HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET LANE~_~=s OF~,,~* YORK 30U3P~Y OF SUFfOLk: TO¥~2x~ OF SOUTHOLD iN THE M_&TTER of the Laying out of certain Town Highways in the To~m of Southo!ds County of Suffo~ and State of New York DEDICATION RELF~&SE ]~YHEREAS~ application has been duly made ye the Town Superin- tendant of Highways of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yorks for the laying out of certain town highways to be known as SUNSET I~hrE and SUTTON PLA~E· and WHEREASs SA~EL LEVINEs of Greenport~ New York and EDNA A~ BRO~,~s of East Marions New York~ are the owners of t~e premises to be dedicated as hereirmfter provided and are all of the presons having any- interest in said rights of way and said proposed highways ~ N0Ws THEREFORE~ We~ SAMUEL LEVi:~VE and EDNA A. BROW!~f~ in consideration of the s's~m of Or~e ($i.00) doiiar~ vo each of us in hand paids by HAROLD PRICEs Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ the receipt ;(hereof is hereby acknow!edged~ and in iur~.e_ near Greenport~ to be known as release and convey to the said Town of Southo!ds ~u~o~ the following land~ to wit~ consideration of the laying our of new higheeys in the Town of Southoid~ Suffolk County~ New York~ SUNSET LANE and SUTTON PL&CE~ do hereby dedicate~ for high~my ALL those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town of Soatholds near the village of Greenpor~ S~foik County~ New York~ lying between the lines hereinafter described and which are sho~,m on the map of Otto ~ Van Tuyl~ hereto annexed as Sunset Lane and Sutton Place~ as follows:- PARCEL I SUNSET LANE The easterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sunset Lane" is described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of Sound Driver two hundred thirty-six and eighty- three (236.83) feet westerly along said southerly line from the westerly line of Sound Avenue; and running thence on a curve to the left having a radius of eight and six hundredths (8.'06) feet, a distance along said curve of seventeen and thirty-seven hundredths (17.37) feet to a concrete monument; thence S. 27 deg. 38' 30" E.-1023.21 feet to a concrete monument and the northerly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place" hereinafter described. The westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sunset Lane" is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on said southerly line of Sound Driver 311.19 feet westerly along said line from the - westerly line of Sound Avenue; and running S. 27 deg. 38' 30" E. 1070.97 feet to said northerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place" herein- after described. PARCEL II - Sutton Place The proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place" is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Sound Avenue~ 700.14 feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of the North Road; and running S. 62 deg. 21' 30" W. 394.88 feet to land of Dorothy Barstow; thence along said land of Dorothy Barstow, N. 25 deg. 19' 50" W.-W9.5~ feet; thence parallel with the first course hereinabove described and forty-nine and five tenths (~9.~) feet northerly therefrom~ measured at right angles thereto~ N. 62 deg. 21, 30" E. one hundred thirty-three and thirty-eight hundredths feet (133~38) ye the westerly line of the proposed high~y to be kno~a as ~Sunse~ Lane~ hereinabove described~ thence on the same course across said "Sunset Lane~ forty-nine and five tenths (~9~)feet ye a concrete monument and the easterly line of said ~Sunset Lane~'~ thence on the same cours% N~ 62 deg~ 21~ 30~ E~210~O feet to a concrete monumenv set on said westerly~line of Sound Avenue~ thence along said westerly line of Sound Avenue~ S. 27 deg~ 38~ 30~ E. %9~ ~et to ~he point of beginning° and we do ~ereDy-- release said Town from all damages by. reason of the laying out of the said above described new highways. S=A~ OF NEW YOP~ ) 0nthe day ~ August, 1o~ before me personally appearod ~A~ ~v~.