HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-12/19/2023 WS December 19, 2023 Town Board Work Session Agenda OPEN SESSION IV-1 9:00 Peggy Lauber, Theresa Dilworth and Jennifer Murray from North Fork Audubon re: North Fork Audubon 2023 Shorebird Monitoring Presentation IV-2 9:30 Michael Collins, Town Engineer with Dan Goodwin, Superintendent of Highways re: 2024 MS4 SPDES Permit IV-3 10:00 David Gallo, President of Georgica Green Ventures with Rona Smith re: Carroll Avenue Cottages Affordable Housing Proposal IV-4 10:30 BESS Task Force Update w/Johnathan Kongoletos and Michael Sande IV-5 Townwide Cell Coverage Initiative EXECUTIVE SESSION IV-6 Potential Acquisition(s), Sale or Lease of Real Property that Would Substantially Affect the Value Thereof 11:30-Lillian McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant IV-7 Labor- Matters Involving the Employment of a Particular Person(s) 12:00-Kristie Hansen-Hightower, Town Comptroller 12:15 -Michelle Nickonovitz, Deputy Town Comptroller -Board of Trustees Office Personnel -Board of Assessment Review Resumes Received -Historic Preservation Commission Resumes Received TV- I ) 9, - I9 - a3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHOREB,, IRD REIIPORT 20231 P and New York State Parks (All Town of Southold sites except Suffolk County arks ) r i Southold Piping Plover Hatchling(Photos in this report were taken by shorebird steward Laura Helf throughout the 2023 season in the Town of Southold) Written and submitted by Jennifer Murray for North Fork Audubon Society TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENDANGERED SPECIES SHOREBIRD PROGRAM Threatened and Endangered beach-dependent nesting shorebirds within the Town of Southold were monitored by North Fork Audubon Society(NFAS)from March 2023 through August 2023.This program includes the documentation and monitoring of 24 locations (22 DEC-designated locations), currently active and inactive.Active sites were monitored approximately three times per week throughout the nesting season. Inactive sites were checked for activity three to four times throughout the season. North Fork Audubon's role is to assist the US Fish&Wildlife Service and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation with federal and state conservation efforts to monitor and protect Threatened and Endangered Species. The species in this program include the federally threatened and New York State endangered Piping Plover,the threatened Least Tern,the threatened Common Tern, and the American Oystercatcher. To assist with the protection of these species,NFAS installs symbolic fencing on beaches with nesting shorebirds and posts signs to alert the public of these sensitive nesting habitats. NFAS provides documentation on nesting sites,population, disturbances (weather,vandalism, predators),the number of fledglings and more. Monitoring activities also include checking and maintaining symbolic fencing and reaching out to DEC officers if necessary. As an active partner in the conservation of these threatened and endangered species, NFAS strives to find a balance between human beach recreation and the survival of a species, adhering to the National Audubon campaign to "Share the Shore." In addition to the monitoring,the stewards are continually performing outreach while collecting data. NFAS also participates in the NY Audubon`Be a Good Egg" outreach program which includes visits to elementary schools and educational events.This document provides an overview of the 2023 Shorebird Nesting Season and serves as a stewardship guide for the 2024 season. j i PIPING PLOVER (Charadrius melvdus) The Piping Plover is a small sand-colored shorebird,weighing 1.5-2 oz, usually arriving to the North Fork from their wintering grounds by late March-early April. Male plovers establish territories upon arrival,which range in size from .1 acre to 1.7 acres,with nests usually 100-200 feet apart. Ideal nesting habitats are sparsely vegetated beaches between the high tide line and the dune. Nests are shallow scrapes in the sand,lined with shell fragments. Plovers display fidelity to nest sites year after year. First year plovers, breeding for the first time,may return to their birthplace to nest. Plovers are the first to nest of the shorebird species monitored,laying four eggs,incubating for about a month, and usually raising newly hatched young when there is the first major use of beaches by humans, Memorial Day Weekend. Plover chicks can feed independently almost immediately after hatching on marine invertebrates, small crustaceans,insects,insect larvae,molluscs, and other invertebrates. The mobile chicks forage in the intertidal zone, but can be found foraging anywhere from the shoreline into the dune. One day old chicks are capable of traveling a half mile from where they hatched. To avoid predation, the chicks use camouflage by sitting low in the sand/pebbles. During the first two weeks of life,Piping Plover chicks are highly dependent on this defense mechanism,but this leaves chicks vulnerable to being stepped on or run over by a fat tire bicycle or ATV. Chicks are a bit more mobile during the last 2-3 weeks before reaching their fledgling age,which is when they are able to fly for short distances to avoid danger (28-35 days old). If the nest is destroyed or predated upon,the parents will make another nest with fewer eggs. Additional nesting attempts extend the nesting period and decrease the chances of nesting success due to an increase in human activity on beaches and higher chances of predation. When the young fledge,the mother usually departs ahead of the father to the wintering grounds,leaving him to further look over the fledglings until they are strong fliers. Most plover families fledge 1-2 chicks per season. Two or more fledglings (per pair)help the local population grow, so the ideal fledgling rate is 2.0 per pair. %i////��/�/�r%Oli l/1�/✓i o slit ✓ ✓'/iii Hrr 25 n< `' „nvN zhu rF / ii„or,✓Ur�l�i Prig � N V7(v�kl/;,�/n a� ri,.r„ „.. � ,,,,, � v0�,1 ,,,c ys«io.r.,, �,.,,,,,,;,Aron„w,�; ✓v, � . 2 LEAST TERN (Sternula antillarum) The least tern is the world's smallest tern,weighing about 1-1.5 ounces and measuring about 9 inches in length. This colonizing shorebird is identified by its black cap,white forehead,pointed wings and forked tail. These noisy and aggressive shorebirds often provide nearby nesting Piping Plovers extra protection against predators,bringing higher nesting success rates. Least Terns are sometimes called`little strikers"because they hunt by striking the water and because parents dive-bomb anyone that approaches their nest or young, accompanied by a scolding"zwreep" alarm call and possibly some droppings. Least Tern young are not very mobile until near fledgling date.Tern chicks often hide in vegetation or hunker down into the sand and disappear much like plover chicks making them vulnerable to being stepped on by beachgoers or run over by ATV's. Least Terns arrive at their nesting grounds in late April to mid-May. Ideal nesting habitats are elevated dredge spoil deposits and sparsely vegetated beaches. North Fork colonies range in size'from a half dozen toga Hundred adults. This species is highly sensitive to disturbances (predator presence,human activity,flooding) and may abandon a site rather easily. Early(pre-season)fencing before their arrival is integral to help this species avoid site abandonment.Although Least Terns have the shortest fledgling age of our nesting shorebirds,the adults feed the young for a few weeks beyond that date. Least Terns usually head to their wintering grounds by the end of August,flying to the northern coast of South America(Venezuela to Brazil) ,in contrast to the Piping Plover's shorter migration to the southern US along the Atlantic Coast(North Carolina to Florida) and the Bahamas. t 1 ' rl i sr„i �l/// r, i m r �Uar✓ i /i it � r r 3 Town of Southold Shorebird Nesting Locations 1) Mattituck Inlet, Mattituck .................................. page 5 2) Cutchogue Harbor, Cutchogue .......................—.,,. page 6 3) Little Creek, Cutchogue ................. - ................. page 6 4) Richmond Creek, Peconic ................................... page 7 5) Corey Creek, Southold .................... ............... page 7 6) Goldsmith Inlet, Peconic ......:..............!.............. page 8 7) Kenneys Beach-McCabes Beach, Southold ....,..,... page 8 8) Goose Creek Beach, Southold ............................... page 9 9) Port of Egypt, Southold ........................................ page 9 10) Conkling Point, Greenport ................................. page 10 11) Gull Pond West, Greenport ................................. page 11 12) Truman's Beach, Orient ..................................... page 11 i � t r i tr 1 r e C�itr i / G3dMtpagff, � De IIIi arbor�, rti-tNNayu�igrsrsl NJCpq0 1 Mattituck Inlet 7 McCabes Beach to Kenneys Beach,Southold 2 Cutchogue Harbor,Cutchogue 8 Goose Creek,Southold 3 Little Creek,Cutchogue 9 Port of Egypt,Southold 4 Richmond Creek,Peconic 10 Conklin Point,Greenport 5 Corey Creek,Southold 11 Klipps Beach,Greenport 6 Goldsmith Inlet,Peconic 12 Truman's Beach,Orient Avian abbreviations (4-letter ornithological codes) used in this document: PIPL = Piping Plover LETE = Least Tern COTE = Common Tern AMOY=American Oystercatcher 4 Mattituck Inlet, Mattituck Owners: Mattituck Park District, Town of Southold,private property, NY State This site, spanning both sides of Mattituck Inlet, is an increasingly important shorebird nesting and foraging location. With nine Piping Plover pairs nesting in less than a half mile stretch of beach, this is one of the most productive nesting sites on the North Fork. (In comparison, there were seven PIPL pairs within three miles at Orient Beach State Park and seven within one mile along Suffolk County Parkland in Southold.) Key foraging areas include the mud flats on the creek side of Bailie Beach, Mattituck creek at low tide, the tidal flats just east of the jetty at Bailie Beach, and the half mile span of shoreline west of Breakwater Beach. Plovers have also been observed foraging at the Mattituck Inlet Town Park and the adjoining New York State owned land. Least Terns nest just west of the Breakwater jetty. Historically, there has been a colony of 100 Least Terns, but the pandemic caused a dramatic increase in recreational fishing and illegal overnight camping. Human-caused disturbances this season included multiple entries into fenced areas with adequate multilingual signage, an increase in predators attracted to the excessive waste left behind, discarded fish and beer bottles thrown into the nesting areas within a few feet of a plover nest, and driftwood pulled from nesting areas for illegal beach fires. To prevent colony abandonment for the fourth year in a row, portable net fencing (used for sheep)was installed around the least tern colony and along the piping plover habitat. While this method increased the Least Tern productivity, the illegal overnight camping against the fenced areas caused a decline in Piping Plover nesting success. Egg viability decreased from parent plovers spending long periods of time off the nests due to the continual human disturbances,particularly on Memorial Day Weekend. Hatch rates were lowest in the immediate areas where the camping took place. Despite a record number of Piping Plovers pairs, the fledgling rate was low with an average of less than one fledgling per pair. Besides the human disturbances that occurred during the incubation period, chick mortality was high due to an increase in ATV use to the west of Breakwater Beach. Piping Plover families often travel the half mile to the western end of the beach, away from human recreational activities. However, at this section of beach, the biggest threats are illegal ATV use, fat-tire bicycles, and off-leash dogs. Mattituck Inlet Productivity: • PIPL (Piping Plovers) 9 pairs, 8 fledglings (.89 fledge rate) • LETE (Least Terns) -100 pairs, -60 fledglings Mattituck Inlet Site Recommendations: • The Town of Southold should consider altering the end of Inlet Road to prevent ATVs from entering this town beach. While this will not prevent private residents along Sound Beach Drive from using ATV's, it will decrease the amount of illegal ATV use on Town of Southold shorelines. 