HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-2-15.1 Y ' -7 LOCATION MAP \ 1 S64'41'00"W 19.98' SCALE:1"=600' \ 2 S59'29'00"W 165.20' \ 3 N27'41'00"W 113.90' �6°y`2_T s 4 S61*50'00"W 182.10' 5 S25'34'10"E 121.70' IA o� © 6 S59 29'00"W 110-55' 1 o O� 7 N27'35'30"W 160.00' m° o o� was A < \ �` 0 8 S59'28'30"W 125.00' � 9 N �0 d`' eJe 66 Sof" J� (> y O 9 N25'07'00"W 105.04' °t d 261• 0,- w ,el O\ �� `:., t�\\\ \\ \ �� 10 N60'34'00"E 21.04' E \ `L N o,°e\ So �sg \ / L Irs o� \ \ p 11 N27'16'50"W 93.45' s \\ �o�O tfo 'J`L �• �° OAC+ \ '� N �a; tn\ \ , O so 0 '3 12 N63'42'20"E 321.32' ss� Zarn arss 0 s rn�o �. to am oo ��y� -'{ \ q\ \\ �. ]3 S27'37'4D"E 2]6.69' 0`s, 000`�o a N \�• \ \ oy o � t 5 \ \ o. 00% = \?`�\Mo`� ` \\ \\ m °mom N. •''•• \ `�,\ \ ��` <� �l � 552 O m et\y \9 o SPS�NGE� \ 'P��\ \ J i mot,h s� MP\r1�oP � \° °" \ F ° �A \flP�,O \ GO° o GPtF" eo fR NGS •"/ /� \ q�� \ '' 0,14 C, 05 ................... \ \ oGPj\off—�\v/) e ,f�.� O. r�,•�Z SPF�NGE / / `t \ ... '''•\ \ ARG�•y°g\0 � \ `'•..\ \ \ O� e SF ° roe° s�.s PS�oEtP J ROQo �GcR ��oo� � �� ..� ....\ \ \ \ 7EW7E lJJT1SA L --SYSTEM LAL1VL1T1VN S gpQGF ROF�NCE \as PRCNR��OR�MP,N wF`eJP� O // foR� nom/ \ \ \` ALLOWABLE DENSITY: O \ �` O. PFJ O•` �,/' GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE IV sroNe Pani P�°�� N \ POPULATION DENSITY EQUIVALENT O Sj°CRs \: �. / \ \ 21.4975 x 300 G.P.D- x 2 = 12,898.5 G.P.D. 00 P O ' /� fU95 ::..:' ° OO SNE oso� g\�S S�P�� DESIGN SEWAGE FLOW: QROORPG� f.. o°c� QPjo h~ 11z d' �n , !\ RESIDENCE: 300 G.P.D. STORAGE: ,� o a vn�o Poo QOSoo ' %v� . \ z o C,m� O PS i\ ? `� O Ro \�\ n c9 \`: \ 0.04 G.P.D. S.F. -13 oZ S� \'., 1859 S.F. x 0.04 G.P.D. = 74.4 G.P.D. 3 = m9 Og° \ r a \ NON-MEDICAL OFFICE: 1J�OooP \\ \0. > 00� k oos wRopOS O\\ o• o°� \� oQOSf 4 0.04 G.P.D./S-F.iC� tO / < O ,9 � \•�''P. v5N \/ � \/PR \` 570 S.F. x 0.06 G.P.D. = 34.2 G.P.D. / OUTSIDE PATIO DINING: °, °RS0 \ SOP Q s, c° \ / \ 5 G.P.D./SEAT fot�o 5\GN r� 1o0n� 50 SEATS x 5 G.D. 250 G.P.D.o., o TASTING ROOM: S 10 G.P.D./OCCUPANT 9 9$ 50 OCCUPANTS x 10 G.P.D. = 500 G.P.D. 2 V \tom RPG �9 `efi 5°`Sao3 \ \y\p� O " \ ,o SJ\GtNQ 1 TOTAL REQUIRED 1158.6 G.P.D. 01 Pcl PARKING CALCULATIO NS5" `'G0 Rw.s` SNO 00 O n of 0.\ ­ \ cJ n G G°NG G� REQUIRED:Z � P gv\\-asqy f2 \\ •6,, o� °eP5`N � 11 RESIDENCE: 2 SPACES PER DWELLING �0 O° l5��� 561 9��P °m ` \ ('�ZgOO tLJI 2 SPACES VI 1 O , O C / / / 9 ° 7 \ \ J 06 o / ..:::= '' 5 A�� DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT: 1 SPACE PER 3 SEATS OR 1 SPACE PER uR S� ':: "" ..................:.. J lop, y 100 S.F. FLOOR SPACE WHICHEVER IS GREATER. .S 5\ONF SjoGGPO PRo // 's ' \ c�P°° 039 �E k°� °� ('� � J�"oma° WINERY = 60 SEATS \/ 60/3 = 20 SPACES C./° ° FGN \ /'� � \ Sj�ENGO °J�O\NG -w, °� G°,� /Go .�0� A.P (O �L m fE9•w / V, 5 ' \.// / �-�\ t\° STORAGE: 1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE PLUS 4 SPACES OR 1 SPACE e PER 5000 S.F. WHICHEVER IS GREATER 5 EMPLOYEES + 4 = 9 SPACES T101 Op 00., °� fo> \ ✓ \ G 5S.F-/100 LA 070 ACE6PER 100 SPACES S.F. FLOOR AREA \ .� `'•: \ TOTAL �o -REOUIRED SPACES = -37-SPACES q /\ SITE DATA , ....k"0!11� osk"' -'` `� \\�2� LEGEND: 1. AREA OF TAX PARCEL 15.1 = 134,246 S.F. OR 3.0819 ACRES y �, ° \ AREA OF TAX PARCEL 15.2 = 802,184 S.F. OR 18.4156 ACRES EXISTING ON LAST ':;p \ > Nt BUILDING # DESCRIPTION AREA NEW PROPOSED 2. ZONING USE DISTRICT = A-C 9P °� \ \ F QP�G�G SITE PLAN 3. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE = IV °' F5�°° �s \ / '•� 0 °G�° 4. SCHOOL DISTRICT = SOUTHOLD 1O RESIDENCE 1,050 S.F. YES 5. POSTAL DISTRICT = SOUTHOLD f STORAGE, RESIDENTIAL 99 S.F. YES 7. UITIUTIDESICS.C.W.A.0 VERIZDON, PSEG / {� J,° F2° „° \ / / GARAGE, WINERY & STORAGE 491 S.F. YES APPLICANT \ 0 Q O�5 i \ t Q 4O WINE STORAGE SHED 98 S.F. YES MATTEBELLA VINEYARDS HOLDING LLC- ` o a \ a \�- \�/ `: Qom° 46005 MAIN ROAD \ �Gr eo< \ \t` 5O SHED FOR TASTING ROOM 232 S.F. YES — `^\ / ; \ 110. J1" SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 At- opO 6O FARM STORAGE 78 S.F. YES NOTES ` O FARM STORAGE 86 S.F. YES 1. REFERENCE DEED L. 12392 CP. 996 559•�� O 8O FARM STORAGE 65 S.F. YES 2. LOT COVERAGE:(TAX LOT 15.1) EXISTING = 3906 S.F. OR 2.9% O 9O FRAME GARAGE, STORAGE 363 S.F. YES PROPOSED = 5181 S.F. OR 3.9% NOV. 26, 2018 IND- PROP. PARKING MAR. 06, 2017 AMENDED COVERAGE WATER TOWER & WELL ENCLOSURE DEC. 22, 2016 PLAN PREPARED 103 S.F. YES -DATE: REVISION: y JMo�S ���' 11 FARM SHOP, OFFICE 169 S-F. YES e 12 DECK ON GROUND, UNATTACHED 224 S.F. — YES SITE PLAN � — 13 FARM STORAGE 97 S.F. YES Prepared For: ; �f� . P, ti. F0 14 FARM OFFICE, NO BATH OR KITCHEN 401 S.F. YES Mattebella Vineyards �L 15 ANCHORED DECK 100 S.F. YES Holding LLC. 2 2��25 16 ANCHORED DECK 100 S.F. YES "Winery Improzments" 2 17 FRAME BUILDING 50 S.F. --- YES At �`<'� �•��- (.� -,'- :r _ 18 FRAME BUILDING 50 S.F. YES Southold Town of DAVID H. FOX, L.S. P.C. N.Y.S.L.S. #50234 19 FRAME BUILDING 50 S.F. — YES Southold FOX LAND SURVEYING 20 SHED 100 S.F. — YES Suffolk County, New York 64 SUNSET AVENUE WESTHAMPTON BEACH, N.Y. 11978 21 WINERY 875 S.F. YES Suff. Co. Tax Mop: (631) 288-0022 Dist. 1000 Sect. 075.00 Block 02.00 Lot 015.001 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OFSECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION VEY MAP NOT SHALL NOT BEWCONSI EREDOF TO BE AR VALID TRUE COPY.HE 100 S.F. YES THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL 30 0 30 CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS SCALE:1"=3O' BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. .J`c ' \��� C� tiiv��i(l J Jr C DWG: 2016-074 Su{{b' LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER& GEASA,P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 awi ckham@wbgl awyers.corn December 18, 2018 Attn: Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: Property owned by Mattebella Vineyards Holding Company LLC Premises: 46005 Main Road, Southold,NY 11971 Dear Heather: Enclosed is a proposed Site Plan for this property. For your convenience, I also enclose a copy of the ZBA decision approving variances for some of the structures on the property and requiring that some be removed or relocated. Our client has moved the location of the proposed new winery, which was not the subject of the variance application. They would also like to expand the very small winery building#3 to the rear. I would appreciate your scheduling this matter for a pre-submission conference. Very trolly yours, Abigail A. Wickham AAW/dm encl. LLC/Matt/Si teplan/1 trlanzaPreSubm cc:Mattebella Vineyards MEMBERS BOARD Southold Town Hall So Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairpersons tom , 53095 Main Road •P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora ) c1:;LI a'dism,: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank Gerard P.Goehringer a 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento * � Southold,NY 11971 http:/Jsoutholdtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax (631)765-9064 RECEIVED FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS.AND DETERMINATION MEETING OIC".1V`JLY 6,.201.7 L 10 2017 ZBA FILE: 7041 NAME OF APPLICANT: Mattebella Vineyards, Holding Co,LLC S hard Tstt CVrc' PROPERTY LOCATION: 46005 Main Road, Southold NY 1�5LXATIO : The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls tinder the Type II category of the State's List of Actions„ without further steps under SEQRA. @ ( l I t9p1" 'w_lllC; 11T1 .ATl`V "C1 This application was referred as required trader the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated February 10, 2017 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. L,W1' Ie DETEItMaI�N,-„ATIQ ”; The relief, permit, or interpretation requested in this application is listed under the MinorActionsexempt list-and is not.subject to-review-under-Chapter 268. - - Q Ql S ) I fk 1C1 I) PL _ IKQ I3 .9M..1. III a mento to the 'Board of Appeals dated March 29, 2017, the Planning Board provided cornntents and recommendations regarding the subject application, based upon their review of the Notice of Disapproval and the related preliminary pians,/survey. 