HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUMMER LANEtn the ii, latter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State: of New York, _known as S'U~/i~ER LANE and SUi~IMtT ROAD. DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOV~'----- , , JAN I 1979 SU,F O bK COU WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of s of the Town of Somthold, Suffolk County~ .Vfevv York, for the laying o~t of certain town highways to extend from North~ay View Road through the lands of the undersigned to Cedar Lane. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, the owners of lands to be included wil,h'm the said highways, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southo!dj .for highway purpose~, the following lauds, to wit: ALL those certain lands a~ Bayview, in the Town of Southold, known and designated as Summer Lane and Summit Road on a certain map entitled "R~ap of Bayside Terrace situate al Bayview, Town of Southo!d, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 11, 195~ as Map No. 2024. The lands hereby dedicated, released an8 conveyed are specifically sho-~vn and detlnea~ed upon the aforementioned map o~ JBays~,e ~'errace. AND DO CERTIFY thai the considerations paid to the ~ndersigned for 'this dedication and conveyance, are the following, to wii: The sum of One Dollar. IN WITNESS ~VI-IEREOF. hhe undersigned have caused these presents zo be executed and sealed this 15th day of November , 1978. In ihe Presence ~ /~the Presence~of tn lhe Presence of I !zn~he Presence ~f In the Presence of In the Presence~f / Helen Doma, residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner of Lot No. 26 Edward Cielal~a, residing at Summit Road, Southotd, New York; Owner of Lois Nos. (Gilber* Michaels · (Madeline Michaels · Both resS~Sng at Summit goad, Southold. New ( ~ residing at Summer L~ne-. Southold, New York; Owner~: of Lot No. ~5 Owner of ~ Reserved'~rea betwee~ Lois ,_Nos 3~ and 26 Residing at 836 Harbor Rosd  quebogue, New York (Paul Peder s~n (3/!a_9~- ~ers~n Both re=id~ ~'~ng at Summer Lane, Southold, New Yo/rk; Owners of Lot No. 24 Louise Lehr Ragsda!e. res{ding at Suncmer Lane. Southold, New York; Owner of Lot No. 23 In the Presence of / in lhe Presence of / / In~tF~St_~i~_~/~the Presence of~' ,;<y~~ / (Adam V. Doroski '(Geraldine Doroski Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 22 Ste h n ~esidzn~ (Craig A. ~hteg residing au McCann Lane GreenDort, Owners o~o% No. 21 New ~ork (Ge~!d Tutbill ~Frances Tuthill Both resid~g at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 20 (~, Grohoski, residing at Summer Lane Southold, New York; O~-ner of Lot No. In the Presence o5 In the Fresence of / In the Presence of / B~'residing at Summer I~e, Southold, New York; OWner~ of Lot ~'o. 18 (~eph G. Pacelli . {Ann Pacelli Boih resid~ a~ Summer Lane~ Souihold, New York; Owners of Lots Nos. 9 ~d 10 MarjorieClfist, residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner of Logs Nos. 1i, 12 and 14 the Presence of as to'Henry Gadomski ~enry Gafdomski Charlotte Gadomski Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, Xew Yerk; Owners of Lot No. 13 In the Presence of tn the Presence of (Deimar. ~ ~4c~ B,~ew f~O~b_fer Both resid~g at Su~mer~e, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. i5 Ja~ Thiloerg Karin Thilberg Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Karin Thilberg is owner of Lot No. 16; Jack and Karin Thitberg are owners of Lot No. !7 (Wilbur Verty, Jr, rCartece K. Verty ~ ' Both residing at Summit Road, gouthold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 8 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I 7 came CI-LARLOTTE GADOiMSKI, to me k~nov/n zo be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and she acknowledged that she executed lhe same. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 15th day of November, 1978, before me personally came CHARLOTTE GADOMSKI, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK) MARGAR~-G' A. YOUNG NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Suffolk County -iio. ~2-977B895 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: On the ~,~day of ~r, 1978, before me personally came B. ARTHUR THURM, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the fore- going instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public ~OBERT W. TASI(ER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Suffolk Couaty No. 52-3933725 Term F. xpJres March 30, 1979 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: On the 15th day of November, 1978, before me personally came CItARLOTTE GADO1V~SKI, the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; that she knows Helen Doma, Edward Cielatka, Gilbert Michaels, Madeline Michaels, William J. Quinn, Paul Pedersen, 1V[ary Pedersen, Louise Lehr Ragsdale, Adam V. Doroski, Geraldine Doroski, Stephen T. Rutkowski, Craig A. Richter, Gerald Tuthill, Frances Tuthill, Wilbur A. Verity, Jr., Carlece K. Verity, T. Grohoski, Linda A. McCarthy, Joseph G. Pacelli, Ann Pacelli, Marjorie Clust, Henry Gadomski, D. F. Nuhfe~ Constance Nuhfer, Jack Thilberg and Karin Thilberg to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrumer that she, said subscribing witness, was present and saw them execute the same; at the same time subscribed her name as witness and that she, said witness, thereto. otary Pub / MARGARIEI' A. YOUNG NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York ~uffolk County - lto. z2-J776895 ~ir:. ~ Take not/ce STATE-OF-NEW WORK~ which ~e wi~in is a copy, duly grmted COURT nhe wifl~in entitled a~on, on ~e Da=d the Clerk oi the Coun~ day__o£ ---19 , N. Y.,- 49__ ROBERT \V. TASKER A~%aey -~or O~c~ and Post Ol~ce Address 425 Main 5~rvez GRL~NPO, T, NEx,V YORK I19.4} ~.ttomey for ..... ~OBERT ~V. TASKER ONce and Post C~Addrcss 425 Mare Street ...... G~ENPORT NEW YO~K 11944 Due and personal serwce of the adrni~ed d~is day of. A=omey for- " In the Matter : of the : Laying out of certain town highways in the : Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as SUMMER LANE and : SUIVIMIT ROAD. APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN HIGHWAY TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGI~VAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: The undersigned, inhabitants of the Tox~m of Souihold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to lay out highways in said Town, at Bayview in the said Town and known and designated as SUMMER LANE and SUMMIT ROAD on a certain map entitled "Map of Bayside Terrace situate at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 11, 1953, as Map No. 2034, which said highway passes through the lands of applicants. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map showing the course of the said proposed highways. Dated: This 15th day of November, 1978. In the Presence of In the Presence of In the Presence]of / In the Presence of, / In the Presence of. , / ( Helen Doma, residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner of Lot No. 26 Edward Cielatka, residing at Sum~mit Road, Southold, New York; Owner of Lots Nos. 27 and 28 ( (Gilbert Michaels ( ( (Madeline Michaels Both residing at Summit Road, Southold, New York; Owners of Lots Nos. 29 and 30 (William J. Quinn~/ ( ~ residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner: of Lot No. 25 Eastern Suffolk Realty, Inc. by Owner of "Reserved" Area between Lots No so/~0 and~26A ( /~-~i__/e-,/-,,.-t~ 's~ (Paul Peder s~n (Mar~tPed~s~n Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, Louise Lehr Ragsdale, residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner of Lot No. 23 In the Presence of In the Presence of tn the Presence of / I~the Presence of I In the Presence of In the Presence of In the Presence of (Adam V. Doroski Both residing ar Summer Lane. Southold, N~,w York; Owners of Lot No. 22 ~Stephen T. ~ut~<owski.~. ( · (Craig A ./~ichter O~rs ~f Lot No. 2~ (~rances Both residing a~ Summer La~e, Southold, New York; Owners o~ L~t No. 20 ( (Paul J. 3~cCarthy ( {Linda A. McCarthy Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lo: No. 18 (~6~eph G. Pacetli ( Both residing a~ Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lots Nos. 9 ~d 10 iS{arjori Clust, residing au Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owner of Lots Nos. i1, 12 and 14 In %he Presence of Henry Gad~nski Both residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 13 In the Presence of In the Presence of / (Delmar ~ ~ ~ Nui~fer ( C onst ante 4~-~r ~ ~6-~ Bolh resid~g al Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 15 Karin Thilberg Bolh residing at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; Karin Thilberg is owner of No. 16; Jack and Karin Thilberg are owners of LoI No. 17 In the Presence of (Vfilbur Verty, Jr. (Carlece K. Verty Both residing at Summit Road, Southold, New York; Owners of Lot No. 8 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the /~-~day of ~~g~/ 1978, before me personally came C_~Li~LOTTE GADOIV[SKI, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and she acknowledged that she executed the same. _~tary Publi~/ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: On the 15th day of November 1978, before me personally came CHARLOTTE GADOMSKI, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) foregoing instrument, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same. /otary ['~/L ~ou~ M~,R~ ~'te ol New NOTARY pUBLIC, S , County No 52.~/76895 SuNotk 30 1980 ~eT~ Expiles M~Tch , SS.: On the day of November, 1978, before me personally came B. ARTHUR THURM, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the fore- going instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 15th day of November, 1978, before me personally came Ct{ARLOTTE GADOMSKI, the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acauainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Summer Lane, Southold, New York; that she knows Helen Doma, Edward Cielatka, William J. Quinn, Paul Pedersen, Mary Pedersen, Louise Lehr Ragsdale, Adam V. Doroski, Geraldine Doroski, Stephen T. Rutkowski, Craig A. Richter, Gerald Tuthill, Frances Tuthill, T. Grohoski, Joseph G. Pacelli, Ann t Pacelli, Henry Gadomski, D. F. Nuhfer, Constance Nuhfer, Jack Thilberg and Karin Thilberg to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that she, said subscribing witness, was present and saw them execute the same; and that she, said witness, name as witness thereto. at the same time subscribed her In the 1VIatter : of the : Laying out of certain town highways in the: Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as SUMMER LANE and SU1VIi~IIT ROAD. CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSE TOWN HIGHWAY UPON READING AND FILING the application of Charlotte Gadomski and others dated November 15, 1978, and duly acknowledged, and the dedication and release of Charlotte Gadomski and others dedicat- ing and releasing the necessary lands for proposed town highways to extend from North Bayview Road through the lands of the said applicants to Cedar Lane. RESOLVED, that, in accordance with the provisions of Section IT1 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out ~he aforesaid town highways, the said town highways to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk .of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. TOVfN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Dated: J~nuary 23, 1979. NEW YORK Supervisor T~own Justice Co~cilman Councilman -2- In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, known aS SUIIIMER LANE and SUtVII~IT ROAD. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS ON RELEASE FROM OWNERS APPLICATION having been duly made for the laying out of town highways in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yo~'k, st Bayview, and a dedication and relesse from the owner of and ~the~persons in- terested in the lands through which the highways are proposed to be opened, having been given: NOW, THEREFORE~ I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: All those certain lands at ]Bayview in the Town of Southold, known and designated as Summer Lane and Summit Road on a certain map entitled "Msp of Bayside Terrace situate at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 1V~arch 11, 1953 as iVtap No. 2034. ]S~ermtendent of H~ghways of the ~/T~wn of Southold KEY MAP 0 C %-0