5 Cutchogue Harbor (Meadow Beach), Cutchogue Owner: The Nature Conservancy This protected peninsula located on the east side of Cutchogue Harbor experiences few human disturbances. However, with the decrease in human activity there is an increase in predator presence. Least Terns historically nested at this site, and this season only two terns showed interest in the site before moving on. Two Piping Plover pairs attempted to nest but experienced nest failure due to raccoon predation. A pair of American Oystercatchers also experienced nest failure. Cutchogue Harbor Productivity: • PIPL 2 pairs, nest failure •AMOY 1 pair, nest failure Cutchogue Harbor Recommendations: • Obtain support and participation of additional property owners to install symbolic fencing to increase population and the success rate of Piping Plovers in the Cutchogue Harbor area. Two additional sites to consider are Wickham Creek and Fleets Neck Beach. Little Creek, Cutchogue Owners: Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District, Town of Southold, Private Property This site encompasses shoreline on the western side of Hog Neck Bay,with Piping Plovers and Least Terns nesting a quarter mile south of Little Creek(aka "Little Creek South") atop the dredge spoil located at Nassau Point Causeway Beach. The Least Tern colony was productive, fledgling at least 50 chicks. The Piping Plovers had another successful season nesting within the Least Tern colony for some protection against predators,with one pair fledging 3 chicks and the other pair fledging 4 chicks. The Arrowhead Lane pair did not return to nest this season. Little Creek Productivity: • PIPL 2 pairs, 7 fledglings (3.5 fledge rate) • LETE 35-40 pairs, 50+ fledglings Little Creek Recommendations: • Install educational signage at the end of Bay Avenue on town property to increase awareness. Since plover chicks make the quarter mile trek to the Little Creek inlet's mudflats to forage, informational signs will help dispel the common misconception that plover chicks stay behind the fenced-off areas during chick rearing. • Install symbolic fencing on town property to the eastern side of Little Creek, with signage alerting dog walkers to keep dogs leashed on town property. This site was an active nesting area prior to severe erosion. However, the beach has recovered and should be protected for plover pairs. 6 Richmond Creek, Peconic Owners: private property This nesting site is situated on the north side of Hog Neck Bay in Peconic, east of Indian Neck Beach and west of South Harbor Beach. A dredge spoil exists at this site which is suitable for Least Terns, Piping Plovers, and American Oystercatchers. Least Terns last nested at this site in 2021,but abandoned the site due to human disturbance. Piping Plovers have been successfully nesting on the easternmost area of this site for the past three seasons. The mudflats at the mouth of the creek are important foraging areas for plovers. There has been an increase in dogs being walked off-leash despite postage informational signage and outreach. Richmond Creek Productivity: • PIPL 1 pair, 3 fledglings (3.0 fledge rate) Richmond Creek Recommendations: • Continue to post informational signage at the end of Indian Neck Lane, alerting dog walkers of the nesting activity. Corey Creek, Southold Owners: Private Property, Town of Southold, Southold Park District, Beach Assoc. This formerly inactive plover site includes an important shorebird foraging area for both nesting shorebirds and migrating birds. Piping Plovers haven't nested at this site since 2018. Two plover pairs made a total of three nest attempts with no chicks fledged. Unleashed dog walking is likely the cause of nest failure. A small Least Tern colony successfully fledged approximately 20 chicks. One American Oystercatcher pair fledged one chick. Corey Creek Productivity: • PIPL 2 pairs, 0 fledglings • LETE -20 pairs, -20 fledglings Corey Creek Recommendations: • Continue fencing the town parcel at Moyles Cove, confirm permission from the property owners to the west and east of this town lot. • Fence the dune grass area at the end of South Harbor Road at the mouth of Richmond Creek(town property). Obtain permission from the park district to fence off grassy areas suitable for plover nesting just east of the town parcel. • Obtain permission if necessary of the joint town/county conservation area at Corey Creek Mouth to symbolically fence sections that are suitable for nesting Piping Plovers. • Informational signage at beach entry points, particularly South Harbor Road and Wampum Way, will be necessary to alert beach walkers and dog walkers of actively nesting shorebirds. 7 I" Goldsmith Inlet, Peconic-Southold Owner: Town of Southold, Suffolk County Parks,private property The Goldsmith Inlet Town Beach site, located on the Long Island Sound, is one small section of the greater DEC site titled "Goldsmith Inlet," which extends a quarter mile west (southwest) of Goldsmith Inlet and two and a half miles east (northeast) to Horton Point Lighthouse. The Suffolk County Parks Department manages and monitors the inner section of this DEC site: Peconic Dunes, Soundview Dunes, and Goldsmith Inlet County Parks. The eastern section includes the two town beaches (McCabes and Kenney's Beaches) and the private beach community in between the two town beaches. Collectively there were approximately 9 PIPL pairs,with one pair at Goldsmith Inlet Town Beach and two pairs between McCabes and Kenney's Beaches. The Least Tern colony was located between the two town beaches along the stretch of private beach. Goldsmith Inlet Productivity(Town Beach in Peconic): • PIPL 1 pair, nest failure -this pair likely moved to Goldsmith Inlet County Park for its second nest attempt. Kenney's Beach-McCabes Beach Productivity(Town Beaches in Southold plus private beach community): • PIPL 2 pairs, one pair fledged one chick, it is unknown if the second pair successfully fledged any chicks since the two chicks were not observed past two weeks of age. (0.5 fledge rate) • LETE -40 adults fledged about 15-20 chicks Goldsmith Inlet Recommendations: •Add educational signage to the westernmost beach access (650 feet west of Goldsmith Inlet Town Beach jetty) to notify dog walkers and beachgoers of Piping Plover presence and chick hatches, since the plover family at Goldsmith Inlet usually travels a quarter mile west post hatch. • Create additional support and awareness from the surrounding beach communities through continued outreach events. • Consider installing symbolic fencing at the McCabes and Kenney's Town Beaches near the dunes where few beach goers recreate. This will encourage plover pairs to nest in protected areas since it is difficult to monitor and protect plovers in the private beach section. • Post formal Piping Plover and Least Tern conservation signs at McCabes and Kenney's Beaches. To avoid off leash dog walking between the two town beaches and to avoid entry onto private property above the high tide line (where the unprotected shorebirds nest), fishermen, beach walkers and dog walkers should be notified through signage posted at each end of the private beach community to walk along the shoreline and avoid walking above the high tide line. 8 Goose Creek, Southold Owners: Town of Southold This Town Beach site is situated on Southold Bay. Goose Creek Beach is a nesting habitat for one Piping Plover pair and a small Least Tern colony. An autumn dredge project shifted the bathing beach south, taking away shorebird nesting habitat and bathing beach. To compensate for the loss of protected nesting area, additional symbolic fencing was added to the south. Goose Creek Beach experiences heavy foot and boat traffic once the summer season is underway. There has been an increase in off-leash dog walking at Goose Creek Beach this season throughout the nesting season. Goose Creek Productivity: • PIPL 1 pair, 2 fledglings (2.0 fledge rate) • LETE 6 pairs, 8 fledglings (increase in pairs, same fledge rate as 2022) Goose Creek Recommendations: • Continue public outreach at this site and the use of informational signage. • Consider the creation of signs to notify dog walkers of the town code which states dogs are not permitted within 50 feet of a posted nesting area. § 193-3.1 (2013) Port of Egypt, Southold Owner: private property This island across from the Port of Egypt Marina has become a Great Black-backed Gull colony site,with over 60 nests documented. Also nesting on this island: Herring Gulls, Least Terns, Common Terns,American Oystercatchers. Historically, Piping Plovers have nested at this site, but not the last three seasons. Port of Egypt Productivity: LETE 12-13 pairs, 12+ fledglings COTE 1 pair, 1 fledgling AMOY 3 pairs (9 adults total), 5 fledglings (higher success this season) Port of Egypt Recommendations: • Repair Osprey nesting platform • Check vegetation percentage suitable for COTE &LETE at the western end. 9 Conking Point, Greenport Owner: private community, subdivision park,private property This crescent-shaped peninsula/island located on Shelter Island Sound is designated as an important wildlife habitat. Prior to the 1980's, three pairs of Piping Plovers would nest here annually,plus a large Least Tern colony. There is little to no shoreline at high tide so human disturbance can be significant at this site. Symbolic fencing and signage was installed on the western side, owned by the Breezy Shores Association. This season, the western end was closed off to humans since there is an inadequate buffer for nesting shorebirds even at low tide. Unfortunately, this does not protect the shorebirds from flooding. Conkling Point Productivity: PIPL 2 pairs, nest failure LETE 1 pair, nest failure AMOY 1 pair, nest failure Conkling Point Recommendations: • Continue working with the Breezy Shore Association for public outreach and awareness. • Fence the nesting area early, including the American Oystercatcher nesting area to the north of the plovers. Proper management of this shorebird site includes closing off the western end completely to pedestrians early in the season. Human disturbances may have inadvertently caused nest failures of Piping Plovers due to the delay in the nesting season. • Obtain permission to fence the southern section of this crescent. • Informational signage at the beach entry should help alert beach walkers and dog walkers to avoid the western section during the incubation and chick rearing stages, encouraging them to remain on the eastern side of the crescent. • With permission from Breezy Shores, install trail cameras to document potential predators. • Remove invasive / successive vegetation from the southern portion to increase shorebird nesting habitat and reduce cover favored by predators such as owls, crows and raccoons. • Consider building the beach up at this site. 10 Gull Pond West (Klipps Beach/Gull Pond Beach), Greenport Owner: private property This shorebird nesting site is located on Orient Harbor in Greenport approximately 2/10 of a mile to the west of the Norman E. Klipp Marine Park, near the jetty, known as Youngs Point. There is a salt pond behind the nesting area which provides plover chicks additional (and protected) foraging area in front of the residential homes. The dunes to the east of the jetty were used by a colony of Least Terns. LETE did not use this site in the 2021 season. Gull Pond West Productivity: PIPL 1 pair, 2 fledglings (2.0 fledge rate) LETS -15 pairs, -18 fledglings (-60% fledged) Gull Pond West Recommendations: • Continue outreach events at this site. Continue to post informational signage at the beach's entry and the town property to the west, before the private stretch of beach. • Continue reaching out to the landowners for support and participation in shorebird management. A second pair had been noted the past few seasons, competing with the existing pair, but unsuccessful at nesting attempts,probably due to a lack of undisturbed/protected nesting habitat between the existing pair and the town beach to the east. If additional symbolic fencing is installed, it may provide the nesting area needed for a second PIPL pair, avoiding territorial competition. • Consider the creation of signs to notify dog walkers of the town code which states dogs are not permitted within 50 feet of a posted nesting area. § 193-3.1 (2013) Truman's Beach, Orient Owners: NY State, Orient-East Marion Park District, private property A Least Tern colony began nesting on the east end of the park district property and the adjoining private property to the east in 2022. This tern colony has been difficult to monitor due to the lack of permission from the last land owner (property was sold this summer). About 30 adults have been documented at this site with low productivity due to trespassing fishermen disturbing the colony. Truman's Beach Productivity: •LETE -30 adults, -10 fledglings Truman's Beach Recommendations: • Continue to fence the eastern end of the park district. Seek permission from the land owners of the two lots to the east of the park district to install symbolic fencing to protect the nesting shorebirds from trampling and other potential disturbances. 11 Town of Southold Shorebird Management Recommendations • Continue to work with Southold Police Department on active nesting shorebird violations, and the timing of PIPL chick hatches and ATV deployment. • Continue to partner with private property owners,park districts, environmental organizations, USFWS, DEC, Suffolk County Parks, and NY State Parks on shorebird conservation and protection. •Work with the appropriate Town of Southold environmental division on the strategic planning of dredging projects. • Continue public outreach events and the installation of educational displays and informational signage, creating town wide support and participation of Threatened and Endangered shorebird species conservation. • Create signs to notify beach goers of the town code that states dogs are not permitted on "land that is within 50 feet of any recreation area that is posted for protection of piping plovers and other endangered species.' § 193-3.1 (2013) • Consider defining dog leash length up to 6 feet, since dogs have been observed inside symbolically fenced areas - still on leash with 25 foot leads. • Consider banning fat tire bicycles near nesting shorebirds. eBikes should be prohibited as they are motorized vehicles. • Consider creating a list of dog friendly beaches where dog walkers may walk dogs on leash and designated areas for off leash (dog runs). • It is recommended that dunes systems within the Town of Southold are protected year round, by focusing foot traffic on designated trails and keeping driftwood logs for dune build up further increasing sustainable dune systems. • Dredging projects within the Town of Southold should have nesting shorebirds in mind when depositing on beaches since coastal flooding is more severe and occuring more frequently. 