HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTILLWATER AVENUE ORDER LAYING OUT A NEW HIG~J&LY ~TH THE COES~T OF THE TO'J~ BOARD. Written application having been made to me, Town Superintendent of Highways for the To~cn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by N&'c~ael S. Hand and Msrgaret Hand, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said to,m, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by Law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through v~ich the proposed highway is to be laidout, copies of which are h~eto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages,~. it is hereby ', ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highway shall be and the same~'t is hereby laid out in said town as follows: The easterly llne begins at a concrete monument on the south- erly~line of the ~in Road and at the northwesterly corner of land of ~thodist Episcopal parsonage; running thence along the westerly line of said parsonage property and continuing along tho other land of Henry and Clarence Fleet, S~ 45o14'30'' E. 609.52 feet; thence along other land of said Henry and Clarence Fleet two courses as follows: ~ 1. S. 38°40' E. 636.93 feet; thence -,,~,, 2. S. 54°08'40'' E. 409,92 feet to a concrete monument at the northwesterly corner of land of M.S.Hand; thence along other land of said M.S.itand, three courses, as follows: 1. S.46°24'40" E.733.25 feet: thence 2. N.44°31'00" E. 301,89 feet; thence 3. S.59°32'00" E.555.38 feet; thence partly along other land of said M.S. Hand and partly along lots sold by said M.S. Hand, S.49°58'40" E. 951.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of land of Pembleton; thence along said land of Pembleton S.~ 34°32'30" E.50.65 feet; thence along lots now or formerly of said M.S.Hand S.11°16'20" E. 169.36 feet; thence along other land of Harry Annabel, S. 5005710~ W. 309.01 feet to ~ poi~ 30 feet easterly from ~he westerly line of land of said Harry Annabel: thence parallel to said westerly line and 30 feet easterly therefrom S. 42° 21'&0w E. 417.47 feet to land of Ravatone Realty Comp~uy~ thence along said land of Ravatone Realty Company, S. 55a09~ 30~ ~o 341.00 feet to the easterly line of Fiestas Neck Road~ Said highway to be 50 feet in width ~easured to the right or generally westerly from the above described lineo Said highv~y is to be known as Stillwater Avenue. i939~ Town Suoerintendent o_~ ~ighways To~ of Southold~ In the ~atter of the ~pplication of ~ich~et S. Hand and ~argare~ Hand~ his wife, for the laying out of a new highway, at CutChogue~ in the Tow~ of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as Stillwatsr Avenue. the undersigned, being a majority of ~he To~ Board of the Town of Southold~ in the County of S~ffclk and State of !few ~rk~ ha~ing duly met at a regular meeting of said Town Board, at the office of the Supervisor a~ C~reenport in said Town~ on the day of 1999~ ~nd ha~ing ~uly considered the application of ~mchae_ S. Hand and ~arga~e ~.nand~ his ~_fe dated the 21 day of~pri~ 19~ for ~he laying eut of a new highway io~b~ known as stillwater Avenue, at Cu~chog~e, in said Town, do hereby consent that s~ch laying ou~ be,~ade in accordance said pet ition ~ Superv i so ?.i ~ J~astic~s o~ the ' Superint~Z~ent of Highways i In the ~[atter of the Application : icl k~iahael S. Hand and Margaret ~Hand, his ~ife~ for the laying out : ~PPLICATi0N of a new highway~ at Cutchogue~ in the Town of Southold~ County of : Suffolk and State of New York, to be k_mown as Stillwh~er Avenue. : To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State o~ i~-ew York: The undersigned.petitioners~ ~.~iichael S. Hand and Margaret Hand, his wife~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of High- ways to lay out a new hiEhway at Cutchogue, in ~he Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of .New York, to be known as Stillwa~t. er~ Avenue and more fully described as follows: T~ne Easterly line begins at a concrete monttment on the south- erly- line of the ~in Road and at the northv~esterly corner of land of Methodist Episcopel parsonage; running thence along the westerl~ line of said parsonage property and continuing along other land of Henry and Clare~uce Fleet, S~ 4:5° 14~ 30~ E. 809°52 feet~ thence along other follows: the northwesterly corner of land of said Hen~_7~ e_nd Clarence Fleet~ two courses as ~8° 40' E. 635.93 feet; thence 54° 08~ &0~ E. 409.92 feet to a concrete monumen~ az land of ~[o S. Hand~ thence along other land of said M. S. lo S. 46° 24' 40~' Eo 733.25 feet; 2. N~ 44© 31~ 00' Eo 301.89 feet; 3. S. 59° ~2~ 00~ E. 559~38 feet; land of said M~ three c ourses~ as follows: thence thence thence partly along other Hand and partly along lots sold by said DJ. S. ilHsmd~ S. 40° 58' ~0" E~ 951.00 feet to the nc~thwesterly corner of land of Pembleton; theace along said land of Pambleton, S. 34° 1.32~ 30~' E. 50~85 feet; t~enee along lots now or formerly of said i!