HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNSET AVENUESTATE OF HEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLDo In the ~atter of the Laying out of a certain T~w~ Hlgh~ay in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER L~YING OUT HIGHWAY WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN B(i~RDo Oral application having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Highways for the ~own of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain Town In the sald Town of Soathold, by Cedrlc H. Wlckham and Claretta Wlckham, his wlfe, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board o: said Town havlng been given as prescribed by law, and a dedlcatlon and release from damage., having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of the lands through which t proposed highway is proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothin~ having been paid to any claimant for such damages, NOW~ THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffo~ County, New York, DO HEREBy DETEP~INE AND ORDER that a town highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows, and is to be known as "SUNSET ~VEN~E", which shell be as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situate at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particul~rly described as follows:- BEGINNInG at a point formed by the intersection of the Westerly line of Marratooka Road and the .%outherly line,of Kings Highway, thence South 83o 407 West ~01.82 feet along the Southerly line of Kings Highway to the point and place of beginning, thence South ~.~' ~0" Dst G4~.~9 feet to a point.and corner, thence South 88~ 37~ 40" East 200 feet to a point in the Westerly line of Nerratooka Road, thence South lo E~ ~0~ West 49.~ feet to a point in ~he same line, thence North 88~ ~7~ 40" West E49.5 feet to a point, thence North l~ ES' ~0" East 886.~1 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Kings Highway, thence North 8~* 40~ East 49.5 feet to the point and place of.beginning. Dated, this_ ~ day of June, 1980. ·'own Superlnten~gnt of Highway, Town of Southold, Ouffolk County, New York. STAT~ OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF $OUTHOLD. In thC ~etter of the l~yin¢ out of e certain Town Highway in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSENT OF TOWN BOAItD UPON P~A~N~ AND FILIN~ the dedication end release of CEDRIC H. WlCKH~ and C~E~,,~CK~, his w~fe, dat~ ~ ~ 19~, ~d duly:acknowledged, d~Xcatl~ and releasing the n~es~ry l~ds for a certain proposed to~ hl~y ~ be kno~ as IISUNS~T. AVENUe". NESOLVED, that cor~ent be a~d the same hereby is given that the To~n Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid TOE Highway to consist of the l~nds described in the said dedication and releaee and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said application, all in accordance wlth the provi'~t°ns of ~ectlon 171 of the Hl~h~ey Law of the State of Hew. York. ~' Dated at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of S~thold, et Greenport, TOWN ~OARD OF T~ TOWN OF SOUfHOLD COUNT~ OF SUF~'~)D~, STATE OF N~W YORK, STATE OF ~W YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN .OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk a~ State of New York. DRDI..CATION AND RELEASE. WHEREAS, application has been ~ly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of th~ Town of Southold, in the Coumty of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to be known as _S_U~SET AYENU~, and WHEREAS, CEDRIC H. WICKHAM and CLARETTA WICXHAM his wife, are the omers of the premises to be dedicated aa hereinafter provided end ~re all of the persona having any interest in said rights of way and said proposed highway, NOW, THEREFORE, we CEDRIC H. WICKHAM and CLARETTA WICKH~M his wife, both residing at Mattltuck, in the Town of Southold, in consideration of the a~m of ONE ($1.00) D0~R, to each of us in hand paid, by ~AROLD PRICE, Town Superinten~ent of Highways of the Tows of Southold, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, end in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway at ~attituck, in the TOwn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known es SUNSeT.AVENUE, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the saic Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of lend situate at ~attituck, Town of County of Suffolk end State of New York, end more particularly described as follows:.~ B~GINMING at ~ point formed by the intersection of the Westerly line of MarraC6oka Roud end the Southerly line of Kings Highwayp thence South 8~. 40t West -~01.8~ feet along the Southerly line of Kings Highway to the point end place of beginning, thence South 1~ ~Z' ~0" West ~4~.~9 feat to a point end corner, thence South 88. ~?~ 40" East ~00 feet to a point in the Westerly line of Marretouka Road, thence South 1~ 2~ 20" West 49.~ feet to a point in the same line, thence North 88~ ~?~ 40" West ~49.5 feet to a point, thence North le ~ ~0" East 686.21 feet to a point in the Southerly llne of Kings Highway, thence North 8~. 40~ East 49.~ feet to the point and place of beglnning~ and we do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said above described ~w?~lghway. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the 7~ day of June, 19~O, before me personally appeared' CEDRXC H. WICKHAM WICKHAM and CLARETT~. WICXHAM his wife, to me ~own and known to me to be the lndividual~ described in and who executed ~he foregoing instrument and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notar~ Publlc. C.H. KI-IAA MATTITUgK, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. PHONE- rdATTITU(3K B330 ¥~e, Cedric H. ;;ickha~: and Claretta S. flickha~.~, of 51attituck, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, in consideration of the s~ of One Dollar, to us in band paid by Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Hi~,hways of the Town of So~thol~, ' ' ~ ~ . an~ ~n further consideration of ~he ~alnt~.ini~ an~ proper upkeep of this ~roa~way at karr~tooka, ~a~tltuck, Town of SoutLoid, ~°unty of Suffolk, New York~ ~ o xr.wn as Sunset Av~nu$, located and b~ing, described ~s follows: ~eginning at?a point fo~ed by the intersection of the ~est~rly i~n~ of Marratooka Road and the 6outh~rly line of Kin?s Hi~hway, thence ~outh 8Z© ~0' ~est ~01.8~ feet along th~ SoUtherly line of Kings Highway to t~e point and place of beginning, thence South 1© 2S' ~0" ~est 643.39 feet to a point and corner, thence South 88© 37' 40" East 200 feet to a point in the Westerly line of l~arratoo~ Road, thence South 1© 22'~ 20" West 49.5 feet to a pc mt in the same line, thence North 88© 37' 40n West :49.5 feet to a point, thence North ~. 1© 22' 20" East ~.21 feet to a point in the Southerly line of Kings Highway, thence North 23© 40' East 49.5 fset to the point;~ana place of ben, inning, which presen~ roadway passes through the land of the owners, Cedri~ H. ~lckha~: and Claretta S. '"~zckha~, ~o hereby dedicat~ and release to the Town of Southold all land within ~e prer:isea above described, Dated, 1,:arc~ 1st, 1950. State of i~ew York- 5own of Southold- 0n this ~ ~ day o Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, before r:e, the subscriber, p~ly appeared Cedric H. Wzckh~ and C~aretta S. ~'~ickha~: to r.e personally known and ~own to me to be the same persons described in sn~ who executed the with~n~ru~en~ an~ t~y acknowledged to ~e th,~t they executed the same~, ~~/~ ~Wn EfEhw~y ~ ~he Town nf Seu~hotd, RE~A~E~ a~ N~t~i~u~k~ I~ ~h~ T~ ~f $~h~l~ G~y ~f Suffelk amd ~'tat® ~f- New .~.nd ws dY rela~se 2h~ sai~ To~n ~f $o~hel~ and th~ s~ld Harold Pri¢~ Superin~end~t Of ~lsh~y of ~ch~ Town of $o~hotd~ ~o~ all ~E~$ and t~h~y zever~Ily a~k~owl~d~d No~M Pubtls. T0~?~ Or' sOUTHOLD CEDRIC H. ':~ICKHALI, residing at }iattituck, in the Town of Scut hold, being County of Suffolk, and State of llew York, duly sworn, deposes and say , is the owner of premises ~]q~qf situate at llattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly described in the attached Dedication and Release of premises to the Town of Southo]~d for a highway to be knovza as SUNSET AV-~%UJE; That said premises have been held by deponent and preceding owners from where title is derived for the period of TI~EJ¥'TI~ ~'~E.4RS last past and upwards and that the possession thereof has been peaceable and undisturbed and that the title thereto has never been disputed or questioned to the knowledge of deponent ; that deponent knows of nothing wkic]~ might tend to bring said title into question or by reazon of which any claim to any part of said premises or to any undivided interest therein, adverse to deponent , might be set up or made; that said Premises are free and clear of any and all liens, encumbrances or clouds of every name, nature or kind, either recorded or unrecorded, EXCEPT: i~ONE. Deponent further say s that there is no jadgment, order or decree against deponent unpaid or unsatisfied of record; that no proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against deponent nor has deponent ever made any assiB~ment for the benefit of creditors; That at this time there are no unpaid taxes or assessments, ordinary or extra- ordinary, now d~e or levied against said premises or any part thereof, EXCEPT: NOLTE. That no p~yment of any Federal or State Income Tax has ever been demanded of deponent and still remains ~npaid; That said premises are not chargeable or encumbered by any Federal F, states Tax or Collateral Inheritance or Transfer Tax or any other Tax; That Deponent is not ~ th~ time ~ Bondman ~po~ any BO~D for any person, tim or corporation; T~t deponent ~ now in possession of said premises above described; ~t deponent ~ s a citizen of t~ United States of ~me~ca and of the a~e of twen~-one years and ~pwar~; T~t deponent is married to C~TTA S. V~CtC~i who is over the a~e of twen~,one years and competent to convey real es~to; T~t deponent has never been ma~ed to anyone else now living; That eact~ and all of the foregoing statements and representations are in each and all respects tr~e and are made for the purpose of inducing the TO;~ OF SOUTHOLD to accept such dedication of premises for a highway to be known as SUNHET LVH~UJE, and to operate and maintain such high~y, well kno,~ng that the said TO?gN OF SOUTHO~ relies upon the truth of the foregoi~ statements and representations, ff~~~~ June ~. D. 19 50, after (Ced_ xc ii. Jict~am) the contents t~reof had been f~lly ~ exp~ined by me to deponent . ~ STAT~ OF N~; Y~, COUNTY Of SUFFOLK, , TO~N OF SO~/fHOLD. In the ~tter of tha l~y~[ng oat of m Towa Hlghwsy In the Town o£ Southold, County of Suffolk ~nd State of New Yo~k. CONSENT AND RELNASE. A Z