH T~ CONSF~YT OF Tile TOW%I BOARD WtllT_~ application having been duly made to me~ the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York~ for the laying out of a Town Highway in the said Town of Southold, by William J. Baxter, Jr.~ Patricia Baxter~ Robert A. Goel!er~ Jr., Jane P. Goetler, William J. Baxter amd Beatrice P. B~xter~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, e~nd a dedication a_nd release from damage having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the o~ners of the lands through~which the proposed highway is proposed to be laid out~ a copy of ~Ynich is hereto annexed~ and nothing having been paid to ~uy claimant for such damages~ NOW~ THEREFORE~ I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold~ Suffolk County, New ¥ork~ DO ~REBY DETEP~MIIVE A~YD ORDF~R that a ~own highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out at Matriarch in said To~m as follows: Proposed highway to be known as Village Lane running north loom the Main Road: BEGinNING at a monument on the northerly line of ~he Main Road at the southeasterly corner of land of Stewart Estate and the southwesterly corner of land of the petitioners; from said point of beginning run- ning along said l~ud of Stewart Estate~ N. 17 W~ 2~2~15 feet to an iron pipe; thence through said land of the petitioners the following 8 courses: (i) N. 17° 31' ~0'~ Wo 210.38 feet to an iron pipe; thence (2) N. 20° O0~ W. 280.93 feet to an iron pipe; thence (3) N, 39° ~2~ lC" W. 301.26 feet to an iron pipe; thence (g) N. 17° ll~ ~0 TM ~. 259.95 feet to an iron pipes thence (5) northeasterly on a curve to the right having a radius of 100.O feet a distance of 13~.72 feet to an iron pipe~ thence (6) N. 60 228.23 feet to an iron pipe~ thence (7) No 19° 17' 20~ W. 2A.11 feet to a monument; thence (8) N. 70 E. lO0.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Ruland; thence along said land of Rula~d, S. 19° 17' 20" E. 100.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence t_b_rough said land the petitioners the ffollowing 7 co~ses: (1) S. ~2~ ~0~ W. 100.0 ffee~ ~o a monpmen~; ~hence (2) ~. 19° 19~ 20" W. 25.0 ~ee~ ~o ~ iron pipe; thence (~) S. 60~ 00' W. 218.76 ~ee~; ~hence (~) southwesterly on a c~ve to the left having a radius of 50.0 feet a dist~ce of 87.58 feet~ thence (5) S. 17° ll~ AO 250.0 feet to a~ iron pipe~ thence (8) S. 39° ~2~ l0" E. 300.0 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (7) S. 20° 00~ E. 500.0 feet to an iron pipe ~d l~d of Worthington~ thence along said l~d of Wort%~ug~on, S. 17° 5l E. 233.81 feet to a mon~ent e~ said northerly line of the Hain Road~ thence along s~d northerly line~ S. ~2~ 08~ 30~ W. 60.0 feet to the po~t of begi~ing~ Dated, ~hs day ~f Highways~ To~ of So~th~lm~ ~ Suffolk Co~uty, New Record and Return to: Mr: Albert W. Richmond - Town Clerk, Town of Southold~ -- Main Road - ." -' '. r. Southold, New .York --- .-~_ : WILLIAM WICKHAM :-:- .... ' MATTI~IJCK, LONG I$~-AND : ¢" ; THIS INDENTURE made this 22nd day of October, 1966 between WILLI~M J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER~ residing at 51 Nohegan Road~ Larchmont, New York, ROBERT Ao GOEI,T,RR, JR., ~JAi~E P. GOELLER, residing at Birch Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut~ .WiLlIAM ~J. B~XTER and BEATRICE P. B~tTF~ ~esiding at ~assau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, parties of the first part, and ELM~ D. RULA~D~/residing at Mattituck, New York, party of the second part, and the TOWN OF SOUTHO ~LD~ a municipal corporation with office at South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York~ party of the third part. WITh~SSETH: WHEREAS, the parties of the first part are the o~aers of certain premises at Mattituck, Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, known as Village Manor, at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York, which said premises are more fully showa an~ designated on "Map of Village Manor at Mat~i~uck~ Town of Southold, Suffolk Co'~uty, New York," filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 