HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUTHILL ROADCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TO~ OF SO~THOLDo In th~ ~tter o£ the laying out of a c~r~ain To~_ Hlghw~ in the To~ of So~ho_~ COwry of $~folk ~d S~at~ of New ~omk. ORDE~ LAYING OUT HIGHWAY WITH Tk~ CONS~T OF THE O~al aDplication having been duly made ~o me the Town Sup~rlnten~en= of N~hw~$ for th~ To~ of Sou~hotd~ Sm~olk C~ty~ New ~k~ for the 1~ HIghw~y~ ~ =he $~d TO~ of $oUthold~ by GEORGE P. GRATH~ ~d E~IE ~ GP~T~. ~s wife, ila'o~!~ tob~ age.smd for h~h~ taxes ~ s~d Town, and the writ%en coasen~ of the To~ Bo~d of said To~ havi~ been given as prescribed ~y law~ fr~ d~a~s h~ing be.n ~xecut~d~ ao~wl~g~d ~d d~Iiv~red by the o~ers of t~ l~ds thro~h w~ch the ~essd highw~ is proposed to b~ l~d out, a c~y of w~ch Is h~rsto ~nexed, a~ ~t~ng having b~n paid to ar~ claret fo~ su~ NOW~ ~ERERORE~ I~ the .Town Su~e~intendent of Highways pf th~-Town of S~uthotd~ Suffolk County~ New ~o~k, ~ REREBY DETE~I~E A)D (~DER ~ha~ a town hlghway~ shall b~ and the sam~ is hePeby lal~ out In-~ald To~a az fottows~ ~d i~ is ~o be known as _TtTHLLL ALL tbmt tract or p~rc~I ~f t~ud situate at New Suffolk~ in the Town of Southold~ ~ounty of ~uffolk and State of ~W York~ more particularly desoribe~l as fallows:: Datsd~ this The northerly line of the p~at~osed highway ~Tuthill Enid~ begins~a~ ~ concrete m~a~snt set o~ th~ ~et ~ong s~d ~te~ly l~e fr~ ~ conc~t~ mon~nt ~t ~t th~ inte~ion of s~d erly tins ~ith 'the e~erly lin~ of Grath~ob2 Romd$ ~h~c~ li~ of said Grath~ Eo~ ~k of ~ast~rask. Th~ sou=heriy lin~ of said propoazd ~sh~Y to ~u~tl Road~ Is p~all~l Town of S~hold~ ~OU~TY OF SUFFOLK~ ~ ~ ~att~ of ~h~ lsyl~ o~t of a csrSmin T~ Ei~w~ in the To~ of ~uthold, ELSIE'. ~EA~H~,' his wl~ dat~ ~.~ to~49, ~d ~uly m~o~ged~ d~d!cati~ ~d ~leaslng t~ nac~ssary l~s fo~ a c~r~ain ~o~s~Ddgh~y to ba ~o~ as T~i~ ~ ~!O~ Cha~ c~s~ be ~d ~he s~e h~reby is ~vsn t~t t~ To~ $~p~r~en~ of Hi~wa~ of ~he To~ of Sou~notd~ ~ake ~ o~d~ l~ing ou~ ~h~ afo~$~d-_~n Hi~ay t. co~lst of the l~ds dszc~Ib~ In ~he ~d d~dica$i~ ~le~s ~d to exte~ ~ d~tlneatad Up~ the map ~uexsd ~o s~ld appllca$ion~ all In accordancs with the ~isl.o~ ~f S~ction Dated, at the office of ~he Sup~rvisaP of the Town or. Soul.Id, st Gre~uport~ Justices of TO~{ OF $OL~i~HOLDo In The ~tter of ~h~ laying out of ceftin To~ Highw~ ~ th~ To~ of Southold~ ~o~ty of ~affo!E and state DEDICATION ~HEREAS~ application has been duly made 'co the Town Superintendent of Hi~hwaFe of the Town of Southold~ in ~he County of ~foik and State of New ~ertain town highw~y =o be known as TUTHI4L ROAD~ and GEORGE F. GRATHNOHL ~nd ELSIE ~ GRATEWOHL. his wife, ape t~e owners of the premises to be dedleated as hereinafter provided and ere all of the persons having any interest in e~id rights of w~ end said proposed highway, NOW~ Th~EF~L~ ~e, GEORGE Fo ~RATHWOHL ~r~ ELSIE Q~.o GEATHWO~ his w~Ife~ both r~siding ~t New Suffolk~ in th~ Town of Southo~d~ in consideration of ~he sum of ONE ($1.00) Dollar~ to each of us in hand paid, by HAROLD PRICE, Town tmperintendent of Highways of the To~n of Southold~ the receipt whereof ia hePe~y a¢~nowledged~ s~ud in fuPuher coneideratio~ of the laying out of a new highway neap New Suffolk~ in the To~n of Soutbold~ Sufffolk County~ Nsw York, to be know~ as TUTHILL RO~A~ do hereby dedicate~ r~lease and conFey to the meld Town of Southold~ for highway purposes, the following lande~ to ALL that trac~ or parcel of la~d alsace at New Su~folk~ in the Town of SoUthotd~ County Suffolk and S~ate of New York, more partlculerly described as follows:~ The northerly line of the proposed highway ~o be know~ as ~i~hitl Roed~ ~egins st s concrete monumen~ set on the westerly iin~ of New ~uffot~ Eo~d~ $. 5~ ~5~ W.- f~et along seld westerly line from a de~ewtlon point in said line; and runs thence N~ ?$~ ~1~ W~ 5.~?o44 a eonc~te mo~t s~t a~ t~ Intersection of s~d north~ e~ly l~ ~th the easterly l~e of Grathwohl Eoad~ cont~u~g on ~e s~e c~se ~.82 feet to the westerly line of s~d ~ra~wnbl Roads thence continuing on th~ c~rs$ ~ fee$~ mo~ or le~$~ ~o ~he o~n~ high water m~k of ~st ~eek. ~e zoulhe~ly line of s~d proceed highway $o ~e ~o~ ~thill Road~ is parmltel ~o and ~ fe~ southerly ~om the ~ove dese~iDed northerly and we do hereby reissue smld Town from all damages by reason of the lsying out of the said ~bo~ de~cPibed new highway. STYE OF NE~ YORX~ COUNTY OF S~I~FOLK~ ~EATH~.'OHL ~d .ELSIE N~Y~RATH'COEL, his wife, of ~ew Suffo~k~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk Count¥~ New '~ork~ to ~e ~o~n and k~own to me ;o be the indi~iduals de~ribed in and who e×~¢uted the fo~egoLug instrument and seversdly acknowledged ~o me tP~t they ~x~cuted the ea~e~ STA~ OF NEW YORK, ¢OUNT~ OF $.UFFOL£, In the I~atter of the layln~ out of e certain To~n ILi~hwey ~n the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk 'and Stere of New ~o~k. D~DICATION, REL~E, CONSENT and D~DER. .4 '~ '-'F' U T H.I L L '"~' L.I T H iLL NEw ~u~o~ Tow~ oF ~ouT.~o, Scale: tO0'"' t'