'ney recommended that, the application be denied because it does not meet the minimtun bulk schedule of 160.,000 sq. ft, for two uses (residential and winery) in the AC 'Zone District. In addition,the Planning Board expressed concerns over the long range effects and potential safety issues that rrray result if retail wineries on undersized parcels with multiple uses are allowed and suggested that the Town would benefit from an updated Town Code that recognizes and mitigates these potentially adverse impacts. I Ii l_).._l 6, 1 T�71.p`�f l ll�i lON 1 . rt 1Ite conforming o Masan 34,246 sq. ft. (33 08 acre) parcel located in l) OMl 1 " ' The property S the Ag)-ictrltural Conservation Zoning District (.AC). p res 693,45 feet along the southerly property Linc with 275.75 ft.. fronting„on NYS lt.oute 25 (Marin Road).The easterly property line measures,216.69 feet The northerly property line measures 682.98 ft. and the westerly property line measures 504.53 feet. The parcel is currently improved with a one story frame house and 22 various residential and winery accessory structures; seven (7) of"which require relief f"roan the Board. Along the northerly and easterly property lines, this parcel was divided Page 4�.eparuirl-1t covenanted the hth having 02,18�lric.18.413 acres) b Indenture dated February 28, 1986 (Liber 979'1, p g purposes only. 1w1A" lS t�71 A�1;I 1 It ;I"1QN: Request for Variarnces under Article 111, Section 250-14 and Section 280-15, and the Building Inspector's November 16, 2016, Aluended January 27, 2017 Notice of Disapproval based on an Page 2, May 18, 2017 #7041, Mattebella Vineyards SCTM No. 1000-51-2-15.1 application for permits to legalize seven (7) "as built" residential and agricultural related buildings, and to allow both residential and winery uses upon a 134,246 sq. ft. developable p(,)rtion of a parcel at: 1)building nos. 3,4, 5, 6, 9 and 14 are located less than the code required side yard minimum setback of'20 fleet; 2)building no. 14 is located less than the rear yard tninitnurn setback of 75 feet; 3) residential accessory stnicture, building no, 2, located less the code: required side yard ininimurn setback of 25 feet; 4) residential and winery uses upon a single parcel less than the ininirnurn allowed 160,000 sq. ffi in total area, at: 46005 Main Road, Southold NY. SCTM#1000-75-2- 15.1 & 152. 3 The applicant requests variances to maintain the existing locations of seven (7) as built accessory structures, six with less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 20 ft. and one with less than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 75 as follow: Building#2, Residential Accessory Storage Shed with a side yard setback of 0 feet, Building#3, Garage, Winery and Storage with a side yard setback of 10'feet; Building#4, Wine Storage Shed with a side yard setback of 1.9 feet; Building#5, Shed for Tasting Room with a side yard setback of 1 foot; Building#6, Farm Storage Building with a side yard setback of 6.2 feet; Building#9, Frame Garage'Storage with a side yard setback of 6.1 feet; Building#14, Farm Office with a rear yard setback of 3.7 feet; In addition the applicant requests variance relief fi-oril the Town's bulk schedule to operate and maintain two principal uses (residential and winery) each requiring 80,000 sq. ft. per use, on a total of 134,246 sq. ft. (3.0819 acres)where a total of 160,000 sq. ft.