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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilver Sands Holdings I, LLC (2) Glenn Goldsmith,President %®F SO Town Hall Annex �®� ®�® 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone (631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples y® Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 6, 2023 Michael A. Kimack P.O. Box 1047 Southold, NY 11971 RE: SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC 1100 SILVERMERE ROAD, GREEN PORT SCTM#: 1000-47-2-14 Dear Mr. Kimack: In response to your request dated October 4, 2023, the Board of Trustees reviewed your request to cut down the one dead tree that is problematic and shown in photographs provided by you which is located on the above-mentioned property, which tree was seen by Trustee Liz Gillooly. The Board of Trustees determined that the dead tree may be removed at this time. No permit will be required in order to remove this tree. ' Any other activity within 100' of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, r G enn Goldsmith 4uX President, Board of Trustees GG/dd Glenn Goldsmith, President ��®� SO& Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ®V ��'® 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly a� Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 COUNTI,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: INSPECTED BY: Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE � `rte R&Mo✓i4�. Pre-construction, haybale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1 st day of construction Y2 constructed Project complete, compliance inspection COMMENTS: 1 Ir'C'WlG Je l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Q I 400 Oslraidpr Av ,Rk.,,Na.Yark 11901 N � 7 Lot.aminasos rax.6sl.nTo144 � I '/ I I I 1 I / / etlfnVagavngongtreering.aom f j �7(Jp/ / Lm! [RFE ' 1H LD Rebar!O.T®t,ArURect �---------- 1 w ---�---- `. Areberl5vpmkl,ArchltecL I- —__—tort Oe II SITE DATA I 1 ___J . I� --_-- . ' ___ � 1 •`tl�� 1 i i i •SCiM N0.1000-07.2-13 z 24.196 SQ.FT. I , I I �Z§, I I f / •SCTM NO.1000-07-2-14 =70,070 5Q.Fr. noW ar f I o 1 f •SCTM NO.1000.47-2-18 v 88,340 5 FT, Douglas ORyerd Eleeo �'�4 na..rfo mrrly i SOUffIoId T04dfi Q. I I °"T`f Thomas R.Shear n d % � E Board of Trustees Wanda sue ShmAn �`—'� 'o• a N89'53'4f $ I 00" ao 187-001— 586°15. i E 123.77' t 11rP f jl. I Pagap m L04i f WOODS f, 1 �'r SCTMNO.IOW47.2-15 O 14"CALIPER ' I' �__�--- —LofD j SCTMNO.IW617-2-14 • ry� f TO BE REOVED ° I ' r lrr- f MARSH I � r, ttpl 1 O aTp,� h , �i14' O•AL ' -- f I I Lat7 °�! 'i t as f°•nnl•Ar ® b o' o /nw}tng at �� toNc 011 f U, wp7 WOODS I `i, : lb�5'1 i — D a LIT I LT; I ti G v , I F LorR i 3 J ° IlT _ torp �'wass I Ia;;.(�� w• ,; I LIT sj �_-� l IW aS ear 1� N gyg d` esw as ynt• 5 eta• �5 me I tuner atI, tss I pq L a b ! LIT y,F •N4' I ii 3SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION gra HEREBYCHITIFYTOHILVER HANDS HDL .'J: DINtN 1,LLC, _ FIRST AMERICAN TITLE5COMPANY&ONLINE I Wr HTRACT,LTD.7HATTFOS SURVEY WAS PREPA DANCE y,Y _.a :rte....._- +.. 8},, - up l _ ...— .. .-�._[___.. .. WIIYI ISO Wap OFPRACIILEFOR LAND SURVEYS j ORK 76q 3y it 35 F oq er �Ar 'i4� J qy g3 X41 } o-' 4 I STATEA Oa AnbNOFPROFESSIONAL LAND' 'r I ..