~ and~_~_~xe~ A. B~.O~.q~ to me known and kno~¢n to me to ~ u~ the individuals doseribed in and who executed the ~ore~o_~.~ insvrumen-c and severally duly adknow!edged ~o me ~ they executed the sa~e~ ~ Nota~/ Publi~ Suffolk Co~ STATE OF R~W YORK COU~Y OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN TItE ]~TTER of the Laying out of 'certain Town Itighways in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York CONSENT OF T 0W~'~ BOARD UPON READING AND FILING the dedication and release of i SAI~JEL LEVINE and EDNA A. BROWN~ dated the /! day of August :! 1913~ and duly acknowledged~ dedicating and releasing the nec- ii essary lands for certain proposed tome highways to be known as ~i "S~NSET LAN~" and "SST?ON ?LA~E" RESOLVED that consent Be and the same hereb7 is ~iven that the Town Superintendent of High~ys of the Town of Southold~ mal~e an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highways to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said application~ ;all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of ~ew York. Date~.at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of Southold~ at Greenport~ N. Y. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COU~'~Y OF SUFFOLI(, STATE OF NEW YORh ( Sup~rvi2or - ~ ~ . Town Cler~ ...... .. ) of the _ ) 3uperintendent of Highways STATE OF .NEW YORK COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK TOWN[ 0P S0b~HOLD IN THE M~TT~. of the Laying ou~ of certain Town Hi=~hways in the Town of Southoid~ County of Suffolk and State of New York. OEDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY WITR THE CONSE~ OF THE TOWN BOARD ORAL A~Pa=CA~IuN having been duly made ~o me~ the Town Superintendent of ~ .... 'e~ ' ~mgnways for she To,,~ of Southold~ Su~zolm ~o~ New York~ for the laying our of in the said To~_ o* Somt=~ol~ by Samuel liable to be assessed for ~'~? : ' ~lo_~ay taxes certain Town n~gh~ys~ Levine and EdN~ A. Brown~ in said Town~ and the written consenz of the Town Board of said Town havin{ been given as prescribed by =aw~ and a aed~ca~lon aha ~=lea~= from damases ha~.ng oeen execute% acknow~eagea and delivered by the ow__ers of the lands through which the proposed kigh~ay is ~ ~_opoo~a to be laid out~ a copy of ,daich ms hereto anne _ed~ ariS_ nothing.~av=~.~g~ bee~ pala to ar~y ctalma~t for such damages~ ~ ~ ~'=~ ~ ~ t~e Town Superintendent of w~= · -~ the ~o-~. of Southoid~. Suffol~ County~ New York~ DO _~z~B= DET~.MI~E ,,~R ~ ~own high~ys shall be~ a~ad the same hereby are lama cc_u in ~a~d Tox~m as fo!lows~ and are uo be known as ~e~ ¢~pm ALL those ~ ~ ~=e~s or -oarcels of l~nd situate in: ~ " ' ~ ' ~ near the Town o! ~oaw~o~a: the village ef~n-~np~ .... ~ Suffolkuou.~y' ~' ~ New ~o_:{~ fyi:ag between zhe lines ~r .... a~ter described anm wnmm~ are showm o~a the map of Otto W~ Var_ =ay=~ hereto Smaset Lane anm Sutton place~ as PARCEL i- SuA~sT The easterly line of the proposed highway ~o be ~nown as S~ Lane~ =s described as follows: BEGINi,~ING ay a concrete mon~e~v~ ~ sez on Shesou'~--~:~Zy line of So'mhd Drive~ two hundred thirty~six and eighty~ three ~2~c,8~_ westerly alone said southerly from the westerly line,of Sound Avenues and running ? thence on a curve to the left having a radius of eight and six hundredths (8.06) feet~ a distance along said curve of seventeen and thirty-seven hundredths (17.37) feet to a concrete monuments thence S. 27 deg. 38' 30" E.