24, 1962~ as Map No~ 5899, and have offered to dedicate a certain highway kno~m as ~¥illage tane~" also shown and designated on the aforesaid map, to the Tow~ of Southold as a public highway, and WHERE~M, the party of the third part, as a condition to I the acceptance of said highway as a public Town highway, that drainage facilities be installed to drain surface 'from said highway across ~he premises adjacent thereto to a certain pond located on the easterly boundary line of the ~premises of the parties of the first part and the westerly boundary of the premises of the party of the second part~ NOW~ THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. The parties of the first part do hereby grant amd release unto the party of the third part~ its successors and assigns forever: All that certain plots, pieces or parcels of laud situate, lying and being at Mattituok, Town of Southold~ i Suffolk County~ New York: .Parcel I A ten foot ~tr~p along the southerly boundary of lots Nos. l&~ 15 and 16 on said ~'M~p of Village Manor at F~ttituck, Town of Southold~ Suffolk,County, New York~ filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 2~ 1962, as Map No. 3699, and further boun~ed and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Village Lane at the southwesterly corner of lot 16 as shown on t, he '~Map of Village Manor~' filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map ~3669; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Village Lane~ N~ 17© ll~ ~0'~ W. - 10o0 feet; thence through said lot 16 and through lots 15 and l~ as shoe on said map, No 72~ ~8~ 20° E. - ~58.09 feet to land of Ruland; thence along said land of Ruland, S~ 16° 59' ~0" Eo - 10.O feet ~o the southeasterly corner of said lot l~; thence along the southerly line of said lots l~ - 15 and 16, S. 72° ~8' 20" W. - 358.0 feet to the poing of beginning. T©~ETEER with ~he right and easement ~o lay, maintain and repair pipes, culverts and other drainage facilities on, over, under? through and into the pond located on the premises of the parties of the first part as shown on the aforesaid zap, for the purpose of draining surface waters from the aforesaid highway. Parcel II A ten foot strip along the easterly boundary of lot No. l~ on said ~Map of Village ~uor at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ ~ew Yo~k" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 2~, 1962, as Map No. 5699, and further bounded and described as follows: BEGIb~ING at the easterly end of the southerly line of Village Lane at the northeasterly corner of lot 14 as sho~m on ~'Map of ~illage Manor~' filed ~ the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map #3669; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of lot i~ two courses as follows: (i) S. 19~ 17' 20~ E. - i~2.88 feet; t~ence (2) S. 16° 59' ~0' E. - 63.12 feet to the northeasterly corner of the l0 foot easement across the southerly end of said lot 14; thence along the northerl~ line of said easement, $~ 72~ ~8' 20" W. - 10.O0 feet; thence on a lin~ parallel to and l0 feet westerly from said easterly line of lot l~, two courses as follows: (1) N. 16~ ~9' ~0~ W. ~ 62°98 feet~ thence (2) No 19° 17' 20~ W. - 152.65 feet to the southerly line of said Village Lane; thence along the southerly line of Village Lane, N~ 70* ~2~ ~O" Eo - lO.O0 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with the right and easement to lay~ maintain and repair pipes~ culverts and other drainage facilities on, over~ under, through and into the pond located on the premises of the parties of the first part as show~ on the aforesaid map, for the purpose of draining surface waters from the aforesaid highway~ 2~ The party of the second part does hereby grant and release unto the party of the third part, its successors and assigns forever, The right and easement to discharge water on, over, under, through and into the a£dresaid pond located on the located said. premises of the party of the second part and adjacent to the pond on the premises of the parties of the first part as afore~ fit the naturally drain therein. a~ ~hat the parties of the first r~r+ second part do hereby release the party of 5~ That the rights herein granted shall be for the bene- of the land of the parties of the first part embraced within subdivision above described and also other lands which ~n~ ~h~ party of the the third part from an~ and ali damages whatsoever occasione~ as a result of the discharge of water into ~aid pond as aforesaid. William J~ B~ter ~ea.r~ce ~o/~er ~STATE OF NE~ YORK: : SS COUNTY OF SUFFO~: On this 2~d day of October~ 19~6~ before me the subscriber ~personally appeared WI~ J. B~T~ e~.