~. S. Hsmd~ S. ll° 18~ 20~' Eo 189.38 feet; thence aloog other land of Harry Annabel, S. 50° 55' 10" Wo ~09o01 feet to a point 30 feet easterly from the westerly line of land of said Harry Annabel; ~hence parallel to sa~d weszerly l~ne and 30 fee~ easterly there- from, So &2° 21' &0~ E. &17~47 feet to Land of Ravatone Realty Company; th~ce along said land of Ravatone Realty Oompany~ S. 55° 30" W. ~41.00 feet to the easterly line of Fleet~s Neck Road~ Said Highway to be 50 feet in width measured to the right gemerally westerly from the above described line. / And a map of said proposed highway has been made by Otto Ysm ~y!, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport~ N~ Y., and is to be filed with and made a part of th~s record. Annexed hereto and made a pa~ ~ of this application are re- leases and dedications to the Town of ~outhol~ by the petitioners Hand and Diargaret Hand, his v~fe~ and also Clarence C. Fleet and Evelyn S. Fieet~ his wife, Henry L. Fleet and n~ry ~bel/of those properties ~ which said H~hway is to Dated~ xprii In the NT~tter o~ the Application : of Michael S~ Hand and ~argaret Hand~ his wife~ for the laying out : of a new highway~ at Cut. chogue~ in the Town of Southold, County of : Suffolk and State of New York, be known as Stillwater Avenue. : ~te, Michael S. Hand end I~argaret Hand, his wife, being the owners of certain lands in Cutchogue~ ~ the To~ of Southold, cowry of Suffolk and StaZe o~ New York, over which lands a cer- tain proposed hi.way, ~own as Stillwater Xve=~e ~d described in the application in the above entitled ~tter dated ~y, will pass, Now, in consideration of the s~ of One (~l) Dollar to in ~nd paid by Harold D. F~ic% Superintende~ of the Highways of said Southold To~, and in Further consideration of the laying out of the new h~hway to be kno~. as stillwater Avenue, do here~ by release ~d gedicate to the To~ of Southold, all th~ land heretofore owned by us ami t~o~ which said proposed highway ~ll pass~ and describe~ as follows: Begi~ing at a concrete mon'~t set at the northwesterly c~ner of land of said M. S. Hand adjoining land of Hen~ and Clarence Fleet ~ud running thence ~ong other land of said Hand, three co~ses~ as Follows: l~ S. 48° 24~ 40~' E. 733~25 feet~ thence 2. N~ 44° 31~ 00'~ E. 301.89 feet; thence lan~l Hand 5. S. 59° 52~ 00" E. 559.38 feet~ thence partly along other of said If. S. Hand and partly along lots sold by said 5'L S. S. 40° 58' 40~ E~ 951.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of land of Pembleton; thence along land of Harry Annabel S~ 50° 42' 20" W. 50~02 feet; thence along other land of said IYL S. Hand, parallel to and distant 50 feet from the fourth, third and second courses, above described, three courses, as follows: i. N. 40° 58t 40~ W. 941~55 feet; thence ~o~ N, 59° 32' 00''~ ~.~' 512.18 feet~ t_ence~ 3. S. 4~° 31' 00'~ Wo 002.feet, more or less, to land of Henry mud Clarence Fleet~ thence not,westerly ~o~ said l~ud of Henry and Clarence Fleet, 788 feet~ more or less, to 'the po~t of beginning. ~d we do hereby release said Town of Southold fro~ all d~ges by reason off the la~_~ out of said highway, Dated~ =_pr~l ~L~3~ STXTE OF ~W YORK: :SS. C OLE'~Y OF On this ay of~P~-L 1~, before me FAND s~ud ~.~RGD-R~T HA~N-D~ to me known and known to came LiiC~3~L S. me to be the individuals described in~ foregoing instr,mment, and acknowledged the same, and v£no executed, the to me that they executed Eotary Public, Suffolk Co. In the latter of the Application : of Michael So Hand and i.