-1023.21 feet to a concrSte monument and the northerly line of a proposed high~y to be known as "Sutton Place" hereinafter described. The ~esterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sunset Lane" is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on said southerly line of Sound Drive~ 311.19 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Sound Avenue~ and running S. 27 deg. 38' 30" E. 1070.97 feet to said northerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place" herein- after described. PARCEL II - Sutton Place The proposed highway to be known as "Sutton Place" is described as follows: BEGINNI~G at a point on the westerly line of Sound Avenue~ ?00.i~ feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of the North Road; and running S. 62 deg. 21, land of Dorothy Barstow; thence Dorothy Barstow~ N. 25 deg. 19' 30" W. 394.88 feet to along said land of 50" W. ~9.54 feet~ thence parallel with the first course hereinabove desc- ribed and forty-nine and five tenths (~9.~) feet north- erly therefrom, measured at right angles thereto~ N. 62 deg. 21, 30" E. one hundred thirty-three and thirty-eight hundredths (133.38) feet to the westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Sunset Lane"~ herein- above described; thence on the same course across said" "Sunset Lane", 49.5 feet to a concrete monument and the easterly line of said "Sunset Lane"; thence on the same co~rse~ W. 62 deg. 21, 30" E.-210.O feet to a concrete monument set on said westerly line'of Sound Avenues thence along said westerly line of Sound Avenue~ S. 27 deg. 38' 30" E. 49.5 feet to the point of beginning. Dated this ~ /~. August 1953. da~ .of p Hgwys Town of Southold~ Suffolk Co. ~ N.Y, H~REBY ~JEP~TiFY vhat title of Samuel Levite and Edna Ao Brown to the premises described in the foregoing deeds~ conveying two proposed roads vo be kno~ as Sunset La~e and Sutton Place~ ~s perfect in fee simple and free from encumbrance and no other persons have ar~y interest in said real property except the persons named in the foregoimg release to the Town of Southoldo Dated~ August !!th !9%3 ~~selor~at=law TO ALL £0 ~'~CM EHESE PRESENZS SHALL COI~iE~ or may concern: G~E~iiNG: ICnow Ye~ Tna~ SAI~J~EL LEVINE~ EDNA At BROWN~ WILLIAM FUCCiLL0~ JOHN E~ RIN~EHART~ ARLE}~ J~ RI~{~HART. his wi£s~ RICHARD W~ MILLER: LOUISE MiLLE. R~ his wife~ LA~?.P. NOE FPJ%NCIS DOMIAN! and JANiCE K. DOMIANi~ his wife~ }laANI{ JOSEPH ZAHARA~ !OENI~TH T~iRER~ GRAC~ R~ TYRER~ his wife~ EDNA M® T~0~H~R~ DONALD W~ ~ALE and MS. RGA~T DEALE his wife~ all residing at Greenpor't~ Town of Southcld~ County of Suffolk an~ State of New York~ GEORGE E. Rii~RT and i~DC-E H~ Ri~P~DIRT his wife~ residing at 19 Roose~ ve!t Street~ Gar~.en City~ New York~ PETER Di~OViTZ~ residing at East ?larion~ To%uq of Southotd~ Suffolk County~ New Yo~k~ JOSEPH J~ SLAWSKI and AN2{A H~ S~IWSi(I~ his wife~ residing at !O i{orth Fourth Street~ ~,~sw l~%vdo Perk. ~qew Yo=k~ g0UTHOLD SAVINGS BA!