HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTANLEY ROAD Title No. S-385260 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE SECURITY TITLE and GUARANTY COMPANY hereby certifies to The Town of Southold that it has made an examination of title to the premises described herein and finds title thereto vested in= SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORPo Subject to those mortgages~ easements~ agreements~ covenants~ restrictions and reservations set forth herein. The liability of the Company hereunder is limited and in no event is said liability to exceed the sum of One Thousand ($1~000.00) Dollars. SE~IT~ TITLE and GUARANTY COMPANY John F. Fryer /- Ass't. Title Officer Dated: October ia 1971. Title No. S~385260 DESCRIPTION ALL those certain plot~ pieces or parcels of land~ situate~ lying and being at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York~ knov~n and designated as and by~ Ruth Road Sunset Dr~ve Sunny Lane Stanley Road Daisy Road and Dogwood Lane as said streets are laid out and shown on a certain map entitled: "Map of Sunset Knolls~ Section Two" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on April 9~ 1970 as Map No. 5448. MORTGAGE SCHEDULE Mortqaqe Sunset Knolls Development Corp. to The North Fork Bank And Trust Co. Amt~ $1144500.00 Dated: 3-18-70 Rec~d~ 3-19-70 Liber 5792 Mp 538 S~HEDULE OF COVENANTS~ EASEM_ENTS~ RESERVATIONS~ ETCo 1. Declaration of Protective Covenants recorded in Liber 6730 Cp 293. (Copy herewith~i. 2. Amendment of Declaration of Protective Covenants recorded in Liber 6770 Cp 393. {Copy herewith). Agreement between Sunset Knolls Development Corp.~ and Captain Kidd Water Co.~ Inc.~ recorded in Liber 6848 Cp 224. ~opy here%f~ith). Long Island Lighting Company Agreement recorded in Liber 6764 Cp 323. (Affects streets only),. DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS made this 3rd day of April ,1970 by SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business au MaDn Road, Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. WHEREAS, Sunset Knolls Development Corp., is the owner of certain lands situated au Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk' County, New York, as conveyed by Stanley Sledzieski~ a/k/a Stanley J. Sledzieski and Helen Sledzieski, his wife, by deed dated the 18th day of March, 1970 and recorded in Suffolk Cour, ty Clerk's Office on the 19th day of March, 1970 in Liber 6719 of deeds az page'S38, and by deed from Stanley Sledziesky and Leo Sledziesky dated the 18th day of March, 1970 and recorded mn Suffolk County Clerk's Office on the 19th day of March, 1970 in. Liber 6719 of deeds au page 148; and WH~=REAS, the said.lands are now referred To as KNOLLS SECTIONTWU"~ Mattituck, Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, prepared by Alden W. Young, Land Surveyor, N. Y. So Lic. No. 12845, Riverhead, New York~ filed in the Office of The Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the ~z/ZdaY as File No.~~ and in order To provide for the beneficial and harmonious development and use of "Sunsev Knolls Section Two% Sunseu Knolls Development Corp. desires to impose certain re- strictions and covensn~s upon ~Sunset Knolls Section T~o`~ ~nich shall be binding on all the purchasers and mortgagees of in- dividual lots, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. NOW, THEREFORE, the following restrictions and covenants are hereby imposed upon "Sunset Knolls SectionTwo'~ 1. No build.i~g, other than one ~r~vat% ~yelling rom the use and occupancy of one family and one private garage shall be erected on any one lot. A one-svory'dwelling erected thereon shall have a first floor area of nov less than 1,O00 square feet and a Zwo-s~ory dwelling shall have a first floor area of nou less than800 square feet, not including porches or garage~so A detached garage erected thereon shall conform To the dwelling. 2. The premzses shall not be used for the manufacture or sale of merchandise or goods of any kind, for any trade or busi- ness whatsoever, or for the display of any~dvertising or commer- cial signs. 3- No stables shall be erected on said premises. No. nuisance shall be created or allowed and no use shall be made ~thereof that shall be dangerous To the health of or offensive to the senses of ~ight or smell of the sellers, their heirs, or assigns or owners of the premises adjoining the premises hereby~ conveyed and neighboring properties. 4. No fences or hedges over four feet in height shall be erected on said premises and any fence or hedge four feet or under shall be maintained and kept in good appearance. 5- No part of any dwelling or garage shall be constructed on any one lot within Ten feet of other boundaries of said lot. 6. No fowl, poultry, s~mals or livestock shall be kept on said premises other than two domestic pets which shall be housed in the residence. 7. No mobile type homes or trailers shall be kep~, used, moved or allowed on said premises regardless of their size with the exception of.boat trailers which maybe kept in the rear of the premises. 8. Flat roof construction shall not be used on any build~ ings and all buildings must be completed within one year from commencement of construction. 9. The declarant reserves the right to dedicate all s~ree~s, roads, drainage areas, and easements ~o the Town of $outhold for highway and drainage purposes. 10. The declarant reserves the right to convey the fee title To the recreation area as shown on the filed map as well as any rights and duties of the declaranthereunder to a duly incorp- orated association of the owners of the reallproper~y affected by ~hese covenants and restrictions~ iI. Each owner of a lot on said map shall automatically become a member of any property owners association hereinafter incorporated. However, each lot-~on the filedmap shall.be entitled to one vo~e in said association. 12. Each lot on the filed map shall be subject to an ~uudal charge for each calendar year in such au amount fixed by the declarant or ~h~ proper~y owners association, as successor, not exceeding, however, in any one year the sum of ~lO.O0 unless agreed upon by a majority of the lot owners on said map. Such charge shall become due and payable on the 15th day of January of each year and shall thereafter become ~ lien on the proper~y and shall continue ~o be such lien until'fully paid. Such charge shall be payable to the declarant or the property owners association and~ mus~ be devotedi~o the maintenance of the recreation area and other commonalty purposes beneficial ~o the real property above described° 13. The covenants and restrictions herein imposed may be modified or amended at any time by the declarant, its successors or assig~so 14. These covenants and restrictions shall run wit~ the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit ~f the said parties hereto~ their heirs, administrators and assigns until January l, 1990, and said covenants and restrictions may be en- forced by action for ~amages or in~u~tLons~oboth unti~ the f±rs~ day of January, 1990. 15o The above covenants ~ud restrictions are no~ applicable ~o Lots 36 and ~7 on the filed map if said lots are used for a community water system. IN WITNESS W~LEREOF, the foregoing Declaration has been executed by Sunset Knolls Development Corp. the day and year first above written. SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPME~T CORP. esi en~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the 3rd day of April ,1970, before me personally came STAi\rLEY SLEDJESKI to me known, who, being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides at Breakwater Road, Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York; that he i'z the President of Sunset Knolls Development Corp., the corporation described in and which executed the. foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed To said instz%unen~ is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board 'of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order° Notary/Public E:OHARD F, LAK~ · NOTARY PUBLIC, State ef No, B2-7,L32500 - S~folk {~,elJJ~Jissia~ ExpJi'e~ ,~arch Title ~ o .S...-, ,32,0. ,7..7, ,9...~, .... SCtiEDIoq',E COVENANTS, CONDr'FIONS, EASF2dENTS, LEASES, AG1LEESIENTS OF R. ECORD, ETC. Amend C & R's Sunset Knolls Declarant cp 293. Developmen~ Corp. Dated: 6/30/70 Rec'd: 7/9/70 Liber: 6770 cp 393 recorded "Declaration of Protective Covenants in Libe.r 6730 Declarant desires to amend said covenants; Now, therefrom it is declared that said covenants, follows- ms hereby amended as 1. A New Paragraph i6 shall be added thereto to provided as follows: 16. No cesspool or any part thereof shall be constructed on Lots 1~ 2, & 37 ~.ox shall be wihin 100.feet of the pumping W~ell ~ S-36923 located on Lot 36. =:~"_..go I:TDENTURE made this 27th day of November, ~970, bet:.:een So~,S~T ...OL~o DEVELOi~TT CORP., a domestic coroo, atlon with its principal place of business at Main Road (no number), Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, and CAPTAIN EIDD WATER CO., I~TC., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at P. O. Box A-2~, Wantagh, New York, party of the second part; WIT~ESSETH, that the party of the first partin'con~ideratign of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations paid by the party of the second part, does hereby Erant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, all its right, title and interest of, in an~ to the water main or mains, together with appurtenances, located in the roads as shown on "Nap. of Sunset Enolls, Section Two, Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suff. Co., N.Y." filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Nmp No. 54~8 on April 9, 1970, subject to the .following: (a) Prior to the dedication of the roads as shown on the "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" to the Town of S0uthold~ the partv of the second part, in the event it has to break the surface of an~ part of the roadways for any purpose, will at its' owncost and expense restore the same to its original condition.: (b) After the dedication of the roads on .the' "Nap of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" to the Town of Southold, theparty of'the second part will comply with all rules, regulations and require- ments of the Town of Southold with respect tc the'repair, main- tenance and replacement of the aforementioned roads;, only as per- ins to work performed by the party of the second par~. TOGETHER with a perpetual easementand right' to lay, relay, repair, operate, maintain and remove said water main or mains and any of its appurtenances located thereon or therein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and easements herein granted i=%zo the CAPTAIN KiDD WATER CO., iNC.. its successors ~nd asszgns, £orever~ IN WI~W~SS W~n~EREOF, the par~y of the first par~ has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. SUNSET ~kNOLLS DEVELOPY~aNT CORP. · ~tanle/ Sled~Jski, President STATE OF h~d ~0~K. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS On the 2?th day of November, ~970, before me personally came STAELEY SLEDJESKI, to me knovrn, whb being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 345 Breakwater Road, Matti~uck~ New York; that he is the President of SUNSET ~0LLS DEVELOPY~T CORP., the corporation described in and which e~ecuted the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that ~he seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name ~here~o by like order. /Notary Public ~EC ] ~970 /[:$TFR M. ALBERTSON Clerk of Suffolk County TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK In the. Matter of the Application of : STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI, HELEN SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS : DEVELOPMENT CORP., for the laying out of New Highways at Mattituck, : Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: : STANLEY ROAD : DOGWOOD LANE DAISY ROAD SUNNY LANE RUTH ROAD SUNSET DRIVE DEDIC~T~ION AND RELEASE -X STANLEY J. SLEDZtE~KI, HELEN SLEDZZESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., being the owners of certgin land at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ and included within which land are the propcsed highway~ known ~ STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE, DAISY. ROAD, SUNNY LANE, RUTH ROAD and SUNSET DRIVE, described in the application in the above envitled matter dated NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar t~ ~ STANLEY J. SLEDEIESEi, HELEN SLEDZIESKZ~and gUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP.,~in hand paid by Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of laying our of the new highways known as STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE, DAISY ROAD,'SUNNT LANE, RUTH ROAD and SUNSET DRIVE, do hereby re3ease and dedicate to the Town of Southotd all of the land heretofore owned by STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI, HELEN SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., included within said. proposed highways as follows: 1. The 'hiEhways known as STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE, DAISY ROAD, SUNNY LANE, RUTH ROAD and SUNSET DRIVE are described as follows: - 1 - as follows: The HIE~way known as STANLET ROAD From-Luthers Road-%o Sunset Drive is described BEGINNING at a monument set on the westerly line of Luthers Road~ which monument is So 19o 48" 00" We 341o37 feet as measured along the westerly line of Luthers Road from the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Luthers Road with the southerly line of Ruth Read,and running thence from said point of beginning So 19o 48~ 00~ We 102o28 feet to a monument~ thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 17~ 16. 15, 14~ 13~ 12~ ll~ 10~ as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled '~Suuset filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 5~ 1968 as Map No° 5023~ and along the northerly line of Lot Nco 36. as shown oua certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2". filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9. 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18~50 feet for a distance of 34°54 feet to a montm~ent (2) N~ 87° ll~ 00~ We 948°09 feet to a monument (3} on a curve to the l~ft with a radius of 276~25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument (4) So 71o 39~ 20" We 82°92 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 71~ 39~ 20~' We across the northerly terminus of Do~ood Lane~ as shown on aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolis- Section 100~00 feet to a monument~ thence westerly along the nor5herly lines of Lot Nos° 18 to 26 inclusive, as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls Section 2~ the following courses and dis$~uces: (1) So 71° 39" 20" (2) on a curve to a distance of We 960~02/to a monument the left with a radius of 23~30 feet 38~24 feet to a monument~ for thence No 22° 22~ 30~ E~ along the easterly line of Sunset Drive, as sho~r~ on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ 100el2 feet to a monument; thence easterly along 'the southerly lines of Lot Nos~ 13 to 17 inclusive, as sho~m on aforesaid map of "Sunseo Knoils~ Section 2"~ the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a distance of 40~24 feet to a monument Stanley Road conto 7591 (2) No ?l° 39~ 20" E~ 555~-00 feet to a monumen~ thence No 71° 39~ 20" E o across the southerly terminus of Surnay Lane~ as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls° Section 100~00 feet to a monumenb~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos. 5~ 4~ 3~ 24 lo as sho~m on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls, Lot Nos~ 9o 8~ of Section 2"~ and along the southerly lines of 7~ 6~ 5~ 4~ 3~ 2~ l~ as sho~m on aforesaid map "Sunset Kuolls~'~ the following courses and distances: (1). No 71© 39~ 20" Eo 49io44 feet to a monument (2) ou a curve to the right with a radius of 326°25 feet for a distance of 120o4~ feet to a monument (3) S~ 87011" 00~ E~ 963°36 feet to a monument (4) on a curve ~o the left with a radius for a distance of 43~05 feet of 33°78 feet to the point or place of begi~ingo The Highway known as DOG%¢00D LANE From Stanley Road to the land of Stanley J~ and Helen Sledzieski, is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument ~et on the southerly line of Stanley' Road~ hereinbefore described, which monument i's the following courses and distances as measured along tee southerly.. line of said Stanley Road from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the southerly line of said Stanley Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feet for a distance of 34o54.feet to a monument (2) No 87° 1!~ 00" Wo 948°09 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 276~25 f~et for a distance of 102~03 feet to a monument (4) S~ 71~ 39~ 20'~ W~ 82~92 feet and running thence ~rom said point of beginning southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos° 36 to 41 inclusive~ as sho~.m on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunse~ Kuolls~ Secsion filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No. 5448j the following courses and distances: DOgwood Lane torito (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25000 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a mounment {2~ Sm 18° 20~ 40" E~ 137o07 feet to a monument (~) S~ ll° 07~ 00" Eo 442°43 feet to a monument~ thence So 78o 5~~ Wo along the l~ud of Stanley Jo and Helen Sledzieski 50°00 feet to a monument~ thence N~ I1° 07 00'~ along the easterly line Of Lot NCo 42° as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ 151o40 feet to a monument; thence~N~ llo 07~ 00~' Wo across the easterly terminus of Daisy Road as show~ on aforesaid map of '~Sunset Knolls~ Section 100o40 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 35 and 18~ as shown on afores~,id map of Knolls° Section 2" the following courses a~d distances: "Sunset No ll° 07~ 00~ Wo 187o78 feet to a monument N~ 18° 20~ 40" Wo 133o91 feet to a monumenz on a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument: thence Nc.T1° 39~ 20" Eo alone the southerly l~ine of said Stanley Road 100~00 feet to the point or place of 'beginning~ The Highway known as DAISY ROAD From Dogwood Lane to Sunset Drive is described as follows: BEGIkrNING at a monument set on the westerly line of Dogwood Lan~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the ~esterly line of said Dog~ood Lane from a monument set at the northwesterly terminus of an arc of a cur~e connecting the westerly line of said Dogwood Lane with the southerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described: {1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument (2) So 18o 20~'40" Eo 133~91 feet to a monument (3) So IlO 07~ and running thence along the westerly monument~ 42 to 49 00" Eo 187o78 feet~ from said Qoint of beginning So il° 07~ 00~ Eo line of said Dogwood Lane 100o40 feet t~ a thence westerly along 'the northerly lines of Lob Nos~ inclusive~ as shown on a certain realty subdivisicn map O&isy Road cont~ 7~91 i~l r entitled Clerk of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ filed in the office of the Suffolk County on April 99 1970 as Map Nco 5448 the following courses and distances: (2) (3) on a curve to the left with a. radius of 22~03 feet ? monument for a distance of 37~38 ~eet to a So ?l° 3~~ 20" We 897.