HomeMy WebLinkAbout34610-Z FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold,. N.Y. J BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE, PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34610 Z Date APRIL' 14, . 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: SARAH R. WOOD 2300 PINE NECK RD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for . CONSTRUCTION OF OLL HOR `ARD QF SCREEN PORCH TO HEATED SUNROOM PER APPROVED PLANS AS APPLIED FOR. 2`` at premises located at 150 RED FAWN RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No.. 473889 Section 079 Block 0002 Lot No. 007 . 001 pursuant to application dated APRIL 7, 2009 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on OCTOBER 14, 2010 . Fee $ 380 . 00 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 PETER E. TOKAR. ARCHITECT 3718 SOUND AVENUE,RIVER-HEAD,NEW YORK 11,901 (631)208-4097 PTOKARARCH@OPTONLINENE �n � June 8, 2009 Town of Southold D U Building Department Town Hall Annex Building P.O. Box 1179 JUN 1 0 2009 Southold,NY 11971 BLDG.DEPT. Re: The Wood Residence TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 150 Red Fawn Road, Southold Permit#34610 To Whom it May Concern, Please be advised that I have visited the project referenced above during the construction process and have determined that the porch floor deck construction was built according to the approved plans. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Very Truly Yours, j�-R;Eb A, ..,.. L'yr 12✓ .��pW1�1,�T ��� chitect t 4 01?1�ti f� 1�1 L 1(0 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE COMMENTS IST FOUNDATION(IST) � y FOUNDATION(2ND) Rz O �i w ROUGH FRAMING& Lc.c l� y , PLUMBING a \ 0 x INSULATION PER N.Y. STATE ENERGY CODE h�4 FINAL 16 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS O O z m q � o. y � x d tM H t M TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631)765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net PERMIT NO. c-0 �Q Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Flood Permit Examined 20 D E C E � W E Storm-Water Assessment Form ontact: Approved �A W ,20 C- APR 7 2009 Mail to: R�ieyz_ ToicAYL-Aag Disapproved a/c 13 saU N� AUE,J2IUEY E.4✓> N�,114o I BLDG.DEPT. Phone: (00200-409-7 -�K Expiration 201 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 920 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy.' f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. rgnature of applicant or name,if a corporation) I'l:-t�►2 �o iG4d2 -A-�a�'-tai rE c.7 S-715 Scxi"Q AVE , VL1Q6Y41£A AQ NY. 11901 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises SA WA u PLO-Te W ooO (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. o8R losq (NY) J�4►�ArET UJF-.T .S' Plumbers License No. ��� M 10 Sulms n&L1*%Lr-. Electricians License No. 48SCo W1W0 Wy-) e-Q�c-rgJc Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 1<A O AQA10 so ouse Number Street Hamlet 00, County Tax Map No. 1000 Section —jam( Block 6 Lot -7, 1 Subdivisionol2Es? �T 13A 1�� .t I Filed Map No. Lot eos � Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation& Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM No PROPERTY LOCATION: S.c.T.M.#, THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE-SUBMISSION OF A STORM-WATER,GRADING,DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN District Section Block Lot CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ----------------------------------------- - Item Number: (NOTE: A Check Mark(4)for each Question is Required for a Complete Application) Yes No t — ----------------------------------------------------- Will this Project Retain All Storm-Water Run-Off Generated by a Two(2")Inch Rainfall on Site? F] Improvements item will include all run-off created by site clearing and/or construction activities as well as all Site Improvements and the permanent creation of impervious surfaces.) 2 Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicating Size&Location? ElThis Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Controlling Surface WaterFIoWI $ Will this.Project Require any Land Filling,Grading or Excavation where there Is a change to the Natural ❑ �( Existing Grade Involving more than 200 Cubic Yards of Material within any Parcel? d= L� Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Activities Encompassing an Area in Excess of El Fi�a Thousand(5,000)Square Feet.of Ground Surface? , 5 Is there a Natural Water Course Running.through the Site? ❑ Is this Project within the Trustees jurisdiction or within One Hundred(100')feet of a Wetland or Beach? 6 Will there be Site preparation on Existing.Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen(15)feet of Vertical Rise to One Hundred(100')of Horizontal Distance? — C ' T Will Driveways,Parking Areas or other Impervious Surfaces be Sloped to Direct Storm-Water Run-Off ❑ into and/or in the direction of a Town'right-of-way?. — $ Will this Project Require the Placement of Material,Removal of Vegetation and/or the Construction of ❑ x ^ any Item Within the Town Right-of-Way or Road Shoulder Area? — (This,Item will NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons.) 9 Will this Project Require Site Preparation Within the One Hundred(100yYear Floodplain of any Watercourse? NOTE: If Any Answer to Questions One through Nine,is Answered with a Check Mark In the Box, .a Storm-Water,Grading, Drainage&Erosion Control Plan is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building Perrnitl EXEMPTION: Yes No Does this project meet the minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project?' Note: If You Answered Yes to this Question,a Storm-Water,Grading,Drainage&Erosion Control Plan is NOT Required! --------------------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF;. o .................SS That I,... ..:P14.k.�.....................................`being duly sworn,deposes and says that he/she is the applicant for Pennit, (Name of individual signing Document) Andthat he/she is the .....Pa.c*.tT ..................................:.......................................................................... (Owner,Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,eta) Owner and/or representative of the Owner of Owner's,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the,said work and to make and file this ipplicadon;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best 06W&A&and belief;and. that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. Notary PublicState of New York Sworn,to before me this; Qual f ed inbSuff8505olk un��yy pV�-c commission,Expires April 14,7o g ............................... day of....:�.......