12 A-10, - RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR 2023 CARROLL AVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT RECEIVED DEC 12 2023 SOUthold T ern Clark GEORGICA GREEN VENTURES presents Carroll Avenue C'-' oUages In partnership with: HOUSING INITIATIM LLC llf,"� Submitted to: MR. DENIS NONCARROW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 Honorable Scott Russell ti-Town Board Members Louisa Evans, Jill Doherty, Sarah Nappa, Greg Doroski, Brian Mealy 50 JERICHO QUADRANGLE SUITE 118•JERICHO,NY 11753-516-470-9100 v TABLE OF CONTENTS Section1 : Title Page..................................... ........ ....................... .............. 03 Section 2: Method of Providing Service and Compensation...... 07 Section 3: Experience-..... ..................................... ........ .............................22 Section 4: Qualifications.. ........ ................. ........................... ,....... .......... 32 Section5: Appendix..................... ........ ............................................ ...........42 a , GGV2 w I i ar u . 3 0 r". I SECTION 1 : TITLE PAGE / COVER LETTER June 12,2023 Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold NY, 11971 Re: 2023 Carroll Avenue Affordable Housing Development Georgica Green Ventures,LLC&Housing Initiatives LLC Response Dear Mr. Denis Noncarrow, Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Request for Proposals for the Carroll Avenue Affordable Housing Development. On behalf of Georgica Green Ventures, LLC("GGV") and Housing Initiatives LLC("HI"), we are excited to present our qualifications and vision for this development site. Together, GGV & HI bring over 50 years of experience in creating opportunities for affordable community housing. If GGV and HI are selected for this new development, it will be beautifully designed, expertly crafted and meticulously maintained. Georgica Green Ventures,LLC GGV is a Long Island based affordable housing firm specializing in East End development. GGV is a local leader and has a successful track record of creating beautiful workforce housing communities across Eastern Long Island. Our team cares for each community as if it's our own and takes time to meet with the neighborhood to ensure the proposed development respects the existing character of the area. The GGV team has a deep understanding of the unique process of developing in Suffolk County, including complex groundwater management solutions and securing approvals from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. GGV has also earned a reputation for regularly securing all financing necessary to undertake each t development.�In the past 10 years, GGV has secured over $840 million for the development of over 1,500 affordable units throughout New York. GGV is a unique team that covers all aspects of development, construction and property management to ensure there is full transparency and our reputation for quality is carried out in each stage. Most importantly, when a new development is finished, our property management team is just beginning. GGV prides ourselves on meticulous management with beautifully landscaped grounds, security cameras and a strong on site presence. Housing Initiatives LLC Housing Initiatives principal, Rona Smith, has been involved in various issues/tasks related to housing for more than thirty years.Housing Initiatives is involved in the creation of affordable housing at all levels below market-rate. The company's reason for being is a belief in the fundamental need for safe, secure, and permanent housing as a base for building a productive life. There is also the macro-need to create economically diverse and stable communities that assure continued growth in our communities. This is especially important in light of Town-wide support evidenced by the recent passage of 0.5% tax levy for affordable housing. GGV4 n , SECTION 1 : TITLE PAGE / COVER LETTER Together, GGV and Housing Initiatives are excited for the opportunity to submit the enclosed proposal for the Affordable Housing Development at 1080 Carroll Avenue, Peconic, New York. Development Envisioned The proposed "Carroll Avenue Cottages"development will include 32 affordable for-sale homes on a 5-acre parcel of land. The development we envision embraces a neighborhood of 8 single-story buildings with 4 cottage-style attached homes in each building. The layout was carefully designed in context to the neighboring community with inspiration from Founders Village and Horton Point Lighthouse. We believe the single story attached cottages preserves the character of the neighborhood while maximizing open space to create native landscaping opportunities throughout the property. As indicated in the RFP, the proposed site plan is a for-sale model, but can also be structured as rental units. Please note that while we have prepared this conceptual site plan for your review, our team is earnestly committed to working with the Town and the community to create a design that makes the most positive use of the site for the residents and neighbors. The information and assumptions reflected in this RFP are subject to change based on financing availability, lender requirements and new information gather through the development process. Proposed Neighborhood Layout&Cottage Structure Locations: ,r— 34T-417132- �IIIV �+ y CMM�U AVE ly iQ � 1 11 1 �I +I iiiwi r 'I , III 300'-9 3118• _........ GGV 5 SECTION 1: TITLE PAGE / COVER LETTER Proposed Floor Plans: 3BR f_� � 1151 SF L 1BR 59S6F I a I�a M I KOCRM - a a g ZBR ��Mr OATM ; waw, � — j 2BR b mm 843 SFf-- 843 SF F,a 1/' A LR ex% i Sao 936- 1001-80 Level 1 11 1/16 = V-0" If you have any questions regarding this proposal,please contact: r Mr. David J. Gallo President Georgica Green Ventures,LLC 50 Jericho Quadrangle,Suite 118 Jericho, NY 11753 516-470-9100 davidgallo@georgicagreen.com Submission date:June 15th Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, David Gallo n CC: Honorable Scott Russell i Town Board Members:Scott Russell, Louisa Evans,Jill Doherty,Sarah Nappa,Greg Doroski, Brian Mealy GGV6 SECTION 2 : METHOD OF PROVIDING SERVICE AND COMPENSATION " GGV SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ENT Creating Community Housing The 5.1-acre vacant parcel in the hamlet of Peconic �- was, by Town Board Resolution, rezoned from i Agricultural Conservation (AC) to Affordable Housing District (AHD) on April 11, 2023. This was a vital and positive undertaking as part of an effort to spread ' economic diversity throughout the Town .where possible. This project would support the critical need for workforce housing within the Town and support the goals of the Land Use, Economic Development, and the Housing Chapters of the Town's latest I Comprehensive Plan and the pending "Community Housing Plan:' The Town's successful completion of this rezoning effort has led to this important ZONING MAP u SUBJECT PROPERTY(YELLOW) undertaking. The Proposed"Carroll Avenue Cottages" The property is in a great location in the hamlet of Peconic with a mix of residential, recreational, agricultural and commercial uses. Local ongoing residential use is harmonious with the new residences. Our goal has been to design a plan that will offer the best inside and outside look of the development. GGV and Housing Initiatives are proposing the new development of 32 units of community housing to be known as "Carroll Avenue Cottages:' To best accommodate 32 units on 5-acres, we are presenting our site plan with 8,one-story buildings,each accommodating four attached cottages. Unlike 32 single family homes, this site plan is more consistent with the surrounding neighborhood by providing more open/green space for buffers and use of drought-tolerant vegetation, native and deer-resistant species. The architecture of each building provides privacy for each home with a separate entrance, covered front porch, back patio and ample parking. As part of this proposed development, our team intends to reuse existing native garden plantings on site where feasible into the new developments green space. The site plan includes a mix of 8 one-bedroom, 16 two-bedroom and 8 three-bedroom homes. As indicated in the RFP,the proposed site plan is a for-sale model, but can also be structured as rental units. We note, too, that the most pronounced need for housing in Southold Town is for 2-bedroom units. This was demonstrated in the results of the most recent housing survey. Knowing this, we propose that the 32 units consist of 8 one-bedrooms (approximately 636 square feet), 16 two-bedrooms (approximately 842 square feet) and 8 three-bedrooms (approximately 1,109 square feet). NORTII FACING RENDERING GGV 8 SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Design Inspiration To ensure our proposal respects the Town of Southold's rich cultural and aesthetic history, we studied the surrounding community as part of our design and development propess. Iconic Horton Point Lighthouse provided much inspiration foi=r l �..�; a ooii000000iolllll��llll �;IIIIIIII " �����,,, � f III III IIII��� �I I) teams, as well as the attractive development,� Founders Village. Southold'srich past liven on roadside farm stands colorful I I today through nurseries, fish markets and renowned vineyards, which we will endeavor to compliment at Carroll Avenue Cottages. While this new development is ' °%�! an important step in creating a sustainable community, we understand and respect that preserving the natural beauty of Southold is imperative to this project's success. nottTo POINT LIGt rrt[OUSE rt, I u� I ;YJ fr�'lIIIIw1CS'f ��+I�rlr ;����o J C 1 / 1 r r- «s, ray o�a✓i i>/f .. GGV 9 SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Design Inspiration The proposed Carroll Avenue Cottages provides 8 bungalow-style buildings each consisting of 1 one-bedroom, 2 two-bedrooms, and 1 three-bedroom home. These homes are distributed along an organic shaped roadway and allow much of the property to remain open/green space. Typically, a single-story or 1-1/2 stories, American bungalow features low sloped roofs, open floor plans, generous windows, and inviting front porches shaded by roof overhangs held up by visible beams and rafters. Bungalow homes ofteno„ , ural their natural utilize natural materials and blend into 1; surroundings. The bungalow style was popular and became a symbol of independent living in the 20th century. Many of these bungalow style homes were built throughout Southold. Today it is that same simple yet charming design that makes it a well-loved home style. r ys' 4 � _ i „�i Il�;b III In accordance with this RFP, our team is proposing the enclosed conceptual site plan for the redevelopment of this property that can be used for both a for-sale or rental structure. It is important to note that this plan is for initial design and discussion purposes only. While this plan was carefully thought out in terms of site �puuu���VVVVIIII iiiillllilVWu � . �� ,a+"mi'A layout, community character and local architecture, we � i believe in a fully collaborative development process. Our team looks forward to the potential of working together to develop a site plan that everyone is excited to see in their community. ,e. I G%JV10 SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project Features Our proposal includes our commitment to explore implementing the following key features: erPreserving the view of the night sky by choice of �;, outdoor lighting in compliance with Night Skies j requirements. •' Protecting water quality and irrigation conservation measures by limiting irrigation and herbicides. • Prioritizing safety and enhancing quality of life through CCTV monitoring. •, Exploring solar electricity feasibility on site to lessen the electrical load of the property. • Retaining the historic and aesthetic character of the neighborhood. +e Preserving existing vegetation where possible, especially to provide screening and privacy. • Promoting walkability and decreasing car dependency through accessible sidewalks and bike storage. i Providing a handicap accessible site with units adaptable and fully adapted for mobility, hearing or visual impairments." � • Emphasize sustainability with conservation features %' and an energy certification from Enterprise Green Communities 2020 Criteria and ENERGY STAR. GGV11 SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAT r w � ul f 1 80'-0" SGV 12 SECTION 2.A / PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN 23D Aerial View l 6 T7i 2BR 1BR 2BR 3BR 842 SF 636 SF 842 SF 1109 SF 001.Ow Revell 111+6'" = V-0" GGV 13 SECTION 2.A / CONCEPTUAL RENDERINGS 4 ',.313 VIEW 1 313 VIP'.W12... e _ Roof ---------------- 1 20' Ceiling_ �..... 9'-0" Level 1 1 0f-0" w� 6 a East1"7'),,W,-es-16" V-0" .. 1/16" = 1'-0" Roof '.0" r,Ta teilin .. 9' 0" Level 1 0"..