(4.0 acres)are required. ADDIMNAL In 1986, the County of Suffolk Town of Southold created the subject 3.0819 acre parcel by assigning it a separate Tax Map Nurnber when the'fown of Southold purchased the development rights,setting off a portion by deed from a 21.5019 acres farin. The development rights of the remaining 18.4156 acres were purchased by the Town. Therefore alth6tigh'the parcel has'to separate tax nra I p numbers,I- it has never been subdivided. In 2006 the Town Planning Board granted conditional site plan approval on the subject property for a proposed larger new winery building known as Silver Nail Vineyards. At that time, the residential use (the dwelling) also existed on the subject property The applicant's attorney stated that Buildings #7 and #8 will be removed and that Building#13 will be moved to a conforming location. According to the applicant's submittals and testimony, Buildings# 3, 5 and 9 predate zoning.and Buildings B6 and 14 were built after zoning was adopted by the Town. Buildings #2, 4 & 6 are newer structures and help shield/buffer views of an adjacent derelict property. In a letter dated March 31, the owner of the parcel to the north, Thomas Jerome, informed the Board that he had no objection to a variance to maintain building 414 located 3.7 feet from his property line Christina Tobin, winery owner, testified that her husband is the winemaker, she is the winery manager, and all of the wineries' red wine is processed oil site in existing building # 3 (winery/storage), which she approximated as -ocess their while wines at Lenz winery .10% of'what they sell (or about 500 cases/200 barr6s). Further, they pr because the cost, ofa full scale winery is prohitkitive for them at (,his tjrylc, Slic kilso testified that (lie construction Of a proposed new winery building, depicted on the site plan prepared by David 1-1. Fox, LS, last revised March 6, 2017 must be postponed for financial reasons. Page 3, May 18, 2017 #7041, Mattebella Vineyards SCTM No. 1000-51-2-15.1 In response to the Board's suggestion that the applicant purchase and Merge the adjoining property to the South owned by William Gorman, in order tar make their lot area conforriaing to the bulk schedule requirements for 2 principal uses, Ms. 'robin, inf6rined the Board in a letter dated April 20, 2017, that she and her husband had attempted to do so already but had been unsuccessfilL L,ouisa Hargrave, by email correspondence May 5,2017,sent a staternent to the Board via the applicant's attorney, describing the triethod and importance of wine production,processing and tasting by small scale fanning operations on the North Fork, like Mattebella, for inclusion in the public record. FINDIN 6t C-TION: �J)—A The Zoning Board of Appeals held public hearings on this application on April 6,2017 and May 4,2017 at which tinie written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony,documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Towpla haracter of I - Grant of the variancewill not produce tin undesir,ble cparrge in the c )J-)— i farm with numerousth6 neij�borhood odetriment to-nearby propetlics. I'lie, subject property was original , incidental and customary agricultural accessory structures and a farmstead/dwelling. Some of the existing accessory structures pre-date zoning in Southold Town and nuirry pre-date the establishment of the Subject winery. The parcel is located oil a major road (Route 25/Main Road) with two seprtrate street frontages, in a inured residential/corninercia) neighborhood in which there are as many commercial uses as residences in the immediate neighborhood. Many accessory buildings on nearby properties are also very close to property lines, including the adjacent parcel to the south. 