~argaret Hand~ his wife, for the laying out i of a new highway~ at Cutchogue~ in RELEASE the Town of Southold, Oounty mf Suffolk and State of ~ew York, to be known as stiltwater ~venue. We, Harry ~nnahel and ~.fary ~nabei~ his wife~ being the owners of certain lands in Cutchogue~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk e_nd State of New York, over which lands a cer~ rain proposed highway~ kno~vn as Stillwate Avenue and described in the application in the above entitled ma~ter date~ ~ay~ 1958~ will pass~ Eow~ in consideration of the stum of One (~l) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D~ Price~ Superintendent of the Highways of said $outhold Tovm~ and in further consideration of the laying out of the new highway to be kno~m as Stillwater ~venue~ do here- by release mad dedicate ~o the Town of Southold~ all the lar~d heretofore owned by us and through which said proposed highway will pass~ and described as follows: Beginning a~ a gr~uite monumen~ sst at the southwesterly cor- ner of land of said ~nabel adjoining land of Estate of Harry Fleet; running thence along said land of Estate of Harry Fleet~ N. ~2° 2!~ 40" W~ 41~=o87 feet; thence alor~ other !end of said Anr~bel~ N. 50° 55~ !0~, E, ~i.~2 feet; lluence ~long other lsmd of said ~nnabel on a line parall~l to and 50 feet westerly from certain lots now or formerly owned by M, S. Hand~ N. ti° t~~ 20~ ?f, !29.15 feet; thence alom~ other lend of said 2d~.nabat on a line parallel to and 50 feet westerly from land of i~iimpton _ l~ ~4° Z~ ~0~ ]% ~5~77 feet ~o other land of said ~L S. He~ud; thence along said land of M. S. i~tand~ No 50© 42~ 20~ Eo 50.02 feet ko a monument at the northwesterly corner of said land of Pemb!eton; thence slong said land of Pembleton,. S. 34© 52' ~0~ E. 50.65 feet~ thence along lots now or formerly of said M~ S. Hand, S. ll© 16' 20" E. 169.35 feet; thence along other land of said Annabel on a line parallel ~ith and 50 feet southerly from the ~econd course hereinabove described, S. 50© ~,5~ 10~'~09.01 thence along land of A~-uabel S. 42°2I'40~ E~ 390 fee~ feet~/more or less, to the southerly line of land of said An_nabel~ thence wesZer?±y along land of said Fleet to the point of beginning~ ,~hud we do hereby release said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said h~ghw y. Dated~ On this ~//~ay of _,~il lC~39 ~ before ~e '~L~R¥ ~D_B~, ~o me knm~m and k~c~n to me zo be the ir~ividuals described in~ and who executed~ the foregoing instrument~ and acknowledged to me that they exeeu~.ed In the ~k%tier of ~ichae! SA Hand a~d~ ~arg~ret be k~n H~ry L. F!eet~ berg the owners of oerta~ lands in Ou~oho~e~ ~o~ in h~nd p~id of said Sou~hc~d Tow~ out of th~ aew h~way ~o b~ ~ ~ S¢~lwater Av~ d~ her~ by r~c~s~ ~d d~ioa~e ~o ~he To~ of ~outhold~ ~i the land heretofore ~d by us an~ t~h ~ioh s~id proposed highway ~ll ~ss~ ~d~d~scribad ~ag~ at a teEn. Se ~r~ent on ~e $~theriy lin. line of said ~s~ag~ ~p~r~y and con~inui~ alo~ ot~r l~d of sai& H~y a~d Clarence Fleet, thence along o~h~r ~d ~ said ~ry ~nd 44° Sl~ W~ tO feel~ mere or Henry and CIarenee Flee$~ N~ thauce through land c~ said' I~n~y ~s~y i~ of ~nd of ~d N. S~ ~nd~ ~id Hen~ ~d ~nd Cl~ence Fie~t~ said southerly line of ~a~--n Ro~d~ thence along sa~ line of said ~:aL~. Ro~d~ ~L ~7 Parcel E~ E (~h end of p~ed High~-~ Beg~Lug a~ a conorete ~nt o~ ~e easSsriy I~ of Fle~$~s ~-~e~k Road ~oout %0 f~ ~o~atherly fr~. ~e ~o~%h~rly end ~o~ ~h~r ~nd of said H.sn~ ~d Cl~enee Fleat~ N~ ~o or ~ss~ ~ along lend of EevaScne Ee~y C~p~y ~ ~rF~lel to the first described line ~d 80 fee~ s~ttherly thersfr~ S~ S~° Oe ~!~00 f~el to said easterly line ~e Fleet~s N~k Road; ~c~pti~ all ri~ etc,~ ~k Ellis Bil~rd~y ow~ in ~ ~tri~ ab~ ~5 f~et in length ~d about ~ or ~ fe~t i~ wi~$h ~ ~id h~gh~y~ u u~e Y OF ~I~FOLK~ before me In the I~atter of the Application o~ ~iichael S. Hand and ~argaret Hand, his wife, for the laying out of a new highway, at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as Stillwater Avenue. CONSENT ~illiam Wickham Attorney and Counselor at Law Cutchogue, N. Y. In the Natter of the ApPlication of Nichael S. H~nd and Nargaret Hand, his wife, for the laying out of a new highway, at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as Stillwater Avenue. APPLICATION AND RELEASES William '~'lc kham Attorney and Counselor at Law Cutchogue, N. ¥. In the mat~er of the Application of ~Iichael S. Hand and D~rgaret Hand, his wife, for the laying out of a new highway, at Cu~cho~e in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York to be known as Stillwater Avenue. ORDER