~i4~ a domestic Baffling Corporation having its ~rincIpal place of busin- ess a't Suffolk County. New York~ ~}~~Y ~LT~, SLEDJES~[i~ residing at Greenpor~, Ne,,~ York~ for and in eonsideratien ef the s'~ of One do!!aP~ lawful money }f the United States of America te them in hand paid by T0%~N OF BODTHOLD~ a municipal State of New York. the have remised~ released eo~poration in the County of S~fo!k and receipt ~hereef is hereby aeknowiedged~ and forever discharged~ and by these assigns~ remise~ release and forever discharge the sai~ ~CWN 0~ SOb~HOLD~ i6s ~uees~soss and assigns~ of ~nd ~rom a!l~ and all manner of action and a~tions~ cause and teases sS action~ suits~ debts~ dues~ sams 0£ moaey~ aeeoun~s~ reskeni~g~ aonds~ bills~ s~eeislties~ cever~n%s~ eontraets~ sonsrsversies~ agreements~ promisas~ Yarianees, trespassea~ damagas~ judgmants~ sxtents~ e×eauticns~ claims and demands whatsoaver~ in law or in squity~ · gnich against the said Teton of Southol~ we ever had~ now have or -~nich we~ or our heirs~ executers~ a'dministrators, succgsscrs or assigns~ hereafter oan~ shall or may have fora upon or by reason of any matter~ ~aus~ or thing whatsoe¥~r from the bagir~ing of the world ~o th~ day cf th~ date of ~kese presents and par~ic~ ularly for shy damage that may be accasioned to the undarsign~d because of the acceptance by said To%fn of Southaid of certain lar~ds near Greenpor% in said ?awn cf for dedication as public highways cr roads to be called S~aset Lane and Sutton Place° iN WZT~ESS %~REOF~ the parties have kePamntc set thei~ h~nds and seats~ ~his day o~ j~ne~ li~e~ee~ hundred f~ft~ ..... e. \ L~S~ $OUTHOLD SAVINGS BAR~K SS ' COU~Y ~ -~ ' - ~ e~ SUPFOLK ~ On this !lt.hday of August~ Nineteen hundred and fifty-three~ before ms came Daniel H. Horton to me kno'~m~ who~ being by me duly sworn~ did depose and say that he resides in Southo!d~ ~uffo!k County, New York that he is the President of the SOUTHOLD SAVINGS DAi~i the cornoration described in~ and which executed the foregoing instrument~ that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation~ that the seal affixed to said instrument is such c~rma=ata seal: that mt was so af~mxed by order of sue $oard ox ~J~ of sazd corporation~ and that he signed his name thereto by like order. SZATE OF ~W YOP~ ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this day of August~ Nineteen hundred and ,~mf~y ~hr~e~ before me came A~ HALSEY BRO~?{~ the su~scr~bmng witness to +~ ~orego!ng ~ ~' m~ ' .... ~ ' ~ns~u ...... ~ wroth whom I am persor~lly a,~q~a~ ~ - ~d~ who~ being by me duly sworn~ ~_~d depose and say that e resides in maot Marion~ hew York~ that he knows ~muel Levine~ rL _~r .... ~ Donald W. Deale~ ~a~e R~ Tyrer~ Edna ~ T ~ Aarsa~ ~ ~e~ ~ea~e~ ~ ~ George E~ Rinehar~ and ~ad~e M~ w~h~t~ Peter Joseph J~ Siawski and Ar_ua M~ S!awski~ to be the ~ ~ ~ described in~ and who executed the ~ r~ ~ · ' ~ ._ ~o ~oo~mg instrument~ ;ha~ ¢e~ s~id ~ubsc=i~ing wi'shess~ w~s p~e_~ aha sgw t~.em execute the ~a~e~ ~.~d .... a~ Me. ~ ~ .ffi~.~ss, ~t the s~e t~F~ s~bscrlb~ name as witness ~he~eto~ Nogar7 P~51ic~ Suffolk Count7 ~ OF NEw YORK ) ss.: .~o~ ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } 0n this !lth day of August~ Nineteen hundred ar.d fifty~ three~ before me came A. HALSEY BROWN~ the subscribing witness to the flregoing instrument~ with whom i am persorm, lly ac~uainted~ who~ being ~y me duly sworn~ did depose and say that he resides in East Harion~ New Yor~ that he,knows Walter Sledjeski~ to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instru~ent~ that he: said subscrihing witness~ was present and saw i~im execute the same~ and that he~ said witness~ _ s~me ti~e subscribed .... ~ame ~s w~t~ess tne~o~ Notary No ~870~00 S~io~ -to- TOW~[ OF SOUTHOLD DEDICATIO)[ and ~ELEASE~ FRANK J. MCMANN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GREENPORT, N, Y. SA~brEL LEVINE~ etat. to T0~? OF SOUTHOLD RELEASE FRANK J. McMANN IFIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GREENPORT. N. Y. ~Ou N C) ~--] v El N U E 0 ~c~s~ow