2. Town Laxy 4267-,b(3]ff,b�2 . The benefit sought by the applicant for buildings #3,5,9,14 and 6 cannot be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue other than an area variance because of either their age, size, or Functional location in relationship to wine processing and/or wine tasting on site, or the fact that they arco e nsr tucted on ralgle stied'), acrd #,4-(a 9 8 sq. ft., permanent foundations. Buildings 1�2 (a 99 sq� 11. residential sto ca 11 se I storage I I s I tied can 1)1 e move I d to conforming locations further to the cast without undue hardship. The variance for the two principal uses on a parcel that is deficient in size by 16% cannot be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue other than an area variance. The applicant cannot legally operate a tasting room or offer outdoor wine tastings unless it is accessory to a wineiy/wirie processing building. The applicant's attorney opined that, without a tasting roorn, the applicant's ability to sell its wine will be severely hampered, resulting in huge financial hardship. 3. Town Lara_§267--b(3Jftb3 . The variances granted herein are mathematically substantial,representing relief in )f J the following percentages from the code: #2 Residential Accessory Storage Shed with a side yard setback of 0 feet represents 100%; 43 Garage, Winery and Storage with a side yard setback of 10 feet represents 50%; #4 Wine Storage Shed with a side yard setback of 1.9 feet represents 90%; 95 Shed for Tasting Roorn with a side yard setback of I root represents 95%; #6 Farm Storage Building with a side yard setback of 6.2 feet represents 70%; 49 Frame Garage, Storage with a side yard setback of 6.1 feet represents 70%; #14 Farm Office with a rear yard setback of 3.7 feet represents 82%, The variance from the bulk schedule to operate 2 principal uses on 134,246 sq. ft. or 3.0819 acres, instead of the code required minimum of 160,000 sq. ft. representing 16% relief from the code. Page 4, May 18, 2017 #7041, Mattebella Vineyards SUM No. 1000-51-2-15.1 Nlitigating factors include: a) Buildings # 3, 5, and 9 pre-date zoning and are former farm buildings that remain in their original footprintsfrom anfom the d locations. They require variance relief only because the use has been changed original pre-existing,residential/agricultural use to residential/agliCUItUr,11 vineyard/winery use. b) The owner of the property adjacent to Building#14 submitted a letter stating, that lie had no objection to a,variance to maintain building#14 located 33 feet from his property line c) The existing buildings, both individually and in the aggregate,are very small and constitute a fraction of the permissible lot coverage at 3.9%of the developed parcel (lot 15.1) d) The subject property, although deficient by 16% of the required lot area for 2 principal uses, received conditional site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board in 2006 for a, 5,500 sq. ff winery building with a residential use; the house on the parcel is small and located to one side of the pl,operty leaving most of the acreage for winery uses;has ample room for parking and buffers; is located on the Maim Road in a mixed use neighborhood; tire reserved (developed) parcel has not been subdivided from the agricultural land from which the development rights were sold, and the parcel was created in 1986 when the area was sufficient for two uses. 4. Town Law §267-b !))L4L No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community,will have an adverse irripact on the physical or environmental conditions-in the neighborhood. The parcel was used by an active farn-iing operation Prior to the ownership of the Current wineinaker. 'Moreover, a large portion of the entire farm, now known as 1000-75-2-15.2, was created as a result of the Town purchasing development rights in order to preserve and restrict uses to agricultural activity. Tile applicant's farm, workers currently reside in the existing dwelling.Neighboring property owners testified that they have not experienced any noise disturbance frorn the subject wiriery/tasting,room operations,or traffic impacts by large:groups.The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code.. 5. Town ,,aw -b .3 (hIL5). The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant: purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the trine of purchase, However, the applicant purchased the property in 2005 with the expectation that the winery/tasting room use and the res I i,dent I ia I I I I use were pennitted as of right`I t; and in 2006 1 1 he Town Planning goard did grant'conditional site plan approval for the existing dwelling and a much larger new proposed winery building known as Silver Nail, Vineyards,which was not built due to financial circumstances. 