~ PATRIC~ ~, B~TRiCE P. ~T~, to me personally ~o~ ~d ~o~ to me to be ~he same persons described in and who executed the fore- going inst~ment and they severally acknowledged to me ?hat %hey executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK: : COD~TY OF SUFFOLK: SS On this 26th day of October, 196~, be£ore me the subsoriber JR. personally appeared'ELOPER D. RULAND~/to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowle'dged to me that he ~executed the same~ ,ii T~ INDE~ n~te ti~ ~/tl d~y of October , ~ne~en hundred and ~ixty-six ~ ~ WILLIAM J. BAXTEE, JR. and PATRICI~ BAXTER, his wife, res±d- !ling at 51 Ho~hegan Road, Larchmont~ New York~ ROBERT Ac GOEt,I~BR? JR~ iland JANE Po =OELLER,°his wife, residing at Birch Lane~ Greenwich~ I Connecticut, WILLIAM J. BAXTER and BF~kTRICE P~ BAXTER~ his wife? re- siding at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue~ New York~ pa~y of th~ fin p~,aud TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with office at South Street, Greenport? Suffolk County, New York~ party of the second part, WITN~ that the party o~ the first part, in consideration oi 0~1~ and 'O0/lO0 doF~rs, Nw~ul mo~ey of the Unit~ Smtes,~d other good ~d valuable consideration by ~e ~' of t~ ~nd ~, ~s hereby ~t and rel~ unto the r~y O~ the ~nd ~, ~ heirs ~ su~s~rs ~nd ~i~$ of ~ ~ of ~he ~nd ~ forever, lying and ~ ~ a~- Mat~ituck~ in the To~ of So~hold~ ~uffolk Co~ty~ New ~or~ bonded a~:d aeseribed es foklows: BEGginG 8~ a mon~ent on the northerly l~e of the ~ Romd at the ~th~am,terly ~rner of l~d of~ Stewart Estate' ~d' the southwesterly co~ne~ of ~d o~ ~ party of the first part~ from said po~t of beg~n~g ~g ~l~g said l~d of Ste~rt Estat~ N. 19* .51* .~" W. - 2~2~15 fe*t ~o ~ iron pipe~ thence t~ough said l~d of the party of ~e ~irgt ~t th~ ~ollowing (8) co~ses: - (1) N. 17~ 51' ~" W~ 210.38 feet ~ ~ iron pipe; thence (2) N. 20° O0~ W~ 280.93 f~et to ~ iron pipe; thence N. 39~ ~2~ lO' W. - 301~26 feet to ~ iron pipe~ th.nee (~) N. 17* ll' ~" W~ - 259.95 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (5) Northeasterly on m c~e to the right having a radiu~ of l~.O fe~t a di~ce of feet to ~ iron pipe~ thence (6) N. 60° 00' E. - 228.25 feet to ~ iron pipe~ thence (7) N. 19~ 17' ~" W. 2g. ll fe~ to ~-mon~$t thence (8) N~ 70~ 42~ ~o E. - lO0.0 f~et to ~ ~om ~ip$ ~:~d Rul~d~ thence along said l~d of Rul~d~ B. 19© ~7' '20" E~ ~ feet to ~ iron pipe; ~hence t~ ~aid ~d of ~e ~y ~ ~ firs~ p~t the following (7) co~ses: (1) $. ~0' ~2' ~" W. ~.0. feet to a mon~ent; thence (2) N. l~~ 17' ~" W. -.25~0 f~et ~e ~ iron pipe; thence (5) S. ~ OO~ W. - 21~.76 f*et~ thence~(O} ~ $~outhwester~ly on a ct~rve'to the left having a radius of 50.0 dist~uce of 67.36 feet; thence (5) S. 17° ll~ ~0~ Eo - 250,0 mn iron pipes thence ~7).S~ Worthington; feet a feet to thence (6) B~ 39~ ~2: lO~ Eo 300,0 feet to andiron.pipe 20* OO~ E~ 500.0 feet to sm iron pipe ~ud land of thence along said land of Wo~thington~ $. 17¢ 51' ~0'~ Eo. 235.81 feet tb a monument on' said northerly line of the Hain Roadl ; thence along said northerly tine~ So 62~ 08" 30" Wo - 60~0 feet to point of beginning. IT tS INTENDED that ~e above premises mre granted and conveyed to the~ To~m ~f Southold for highway purposes. TOGETHER wit~2-ten ~oot strips for drainage purposes only described as followB: !. BW~INNING at a point on t~ne easterly lin~ of ¥illage L~ue at the southwesterly corner of lot 16 as shown on the ~Fmp of Village Manor'~ filed in the S~ffolk 0ou~ty Clerk's Office as ~p #56695~ from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Village L~ne, No 17° ll~ ~O~ W. 10o0 feet; thence through said lot 16 and through lots 15 and l# as shown on said map, N. 72~ ~8~ 20~ Eo 558.09 feet to land of~uland; thence along said lamd of E~ta~d~ S. 16~ ~9~ ~0" E. lO.O feet to the southeasterly corner of s~id lo$ l~; thence along the southerly line of said lots I~ - 15 and 16~ ~. 