- On 1/16" = V-0" GGV 14 SECTIO 2.A / ZONING ANALYSIS A zoning compliance chart has been prepared below by architect firm Stephen B. Jacobs Group, P.C. for review and discussion: Zoning Analysis for Affordable Housing(AHD)District Lot area=5.1 acres 280-27 Use regulations Provided Complies 70wner-,occupied SEmoderate income family dwelling Option 1:32Yes Owner-occupied MIDFU Tenant-occupied moderate-income family Option 2:32 Yes dwelling unit Tenant-occupied MIDFU 280-28 Bulk,area and parking regulations f rrrrvBdsullt.. 7xrnt,R7waprpli{I PruPtl exrrcr GFps (feet) YES 0 80 390 0 YES 10,000 217,800 YES Lot width Total lot area 10,000 217, 390 YES Lot depth(feet) 100 573 YES 100 573 YES Front yard(feet) 35 35 YES 35 35 YES 1 side yard(feet) 15 35 YES 15 35 YES Both side yards(feet) 25 35 YES 25 35 YES Rear yard(feet) 35 _ 35 YES 35 35 YES Minimum liveable floor 1 BR=635 SF No,Variance YES area(square feet per 850 2 BR=842 SF Needed** 450 1 BR=635 SF dwelling unit) Off-street parking spaces 2 32 x 2=64 YES 10,000 32 x 2=64 YES (per dwelling unit) Land area for yield 80,000+79,000 (square feet per dwelling 10,000 217,800/ No,Variance 10,000 8 x 10,000= =159,000< r unit) p 32=6,806 Needed** 80,000 217,800 Tenant-occupied dwelling 24 x 3,300= YES units less than 850 square 3,300 79,200 feet *The 1-BR and 2-BR units do not meet the minimum liveable size of 850 sf for owner-occupied units. **Less than 10,000 sf per unit for owner-occupied units o i ABedm � 11 LE 635 SF 8 units B 842 SF 16 units 3-Bedroom 1,109 SF 8 units GV 15 SECTION 2.13 / DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN TEAM Georgica Green Ventures, LLC will serve as the project developer in partnership with Rona Smith of Housing Initiatives. GGV and President David Gallo will coordinate all local approvals and community outreach with VP of Development,Allison Giosa-Ekblom. GGV will be responsible for coordinating and securing financing by preparing all applications for subsidy and selecting a lender and tax credit investor. GGV Vice-President Matthew Ardito will be responsible for all loan closings,tax credit syndication,and organizational filings. The following scopes of work will be performed in-house by an affiliate of GGV: uction Biddin ProgerlyManageLn_ent,, Crystal Chan Gene Langon Georgica Construction LLC Georgica Property Management LLC 50 Jericho Quadrangle,Suite 118 50 Jericho Quadrangle,Suite 118 Jericho, NY 11753 Jericho, NY 11753 Construction: Coordination of LAcal Hielng: Daniel Gale Allison Giosa-Ekblom&Jael Ferguson Georgica Construction LLC Georgica Workforce Opportunity Committee 50 Jericho Quadrangle,Suite 118 50 Jericho Quadrangle,Suite 118 Jericho,NY 11753 Jericho, NY 11753 The following scopes of work will be performed by a selected third-party: Arobiteglure., Land-lase Counsel Jennifer Cheuk David Gilmartin Stephen B.Jacobs Group,P.C. Greenberg Taurig,LLP 381 Park Avenue South 2317 Montauk Highway New York, NY Bridgehampton,NY �- The following scopes of work will be performed by a to-be-determined 3rd party if applicable: • Civil Engineering 9 Energy Consulting • Sanitary Engineering • CCTV Firm • MEP Engineering * ADA Consultant • Structural Engineering a Market Study Firm • Environmental Engineering • Appraisal Firm A ,GGV 16 SECTION 2.0 / PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Description of Finish Materials To Be Utilized The proposed development of Carroll Avenue Cottages will include high quality finish materials that are locally sourced and environmentally sustainable. The finish materials proposed in the conceptual rendering includes hardie plank siding, shingle roof, window trim and shutters. Hardie plank siding offers the traditional look of wood in a 'green' material. Hardie siding is very popular, although expensive. But the characteristics of the material, including insect and LAUREL I IONIES IN ROSLYN vermin resistance, high levels of fire resistance, and GGV has gained extensive experience as early general durability,make it a good choice adopters of modular housing in this field with five (5) All finish materials will comply with the HCR modular projects complete and/or under construction. Sustainability Guidelines, the 2020 Enterprise Green Because the units are built in an environmentally Communities Criteria and ENERGY STAR all architectural controlled factory, we avoid contending with typical design will comply with the HCR Design Guidelines weather constraints and delays. This methodology updated July 2022. also allows employees to operate under safer All new buildings will be carefully designed and conditions.The construction is more environmentally constructed to reduce energy consumption with ENERGY friendly with less disruption to the neighboring STAR appliances. It is our intent to fully explore options community. Our team will explore the feasibility of to include solar-generated electricity on the buildings, modular construction for this development. where feasible. The new buildings will incorporate While a substantial portion of construction is general design elements that promote public safety and completed off site in a factory, the team always a general sense of community well-being. commits to creating local construction jobs and priority hiring for minority,women'veteran and section ° llG a oll I I )ll, i��iiiiiili II Xri�llrr��(% 3 businesses and individuals. Georgica Construction LLC provides end-to-end construction services from pre-construction and planning through construction completion and certifications. Our team has experience building modular and stick frame projects throughout New York State utilizing construction management software to � issue bids and keep track of real time information with the rest of the project team. Our team takes great pride on managing a clean and safe construction site and our ability to finish projects on time and on budget. Specializing in public/affordable housing construction, Georgica Construction LLC is always up to date with all New York State Housing Finance Agency, New York State Homes and Community Renewal and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development applicable requirements,codes and trainings. GGV 17 SECTION 2.0 / LIFESTYLE FINISHES Safety&Security At all GGV properties,safety is a top priority.There will be an on-site presence and security systems in place through live and recorded cameras to ensure the safety of the residents rr i and community.These safety precautions put our residents at ease with visible cameras placed by hallways,entrances,exits, 1 common/amenity spaces and outdoor courtyards. The presence of security cameras on the property is a known r% deterrent to crime. Qualiq,&Character Each home undergoes a lengthy design process to select high quality material and finishes. GGV strives to improve the quality of life for all residents and create a home they feel proud of. GGV buildings have spacious floor plans, hard surface countertops and stainless-steel appliances. Our property management services are known for a positive quality of life for residents whose lives we affect,with a friendly spirit RIVERVIEW LOFTS COMMUNITY ROOM of shared community and an ongoing commitment to quality of life for all residents. Accessibility All GGV projects include fully accessible common areas and accessible walking routes. All ground floor units or units accessible by an elevator are visitable and are adaptable.Typical GGV projects design at least 5% of units full adapted move-in P 1 9 Y P ready units for individuals with mobility impairments and at least 296 of units for hearing/vision Impairments. Adaptable units provide flexibility for individuals and families to stay in their units and properly age in place. r i RAVEN I IALL IN CONEY ISUNU dllltpi it ����IY��, it t® RIVERVIEW LOFTS IN RIVERI LEAD RIVERVIEW LOFTS IN RIVERIIEAI) Ei2UAlHcU56NG GGV OPsruNirrr 18 u u , SECTIO 2.1) / DEVELOPMENTAL COST'S At this time, it is anticipated that this development will be financed through New York State Homes and Community Renewal.We are confident in our ability to secure 9% Housing Tax Credits and have been one of the first developer's in New York State to explore the new Affordable Homeownership Opportunity Program (AHOP)to create for-sale housing. For-Sale Option: As indicated in this RFP, It is anticipated that this project could be financed primarily through a combination of traditional construction debt and AHOP financing sized for 32 units with a sale price at 80% AMI. Sale prices will be sized assuming a 30 year mortgage at 7% and a 5% down-payment. Common charges, projected taxes and insurance may vary by unit sizes. Sale assumptions incorporate the marketing band as outlined in the AHOP term sheet,where sales prices set at 80%AMI could be sold to households earning up to 100° AMI. Rental Option: If the proposed development pursues a rental option, it is anticipated that this project could be financed through 9% Housing Tax Credits. Our underwriting assumptions include two rental tiers with 23 units affordable at 60%AMI and 9 units affordable at 80%AMI. f 0 Proposed Budget: The following draft financial information includes an acquisition price of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) payable at construction finance closing. As requested in the RFP, a complete and detailed description of the cost proposed for the new development is enclosed. Please note that the enclosed projected costs are subject to change based on financing availability and NYSHCR requirements. r ' Proposed Affordability: Affordable For Sale Housing Affordable Rental Housing Affordable Rental Housing AMI 80% 60% 80% (sold to individuals up to 100%) 77"7777777777777 7� k ar UWMdYL"Lt Dy"i�me 'V ReaAt Y x,P S " — ,.5..........,:A M ,�" ...... ,......... q�....:.r- =-,.•",...gin 1-Bedroom Units $2,323 _. $1,624 $2,210 2-Bedroom Units $2,633 $1,932 $2,635 3-Bedroom Units $2,972 $2,220 $3,033 7 —777777 � . n • Maxprdum Household Inflame x e. �d 1-Bedroom Units $125,000 $75,000 $100,000 2 Bedroom Units $156,300 $93,780 $125,040 - 3-Bedroom Units $168,800 $101,280 $135,040 *Sale Price per home of$285,000 for a one-bedroom,$330,000 for a two-bedroom&$380,000 for a three-bedroom. GGV19 I, ` c u i SECTIO 2.1) / FOR SALE TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS Preliminary underwriting estimates subject to change: IIL1d 0 AND PROERS AOqWS1T ZONA Land&Building $500,000 Total Acquisition: $500,000 ON CTNI3�I+I AGO S General-Cond.,Overhead&Profit $1,494,500 Construction Contingency $533,750 IA System($25,000/unit) $800,000 Construction Hard Costs $9,875,000 Total Construction: $12,703,250 PR IM Architect&Structural Engineer $450,000 _�... Environmental Inspections/Assessment $75,000 Market Analysis $10,000 - 7 Survey&Civil Engineering $80,000 Total Predevelopment $615,000 PROFEarSIONSERVICES 9 Legal $155,000 Marketing/Advertising $46,000 Consultant Fees Architect and Engineer $83,000 Total Professional Services: $284,000 IcINANOING, LOS O'A D OAFtI. IG COS i Inspection/Permit Fees $60,000 Y Points&Bank Fees:Construction Loan _ $106,000 Construction Lender Engineer $35,000 Construction Loan Interest $347,196 AHOP Construction Interest $60,337 Construction Lender Legal $70,000 Appraisal $12,000 Survey $17,500 Title $160,000 Builder's Risk Insurance $205,000 Real Estate stattee Taxes During Development , $15,000 Common Charges Reserve/Working _8 g �Cap Cap $95,285 i Soft Cost Contingency $85,316 Total Carrying Cost ._,,. - s: $1,268,634 S ER"S O OSNNd Realtor Commission $159,000 Closing Costs $64,000 Homeowner Warranty $16,000 s Total Seller's Closing Costs: $239,000 EDEN OP EE 8 ,506 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS(TDI ..._ $17,394,390.. 20 o GGV s SECTION 2.1) / RENTAL TTL DEVELOPMENT COSTS P i Preliminary underwriting estimates subject to change: 7Co $500,000 Total Acquisition: $500,000 ctor Price __ ..... IA System $800,000 Residential _... $10,400,00 General Contractor's Insurance $255,360 Builder's Fees General Conditions $6 72,000 4 Builder's Overhead $224,000 Builders Profit $672,000 Total Hard Cost: $13,023,360 Appraisal(s) $12,000 Survey $17,500 Architect/Engineering Fee $600,000 Legal Fees $155,000 Cost Certification-Accounting _ $35,000 Insurances $190,0 Interim Interest $1,176,824 Closing Costs $267,164 Title and . Recording Fees $180,000 Market Study $10,000 Credit Application Fee $6,000 Credit Allocation Fee $89,680 Other DHCR/HTFC Fees $2,000 I Environmental Reports $75,000 Controlled Inspections $90,000 Sanitary Engineer $90,000 A Lenders Engineer _ $35,000 Permits/Expediting $60,000 Energy Consulting/Monitoring $83,000 f Draw Fees $2,500 Total Soft Costs: $3,176,669 COI.N C11 Hard Cost Contingency $560,00_0 _. Soft Cost Contingency $158,833ITIT Total Contingency: $718,833 DE1V LOPEFI B IiEAIb'FE I pe -.,265 Developer Overhead&Profit $1,404,2 mmmmm� Deferred Developer Fee(Cashflow) $1,075,739 .......... r_ — Total Developer's Overhead Fee: $2,480,004 " IIYORItI'N A Marketing Lease Up . _ $64,000 Other Working Capital MISC. $35,000 s Total Working Capital.