HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-127.-3-6.4 & 6.5 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: December 27, 2023 AMENDED: January 12,2024 TO: Patricia Moore (Gebbia) M °�C 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 _... :..... JAN 16 2024. Please take notice that your application dated August 1, 2022: ..._._ry 66f Panning Board For permit to: legalize,ltMecont,icniladiviiol at: Location of property: 21.46 Route 25 & 475 Condor Court Laurel 'NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 127 Block 3 Lot 6.4 & 6.5 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: This nonconforming 40 000 s uare foot lot 127-3-6.5 in the AC-District i, snot pe1rtfjtted nsuant to Article II Section 280-9A, which states; "A lot c e !gd bb deed or Town approval shall be reco nized b the Town if anv one of the followin standards apply and if the lots have not mer ed: The identical lot was created bvdeed recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on or before June 30, 1983, and the lot conformed to the minimum lot rec uiremen .set.forth in Bulk Schedule A.A 1 as of the date of lot creation ;.; in uestion is/are apA=-oved b ew_ outhold Town Plalmin Board alae lot s" in uestion Ware shown on a subdivisioll Win:, aplaLg)L( d by the`outh(I 1(�awn Board .rp for to June 3 or the lot in uest,�on is/are ap) qya d and/or reco mized by fornal action of,the Board of ATTeal.spriQr to June 30, 1983, Lot 127-3-6.5 was not created as per? 0-1)A. In additio 27-3-6.5 is not grmittedw rticle ll:lw Section 280-14-'.wwhich states, No building or2�° nai _..ww....ww 1?ww .._w es shall be used and no buildin or art thereof shall be erected or altered in the AC District un less the same conforms to the ret uirements of the Bulk Schedule and of_t:l e aar_j, hedule Wjj the same forceandeffect as if such re ulations were set forth herein in full. Bulk Schedule ego °es a minimumlotsize of 80,000square_Lgq, lot width of 175 feet and lot depth of 250 feet. The lot size is 40.,00Q sq...ft. with lot depth off 200 feet and lot width of 200 feet. Lot 127-3-6,41neets Bulk SchL&fti:q�cqirements. .dditionall P]ggpi 3o4.rd apjjr(,)v4t,5, 11 AL tie required. - You may now apply to these agencies directly. This Notice of Disapproval has been amended to reflect the new physical address change to lot 127-3-6.4,per applicant's request. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A.,Planning �5v� >g PBH L C a ...._......_......... ._........_......__._.._RECEIVE_.. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT JAN 0 4 20 � SOUTHOLD,N.Y. �o�ailiold o.__ � W n NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Planning Board DATE: December 27,2023 TO: Patricia Moore(Gebbia) 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated August 1, 2022: For permit to: Iealize lot reco nition subdivision at: Location of property:575 &475 Condor Court Laurel NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 127 Block 3 Lot 6.4& 6.5 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: This nonconformin 40.000 s care foot Iot 127-3-6.5 in the AC District is not erxraitted uasuant to Article II, Section 280-9A which states, "Alot created b deed or TO a royal shall be reconized b the'Town if an one of the followin standards a I and ifthe lots have not rarer ed: The identical lot was created Ia deed recorded in the Suffaalk Count Clerk's office on or before lune 30 1983 and the lot conformed to the minimum Iot re uresrent s' set forth in Bulk Schedule AA I as of the date of lot creation the lots in uestion isCare a roved b the Southold Town.Plannin Board,the lots in uestion isare shown on a subdivision ma a roved the Southold"Town Board rior to June 30 I983 or the lots in uestion is/area roved and�or reco nixed b forzal action of the Board of A eels rios"to.I 1953. Lot 127-3-6.5 was not created as er 250-9A. In addition, lot 127-3-6.5 i xrot ermitted. Article 111 Section 280-14.which states-, No buildin or remises shall Iae used aad no brtildln or art thereof shall be erected or altered in the AC District unless the s e confrzras to the re uirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the arkin Schedule with the same force and effect as if such tIatins were set forth herein in full. Bulk. Schedule rc uires a nininun lot siz�01 0�10fl feet lot width of 175 fit acrd lot d c f O e t. "17 lot size is 4 . with Iot de th off2200 feet and lot width of 200 feet. Lot 12,7-3-6.4 meets all Town Code requirements, Ad You may now apply to these 4ggn!Zles direetl �� Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Z.B.A.,Planning :S vb-' RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GD ,.. m 2023 �. BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. Planning rBoard - Planning d NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: December 27, 2023 TO: Patricia Moore (Gebbia) 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated August 1, 2022: For permit to: legalize lot recognition SUbdivision' at: Location of property: 575 & 475 Condor Court Cutc ao ue NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 127 Block 3 Lot 6.4 & 6.5 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: This nonconformin v. 40.000 sc uare foot lot °127-3-6.5 in the AC District is not �rr�,itt d pursuant to Article l:l Section 280-9A which states: "A lot created bv deed or Town VpLoval shall be reco.nized b the fm n if an orae of the following standards am)Iv and if the lots have not mer ed: The identical lot was created by deed recorded in the Suffolk Countv Clerk's office on or before.Lune 30,198.3 and the lot conformed to the minimum lotec uirement(s.set forth in.Bulk Schedule AA LAU as of the date of lot creatican telae lots in c uestion is/aa e a roved b alae Soutlacald Town Planning Board the lct s ina�esia care shown ora a suladivisi.oa ma a roved la the Southold"Down Board prior to June 30, 1983 or the lots in question is/are approved and/or recognized by formal action of the Board of Appeals prior to June 30 1983. Lot 127-3-6.5 was not created as per 280-9A. In addition, lot 127-3-6.5 is not permitted Article III Section 280-14 which states- No 'building or Dremises shall be used and no building or art thereof shall be erected or altered in the AC District unless the same conforms to the re uirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Darkinia Schedule with the same force and effect as if such re ulations were set forth herein in full. Bulk Schedule requires a minimum lot size of 80 000 s uare feet lot width of 175 feet _ d lot death of 250 feet. The lot size is 40 000 s� , ft. with lot death off 200 feet and lot width of 200 feet. Lot 127-3-6.4 meets all "Yown Codp,requirements, Additionally, LIIqqi Lin I_Lor da i rovals will be required. _Aq- "fou ma v now ay to these aaencies direetty-. J� Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A.,Planning