HomeMy WebLinkAboutRcvd 12/13/2023 - SCDHS Approved Technical Specifications 56655 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD., • OF • • SUFFOLK • YORK PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ENCLAVES SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OF � SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES REW OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT These documents have been reviewed and are found to be in compliance with Suffolk County Sanitay Code requirements based upon information submitted by the applicant. t Approved as Noted 092523 �✓ Approved as Submitted 12/13/23 Steve Churchill APPROVAL DATE REVIEW ENGINEER PREPARED BY: P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer& Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Ave.,Suite 7 Bohemia, NY 11716 Phone: 631-589-6353 NOVEMBER1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION O1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION O1 1100- SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION 0126 00-MODIFICATION PROCEDURES SECTION 0126 63 -CHANGE ORDERS SECTION 0129 00-APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT SECTION 0129 73 - SCHEDULE OF VALUES SECTION 013100-PROJECT MEETINGS AND COORDINATION SECTION 0133 00- SUBMITTALS SECTION 01 41 00-REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS SECTION 0142 00-REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS SECTION 0145 00-QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 01 45 29-TESTING LABORATORY SERVICE SECTION O1 51 00-TEMPORARY UTILITES SECTION 0160 00-MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SECTION 0160 63 -PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS SECTION O1 73 29-CUTTING AND PATCHING SECTION O1 75 00- STARTING AND ADJUSTING SECTION O1 77 00-CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES SECTION O1 78 23 -OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SECTION O1 78 39-PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS DIVISION 02-EXISTING CONDITIONS SECTION 02 00 00-EXISTING CONDITIONS SECTION 02 08 00-PIPED UTILITIES-BASIC MATERIALS AND PIPED METHODS SECTION 02 81 00-WASTE MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 03 -CONCRETE SECTION 03 30 00-CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03 40 00-PRECAST CONCRETE DIVISION 04-MASONRY SECTION 04 20 00-UNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES DIVISION 05-METALS SECTION 05 10 00-REINFORCING STEEL SECTION 05 50 00-METAL FABRICATIONS DIVISION 06-WOOD,PALSTCIS, AND COMPOSITS SECTION 06 1143 -WOOD BLOCKING AND CURBING DIVISION 07-THERMO AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07 53 10-EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING SECTION 07 62 00- SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM DIVISION 08-OPENINGS SECTION 08 1100-FRP DOORS AND FRAMES SECTION 08 7100-FINISHED HARDWARE SECTION 08 9100-LOUVERS AND VENTS DIVISION 09-FINISHES SECTION 09 9100-PAINTING DIVISION 22-PLUMBING SECTION 22 10 00 -VALVES SECTION 22 1100-FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION 23 -MECHANICAL SECTION 23 07 13 -MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION DIVISION 26-ELECTRICAL SECTION 26 00 00-ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 31 -EARTHWORK SECTION 3100 00-EARTHWORK SECTION 3123 16-EXCAVATION SECTION 3123 23 -GRADING SECTION 3123 33 -TRENCHING AND BACKFILL SECTION 3125 00-EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SECTION 3141 00- SHORING DIVISION 32-SITE WORK SECTION 32 31 13 -CHAIN LINK FENCE SECTION 32 50 00-ASPHALT PAVING SECTION 32 60 00-TOPSOIL PLACEMENT SECTION 32 70 00-TURFS AND GRASSES SECTION 32 90 00-PLANTINGS DIVISION 44-POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT SECTION 44 30 10-PROCESS EQUIPMENT DIVISION 45-SANITARY SEWER SECTION 45 10 00-PIPPING SECTION 45 20 00-MANHOLES AND LEACHING STRUCTURES SECTION 45 30 00-CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SECTION 45 40 00-HOUSE CONNECTIONS, RISERS, AND CLEANOUT ASSEMBLY SECTION O1 11 00-SUMMARY OF WORK 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS 1. Drawings and General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SITE LOCATION a. Work shall be performed at the proposed Enclaves (AVG) site. Located at 56655 Route 25, Southold,New York. 1.3 DESCRIPTION AND GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK The following is a general description of the scope of work required of this contract to furnish and install new treatment facilities for the WMV Sewage Treatment Plant. The Following scope of work is included in this contract: 1. Furnish and Install the following new treatment equipment and facilities: A. Furnish and install new gravity sewer system including manholes,piping,etc. B. Furnish and install new influent / equalization pump station complete with dual submersible pumps,control panel,precast concrete wet well,etc. C. Furnish and install new mechanical screen,concrete support slab complete with all power wiring, control panel,controls,sensors,etc. D. Furnish and install new constant head / splitter box, associated piping and concrete supports. E. Furnish and install new poured in place reinforced concrete support slab for BESST sewage treatment plant. F. Furnish and install new BESST sewage treatment plant complete with stainless steel tanks, clarifiers, diffusers, pumps, mixers, process piping, controls, and hatch tank enclosures, etc. G. Furnishing and installing three (3) new positive displacement blowers, with new air piping, valves and fittings, and including inlet and outlet silencers, filters, control valves and sound attenuating enclosures. H. Furnishing and installing new odor control treatment system comprised of media canisters,blower fan,interior and exterior piping, etc. I. Furnish and install new STP motor control center. (Provided by STP Manufactuer). Installation of conduits,power feeders and control circuits. J. Furnish and install new STP control building complete to be constructed of split face block, precast concrete plank roof, EPDM roofing system, louvers, fans, partition walls, bathroom, laboratory area,blower and odor control room, lights, receptacles, foundation, etc. 12/20/2022 01 11 00- Summary of Work.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 K. Furnish and install site lighting, fence, plantings, asphalt paving, manhole, leaching structures and all related electrical components. 2. Provide the following documentation: A. Provide Adobe PDF files of all required shop drawings. (Shop Drawings will be returned in Adobe PDF file format) B. One (1) copy of redline construction drawings showing the as built locations of mechanical and electrical equipment including piping and electrical circuits and devices installed and removed. END OF SECTION O1 1100 12/20/2022 01 11 00- Summary of Work.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 0126 00-MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing contract modifications. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section 01 33 00 "Submittals" provides for the requirements for the Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Division 1 Section 01 29 00 "Applications for Payment" provides for administrative procedures governing applications for payment. 1.3 MINOR CHANGES 1N THE WORK A. The ENGINEER will issue supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work,not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. 1.4 CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL REQUESTS A. AVG-Initiated Proposal Requests: The ENGINEER will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that will require adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1. Proposal requests issued by the ENGINEER are for information only. Do not consider them as an instruction either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. 2. Within 20 days of receipt of a proposal request, submit an estimate of cost necessary to execute the change to the ENGINEER for AVG's review. a. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested,furnish survey data to substantiate quantities b. Indicate applicable taxes,delivery charges,equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. c. Include a statement indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will have on the Contract Time. B. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: When latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, the Contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to the ENGINEER. 1. Include a statement outlining the reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and Contract Time. 12/20/2022 01 26 00-Modification Procedures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 3 2. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs,with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested,furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges,equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4. Comply with requirements in Section "Product Substitutions" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for a product or system specified. 1.5 ALLOWANCES A. Allowance Adjustment: For allowance-cost adjustment, base each Change Order Proposal on the difference between the actual purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by the final measurement of work-in-place. Where applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolASLces, mixing wastes,normal product imperfections,and similar margins. 1. Include installation costs in the purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. 2. When requested,prepare explanations and documentation to substantiate the margins claimed. 3. Submit substantiation of a change in scope of work claimed in the Change Orders related to unit-cost allowances. 4. AVG reserves the right to establish the actual quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey,measure,or count. B. Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the purchase order amount or the Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. Submit claims within 21 days of receipt of the Change Order or Construction Change Directive authorizing work to proceed. AVG will reject claims submitted later than 21 days. 1. Do not include the Contractor's or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order cost amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of work has changed from what could have been foreseen from information in Contract Documents. 2. No change to the Contractor's indirect expense is permitted for selection of higher or lower-priced materials or systems of the same scope and nature as originally indicated. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. Construction Change Directive: When AVG and the Contractor disagree on the terms of a Proposal Request, the ENGINEER may issue a Construction Change Directive. The Construction Change Directive instructs the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work,for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. The Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of the change in the Work. It also designates the method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1. After completion of the change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. 1.7 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES A. Upon AVG's approval of a Proposal Request, the ENGINEER will issue a Change Order for signatures of AVG and the Contractor. 12/20/2022 01 26 00-Modification Procedures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0126 00 12/20/2022 01 26 00-Modification Procedures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 0126 63—CHANGE ORDERS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 POLICY A. Authority for approval and execution of a Change Order shall be assigned by the Owner(herein described as the"AVG"). B. In no instance will work covered by the authorization to proceed or change order be started, or a change in the contract be made without an authorization to proceed or change order being first prepared in accordance with this procedure. 1.2 PROCEDURE A. The Contractor shall determine the necessity for preparing a Change Order, governed by the contract and standard specifications. This will include a description of the work to be performed, changed, modified or added,and the reasons for the work to be added to or deleted from the contract. B. The Contractor shall submit the Change Order to the ENGINEER for approval. C. AVG and the ENGINEER shall determine if the Change Order shall be approved or disapproved. D. If the Change Order is approved, an Authorization to Proceed will be issued. E. If the Change Order is not disapproved,the disapproved Change Order will be returned to the Contractor. 1.3 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED A. The Contractor shall obtain necessary verbal or written approval prior to start of additional work by direct contact with AVG and the ENGINEER to assure participation and concurrence. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0126 63 12/20/2022 01 26 63- Change Orders.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 1 SECTION 0129 00-APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. B. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements governing each prime contractor's Applications for Payment. 1. Coordinate the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment with the Contractor's Construction Schedule, Submittal Schedule,and List of Subcontracts. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section. 1. Schedules: The Contractor's Construction Schedule and Submittal Schedule are specified in Division 1 Section"Submittals." 1.3 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of the Contractor's Construction Schedule. B. Coordination: Each prime Contractor shall coordinate preparation of its Schedule of Values for its part of the Work with preparation of the Contractors'Construction Schedule. I. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative schedules and forms, including: a. Contractor's Construction Schedule. b. Application for Payment forms,including Continuation Sheets c. List of subcontractors. d. Schedule of allowances. e. Schedule of alternates. f. List of products. g. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. h. Schedule of submittals. 2. Submit the Schedule of Values to the ENGINEER at the earliest possible date but no later than 7 days before the date scheduled for submittal of the initial Applications for Payment. 12/20/2022 01 29 00- Applications for Payment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 3. Subschedules: Where Work is separated into phases requiring separately phased payments, provide subschedules showing values correlated with each phase of payment. C. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish the format for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: a. Project name and location. b. Name of the ENGINEER. c. Project number. d. Contractor's name and address. e. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or Division. b. Description of Work. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders(numbers)that affect value. g. Dollar value. h. Percentage of Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent,adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Break principal subcontract amounts down into several line items. 4. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar;the total shall equal the Contract Sum. 5. Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment, purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. Include requirements for insurance and bonded warehousing,if required. 6. Provide separate line items on the Schedule of Values for initial cost of the materials, for each subsequent stage of completion,and for total installed value of that part of the Work. 7. Unit-Cost Allowances: Show the line-item value of unit-cost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by the measured quantity. Estimate quantities from the best indication in the Contract Documents. 12/20/2022 01 29 00- Applications for Payment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 8. Margins of Cost: Show line items for indirect costs and margins on actual costs only when such items are listed individually in Applications for Payment. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include the total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit margin for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values or distributed as general overhead expense, at the Contractor's option. 9. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values prior to the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. 1.4 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by the ENGINEER and paid for by the AVG. 1. The initial Application for Payment, the Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and the final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. B. Payment-Application Times: Each progress-payment date is indicated in the Agreement. The period of construction Work covered by each Application for Payment is the period indicated in the Agreement. C. Payment-Application Times: The date for each progress payment is the 15th day of each month. The period covered by each Application for Payment starts on the day following the end of the preceding period and ends 15 days prior to the date for each progress payment. D. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on the form. Include notarization and execution by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the Contractor. The ENGINEER will return incomplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and the Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. 2. include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued prior to the last day of the construction period covered by the application. E. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanics liens from subcontractors, sub-subcontractors and suppliers for the construction period covered by the previous application. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested,prior to deduction for retainage,on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers. 3. The AVG reset ves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payment with the Contractor's waiver of mechanics lien for the period of construction covered by the application. a. Submit final Applications for Payment with or preceded by final waivers from every entity involved with performance of the Work covered by the application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. 12/20/2022 01 29 00- Applications for Payment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 5. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms,and executed in a manner,acceptable to the AVG. F. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals, that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment,include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. List of principal suppliers and fabricators. 3. Schedule of Values. 4. Contractor's Construction Schedule(preliminary if not final). 5. Schedule of principal products. 6. Schedule of unit prices. 7. Submittal Schedule(preliminary if not final). 8. Copies of authorizations and licenses from governing authorities for performance of the Work. 9. Initial progress report. 10. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. 11. Performance and payment bonds. G. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment. 1. This application shall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued previously for AVG occupancy of designated portions of the Work. 2. Administrative actions and submittals that shall precede or coincide with this application include: a. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. b. Warranties(guarantees)and maintenance agreements. c. Test/adjust/balance records. d. Maintenance instructions. e. Meter readings. f. Startup performance reports. g. Changeover information related to AVG's occupancy,use, operation, and maintenance. h. Final cleaning. i. Application for reduction of retainage and consent of surety. j. Advice on shifting insurance coverages. 12/20/2022 01 29 00- Applications for Payment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 k. Final progress photographs. 1. List of incomplete Work, recognized as exceptions to ENGINEER'S Certificate of Substantial Completion. H. Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of the final Application for Payment include the following: a. Completion of Project closeout requirements. b. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion. c. Ensure that unsettled claims will be settled. d. Ensure that incomplete Work is not accepted and will be completed without undue delay. e. Transmittal of required Project construction records to the AVG. f. Proof that taxes,fees, and similar obligations were paid. g. Removal of temporary facilities and services. h. Removal of surplus materials,rubbish,and similar elements. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O1 29 00 12/20/2022 01 29 00- Applications for Payment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 0129 73—SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Schedule B. Form of Submittal C. Preparation of Contract Cost Breakdown 1.2 SCHEDULE A. The Contractor shall submit a Contract Cost Breakdown to the ENGINEER within ten (10) days of the Construction Kick-off Meeting and prior to submitting first Application for Payment. 1.3 FORM OF SUBMITTAL A. Submit typewritten Contract Cost Breakdown on forms acceptable to the ENGINEER. B. Use Table of Contents of this Specification as basis for format for listing costs of work for sections under Divisions 1-45 as sections apply to work. C. Identify each line item with number and title as listed in Table of Contents. D. Provide dollar values for labor and material components for each category of work. E. List quantities of materials specified under unit price allowances. F. The Contract Cost Breakdown shall be the basis for the Contractor's Application for Payment and the first Application for Payment will not be reviewed prior to an approved breakdown. 