HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWAMP ROADIn the Matter of the Laying out ef a certai~ Town Highway in the Town of Southold, com~'ty of Suffolk' and State of New York, know~ as Swamp Road, at Cutchogue. Pursuant to Section l?l of the Highway Law, ~d upon the annexed consent of the Town Board ef the To~ of S0uthold, New York, and the ~-unexed deed of dedication and release from R~th B~ Case et al,, they being the owners of a~d persons interested in the la~ls through which said highway is proposed to be opened, NOW, THEHEFOBE, I, Harold D~ Pries, as the Town Superintendent o2 Highways, of the To~n o£ Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby determine ~d order that T~ Highway k~o~ as Swamp Road, at Cutehogue, in said Town, shsll be, ~d the same he~gy is, lald out in said Town as p~ticularly described in the annexed deed of dedication ~ud release from Ruth B. Case st al~, dated March ~,0 , 1953~ Upon rea~ing and filing the dedication ar~i release of Ruth B, Case et al,, gated ~arch ~0 , 19~3, duly acknowledged, dedi- catlUg ~d releasing t~he necessary lands for the p~oposed highway k~ow~ as Swamp Road, at Cutchegme, in'the Town of Southold, 0county of Suffel~ and State of New York, ~d more particu~ly described in Said deed of dedication and release, it is h~eby RESOLVED that consent be, ~nd the same h~eby is, given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make au order layLug out the aforesaid Town Highway to consist of the l~uds described in said deed of dedication and ~elease~ all i~ accordance with the preVisions of the Highway Law of the State of New Yorke Justice of the Peace TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS STALL COME, or may concern: G~MMTING: Enow Ye, That RBTH B. CA~E, residing at 88-10 162~d Street, 3amaica~ Queens Co~auty, New York~ ~nd CL~FORD T. CASE and MARION To CASE, his wife, both re~ding at Cu~chogue~ Suffolk County~ New York, for a~d in eonsideratien ef t~he sura of One (tlc00) Dollar, lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand paid by TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk' and State of New York, the receipt whereof is here~y acknowledged, have remised, released, and forever dis- charged, and by these p~esents do fe~ ourselves, our heirs, executors, successors and assigns, remiss, release and forever discharge the said TOW~N 0P SOUTHOLD, its successors and assigns, ef and from all, and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes ef action~ suits, debts, dues, s~s of money, accounts, reckoning, bonds, bills, specialties, covenant s, contracts, controversies ~ agreements, promises v~iances~ trespasses, damages, ~.udg~ments, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which against the said Town of Southold we ever had, now have or which we, or our heirs, executors, administrato~s~ successors or assigns, he~eafte~ can~ shall or may have for~ upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the ~orld to the day of the date of these presents, and particularly for any damage that may be occasioned to the undersigned because of the acceptanee by said Town of Southold of certain lands at Cutchogue, in said Town of Southold, ~or the dedication as a public highway or read called ~Swamp Road. ~ IN WITNESS ~EREOF, the parties hereto have hero,ute set their hamd~ and seals t~is .208 day of March, 1953. B. 0ase) ~lifford T. Case) T. 0ase) STATE OF ~P~ YORK ) C0~TY OF ~JFFOLK ) On this ~o-~ da~ of Ms, oh, 1953, before me personally came Ruth Be Case and Cliffoi~ T. Case and M~ion T. Case, to me personally known, and known ~o me to be the individuals desc_~bed in a~d who executed the foregoing instrument, and duly acknowledged that executed the same. they