72* ~8' 20~ W. - 358.0 feet to the point of beginning. 2, BEGINNING at the easterly end 8f the southerly line of Vill~e ~Lane at the northeasterly corner of lot l~ as shown on ~ap of Village'Manor" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Offiee as Hmp ~5669; from said point of beginning running along said eam~erly time of lot l~ two courses as follows: (1) ~ 19~ 17~ 20" Eo 152.88 feet~ thence (2) So 16© 59' ~0" Eo 63o12 feet to the northeasterly corner of the l0 foot easement across the southerly end of said lot 1~$ thence along the northerly line of said easement~ S~72 lO.O feet; thence on a line parallel to and l0 fee~ weste~l~ said easterly line of lot l~ two cou~see as follows: ~0~ Wo 62,98 feet; thence (2).~. 19© 17' 20~ W, 152.65 feet to the southerly l~ne of sai& Village Lane; thence mlong the southerly line of Village Lane~ No 70? ~2' ~O~ E. 10,O fee~ to ~he p0im~ ~f beginning~ T~ wk~ all rlght, ,~fle and inlerest, ~ a~y, of the ~y o~ the yr~ ~ in mhd ~o ~y ~re~s ~d r~ds abu~i~ ~ a~e d~ p~ to t~ ~ lines ~r~f, ~ ~ ~e a~u~ ~ ~1 ~ e~m ~ d~ of t~ ~ o~ the first ~ in and to ~~o~yoi~m~for~er. ~ the patty of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not don~ or suffered anything whea'eby the saki prenfi~s have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as afor-~d. ~ the party of the first part, in cormplhnce with Sect/on 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the ~ of th* first part w/Il rece/ve the condderatlon for ti,As conveyance and will hold the ~ ~o fete/ye anch ¢~aadd- eration as a tms~; fund to be applied first/or the purpose of pay/ng the cost of the improv~n, em and van'll apply ~he atme first to the payment of the cost of the imprm, ement before using any part of the total of the same for any other parpo~e. The word "l~arty" shall be ~onstrued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of th/s indenture an mq~ees. 11~ ~ */~IF..,RF.~F, the party of the first part ha* duly execta~ this deed the day and y~ar first ~ wr/ttem Beabric$ P; Baxter~ ?O~et~l~.~ with all ~h~, ~ ~ ~ ~y ot ~e ~ot ~e fi~t ~ .t ~ ~ ~ my ~ ~d o~ ~rs~ ~ w~ ~e now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~y ~ ~v¢~ by ~ ~. ~aR wi~ ~e her~ts ~d ap~s ~to ~n~, ~d ~ ~ 6ac ~d ot~e~of~e~,~d~~t~~~y~ charged from s~d mo~ , ~d ~t ~e ~ ~i ~e ~n~ ~ s~d s~ond p~ ~d m ~ ~irs, suc~rs ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ of ~e s~d p~ ~, f~, d~r ~d aforesMd. IN WIT#ESS W~II, the pm'ty of the ~u'st part has exec~te~ this release t~e day a~d year fi~t abov~ STATE OF ~ YORK: : SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the 31st day of October, 1966, before me personally came AUSTIN B. TUTHILL to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, that he is the Vice President of The North Fork Bank and Tr~st Company, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrmment is such corporate seal; that it w~s so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation~ and that he signed his name thereto by like order, .---~W. Notary Public STATE O~ NEW YORK, COUNTY On the day of before me personally came nineteen hundred to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac- lmowledged that executed the ~zne. STATr' O~ !