* $99,000 RESERVES Ca itallzed Operatic Reserve $362,699 Total Reserves: $362,699 TOTAL'DEVELOPMENT COST: $20,360,566 GGV X21 ' i i SECTION • • EXPERIENCE � i 9 r a , l a I i GV22 SECTION 3 / GEO G'ICA GREE EXPERIIEI CE OVERVIEW Georgica Green Ventures, LLC ("GGV") is a Long Island based real estate development company FINANCING ° " °/ iy""ending that specializes in the acquisition, developmen , Ooctore a as.i+lclodes obt ming h�, g i/i �/ construction, and management of workforceneoessafy for 'the dev to rner of miXed-fse and affordable housing. /income, ��P�°�erti+� , d� sty unng tfi e developments with a mix of public and private Since 2012, GGV has created over 1,500 bond $ inchuding, b}�t not limited to tax-eke mpt . affordable units for New York families. These financing', tax credits and° private dent and range from storm recovery projects to workforce equity capital. development projects to downtown SUCCESSFULTRAID' RECORD revitalization projects, senior projects, public GGV has secured over $8?(I)M in funding for 18 housing restructurings, gut rehabilitations and New York,state affordable housing projects in the supportive housing projects for veterans and past 14 years. survivors of domestic violence. HIGH'QUALITY HOUSING, Each home undergoes'a lengthy design process to GGV was founded on the principles that "select high quality material and finishes. GGV affordable housing has a place in all strivestimpFove the/qualityof life fw all residents communities, and that the diversity of race, age, and create ahomethey feel`proud of income and ethnicity that affordable housing DIVERSITY brings makes those communities stronger. Our,team focuses on meaningful partnerships to expand inclusive affordable housing options to a, wide population of families,workforce;seniors and Supportive. SUSTAINABILITY&Cf1NSERVATION GGV'takes pride in our a411ity to meet and exceed energy, code(and sustainability standards, we continually,push limits,for energy conservation and have` ,,experience ,w11 ith certifications`„in Passive House,, LEER,;Enterprise Green`Communities and Energy star. iP e. POND VIEW I IONIPS RIBBON CUTTING GGV 23 SECTION 3.A / RECENT ACCEPTED GOVERNMENTAL BIDS 2020-2023 Below is a list of all accepted government bids completed in the past three(3) years: • The Homestead-Selected by the North Hempstead Housing Authority for the development of 77 new affordable senior townhouses. Complete 2020. • Gansett Meadow-Selected by the East Hampton Housing Authority for the development of 37 new affordable multifamily apartments. Complete 2021. • Manhattan Avenue-Selected by the Greenburgh Housing Authority for the development of 70 new affordable senior apartments. Complete 2023. Below is a list of all accepted governmental bids GGV has been selected for in the past three(3) dears: ' Central Islip DRI-Selected by the Town of'lslip as the Designated Developer for the development 96 new affordable apartments and,activation of the downtown. Town of Riverhead TOD-Selected by the Town of Riverhead as the Designated Developer with RXR to develop 243 market rate units next to the Riverhead train station. • Dogwood Terrace-Selected by the Town of Hempstead Housing Authority for the redevelopment of 104 existing senior public housing units. • Village of Great Neck Senior Housing -Selected by the Village of Great Neck Housing Authority for the redevelopment of 75 existing senior public housing units. • New York City Housing Authority-Selected as a NYCHA qualified developer,contractor and property management firm to undertake future NYCHA redevelopments. The GGV team has the experience and capacity to undertake the Carroll Avenue Affordable Housing Redevelopment. iNP TILE I IOMESTEAD TOWN OF RIVERHEAD TOD RENDERING GIGV 24 SECTIO &A / DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO Over the past several years,GGV has had exceptional success in obtaining and utilizing a myriad of public and private sources of funds.Since its founding in 2012,GGV has been awarded seven competitive 9%Tax-Credit funding allocations from HCR and ten 4% HFA Bond developments for a combined 1,572 units of housing. GGV has firsthand knowledge of the current deal terms associated with tax credit and private financing. Project Location(NY) Padtnet Type Units TD.0 'Status , Woolworth Watertown 11 Public Square N/A TOD;R;Historic Adaptive Re-use 50 $17M 9%Award;Complete 2015 Watertown Sandy Hills Apartments 12 Renaissance Blvd Concern for NC;Set-aside for Veteran Housing 123 $52M 4%Award;Complete 2016 j Middle Island Independent Living Pond View Homes 1-52 High St. North Hempstead PA;MF;Tenant-in-Place Gut 52 $21M 4%Award;Complete 2017 Manhasset Housing Authority Rehabilitation Our Lady of Lourdes 21 DeSales Place RiseBoro Community NC&Historic Adaptive Re-use; 76 $30M 9%Award;Complete 2019 Apartments Brooklyn Partnership Set-aside for Homeless 3003 West 21st St Concem for NC R;Set-asidefor Veteran Housing; 135 $70M 4%Award;Complete 2019 Surf Vets Place Coney Island Independent Living NYCHA PBV's P Moxey A.Rigby 185 E.Merrick Road Freeport Housing MR HUD Demolition/Disposition; 101 $66M 4%Award;Complete 2019 Apartments Freeport Authority Storm Recovery Sandy Hollow Cove 161 Sandy Hollow Rd Southampton Housing NC;First MF AH rental east of 28 $12M 9%Award;Complete 2019 Apartments Southampton Authority Shinnecock Canal;Scatter Site Speonk Commons 41 N.Phillips Drive Southampton Housing NC,R;TOD;Revitalizing Blighting 38 $ISM 9%Award;Complete 2019 Speonk Authority Area;Scatter Site The Homestead 252 Grand Street North Hempstead NC;S;Modular Construction 77 $25M 4%Award;Complete 2020 Westbury Housing Authority Riverview Lofts 221 E.Main Street N/A NC;R;MF;TOD;Waterfront 116 $54M 4%Award;Complete 2020 Riverhead Revitalization;Storm Recovery 531 Montauk Hwy East Hampton Housing Gensett Meadow East Hampton Authority NC TOD;MF;Modular Construction 37 $24M 9%Award;Complete 2021 Raven Hall 2006 Surf Ave New Destiny Housing NO R;TOD;MF;Set-aside for 216 $132M 4%Award;Complete 2022 i Coney Island Corporation Survivors of Domestic Violence Laurel Homes 72 Laurel Street North Hempstead PA;MF+S;Existing Public Housing 74 $50M 4%Award; Roslyn Heights Housing Authority 3-Phase Construction (Proj.June 2023) 48 Manhattan Ave Greenburgh Housing PA;S;HUD Demolition/Disposltlon; 70 $38M 4%Award 2020;(Proj.July Manhattan Avenue Greenburgh Authority wModular 2023) Highgarden Tower 11 Garden Street New Destiny Housing NC;TOD;Set-aside for Survivors of 4%Award 2020;(Proj.Sept New Rochelle Corporation Domestic Violence 219 $135M 2023) s Garvles Point 500&700 Dickson St N/A NC 55 $32M TOD,Waterfront Master 9%Award 2021;(Proj.June Glen Cove Development Plan 2023) Three Mile Harbor 290 Three Mlle Harbor East Hampton Housing NC MF;Modular Construction 50 $34M 9%Award 2022;(Proj.Dec 2023 ° Rd East Hampton .Authority ) The Grove Apartments 400 E.Main Street Kulka Group LLC&New NC;MF;R;TOD:Set-aside for 55 $34M 9%Award 2023;(Proj.Jan East Patchogue Ground Inc. Domestic Violence Survivors 2025) Totals: 1,572 $844M GGV 25 SECTION 3.13 / CLIENT REFERENCES EAST HAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Catherine Casey Executive Director 631-329-7427 ccasey@easthamptonha.org TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON Janice Scherer Town Planning& Development Administrator 631-702-1801 jscherer@southamptontownny.gov SUFFOLK COUNTY Sarah Lansdale Commissioner of Planning and Environment 631-853-5191 Sarah.Lansdaie@suffolkcountyny.gov A frill list of references is on page 54• i GGV1 1 i 26 • SECTION 3.0 / AREAS OF EXPERTISE The GGV umbrella spans from all aspects of pre-development,through construction and operation to ensure the quality and standards set forth are being exceeded at every property throughout every stage. i '�I�I ' r r �,�,�� •i`i� �ry"tfi� �w�S� ''�'` �' '� �� y"^F""� x��; � ��w �a'"`�`'" '. rar w k � �'�aw. �� . Irril �nrrr � .-,.� ^ .,lw-.b«r� rr �S"" •..,, i � '"� ^"�'�9,��f^� ty�Y� 4 "fix`�� ,,� � "�" wF M v , • Multi-family Housing • LIHTC,HUD,Section 8&HOME Regulations&Training a Workforce Housing a Marketing&Lease-Up a Senior Citizen Housing a Annual Certifications • Supportive Housing for Veterans • Regulatory Compliance • Supportive Housing for Survivors of Domestic Violence a Occupancy Status&Rent Reporting • Storm Recovery Projects • Resident&Community Engagement • Downtown Revitalization • Financial Statements • Transit-Oriented Housing • Asset Management Services • Public Housing Restructuring a RealPage Software ;r3+" i �r x� ��• @rry+� ;x F a'a fix" '�.""" ^w �;� +, � ��� �^�'' �'7 W �,�y Cf�,rr r�",� * q A„;��y � ,' .tl�'w " '� � . ' � ry.,- ."w a S'�'."^� ..:,.:` .�,Y'i: ,'� �.�..:��'v �w&,��+w e, yak'* "�,'-� • �"'-,, �w TMoy, _+v*;, I • Multi-family Housing The Georgica Workforce Opportunity Committee("GWOC") a Modular Construction was established by GGV to provide meaningful employment • Wood-Framed Construction and local training opportunities within all stages of GGV's • Storm Resiliency Features affordable housing development,construction&ongoing • Responsible&Sustainable Material Selection operation,including: a Minority owned businesses a High-Quality Finishes a PROCORE Construction Management Software a Women owned businesses • Veteran owned businesses• Oracle Textura Payment Management System • Section 3 individuals&businesses • Public Housing Restructuring ,�, y rr Ma wa ti„ra l i `' r' '�u 7 a ,. 'v ^ `� ..`i��" �r • NYS Attorney General&Supreme Court Approvals • Successful Local,Municipal&Not-for-Profit Partnerships • Community,Downtown,Transit&Waterfront Revitalization Projects • Town,County&State Approvals,Permitting&Environmental Reviews e MTA/LIRR Coordination a a Intricate Infrastructure Improvements • Trouble-Shooting Unforeseen Development&Construction Obstacles • Fast-Acting&Effective Solutions a Extensive Community Engagement&Outreach Programs GGV 27 SECTIO &C / EXAMPLES Sandy Hollow Cove Apartments:Affordable Housing in Southampton • ^ ndtf Co &Speonk Commons Scatt+ar Siife Pla L+ Clopntent✓ �, oq • �� cN �� I r ii o • rt in o Southamptor< Partnership With the Town Of SouthaEnpton ,,;! • Active communitt►eneiment plan to gain s sup'pert fr the scatter ites rezoning approval. o Multimilj�.,wocicfo�ce<housir+g with ground floor retail space," � Transit orie�rted devekapment next to Speonk' LIRR Station: • ;Energy certification through Enterprise"Green' Communities. • Public elk ;lmprovnnents that provided neighbors with"connections to Suffolk County Water Authoritji service, •" Advanced on-site sewage treatment plant. .,'on-3ite Sewage Treatment Plant. GGV was selected by the Town of Southampton Housing Authority to redevelop two scatter sites for a total of 66 affordable multifamily units. This project became the first workforce housing project approved in the Town of Southampton east of the Shinnecock Canal. After a robust community outreach program, the Town approved a special zoning district specific to the site in a landmark decision with a 5-0 Town Board vote across party lines to bring affordable multifamily housing to the area for the first time. Located only 5 minutes from Downtown Southampton,Sandy Hollow was once a vacant, underutilized, and overgrown lot. GGV carefully designed the buildings to be indistinguishable from the farmhouse and barn style buildings of the surrounding area. The most unique and important feature of this property is its location in an area of Southampton known as "east of the canal" With only two crossing points, the Shinnecock Canal has long served as a literal and symbolic boundary between the "exclusive" areas of specific neighborhood, provides a solution to the community's needs and is something that everyone is proud to be a part of. The complex was built on a vacant, 2.6-acre site and consists of three two-story buildings with a mix of 28 studios, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. GGV 28 if SECTI0N 3.0 / EXAMPLES Speonk Commons:Affordable Housin�in'Southampton Speonk Commons used to be a well-known eyesore to the surrounding community and desolate train station with five dilapidated and vacant single-family houses and one deteriorated house occupied by a caretaker of the site. GGV worked with the Town and Housing Authority to transform this location into a beautiful, high-quality, safe, mixed-use and mixed-income complete that the community is proud to have in their backyard. Residents living here have access to an on-site fitness center, community room, laundry facilities, a community kitchen and an on-site manager. There's also ground floor retail space to activate the area and increase walkability from the adjacent Long Island Railroad Train Station. The commercial uses have been leased to a local coffee shop, beauty and hair salons. As a result of a tenant feedback program,GGV added on site resident storage lockers and picnic tables to the green lawn in an effort to continually improve our communities and keep our residents happy. ii �H 008%have; ;. W on, $ was Of h>fi houNlq , comtnu111ty by dhx 1 1114 tr�ir► oPl w�riaad to luwP th4 cann11a11ty nwi in9,N(G4 nunwa and 1-7 fl � ars Thi`campUtfon of Sandy Hollow and �H + �%�pPh► foF many psopl4 to,be aW410 afiol ta►bw whin they work cn the East,", " -Southampton Town Saplirrism Jay Schneiderman / r GGV 29 SECTION, 3.0 / EXAMPLES Gansett Meadow: Modular Family Housing In East Hampton • $ 4M fnr►esarre in tho Tv�ln Qf East,Hampton. + 77, Part'nership'with'the East Hampton Housing Authority and Town of East,Hampion. eAmy State Houslnt Opportunity Protect located"in a census trAgwith,poverty rates below 10'x,/in a high performing school district. Transit-t7nlentatd;iDawelopment