— _ p in I n C f•' wepoora I 'l+�.i'' SCTMN0.1000.Q-2d9 o Sam NO.10100047- 14 Wa I y��,// Cam 6w 1 3 letC -aI 6 _ a I eo,• ra �� _l 2S 4s 'A u I I oaawc • 1' HOWARD W.YOUN aMN -0B,R LS.NO. 4C, c�J/ I 'S sora S0.1000 .2-13 I 1 F LAND F-"----- `e I u m• wpap� SURVEY FOR `�=__ SILVER SANDS HOLDINGS I, LLC I ____------- iA wow•^t atGreenport,Town of Southold q County,New York T I CERTIFIED SURVEY Lt is xw�a % I II, Z57t .p I V LEGEND /'' j� na• III�Ia. I b�Z1gW S?3 tib z88o3'37'W •y•.cII1AR EHmANCE 1000 47 2 13 6 J �I II 723' p0 g7� 564°38'OTW CH •aaMNEv 1000 47 2 14 0 / ,�bk3 wpr I gb•.pEa' 4F vOUWLIMCHF8xE C."T.Mw tx t 1000 s«u°,.47 a« 2 bl 15 OAS CONCRETE MONUMENT SET MAP PREPARED 26.48' OAF v CONCRETEMONUMENTFOUN) FIELD SURVEY COMi1tTED OCT.28,2021 DEWALK CP CONatETE PAVEMENT MAY 17,2022 Y 3� yT�95 7 DIS °CONMM.DRAIN,41EAEINEET Record of Revisions �'• rrtlDnaaPls.eeomau ow 4y� wnp rut.slnnmaraiy'jWnan G r E07 v ED6EOFND MREYISIaREVISIONDATE 3 �` a* 5 Pyf`S�OlYl on v ENPPIPE FOU OSTF01UM OL v ON PROPERTY LINE Aw v REAR 6 CAPD FOUND OVER AD °WOOOD PENCE E S79.51'17°W ffi WMR v WAaMETER y51' WSP .WOOD STAKE FOUND ' 25.99' � .WOODUTn b 0 10 40 so 120 y . POLE FIRE HYDRANT Scale;V=40' •END OF DIRECrIOWDISTANCE ,TOB NO.=.0267 i DW6.3021.O267_gr1 1 OF 1 Av� •�7r'z• I S,f� I ���y�ct �'1..�kyr_� ,.,.J�• 'r'� ':ht"_d ,tcc' ,9� i? 7 7- 40 •� i L \`"'� � t r, •a s+� a ,+ `.yi""�-y`�� t.� t -W'1C r r,, f �� �- .; � �" /�C)p �•� �.±`�- _ r 1� l r by «� � f - s ..� ��� t �'�% "'il'i� .i w ' •"'�tib. � �,�� ��`). 1 .:rte•, v' rr�- � - - '_ � `-'� TTT,<4, �;�``` '•� �: �_t�r. �. r• '" .•, , 113 a � .�' .. _ �r •' r L •.E.c )' .3' .s ��� 2023110 / 03 Q9 : 9 r , .a r. Y •�Y 7 Town Hall Annex Glenn-Goldsmith,President �f 54375 Route-26 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O. Box 1179 Eric S'epeiioski -Southold,New Ydrk 11971 Liz Gillooly ; Elizabeth Pee les Telephone(631) 765-1892 p Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r-o r 14 This Section For Office Use Oily Coastal Erosion Pennit Application Pr Wetland.Per7nitApplication �� € 'i Administrative Permit Amendment/.Transfer/Extension OCT — Q 20 i Received.Application: 23 Received Fee; Completed Application: so iho!d Trywil Incomplete Board o;r,�� :es SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Negative Dec. Positive Dec. Lead Agency Determination Date: Coo'rdination:(date sent): LWRP Consistency Assessment Form-Sent: CAC Referral Sent: Date of,inspection: Receipt of CAC Report Technical Review: Public Hearing Held:' Resolution:. Owner(s) Legal Name of Property (as shown on.Deed): ,J ���q,IL/��"/y1%/j/(�,S/ [�[� Mailing Address: �l ,1' Al ,97, Phone Number: Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - Property Location:: (If necessary, provide.LILCO.Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT(If applicable)1 �G Mailing Address:: p01 Phone Number: %6 0 8A' Email.;;_��1 ,a ?� J��R/. /1!,5 Board of Trustet Application GENERAL DATA Land Area(in square feet): = _ �_� _/9 4i 9 Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes No If"Yes", please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? Yes &No If"Yes",be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals? =Yes No If"Yes", please provide copy of decision. his projectM7710 demolition,as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes Does.the structure(s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? Yes=No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date 5Y�712a2� ❑ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? No_L]_Yes' If yes, provide explanation: Project Description(use attachments if necessary):