~i~ ~6wn Bda~'8 Of tEe;:TS¢& of"S0~¢~6l~ &et' at' %he office of".
Supervls6r n~b~M:.'Mar[o~'~hi&', '~'6'S0u~h ~Street','" Gr'eenp'ort,' ' '
New York, on Tuesday,. July 27, ~971 at $:00"P.M. 'with'the
Supervisor Albert M.' Martocchia, Councilman .... James ~. Rich, Jr.,
Councilman Howard C. Valentine, Justice° Martih:~uter, JU~-ti~';''''~
Louis M. Demarest Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker, Supt. of
Highways Raymond C. Dean, and Town Clerk Alb~rt~W. Ri~h~o~
Absent: Justice E. Perry Edwards.
Moved by c~uncilman'va~e~ine, '~eco~d~d'~y ~stlce' Sut~;~:~wa
RESOLVED that the nex~ meetzng ~f the' Town Boa~d'will~ be'~h~l~ a~
q~een~P~t, .New York,.o~ August 10, ~71,-a% ~:0O P.M.
Vb%e of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervis0r-M~t~cchi~; C0uhc~an
Rich .... Councilman Valentine, Justice suter, Justice ~ut~, Justice
Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED ~ha~' ~he. ~n~ of the mee~ng~. ~'f. ~uly·. . l'3,~'19'Tl_~e~'ahd
~hey hereby are approeed'._' ~'~
V0(~ ~ bh~ TbWn'B~r~: kye¢:. Superviso~ ~artocchia,. co6n&itman
RiCh., ~o~ncilma~ val&n~ine, Justice suter, Justice Demhre~tl.I
Moved. by Justice DemareS~, secended by Justice Sue ,
WHEREAS'E~'st Ma~6n,-0r'ie~t:L~tle'Lehgu~ ~as'rgqu~s%ed'f%nahc'!al
aid fur & bus trip, and
WHEREAS financial aid is available for recrgation, it is
RESOLVED that $100.00 be granted to each %'i-6tle Lea'gue' ~ithin -
the Town of Southold, (.1) Orient-Easti~arion, (2) Greenport,
(3) Southold, (4), cutchogue, (5)'~Mattituck, for recreational
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Valentine, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest.
On motion of Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Valentine, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he here-
by is directed to request the Long Island Lighting Company to
install the following lights:
1 - 175 MV on LILCO Pole $9, Hill Road, Southold, New York.
2 - 100 CP on LILCO Poles ~10 & ~9, Zeona Rd. & n/s Central Dr.,
Capt. ~idd Estates, Mattituck, N.Y.
Vo~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Valentine, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 P.M.
Albert W. Richmond
Town Clerk