~30 feet to a monument on a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38~24 feet to a monument~ thence Nd 22° 22~ 30~ W. along Sunset Drive as map of "Sunset [<nolls, Sectiom.2" t00~12 feet easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos° as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls, Section 2'' the lng courses mud distances: shm~ on aforesaid to a monument~ thence 27 to-~5 inclusive follow~ (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a distance of 40~24 feet to a monument (2) N. ?lo 39~ 20" E~ 907o16 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the l~ft with a radius of 28.37 feet for a distance of 40:98 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as SUNNi LANE From Stanley Road to Ruth Road is described as follows: BEGINNING a~ a monument set on the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the northerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument set at the northeasOerly terminus of ~ are of a curve connecting the northerly line of said Stanely Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: right (1) on a curve to the Ifa~ with a radius of 33°78 feet for a distance of 43~G5 feet to a monument (2) N~ 87° ll~ 00" W. 963~36 feet to a monument (3) oua curve to the left with a radius of 326~25 feet for a distance of 120~49 feet to a monument (4) So 71° 39~ 20" W~ 491~4 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning So 71o 39~ 20" ~o along ~he northerly l~ne of ~aid Stanley Road 100~00 feet to a monumen~ thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 17 and 7 as sho~m on a certain realty subdivision map entithed ~ Sunny Lane cont~ filed in the office of the Clerk t o z!ow- "Sunset Knolls~ Section cf Suffolk County on April 9o 1970 as Map NCo 5448 the lng courses ~d distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument (2) No 18~ 20~ ~0'~ W~ ~15o00 feet to a monument ~3) on a curve to the left ~ith a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39~27 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly line of Ruth Road as sho~ ou aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ the following 25~00 feet 75~15 feet to a monument~ courses and dzs~an~es: (1) ~o 71o 39! 20" E~ {2) Eo 76° 09' 40'' E~ thence southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 6 and 5 as sho~ on aforesaid map of '~Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ the following courses and distance~: (1) oua curve to the left with a radius of 23~11 feet fo~ a distance of ~8~1£ feet to a monument (2) So 18o 20~ 40" Eo 311o08 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39~27 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as RUTH ROAD From ~he _an~ of Otis Pike to is described as follows: Lot Nco ~Sunset Suffolk the land of Gerard Oberrander BEGInnING at a monument set on the northerly line of ~ as sho~ oua certain realty subdivision map entitled Knolls. Section £" filed in the office of the Clerk of County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the easterly line of Sur~y Lane~hereinbefore described~ from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the easterly line of said SU~LUy Lane~ with the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described: {1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument [2} No 18~ 209 40" W~ 311~06 feet to a monument Ruth Road cont~ (3) on a curve to the right with a radius of 23oll feet for a distance of 38o12 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning westerly across the northerly terminus of said Sunny Lane the following courses and distances: (1) So 76° 099 40~ ~o 75~15 feet (2) So 71° 39~ 20" W~ 25o00 feet to a monument: thence So 71o 39~ 20~' W~ along the northerly lines of Lot Nos~7 to 12 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of"Sunset Knolls~ Section 2". 580°72 feet to a monument; thence So 71° 39~ 20" W~ across the northerly terminus of Sunset Drive as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ 100~12 feet to a mon~u~ent~ thence S~ 71o 39~ 20" Wo along the northerly ~ine of Lot No~ 56 as shown on afore- said map of "Sunset Knolls= Section 2" 158~25 feet to a monument~ thence No 22° 56~ 50~ ~ along the land of Gerard 0berrander to a monument: 50~16 feets/thence No 71° 39~ 20'~ E~ along the south(~rly lines of the land of Stanley Sledzieski~ of Otis Pike~ of Phillippe Maitrejean and of Wills ~ud ~reeland 870°09 feet to a monument; thence No 76° 09~ 40~ Eo still along the southerly line of the land of Wills and V~eland 127=91 feet to a monument; thence S~ 23° 21~ l0~ S~ along the land of Otis Pike 50°70 feet to a monument; thence S., 76~ 099 40~ W.~ along the northerly line of aforesaid Lot No~ 6 59o17 feet, to the point or place of beginning° The SUNSET DRIVE From Ruth Road to land of Stanley Jo is described as follows: Ruth Road~ 20~ ~ as Highway known as and Leo Sledzieski BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of hereinbefore described~ which monument is S~ 71° 39~ measured along ~he southerly line of said Ruth Road 580°72 feet from a monument set at the northwesterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the southerly line of said Ruth Road with the westerly line of Suomy Lane~ hereinbefore described~ and ~uuning thence from said point of beginning southerly alon~ the westerly lines of Lot Nos° 12'and 13 as sho~m on a certain real~y subdivision map entitled "Sunset Mnolls~ Section 2" filed in the Sunset Drive cOn~o office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map ~o, 5448 the following courses and distances: (1) oua curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38~24 feet to a monument (2~ So 22* 22~ 30'~ ~o 315~90 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 22° 22~ 30" Eo across the westerly terminus of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100el2 feet to a ~monumen$; thence S~ 22° 22~ 30'~ Eo ~long ~he westerly l~nes ~~of Lot Nos~ 26 and 27 as shown ou aforesaid map of '~Sunset K~olls~ Section 2~' 32~o92 feet to a monument~ thence So 22~ 22~ 30" Eo along the Westerly termiuus of Daisy Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100el2 feet to a monument~ thence So 22° 22~ ~0~' Eo &long the westerly line of Lot No~ 49' az shown ou aforesaid m~p of ~'Sunset Enolls~ Section 2'~ 150o44 feet to a monument; thence S~ 67° 37~ 30~ ~o along the l~ud of Stanley Jo ~nd Leo Sledzieski 50°00 feet to a monument; thence No 22° 22~ 30" ~ along the easterly line,of a Recreation ~rea and along the e~ster~¥ lines of Lot Nos~ 50 to 53 inclusive ~s shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Enolls~ Sectio~ 2" 575~13 feet to a monument; thence Ho 22* 22~ 30" We across Stanley Road as sho~ on aforesaid ma~ of "Sunset Enollso Section 2" l~0o00 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the e~sterly lines of Lot Nos~ 54 to 56 iuclusive the following courses and distauees~ ~l) No 22~ 22~ 30'~ W~ 315o90 feet to a mon~u~nt 12) on a curve ~o the left with a radius of 26°82 fest for a distance of 40~24 feet ~e a monument~ thence N~ 71~ 39~ 20~' E~ along the southerly line of s~id Ruth Road 100el2 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as STANLEY ROAD From Sunset Drive to the land of Charles Murphy is described as fol~ows: ~EGINNI~G at a monument set on the westerly line of ~unset ~rive~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is S~ 22~ 22~ 50" E, as measured along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Sunset Drive with the southerly line cf Ruth Road~ hereinbefore descrlbed~ - 8 Stanley Road cont~ · 315.90 feet ,and running thenc~frOm said point of beginning So 22° 22~ 30" W~ along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive 100~00 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot NOG 53 as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunsez Knolls, Section 2" Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9o following courses and distances: (1) filed in the office of tho 1970 as Map NOo 5448 the on a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument So 6?° 37' 30" Wo 156o82 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 22° 22~ 30" Wo along the easterly line of the land of Charles Murphy 50°00 feet to a monument; thence easterly along tl~e southerly line of Lot No° 54 as sho~ on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ the following courses and distances: to the point or No 67~ 37~ 30!' E~ 156~82 feet to a monument on a curve to the left with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet place of beginniugo And, STANLEY J. SLEDZIES~I, HELEN SLEDZIESKI and S~NSET KNOLLS ~DEVELOPMENT CORP. do release said Town of Southol~ from all damages by reason oF the laying our of th8 said highways. n Sledzie~i SUNSET KNDLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP. dent STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the L~day of October, 1971, before me personally came STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the~/~~/~~'same' L~qot ary Pub l'ic R.~C~RD ~. LAF~K NOTARY P~JBL}C, STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: On the ~'day of October, 1971, before me personally came STANLEY SLEDJESKI, to me known, who, being by:me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Ruth Road (no number), Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County,' New York, that he is the President of SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so directors of said corporation, by like order. affixed by order of the board of and that he signed his name thereto ,//~otary Pub]lie ~ ' ~ R{CHAF~D F. - 10 - 'D Z R~ord a~l Ream To, ROBERT W. TASKER 425 Main Street Greenport, New York -L~ THIS INDENTURE, made the ~f day of October, nineteen hundred and seventy-one, BETWEEN: STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI ~nd HELEN SLEDZIESKI, his wife, residing at Ruth Road (no number), Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at Main Road (no number), Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, parties of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with office at 16 South Street, Greenport, Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, party of the second parts WITNESSETH, that the parties of the first part, in consideration of ONE and 00/100($~o~0) Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the party of the second parr, do hereby gramt~and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, the following: The highways known as Stanley Road, Dogwood Lane, Daisy Road, Sunny Lane, Ruth Road and Sunset Drive as generally shown on certain realty subdivision maps entitled Map of "Sunset Knolls" Mattituck, Tow~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 5, 19~8~ as Map No. 5023 and "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9, 1970, as Map No. 5448, and more particularly described as follows: The Highway known as STANLEY ROAD, from Sunset Drvie to the land ~f Charles Murphy, is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the westerly~ne of Sunset Drive, hereinafter described, which monument is S. 22° 22' 30" E. as measured along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc Sf a curve connecting the westerly line of Sunset Drive with the southerly line of Ruth Road, hereinafter des- cribed, 315.90 feet and running thence from said point of beginning S. 22° 22' 30" W. along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive 100.00 feet monument; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot No. 53 as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 1970 as Map No. 5448 the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25.00 feet for a distance of 39.27 feet to a monument (2) S. 67° 37' 30" W. t56.82 feet to a monument; thence N. 22° 22 ' 30?T W. along the easterly line of the land of Charles Murphy ~0.00 feet to a monument; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot No. 54 aa shown on aforesaid "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" the following courses and distances: (1) N. 67° 37' 30" E. 156.82 feet to a monument (2) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25400 feet for a~ distance of 39.27 feet to the point or place of beginning. - 1 - ~ The Highway ~nown as. ~ " 59I ' · UBER STA~LEY~ROAD .. From Luthers Road to Sunset Drive is described as follows: BEGINHING at a monument set on the westerly line of Luthers Road~ ~fnich monument is So 19o 48~ 00" Wo 341o37 feet as measured along the westerly line of Luthers Road from the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Luthers Road with the southerly line of Ruth Road~aud running thence from said point of beginning So 19o 48~ 00" Wo 102o28 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 17~ 16~ 15~ 14~ 13~ 12, ll~ 10~ as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset ~uolls"~ filed in the'office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 5~ 1968 as Map No~ 5023~ and along the northerly line of Lot Nco 36. as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2", fil'ed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk qounty on April 9, 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feet for a distance of 34o54 feet to a monument (2) No 87° ll~ 00" Wo 948°09 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius~of 276~25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument ~4) So 71° 39~ 20" Wo 82~92 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 71o 39" 20~ W~ across the northerly terminus of Dogwood Lane~ as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls.~ Section 2"~ 100o00 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 18 to 26 £nclusive~ as shown on aforesaid map of "SunsetKnolls~ Section 2!'. the following courses and distances: feet {1) So ?l~ 39' 20" Wo 960~02, to a monument (2) on a-c~r~e to the left with a radius of 23~30 feet for adistance of 38~24 feet to a monument~ thence N,, 2£~ 22~ 30" E~ along the easterly line. of Sunset Drlve. as'shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2"~ 100ol2 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the ~outherly lin~s of Lot Nos~ i~-to 17 inclusiv~as shown on afQresaid map of "Sunset Knol!s~ : ~: Section 2"~ the~followiug courses and distances: (1) on a curve t6 the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a distance of' 40°24 feet to a monument - 2 - (2) thence N~ Lane, as No 71° 39S 20" E. 555°.00 feet to a monument~ ?l° 39v 20" Eo across the southerly terminus of Sunny sho~n~-en aforesaid map of "Sunseo Knolls, Section 100o00 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos~ 5~ ~l~8~s~shown on aforesaid map of · " and along the southerly lines of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2 ~ Lot Nos~ 9o 8~ 7, 6, 5~ 4~ 3, 2~ l~ as shown on aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolls~'~ t.~e following courses and distances: (1) ~-o 71° 39~ 20" E~ 4c,!o44 fee~ to a monument (2) on a curve to the right with a radius of 326°25 feet for a distance of. 120o49 feet to a monument (S) So 870.ll~ 00' Eo 983o36 feet to a monument (4) on a curve to the left with a radius of 33°?8 feet for a distance of 43.05 feet to the point or place of beginning° The H~ghway known as DOG~00D L~NE From Stanley Road to the land of Stanley J~ and Helen Sledzieski, is described as follows: BEGIf.~ING at a monu~uent set on the southerly line of Stanley Road, hereinbefore described, which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the southerl~ line of said Stanley Road from a monument set a~ the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the southerly line of said Stanley Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feed for a distance of 34°54 feet to a monument (2) No 8?° ll~ 00~ We 948°09 feet to a monument (~) on a curve to the left with a radius of 276,25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument (4) S~ 71e 39~ 20'~ W~ 82~92 feet a~d running thence from said point of beginning southez.ly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 38 to 41 inclusive, as sho~ on a certain realty subdivision map enbitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" filed ~ the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No. 5448j the Following courses and distances: Lane ' cont ~ (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument {2) S~ 18° 20~ 40" Eo 137o07 feet bo a monument (D) S~ ll° 07~ 00" Eo ~2~43 feet to a monument~ thence Sd 78o 53" W, along the land of Stanley Jo and Helen Sledzieski 50°00 feet to a monument; thence N~ I1° 07~ 00" WJ along the easterly line Of Lot No° 42~ as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 151o40 feet to a monument; thence N~ ll~ 07" 00~' W~ across the easterly terminus of Daisy Road as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 100~40 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 35 and 18~ as sho~ra on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls° Section 2~ the following courses s~d distances: (2) (3) thence Nc.T1° 39~ Road 100~00 feet No 1ic 07 00" W~ 187,78 feet to a monument N~ 18° 20? 40" Wo 133o91 feet to a monument on a curve to the left with a radius of 25,00 feet for a distance of 39°2? feet to a monument~ 20" E, alone the southerly line of said Stanley to the point or place of-beginning~ The Highway known as DAISY ROAD From Dogwood Lane to Sunset Drive is described as follows: BEGI.;h~NING at a monument set on the westerly line of Dogwood Lane, hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following co~urs_~es~ar~ances~s-measured along the westerly line of said Do~ood Lane. from a monument set at the northwesterly terminus of an arc of,a curv~ connecting the westerly line of said Do~ood Lane withthe southerly line of Stanley Road hereinbefore on a,curve to the rightwith a radius of 25~00 (1) a 'distance of 39~27 feet to a monument (2) So 18~20" 40~ E~ 133o91 feet to a monument (3) So ll° 07~ 00~ EJ 187~78 feet and running thence from said point of beginning So ll~ 07~ 00'~ E~ along the westerly line of said Dogwood Lane 100~40 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lob Nos° 42 to 49 inclusive, as shown on a certain realty subdivision map for , D~lay Road.· conto entitled "Sunset Knolls° Section 2~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map Noo 54~8 the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left ~ith a radius of 22°03 feet for a distance of 37°38 feet to a monument (2) S~ ?l~ 39~ 20'~ W~ 897,~0 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 fe~t for a distance of 38°24 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 22~ 22~ 30" W~ along Sunset Drive as ehman'on aforesaid map of ~Sunset-~k~ls~ Sectzo~2': 100ol2 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos~ 2? to 35 inclusive shown~on~oresaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section '2~ the follow~ distances: .eft with a radius of 26°82 of 40°24 feet to a monument to the point or place of beginning° fe~t 20" Eo 907o16 feet to a mont~ent on a curve to the left with a radius o'f 28~37 feet for a distance of 40°98 feet The Highway known as SUNNY LANE From Stanley Road to Ruth Road is described as fQllows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as meas~re~ along the northerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument set at the northeasterly terminus of em are of a curve connecting the northerly line of said Stanely Road with the westerl~ line of Luthers Road: · right (1) on a curve to the X~ with a radius of 3~,78 f~et for a distance of 43~05 feet to a monument (2) N~ 87° ll~ 00" Wo 963°36 feet to a monument (~) on a curve to the left with a radius of 326~25 feet for a distance of 120o49 feet to a monument ~4) So ?l° 39~ 20~ W~ 491~44 feet and running thence from said point of begirming S~ 71 along bhe northerly line of ~aid Stanley Road lO0~O0 fe~t monument~ thence north~.r±y along the easterly lines of Lot Nos° 17 and ? as shown on a certain r&alty subdivision map entitled - 5- Su~my~ I~ane .~ cont ~ "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" of Suffolk County on April lng courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the for a distance of (2) No 'i8° 20' ~0" W~ (3) on a curve to the for a distance of filed in the office of the Clerk 9~ 1970 as Map Nco 5448 the _ollow- left with a radius of 25~00 feet 39~27 feet to a monument 315o00 feet to a monument left with a radius of 25°00 feet 39°27 feet to a monument~ thence ou aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" courses and distances: (1) No 71° 39~ 20" 'E, 25~00 feet (2) N~ 76* 09' ~0" ~' ~ 75o15 feet to a monument~ easterly along the southerly line of Ruth Road as shovm the following thence southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos. 6 and 5 as shown on aforesaid, map of "Sunset Knolls~ SectiOn 2'~ the following courses and distances: on a curve to the left wit~ a radius of 23~11 feet (1) for a distance of (2) So 18° ~0~ 40" Eo (3) on a curve to the for a distance of 38~12 feet to a monument 311o06 feet to a mOr~ment left with a radius of 25~00 feet 39°27 feet to the poiut or place of beginning° The Highway known as RUTH ROAD From the land of Otis Pike to the land of Gerard Oberrander is described as follows: BEGI~E{iNG at a monument set on the northerly line of Lot Nco 6 as sho~rn on a certgin realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section £" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk Couuty on April 9~ 1970 as Map NCo 5448~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the easterly line of Sunny Lane~hereinbefore described~ from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the easterly line of said Sunny I~ane~ with the northerly line of Stanley Road~ h?~~fx~ue ~d?scribed: ~l) On a curve to the right ~ith a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of ~39o£7 fee~ to a monument (2) NJ 18~ 20~ 40"~'W~ .1311~08 feet to a monument Ruth,R~oad cont~ (3) on a curve to the right with a radius of 23oll feet for a distance of 38o12 feet~ and runuing thence from said point of beginning westerly across the northerly terminus of said Sunny Lane the following courses and distances: {1) So 76° 09~ 40~' (2) So 71o 39~ 20'~ thence So 71° 35~ Wo 75o15 feet W~ 25~00 feet to a monument; 20~' Wo along the northerly lines of Lot Noso7 to 12 inclusive as sho~ on aforesaid map of"Sunset Enolls~ Section 2~ 580°72 feet to a monument; thence So 71° 39' 20'~ W~ across the northerly terminus of Sunset Drive as sho~¢n on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knol!s, Section 2~ 100ol2 feet to a monur~ent~ thence S~ ?l° 39' 20~ Wo along the northerly line of Lot No~ 56 as ~hown on afore- said map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'' 158~25 feet to a monument~ thence No 22° 56~ 50~ W~ along the l~d of Gerard 0berrander to a monument: 50~16 feet;/thence No 71° 39' 20" Eo along the south~rly lines of the land of Stanley Sledzieski~ of Otis Pike~ of Phillippe Maitrejean and of WiIls and~Vreeland 8?0°09 feet to a monument; thence No 7~~ 09~ 40~ E~ still along the southerly line of the land of Wills and V~eland 127~91 feet to a monument; thence So. 23o'21~ l0~ E~ along the land of Otis Pike 50°70 feet to a monument; thence So 76~ 09~ 40:' Wo along the northerly line of aforesaid Lot No~ 6 59o17 feet to the point or place of begiuningo The Highway known as SUNSET DRIVE From Ruth Road to land of Stanley J~ and Leo Sledzieski is described as follows: BEGINNING at a mon~uent set on the southerly iin~ of Ruth Road. hereinbefore described~ which monument is S~ 71° 20~ ~ as measured along the southerly line of said Ruth 580,72 fe~t fr~onum~ent set at the northwesterly terminus of an arc of a cur~e coune0ting the southerly line of said Ruth ROad wi~h the westerly line of Sur~uy Lane~ hereinbefore described~ and ru~n~ng ~henoe from sa~d point of begiuning southerly along the westerly llnes Of Lot Nos~ 12'and l~ as sho~rn on a certain realty- s~ Section 2~ filed in the SuRset. Driwe ~Onto ~ ' office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map Nco 5448 the following courses and distances: (1) ou a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38~24 feet to a monument (2) So 22° 22~ 30" E~ 315~90 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 22° 229 30~ E~ across the westerly terminus of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100ol2 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 22° 22~ 30" Eo ~long the westerly lines ~E~N~of Lot Nos~ 26 and 27 as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Kuolls~ Section 2" 3£~o92 feet to a monument; thence So 22~ 22~ 30" E~ along the Westerly terminus of Daisy Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100~12 feet to a monument~ thence So 22° 22~ 30" Eo alor~ the westerly line of Lot No~ 49' as shown ou aforesaid m~p of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 150~44 feet to a monument; thence So 67~ 37~ 30'~ ~ along the land of Stanley J~ ~ud Leo Sle~zieski 50~00 feet to a monument~ thence No 22~ 22~ 30~ ~ along the easterly line of a Recreation Area and along the easterly lines of Lot ~o~.5~t~3 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 575~13 feet to a monument; thence H~ 22° 229 30~' W~ across Stanley Road as on aforesaid mad of "Sunset Enolls~ Section 2" %00~00 feet to a monument; thence northerly alo~ the easterly lines of Lot Nos° 54 to 56 inclusive the following courses and distances~ (1) No 22° 22~ 30" W~ 315o90 feet to a monument (2) on a curve to the left with a radius of 26~82 feet for a distance of 40°24 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 71~ 39~ 20!~ E~ along the southerly line of said RuSh Road 100~12 feet to the point or place of beginn~ngo TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and vo said premises. TO HAVE AND TO ~HOLD the premises herein granted unvo the party of the second part, the heirs, or successors and assigns of the party of the second parr forever. AND the parties of the first part covenant that the parties of the first part have not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way ~hatever except as aforesaid. AND the parties of the first part, in compliance with Section - 8 - '7591 217 of the Lien Law, covenant that the parties of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment~of the cost of improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the executed this first part have duly deed the day and year first above written. sCanleyf/FSZ sie( i ' STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the ~JS~day of October, 1971, before me STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, to me SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOP~MENT CORP. By~ ~ personally came known to be the individuals and acknowledged that STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, they executed same. ~ Notary Public NOTARY PU~LtC~ State SS: On the ~" ' day of October, 1971, before me personally came STANLEY SLEDJESKI, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Ruth Road (no number), Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, that he is the President of SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~ ~~taryPub2ic - p - Robert W. Tasker 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK ~In the Matter of the Application of STANLEY J. SLEDZiESKI, HELEN- SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS : · ~DEVELOPMENT CORPo, for the ~aying ~[odt 0f New Highways at Mattmtuck; : ~ Town'~of Southold, Suffolk. County,,. i New York~ to be known as: : '~ STANLEY ROAD : DOGWOOD LANE : DAISY ROAD SUNNY LANE : RUTH ROAD : SUNSET DRIVE : 'CONSENT WE, the undersigned, being a majordty of the Town Board of the Town cf Southold: in the County of Suffolk and State og New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said Town ~oard on the~3~day of ~~ /~7/ and having duly considered the application of STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI~ HELEN SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLDS DEVELOPMENT CORP., dated the day of October, 1971, for the laying cut of new highways at Mattituck, in said Town,, and to be known as STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE, DAISY ROAD, SUNNY LANE~ RUTH ROAD and SUNSET DRIVE, do hereby consent that such laying out ~e in accordance with sa~i~d petition. ~-~~ of. t/~ Pe//~'e~ Supervisor ~ -- Town Clerk -! Ju~z~(c% of th~. 'Peace ~Town-Council an.~m! ~" Superintendent of H~wag~ ~ ~w~ Councilman TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of : STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI, HELEN- SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS : DEVELOPMENT CORP., for the laying out of New Highways at Mattituck, : Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: STANLEY ROAD DOGWOOD LANE DAISY ROAD SUNNY LANE : RUTH ROAD SUNSETDRIVE ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAE~WITH THE CONSENT'OF THE TOWN BOARD been duly made to me, WRITTEM application having the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of ~own Highways i~ the said Town o£ Southold by STANLEY J. SLEDZIESMIs HELEN SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., and a dedication and release from damage having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of the land through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a .copy of which is herevo annexed, and nothing having been p¢id to any claim for such' damages; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE AN£ same are hereby laid out at ORDER thav town highways be and the Mattituck, in said Town, as follows: 1. The highways are known as DAISY ROAD, SUNNY LANE, RUTH ROAD and described as follows: STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE~ SUNSET DRZVE, and are The Highway known as STANLkY R~AD From Luthers Road to Sunset Drive is described as follows: BEGINNING age mouument set on the westerly line of- Luthers Road~ which monument is So 19° 48~ 00" Wo 341o37 feet as measured along ,the westerly line of Luthers Road from the southeasterly terminus of'an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Luthers Road with the southerly line of Ruth Road~aud ruuniug thence from'said point of beginning So 19° 48~ 00" Wo 102o28 feet to a monument~ thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 17s 16~ 15~ 142 13~ 12~ ll~ lO~ as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled '~Sunset Knolls~'~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 1968 as Map No° 50232 and along the northerly line of Lot No~ 36~ as showu oua certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2", filed i~ the office of the Clerk of Suffolk ~ounty ou~April 9, 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ the following courses and diatances'. (1) on a curve to the left witl}~ a radius of 18o50 feet for a distance of 34°54 feet to a monument (2) No 87° ll~ 09~ Wo 948°09 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left witin a radius.of 276~25 fe~t~ for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument (4) So 71° 39~ 20" Wo 82°92 f,~et to a monument~ thenoe S~ 71* 59~ 20~ Wo across the northerly terminus of Dog~ood Lane~ as shown on aforesaid map of I'Sunset Knolls~ Section 100~O0 feet to a monument~hence westerly along the northerly linesof ~ob~-~OSo 18 to 26 inclusive~ as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2]'~ the following courses and diso~uces: feet W~ 9~0~0~ to a monument tee left~wlt~ a radius of 23~30 feet for 3~24 feet ~oa monument~ ~nce N~~ 22~ 30~ E~,along tho easterly line o~ Sunset DriYe~ as'shown,:ori~oresaid'map Of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 100o12 feet · t~ a monument; thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos° 13 to 17 inclusive~ as sho~u~ on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2"~ the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve tO the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a distance of 40~24 feet to a monument Stanley Road conto (2) No 71° 39~ 20" E~ 555°00 feet to a monument~ thence No 71o 39~ 20" Eo across the southerly terminus of Surly Lanes as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls, Section 2'~ 100o00 feet to a mon~ment~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos° 5~ 4~3~ 2~ i as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2"~ and along the southerly lines of Lot Nos~ 9o 8, 7~ 6~ 5~ 4~ 3, 2~ l, as showm on aforesaid map of "Sunset Kuolls~ the following courses and distances: (1) No 71° 39~ 20" Eo 491o44 feet to a monument (2) on a curve to the ~ight with a radius of 326°£5 feet for a distance of 120o49 feet to a monument (3) So 8?Oll~ 00" E~ 963~36 feet to a monument (4) on a curve to the left with a radius of 33°78 feet for a distance of 43~05 feet to the point or place of begirno, ingo The Highway known as DOGWOOD LANE Erom Stanley Road to the land of Stanley Jo and Helen Sledzieski, is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the southerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument set a5 the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the southerly line of said Stanley Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feet for a distance of 34o5~ feet to a monument (2) No 87° ll~ 00'~ Wo 948~09 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with~a radius of 276~25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument (4) S~ 71° 39~20'~ ~ 82~92 feet and ru~ing thence from said point of beginning southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 36 to 41 inclusive, as shown on a certa%n realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls ~ection 2'~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map Nco 5448~ the Tollowi~g courses and distances: Dogwood Lane co, to (!) on a curve to the left with a ms, ins of 25°00 feet for a distmuce of 39°27 feet to a monument (2) Sm 18o 20~ 40" Et 137~07 feet to a monument (9) S~ llo 07~ 00" Eo ~g2~43 feet to a monument: thence So 78° 53~ Wo along the land of Stanley Jo and Helen Sledzieski 50~00 feet to a monuments thence No I1° 07 00~ W~ along the easterly line of Lot Nco 42 as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 151o40 feet to a monument~ thence N~ llo 07~ 00" W~ across ~he easterly terminus of Daisy Road as shown on aforesaid map of '~Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ 100~40 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 35 ~ud 18~ as shown on aforesaid map of '~Sunset Knolls~ SectiOn 2" the following courses and distances: (1) N: 11° 07~ 00" (2) N~ 18° 20~ 40" ~3) on a curve to W~ 187o78 feet to a monument Wo 13~o91 feet to a monument the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°2? fee, t to a monument~ thence No 71° 39" 20" Eo alone the s~outherly line of said Stanley Road 100o00 feet to the point or place of beginning~ The Highway ~$nown as DAISY BLOAD From Dogwood Lane to Sunset .Drive is described as foll~ws~ ~- BEGINNING at a monument set on the westerly line of Dogwood Lane° hereinbefore described~ which monument.is the following ¢oursesand distances as measured along the westeriy ~ saidDogwood Lane from a monument set at the northwesterl~ are of~a curv~ connecting the westerly line of sai~ Dogwood L~ue ~i~h the sousherly l~ne of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described: (1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 25~00 f~et for a distance of 39.27 feet to a monument (2) S~ 18o 20~.40'' Eo 133~91 feet to a monument (3) So ilo 07~ 00" E~ 187~78 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning S~ 1io 07~ 00~ Eo along the westerly line of said Do~ood Lmue 100.40 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 42 to 49 inclusive~ as shown on a certain realty subdivision map ,Daisy Road cont entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2"~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map Non 5448 'the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 22~03 feet for a distance of 37°58 feet to a monument (2) So 71° 39~ 20" Wo 897.30 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38°24 feet to a monument~ thence Nm 22° 22~ 30~' W. along Sunset Drive as sho~ on aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolls, Section. 2'~ 100ol2 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos. 27 to 35 inclusive as sho~n on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ the follow~ lng courses and distances: to on a curve to the left with a radius of 26~82 feet for a distance of 40°24 feet to a monument N~ 71* 39~ 20" E~ 907o16 feet to a monument on a curve to the l*ft with a radius of 28°37 feet for ~ distance of 40°98 feet the point' or place The Highway known as SUNNY LANE From Stanley Road to Ruth Road is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the northerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument~set at the northeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the northerly line of said Stanely Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: r~g~ (1) on a curve to the ~ with a radius of 33°?8 feet for a distance of 4~o05 feet to a monument (2) N~ 87° ll~ 00~ W~ 963~36 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 326j25 feet for a distance of 120~49 feet ~o a monument (4) So 71° 39~ 20~ W~ 491~44 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning S~ ?lo 39~ 20:~ W~ along the northerly line of ~aid Stanley Road 100~00 f~et to a monmment~ thence north~,rly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos° 17 and 7 as shovm on a certain realty subdivision map entitled Sunny Lane cont~ "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk Co~auty on Apri!~9~ 19~7~_as Map Nee lng courses ~.~ad distances: 5448 the follow- on a curve~o the loft with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distauoe o,f 39~27 feet to a monument (2) N~i8o 20~'~,0" W- 315o00 Feet to a monument (3)' on a.curve, to the loft with a radius of 25~00 feet ~o~ a.~distance of 39~27feet to a monumen~ aforesai~ courses and distances: (1) (2) "Sunset line of Ruth Road as showm Kn~lls~ Section 2" the following ~ 25'~00 feet E. 75~15 feet to a monumont~ thence southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 6 and 5 as sho~ on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ the fo!lowing courses aud distances: (1) ou a curve to the left with a radius of 23~11 feet for a distance of 38o12 feet to a monument (2) So 18~ ~O~ 40" Eo 311o06 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the le~t with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as RUTH ROAD From the land of Otis Pike to the land of Gerard Oberrander is described as follows: BEGinnING at a monument set on the northerly lineof Lot Nee 6 as sho~n on a certain reaIty subdivision map entitled ~Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ which monument is the fei!owing courses and distances as measured along the easterly line of Sun~.y Lane~here~nbefore described~ from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the easterly line of said Su~y Z~ne~ with the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described: (1) on a ourve to the right with a radius of 25°00 feet for g distayce of 39°2? feet to a monument (2) No 18' 20w--40~~~06 feet to a monument Ruth Road cont~ (3) on a curve to the right with a radius of 23~11 feet for a distance of 38o12 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning westerly across the northerly terminus ofsaid Sunny Lane and distances~ (1) S~ 769 09~ 40" Wo 75o15 (2) So 71o 39~ 20~' W~ 25000 the following courses feet feet to.a monumen~ thence So 71o 39' 20? Wo along the northerly lines of Lot Nos.7 to 12 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of"Sunset Enolls~ Section 2" 580°72 feet to a monument; thence So 71~ 39~ 20~ Wo across the northerly terminus of Sunset Drive as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls, Sectiou 2~ 100ol2 feet to a monument; thence S~ 71o 39~ 20" Wo along the northerly line of Lot No~ 56 as shown on afore~ said map'of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'' 158o25 feet to a monument~ thence No 22° 56~ 50~ W~ along the land of Gerard 0berrander to a monument: 50.16 feet;/thence No 71~ 39~ 20" Eo along the south~rly lines of ~he land of Stanley Sledzieski~ of Otis Pike~ of Phillippe MaitreJean and of Wills and ~reeland 8?0°09 feet to a monument; thence No 78~ 09~ 40~ Eo still along the southerly line of the land of Wills and V~land 127~91 feet to a monument; thence So.23o 21~ 10~ E~ along the land of Otis Pike 50070 feet to a monument; thence So 76~ 09~ 40~ W~ along the northerly line of aforesaid Lot No~ 6 59~17 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as SUNSET DRIVE From Ruth Road to land of Stanley Jo and Leo Sledzieski is described as follows: BEGIHNING at a mon~ment set on the southerly line of Ruth ~oad~ hereinbefore described, which monument is S~ 71o 3~ 20" W~ as measured along the southerly line of said Ruth Road 580~72 feet from a monument set at the northwesterly terminus of an arc of a curve counecting the southerly line of said Ruth Road with the westerly line of Sunny Lane~ hereinbefore described~ and ruuning thence from said point of beginning southerlyalong the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 12'and 13 as shown on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~' filed.in the Sunset Drive copt, office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on ~kpril 9~ 1970 as Map No~ 5'448 the following courses and distances: oua curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet (1) for a distance (2} S~ 22° 229 30" thence S~ 22o'22~ 30" E~ of 38°24 feet to a monument Eo 315~90 feet to a monument~ across the westerly terminus of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100ol2 feet to a monument; thence So 22© 22~ 30" Eo along the westerly lines ~fe~of Lot Nos- 26 and 27 as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Kuollso Section 2" 32bo92 feet to a monument; thence So 22o 22" 30" Eo along the Westerly terminus of Daisy Road~ hereinbefore described~ 10Ool2 feet to a monument; So 22° 22~ ~0" Eo along the westerly line of Lot No~ shown ou aforesaid m~p of "Sunset Enoils~ Section 2'~ to 22, the easterly lines of Lot Nos° 50 to 53 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 575~13 feet to a monument; thence N~ 22© 22~ 30" Wo across Stanley Scad as shov~ on aforesaid mad of "Sunset Enollso Section 2" 100o00 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos. 54 to 56 inclusive the following courses and distances: thence Road thence 49 as 150o44 feet ~ monument; thence S~ 67° 37~ 30~ ~o along the land of Stanley ~ud Leo Sledzieski 50°00 feet to a monument; thence No 22© 30" ~{~ along the easterly line of a Recreation Area and along (i) No 22° 22~ 30" W~ 315o90 feet to a mon~uent (2) on a curve 'bo the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a distance of 40:24 feet to a monument~ 71° 39~ 20" E~ along the southerly line of said Ruth 100~12 feet to the point or place of beginning~ The Highway known as STANLEY ROAD From Sunset Drive to the land of Charles Murphy is described as follows: BEGINNI?~G at a monument set on the westerly Sunset ~rive~ hereinbefore described~ which mouumen~ 22~ ~0" Eo as measured along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an ~rc of a curve connectiz~g~the wes~terly line of Sunse~ Drive with the '~ou~erly iline of Ruth Road~ hereinbefore described~ line of is S~ 22° · .' Stanley Eoad co~t~ 315~90 feet and running thence from said point of beginning So 22° 22~ 30~ Wo along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive 100~00 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot NOo 53 as shown on a certain realty ~ubdivision map entitled ~'Sunset Kuolls~ Section 2" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map. No° 5448 the following courses and distances: (1) ou a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a monument (2) S~ 67e 37~ 30" Wo 156o82 feet to a monument~ thence No 22~ 22~ 30~ Wo along the easterly line of the land of Charles Murphy 50°00 feet to a monument~ thence e~sterly along the southerly line of Lot Noo 54 as sho~ on aforesaid map of "Sunset Enolls~ distances: (1) N~ 67* 37~ 30~ (2) on a curve to Section 2" the following courses and E~ 156~82 feet to a monument the left with a radius of 25.,00 feet for a distance of 39~27 feet to the point or place of begi~uingo TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI, HELEN SLEDZIESKI and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., for the laying out of New Highways at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: -X STANLEY ROAD DOGWOOD LANE DAISY ROAD SUNNY LANE RUTH ROAD : SUNSET DRIVE A P P L I C A T ION To the Town Superintendent of Highways of th$ Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned petitioners, STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, both residing ay Ruth Road (no'number), Mavtituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., a domestic corporation with office and ~rincipal place of business ay Main Road (nc number , Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereby apply vo the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways ay Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as follows: 1o The highw'ays are known as STANLEY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE~ DAISY ROAD, ,FUNNY LANE, RUTH ROAD and SUNSET DRIVE, as generally shown on certain realty subdivision maps entitled Ma~ of "Sunset Knolls" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 5, 1968, as Map No. 5023 and "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9, 1970 as Map No. 5448, and more particularly des- cribed in Schedule A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. A map of said proposed highways has been made by Young & Young, licensed land surveyors, Riverhead, New York, and is annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Schedule B, together with a release and dedication to the Town of Southold by the petitioners herein, over whose property said highways are to Helen SledziesM~ SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELO. PMENT CORP. ' ~~~l~esSdent STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the ~0~day of October, 1971, before me personally came STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed same. ,YHotary PublioJ/ ~OTARY PU~L~ S~ of~ew Y~ Ne, 52-?~25~0 - Suff=lk STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the ~day SS. of October, 1971, before me personally came STANLEY SLEDJESKI t~ me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Ruth Road (no number), Mattituck, New York, that he is the President of SUNSET KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT CORP., the corporation described in and which executed the fore- going instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name/~f~re~o by like/grder. y Notary Public The Highway known as STANLEY ROAD From Luthers Road to Sun~et Drive as follows: BEGINNING at a monument Luthers Road~ which monument is So is described set on the westerly line of 19° 48~ 00" We 341~37 feet as measured along the westerly linc of Luthers Road from the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Luthers Road with the southerly line of Ruth Roadsaud running thence from.saidpoint of beginning So 19o 48~ 00" We 102o28 feet to a monument~ thence westsrly along the northerly,lines of Lot Nos° 17s 16~ 15~ 142 13~ 12~ ll~ l0S as she~ on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset KnollsS~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on January 5~ 1968 as Map Nco 5023° and along the northerly linc of Lot Nco 36~ as shown oua certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2", filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk ~ounty ou ~pril 9~ 1970 as Map No° 5448~ the following courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feet for a distance of 34~54 feet to a monument ~2) No' 87° ll~ 00~ We 948°09 feet to a monument ~3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 2?6°25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument ~4~ So 71° 39~ 20~ We 82°92 feet to a monument~ thence So 71o 39~ 20~' We across the northerly terminUs of Dogwood Lane~ as shown on aforesaid map of "Sun'set Knolls Section 2~ 100~O0 feet to a monument~ thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot NOs° 18 to 26 inclusive~ as shown on aforesaid map of "'Sunset EnoLls~ Section ~'~ the following courses and distances: (1) So 71* 39' 20" W~ 960~02~to a monument (2) on a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38°24 feet to a monument~ ~hencc N~ 22* 22~ 30" E~ along the easterly line of Sunseo Drive.~ as shown on aforesaid map of Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ 100el2 feet to a monument; thence easterly along thc southerly lines of Lot Nos~ 13 to l? inclusive~ as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section,2~'~th~fcllow~curces_~n~ddistanccs: ~(I)~on a curve to the left with a radius of 26°82 feet for a~m~dist~ncc of'40o2~ feet to a monument ,9 Sunset Knolls Lot Nos~ 9~ 8, ~Stauley Road conto (2) No ?l~ 39~ 20" E~ 555°00 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 71o 39~ 20" E~ across the southerly terminus of Surly Lane. as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 100~D0 feet to ~ monum~ut~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos° 5~ 4. 3~ 2~ l~_as sho~m on aforesaid map of Section 2~'~ and along the southerly lines of 7~ 6~ 5~ 4~ 3~ 2~ l~ as shown on aforesaid map~R5 of "Sunset Knolls~ the following .courses and distances: (1) N~ 71e ~9'" 20': E. 493~o44 feet to a monument (2) oua curve',t0 the right with a radius of 326°25 feet for a disDance of 120o49 feet to a monument (3) ~o 87°ll" 00" Eo 963~36, feet to a monument (4) on a curve to the left with a radius of 33°78 feet for a distance of 43°05 feet to the point or pla~e of begi~uingo The Highway known as DOGWOOD LANE From Stanley Road to the land of Stanley J.~, and Helen Sledzieski, is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the southerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the southerly line of said Stanley Road with the westerly line of Luthers Road: (i) on a curve 5o a distance of (2) No 87~ ll~ 00~ (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 18o50 feet for 34o~4 feet to a monument Wo 948°09 feet to a monument the left with a radius of 276°25 feet for a distance of 102o03 feet to a monument (~) S~ 71~ 39" 20'~ Wo 82~92 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 36 to 41 inclusive ~s shov~ on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No~ 5448~ the following courses and distances: · --' Dogwood Lane conto ~l) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25°00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to a mouument ~2~ S~ 18° 20~ 40" E~ 137o07 feet to a monument (3) S~ llo O?~ 00" Eo ~2~43 feet to a monument~ thenc~ S~ 78° 53~ W~ along the land of Stanley J~ and Helen Sledzieski 50~00 feet tola monument; thence No I1° 07~ 00'~ ~ along the easterly line Of Lot No~ 42~ as sho~ on ~foresaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 151o40 feet to a monum~nt~ thence No llo 07~ O0~' W~ across the easterly terminus of Daisy Road as shown on aforesaid map of '~Sunset Knolls, Section 2~ 100~40 feet to a monument; thence northerly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 35 and 18~ as shown on aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolls. Section 2~ ~the (1) No ll° 07~ (2) N~ 18o 20? 40" (3) on a curve to following courses and distances: Wo 187~78 feet to a monument Wo 133o91 feet to a monument the left with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39~27 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 71~ 39~ 20" Road 100o00 fe~t to E~ along the southerly l'ine of said Stanley the point or place of beginning~ the right with a radius of 25~00 feet for 3~o,~7~fee~ to a monument ~2 ~ ) E~~ 133o91'feet to a monument (3) So I1° 07~ 00" E~ 187o78 feet~ and running thence from said pSint of beginning So llo 07~ 00~ Eo along the westerly line of said Do~ood Lane 100o40 feet to a monument~ thence westerly along the northerly lines of Lot Nos° 42 to 49 iuclusiveo as shown on a certain realty subdivision map The Highway known as DAISY ROAD From Dog~ood Lane to Sunset Drive is described as follows: BEGI~E~ING at a ~onument set on the westerly line of Do~ood Lane~ herel~before described~ which monument is the following cours~s~.an~li~nces~'measured along the westerly line of said Doo~wood Lane from a monument set at 'the northwesterly terminus of an arc ~of ~,curv$ connecting 'the westerly line of said Do~ood Lane~ withthem~ southsrly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore -Daisy Road'~cont~' ~ entitled "Sunset Knolls Section Clerk of Suffolk County on April following courses and distances: filed in the office of the 1970 as Map Nco 5448 the (t) on a curve to the left with a radius of 22~03 feet for a distance of 37~8 feet to a monument (2) So ?l° 39~ 20" Wo 897~0 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38°24 feet to a mon~men~ thence N~ 22o £2~ 50" Wo along Sunset Drive as sho~m on aforesaid map of ~Sunset Knolls.~ Section~2~ 100ol2 feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly lines of Lot Nos° 27 to 35 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ the follow~ ins courses and distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of £6~82 feet for a distance of 40°24 feet to a monument (2) N~ 71~ 39~ 20'' Eo 907o16 feet to a monument (3) on a curve to the left with a radius of 28°37 feet for a distance of 40~98 feet to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as SU~NY LANE From Stanley Road to Ruth Road is described as fQllows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ which monument is the following courses and distances as measured along the northerly line of said Stanley Road from a monument set at the northeasoerly terminus of an arc-ofa~curve cor~uecting 'the northerly line of said Stanely Road with the westerly li~e of Luthers Road: r~g~ ~l) on a curve to the ~ with a radius of 33°78 feet for a distance of 43~05 feet to a monument (2) N~ 87° ll9 00" Wo 963~36 feet to a monumen~ (5) on a curve to the left with a radius of 326°25 feet for a distance of 120o49 feet to a monument (4) S~ 71° ~9~ 20" W~ 491~44 feet~ and ?uuniug thence from said point of beginning S~ 71o 39~ 20~ M~ along the northerly line of ~aid Stanley Road 100.~00 feet to a monument~ thence north~rly along the easterly lines of Lot Nos~ 17 &nd 7 as sho~ on a certain realty subdivision map entitled -' -Sunny Lane cont~ "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" of Suffolk County on April lug courses and distances: el) on a curve to the for a distance of (2) No 18° 20u h0" W~ (3) on a curve to the for a distance of filed in the office of the Clerk 9~ 1970 as Map Nee 5448 the follow- left with a radius of 25°00 feet 39,27_feet to a monument 315~00 feet to a monument left with a radius of 25°00 feet 39°2? feet to a monument~ thence easterly along the southerly line of Ruth Road as shown ou aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" courses and distances: el) Es 71° 39~ 20" (2) thence southerly along the. following E, 25~00 feet E. 75o15 fleet to a monument: the westerly lines of Lot Nos,, as sho,m~ on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2'~ · -followi'ng courses and-distances: (1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 23~11 feet for a distance of 38o12 feet to a monumen~ (2) So 18~ 20~ 40" Eo~ ~11~06 feet to a monument radius of 25o00 feet (3) ~on-~A-~urve to the le~t with a fora distance of 39 °2? feet tO tke pein2 or place of beginning° and 5 the The~Highway kn0wn as RUTH ROAD laud of Otis Pike to the land of Gerard 0berrander .s follows: BEGInniNG at a monument set on the northerly line of Lot Nee 6 as shoo, in.on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunset Knolls, Section 2" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on April 9~ 1970 as Map No° 5448~ which monument is the following courses and distm~ces as measured along the easterly line of Sunny Lane~hereinbefore described~ from a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of an arc of a curve connecting the easterly line of said Su~%nyLa~ue~ with the northerly line of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described: (1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 25°00 feet fo~ a distance of 39°2? feet to a monument (2) No 18~ 20~ 40" We 311~06 feet to a monument .Ruth Road cont~ (3) on a curve to the right with a radius of 23~11 feet for a~distance of 38o12 feet~ and running thence from said point of beginning westerly across 0f~said Sunny L~ne the following courses the northerly terminus and distances: (1) So 76° 099 (2) So 71° 39~ 40" Wo 75~15 feet 20'~ W~ 25°00 feet to a monument~ thence So 71° 399 20!' Wo along the northerly lines of Lot Nos.7 to 12 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of"Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 580;72 feet to a monument; thence S~ 71o 39~ 20~ W~ acros~ the northerly terminUs of Sunset Drive ~s shown on aforesaid m~p of "Sunset KnolIs~ Section 2" 100ol2 feet to a monument; thence So 71* 39~ 20" Wo along the northerly line of Lot No~.56 as shown on afore~ said map of "Sunset Knolls~ Section 2" 158~25 feet bo a monument~ thence No 22° 56~ 50~' ¢~ along the land of Gerard Oberrander to a monument: 50~16 feet;/thence N~ 71o 39~ 20" E~ along the south<~rly lines of the land of Stanley Sledzieski~ of Otis Pike~ of Phillippe Maitrejean and of Wills and ~Vreeland 8?0°09 feet ~o a monument; chence N~ 7~~ 09~ 40" E: still along the southerXy line of the land of Wills and ~e~land 127~91 feet to a monument; thence S~ 23° ~l~ l0~ E~ along ~the land of Otis Pike 50°70 Feet to a monument; thence S~ 76° 09~ 40~' Wo along the northerly line of aforesaid Lot No~ 6 59;17 fee~ to the point or place of beginning° The Highway known as SUNSET DRIVE From Ruth Road to land of Stanley Jo and Leo Sledzieski is describe~ as follows: BEGINNING at ~ monument set on the southerly line of Ruth Road~ hereinbefore described, which monument is S~ 710 3~ 20" W~ as measured along the southerly liu~ of said Ruth Road 580°72 feet frou a monument set at the northwesterly terminu~ of an arc of a curve counecting the southerly line of said Ruth Road with the westerly line of Sunny Lane~ hereinbefore desoribed~ and ruuning thence from said point of begi~ulng southerly along the westerly lines of Lot Nos~ 12'and 13 as sho~ on a certain realty subdivision map entitled "Sunsst Knolls~ Section 2" filed in the _. ~. -" ~Sunset Drive con~o a monument; Nos~ 54 to (i) No office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on &prii 9~ 1970 as Map No~ 5448 the following courses and distances: (1) ou a curve to the left with a radius of 23°30 feet for a distance of 38~24 feet ~o a monument (2) Ss 22° 22~ 30" Eo 315~90 feet to a monument¢ thence S~ 22° 22~ 30~' Eo across ~he westerly terminus of Stanley Road~ hereinbefore described~ 100ol2 feet to a monument; thence $~ 22° 22~ 30" Eo along ~he westerly lines if~of Lot Nos~ 26 and 27 as shown ou aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls. Section 2'~ 32~o92 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 22~ 22~ 30" Eo ~ong the Westerly terminus of Daisy Road~ hereiubefQre described~ 100:12 feet to a monument~ thence S~ 22° 22~ 30~' Eo along the westerly line Of Lot No~ 49' as shown ou aforesaid map of ~'Sunset Knolls~ Section 2~ 150o44 feet to a monument; thence S~ 67° 37~ 30~ ~: along the land of Stanley Jo ~nd Leo Sledzieski 50~00 feet to a monument; thence No 22° 22" 30" '~ along the easterly line.of a Recreation Area and along the easterly lines of Lot Nos° 50 to 53 inclusive as shown on aforesaid map of "Sunset Knolls. Section 2" 575~13 feet to a monument; thence Ho 22° 22" 30" Wo across Stanley Road as sho~ on aforesaid mad of '~Sunset Enolls~ Section 2" 100~00 feet to thence northerly along the easterly lines of ~ot 56 inclusive the following courses and distances: (2) 22° 22~ 30" Wo on a curve to the for a distance of 315o90 feet to a monu~uent left with a radius of 26~82 feet 40~24 feet to a monument~ thence f~ 71~ 39~ 20" E. alodg the southerly line of said Ru~h Road 100.12 feet to the point or place of beginniugo The Highway known as STANLEY ROAD From Sunse5 Drive to the land of Charles Murphy is described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the westerly Eunset ~rive~ hereinbefore described, which monument 22~ 50" Eo as measured along the westerly line of said ~unset Drive from a monument set at the southeasterly ~erminus of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly line of Sunset Drive with the southerly line of Ruth Road~ hereinbefore described~ line of is S, 22° ....~ · ~' ~Stanley Road cont~ ~ 315~90 feet and running thence from said point of beginning So 22o 229 30'~ ~o along the westerly line of said Sunset Drive 100~00 feet to a monument; thence westerly along the uortherly liue of Lot Noo 53 as sho~ on a certain realty ~ubdivision map entitled ~Sunset Kuolls~ Sectiou 2" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffsi~oUnty o~ April 90 1970 as Map. No° 5448 the ~ folZowiug courses and distances: ~.' (1) ona curve to, the left with a radius of 25°00 feet ,fotura diStanCe ~ of 39~27 feet to a monument (2) . ~ W~ 156o82 feet to a monument~ thence N~ 22~ 22~ 30~ Wo along the easterly line of the land of Charles Murphy. . 50~O0 feet to a monument; ~hence easterly' ~,along the southerly line of Lot Noo 54 as shown on aforesaid map of '~Suuset Knolls~ Section 2'9 the following courses distances: {1) No 67° 379 30" Eo 156~82 feet to a monument (2) on a curve to the left with a radius of 25~00 feet for a distance of 39°27 feet to the point or place of begir~uingo TITLE NO S-385260 Otis wills ~ vreelFnd 9 14 16 ~4 29 \ 48 49 22 ~0 19 20 44 45 47 fqUTH ~O,4O J \ 4/ Helen $1edzleS~ 0CT8,197I $CHEbt.,tLE YOUNG & YOUNG 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE, RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN W YOUNG HOWARD W. YOUNG SURVEY FOR: RUTH ROAD, STANLEY ROAD, DAISY ROAD, DOGWOOD LANE, SUNNY LANE & SUNSET DRIVE GUARANTEED TO: AT MATT I TUCK TOWN Of SOUTHOLQ SECURITY TITLE & 6UARANTY CO TOWN Of SOUTHOLD 1.v~/~_~/~¢.~_ SEPT 30,1971 ~ 71~521 SUFFOLK CO., N.Y. SCALE' I"=lO0' IDATE'