located 0.2 miles from theAmatgansettURR Station and located alongthe Suffolk Coun Transit Bus&Hampton ty pt Jitney Route. • 374init multi-femlly commwiity with a mix of one-, �dd'lo � � two,,three-and four-pedroom units. ��� j%r%%%j"' �� ��, uiiuiiui •' tfFicient modular construction tedmology. * Elegant townhome style buildings placed in a podw hamlet neighborhood. • On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant. GGV was selected by the East Hampton Housing Authority and Town of East Hampton to develop Gansett Meadow, a transit-oriented, mixed-income, multifamily, modular new construction development in a mixed-use neighborhood of Amagansett in Suffolk County,Long Island. The"as-of-right"site is located in an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone specifically enacted by the Town of East Hampton so "deserving citizens of the Town will be significantly assisted in finding adequate, convenient and affordable places to live, despite continually spiraling real estate values and housing costs"The site had been zoned and recommended for affordable housing since 1985 and is also located in a Housing Opportunity Project area as it is in a census tract with poverty rates below 10%in a high performing school district. The 4.66-acre site was currently vacant and now include 7 modular buildings that resemble the character of local townhouses placed in a pocket hamlet neighborhood.The site is conveniently located along Route 27A, the only high-capacity roadway in or out of the East End.It is situated directly east of the central business of the hamlet of Amagansett just steps from the Amagansett Long Island Railroad Station. GGV 30 SECTION 3.0 / EXAMPLES Riverview Lofts: Downtown Waterfront Revitalization s fir>tsforfaYn3�X1- se;rriix -irfcome stc:, rcouer project /ii"„iii, M����Z�t10010"d 301 4, O#, tlfetivenwa(i/. Homy; #, *V w1th grou�>tf6orspace an Main Str�f; ; ` ii�ir�fed l`a jf' msrt,Growtln Pro 'by LQ,n (sled Bwlsiriess News Riverview Lofts is a transformative multi-family, mixed-use and mixed-income development located in the heart of Downtown Riverhead that has brought character and life to the neighborhood.The new-construction,five-story building,including 116 income-restricted apartments and approximately 12,000 square feet of retail space, is currently under construction and replaces a Main Street storefront that has been vacant since the 1 devastation of Superstorm Sandy. The primary design challenge for Riverview Lofts was to create a building that would fit within the walkable Downtown context while being able to withstand periodic flooding. Proximity to the Peconic River,while offering spectacular views, places Riverview Lofts within a 100 year floodplain. The new,attractive retail space has brought new opportunities for both local business owners as well as residents living near the downtown. Riverview Lofts is the home of several placemaking retail destinations such as Peconic County Brewery, Empower Pilates & Personal Training, Mexicandy Ice Cream Shop, Casa Dorado Taqueria and Long Island Selfie Studio. Tenants of the building have on-site amenities including an open lobby,on-site property manager,a large community lounge with a kitchenette, a kids playroom and a fitness room. Residents have easy walkable access to essential goods and services and recreation within the downtown with the scenic views over the Peconic River. Riverview Lofts was awarded the Top Smart Growth Project by Long Island Business News. GGV 31 1 i ffi SECTION 4 QUALIFICATIONS s � o t 6 � p ._ d P f GGV 32 SECTION 4.A / AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS • Fordham University's College of Business Administration's Alumni Association Award • New York University's Real Estate Institute Dean's Graduate ry Fellowship • Merit Fellowship for Academic Excellence • Future Alumni Scholarship from New York University's Real Estate Institute • NYSAFAH(Upstate Project of the Year) • Vision Long Island(Smart Growth Award) Wilton , • National Development Corporation (Creative Financing Award) • Top Smart Growth Project for Riverview Lofts by Long Island Business News • Named one of New York's 10 Rising Stars in real estate by City &State New York. AdvmwhV at .iW NM HAMPTONS I ra^r�r�rrrr FOR ALL _ I` Mr. Gallo has been a speaker at events for the New York State Association for Affordable Housing ("NYSAFAH"), Vision Long Island, and the New York Chapter of The American Institute of Architects as well as community groups, municipalities, and private companies,including but not limited to: ��' � ' ' ^. • Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County • LEAS • Long Island Progressive Coalition �� �� ' 'ii &Ttfttttf APARTN I • NYS Association of Affordable Housing • Erase Racism SECTION 4.A / FINANCIAL CAPACITY Public and Private Financing GGV has experience in securing both public and private sources of development capital. We are confident in our ability to leverage internal and external financial resources to bring this project to fruition. Our team has a wealtl�, of,' knowledge in financial structuring and bringing several different sources to the table. GGV regularly brings between 4 and 9 sources of funding to Al finance each project through investor equity, private loans, mortgage financing and various public programs. We are f' committed to explore and exhaust all local,state and federal funding sources ensure we are able to meet the greatest extent of each project vision. GGV maintains strong relationships with nationally recognized equity and debt providers, including, but not limited to, Bank of America, Successful Leveraging JPMorgan Chase,Raymond James and Boston Financial. Over the past several years,GGV has had exceptional success in obtaining and utilizing a myriad of public and private sources of funds including,but not limited to: • Low-Income Housing Trust Fund("HTF") • Federal Housing Trust Fund("FHTF") • New York State Homes and Community Renewal New Construction Program("NCP") � i • Supportive Housing Opportunity Program("SHOP") • Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative("ESSHI") lt/ • Senior Housing Program("SHP") lr • Middle Income Housing Program("MIHP") NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development I f' HPD" • Governor's Office of Storm Recovery("CDBG") • Empire State Development RESTORE NY&Infrastructure %! Funds • Federal Home Loan Bank AHP("FHLB") • Brownfield Cleanup Program("BCP")Tax Credits • NYSERDA Funds • HOME Funds r • Public Housing Modernization Funds y • Office of Mental Health Subsidy("OMH") w G • Local Acquisition&Infrastructure Grants:Suffolk County, Nassau County,Westchester County " �r • Local IDA Tax Exemptions,Financing,and Incentives GGV34 SECTION 4.A / TALENT QUALIFICATIONS David Gallo, President David Gallo is the President of Georgica Green Ventures, LLC ("GGV"), a multifaceted real estate development company specializing in all aspects of affordable housing. GGV was founded on the principles that affordable housing has a place in all communities, and that diversity of race, age,and ethnicity that makes them stronger. Since 2012, GGV has created over 1,500 affordable housing units for New York families. These include e 1� projects specifically designed for formerly homeless y veterans, survivors of domestic violence, and seniors citizens. Our team has completed storm recovery projects, .. historic rehabilitations and gut renovations. We've also been early adopters of modular housing in our field. We im—mml r i" pride ourselves on our developments meeting the highest standards, specializing in transit-oriented locations, environmentally friendly construction,and common spaces He completed his Master of Science degree with honors at that build community. New York University and received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors from Fordham University. In 2002, he GGV completed the first affordable housing community in was awarded Fordham University's College of Business Southampton, providing family and workforce housing in Administration's Alumni Association Award. In 2004, he one of our nation's most expensive zip codes. As the need was the recipient of the New York University's Real Estate for affordable housing continues to grow, we have the Institute Dean's Graduate Fellowship and Merit Fellowship knowledge,experience and drive to meet the challenges of for academic excellence. In 2006, New York University's tomorrow with real innovation - reimagining affordable Real Estate Institute awarded Mr. Gallo the Future Alumni housing in ways that make communities and residents Scholarship. proud. Mr. Gallo has come to be the local leader in government tax credits and financing to create Mr. Gallo graduated from Harvard University Graduate developments that serve communities for generations. He School of Design's prestigious Advanced Management and is responsible for finding and overseeing future Development Program in Real Estate. He was recently development and acquisition opportunities, overseeing awarded the Top Smart Growth Project for Riverview Lofts current developments, and the restructuring of existing by Long Island Business News and was named one of New property debt. York's 10 Rising Stars in real estate by City & State New York. Mr. Gallo has been a speaker at events for the New York State Association for Affordable Housing ("NYSAFAH"), Mr. Gallo has served as President with the Italian Board of Vision Long Island, and the New York Chapter of The Guardians and the Hofstra Advisory Board. He is also the American Institute of Architects as well as community Treasurer and Leadership Committee member for the Long groups,municipalities,and private companies.Additionally, Island Coalition for the Homeless. Mr. Gallo has received awards from NYSAFAH (Upstate Mr. Gallo lives in Port Washington with his wife Melissa Project of the Year), Vision Long Island (Smart Growth and his two daughters, Estella and Audrey. He enjoys Award), and the National Development Corporation surfing and golfing. (Creative Financing Award). Mr. Gallo has also been honored by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of, Suffolk County,Long Island Progressive Coalition,NYS Association !i of Affordable Housing and Erase Racism. GGV 35 SECTION 4.A/ TALENT QUALIF C TIO S Matthew Ardito,Vice President of Georgica Green Ventures, LLC Mr.Ardito started at GGV at its inception in 2012 and is currently serving as the Vice President. Mr.Ardito manages financing complex deal structures and leads a team through pre-development approvals, design, construction, lease-up and project stabilization. With over 8 years of professional experience in the real estate industry,Mr.Ardito led his team through 15 finance closings,often combining four or more varying funding sources. He has expertise ranging from high-rise multifamily to town home style, mixed-use developments. Mr.Ardito graduated Dartmouth College with a B.A. in History. Allison Giosa-Ekbiom,Vice President of Development 4 Allison joined GGV in August 2017 and is currently the Vice President of Development. Allison is responsible for the implementation of pre-development due diligence for all projects from inception. She coordinates all applicable local approvals and environmental reviews in collaboration with our partners, design team and local municipalities. She has project'planning knowledge across several project types including workforce,supportive,senior,and multifamily.Allison is experienced in downtown revitalization projects, as well as transit-oriented, storm recovery, contaminated and/or Brownfield Cleanup Sites. She graduated from Seton Hall University with an M.S. in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Marketing and Management. Crystal Chan,Vice President of Design Crystal serves as the Vice President of Design at GGV, focusing on design strategies relating to placemaking, community impact and architecture opportunities within the framework of real estate. She has a strong design sensibility and detailed knowledge of the whole building process from entitlements through construction. Her previous roles include as Director of Design for Resia, a vertically-integrated workforce housing developer with 8,000 units pipeline across 3 states;Senior Associate and Commercial & Civic Practice Area leader at Perkins & Will in NYC; Managing Director at world-renowned Adjaye Associates NYC studio; and Senior Associate/Studio management leader at Gensler Los Angeles, Gensler DC and Koning Eizenberg in Santa Monica, CA. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from University of Southern California, Certificate in Real Estate from UCLA, and completed the Advanced Management in Real Estate program from Harvard Graduate School of Design. Casey Barnes,Chief Financial Officer Casey Barnes joined GGV in February of 2022 as the Chief Financial Officer overseeing all accounting and financial reporting functions for GGV's affiliates and portfolio of operating and development projects. Prior to joining GGV, Casey was the Chief Financial Officer at a boutique real estate company that specialized in low-income housing and retail across the US. Previously, Casey worked for Silverstein Properties Inc. as a Property Controller overseeing all property level budgeting, forecasting and financial reporting for Class A residential and commercial properties. He started his career in public accounting with Mazars USA(formerly Weiser LLP) in 2006 auditing various types of commercial and residential real estate companies,real estate management companies, REITs and real estate funds. Mr. Barnes received a B.S. in Accounting and Economics from LeMoyne College in 2006. GGV 36 SECTIO 4.A / GEORGICA CONSTRUCTION QUALIFICATIONS Established in 2017, Georgica Construction LLC ("GC") provides end-to-end construction services from pre-construction and planning through construction completion and certifications. GC has experience building modular and stick frame projects throughout New York State utilizing construction management software to issue bids and keep track of real time information with the rest of the project team. GC prides itself on managing a clean and safe construction site and our ability to finish projects on time and on budget. Specializing in public/affordable housing construction, GC is familiar with all New York State Housing Finance Agency, New York State Homes and Community Renewal and U.S. Department of �� " Housing and Urban Development applicable requirements and building codes. Georgica Construction staff is OSHA certified, CPR trained and completes annual site safety training. Daniel Gale,Vice President of Construction Daniel Gale joined Georgica Construction LLC in November of 2021, holding the position of Vice President of Construction, overseeing all construction projects across Long Island and Westchester. Prior to joining Georgica Construction LLC, Daniel was the Director of Construction for the Lefrak Organization, overseeing all construction projects across Manhattan,New Jersey,and the Tri State area.While employed in the Lefrak Organization for 20 years, Daniel built a variety of building sites including hotels,residential apartment buildings,condominiums,office buildings, medical centers, and schools. He started his career in architecture as an intern for the Battery Park City Authority. As an intern, he was involved in the building of the Holocaust Museum in Battery Park City and the rebuilding of the Esplanade connecting North Cove Link to Stuyvesant high school. Mr. Gale received a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture at the Pratt Institute of Technology and an Associate's Degree at New York University. // �i lri' 1 iii; i I{ h � r / � J GGV 37 i- SECTION 4.A / GEO GICA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS Georgica Property Management LLC CGPM") offers expertise and personalized techniques for managing your y • Accessible,responsive and friendly service property. Our management concept is founded on to tenants.and ownersliip.24/7. ' professionalism,integrity,accountability,and quality service ;.. • Create positive relationships with both that helps ensure maximum return from your investment owner and tenants fora community based while maintaining the highest standards in customer I" on trust and communication. service. • Twined staff to take care of most GPM is constantly interacting with the property, eventually ; maintenance situations,including knowing the building from top to bottom, and getting to y emergencies. know 'tenants on a first-name basis.We take pride in i o Set procedures to ensure all building and treating each building as if they were the owner in order to mechanical equipment is being properly improve effectiveness. ;: serviced and cared for. 1 • Cost-effective solutions and expert" GPM is the property manager for eight (8) affordable troubleshooting issues in a timely manner to housing developments out of GGV's seventeen (17) project minimize-disruptibh to tenants. portfolio. GPM expanded our property management l services to third party developments in 2022 when GPM won the RFP to be the property manager for Yardarm Beach Condominiums in Westhampton Beach. Gene Langon,Vice President Gene has dedicated his entire professional career to the housing field in key management positions for Whitney Management Corp., New York Quadel, Ruiz Asset Management and Georgica Property Management. He specializes in Mixed Use,HUD Assisted Housing,Rural Development, Low Income Housing Tax Credit and Conventional Housing programs. Gene has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business administration, holds certifications in Fair Housing,, UPCS Inspector, HUD Assistance Manager, Section 515 Housing and Tax Credit Compliance. He has also attended numerous housing training courses. Gene has experience in every aspect of managing large and small multi-family portfolios in various property types with diverse populations. Mr. Langon places an emphasis on a commitment to quality housing,creating a sense of community, and an environment people are proud to call home. Gene is known for his ability to arm owners with current, creative, and practical solutions. The 30 years of hands-on experience provides Gene with the ability to quickly analyze problems and implement effective changes. The results have repeatedly moved properties in default/listed as troubled to high cash flow with ratings at standard and superior. GPM staff have completed the following training certifications and courses: • Tax Credit/CPM Compliance Certifications • Annual Fair Housing Training •, IREM 101 • Occupancy Specialist Certification • Housing Management Occupancy Course Certified Credit Compliance • Managing Compliance in Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties a GGV38 V ` 8 a SECTIO 4.A/ HOUSING INITIATIVES LLC QUALIFICATIONS S Housing Initiatives is involved in the creation of affordable housing at all levels below market-rate. The company's reason for being is a belief in the fundamental need for safe, secure, and permanent housing as a base for building a productive life. There is also the macro-need to create economically diverse and stable communities. The principal of Housing Initiatives, Rona Smith, lives in Greenport. She has been involved in various issues related to housing for more than thirty years. She was the Managing Director of First London Group, developing high-end housing in London, England in the 1980s to 1990s, also developing and owning a boutique hotel in Dorset Square, London. Activities in New York included involvement in transitional housing for mothers exiting prison, needing to re-establish living with their children, in Coney Island, Brooklyn. Rona was also involved in the creation of housing for individuals aging out of foster care in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. In Southold, Rona has been deeply involved in several committees related to solving housing needs. She served on the Housing Advisory Commission from its inception in 2004 until 2019, serving as Chair. She was also a member of the Economic Development Committee, also serving as chair. Rona also was vice-chair of the Southold Local Development Board. Currently Rona serves on the executive committee of the Board of Directors of CAST. CAST, or the Center for Advocacy, Support, and Transformation, serves over 1,000 families in the Town of Southold. Rona Smith's background includes academic credentials and experience. She earned her BA from CUNY, her MA from NYU (1968) and PhD from NYU (1979), as well. Her MBA (1999) is from Columbia with a concentration in real estate finance. This education and training have offered crucial skills for problem solving and analysis. HOUSING INITIATIVES IIC �l off � 0 A I " : GGV 39 r SECTION 4.A / SBJG ARCHITECT QUALIFICATIONS RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL STEPNENWACOBSCaROUP Jennifer Cheuk,AiA, Principal Project Role: Principal-In-Charge Level BK 2 N 6th Street;Brooklyn,NY—Phase 2 of two-phase new community on Williamsburg Waterfront. New 40-story, Education: Bachelor of Architecture,1998, 600,0001 sf residential building in Williamsburg containing 540 Camegie Mellon University apartment units with tenant amenities such as fitness center Registration. Architect,NY 2004 and rooftop pool. Years Experience: 25 Years With Firm:25 The Edge,34 N 71h/22 N 6th Streets,Brooklyn,NY—Phase 1 of two-phase new community on Williamsburg Waterfront for new mixed-use complex consisting of over one million square Overview of Experience: feet of space on a 235,000-sf site.The project consists of 3 Ms.Cheuk's expertise is the design and protect management buildings with 566 market rate apartments, 347 affordable housing units, 60,000 sf of retail space, 509 below grade of complex, large-scale projects. Ms. Cheuk has extensive parking spaces, 1.75 acres of open space and a waterfront experience in site and zoning analysis of properties, and esplanade,and received LEED Gold Certification. understanding their full development potential. Ms.Cheuk Is involved in projects from conception throughout the 7W21, 7 West 21st Street, New YbA NY—New mixed-use construction and is always involved in the programming phase, development on a through-black site in the Ladies Mile Historic ensuring the requirements of all stakeholders are addressed. District consisting of two 18-story towers connected by ground She has managed projects for which SBJG is responsible for floor with landscaped courtyard roof. The development design, as well as leading projects when the fine serves as contains 289 apartments,8,200 sf of retail space,parking for Executive Architect in collaboration with Design Architects. 200 vehicles and tenant amenity spaces. Representative Projects: 325 FM Avenue,New York,NY—New 322,800 sf,50-story high rise containing 250 luxury condominiums, with below Sutton Tower,430 East 58th Street,New York,NY—New 65- grade parking,ground floor retail space a 10,000 sf amenities story 309,000 sf tower containing 121 one-to five+bedroom floor with pool and spa,and outdoor plaza which allowed for an ultra luxury condominiums. Five floors of amenities include increase in floor area. pool, fitness room, kids room, private dining room, theater, sport simulator,and game room. Hawthorn Park, 160 West 62nd Street,New York,NY-New 54-story, 339-unit residential tower containing 457,575 sf, 250 West 96th Sheet,New York;NY—New 22-story 278,000 across from Lincoln Center, with amenities such as indoor sf development containing 130 luxury condominiums. swimming pool and fitness center, and ground floor retail Amenities include 75'long lap pool,fitness room,squash court space. The building was developed with air rights from with basketball,teens room and kids room. adjoining properties. Trinity Commons, 74 Trinity Place, New York NY— New The Encore, 175 West 60M Street New York,NY—New 48- 300,000 sf,27-story,mixed-use tower. The lower eight floors story, 256-unit residential building consisting of 289,900 SF, of the building contain community space for Trinity Church and with ground floor commercial spaces, playroom, gym, and Include a parish center, cafe, gymnasium, classrooms for rooftop lap pool. The property was developed with zoning- children of all ages including music rehearsal space and arts development rights obtained from adjoining institutional studio,seminar rooms,and church offices.The upperfloors will properties. house commercial office space.The building was designed to meet LEED 4.0 certification. Crystal Green, 330 West 39th Street New York, NY—New 25-story, LEED certified residential building consisting of 200 Surf Vets Place,3003 West 21st Street Brooklyn,NY—Phase luxury apartments. 1 of multi-phase project on Coney Island Boardwalk.New 9- story, mooed-use building containing 135 supportive housing Emerald Green,320 East 38th Street New York,NY—New units for veterans developed in conjunction with the Concern 714,000 sf mixed-use development consisting of two 24-story for Independent Living and the NYC Department of Housing towers containing 569 apartments, ground floor retail space Preservation&Development. and below-grade parking.The building has achieved LEED certification. Raven Hall, 2006 Surf Avenue, Brooklyn, NY- Phase 2 of multi-phase project on Coney Island Boardwalk.New 20-story, Rlveerview Lofts,221 East Main Street Riverhead,NY—New mixed-use development consisting of 216 units of affordable 5-story, mixed-use development containing 118 residential housing, with a portion set aside for domestic violence units and ground-floor retail in the Downtown Riverhead survivors. The building is 225,500 gross sf with parking, Historic District,overlooking the Peconic River. l amenities,and 8,600 sf ground floor retail. 37.29 31st Street Long Island City, NY - New 7-story a residential complex with one building on 31s1 Street and another on 32nd Street with a landscaped courtyard in between. GV 40 i SECTION 4.A / SBJG ARCHITECT QUALIFICATIONS d RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL STEPHENWACOBSOROIUP Jennifer Cheuk,AIA, Principal The project consists of 74 apartments and includes commercial tenant spaces amenities and an underground parking garage. Responsibilities Include engineering systems coordination, firing and approval process with.The Department of Buildings, and construction documents. 38-20 Parsons Boulevard, Flushing, NY — New 7-story residents] complex located in the heart of the Flushing neighborhood.. The 305,000 SF building consists of 176 apartments, community facility tenant space, amenities and two levels of below-grade parking. 