¢~ YOIIK, ~OUNTY OF On the day of before me personally came nineteen hundred and to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac- knowledged that executed the same. ~ ~ ma& ~ 31st 4ay of Qctober . ~ ~ ~m~ six~y-six ~ THE NORTH FORE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, a domestic corporation With office, and principal place of business at Nattituck~ Town of Bouthold~ Suffolk County, New York pa~yo£~he~par~m~d ~/TT,ToTA~ J. BAXTER~ JR. ~ residing at 31 Mohegan Road~ Larchmont, New York~ and JANE P. GOELLER, re$idiug at Birch Lane~ Greenwich~ Connecticut ~ and Jane Po G. oell~.r ~o North ForkOBank and Trmst Company ~ ~ ~ ~ $15,0o0, O0 O~ Witlimm J~ Baxter, ~ mor~w~ ~158 i~ t~ o~ce.o~ ~ Clerk July 12, 1961, 5660 of ~ County of Suffolk ~overing' ~ertain land a~d tenements, of which t~e lzmds hereinafter descn'bed are pm.~, WH~R~S.S. the ~- af ~ ~ ~t, at ~ ~ of ~e ~ o~ ~ ~nd p~, ~p ~d ~rr~er the ~& ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ of ~ ~d ~, ~d ~e ~due of t~ mo~ I~ ~ ~ for ~e ~ney ~ni~ due ~ ~d ~ ~de~d~ oE ~e ~d ~l~ ...................................... ................................................... ($~.00) ~ ~ ~t c~r~a~ plot, piece or pacel of lad, si~e, bounded and described as follows: BEG/3~NINC~ ~t a ~on~ent party of the lof ~tewart Eetat~ ~ud the seu~h~e~$~ly c,~e~ 0f l~d o~ the/second ~p~t; from said po~t of Beg~n~g ~n~g along said land of ~te~rt ]E~ate~ N~ 17~ 31~ ~ ~ ~ 2~2~15 fee~ ~ ~ ~om pipe~ thence t~ou~ said l~d of the p~ty of the second part the follo.~g (8) (i) N. 17~ 51~ ~ ~. fe~t p~pe~'.thenoe (2) N~ ~ W. 2~ feet to ~ ~on ~ipe~ t~ce (3) N~ 39~ ~2~ l0~ '~ 301.~ feet 'to ~ iron pipe; thence (~) N~ 17° ll~ ~ W. 259.95 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (5) Northeasterly on a c~e to the right ~v~g a radi~ of l~.0 feet a diet.ce of 15~72 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence (6) O0~ E. 228~23 feet to ~ ~on pipe; thence (7) N~ 19~ 17~ ~ ~. 2~ll fee~ to a mon~nt~ ~hence (8) N. 70° ~2' ~ E. 100.O feet ~o ~ iron pipe ~d l~d of Ruled; thence along said l~d of Rul~d~ $. 19° 17~ 20~ E. lO0~0 feet to ~ iron pipe; thence t~ou~ seid land of the party of the second part the follow~g (7) co~ses: (1) $~ 70° ~2' ~ W~ 100~0 feet to a mon~ent; thence (2) N~ 19° 17~ ~ W. - 25.0 feet to iron pipe~ thence (3) ~. 60' 00' W. - 218.76 feets Shence (4) ~e~terly on a c~e to the left hav~g a ra~us of ~.0 feet a. diet.ce of 67~3~ fee~ thence (5) $. 17° ll' ~" E. 250~0 fee~ to ~ ~om pipe~ thence (6) S~ 59: ~2' lO~ E. 300~0 feet to ~ iron pipe~ thence ('7) S~ ~: 00~ E~ 500~0 feet to ~ iron pipe ~d l~d of Worth~ thenc~ along said l~d~of Wor~on, S~ 17:51~ ~E~ 255~81 fees ~ a men~ ment on said northerly !~e of the ~n Ro~d$ thence aloa~ ~sai~ l~e, ~. 62~ ~: 50~ ~ 60~0 feet ~0 the po~$ of beE!~n~~. T~ ~th ~,~~ 2-rem feet strips for ~a~. ~ poses only described as follows: l~ ~G mt a po~t on the easterly l~e of Village ~e at ~esterly c~er ~f l~t 16. as sho~ ~ the "~ of ~ill~e ~or filed ~ ~h~ Suffolk Co~ty' Clerk's Off{ee;.as ~p ~5669S fr~m said of beg~g ~n~g along said easterly l~e of Village ~e, N~ 17~ ll~ ~w ~. 10.0 feet; thence t~o~ said lot 16 ~d t~o~ i~$s 15 l~ as sho~ .n 'said ~p, N. 72: ~ 20~ E. 558~09 feet to ~ ~f themes along said l~d 0f R~d, $~ 16~ 39' ~" E. lO.0 fees Se sOUtheasterly co~er of said lot 14~ th~ce along the so~$her!y l~e ~ ~he m~rth~asterly co~er of lot l~ am sho~ on "~p ~f RIDER attached to Release of Part of Mortgaged Premises THE NO~TH FORE B~NE AND' TRUST ~ec0nd p~t~ ~ted 0ctobe~ 31~ 1966 as Party of the first part~ GOELLER~ as party of the Manor~ filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map #5669; from said point of beginning ~nnin~ along said easterly line of lot l~ two courses as follows: il) S. 19° 17' 20~ E. 152o88 fee%~ thence (2) So 16© 39' ~0" E. 63~12 feet to the northeasterly corner of the l0 foot easement across the southerly ~nd of said lot 1~ thence along the northerly line of said easement~ S~ 72° ~8~ 20~ W. !0.0 f~et~ thence On a line parallel to and l0 f~et westerly from said easterly line of lot l~ two c~rses as follows: (1) No 16° 39' ~0~ W. 62.98 feet; thence (2) N. 19° 17' 20'~ Wo 152~65 fee~ to the southerly line of said Village Lane; thence along the southerly line of Village Lane~ No ?0 E~ 10.