HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNNYSIDE ROAD The u~e~l~, ll$ble to ~ 8~se~s~ fop hl~h~y ~ In ~ T~ of So~ld, h~eby apply to you ~o 1~ ou~ a new hl~y at ~ou~hold, In t~ To~ of ~out~ld, ~uffol~ C~ty, New ~o~k, to be kno~ am ~O~I~ R~, ~ demorl~d ~ ~llowm:- B~I~ at a poln~ ~ ~ e~te~ly aide of Horton~s ~ne ~lch ~lnt Is 5~.OE feet north of a m~u~n~ se~ ~ l~d of the Lo~ Isled ~ll~oad, ~d r~nl~ ~n~ S. ~ ~ W. alo~ the no~rly l~e of l~d of the ~ Imbed ~ll~ad a dlst~ce a point; ~h~ce N. ~8e 35~ ~" W. to l~d of ~arles ~t~kl; thence alo~ l~d of ~tkoeskl to a~ln~; t~nce ~1~ A. ~o 35~ ~, E. a dlst~ce of 160.~9 feet; thence ~1~ N. ~ ~ ~. a d~tance of 251.69 feet to the ~s~erly side 2~e a~ th~ce ~ S. ~e ~ ~, E. a dlmt~ce of ~.0~ feet to the point or place which propoaed layir~ cut will pass through the lands of Daniel l~. Orattan and wife, rely. ~ted this ~ c~v o£ ~ 1~4~. Written application havin~ been mede to me toan superintendent of h~heays for the To~n of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, by Deniel R. Grattan end wife, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes la said To~n and the eritten consent of the Toan Board of said Town havln~ been glven as prescribed by law, and release from decades hevir~ been executed by the oemers of the land through which the proposed hlshway ia to be laid out, copy of wl~ch is hereto annexed, and nothln~ hevir~ been paid to any claiment for such damege it is hereby and DE~I~ID~D that the hl~hasy shall be and the same is hereby lald out in said To~n es folloas and is to be knoan as SU~IDR ROAD:- B~GII~I~ ct % polnt on the westerly side of Hortonla hane.-~hlch polnt ls 53.0E feet north of s monument-set in land of the ~or~ Island Railroad, and runnln~ thence S. 66e 54' alon~ the northerly line of land of the Lon~ Island Railroad a d~stance of 3~.8~ feet to a point; thence ~. ~Se 3~~ 30" ~. to land of Cherlea ~b~tkowski; thence N. 68e 5~~ 10" B. alon~ land of Rut~o~skl to ~pelnt; thence runnl~ $o ~ 35' ~0" ~. a distance of 160.~9 feet; thence runnin~ ~. 66~ ~4~ E. a distance of ~51.69 feet to the westerly side of HortOn~s Lane and thence runnin~ S. ~1~ 3g~ 40" Roa distance Of ~0.0~ feet to the point or place of beginning, which propoaed layl~ out wlll peas through lands of Daniel R. Grattan and elfe, only. Dated this ~ day Of ~"~/~. 1947. ~ TOwn auperlntandent of Hl&hways. ~, DANISL R. OP, ATTA~ and A(}~ ¥. ORA~AN~ his ~lfe~ of So. hold, Su~olk C~ty, ~ee ~ork, In c~slderatlon of the sum of O~ ~R, to ~ ~n h~d paid ~ HAROLD PRIC~, Town Su~r~tendent of ~l~ways of ~he Town of ~uthold, and ~ ~rther co~lderatlon of the layl~ out of a new hl~y at So~ld~ To~ of ~ld, ~folk C~ty, New ~omk~ ~o be knoen ~ SU~B R~D, and demerlbed ~ ~OI~I~ a~ a ~lnt on the easterly side of Hort~m Lane ehlch point Is 58.02 feet n~th of s m~ set In l~d of ~he ~ Isled R~l~sd, ~d ~ throe alo~ the ~rtherly l~ne of l~d of the Lon~ Island ~lroad s d~tsnce of ~5.82 fe~ to ~ po~nt; th~ N. ~8o ~5~ ~. ~. to l~d of ~srl~ ~tkosskl; ~hence N. 680 53 slo~ l~d of ~t~eskl to s point; th~ ~ S. ~80 35~ 30" ~. s diet.ce of I~.Z9 feet; ~h~ r~ N. 660 ~ B. a diet.ce of ~51.69 feet to the ~terly side of Norton's ~ne ~d th~ ~1~ S. ~1o ~t 40" ~. a dlst~c$ of ~.0~ feet to the point which proposed ne~ hl~my ~111 ~ ~n am ~ID~ R~D, and ~111 thrash t~ lmn~ of ~el R. Orattsn ~ ~lfs only, do hereby ~ ~d release to To~ of S~t~ld, all land ~tofoPs o~ed by ~ ~d tnclud~ ~l~bAn the described, and do hePe~ ~lea~ ~ald To~ f~ all ~m by reason of the la~ ~t of ~he new h~h~y. eTAT~ OF N~W YOlk, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the day of ~0~, 1947, beforo me personally came DANIEL H. ~ATTAN and A~ V. OI~ATTAN, ~%a wale, of $outhold, New ]fork, personally known to m~ sad ~nown to m to bo the persons doserAbed In and who executed the foregoing Instrument and they aavePally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Not~ry' Public~ '~'ONZCA O. GAI,LAGHt~R PUBLIC in THE STATE of NEW YORl~ WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board o£ the Town of Southold, having ,.e~ at the office o£ the Supervisor, at Oreenpovt, in aald Town, on the d~ 9f ~ 1~4~ and col~sldered the application of Daniel Ro Grattan and wife, for the laying out of I new highway at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nee York~ to be knom &s SUNMY~IDE ROAD, do hereby consent that such laying out be rode in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. ' wn q eri;. ~ Superintendent of HIEhmays. Justices of the FOR TI~ iT BOUT~OLD, SUFFOL~ C~J~gY, COGENT, I~LIt~ and O~D~R.