1.4 PREPARATION OF CONTRACT COST BREAKDOWN A. Itemize separate line item cost for each of the following general cost items: 1. Performance and Payment Bonds. 2. Mobilization. 3. Each allowance item identified in the Specifications. B. Recording all changes on"As-Built"set of record drawings. C. Itemize separate line item cost for work required by each basic activity or operation. D. Show total costs including overhead and profit. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01 29 73 12/20/2022 01 29 73 - Schedule of Values.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of I SECTION 01 31 00—PROJECT MEETING AND COORDINATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and supervisory requirements necessary for coordinating construction operations including,but not necessarily limited to,the following: 1. General project coordination procedures. 2. Conservation. 3. Coordination Drawings. 4. Administrative and supervisory personnel. 5. Cleaning and protection. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section 01 33 00 Submittals for preparing and submitting the Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Division 1 Section 0160 00 Materials and Equipment for coordinating general installation. 3. Division 1 Section 01 77 00 Contract Procedures for coordinating contract closeout. 1.3 COORDINATION A. Coordinate construction operations included in various Sections of these Specifications to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations included under different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection,and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in the sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service,and repair. 3. Make provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. B. Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices,reports,and attendance at meetings. 1. Prepare similar memoranda for AVG and separate contractors where coordination of their work is required. C. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and assure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to,the following: 1. Preparation of schedules. 12/20/2022 01 31 00—Project Meetings and Coordination P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 3 2. Installation and removal of temporary facilities. 3. Delivery and processing of submittals. 4. Progress meetings. 5. Project closeout activities. D. Conservation: Coordinate construction operations to assure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water,and materials. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Coordination Drawings: Prepare coordination drawings where careful coordination is needed for installation of products and materials fabricated by separate entities. Prepare coordination drawings where limited space availability necessitates maximum utilization of space for efficient installation of different components. 1. Show the relationship of components shown on separate Shop Drawings. 2. Indicate required installation sequences. 3. Comply with requirements contained in Section"Submittals." B. Staff Names: Within 15 days of commencement of construction operations, submit a list of the Contractor's principal staff assignments, including the superintendent and other personnel in attendance at the Project Site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities. List their addresses and telephone numbers. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL COORDINATION PROVISIONS A. Inspection of Conditions: Require the Installer of each major component to inspect both the substrate and conditions under which Work is to be performed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. B. Coordinate temporary enclosures with required inspections and tests to minimize the necessity of uncovering completed construction for that purpose. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place, during handling and installation. Apply protective covering where required to assure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. B. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to assure operability without damaging effects. C. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. 1. Excessive static or dynamic loading. 2. Excessive internal or external pressures. 3. Thermal shock. 12/20/2022 01 31 00—Project Meetings and Coordination P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 4. Unusual wear or other misuse. 5. Vandalism. END OF SECTION 01 3100 12/20/2022 01 31 00—Project Meetings and Coordination P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 0133 00-SUBMITTALS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the Work,including the following: 1. Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Submittal schedule. 3. Daily construction reports. 4. Shop Drawings. 5. Product Data. 6. Samples. 7. Quality assurance submittals. B. Administrative Submittals: Refer to other Division 1 Sections and other Contract Documents for requirements for administrative submittals. Such submittals include,but are not limited to,the following: 1. Permits. 2. Applications for Payment. 3. Performance and payment bonds. 4. Insurance certificates. 5. List of subcontractors. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section 01-29-00 "Applications for Payment" specifies requirements for submittal of the Schedule of Values. 2. Division 1 Section 0 1-3 1-00 "Project Meeting and Coordination" specifies requirements for submittal and distribution of meeting and conference minutes and specifies requirements governing preparation and submittal of required Coordination Drawings. 3. Division 1 Section 01-45-00 "Quality Control" specifies requirements for submittal of inspection and test reports. 4. Division 1 Section 01-77-00 Closeout Procedures" specifies requirements for submittal of Project Record Documents and warranties at project closeout. 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 7 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Coordination Drawings show the relationship and integration of different construction elements that require careful coordination during fabrication or installation to fit in the space provided or to function as intended. 1. Preparation of Coordination Drawings is specified in Division 1 Section "Coordination" and may include components previously shown in detail on Shop Drawings or Product Data. 1.4 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. Transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of related construction activities to avoid delay. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. The ENGINEER reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until all related submittals are received. 3. Processing: To avoid the need to delay installation as a result of the time required to process submittals,allow sufficient time for submittal review,including time for resubmittals. a. Allow 2 weeks for initial review. Allow additional time if the ENGINEER must delay processing to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. b. If an intermediate submittal is necessary,process the same as the initial submittal. c. Allow 2 weeks for reprocessing each submittal. d. No extension of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the ENGINEER sufficiently in advance of the Work to permit processing. B. Submittal Preparation: Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal for identification. Indicate the name of the entity that prepared each submittal on the label or title block. 1. Provide a space approximately 4 by 5 inches on the label or beside the title block on Shop Drawings to record the Contractor's review and approval markings and the action taken. 2. Include the following information on the label for processing and recording action taken. a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of the ENGINEER. d_ Name and address of the Contractor. e. Name and address of the subcontractor. f. Name and address of the supplier. g. Name of the manufacturer. 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 7 It. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. i. Drawing number and detail references,as appropriate. C. Submittal Transmittal: Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal from the Contractor to the ENGINEER using a transmittal form. The ENGINEER will not accept submittals received from sources other than the Contractor. I. On the transmittal, record relevant information and requests for data. On the form, or separate sheet, record deviations from Contract Document requirements, including variations and limitations. Include Contractor's certification that information complies with Contract Document requirements. 1.5 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Bar-Chart Schedule: Prepare a fully developed, horizontal bar-chart-type, contractor's construction schedule. Submit within 30 days after the date established for"Commencement of the Work." 1. Provide a separate time bar for each significant construction activity. Provide a continuous vertical line to identify the first working day of each week. Use the same breakdown of units of the Work as indicated in the"Schedule of Values." 2. Within each time bar, indicate estimated completion percentage in 10 percent increments. As Work progresses,place a contrasting mark in each bar to indicate Actual Completion. 3. Prepare the schedule on a sheet,or series of sheets,of stable transparency,or other reproducible media, of sufficient width to show data for the entire construction period. 4. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. Coordinate each element on the schedule with other construction activities; include minor elements involved in the sequence of the Work. Show each activity in proper sequence. Indicate graphically the sequences necessary for completion of related portions of the Work. 5. Coordinate the Contractor's Construction Schedule with the Schedule of Values, list of subcontracts, Submittal Schedule,progress reports,payment requests,and other schedules. 6. Indicate completion in advance of the date established for Substantial Completion. Indicate Substantial Completion on the schedule to allow time for the ENGINEER's procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. B. Phasing: On the schedule, show how requirements for phased completion to permit Work by separate Contractors and partial occupancy by the OWNER affect the sequence of Work. C. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including submittal review,testing,and installation. D. Area Separations: Provide a separate time bar to identify each major construction area for each major portion of the Work. Indicate where each element in an area must be sequenced or integrated with other activities. E. Cost Correlation: At the head of the schedule,provide a cost correlation line,indicating planned and actual costs. On the line, show dollar volume of Work performed as of the dates used for preparation of payment requests. 1. Refer to Division 1 Section"Applications for Payment" for cost reporting and payment procedures. 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 7 F. Distribution: Following response to the initial submittal, print and distribute copies to the ENGINEER, OWNER, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with scheduled dates. Post copies in the Project meeting room and temporary field office. 1. When revisions are made, distribute to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in construction activities. G. Schedule Updating: Revise the schedule after each meeting, event, or activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue the updated schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. 1.6 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. After development and acceptance of the Contractor's Construction Schedule,prepare a complete schedule of submittals. Submit the schedule within 10 days of the date required for submittal of the Contractor's Construction Schedule. 1. Coordinate Submittal Schedule with the list of subcontracts, Schedule of Values, and the list of products as well as the Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Prepare the schedule in chronological order. Provide the following information. a. Scheduled date for the first submittal. b. Related Section number. c. Submittal category(Shop Drawings or Product Data) d. Name of the subcontractor. e. Description of the part of the Work covered. f. Scheduled date for resubmittal. g. Scheduled date for the ENGINEER's final release or approval. B. Distribution: Following response to the initial submittal, print and distribute copies to the ENGINEER, OWNER, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with submittal dates indicated. Post copies in the Project meeting room and field office. 1. When revisions are made, distribute to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in construction activities. C. Schedule Updating: Revise the schedule after each meeting or activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue the updated schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. 1.7 DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORTS A. Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at the site, and submit duplicate copies to the ENGINEER at monthly intervals: 1. List of subcontractors at the site. 2. Approximate count of personnel at the site. 3. High and low temperatures,general weather conditions. 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 7 4. Accidents and unusual events. 5. Meetings and significant decisions. 6. Stoppages,delays, shortages,and losses. 7. Meter readings and similar recordings. 8. Emergency procedures. 9. Orders and requests of governing authorities. 10. Change Orders received,implemented. 1.8 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. B. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation Drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, patterns, templates and similar Drawings. Include the following information: 1. Dimensions. 2. Identification of products and materials included by sheet and detail number. 3. Compliance with specified standards. 4. Notation of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. 6. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 36 by 48 inches. 7. Initial Submittal: Submit one correctable, translucent, reproducible print and one blue- or black-line print for the ENGINEER's review. The ENGINEER will return the reproducible print. 8. Initial Submittal: Submit 2 blue- or black-line prints for the ENGINEER's review. The ENGINEER will return one print. 9. Final Submittal: Submit 3 blue- or black-line prints; submit 5 prints where required for maintenance manuals. The ENGINEER will retain 2 prints and return the remainder. 10. Final Submittal: Submit 3 blue- or black-line prints and 2 additional prints where required for maintenance manuals, plus the number of prints needed by the ENGINEER for distribution. The ENGINEER will retain 2 prints and return the remainder. a. One of the prints returned shall be marked up and maintained as a"Record Document." 11. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken. 1.9 PRODUCT DATA 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 7 A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or system. Product Data includes printed information, such as manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts,roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams,and performance curves. 1. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products that are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information. Include the following information: a. Manufacturer's printed recommendations. b. Compliance with trade association standards. c. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. d. Application of testing agency labels and seals. e. Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement. f. Notation of coordination requirements. 2. Do not submit Product Data until compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents has been confirmed. 3. Preliminary Submittal: Submit a preliminary single copy of Product Data where selection of options is required. 4. Submittals: Submit 2 copies of each required submittal; submit 4 copies where required for maintenance manuals. The ENGINEER will retain one and will return the other marked with action taken and corrections or modifications required. a. Unless noncompliance with Contract Document provisions is observed,the submittal may serve as the final submittal. 5. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittal to installers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and others required for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. a. Do not proceed with installation until a copy of Product Data is in the Installer's possession. b. Do not permit use of unmarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction. 1.10 QUALITY ASSURANCE SUBMITTALS A. Submit quality-control submittals, including design data, certifications, manufacturer's instructions, manufacturer's field reports, and other quality-control submittals as required under other Sections of the Specifications. B. Certifications: Where other Sections of the Specifications require certification that a product, material, or installation complies with specified requirements, submit a notarized certification from the manufacturer certifying compliance with specified requirements. 1. Signature: Certification shall be signed by an officer of the manufacturer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of the company. C. Inspection and Test Reports: Requirements for submittal of inspection and test reports from independent testing agencies are specified in Division 1 Section "Quality Control." 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 7 1.11 ENGINEER'S ACTION A. Except for submittals for the record or information, where action and return is required, the ENGINEER will review each submittal,mark to indicate action taken,and return promptly. I. Compliance with specified characteristics is the Contractor's responsibility. B. Action Stamp: The ENGINEER will stamp each submittal with a uniform, action stamp. The ENGINEER will mark the stamp appropriately to indicate the action taken,as follows: 1. Final Unrestricted Release: When the ENGINEER marks a submittal "Approved," the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with requirements of the Contract Documents. Final payment depends on that compliance. 2. Final-But-Restricted Release: When the ENGINEER marks a submittal "Approved as Noted," the Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with notations or corrections on the submittal and requirements of the Contract Documents. Final payment depends on that compliance. 3. Returned for Resubmittal: When the ENGINEER marks a submittal "Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit," do not proceed with Work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery, or other activity. Revise or prepare a new submittal according to the notations; resubmit without delay. Repeat if necessary to obtain different action mark. a. Do not use, or allow others to use, submittals marked "Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit" at the Project Site or elsewhere where Work is in progress. 4. Other Action: Where a submittal is for information or record purposes or special processing or other activity,the ENGINEER will return the submittal marked"Action Not Required." C. Unsolicited Submittals: The ENGINEER will return unsolicited submittals to the sender without action. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O1 33 00 12/20/2022 01 33 00- Submittals.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 7 SECTION 014100—REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Permits and regulations. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00—Submittals 1.3 PERMITS AND REGULATIONS A. Obtain and pay for all permits required for the construction operations. B. The Contractor is to verify the requirements for any and all permits. C. Submit a copy of each permit required under provisions of Section 01 33 00. D. All work performed is to be in strict accordance with the regulations and requirements of the various civil agencies having jurisdiction thereof. E. Upon completion of the work and before final payment is made, submit all certificates of approval issued by the various agencies. F. Involved Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ) 1) Town of Southampton 2) County(SCDHS) 3) NYSDEC 4) Suffolk County Sewer Agency(SCSA) PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 REQUIRED PERMITS 1) SCDHS Construction Permits 2) NYSDEC SPDES Permit 3) Town Planning Approval and Town Building Permit PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O1 41 00 12/20/2022 01 41 00-Regulatory Requirements.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 1 SECTION 0142 00-REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. B. "Indicated": The term"indicated"refers to graphic representations,notes,or schedules on the Drawings; or to other paragraphs or schedules in the Specifications and similar requirements in the Contract Documents. Terms such as"shown," "noted," "scheduled," and"specified" are used to help the user locate the reference. Location is not limited. C. "Directed": Terms such as "directed," "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "required," and "permitted"mean directed by the ENGINEER,requested by the ENGINEER,and similar phrases. D. "Approved": The term "approved," when used in conjunction with the ENGINEER's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, is limited to the ENGINEER's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. E. "Regulations": The term "regulations" includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. F. "Furnish": The term "furnish" means to supply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking,assembly,installation,and similar operations. G. 