HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUFFOLK AVENUE, Mattituck,, UFFoLK Ay Nu To the Tov~ Superintendent of Highways of the Tovm of Southold, in the Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in 1st - S.69o41t10" 2nd - S.6S°81'10'' Srd - S.~0°52'30" 4th - S.25°10t30" 5th - S.45°2g'Bo" 6t~ -.S.70905t00" 7th - S.82°26'30" set on southerly 8th - N.85°52'20" the said Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to ,a.~lter a portion of Suffolk Avenue, in said Town of Southold, as layed out May 7, 1890, by changing the same to run as follows: The Northerly line as proposed to be altered is described as Beginning at a concrete monument,set on the northerly line ~of the'course of Suffolk Avenue described in Order laying out said Suffolk Avenue, dated May 7, 1890 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Town of 'SoU~hold in Llber I at page 70, as running North 81 degrees West, 19 chains and 79 links, said monument being about 250 feet westerly from the easterly end of said course and at such a point that the beginning of the alteration in the southerly line is at the northeasterly corner of land of Wm. H. Stiles; running thence (Magnetic 1926) E.-199.90 feet to a concrete monument, thence E.-334.85 feet" " " " " E.-10§.78 feet" " " " " E.-269.0~'feet %o ~ points (~0nor%te monument line at this deflection point,)- thence E.-448.~7 feet to a point on northerly line of second course of order laying out St~ffolk Avenue, above referred to, said point being 214,7~ feet westerly along said second course from southwesterly corner of land of John F. Fanning, (monument set on southerly line at termination of this last course). Said highway to be of width of three rods. And a map of said proposed alteration, made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, dated ~arch 7, 1927, accompanies and is hereby made a part of this record~ which proposed alteration and widening will pass through the lands of ~eorge H. Case; Oliver W. Case; Clifford T. Case and Ruth B. Case, only. Dated this day of April, 1927. the Undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at and considered the Application oF George H. Case; Oliver W. Case~ Clifford To Oase~ and Ruth B. Case, for straightening and alterir~ tlze highway known as S~folk Avenue in said do hereby consent t~at such straightening and altering be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervisor. To~ Clerk, · ) of the Pekoe. of Highways ~ GEORGE E. CASE; OLIVER W. CASE and CLIFFORD T. CASE, of Outohogue, Town of southold~ Suffolk 0o~nty~ New york, and RUTH CASE, of $2 Union Avenue~ Jamaica, Queens Co,~uuty~ New york, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to us in hand paid by George H. Fleet, Town Superintendent of Highways, of said ~wn of Southold~ and in further consideration of the straightening and alteration of a portion of Suffo'lk Avenue, in said Town of Southold, by changing same so tD~z the following premises are included:- The Northerly line as proposed to be altered is described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the northerly line of the course of Suffolk ~venue described in order laying out said Suffolk Avenue, dated May 7~ 1890 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold in Liber I at page 70~ as rur~ng ~orth 81 degrees West, 19 chains and 79 links, said monument being about BS0 feet westerly from the easterly e~d of ~aid course and at such a point that the beginning of the altera~ tion in the southerly line is at the northeasterly corner of land of ~ B. Stiles~ ru~ning ~henos (Magnetic 19~8) let ~ S~5~°41~10~ Eo~199.90 feet to a concrete mon~nent, thence End ~ S.6~°$I'i0" E.-iI0.85 feet" ~ " ~ ~rd - S.40°52'$0~ E.- 70.98 feet" " " " ~th ~ S.2$°I0'30~ E.-$~o85 feet ' " ~ ~ 5th ~ S.~3°29~20~ E.-i05.78 feet" ~ " " 5th ~ S.70°05'00' E--i10,35 feet ~ ' ~ ~ 7th - ~.82°28~0~ Eo-269,06 feet ~o a ~oin%, (ooncPete mon~nent set on southerly line at this deflection point~)- thence 8th - N.85°52~20~ E.-~46.27 feet to a point on northerly line of seoor~ coUrSe of order laying out Suf£olk Avenue, above referred to~ said point being 2t4°72 feet westerly along said Course from southwesterly corner of land of John F. ~'anning, (monument set on southerly line at termination of this last oo~wse). Said hig~vay to be of width of three rods. And a map of said proposed alteration~ made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, dated Earoh 7~ 1927~ accompanies and is hereby made a part of this reeord~ wD~oh proposed alteration and laying out passes tnrouon th~ 2ands of George ho Case~ OliVer W. 0ass; 01ifford T. Case and Ruth 0ass, only~ do hereby dedicate and release to the TO%Wn of Southold, all land heretofore o'~ned by us lying within the line of the proposed alteration as above described, and do hereby said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out and alteration of the course of said highway as afo~esaido Dated this /~.~,~ day of April, 1927. STATE OF NE~fJ COUNTY OF SUt~FOLK. On this /~Y day of April~ 1927~ before me perso~lly c~ms GEORGE H~ GASH; OLIVER W~ CA~E ~nd CLIFFORD T~ 0ASE, of 0utohogue, S~folk gouty, New York~ personally to me and ~o~ to me to be t~ee of the sams per~ons des- orib~ in ~nd who executed th~ foregoing in~tr~ent~ ~nd they severally mo~uowledged to me t~t ~hsy exempted the s~m~ Notary Pubiio. ~ ST.¢TE 0F NE%7 YORK, SS: COUNTY OF ~¢/-¢¢~ on this day of Apr~l~ 1927, before ms personally cams RUTH B. CASE, of 52 Union Avenue~ Jam~ioa~ New York~ personally kno%~da to ms and known to me to be one of the same persons described in and who ~xeoutsd the foregoing!instrument; and she duly acknowledged to ms that she sxeoutsd the same. Notary Public o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . In the ~atter of the Application of GEORGE H. CASE & ORS., for the alteration o£ the Highway known as Suffolk Avenue in said Town o£ Southold. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD, RELEASE~OF DAkt~GES.