6. lower Iaw_§207-b. Grant of requested relief is the minirnum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of maintaining a residence and accessory structures with wirlery/tasting, room uses while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the heafth, salety and welfare of the community_ RESOLUTIL)hME-11-1 _IEIQAW, In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test tinder New York Town Law 267-B, motion was uffered by Member Dantes, seconded by Member Weisman (Chairperson), and duly carried, to GRANT the following variances as applied for, and shown on the survey prepared by David Il. Fox, Licensed Land Surveyor, last revised March 6. 2017: a) 113 Garage, Winery and Storage for side yard setback of 10 feet; b) 45 Shed for Tasting Room For side yard setback of I foot; c) 49 Frame Garage, Storage for side yard setback of 6.1 feet; d) 414 Farm Office for rear yard setback of 3.7 feet; al e) Maintain two primary uses, residential and winery on a total of 134,246 sq, ft. (3.0819 acres) where a tot of 160,000 sq. ft. is required. Page 5, May 18, 2017 #7041, Mattebella Vineyards SUM No. 1000-51-2-15.1 DENY the following variances as applied for: a) #2'Residential Accessory Structure for 0 feet side yard setback; b) #4 Wine Storage Shed for side yard setback of 1.9 feet,; c) 46 'farm storage building for aside Yard setback of 6.2 feet S t J B J EQi-- 0 1H ' .1, N_G (MOM — _L� —MAD—W—L 1. The applicant shall remove Buildings 47 &#8 from the property or move to confirming locations. 2. Buildings 413 and 46 shall be moved to conforming locations or removed. 3. The applicant shall apply to the Building Department to obtain Pre-Certificates of Occupancy for all existing accessory structures predating Town Zoning. 4. Site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board must be obtained.Failure to do so will void the relief and approvals granted herein. 5. Buses and limousines are only permitted on site by advanced reservation, Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or apossible denial by the Building Department of building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan andlor su),v ' eY cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does riot oulhori7e or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature off"the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are.expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to-substitute.a similar design that-is de minimis-in nature for an alteration-that does- not oesnot increase the degree of nonconformity. Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured,and/ora subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Cleric,within three(3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3)consecutive one (1)year terms. Vote of the Board.- Ayes:-Alfembers Weisman (Chairperson), Dante, Acampora and Planamento (Member Goehringer abstained). This Resolution was duly adopted (4-1). L;.. ......K ..._,eslianes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing 717 /2017 it yep ���" � ,,..�"".m�` .��r�,�- �'3J�`7�"lr ��;,��Ow��'„/ �"^W w'Mwap ��y�;�b�n y4 �„y yy "�•� �� " ipo TO �r`5 k ol 00 so 100 M m xe z N4 P aaoufln � u � � oa � , � ap � � � � Ta i �mmZ . .......... ...._,.,,.......,.,,...,�.,. mo m m T s o q �F.M> m �fi a c 26� o o i P qq Rqgg r[[ Mc CD P 6 & Q W 9 a 0 0'i yV ca 13 ..,. � Y rR war {