'Install": The term "install" describes operations at the Project site including the actual unloading, temporary storage, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing,curing,protecting, cleaning,and similar operations. H. "Provide": The term"provide" means to furnish and install,complete and ready for the intended use. 1. "Installer": An installer is the Contractor or another entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor,or contractor of lower tier,to perform a particular construction activity, including installation, erection, application, or similar operations. Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perform. 1. The term "experienced," when used with the term "installer," means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with the special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Trades: Using a term such as "carpentry" does not imply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter." It also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to tradespersons of the corresponding generic name. 3. Assigning Specialists: Certain Sections of the Specifications require that specific construction activities shall be performed by specialists who are recognized experts in those operations. The 12/20/2022 0142 00-Reference Standards and Definitions.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 specialists must be engaged for those activities, and their assignments are requirements over which the Contractor has no option. However, the ultimate responsibility for fulfilling contract requirements remains with the Contractor. a. This requirement shall not be interpreted to conflict with enforcing building codes and similar regulations governing the Work. It is also not intended to interfere with local trade-union jurisdictional settlements and similar conventions. J. "Project site" is the space available to the Contractor for performing construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project site is shown on the Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which the Project is to be built. K. "Testing Agencies": A testing agency is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if required, to interpret results of those inspections or tests. 1.3 SPECIFICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT EXPLANATION A. Specification Format: These Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections based on the 45- division format and CSI/CSC's"MasterFormat"numbering system. B. Specification Content: These Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be interpolated as the sense requires. Singular words shall be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. 2. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the Section Text, subjective language is used for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by the Contractor or by others when so noted. a. The words "shall," "shall be,"or"shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon()is used within a sentence or phrase. 1.4 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of the date of the Contract Documents. C. Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different,but apparently equal,to the ENGINEER for a decision before proceeding. 1. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with 12/20/2022 0142 00-Reference Standards and Definitions.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of the requirements. Refer uncertainties to the ENGINEER for a decision before proceeding. D. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on the Project must be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source and make them available on request. E. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards-producing organization, authorities having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context of the text provision. Refer to Gale Research's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the U.S.,"which are available in most libraries. F. Federal Government Agencies: Names and titles of Federal Government standards- or specification- producing agencies are often abbreviated. The following abbreviations and acronyms referenced in the Contract Documents indicate names of standards- or specification-producing agencies of the Federal Government. Names and addresses are subject to change and are believed, but are not assured, to be accurate and up-to-date as of the date of the Contract Documents. 1.5 GOVERNING REGULATIONS AND AUTHORITIES A. Copies of Regulations: Obtain copies of the following regulations and retain at the Project site to be available for reference by parties who have a reasonable need: 1. National Electric Code 2. LIPA Specifications and Requirements for Electric Installations 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the OWNER's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence,records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0142 00 12/20/2022 0142 00-Reference Standards and Definitions.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 01 45 00—QUALITY CONTROL PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Quality assurance and control of installation. B. Workmanship. C. References. D. Field samples. E. Mockup. F. Field inspection of Contractor's work. G. Substandard work. H. Manufacturer's field services and reports. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00—Submittals. B. Section 01 60 00—Product Requirements. C. Section 0175 00—Starting and Adjusting. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers,manufacturers,products, services, site conditions and workmanship, to produce work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturer's instructions,including each step in sequence. C. Should manufacturers'instructions conflict with contract documents,request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as a minimum quality for the work except when more stringent tolerances, codes or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration,physical distortion or disfigurement. G. During freezing or inclement weather, or other adverse conditions, no work shall be performed except that which can be performed in a manner which will ensure first-class construction throughout. H. During construction of STP and all related appurtenances, a representative of SCDPW must be present to observe and examine the workmanship and materials being incorporated in the project. The Department shall be sole judge as to whether the construction provided is in compliance with Departmental requirements. At any time during the course of construction that the work is deemed unacceptable, a stop 12/20/2022 01 45 00- Quality Control.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 work order will be issued and any work performed after the issuance of such an order shall not be accepted or approved by SCDPW. Unapproved work and/or material shall be removed and replaced to satisfaction of SCDPW before approval to recommence work will be granted. 1.4 WORKMANSHIP A. The intent of these specifications is to describe definitely and fully the character of materials and workmanship required with regard to all ordinary features,and to require first-class work and material in all particulars. B. For any unexpected features arising during the progress of the work and not fully covered herein, the specifications shall be interpreted by the ENGINEER to require first-class work and materials; and such interpretation shall be accepted by the Contractor. C. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. The standards of the work required throughout shall be of such grade as will bring results of first-class only. 1.5 SUBSTANDARD WORK A. For services rendered by the ENGINEER regarding work which had to be performed a second time due to substandard work by the Contractor on the original work, including, but not limited to, evaluation of proposed corrective measures, redesign or inspection, funds will be deducted from monies due the Contractor to reimburse the ENGINEER for his wasted time. 1.6 REFERENCES A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date of contract documents. B. Obtain copies of standards when required by contract documents. C. Should specified reference standards conflict with contract documents, request clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding. D. The contractual relationship of the parties to the Contract shall not be altered from the contract documents by mention or inference otherwise in any reference document. 1.7 FIELD SAMPLES A. Install field samples at the site as required by individual specification sections for review. B. Accepted samples represent a quality level for the work. C. Where field sample is specified in individual sections to be removed, clear area after field sample has been accepted by ENGINEER. 1.8 MOCK-UP A. Tests will be performed under provisions identified in this section. B. Assemble and erect specified items, with specified attachment and anchorage devices, flashings, seals and finishes. C. Where mockup is specified in individual sections to be removed, clear area after mockup has been accepted by ENGINEER. 12/20/2022 01 45 00- Quality Control.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 1.9 FIELD OBSERVATION OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK A. The ENGINEER will provide periodic observation of the Contractor's work which will ensure only that the work is being performed in accordance with the plans and specifications such that the end product will be in conformance with the plans and specifications. B. The Contractor is responsible for complete conformance to the plans and specifications for all work performed on the project,including all subcontractors. C. The Contractor will provide ample opportunity for safe and easy access to the inspectors for proper observation of the work. D. Inform the ENGINEER in advance of periods when the Contractor does not intend to work due to, but not limited to, inability to obtain materials or equipment or expected inclement weather. If ample warning is not given to the ENGINEER and unnecessary trips are made to the field, funds will be deducted from monies due the Contractor to reimburse the ENGINEER for the wasted time. 1.10 MANUFACTURE'S FIELD SERVICES AND REPORTS A. When specified in individual specification sections, the Contractor is responsible for coordinating required material or product suppliers or manufacturers to provide qualified staff personnel to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of workmanship, start—up of equipment,testing, adjusting and balancing of equipment as applicable,and to initiate instructions when necessary. B. Individuals to report observations and site decisions or instructions given to applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturer's written instructions. C. Submit report under provisions of Section 01 33 00 in duplicate within 30 days of observation to ENGINEER for review. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0145 00 12/20/2022 01 45 00- Quality Control.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 0145 29—TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Testing laboratory services. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00—Submittals. B. Section 03 33 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete C. Section 03 40 00—Precast Concrete D. Section 04 20 00—Unit Masonry Assemblies E. Section 05 10 00—Reinforcing Steel F. Section 05 50 00—Metal Fabrications G. Section 06 1143—Wood Blocking and Curbing H. Section 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing I. Section 07 62 00—Sheet Metal Flashing And Trim J. Section 08 11 00—FRP Doors And Frames K. Section 08 91 00—Louvers And Vents L. Section 09 91 00—Painting M. Section 22 10 00—Valves N. Section 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution O. Section 23 07 13—Mechanical Identification P. Section 26 00 00—Electrical Specifications Q. Section 3100 00—Earthwork R. Section 3123 33—Trenching And Backfill S. Section 3125 30—Sanitary Sewer T. Section 44 10 00—Process Piping U. Section 44 30 10—Process Equipment 1.3 TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. The Contractor is to submit the names and qualifications of independent testing firms to perform tests and other services specified in individual specification sections and as required by the ENGINEER. Submit under provisions of Section 01 33 00. B. The independent testing firm accepted by the OWNER and ENGINEER will perform tests and other services specified in individual specification sections and as required by the ENGINEER. The Contractor shall pay for all services provided by the testing firms. C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the ENGINEER in duplicate, indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non—compliance with contract documents. D. Cooperate with independent firm; furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested. 1. Notify ENGINEER and independent firm 72 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. 2. Make arrangements with independent firm and pay for additional samples and tests required for Contractor's use. 3. Retesting required because of non—conformance to specified requirements shall be performed by the 12/20/2022 0145 29-Testing Laboratory Services.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 same independent firm on instructions by the ENGINEER. Payment for retesting will be charged to the Contractor. E. For all concrete poured in place, a concrete testing laboratory acceptable to SCDHS shall be utilized at both concrete batching and project site. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0145 29 12/20/2022 0145 29-Testing Laboratory Services.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 015100—TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Temporary Utilities: Electricity,lighting,heat,ventilation,telephone service,water and sanitary facilities. B. Temporary Controls: Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of the work, protection of existing utilities,and water and dust control. C. Construction Facilities:Progress cleaning,field offices and temporary buildings. D. Removal of all temporary facilities and controls. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 0177 00—Closeout Procedures. 1.3 SITE CONDITIONS A. All temporary and permanent facilities and controls and all other items on the project site shall meet all standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and subsequent revisions. All specific requirements of the Act shall be adhered to. B. The Contractor shall take every precaution and shall provide such equipment and facilities as are necessary or required for the safety of its employees. C. First aid shall be available at all times and administered to anyone who may be injured during the progress of the work. The Contractor shall have ample means for the removal of any injured individual to the hospital if so required. 1.4 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY A. Provide and pay for power service required from utility source as required for construction operations. B. Provide temporary electric feeder from electrical service. Power consumption shall not disrupt OWNER'S need for continuous service. C. Provide power outlets for construction operations, with branch wiring and distribution boxes located at each floor. D. Provide main service disconnect and over-current protection at convenient location and meter. E. Permanent receptacles and meter may not be utilized during construction. F. Portable generators may be utilized rather than providing temporary service from the utility company. 1.5 TEMPORARY LIGHTING A. Provide and maintain lighting for construction operations to achieve a minimum lighting level of 2 watts/sq ft B. Provide and maintain exterior lighting as required to properly illuminate construction hazards. Lights shall be illuminated from sunset to sunrise every day and shall not be removed until the project has been 12/20/2022 01 5100-Temporary Utilities.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 completed. C. Maintain lighting and provide routine repairs. D. Permanent building lighting may not be utilized during construction. 1.6 TEMPORARY HEAT A. Provide and pay for heat devices and heat as required to maintain specified conditions for construction operations. B. Exercise measures to conserve energy. C. Maintain minimum ambient temperature of 50 degrees F in areas where construction is in progress, unless indicated otherwise in specifications or as required by proposed working conditions and specific manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.7 TEMPORARY VENTILATION A. Ventilate enclosed areas to assist cure of materials, to dissipate humidity, and to prevent accumulation of dust,fumes,vapors or gases. 1.8 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE A. The Smithtown Water District is the local municipal water supplier. Provide,maintain and pay for suitable quality water service required for construction operations. B. Exercise measures to conserve water. C. Extend branch piping with outlets located so water is available by hoses with threaded connections. Provide temporary pipe insulation to prevent freezing. 1.9 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide and maintain required facilities and enclosures. Existing facilities shall not be used unless written permission is granted by OWNER. B. All facilities are to be in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA) standards and all other applicable local codes. C. The locations of such facilities shall be detennined by the ENGINEER or the OWNER. D. All applicable codes and regulations regarding the maintenance of these facilities will be strictly enforced. 1.10 FENCING A. Provide a temporary safety fence around open excavations or other dangerous items on construction site. Fence is to be bright orange in color, a minimum of 4 feet high, and properly secured such that a person walking into the fence will be detained. 1.11 WATER CONTROL A. Grade site to drain. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate and maintain pumping equipment. 12/20/2022 01 5100-Temporary Utilities.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 B. Protect site from puddling or running water and soil erosion. 1.12 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURES A. Provide temporary weather—tight closure of exterior openings to accommodate acceptable working conditions and protection for products and to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. Provide access doors with self—closing hardware and locks. B. Insulate closure if area is to be occupied by OWNER during construction. 1.13 INTERIOR ENCLOSURES A. Provide temporary partitions as required to separate work areas from OWNER occupied areas, to prevent penetration of dust, moisture and noise into OWNER occupied areas, and to prevent damage to existing materials and equipment. 1.14 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect installed work and provide special protection where specified. B. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed products. Control activity in immediate work area to minimize damage. C. Provide protective coverings for all newly installed items and existing items to remain adjacent to construction which may be damaged during construction operations. D. Protect all finished surfaces from traffic, dirt, wear, damage or movement of heavy objects, by protecting with durable sheet materials. E. Prohibit traffic or storage upon waterproofed or roofed surfaces. If traffic or activity is necessary, obtain recommendations for protection from waterproofing or roofing material manufacturer. F. Prohibit traffic from landscaped areas. 1.15 PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND PUBLIC WORKS A. All existing utilities and public works including, but not limited to, conduits, sewers, water mains, electric and telephone conductors or conduits, or gas mains encountered during the construction shall be properly maintained and protected. B. In the event that it is not possible to cross over, under, around or otherwise avoid the existing utility, the OWNER of the utility must be notified that the utility must be altered or moved. C. The OWNERs of all the utilities within 200 feet of the contract limits shall be notified of the construction prior to commencement of the work in accordance with Section 1918 of the Penal Law of the State of New York and Article 20, Section 322-a of the New York State General Business Law entitled, "Construction or Blasting near Pipes Conveying Combustible Gas". D. The Contractor and all other excavators must comply with Industrial Code Part 53 whereby the Contractor must obtain the list of each operator of underground facilities and provide advance notice to each operator of its intent to perform excavation in the area specified under this contract. E. In the event that damage shall result to any service pipe for water or gas, or any private or public sewer or conduit,the Contractor shall immediately, and at its own expense,repair the same to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Any contents from the pipes, sewers or conduits shall be immediately removed and disposed of. 12/20/2022 01 5100-Temporary Utilities.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 F. All fire hydrants shall be accessible at all times. 