© feet to the point of beg~ingo Standard N. Y. B. T. U. Form 8007 * 8-65 -20M- Bargain and Sale D~d. with Covenant against Gtanror'$ Acrs-Individual or Corporatiol~Jl ~- ~ ·~ ~ ~ CONSULT YOUR LA~ER BEFO~ SIGNING THIS.INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOUL~ BE USED BY ~WYERS qNLY. THIS INDKNTURE, made ~e 221~ ~yof October ,~neteenhundr~ ~d sixty-six BE13W~EN WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR. and PATRICIA BAXTER, his wife, resid- ing at 31 Mohegan Road, Larcbmont,. New York, ROBERT A. GOELT~R, JR. and JANE P. GOELLER, his wife, residing at Birch Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut, WILLIAM J. BAXTER and BEATRICE P. BAXTER, his wife, re- siding at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, ~r~ofthefirstpa~,and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with offic at South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second paR, WI'I'~.~.~TIt, that the pa~y of the first part, in consideration of One and 'O0/lO0 ............ ~lhrs, lawful mo~y of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration p~d by the pa~y of the second ~n, does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second pa~, the heirs or succes~rs and assi~s of the pa~y of the se~nd pa~ ~rever, AI~ t~t '~ain plot, pi~e or pamel of land, :~tk~~cal~I~~ situate, lying and ~i~ h[X~ at' Mat%ituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New' York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northerly line of the Main Road at the 'southeasterly corner o~ land: of' Stewart Estate~ and' the southwesterly corner of land of the party o~ the first part; from said point of beginning running along said land of Stewart Estate, N. 17° 31' ~0" W. - 2~2.15 feet to an iron pipe; thence through said land of the party of the first part ti following (8) courses: - (1) N. 17° 31' ~0" W. 210.38 feet to an irot pipe; thence (2) N. :20° 00' W. 280.93 feet to an iron pipe; thence (~ N. 39° ~2' 10" W. - 301.26 feet to an iron pipe; thence (~) N. 17° 17 ~0" W. - 259.95 feet to an iron pipe; thence (5) Northeasterly on a curve to the right having a radius of lO0.O feet a distance of 1~.7[ feet to an iron pipe; thence (6) No 60° 00' E. - 228.23 feet to an iron pipe; thence (7) N. 19° 17'~ 20" W. 2~.ll fee9 to a.monument; thdnce (8) N. 70° 42' ~0° E. - lO0.O feet to an iron pipe and'land o: Ruland; thence along said land of Ruland, S. 19° ~7'.20" E. - lO0.O~ feet to an iron pipe; thence through said land of the party of the first part the following (7) courses: (1) S. 70° ~2' ~0" W. lO0.O feet to a mondment; thence (2) N. 19° 17' 20" Wo -,25.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (3) S. 60° 00' W. - 218.76 feet; thence-(~) Southwesterly on a curve'to the left having a radius of 50.0 feet a distance of 67.36 feet; thence (53 S. 17° ll' 40~' E. --250.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence (6) S. 59° 42' lO" E. 500.0 feet to an~ironJpipc thence (7) S. 20° 00' E. 500.0 feet to an iron pipe and land of Worthington; thence along said land of Worthington, S. 17° ~l' 40",E. 233.81 feet tb a monument on'said northerly line of the Main Road; thence along said northerly line, S. 62° 08" 30" W. - 60.0 feet to t~ point of beginning. IT IS INTENDED that the above premises are granted and conveyed ~ to the° Town df Southold for highway purposes. 'TOGETHER wit__~2-ten f~ot strips for drainage purposes only · described as follow~: 1. BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Village Lane at the southwesterly corner of lot 16 as shown on the "Map of Village Manor" filed in the Suffolk ~ouhty Clerk's Office as Map #3669; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of Village Lane, N. 17~ ll' 40" W. 10.0 feet; thence through said lot 18 and through lots 15 and 14 as shovrn on said map, N. 72~ 48' 20" E. 358.09 f~et to land of Ruland; thence along said land of Ruland, S. 16° 39' ~0" E. lO.O fee~ to the southeasterly corner of said lot l~; thence along the southerly line of said lots 14 - 15 and S. 72* ~8' 20" W. - 358.0 feet to the point of beginning. 