11 Garden Street, New Rochelle, NY — New 21-story, 285,000-sf residential building providing 219 workforce housing units. Building includes a 10,000 SF incubator space, parking garage for 176 cars, and interior and exterior amenities. Dogwood Terrace Apartments, Martha Place, Franklin Square,NY—The subject site is an existing affordable senior development that will be demolished in phases in order to construct the new project, consisting of one 4-story building that will contain a minimum of 104 units constructed of wood- framed modular apartments. Laurel Homes,72 Laurel Street,Roslyn,NY—New affordable housing development consisting of eight new 2-story multifamily buildings,sited In a similar fashion as the existing site plan,for a total of 74 apartments.The multifamily buildings are constructed of wood-framed modular units constructed off- site and delivered for Installation on-site. The site was demolished and installed in phases to accommodate the existing families within the community during construction.A wood framed community building built on-site centers the development. 6 Manhattan Avenue Apartments, Manhattan Avenue, Greenurgh, NY — An affordable senior development, consisting of one 3-story building that contains 70 units constructed of wood-framed modular apartments. Three Mlle Harbor Road,286&290 Three Mile Harbor Road, Bast Hampton,NY—Five new 2-story multifamily buildings for a 60-mit affordable housing development in the Town of East Hampton.Buildings are constructed of wood-framed modular units. Garvies Point Building G,500 and 700 Dickson Street Glen Cove,NY—Two new 4-story residential buildings providing 55 units of workforce housing,91 parking spaces and amenities which include a community room, exercise room, and children's playroom. BYOB Bagel Shop, 3003 West 21st Street Brooklyn, NY— Interior fit-out for 1,860 gsf retail space In new Surf Vet's Place mixed-use development. G Central Park Tower, 215 West 571h St,New York,NY—Fit- out itout of 7,840 sf apartment occupying an entire floor of a new 100-story,mixed-use building. GV 41 t A , p ° 09...I Y 6 II YI I SECTION • p�.... • P ( N r. „ APPENDIX i „ 4 I P to ^i 4 4 Y B r b GGV42 Support Letters Pamela D.Panzenbeck Phone: (516)676-2000 Mayor Fax: (516)676-0108 r www.glencoveny.gov CRY OF GLEN COVE City Hall 9 Glen Street Glen Cove, NY 11542-4106 August 11, 2022 RE: Georgica Green Ventures, LLC (GGV) To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as a recommendation from the City of Glen Cove on behalf of Georgica Green Ventures, LLC (GGV). GGV, in partnership with RXR, is currently under construction on Garvies Point Block G, a 55-unit, affordable housing community that is an integral part of the larger Garvies Point Waterfront Revitalization Effort. GGV's "Block G" has been carefully designed to complement the neighboring homes and the City's larger Master Planning efforts. Throughout the approval process and construction, GGV has demonstrated their commitment to meaningful collaboration and their bandwidth to secure a variety of financing sources from Nassau County and New York State to undertake the project. The City of Glen Cove fully supports GGV's efforts in developing similar projects and looks forward to future partnerships. Sincerely, Pamela D. Panenbec , Mayor City of Glen Cove f i GV 43 Support Letters a East Hampton Housing Authority P.O.Box 2106 East Hampton,New York 11937-0241 T61631329-7427 fox 631/329-5830 Kevin Warren Arthur Goldman Chair Member Amado Oiiiz Marian Zucker Treasurer Member Joseph O'Connell Candace-Julimma Wilkerson SC—tiffy, Member To Whom It May Concern: August 11,2022 Please accept this letter as a recommendation for and on behalf of Georgica Green VenUrres,LLC. The East Hampton Housing Authority has been working with GGV for six years on two projects. In partnership with the East Hampton Housing Authority GGV completed Gansett Meadow in Amagansett in 2020 amid unprecedented logistical challenges and is currently constructing Three Mile Harbor in East Hampton North. These two communities will help ease the housing crisis in East Hampton Town and on Long Island,but there is much more work to be done. Both Gansett Meadow and Throe Mile Harbor demonstrate the shared goals of the East Hampton Housing Authority,Town of East Hampton,Suffolk County and New York State with regard to providing a diverse,high qualify,housing stock. Gansett Meadow beautifully reflects the aesthetic of Amagansett and East Hampton environs. The Three Mile Harbor design has the same respect for the local,architectural vernacular and existing residents of the area. Continuing„to invest in local communities on Long Island strengthens neighboring communities and promotes long-terra economic growth in the region as a whole. The GGV team has demonstrated their commitment to meaningful collaboration and their capacity to secure the necessary financing to complete and deliver high quality,sustainable,and attainable community housing developments on Long Island.They are our valued and trusted partners. East Hampton Housing Authority frilly supports GGV's efforts in developing similar projects in neighboring communities. What lifts one,lifts us all. Thank you for your consideration. 9 Yours truly*C7 Catherine Mive Director � e GGV Support Letters AUTHORITYNORTHHEMPSTEAD HOUSING A1anTqS,4 Wand OwnerafATv,1h H r�aXtead Howng Demlojrund Iimoo led HA899 Broadway,Suite 121,Westbury,NY 11590 TELEPHONE(516)627-6433 FAX(516)627-8476 MATTHEW CUOMO,CHAIRMAN ARTHUR J.SMITH SEAN T.RAINEY.PHM TRACI S.CAINES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALAN COOPER,Ph.D 3 MATTIE MCCLOUD DESIREE WOODSON August 11,,2022 To Whom It May Concern: The Town of North Hempstead Housing Authority is pleased to provide the following letter of recommendation for Georgica Green Ventures,LLC. I worked with Georgica Green Ventures, LLC and Mr. David Gallo on three (3) beautiful, high-quality,sustainable affordable housing communities in the Town of North Hempstead— Pond View Homes,The homestead&Laurel Homes. From gut rehabilitations, intensive relocation plans and new construction, GGV has been a committed and collaborative partner to the housing authority.Mr. David Gallo and the GGV team have repeatedly demonstrated their integrity and ability to secure multiple sources of financing. The North Hempstead Housing Authority wishes to express our full support for GGV,and we are confident in their ability to deliver high quality housing across New York State. i Feel free to contact my office at(516) 627-6433 if you have any questions. Si { S i Executive Director 45 Support Letters ankofAmerica Merrill Lynch One Bryant Park Mail Stop NY1-100-35-01 New York,NY 10036 Erin Galligan Senior Vice President Phone:(646)743-0442 Fax:804-264-0449 erin.galligan®baml.com September 6,2022 To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to provide a letter of recommendation for Mr.David Gallo and the Georgics Green Ventures,LLC(GGV)team. Bank of America has worked with GGV on multi-family housing developments located in Brooklyn and the City of New Rochelle in New York State. Bank of America has provided over$200 million in construction financing and/or equity investments to create over 500 units of affordable housing in New York. Our office has reviewed GGV's financial statements. We remain eager to do business with the GGV team given their expertise,professionalism and high business integrity. On behalf of Bank of America,I wish to offer my full support to Mr.David Gallo and the GGV team. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. i Thank you, Sincerely, Erin Galligan Bank of America,N.A. GGV 46 4 a Support Letters ... ... .......... 0 August 22,2022 Matthew Schatz Vice President—Senior Relationship Manager TD Bank One Vanderbilt, 14`h Floor New York,NY 10017 To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to provide a letter of recommendation for Mr.David Gallo and the Georgica Green Ventures,LLC (GGV)team. I have had the pleasure of working with the GGV team for over 10 years. TD Bank has worked with GGV on multi-family housing developments located in Watertown,City of Glen Cove,East Hampton, Southampton, and Riverhead New York. Each transaction had its own nuance and complication and the GGV team is adept at dealing with issues as they arise while maintaining excellent communication and transparency. TD Bank has committed over$80 million in construction loans and/or letter of credits to facilitate the creation of 324 units of affordable housing in New York State for GGV and would certainly welcome the opportunity to do more with the organization. Our office has frequently reviewed GGV's financial statements and can attest to their good financial standing and high business integrity. a On behalf of TD Bank, I wish to offer my full support to Mr.David Gallo and the GGV team. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 845-536-7429 or at matthew.schatz@td.com. Thank you, Matthew Schatz Ni GGV 47 4 rc Support Leers R3 August 11, 2022 To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to provide a letter of recommendation for Mr. David Gallo and the Georgica Green Ventures,LLC (GGV) team. Raymond James has worked with GGV to create multi-family housing developments located across New York State. Most recently, we provided the equity investment for Three Mile Harbor, a 50-unit affordable housing development located in the Town of East Hampton. Raymond James and GGV have had'several successful partnerships and committed capital for over 400 muti-family apartments. GGV has proven to be a reliable firm with integrity and a strong financial standing. On behalf of Raymond James, I wish to offer my full support to Mr. David Gallo and the GGV team. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Thank you, 9 a Darryl Seavey Managing Director Northeast Region Raymond James Tax Credit Funds, Inc. GGV48 Support Letters CE D August 121" 2022 Lisa Meyer Fertal Executive Director East End Disability Associates, Inc. 107 Roanoke Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 To Whom It May Concern: It is with great enthusiasm and support that East End Disability Associates(EEDA) endorses Georgica Green Ventures, LLC (GGV). GGV has been a great partner to the EEDA team and has helped us to further our goal to provide housing and services to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Riverview Lofts. We have found Mr. Gallo and the GGV team to be highly skilled professionals who have delivered an exceptional building to the residents of Riverhead and Suffolk County. We can attest to their professionalism and their care delivering the highest quality housing. EEDA fully supports GGV's efforts in developing similar projects and looks forward to future partnerships. "R Thank you, GGV 49 OUR PARTNERS BANKS / LENDERS MUNICIPALITIES NOT-FOR-PROFIT BANK OF AMERICA TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON PARTNERS MERRILL LYNCH Jay Schneiderman � Erin Galligan Supervisor NORTH HEMPSTEAD HOUSING AUTHORITY Senior Vice President 631-283-6055 646-743-0442 Sean T.Rainey Executive Director TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON 516-627-6433 TD BANK Peter Van Scoyoc Matthew Schatz Supervisor SOUTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Vice President,Commercial Real Estate 631-324-4140 212-651-2717 Curtis Highsmith,Jr. TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Executive Director Yvette Aguiar 631-488-4220 JPMORGAN CHASE Supervisor Jane Silverman 631-727-3200 EAST HAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Executive Director, Community Development Banking Catherine Casey 212-270-2939 NASSAU COUNTY Executive Director Kevin Crean 631-329-7427 Director,Office of Community CAPITAL ONE Development FREEPORT HOUSING AUTHORITY Desiree Francis 516-572-1916 John Hrvatin Head of Community Finance Executive.Director Capital One 516-623-2508 SUFFOLK COUNTY Sarah Lansdale REGIONS Commissioner of Planning Mary Dorn O'Connor 631-853-5191 NEW DESTINY HOUSING CORP. Nicole Branca 516-869-7478 Executive Director 646-472-0262 SYNDICATORS CONCERN FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING y Ralph Fasano RAYMOND JAMES FOR-PROFIT A Executive Director Darryl SeavyPARTNERS 631-750-2201 VP&Managing Director 727-567-1000 RXR REALTY Darryi.Seavy@raymondjames.com Joanne Miniri RISEBORO Chief Operating Officer Scott Short BOSTON FINANCIAL 212-715-6118 Chief Executive Officer Robert Charest 718-821-0254 Senior Vice President 617-488-3530 GLENWOOD MANAGEMENT rob.charest@bfim.com Carole Pittelman EAST END DISABILITY ASSOC. 212-535-0500 Lisa Meyer Fertal CREA Chief Executive Officer Neala Martin 631-369-7345 Senior Vice President,Acq. ISTAR 317-634-4797 Gabriel Randall I nmartln@creallc.com SVP,Land&Development 212-405-4559 GGV50 o , . r � � s RestltrarO �n"re attonalChurc ��n� /i / ow�srt /001, � � �� ashington Avenue T m t "' �� MQe�s ane v/atef TO l M� ka np�ll ���i�i/// L1PA Peak Generalor� h II[,rl I n� ED Cube Smart.. Honoh�s Lan Id a S vll•fulsl�nJ" Southold Fl,e Dlsfsrt Recycle Center %viii%// s;�'� fts Il%,�^° Dept,, r IU; C_Mohr Landscaping �' �, High��a,y Toer QD " .�°� ^Gaiw�B� k''° Piootl8t�r9�uf� -wwG'.";' tWusfpPn �Cu��Ear Ire"w� Hstl m t ; 4WPP71w01o k tR y ft➢osaN u a � y GC1&Co�4 llsd rg-O tit v' T„ , CtrtttlsIfl L.tul7ll'rnl °';, Lau4lStone Supply 4' t - a�,�li'�'�11,�0)���!✓I N, L�urr,l ,�av