�....................... ,20>:'?.r1 Nota Public (Signature of Applicant) FORM - 06/07 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy S I KA 1,1= t- y i Ly 1ZES I btM b. Intended use and occupancy. 2MiLE PAYY%lq 142ESIMNCa✓ 3. Nature of work(check which applicable . ew Buildm pec, ofd Addition Iter ion Repair Removal Demo i ion Other Work ' o (Descriptio 4. Estimated Cost 250,000 , do Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units f Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front loo' + Rear 100' Depth S7't Height 32! t Number of Stories 9- Dimensions Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 5AMF- too' Rear SAME i 6o' Depth SANE 5?' Height s'AHE 32-1 Number of Stories 6Ar9r-- 2. pOYLGt+ YI"A Flu S'i r- . ( P OL use) i o<< 8. Dimensions otentire new construction:Front 24-a Rear 24-8 Depth 17-lo Height 6?'-&" Number of Stories 1 AgeA= -44.0 s,�F 9. Size of lot:Front jt Rear 3$P> Depth 310' (M6 10.Date of Purchase 3x221 Name of Former Owner Jo I+P L. UmEA-ro/ w C-H*V-L HA-ratwo tU 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES NOS 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES NO %K--Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES NOS 236 P1ut=uEucrW- 14.Names of Owner of premises saw4u nosE woon Address souTwpc-a,N-Y, Phone No. (431) 74 5-614;0 Name of Architect PF-- E4 Toy w- AtJj ,, Address �a X14 --,a N.V, Phone No Lk3t) Lo -40 Name of Contractor Aam,rm�t capu co wr#Arte ag Address 9 ALARA tj s r. Phone No. 0 t P.1 ci 6 2- 6 57 3 STATON t SLAW M,Y, 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO__ *IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES NO C *IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF n n Q"A°� f 1 6 1�r9 being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)He is the 6--`el r (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me thi day of 20 Va TZ(-,4 Notary Public I of Applicant UNDA A.HICKEY Nfty pd*,State of New York cr Quesid ki N$a*CourSY comml�atan Ntamb 29,20 Lot 2 / Young & Young gg 5ubdivtslon - / �� 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 "Forestbl^00k At $ � 631-727-2303 N a vleWll �,� ia94 Wx y y= Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor ��;g -� 586°07'20"E / FI Cr.TRic 0 20 Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer POE V ' 3 352.4q' Robert C. Tast, Architect $ g 00.141 WIRE�cE Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer € 52 .0.35' 4 - O W - E Z 1 Cl 6 8.0 HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE RM ie sNZ 6tK cuRe F gp sT•P ry � LO°c°F €Vg rIe SUFFOLKFI3iS &s F CONST RUCTION FOR A 4ry Puma FOR APPROVAL OgoigvxS S L.P., p 120.83 Bel $ '�'' PppL �'-m ti° r SINGLE FA%my RESIDEcNGE ONLY 2�JS BiVIA, ?8 0 J ° S. r � R285212Q �r H.S. REF. 9W$ b % P s•/ - OATS\\\ � 25.34 Z + E4d" � APPROVED 2624 �s 23.85 — W ry \ i �� 28.?I__ __ FOR 1L?AYIA7E31ri®E= S;:OEi00:r�5 � 3 1LJ ` a�" m25.50 `gyp \ + t� EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DA:i E OF APPROVAL ^. Llc 5•g ry�W 22.13 (��jO \ V `` Gl x mill + AL 2359 W F�U Uy � ��Fy 24.95 ° i��9'c5 rhry 2029 ry Rp i `� �```` lly 2588 F m ni m' : ° '� SURVEYOR'S CERT I F I C i �N R D J' 1R "wLL `20 ; �•of a ,i6?s- 4 °� OL r0 r W TREE Q O \\ f o 24.32 �� ;:g �rr�ir'� Ce __INS Lot I ry � �� `�_�� �• _841 221i # HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45895 Jot bs 122 B1 O z t ryji_ (D ' M m 24.14 ►i c� K �._ ,� �c vi L -4e FOR Can 0 SARAH ix F ' '8 r ° o LOT I "FORESTBROOK AT BAYVIEW" o q' g�t3� Q g +�{�). `' m °��c`U` At Sayvlev4, Town of Southold Q ; Suffolk County, New York � � � ,.�� ,t� ,� �ry _�/ - _ 1 County Tax Map District IOOO Section 7q Block 02 got 7.1 =g y SUILDIN& PERMIT 5URVE`i' . � � X64 i 2003 �5� NOTES 10 /9 FRI At�A = 1Oq,Og6 sa. FT. '4b 5A IAF .p•CO. M S �l N 5 • SUBDIVISION MAP - "FORE57BROOK AT BAYVIEW" FILED - ADDED BUILDING PERMIT DATA OCT. 06, 2008 W • IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON $ ADDED CERTIFICATIONS JUNE 05, 2008 �`€s N� JUNE 15, 2004 AS FILE NO. 11119. SURVEY MAP COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 o • S.T. 281 181 FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 VERTICAL DATUM = N.G.V. DATUM (M.S.L. 1929) L.P. 1 22' 25, • ELEVATIONS ARE 5HOWN THUS: +25.5ciqx1< L.P. 2 35' 30' SCALE: I"=50' 25 g EI=rawrENT sET ■ -Mowr-115M Four+v Q=sTAre sEr A=ware Fav Rn.=RooF MAIN R.O.=ROOF OVER JOB NO. 2008-0264 $� 1 OF 3 HEN DW6. 2001-0145_0001-2008-0264_bp $ s Lot 2 l Young & Young s Subdivision - / �� 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 €$11 N "Forestbrook At S%Vlew" 631-727-2303 11 R� j 19.94 586°07'20"� � l Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor 6. 8 ry i Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer F !'a A _ 'c 1 ° , Robert C. Tost, Architect £ ' _ 1 300.14' wl� 352 4� Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer N I O g W E Ic �. I jr n `REPI HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE HoLlse 0 18 � I u� nWv>ayW4 • l� /� 41� 5 rY �' F F 1E N r r�71 PROPOSM Q� o�-Z a S L.P.I A 20.83 / a6l' SSI OOL HOUSE �K m i i i (h p+ 4?s' 2128 b$ $ ID,17in. J L Z $ In tI s.r. " 2,I - o- — a�.s siRCF+ 2b 5.3 0' Gl Z 25.D4 0 4.11 �!'• leo• 21.11 \\ i� 2624 ick k s �71 in 22.13 \ w soy 4 '6�'' � � C C•�a ���c Z Ib p.o- x'19' +2359 4 �0 a so. I.I I _Q� L U U 51H (r r ee 1 ' 24.95 "'o ` m !ry 2029 p 25.88 20 -\,%� 9QU) Q 5URVEYOR'5 CERT I F I G ,\ D $, +2526NN-1 . \ E24.52V► + � ) ! Cr�' i ' Lot I 25.25 ` W G./�—'�, 1:'4'•�%��`-`.'�- = fS siso ry HOYVARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45883 FE J 3. 2 g 8 o0.1)yp J N � '�•lOl � �S rc D/5� � 24.14IL SURVEY 1=0Ra x n w ! D / o " �() U e X SARAH R. AD OP Ig a l BUpF�R 0 x� LOT I TORE5TBROOK AT BAYVIEIN" RD N7s°2 No v�H/o m® 04�� At Bayvlew, Town of Southold jig -771 It ��q q� 0 160 Q Suffolk County, New York 1421 07•� �ry County Tax Map District IOOO Section "iii Block 02 °t 7.1 Z5 $ BUILDIN67PERMIT SURVEY aiill NOTES � :1 1921 AP,]-=A = 10a,0a6 50. FT. �'4b SANITARY MEASUREMENTS N • 5UBDIV15ION MAP - "FORE5TBROOK AT BAYVIEW" FILEDA $ ADDED BUILDING PERMIT DATA OCT. Ob, 2008 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON ADDED CERTIFICATIONS JUNE 05, 2008 �Nb3 SURVEY MAP COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 i �is JUNE 15, 2004 AS.T. 28 IS5 FILE NO. 111141. FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 m lips • VERTICAL DATUM = N.G.V. DATUM (M.5.L. Ig2Q) L.P. 1 22' 28'RJOB NO. 2008-0264 I OF 3 isd • ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: +23.5q A � L.P. 2 35' 30' `-C�' 1 -� El =Mau�+r ssr ■ =r+oran>s+r Fourly Q=sracE 5Er =srn r ourrD n.=ROOF DRAIN rs o.=RooF over DWG. 2001-0145-0001-2008-0264—bp s Young & Young �<g � ,o F 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 &h t 631-727-2303 SE Se Howard W. Young, Land Surveyors Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer <�gg Robert C. Tast, Architect 8-- d FE-3 F131 ❑ ❑ Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer €ego i; i ° 0 NOTES 0 OUTDOOR 5EATIN6 AREA = I0a,0a6 50. FT. € a AREA • 5UBPIV1510N MAP - "FORE575ROOK AT BAYVIEW" FILED AI TH TRELL 15 ABOVE N IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON g45E FV JUNE 15, 2004 AS FILE NO. 11119. Zb§ . 3 • VERTICAL DATUM = N.G.V. DATUM (M.5.L. 1929) �sgz • ELEVATIONS ARE 5HOAN THUS: +23.59 �E>:b � F c N 'r-123 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION INDOOR 5EATING AREAoW N 8 � �W� a O E L/ HOWARD A. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45893 CHANGING LAUNDRY R00go BATH ca ROOM TOWELSW NSURVEY FOR PEE N D /{ �' SARAH R. Y400D ° LOT I "FORE5TBROOK AT BAYVIEW" zM=1 At Bayview, Town of Southold g05 Suffolk County, New York �rpi5 a� W-O County Tax Map District 1000 Section 7a Block 02 Lot7.1 * Wlfi BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY ¢W Oy<= OR: 8 o a O 0 ADDED BUILDING PERMIT DATA OCT. 06, 2006 €3< a ADDED CERTIFICATIONS JUNE 05, 2008 Elk SURVEY MAP COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008gii6 FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 01"''e C a �6 SCALE: N.T.S. JOB NO. 2008-0264 $� 3 OF 3 DAG. 2001_0145_0001_2008_0264_bp �s�� s Young & Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 631-727-2303 �e *• Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer ri's Robert C. Tast, Architect x � Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer € o p N 0 O NOTES g AREA = I0Q,0016 50. FT. UR ga i • SUBDIVISION MAP - "FORE5TBROOK AT BAYVIEW" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON JUNE 15, 2004 AS FILE NO. 11111. a m 1'Vrp • VERTICAL DATUM = N.G.V. DATUM (M.5.L. I-12-1) . W • ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: +23.59 si H19 o a 5URVEYOR'5 CERTIFICATION PPIOP05ED N M I POOL HOUSE __ �m F ails FIR5T FLOOR 10' V / � NPVv� � EL=22.50W. IE=21.0 FINISHED GRADE G.•GO `�. 0 EL-209 E:205 I . ITMAX 4'DIA PVC 4'DIA PVC m=� IE=11A PIPE®2.00SK 1-1 IE=16.8 HOWARD W. YOUNG, . . NS. L.S. NO. 458-15 0501-jFLOW LINE =PIPE® 1.00% IE=162 tANWD m 0 035' 46- bg 12 " 40o SURVEY FOR EL=12.9 SARAH R. Y400D o .00 7R s'MIN. LOT I "FORE5TBROOK AT BAYVIEW" 13a�1� At Bayvlew, Town of Southold g�� 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK 100 5.F.5.KA. Suffolk County, New York � �F a LEACHING POOLm HYDRAULIC PROFILE County Tax MOP District 1000 Section 7cl Block 02 Lot -7.I E5 13, FBUILDIN& PERMIT SURVEY o a N 0 ADDED BUILDING PERMIT DATA OCT. O6, 2008 ADDED CERTIFICATIONS JUNE 05, 2008 ��gS r SURVEY MAP COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 9g FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED MAY 02, 2008 lig8 9P a SCALE: N.T.S. 9 P 6� JOB NO. 2008-0264 $� 2 OF 5 11§151 DWG. 2001-0145-0001-2005-0264—bp 9156 s Young & Young o 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 dig 631-727-2303o�B �a _ Howard W. Young, Land Surveyor ' moo Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer . � Robert C. Tast, Architect o � Douglas E. Adams, Professional Engineer €fig. F1-31 0 01 NOTES c11 OUTDOOR 5EATING AREA = 1011,0116 5Q. FT. s WIREA TH TRELLIS ABOVE • SUBDIVISION MAP - "FORESTBROOK AT BAYVIEW" FILEDm IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON JUNE 15, 2004 A5 FILE NO. 11119. 3 • VERTICAL DATUM = N.G.V. DATUM (M.S.L. 1929) Mir? • ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: +25.59 � b q p j21 0 I .8 F= o p SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION � gala INDOOR 5EATING AREAo�= z g Vq �N oz a� F > '{I r O Li L Ce-& ` g �z.. S� �- 0 9 \< HOWARD W. YOUNG, N. . L.S. NY 45893 LA CHANGING LAUNDRY ROO1v BATH go ROOM TONEL5 12 N SURVEY FOR Pil N D W SARAH R. Y400D LOT I "FORESTSROOK AT SAYVIEA" z�m At Sayview, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York ME ]F OOunty Tax Map District 1000 Section 711 Block 02 Lot 7.1 o 6zo4 SUILDINS PERMIT SURVEY �gy�g o n O oI ADDED BUILDING PERMIT DATA OCT. 06, 2008 W ADDED CERTIFICATIONS JUNE 05, 2006 gNg3 SURVEY MAP COMPLETED MAY 02, 2005 50$5P o FIELD 5URVEY COMPLETED MAY 02, 2005 01P'e SCALE: N.T.S. JOB NO. 2005-0264 $� 5 OF 5g � DW6. 2001-0145-0001-2005_0264_bp M S REScheck Software Version 4.1.2 Compliance Certificate Project Title: Alterations and Additions to the Wood Residence POOL HOUSE Report Date: 04/14/09 Data filename:\\Peter\arch files\DRAWER 2(I-Z)\DRAWER W\Wood Residence\Wood Energy Calcs Poolhouse.rck Energy Code: 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Location: Suffolk County,New York Construction Type: Detached 1 or 2 Family Heating Type: Non-Electric Glazing Area Percentage: 22% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 150 Red Fawn Road Peter Tokar-Architect Southold,NY 11971 3718 Sound Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 631.208.4097 ptokararch@optonIine.net Compliance:, Compliance:4.1%Better Than Code Maximum UA:194 Your UA:186 Gross Cavity Conti Glazing UA Assembly Area or R-Value R-Value or D.. Perimeter LI-Factor Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 440 21.0 0.0 21 Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 885 21.0 0.0 40 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 191 0.330 63 Floor 1:Slab-On-Grade:Heated 85 10.0 62 Insulation depth:2.5' The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed systems have been designed to meet th ork Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements.When a Registered Design Professional has stamped an Sed pig ,? are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specific 6jis f h this Code. PtP4_ 4114101 Name-Title S' Lo " Date �. Project Title:Alterations and Additions to the Wood Residence POOL HOUSE Page 1 of 1 Data filename:\\Peter\arch files\DRAWER 2(I-Z)\DRAWER W\Wood Residence\Wood Energy Calcs Poolhouse.rck Report date: 04/14/09 CREScheck Software Version 4.1.2 NJ( Compliance Certificate Project Title: Alterations and Additions to the Wood Residence PORCH Report Date:04/14/09 Data filename:\\Peter\arch files\DRAWER 2(I-Z)\DRAWER W\Wood Residence\Wood Energy Calcs.rck Energy Code: 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Location: Suffolk County,New York Construction Type: Detached 1 or 2 Family Heating Type: Non-Electric Glazing Area Percentage: 19% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 150 Red Fawn Road Peter Tokar-Architect Southold,NY 11971 3718 Sound Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 631.208.4097 ptokararch@optonline.net Compliance- Compliance:4.4%Better Than Code Maximum UA:159 Your UA:152 Gross Cavity Cont. Glazing UA Assembly Area or R-Value R-Value or D.. Perimeter U-Factor Ceiling 1:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 516 19.0 0.0 27 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 472 15.0 0.0 23 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 175 0.330 58 Wall 2:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 448 19.0 0.0 27 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 516 30.0 0.0 17 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed systems have been designed to meet the 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements.When a Registered Design Professional has stampedand s' hI they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifi re rLc vith this Code. c` 1Q/( ,At Name-Title Signa r R - �� Date s 0 J�TF or NEN.4 O Project Title:Alterations and Additions to the Wood Residence PORCH Page 1 of 1 Data filename:\\Peter\arch files\DRAWER 2(I-Z)\DRAWER W\Wood Residence\Wood Energy Calcs.rck Report date:04/14/09 NAILING SGEDUL.E . MINIMUM ROOF LIVE LOADS GENERAL NOTESt INSTALL "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE' '"� -" ' LSTAIS STRAPS- SECURE TO TOP FROM TABLE 3.I OF THE AMERICAN FOREST t PAPER ASSOCIATION AFt PA` OF EACH RAFTER W/ 14- lad NAILS ( / (IN POUNDS-FORCE PER SQUARE FOOT OF HORIZONTAL PROJECTION) ,{ F WOOD FRAME CONSTRCTION MANUAL FOR ONE AND TWO FAMI LY'DWELLINGS I, All construction is to conform to N.Y. State and Local building codes, TRIBUTARY LOADED 2• All plumbing is to conform to County and Local health department requirements, J015T DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF NAILS NAIL SPACING AREA IN 5QUARE FEET 3. All electrical work is to conform to Local, N,E.C. and Underwriters requirements I r FOR ANY STRUCTURAL 4, Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the Field prior to t MEMBER RAFTER FRAMING construction, Notifythe Architect of conflicts or discrepancies Rafter to Top Plate (Toe-noiled) ROOF SLOPE O TO 201 TO OVER Wall height 8 ft, 3-8d" ' per rafter 200 600 GOO 5. Do not scale the drawings. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled Wall height q - 10 ft. 4-8d' '' per rafter FLAT OR RISE LESS THAN 4 INCHES PER FOOT scaled ones. Larger scale details shall take precedence over smaller drawings, It is Ceiling Joist to Top Plate (Toe-noiled) (1+3) the intention of the of the drawings to p job in all respects, ' ' f�atl RAFTER TIES 20 16 16 g provide For a complete Wall height a Ft, 3-8d" '' per joist 6, The Architect shall be notified of all changes to the design, The Architect is not N•T,a. Wall height q - 10 ft, 4-8d5 ' per joist R15E 4 INCHES PER FOOT (1+3) TO LE55 ROOF 5 THAN 12 INCHES PER FOOT CIO) responsible for changes made without notification, Ceiling Joint to Parallel Rafter (Face-nailed) pan (ft.) 16 I4 14 7, The Contractor shall be responsible for adequately bracing all iwork during 12 20 28 36 RISE 12 INCHES PER FOOT (IO) AND construction against breaking, collapse, distortion and misalignment according to 3=12 Roof Slope @ 16' o.c. each to GREATER 12 12 I2 all codes standards and 5-I6d 8-ibd Il-I6d 14-I6d P good practice. gll2 Roof Slope @ 16' o.c, q_Ibd 6-ibd 8-I6d II-16d each lop 8. Provide smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as per N,Y,S, codes q:12 Roof Slope @ 16" o.c. 3-16d 5-16d 7-16d q-16d each lop ol. The installation of all materials and products shall meet all manufacturers 8:12 Roof Slope @ 16' o.c, 3-16d 4-16d 5-I6d 6-16d requirements. MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS 3-16d 3-16d 4-16d 5-Ibd 10. Concrete is to be 3000 p,s.i, min, on 2 ton per square foot soiil bearing capacity, 3-164 3-Ibd 3-I6d 4-I6d (IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT) Verify soil bearing capacity in Field. 11, Double frame around all openings, under parallel ( Q Celli Joist lel over Partitions Face-nailed Roof Span ft. pa partitions and under bath tubs, /� v INSTALL "SIMPSON0W, STRONG-TIE" ( ) 12, TOGO connections required at all flush structural food carrying conditions, �.L ON Q H-2 CLI IRS P 16' O.C. W/5-ed NAILS 12 20 28 36 USE LIVE LOAD �� " q `I 3=12 Roof Slope @ ib" o.c. 5-I6d 8-16d 11-16d 14-16d each lop 13, All Froming lumber is to be Doug-Fir #2 fb-1150p.5.i,, E=I.4m p,s,i, '--' q=12 Roof Slope @ 16' O.C. 4-Yd (P-14d 8-16d II-I6d each top EXTERIOR BALCONIES 60 14, All headers and girders to be Dou fir #2 fb-1250 s.i, E-1.7nn � q:12 Roof Slope @ 16' o.c. 3-I6d 5-16d 7-I6d q-]Gd each lop 15. All exterior deck framingshall begC.C.A, treated, p ' P s 1 I 00 8+12 ROOF Slope @ I6' o.c, 3-16d 4-I6d 5-16d 5-Ibd DECKS 40 I6. The Architect allows one structure to be built with this set of Ices with one 10 3-Ibd 3-Ibd 4-I6d 5-Ibd ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE 10 plans, S2 x"12 DETAIL 3-16d 3-16d 3-16d 4-I6d building permit. The Architect shall not be responsible for adlditional structures � M ATTICS W1TH STORAGE 20 I N,T•5. built using these plans, Collar Tie to Rafter (Face-noiled) 6-8d per tie ROOMS OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS 40 Blockingto Rafter Toe-nailed 2-8d each end 30 17. Prefabricated Fireplaces and Flues shall be U,L, approved, U ( ) SLEEPING Roods 18, All headers not noted are to be (2) 2"x12". I W Rim Boa d to Rafter (End-noiled) 2-Ibd each end Iq. Bridging to be either solid, 1"x3' or 15 a, cross-bridging, not to exceed W-0' o,c, g i INSTALL 'SIMPSON STRONG-TIE" WALL FRAMING :10. Provide domproofing at ail exterior Foundation wolfs, MSTA36 STRAPS � 16" O.G. SECURE WITH 26- IOd NAILS Top Plate to Top Plate (Face-nailed) 2-16d' per Foot - Top Piotes at Intersections (Face-noiled) 4-16d joints - each side I- All flitch plates, L,V.L.'s and girders are to bear on solid wood posts and have fn Stud to Stud (Face-nailed) 2-I6d 24' o.c. solid blocking down to foundation walls. 0 Header to Header' (Face-nailed) I6d Ib" O.C. along edges GLAZING PROTECTION FROM WIND-BORNE DEBRIS 22, All joists and rafters are to be bridged @ 8'-0" O.C. 23, Interior bearing walls are to be blocked @ 4'-0" O.C. --)) Top or Bottom Plate to Stud (End-nailed) 2-I6d per 2x4 stud iz . 3-I6d per 2x6 stud NOTE- PROVIDE STRUCTURAL WOOD PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 24• Steel ASTM A-36 painted, bolts as noted (A307), welds�E70XX, reinforcement [il 74," AND A MAXIMUM SPAN OF 6'-0" FOR EVERY WINDOW. PANELS ASTM gr, 1 4-I6d per 2x8 stud SHALL BE PRE-CUT TO COVER THE GLAZED OPENINGS, LABELED, WITH 25, Record Architect is not responsible for supervision, ins `~ APPROPRIATE ATTACHMENT HARDWARE. ATTACHMENT HARDWARE Pe inspection or administration 1'' Bottom Plate or Floor joist, Bandjoist, SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHART BELOW. of this project. T MTI LL LQ l z Endjoist or Blocking (Foe-noiled) -2-I6d ' ' per Foot W Q FLOOR FRAMING NO SUBSTITUTIONS Q < J FASTENER TYPE FASTENER SPACING Joist to Sill, Top Plate or Girder (Toe-nailed) 4-8d per joist PANEL SPAN PANEL SPAN PANEL SPAN w V N Bridging to Joist (Toe-nailed) 2-8d each end < 4'-O" 4--6' 6'-B' - All framing hardware shown on these plans, unless otherwise indicated is "Simpson Strong-Tie". 2 Blocking to Joist (Toe-noiled) 2-8d each end 2'r2" ss6 wD. SCREWS NO 5u5titutions ore approved or authorized due to the relationship of framing hardware tO the Blocking to Sill or Top Plate (Toe-nailed) 3-Ibd each block 16" 12" q'+ other components of the structure, any Framing hardware substitutions will render these plans Ledger Strip to Beam (Face nailed) 3-I6d each joist null and void and will result in the Installer / Contractor os5uming responsiblity for the design Joist on Ledger to Bean (Toe-nailed) 3-8d per joist 2Yz" ss8 WD. SCREWS " and erformanceoF the entire Band Joist to Joist (End-nailed) 3-I6d per joist 16' 16 12" P system. = � Band Joist to Sill or Top PLate (Toe-nailed) 2-I6d' per Foot ROOF SHEATHING ENERGY NOTESs Cd Q 53 MSTA36 DETAIL see RooF Sheathing Noiling .� — Structural Parols 8d Schedule this page) FASTENERS AS NOTED 1. All construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the N.Y,5. Energy v I Diagonal Board Sheathing IN SCHEDULE ABOVE Conservation Construction Code latest edition at the time of pp I"x6" or 1"x8" 2-8d each end O I"x10" or wider 3-8d each block � permit approval, CEILING SHEATHING 2. Exterior doors and doors to garage U=,40 max, INSTALL •SIMPSON STRONG-TIE" WINDOW PLYWOOD AS NOTED 3, Windows and all glass. U-.56 max, , H-6 TIES * 16" Ox_ i,4/&-Bd NAILS Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers 7" edge / 10" field GLASS 4. All fireplaces to be provided with a da-nper for outside combueltion air, HG ; _ WALL SHEATHING 150-200 c.f.m, Flue to have tight scatted damper- max, air leakage 20 c.f,m, INSTALL "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE" see Sressi 4 N 5, It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to submit the siize, design and Structural Panels 8d Sheathing Pressure < Nailing � , LTP4 ANCHORS IV 16' O.C. W/ Zones this page,) - t _ 12- ed NAILS Fiberboard Panels WINDOWNERTICAL 4 HORIZONTAL type of mechanical systems which will be used in sufficient dcetail as is 7/16" 6d 3" edge / 6" field SILL STIFFENER required- Gu by the Building Department. 25/32" 8d 3" edge / 6" Field 6, All thermostats shall be adjustable 45-75 deg, F; for combinatiion heating and %'m x 12" L. x 3'-0" O.G. ANCHOR M M ' cooling thermostats the range shall be 45-85 deg. F BOLT5 W/ 2"x2" SO. 5TL WASHER. Gypsum Wallboard 5d cooler 7 edge / 10 field g �� BP (I'-a• FROM CORNERS) Hardboard 8d ) (see 5lmpliried Watl ' ° 7, Combustion eapipment For space heating and water heating shall have a minimum LTP4 AS PER TABLE 3.2A t 3,20 j Sheathing Pressure t Nailing e Particleboard Panels 8d zones this page.) combustion OF 75% and shall have standby losses less than the, code specified TI-4 Diagonal Board Sheathing PLYWOOD STORM PANEL " maximum based on actual equipment size. I"x6" or I"x8" 2-8d per support "SHUTTER" DETAIL >1 B. Insulate all pipes and ducts as per code, ; -,: 1"x10" or wider 3-Bd per support "'T''' - q. Water service temperature controls shall be set at 140 d,tg. F rnox. I 1 FLOOR SHEATHING M 10. [JI lavatories and showers shall be. equipped with device.., 'o limit hot ante- flow " II I I 5tructurol Panels to a maximum of 3 g.p.m. @I`oOp.s.i, pressure. I" or less 8d 6' edge / 12' field i it. HVAC cooling equipment shall be rated in accordance with table A-6 of the Energy 1 greater than 1" IOd 6" edge / 6" field TABLE 8301.2(1) Code; min. EER (efficiency) shall be as specified in tables 4-8 4-cland 4-10 OF " Diagonal Board 5heothiN CLIMACTIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA I _ the Ener Code. I It; T�►"r+ I"x6' or 1"x8" 2-8d per support WIND SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM 9Y S� FLR.-7`O—FND. CONNECTIONS 1"x10' or wider 3-8d GROUND SEISMIC WINTER 12. Thermal transmittance values shall not be greater than the VOIUaes tabulated in < I per Support SNOW SPEED DESIGN DESIGN FLOOD WIND LOAD FROSTLIKE HAZARD EXPOSURE table 5-1 of the Energy Code, N.T.S. Nailing regluirments are based on wall sheathing nailed 6" on-center at the Fmel edge, IF wall sheathing (MPH) CATEGORY WEATHERING DEPTH TERMITES DECAY TEI IP is nailed 3' on-center at the ppanel edge to obtain higher shear capacities nailing requirments for 13. All materials capable of absorbing moisture shall be protected buy a vapor barrier structural members shall be doubled, or alternate connectors, such as rhea plates, shall be used to A5 PSF 120+ SUFFOLK SEVERE V-O' MODERATE SLIGHT TO 5UFFOLtC p NONE B located an the winter warm Side of insulation. Ott 1 maintain the load path. MPH B TO NONE MODERATE 11 I . ' When wall sheathing is continuous over connected members, the tabulated camber of nails shall be 14. Insulation shall be installed in a manner that provides For continwity of insulation r� permitted to be reduced to 1-I6d nail per foot. at plate lines, band joists and corners. rT� NOTE: PROVIDE CONTINUOUS LOAD PATF-I F�--I FROM RIDGE TO FOUNDATION, — l�,iZGI—IITEGTS STATEI"IENT: 1, Peter Tokor, Architect, state that to the best of my knowledge, belief and ff bib"m x 12" L. x W-0" O.G. ANCHOR professional judgment that the plans and specification contained In these drawings '� SIMPSON BEARING PLATE BP 3/4 BOLTS W/ 2"x2' SQ. STL WASHER. INSTALL "SIMPSON (I'-O" FROM CORNERS) Comply with the N,Y,S, Energy Conservation Construction Code, Refer to MECcheck H �T HEADER AS NOTED ON PLANS AS PER TABLE 3.2A E 3.28 p part of the building permit application, attached to these STRONG TIE" L°>TA n9 Pe PP� , TIES @ EA, END Compliance Report filed as Construction Documents. f lam, OF HDR. Q I THREADED ROD H © ; SII"IPLIFIED WALL SHEATHING HEADER AS NOTED N II HOLLOW LOAD BEARING COLUMN O O OCCUPANCY OR PRESSURE � NAILING ZONES I- u 3 3 DOOR OR WINDOW II O AS NOTED T � UL w r—t NAILING TION OF — -}- — — — -- \ — 2 — — / :1I 1M11, !� 1 1 ' I��(;1� I i ECTIONS I \ i i O O I I O 51MP50N COUPLER NUT O I I INSTALL .,SIMPSON STRONG- " °i' I O O CONCRETE PATIO .4S SHOWN ON PLANS H-2.5 CUPS V 16" O.G. W/5-tad ILS e. O O � Ot O < O I 5 5 I �ICATIO� I \ t'v �� � � .. PLU�VIBL� a4 a I \ I DATE: t�l . f3.P. '> �CD V SS WALL—TO—FND. CONNECTIONS 'V LEAD c. t BEFOIR ^IAI-L SHEATHING NAI LING SCHEDULE N.T.S. :_r�TIFICATt '('CUPAM ,Y �?. . �,s•, _.. ��� TYPICAL DETAIL C� S8 I-IOLLOW GOLUI"fN TIE—DOWNS I I NOTIFY 0[i ��;r;c; h_ _,`:, - j= APR 1 4 2009 I ' -- } OLDER U� /V. TEti4 I r�,L�IT AT 765-18.,)2 B AIS✓� "�) ZONE 5 ZONE 6 — EXTERIOR >}•-IEADE=Rs � - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TI�t. ',. 3 F{'� REV1Sf ' r� ,p + � r 01�S: N.T.S. JPPLYSYS :�ti O + F LLOI�J''VG FI --� N.T.S. a u 1 '(CEED 2/10 C�, r C_ f 4 4 O 1. FO:1°'^F -I ELI- 4" O.C, e" O.C. BLDG-DEPT. INSTALL "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE O O 4 "t` 1iI`D`� _ 1�"') L�zOUIRED I TO�JNOFSOUTHOLD 1-IDQ8 OR PHD6 WOLDOWN Cm CORNER 3 O 3 FO' POUiiED -i�l�CRE - NO, DAII TfTI,T O O ROUGH FRCP:' i TF I e,�;.: 3" O.C. 4" O.C. SECURE W/18 SD5Y4x3 WD. SCREWS - ; +.t I(�,1� P< PLUf„QIp10 ® 3. INSULATION LL Ya” EXT, PLYWOOD WALL SHEATHING TO BE SECURED ? ETC. ENTIRE I'-O" I'-O" I'-O" I'-O'• G' ® ® !-T n 4. FIP,IAL COAL rjlw 1 lO\� r fUs,7. 'KITH Gd COMMON NAILS- 2" x IIYp" GA, - PATTERN AS V ROOF FLAN BE COh,^PLE 1 E IDICATED ABOVE. W Kj BEAM LENGTH s ® FCI�i C.O. �� %"0 THREADED ROD EMBEDDED 12Y2" INTO PLUMBING ALL CONSTRUCTION SI­-IALL I. + i+ ,, LL MEET THE CONCRETE w/ 51MPSON' ET (HIGH EPDXY ALL PLUMBING WASTE SCALE19/16 I —o REQUIREMENTS 0 THE CODES OF NEW � 0 ® ADHESIVE) 4 FOR TEMPS' GTH A•8 USE E OM FON ENT AND CLADDING PRESSURE ZONES Q �' SIMPSON' AT (NIGH STRENGTH ACRYLIC &WATER LINES NEED YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR a ®I ADHESIVE) TESTING BEFORE COVERING DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS, NUr-1BERS INDIATE NAILING ZONES IY w II UNJDEMVRITERS CERTIFICATE RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF u REQUIRED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 236 ROOF SHEATHING NAILING SCHEDULE 0 I 4/1 /09 REINOVE SI IWR MULTIPLE MICRO-LAM MEMBER AS STEEL FLITCH PLATE ' 1^�I• 1, ""; NOTED ON PLANS (IF INDICATED ON PLANS) RF:TNE OF THE TOWN CODE. ,�� ' `- d SI X11 ., 1 I�,-.-; 51I,��L[. - w DRAWN BY: g/s"� BOLTS W/LOCK WA51•-IERS I ''i"it�•r;''i 0 ��- ZONE I ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 r, -'rI I l". t� D q P E T TA //��•}- • 1 f.f j t;l 7 A 1 E. FIELD �\ --°--e //'• a 8" O.C. 12" O.C. 3" O.C. A" O.C. v �O^ O �c, DATE- I 02/05/0Gq NOTE+ THIS SET OF PLANS WAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICAN EDGE ' v 0 w �• 4" O.G, 6" O.G. 3" O.C.. 3" O.G. U DR-AWING T •1z I G i, TO•: I"IICRO-LAt-1 / FLITCH PLATE BOLTING DETAIL FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION (AF 4 PA) WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 7— FOR [MVV lj� f� ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, lgg5 SBC NIGH WIND EDITION,SECTION 2. ALL Y2" EXT. PLYWOOD WALL SHEATHING TO BE SECURED O WITH Bd COMMON NAILS- 2Y,' x 1014" GA, - PATTERN AS ' SCALE- 3/4°-I'-O" - INDICATED ABOVE, tr, ✓'•0 Qilll �) S� HOLD DOWN CONNECTION Ie ��� � 00 ALL MULTIPLE MICRO-LAM MEMBERS AND FLITCH BEAMS TO CF C) BE BOLTED AS SI-TOWN, FOI? ADDITIONAL STRUCTURAL NAILING REQUIREMENTS INSTALL @ ALL GOR N QRS N.T.5. REFER TO "FASTENERS SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL O MEMBERS" - TABLE R-602.3 (1) OF THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE- V L 0c 4 SHEETS f r +, I IrlINDON SCHEDULE MARK SIZE TYPE MODEL x# REMARKS MFGR. 241-1511 A 5'-4" x 7'-0" FR. DOOR CUOFD-5470 OUT51^1ING DOOR "MARVIN" ULTIMATE CUOFD-5420 5'-4" x 1'-6" TRANSOM SERIES MULLED 31_Oy2u Ct 3'-2„ 2" 31_211 4'-Gy211 3'_2" 31_Oy2u 5 4 DIAM, CUSTOM ALIGN W/ TRANSOM 4 IO"P.G. FND. WALL W/ 3'/" a 4)2' 412" B „ FX.GL, "MARVIN" ULTIMATE �2 I/2 ROUN DOOR BELOW SERIES z " " 1_ " „ n RA15ED LEDGE ON 12"X24" 101 -7 8 6 O 8 71 b G'- 15" G'-O" 11 1 " • P,G, FTG. W/ (5)#5 RE ZS ---- 15 I C 2'—O" X2'—O" AWG, LAWN-2424 "MARVIN" ULTIMATE N 1 r- - --------- ---- ----------------------- — — — — — ---- -- -- -- --- C — — — — — SERIES _ I I _ I I - X. r-- ^ ''^ -------------- 1 /; I .A - I ` (3)211X1511 (�)�IlXpll 3)2"X CO211 II (3)2°/�V" (3)2"X8" I .�N V I {l V _ _ 15'—G" 4' G' O" Alt 41-011 G" 41e e � lD • 0 � j I�n 23'—O" Oil i, I m � 1 W.G. �?,�9 BATT—I (�Jv , WASH G ANG NC I m � U � Q "� 9q DR T W ELS I „ LAUNDRY (Y U �� ROO ^ C00 1 I 12 .< '2)2'r 1 1 F< N m 'X7'0' O ¢P I \1 I �r Lu 8" DEEP P.G. HAUNCH U `�1/ U r0 X I m _ I1 / I �(� W/ (3)st5 RE-BARS 1 / ' I I ((z ��yA X (�_9 11x' N G ` j I— �Q_ ———————————————————) j I = _ I .." 21611X71011 \.O V /f��.lP/I I N V " rn I----�— ----------------------------I X// I r l\ AI =�9 SRC. WALL (8)211 a N I^f/ BRC. WALL I �I ►� "MARVIN" ULTIMATE SERIES 3 % / . EI X PO T TO RIDGE ABV, I x— CLAD EXTERIOR—COLOR AS SELECTED BY OWNER 1 I I Z I " ZAULTED CLG\C�, I / I UNEXCAVATED I j. I o' m 2'xlo R.R. �.(� ,�� 11 .oro XIO R.R. N G rlr I I - I @16"O.G. �P (3)2"XIO"FL. Q VERIFY ALL SIZES FINISHES AND COUNTS W/ / _ / I _ _ - _ / I 4" P.G. SLAB W/6X6 10/10 W.W.m. I % I / 'T ��� "MARVIN" WINDOW REPRESENTATIVE I < / I /> I 1 x - I / I OVER VAPOR BARRIER / . I InILL W/ 2"X10" N I 1 / " I I m ^ �X i JZ TO CO. PLETE CURVE I X 1 / I 2 RIGID PERIMETER INSULATION / _ U CO. dJ (V 13 Q to I u . Q w I j I TYP. FDN. HT. 6a Slav _ - [7 / p �9Q� \ 9,�. I X / I : EL. O'-O" X Q o = ^I / Q \ to T G" L $ (v @,a/Q X m / X �'�O INDOOR SlE ATING AREA\ I t0 j ---- _ -�------- ------ -----� �. I 1 _ I ��,i 0. N �� N fl (3)2'X10" (3)2"X 0" tl �9 I R1 ADJUST ROOF PITCH AS REQ'D Tt � )2 XIO'TO MEET AT PEAK _ - (3 - -L------———m——tFDN. —— --- - --- --------------12 12 DN. HT. 0 DOORS 5.75 5.75 STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF EL. + 10" (VERIFY) AA O VERIF ERI FY COPPER VALLEY FLASHING HT, OUTSIDE PERIMETER I 8 _p 11 15 - 8' S" '-O 811 ' 11 Q \ EL, +1'-0" (VERIFY) u O .aye J 4y2 O 4y2n 42" CONCEALED GUTTER—REFER TO (V W V ABOVE , B DESIGNERS DRAWINGS FOR ADD'L \ I 0 3 IN (� DETAILS-VERIFY LEADER 6 N a C-C) LOCATIONS IN FIELD O I �I II M tl I X2 TIES @ 24 O.C. j� 3"X10" TRELLIS 024"O.C, ir1 OUTDOOR SEATING AREA PIER FDN. HT. TRELLIS ABOVE 8"X8" LOAD BRG. BUILT-UP FASCIA-REFER TO EL. + 10" (VERIFY) -- - I I - ( I I I _ _ NO. COLUMN TYP. DESIGNERS DRAWINGS FOR ADD'L r — - � r— , r�� f , _ q"X8" HEADER DETAILS -- = I I I I HEAD FLASHING(TYP.) 1 I 1-717T TFI 71 8"WIDE DECORATIVE 8'X15" LOAD BRG. L — J L — J L — J L — J WD. PILASTER-TYP. WD, COLUMN TYP, is -' �- " I�-15y , II'-eye' I, 7y ,� a2 I pt y est" 4yy2 G O G'_Ou all-oil 2 n '4y2u y " 42 " 2 1 w p 1 li I II I li li I II ,� II �, I 4'-'y2„ ',_ay211 ''_�y211 4'_7y2u � 18" LONG RED CEDAR PEFREGTION I SHINGLES �+ 5 1/2" EXP. 24'-511 j FLASHING;TYP.) 1 FOUNDATION PLAN FLOOD'? FLAN SCALES y4"=1'—O" AREA, 440 5,F. SCALEs %4"=1'—O" O I I I 8'X8" P.C. PIER ON U WINDOWS TO BE PROVIDED WITH PLYWOOD STORI„1 r! ~� I O Z I I 24"X32"X12" P.C. FTG. I— ------------- --------------J-1 m �1 -1 PANELS FOR li"IPACT RESISTANCE— SEE SHEET w w F� (� LFFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE• %4"-1'—O" � �'� TA C) V1 H o � � o ADJUST ROOF PITCH AS REQ'D rTl TO MEET AT PEAK ROOF VENT F—/ 12 12 STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF 12 12 4 25r 12 �4 25 4.25 — 4.25 COPPER VALLEY FLASHING VERIF� �ERIFY O COPPER VALLEY FLASHING / / \ CONGEALED GUTTER-REFER TO / DESIGNERS DRAWINGS FOR ADD'L DETAILS-VERIFY LEADER LOCATIONS IN FIELD-TYPICAL "X2" TIES 0 24"O.G. - ---- - — -- - -- 3"X10" TRELLIS Ca)24"O.C, - - - - BUILT-UP FASCIA-REFER TO - -- DESIGNERS DRAWINGS FOR ADD'L DETAILS-TYPICAL HEAD FLASHING(TYP.) 1 8 WIDE DECORATIVE E717 TT 171 L I 1 8"X8" LOAD BRG, � 8"X8" LOAD BRC. 8"WIDE DECORATIVE � � tl T WD. COLUMN TYP. WD. COLUMN TY _\ WD. PILASTER-TYP. 1 WD. PILASTER-TYP• IJ` REVISIONS: PILASTER BEYOND I ll 1 I ll ,� NO. DA7"E TITI,F. I i li II i II II I II I I I II 11 I II 11 I II '� i li 1 I A 18" LONG RED CEDAR PEFREGTION SHINGLES @ 5 1/2" EXP• li u L L = _ 1! —11 I "XS" P.C. PIER ON I I I I 8"X8" P.C. PIER ONI _J Z I 1 I 1'11.'2 4 X52 X12 P.C. FTGI I i I 24 X32 X12 P.C, FTG, I Z I I I I 4/14/09 1ZEMOVESHWR I m F F_ -7--- ---- T-LrT-------1-1---J—I--------rl--�-� 1- J--1 m rl--- ------------------------- J-� .L I I- ----- L-----------------------------------------� -RSD A,ii w DRAWN BY- FRON'i" ELEVATION RIGHT s I D.� ELEVATION i��A� �L VATION �� �vVj p w SET SCALEt %4"�1'—Ou SCALEt Y4"—I'—O" I u� �_ �� �.. ! � (1 DATE 02/05/0ci SCALEI /4 I O O U.J _ Z DRAWING NO: 4'0 oil F 0 Sl O� Z Tr, w AvIsi Ci- P4t\�� /II Q 00 POOLHOUSE U rli °I 0 Q OF 4 Sl LEETS 1 � f 1 ! t 1 i� • TYPICAL ROOF CONST. STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOF 3OU BUILDING FELT (2)I'/"XIQ,"LVL HIP RAFTER `f '/,i" EXT. PLYWD. SHEATHING 12 12 4.251 4.25 o" 5-2 10a� R t�16„ 5-2 I Z'x O.0 1 CONCEALED GUTTER —— 2X8 TIES @16 O.G. BUILT-UP FASCIA-REFER G S-2 TO DESIGNERS DWG5 FOR PROVIDE I" COPPER ADDITIONAL DETAILS , • 1 G.J. 012"O.C. STANDING SEAM ROOF 1"AIR SPACE TYPICAL EXT. WALL CONST. R DIAL PATTERN PROVIDE 30 LB. BUILDING 18" LONG RED CEDAR PEFREGTION R-2 BATT INSUL. • PAPER OVER ENTIRE ROOF. SHINGLES @ 5 1/2' EXP. N� LAP OVER ICE AND WATER "TYVEK" HOUSE WRAP SHIELD AT A MIN. OF 6 3/4" EXT. PLYWOOD SHEATHING • ( , CT 3/4' EXTERIOR `/ GRADE PLYWOOD 2" X 6" STUDS 016" O.C. O a PROVIDE SELF-ADHERING ICE AND R-21 KRAFT FACED FIBERGLASS Q X WATER SHIELD TO EXTEND OVER 2 x 10 RAFTER. BATT INSULATION WOOD MEMBERS THAT ARE IN SEE STRUCTURAL j1 t N Noo CONTACT WITH THE GUTTER PLAN FOR SPACING 5/8 GYPSUM WALLBOARD - Q N 0 /-2 x 10 CEILING JOISTS SEA ING AREA _n PROVIDE COPPER GUTTER AND Q COPPER GUTTER SCREEN. GUTTER y M SHALL_ INTERLOCK WITH COPPER STANDING SEAM FLANGE AS 5-5 4" P.G. SLAB W/ 6X6 10/10 WWM -5 BLUESTONE PAVERS OVER SHOWN. SEAMS SHALL BE WELDED 4 P.C. BASE AND <aRINDED TO A SI`100TH x � TYPICAL FOUNDATION CONST. � „ FINISHED SURFACE , 1 I 2u 5/8" GYP. BD. 2 VTO E TITLE BARRIER R RAVEL BED 10'P.C. FN D. WALL W/ 3Y' � PROVIDE I" CONT. SOFFIT VENT. 'I` CROWN. RAISED LEDGE -- - - - - — ^ 1 1. IJ PROVIDE RIDGE VENT VERIFY , 2X6 WOOD FRAMING 2" X 6" AND 2"X4" TREATED SILL PLATES - llJ=lll=11' R-I�l BATT INSULATION I _ 2X24' MIN. RIGI May SILL SEALER 0 ZTI-III-I, . 1LI. 3/4' CLEAN GRAVEL WRAPPED ,x _III TERMITE SHIELD OMPACTED FILLa jn � r'''` . '., PERIMETER INSUL. �i1-1 .:; �,�, IN I40N "MIRAFI" SILT FABRIC EDON FIBERGLASS CORNICE: 5/8" GYP. BD. COMP I/2" DIAM, ANCHOR BOLTS W/ ice' �? G.La #CR-160 •i.�.': ACTED FILL .•.:',.;,•'.:' O 2" X 2" WA5HER5 @ 4' O.G. MAX. 2 12"x24" CONT. P.C. FTG. W/ (3) 3t5 RE-BARS " PERF. DRAIN PIPE �I 1 1/2 AZEK BOARD rA SEC SCALE: %4"=1 '-O" WOOD SHAKE TYVEK HOUSE WRAP w/ V (� 3/4" PLY. SHEATHING ^ GN ob TYP. ROOF CON5T. 1 Vj Vj O_ VALLEY FLAS"'G � m S-2 (3)2"XIO" FL. (2)13/4"XIIY,1"LVL HIP RAFTER 0" 1 2"X1R.R. IN 12 cn RADIAL PATTERN —,5.75 I /1 VERIFY ir--,-�• ?4 ALIGN W/ PEAK k/oNR S-2 N POST BEYOND �•C /ROOF BEYOND TO ROOF PEAK 12" LAMINATED PLYWD. ARCHED HEADER R 21 BATT INSUL. HALF-ROUND WINDOW 2"X "R.R. IN NOTEI ADJUST O.N. AS RADIAL PATTERN REQ'D TO ALIGN FASCIAS (3)2"XI2" FLUSH HEADER 2"X6"C.J.@16"d. (5)2'X5" REFER TO DESIGNERS DRAWINGS R-21 BATT IN UL. EOR SAVE TRIM DETAILS TRANSOM WINDOW 77=1 W tL SEAT NG REA LAU D, TYP. EXT. WALL CONST. U 4" P G. S B W/ 6X6,10/10 W M -5 F--1 1 OVE VAP R BARRIER TONE TI E FLOOR rT1F+-I 4 Z .1 -T'�'T 3/4 STONE TILE 1 I/2" BLUE STONE SET IN MUD 1 I/2" MUDSET - ,_ 11 P.G. HAUNCH W/ III MPAGTED FILL PROVIDE RADIANT HEAT r.. 12" (3)st5 RE-BARS 4" CONCRETE BASE THROUGHOUT THE SPACE "' � + '; �•.t:��!..•� OVER 4" GRAVEL - O 1 rn SECT I ON e • J ..e'c'�v+f�T'r�!" '^f 'r�!'y."'S! '�R'S.'�SfJ?'vSt 'rsiJ?"+gtr+Y("�"^t ,°.�( 3 ^ 11 /\�/\�/.�/.�/.�/�\�/�\�/''_ °' •'_..: . ;-2 ' �r -`� -`�,✓�:- .r ri ya SCALE: j4"_1' -011 3/4 CLEAN GRAVEL /\/\/ (� NR14ONE'D IRAFI" \/�// �:' •. og 8 n8 88 g8g8 ® OF�--i SILT FABRIC / Opg - a 6 W W C4S9 4" CONCRETE WITH 1.4 x 1.4 x 6X6 ® �1 � 88 "lREINF. g 8 g8 g(9 2" RIGID 15ULATION t G" PERFORATED 8 v PVC ' 4" GRAVEL O FOOTING DRAIN 8 O8g PITCH , • t : `' AS PER DRAWING .� •� •' ' T-1.0 8g .+. •'°. .•..a' FOOTING SHALL BE POURED g . AOLL FOOTING TO BEAR ON VIRGIN ROOF I 3" V.T.R. SOIL (TYP.) SII REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING WITH (3) sty RE-BARS CONTINUOUS T Y �A l.._. 1..._. S ECT I ON _ -�- - 2111 2" �2" o SCALE: 31-4" = 1 ' -011 K12 W1 WASH I I F,A.I , 1 ST F L. REVISIONS: „ 211 NO. DATE TITLE 311 V 311I- C.O. C-.0. W G.O. I- U C.I.I-I.T. TO AN APPROVED SANITARY SYSTEM Q Y 0 I 4/19/09 REMOVE SHWR. RISER D /1,2DRAWN BY: F1.-- Uf"IBINCS D I AGRA1"f �yr, � PET G�:. �:� �petiA�p rOf d `� r �;� DATE- 7 ATE02/05/09 NOT TO SCALE x NG NOS �� 0. 01�1u0� y�C J� C,! Q � POOLH o ®USE 0 Q OF 4 SHEETS �i r; C EX15TING ROOF VENTS BEYOND OOD STEPS TO G GRADE ABOVE WOOD STEPS TO GRADE W/ 30 RAIL • EXISTING ROOF FRAMING AND r ASSUMED R-Iq BATT IN5UL. EX15T'G WD. FRAME WALL ABOVE 8"6<I6" SCR_ I VERIFY-2"X8"@24"O.C, ---- -- --PROVIDE NON-BRG�SGR�WALL BELOW — BUCK VENT— ------ I _ CR-25 CR-25 CR-25 CR-25 CR-25 CR-25 R-25 FNP-60611 • r 0 rr EXIST'G HDR. Q1 J EXISTING EXPOSED ROOF FRAMING - - - .- WQ VERIFY-3"XIO"@24"O.C. 8"X16" 5CR. I I - 1(o GA. X 12" DEEP FLUSH GIRDER TYPICAL 3 BLOCK VENT I ' T4� 0 I- EXISTING T4G CLG. ( 0. W I WINDOWS TO FIT WITHIN EXISTING d" TO REMAIN WOOD STEPS TO I Q \ o W � WOOD STEPS,4/ 5TOSCREEN OPENINGS-•VERIFY IN FIELD �/ 00 WGRADEABOVE: I i " In 0 GRADE W/ 3 RAIL 1 -8 6 O 3U 6'-6n -7'_O�� 5�-5u .4'_cl■ 1' "I 3U Q0o r I— I �(Y Z7= BLUESTONE PAVING ON ZdUN - 32'-O" ' Z SUNROOt I EXISTING O.H. AND I I c3W X _ N LIGHTWT. CONCRETE OVER I - �g I- ENCLOSE AND INSULATE SOFFIT-VERIFY I I III 1` W> Q �J- GALVANIZED Q-DECKING :10 „ , @� Ifl VERIFY In EXISTING SCREENED PORCH I I Qf (d ON 3/4 PLYWD. SHEATH'G I LoF I V ADD R-15 BATT INSUL. I (I ill) ABOVE DAN = g E w IX REMOVE WOOD DECK AND J- REPLACE W/ NEW STEEL _ EX15T'G HDR.-VERIFY I ( �9 ILX3 3 FRAMED FLOOR DECK _ w L_�_ ( II ul (2)16 GA. X 12" DEEP FLUSH GIRDER I wW LL v a/ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ __ __ W woo SUNROOM o o D �o Z ry ON _ I ^ _ W I I -® oz ENCLOSE AND INSULATE U1 �y W {--J REPLACE SCREENED PANELS I I I -l7 N EXISTING SCREENED PORCH X U' - F- I— 1 W/ WINDOWS-FIT INTO I I N3Q i REMOVE WOOD DECK AND J Q - > X 11) BLUESTONE PAVING ON EXISTING OPENINGS I 0. W NEW 120 P.G. PIER (TYP.) I _ J [Y - LIGI-ITWT. CONCRETE OVER +1 I I IW o� MIN. 3'-O" BELOW GRADE Xwa,= U REPLACE W/ NEW STEEL lX GALVANIZED Q-DECKING I I _ p Q� 1/2" DIAM. ANCHOR BOLTS W/ um FRAMED FLOOR DECK W/ Q fY 3/4" PLYWD. 5HEATH'G 2)16 GA, X 12" DE P I -� J� 3�0 2" X 2" WASHERS @EA. PIER(TYP.) ' Qt(1X PAVING AB # BLUESTONE li w FL.STEEL GIRDER I jWQ OO I �q`�n �] 16 GA. X 10" DP, J• 16 GA. X 12" DEEP FLUSH 1 0 W X Z�N Cts 12'O•C. STEEL GIRDER I I` W> y-I- PROVIDE NON-BRG. SCR. WALL BETWEEN PIERSEX I STG EXIST'G I EXIST'G WINDOWS "•f.'. R-30 BATT IN5UL, .' 16 GA. X 12" DEEP FLUSH NAILER I LAG SCREW INTO EXI5T G BOX W/ LN DRY, WINDOW ��. - - - - - - y2" X 3" LAG SCREWS @ 12" O.G. -__ - - - EXIST'G DOOR 16 GA, X 12" DEEP 5TL. : ' 1/2" DIAM. ANCHOR BOLTS W/ LAG SCREW INTO EX15T'G - 2" X 2" WASHERS PEA. PIER(TYF'.) BOX W/ Y ' X 3" LAG SCREWS 12" O.G. I [Y NEW 120 P.G. PIER (TYP.) F- O MIN. 3'-0" BELOW GRADE tf) 17 EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL EXIST'G BASEMENT UI VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS EXIST'G EXIST G KITCHEN EXIST'G GA-1-1-IF-RING RI"I• J N HALL PDR. n 00 co Lu C S ECT I ON w � � M � FOUNDATION PLAN FLOOR PLAN SCALES %4"=1'-O" SCALE: %4"=1'-0" SUNROOM AREA: 516 S.F. WINDOWS ARE "ANDERSEN" MODEL NUMBERS WINDOWS TO BE PROVIDED WITH PLYWOOD STORM PANELS FOR II"1PACT RESISTANCE- SEE SWEET #I CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCEF5 IN FIELD. NOTIFY ARCWIT1z_CT OF DISCREPANCIES z T w o � � Q � I � XI T' J XI T' XI T' XI T' XI ING S REMAIN F R PERFECTION =j SH INS 18" LONG R5 2 D" EXP. MATCH F EXIST. y � I IT-11111 EXISTING ROOF VENT5-VERIFY -HEAD FLASHING V � EXISTING ROOF TO REMAIN EXIST'G FASCIA 8 EAVE HEAD FLASHING S — - - - - - Z rt fi rt CASING TO MATCH EX15T'G HOUSE TRI -VERIFY / W O I I\ WOOD STEPS TO REVISIONS— GRADE W/ 30 RAIL `•II NO. DATE TIT[.F.. WOO STEPS TO GRADE W/ 30 RAIL WOOD STEPS TQ BLOCK' VENT I I GRADE W 3° RAIL W NEW 120 P.C. PIER (TYP.) IS" LONG R D CEDAR PERFECTION I I I I MIN. V-0" BELOW GRADE SHINGLES-BY," EXP. MATCH EXIST, _ LJ LJ v Q SIDE �L�EVAT I O� I I I I B"�C I6"I SCR. I I PROVIDE NO Bf�G. SCR. ( I Q BLPCI<I VENT I ( WALL BETWEN IF I O 1 4/1}/09 UMOVESHM- I I I I II I NEW 120 P.C. PIER (TYP.) I I I I I I I I I I I I MIN. 3'-0" BELOW GRADE SCALE: y4"=1'-0" LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ DRAWN BY: w i`RD A.,j yr W PET PARTIAL REAR ELEVATION �w`�X ��'�1ARDT ° DATE 0 IS 2/OS/Oq SCA L E e y4"-1'-o" ° 2 DRAWING NO.: NOTE REMOVE SCREENED PANELS AND REPLACE i.. :. WITH WINDOWS AS SHOWN. ,;"• 0 REMOVE WOOD DECK AND REPLACE WITH STEEL FRAMED DECK, P.C. SLAB WITH ��j O1 �.L• BLUESTONE PAVING-VERIFY CLEARENCES WALL AND ROOF FRAMING ARE TO REMAIN F CF NE-vl [� 00 VERIFY CEILING INSULATION SUN P®R QO U 3 0 Q 0174 SHEENS