2. BEGINNING at the easterly end of the southerly line of Village Lane at the northeasterly corner of lot 14 as shown on "Map of Village ManOr" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map #3669; from said point of beginning running along said easterly line of lot 14, two courses as follows: (1) B. 19° 17' 20" E. 152.88 feet; thence (2) S. 16° 39' ~0" E. 63.12 feet to the northeasterly corner of the lO foot easement across the southerly end of said lot thence along the northerly line of said easement, S.~72* 48' 20" W. 10.O feet; thence on a line parallel to and l0 feet westerly from said easterly line of lot 14, two courses as follows: (1) N. 16© 39' 40" W. 62.98 feet; thence (2) ~. 19° 17' 20" W. 152.65feet to the southerly line of said. Village Lane; thence a~ong the southerly line of Village Lane, N. 70~ ~2' 40" E. 10.0 fee~ to the p0int~ of beginning. ,T.O~. 'II~F_,R with ail right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in ~nd to any streets and ° , roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOG~"I'IF.~. . with.~ the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said Premises, TO HAVE ANI) TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ~ the party o£ the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ~ the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive sttch consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shail be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ~ Wl'l-iqF_~l WI-IF_JIEOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: · . ~l~i~~. Ba~xt ~ ~ Beabrice ]P~ Bax~er~ ~o~,bert A. Goeller,_ Jr. v ~e P. Goeller S*TATE O~ NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 22ndday of October 19 66, before me personally came W±lliam J. Baxter_ Jr. Patricia Baxter, Robert X. Goeller,~ ~ane P. Gael era William 0. Baxter tS ~ae~n tYSe ,n ,du~ described in and who ~uted the foregoing instrument, and a~noyledged that they ~uted the ~e~./~/ .~~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came r~ nd to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. ~,V[IH COVENANI' AGAINSI GR^N~OR'S AC~S TITLE No. 5' ~' ~/17/-3 ¢ / _~LLIAM J. BAXTER~ OF SOUTHOLD JR. et oths. STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK 8OARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Southold Recorded At Reque,t ot ;fh'~"T/"~'Guarajatce e~rn~any RETURN BY MAIL 'I~O: Mr. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk, Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York Zip No. RECORDED' MAY 23 1967 NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk Sir :-' Ftease take notice that the within is a (certiIied) true copy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on 19 Attorney Or, ce and Post OOice Address Index No. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOU~HOLD Year 19 In the Matter of the Ap- plication of WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, et al for the Laying Out of a New Highway in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as VILLAGE LANE To Attorney for .Sir ,:- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. O~ce and Post O~ce Address Attorney for ORDER LAYING OUT A HIGHWAY WITH CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD. WILLIAM~ICKHAM, ESQ. Atto~ey ~o~ Pe~titioners To Attogney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted. Attorney for $ir~:;'Please ~ake notice that the within is a (certi[ied) true ,c?py of a duly.entered in the office oi the clerk of the with/n n/m~d court on 19 Attorney ~ [or OOice and Post OOice Address Index No. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK Year 19 In the Matter of the Ap- plication of WILLIAM J. BAXTER JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, et al for the laying Out of a New High- way in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, to be known as VILLAGE LANE Attorney for Sir :'- ~lease take notice that an order APPLICATION AND RELEASE of 'which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, at on the day of 19 OOice and Post OOice Address · To Attorney for WII~LIAM WICKHAM, ESQ. Attorney for P e t it ion er s O~ce and Post OOice Address Mattituck, N.Y. To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted.