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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-57.-1-31 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r Rental Permit 0857 Owner Claus & Andrea Rademacher Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 950 Blue Marlin Drive Southold 57.-1-31 Maximum Permitted Occupancy 8 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2) years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 4/10/2023 Code-E;forWhent Offici This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times so` o Town Hall Annex , Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 ® O Southold,NY 11971-0959 d BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION Rental Permit Fee$200(Application must be renewed every two years) Section A. Property Information: Rental Property Address: Tax Map Number: 1000 SECTION 57 -BLOCK. -LOT 31 - 06 SECTION B. OWNER INFORMATION: Property Owner Name: C L A-US Property Owner Legal Address: Property Owner Mailing Address: 3 Servs %✓�A.)V 3 S Sv^�S -7 &Nv� /211JC�,�r�vaob Al�J' 07yS6) N�J_ o?ysz Telephone Number(s): Daytimel 0�` 7�Qvening : �d- Emergency Sits Property Owner Email Address: c. ( a v S c ) a r r a de a c(n e • . Vol � Page 1 of S soTown Hall Annex a~® r® Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Section C. Authorized Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Address of Authorized Agent(no P.O. Boxes): Mailing Address of Authorized Agent: Telephone Number(s): Daytime Evening Emergency Email Address: Section D. Managing Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Address of Authorized Agent(no P.O. Boxes): Mailing Address of Authorized Agent: Telephone Number(s): Daytime .Evening Emergency: Email Address: SECTION E. SITE MANAGER INFORMATION:(required for rental properties containing 8 or more rental units) Name of Managing Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Address of Managing Agent (no P.O. Boxes):, Page 2 of 5 .1U?P'-- ' Aty.ey'e�jJ9A.Y :1'. —M-75, fain Load PRO.Box 1179 Southold,•NY 11971-0959A 6-1 d,jDVP 1�— OVs01UTHO D. ,MWa &Address of`Managing Agent Wime .:I verrrng Emergency. - Envil(Ad&'ess: SEMON F. PP'ROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 9txabeF•Qf•9entar,DwrWn' g Units on property: NK Fovekh Rentai'Dwelling.Unit set forth the Rentar'Dwelting,Unit identifier(for example, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 or Apt A, B, C);the use of each room in the Rental Dwelling Unit (fdr example, Kitchen, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Living Room)and the dimensions of each room. F;arfroperties with multiple Rental Dwelling Units use "Rental Permit Application :A�t)deridil�rl." Rental Oweiling Unit Identifier: AIC Requested Maximum number,of persons allowed to occupy Dwelling Unit:. Number of rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit: L-v e-- Use and Dimensions of each room in Rental'Dwelling Unit:, .SvA1A,00Aj L r✓p A16 ROOM 500 facer, (f l i t do /1/0l0tir 160 Cit f ovrz d0AAf; 300 5,9 r-F 0 saFr;. 160.svr .ovlt ..3. 26o�ts: (�a SQ FT •. �o SFr-; -35 Sari 3o-I�/-� Page 3 of 5 Y ol�r Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road -_INC Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G� Southold,NY 1 197 1-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SECTION G. INSPECTION: Pursuant to the Town Code of the Town of Southold Chapter 207 (Rental Properties), a safety inspection by Code Enforcement Official is required. If the owner chooses not to have said inspection performed by the Town, a certification from a licensed architect, a licensed professional engineer or a home inspector who has a valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code Certification is required stating that the property which is the subject of the rental permit application is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. ❑ 1 am requesting a fire safety inspection to be performed by a Code Enforcement Official from the Town of Southold I am submitting a completed Town of Southold certification form from a licensed architect or a licensed professional engineer. SECTION H. DECLARATION: Signature must be notarized and MUST be the owner of the dwelling unit. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) I (� LAS Xe A/q'�,�rtify under penalty of perjury,the following: 1. 1 am the owner of the property identified in "Section A"of this application. 2. The property owner's legal address set forth in "Section B" of this application is my legal address and I understand the Town will use the address for service pursuant to all Page 4 of 5 'Ilo Town Bali Annex �t Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Sbuthold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD applicable laws and rules. I further acknowledge that 1 will notify the Town of Southold Building Department of any changes of address within five(5)days of any changes thereto. 3. 1 have read and received a copy of Chapter 207 of the Code of the Town of Southold and agreed to abide by the same. 4. 1 will notify the Town within five (5)business days as to any change to the information regarding Authorized Agent, Managing Agent,or Site Manager.. Property Owner's Name: Property Owner's Signature: _— --- "' — Sworn to before me thi ay of M afrC I 2Q � Official Notary Public Signature and Opiginal,Notary Stamp Erin R McCullough Commission#50198250 Notary Public,.State of New Jersey My Commission-Expires Jur4.20,2027 r' Page.5 of 5 I 1 �l/� Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1.179, Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUMOLD RENTAL PROPERTY CERTIFICATION Form is to be a license architect,licensed engineer or licensed home inspector Separate form is required for each individual Rental Dwelling Unit Professional seal required for Architect or Enaineer,licensed dome Inspector must provide copy of valid current cerWatiom Rental Property SCTM Number: 1000 7 Rental Property Address: !a<_n L"�L 016L /1)d'/«/'✓ Z)Q? 1�y S'd✓1 L:D PY Il q-/ Owner/Name: -cy--A Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier:, / Number&Square footage of each bedroom as depicted in-the attached floor plan: (i.e. Bedroom#1-100 sq.,Bedroom#2-90 sq.,etc.) (fri,DhoO / — ddd Sar. 13,1D/ _tl Koo A ouuu► k )-ca /0 S2. Property Description (Include all improvements indicated on survey) S(�✓G4�f4l FA�r/c-I t 'S� Lyl?� .�T/R�i1�D �•¢���� -1--10 171AI e4w5 13&S90t AAA I certify that I have done a physical inspection of the subject rental dwelling unit and find that it fully complies with all the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold,the Residential Code of New York State,the Building Code of New York State,the Plumbin ff New York State, the Fuel Gas Code of New York State,and the Energy Conserv n Constructidn of New York State. �G�► li Print,Ng&and Title Ori ' igna re fk--A - (A V� A Please place-professional seal: LEGEND VERT. CASING NOTES' 0 LV. CEKJNG FIXTURE EXIST. 150 AMP SERVICE AND CIRCUIT BREAKER TO REMAIN „ � DECCEILING FIXTURE 3/4 5/8 FOLLOW EXIST SWITCH HEIGHTS TO ALL NEW AREAS - KEEP ALL SWITCH . » ,�, ❑ BOXES AS CLOSE TO EDGE OF WALL/ DOOR CASINGS AS POSSIBLE ♦+ DEC. WALL FIXTURE a ,r ALL BASE RECEPTACLES TO BE MTD HORIZONTALLY IN BASEBOARD— SEE `Jr,ELECTRICAL WRING PLINTH BLOCK NEW ELE RtlCAL yV 1 EX/ST.a• •'ac �0 DETAIL #1 � DUPLEX RECEPTACLE c �F� (.� BASE RECEPTACLES HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO REFLECT REQUIRED 12'0" SPACING � SWITCHED RECEPTACLE(ONE LEG ONLY) ` EXIST.aECTRICAL TO REMAIN,• DIRECT CONNECTION DEDICATED CIRCUIT c Exlsr a'-o•ac HLxwr � CLOCK RECEPTACLE � �COO moo, GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER RECEPTACLE 4 TELEPHONE RECEPTACLE .n �����"c J � ed 14 c � WWI ❑ CABLE CONNECTION �0�", T Ecmlcac � f->� r-rte- �� � uuuwu PLUG - MOLD ,. a #� SWITCH 3 WAY EXIST ELECTRICAL TOREMAIN,• r SPEAKER LOCATION EXIST 8•-0'ac HEIGHT I SMOKE DETECTOR (HARD WIRED) EXIST�-o a HHExHr f ��� � � O Al z � �%-, $, DIMMER SWITCH RECEPTACLE I ___ 0 BLOWER FAN110 0 �� \\ W AUDIO KEYPADAl EvSr.8'o'ac Hr \ $ SWITCH $o, DOOR SWITCH (JAMB) " o FLOOR RECEPTACLE / j J 9'o'ac Hr r-o• EXIST.EXT.LIwm 10 40 j 8VD EXIST. _ '0'a0 HEIGHT T qp Er rnId' / db � TW '®ETA. �_L/ L-1 h}�P t.�4 ELECTRLCAL TO REMAIN f ❑ 4£RIFY HEIGHT ABOVE MANTLE EXIST.ELECTRICAL TO REMAIN D 9'-0'ac HT L �H �B P1D.GIIB aLs IVP. j L NHWI1 r� sr r� 9'0'acHr c2fflwo 1= f1-0' /s / \` �• ,�\ / V M M f77V"""77"r,Y' \ DOOR tD -�B L L .rte \ r r L JW r `� ADDM®N % [JE \ 9 100 ac TIPJCAL HEICHr fNT r4OLOR \ PTO GN8 rm. � \ �D(FAN) ' �D R"fO SUE ArLkRUN DRPQIE Eouu EQUALID BASE HEIGHT D \ T I=0•ac HEIGHT IL —'--- i YD C Pm EAOeoARo ac err OR a 0 \ r-s r-r r-r s=r ioa 1 / L%ffF0fftM G%wF RmWmdm,Ate* 19AE@d 7S / TYPE LtzbLimiwl SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING TRIM COLOR QTY. m wYa►k,NY1DG21 RECESSED LV ADJ. DOYNLIGHT 7DM w Gws18 ftc2125WO= TAPED EDGE 2125WIWO —— � RECESSED LV ADJ. DOWNLIGHT 8 C LY ADJ. ACT FLUORESCENT 8 CONTRAST n8EC0WR=R)tSRmlEu QLG1ELE0lRf0ALpuw `\ \ a mx wm VAL an GELVIS T.&& Pmmwlm r 22 s MlmR=cw®ILL r/PJ. amw Lmff 5 — --- - - -- ulasmwmw N Ass L1C!'r<P W4C 18 0s 7W ET ell TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY %.HRD /OWNER STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB.., LOT IIp hfJ.� $ISLE{.erl 7 ' i FORMER OW� ANER,, I N E ACR. .P✓} 7"rl'M--' �,`}r S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. ' it SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP, TOTAL DATE REMARKS IA _ . /I. 1 J ti , j/ Co 6433 c� �}- J"' J 1/ /J/ '7rt,' L•-- ! Il �� r`�' j'': i !i 1r-I-t ��,` {is 'S ,/ /) ',r `l� a,�',\' {< < ? �b �!� 6 t' 1 �` '..C• t F , 7C-7—L AGE BUILDING CONDITION } r, l b <<}! 7 1 ��J i G NEWNORMAL BELOW ABOVE <<,f 1-711 FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre • i Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER t Brushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD ; House Plot DEPTH -? BULKHEAD Totn-l. DOCK XOR iFt1� 5 , 1M2k, o- 1 fr'..c:. .'cam�'=� ��,,:•- - � � , r..-_��.�.-;:�-:':G"i--i� ::••,t, -.;�:�% ,•::".< . -tip�' � , n 57.-1-31 11/10 - — M. Bldg. - i Foundation i; Both Dinette Extension , /, �' -o }Basement Floors .5 1. K. i Extension I } j .z `, , r, Ext. Walls :�.,,v fnterior Finish LR. ✓ Extension 'Fire Place Heat - DR. I !s! ^�«C,a r•fc\ l 2 Y,23 �7 j fc st�:f.3-.;:�,,.'1. " !?^-'� - � fi �� fi- f, IType Roof Rooms lst Floor BR. Porch iRecreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. Porch ��a_ "�4' Dormer BAY c l2c��o� ��.( - ---- — — Driveway ' Garage O. B. i Total , j f rin'4 604 M0 41 FORK N06 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLDt BUMI)ING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. 94. .33. . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Wil. . . .29. . ., 19.7.5 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .8&lite•MrILD DrlV* • • • • . • Street Map No.83d.• ahs.. . Block No. . . . . . . . .. .Lot No. . . 1.0. . . Dieenport. . .N.Y.. . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct. . .T ., 19.74. pursuant to which Building Permit No. 7.61 gt. . dated . . . . . . . . .NOT. . . .4. . . . . .119.0}., Was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . .Drlx4te. ame. fAmily. .dxnl llug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to Warren .Mathe sea . . . . owner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. 1206732. . . Jam- ..30. . 1.975. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . HOUSE NUMBER . . 9.50. . . . . . . . Street .Blua .Marin.Da .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'g Building Inspector Town of Southold Annex 5/3/2011 erffi�%g 54375 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 34918 Date: 4/29/2011 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION/ALTERATION Location of Property: 950 BLUE MARLIN DR SOUTHOLD NY 11971, SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 57.-1-31 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this officed dated 10/22/2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 35142 dated 11/6/2009 was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: alterations and additions including second floor deck and second floor balcony,to an existing one family dwelling as applied for. The certificate is issued to Rademacher,Claus&Rademacher,Andrea (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL 4-SO-14S 7/23/09 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 12290 8/23/10 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 10/21/10 Cutchogue East Plumbing Authorized Signa re