1.16 DAMAGES A. All damages, direct or indirect, of whatsoever nature resulting from either the performance of or resulting to the work under this contract during its progress from whatever cause shall be promptly repaired to the approval of the ENGINEER. 1.17 PROGRESS CLEANING AND REPAIRS A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris and rubbish, and make all necessary repairs. Maintain site in a clean and orderly condition. B. Remove debris and rubbish from pipe lines, structures,pipe chases, conduits,plenums, attics,crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces routinely and,if applicable,prior to enclosing the space. C. Clean interior areas prior to start of surface finishing, as per manufacturer's recommendations,and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. D. Remove waste materials,debris and rubbish from site weekly and properly dispose off—site. 1.18 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. No signs or advertisements are allowed without OWNER's written permission except those required by law. 1.19 REMOVAL OF UTILITIES,FACILITIES AND CONTROLS A. Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities and materials, prior to substantial completion inspection. B. Remove underground installations to a minimum depth of 2 feet. Regrade site to restore to existing slope and elevation,and restore the surface to its existing condition. C. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. D. Restore existing facilities used during construction to original condition. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. 1.20 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. The Contractor is responsible for the performance of all items listed in this section. B. The OWNER reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor in regard to the work of this section. C. If the situation is not remedied by the Contractor within 24 hours of receipt of written notice to do so, the OWNER reserves the right to remedy the situation without further notice to the Contractor and deduct the cost of such remedy from monies due or to become due the Contractor. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O1 51 00 12/20/2022 01 5100-Temporary Utilities.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 0160 00-MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions. Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's selection of products for use in the Project. 1. Multiple Prime Contracts: Provisions of this Section apply to the construction activities of each prime contractor. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section "Reference Standards and Definitions" specifies the applicability of industry standards to products specified. 2. Division 1 Section "Submittals" specifies requirements for submittal of the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Submittal Schedule. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents, such as "specialties," "systems," "structure," "finishes," "accessories," and similar terms. Such terms are self-explanatory and have well-recognized meanings in the construction industry. 1. "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. a. "Named Products" are items identified by the manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation, shown or listed in the manufacturer's published product literature,that is current as of the date of the Contract Documents. b. "Foreign Products," as distinguished from "domestic products," are items substantially manufactured (50 percent or more of value) outside the United States and its possessions. Products produced or supplied by entities substantially owned (more than 50 percent) by persons who are not citizens of,nor living within,the United States and its possessions are also considered to be foreign products. 2. "Materials" are products substantially shaped, cut, worked, mixed, finished, refined or otherwise fabricated,processed,or installed to form a part of the Work. 3. "Equipment"is a product with operational parts,whether motorized or manually operated,that requires service connections,such as wiring or piping. 12/20/2022 01 60 00-Materials and Equipment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product List: Prepare a schedule in tabular form showing each product listed. Include the manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each item listed. B. Product List: Prepare a list showing products specified in tabular form acceptable to the ENGINEER. Include generic names of products required. Include the manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each item listed. 1. Coordinate product list with the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Schedule of Submittals. 2. Foran: Prepare product list with information on each item tabulated under the following column headings: a. Related Specification Section number. b. Generic name used in Contract Documents. c. Proprietary name,model number,and similar designations. d. Manufacturer's name and address. e. Supplier's name and address. f. Installer's name and address. g. Projected delivery date or time span of delivery period. 3. Initial Submittal: Within 30 days after date of commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of an initial product list. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data and for known variations from Contract requirements. a. At the Contractor's option, the initial submittal may be limited to product selections and designations that must be established early in the Contract period. 4. Completed List: Within 60 days after date of commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of the completed product list. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data and for known variations from Contract requirements. 5. ENGINEER's Action: The ENGINEER will respond in writing to Contractor within 2 weeks of receipt of the completed product list. No response within this period constitutes no objection to listed manufacturers or products but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with Contract Documents. The ENGINEER's response will include a list of unacceptable product selections,containing a brief explanation of reasons for this action. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible,provide products of the same kind from a single source. 1. When specified products are available only from sources that do not, or cannot, produce a quantity adequate to complete project requirements in a timely manner, consult with the ENGINEER to determine the most important product qualities before proceeding. Qualities may include attributes, such as visual appearance, strength,durability,or compatibility. When a determination has been made, select products from sources producing products that possess these qualities, to the fullest extent possible. 12/20/2022 0l 60 00-Materials and Equipment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 B. Compatibility of Options: When the Contractor is given the option of selecting between 2 or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 1. Each prime contractor is responsible for providing products and construction methods that are compatible with products and construction methods of other prime or separate contractors. 2. If a dispute arises between prime contractors over concurrently selectable, but incompatible products, the ENGINEER will determine which products shall be retained and which are incompatible and must be replaced. C. Foreign Product Limitations: Except under one or more of the following conditions, provide domestic products,not foreign products, for inclusion in the Work: 1. No available domestic product complies with the Contract Documents. 2. Domestic products that comply with the Contract Documents are available only at prices or terms substantially higher than foreign products that comply with the Contract Documents. D. Nameplates: Except for required labels and operating data, do not attach or imprint manufacturer's or producer's nameplates or trademarks on exposed surfaces of products that will be exposed to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior. 1. Labels: Locate required product labels and stamps on concealed surfaces or, where required for observation after installation,on accessible surfaces that are not conspicuous. 2. Equipment Nameplates: Provide a permanent nameplate on each item of service-connected or power- operated equipment. Locate on an easily accessible surface that is inconspicuous in occupied spaces. The nameplate shall contain the following information and other essential operating data: a. Name of product and manufacturer. b. Model and serial number. c. Capacity. d. Speed. e. Ratings. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage,deterioration,and loss,including theft. 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at the site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to assure minimum holding time for items that are flammable,hazardous, easily damaged,or sensitive to deterioration,theft,and other losses. 3. Deliver products to the site in an undamaged condition in the manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting,and installing. 12/20/2022 0l 60 00-Materials and Equipment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 4. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. 5. Store products at the site in a manner that will facilitate inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 6. Store heavy materials away from the Project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction. 7. Store products subject to damage by the elements above ground, under cover in a weathertight enclosure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain temperature and humidity within range required by manufacturer's instructions. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and,unless otherwise indicated,new at the time of installation. 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, safety guards, and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and the intended use and effect. 2. Standard Products: Where available, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. B. Product Selection Procedures: The Contract Documents and governing regulations govern product selection. Procedures governing product selection include the following: 1. Proprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name only a single product or manufacturer,provide the product indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. 2. Semiproprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name 2 or more products or manufacturers,provide 1 of the products indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. a. Where Specifications specify products or manufacturers by name, accompanied by the term "or equal" or "or approved equal," comply with the Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions"to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 3. Nonproprietary Specifications: When Specifications list products or manufacturers that are available and may be incorporated in the Work,but do not restrict the Contractor to use of these products only, the Contractor may propose any available product that complies with Contract requirements. Comply with Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 4. Descriptive Specification Requirements: Where Specifications describe a product or assembly, listing exact characteristics required, with or without use of a brand or trade name, provide a product or assembly that provides the characteristics and otherwise complies with Contract requirements. 5. Performance Specification Requirements: Where Specifications require compliance with performance requirements, provide products that comply with these requirements and are recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated. a. Manufacturer's recommendations may be contained in published product literature or by the manufacturer's certification of performance. 12/20/2022 01 60 00-Materials and Equipment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 6. Compliance with Standards, Codes, and Regulations: Where Specifications only require compliance with an imposed code, standard,or regulation, select a product that complies with the standards, codes, or regulations specified. 7. Visual Matching: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, the ENGINEER's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. a. Where no product available within the specified category matches satisfactorily and complies with other specified requirements, comply with provisions of the Contract Documents concerning "substitutions"for selection of a matching product in another product category. 8. Visual Selection: Where specified product requirements include the phrase "... as selected from manufacturer's standard colors, patterns, textures ..." or a similar phrase, select a product and manufacturer that complies with other specified requirements. The ENGINEER will select the color, pattern,and texture from the product line selected. 9. Allowances: Refer to individual Specification Sections and "Allowance" provisions in Division 1 for allowances that control product selection and for procedures required for processing such selections. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. 1. Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION O1 60 00 12/20/2022 01 60 00-Materials and Equipment.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 01 60 00—PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Products. B. Transportation and handling. C. Storage and protection. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00—Submittals B. Section 0145 00—Quality Control. 1.3 PRODUCTS A. Products: Means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures and systems forming the Work. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing materials or components required for reuse. B. Do not use materials and equipment removed from existing premises, except as specifically permitted by the contract documents. 1.4 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transport and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Promptly inspect shipments to assure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. C. Reject products which arrive on site damaged. 1.5 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store and protect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather—tight,climate controlled enclosures. B. Provide off—site storage and protection when site does not permit on—site storage or protection. C. Arrange storage of products to permit access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under specified conditions. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION O1 60 00 12/20/2022 01 60 00-Product Requirements.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 1 SECTION 0173 29—CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1—General 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cutting and patching 1.2 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Employ skilled and experienced installer to perforin cutting and patching. B. Submit written request in advance of cutting or altering elements which affect: 1. Structural integrity of element. 2. Integrity of weather—exposed or moisture—resistant elements. 3. Efficiency,maintenance or safety of element. 4. Visual qualities of sight—exposed elements. 5. Work of OWNER or separate contractor. C. Execute cutting,fitting and patching to complete work,and to: 1. Fit the several parts together,to integrate with other work. 2. Uncover work to install or correct ill—timed work. 3. Remove and replace defective and non—conforming work. 4. Remove samples of installed work for testing. 5. Provide openings in elements of work for penetrations of mechanical and electrical work. D. Execute work by methods which will avoid damage to other work or surrounding materials or finishes, and provide proper surfaces to receive patching and finishing. E. Cut rigid materials using an appropriate saw or drill intended for use on the substrate. F. Restore work with new products in accordance with requirements of contract documents. G. Fit work tight to pipes, sleeves, ducts,conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. H. Refinish surfaces to match adjacent finishes. For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection; for an assembly,refinish entire unit. I. Identify any hazardous substance or condition exposed during the work to the Engineer for decision or remedy. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01 73 29 12/20/2022 01 73 29- Cutting and Patching.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 1 SECTION 0175 00—STARTING AND ADJUSTING PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTIONS INCLUDES A. Starting systems. B. Demonstration and instructions. C. Testing,adjusting,and balancing. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 45 00—Quality Control. B. Section 0177 00—Closeout Procedures. 1.3 STARTING SYSTEMS A. Coordinate schedule for startup of various equipment and systems. B. Notify Engineer and OWNER 2 days prior to startup of each item. C. Verify that each piece of the system has been checked for proper installation or other conditions which may cause damage. D. Verify that tests agree with those required by the equipment or system manufacturer. E. Verify components for equipment are complete and tested. F. Execute startup under supervision of responsible manufacturer's representative in accordance with manufacturers'instructions. G. When specified in individual specification Sections, require manufacturer to provide authorized representative to be present at site to inspect, check and approve system installation prior to startup, and to supervise placing system in operation. H. Submit a written report prepared by the manufacturer's authorized representative in accordance with Section 01 33 00 that equipment or system has been properly installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions and is functioning correctly. 1.4 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of products to OWNER's personnel prior to final payment. B. For equipment or systems requiring seasonal operation,perform demonstration for other season within six months. C. Utilize operation and maintenance manuals as basis for instruction. Review contents of manual with OWNERs'personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. D. Demonstrate start—up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble—shooting, servicing, maintenance, and shutdown of each item of equipment to the OWNER's designated representative. Schedule demonstration with the OWNER. 12/20/2022 01 75 00- Starting and Adjusting.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 E. Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when need for additional data becomes apparent during instruction. 1.5 TESTING,ADJUSTING AND BALANCING A. Contractor shall pay for services. B. The independent fine will perform services specified in individual sections requiring testing, adjusting or balancing. C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the Engineer indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non—compliance with specified requirements and with the requirements of the contract documents. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0175 00 12/20/2022 01 75 00- Starting and Adjusting.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 0177 00—CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Closeout procedures. B. Final cleaning. C. Adjusting. D. Project record documents. E. Operation and maintenance data. F. Warranties. G. Sureties,bonds and related documents. H. Spare parts and maintenance materials. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 5100—Temporary Utilities. B. Section 0175 00—Starting and Adjusting. 1.3 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Submit written certification that contract documents have been reviewed,work has been inspected, and that work is complete in accordance with contract documents and ready for Construction Manager's inspection. B. Provide submittals to the Construction Manager that are required by governing or other authorities. C. Submit final application for payment identifying total adjusted contract sum, previous payments, appropriate retainage and sum remaining due. D. Owner will occupy and utilize all portions of the site. 1.4 FINAL CLEANING A. Execute final cleaning prior to final inspection. B. Clean fixtures to a sanitary condition. C. Clean site; sweep paved areas,rake clean landscaped surfaces. D. Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, and construction facilities from the site and dispose of at an approved disposal site. 1.5 ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation. 12/20/2022 01 77 00-Closeout Procedures.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 4 1.6 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain,on site,one set of the following record documents;record actual revisions to the work: 1. Contract drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change orders and other modifications to the contract. 5. Reviewed shop drawings,product data and samples. 6. Written correspondence between Owner,Contractor, and Engineer. B. Identify and store record documents separate from documents used for construction. C. Record information concurrent with construction progress. D. Specifications: Legibly mark and record at each product section description of actual products installed, including the following: 1. Manufacturer's name and product model and number. 2. Product substitutions or alternates utilized. 3. Changes made by addenda and modifications. E. Record Documents and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction including: 1. Measured depths of foundations in relation to finished main floor datum. 2. Measured horizontal and vertical approximate depth locations of underground utilities and appurtenances,referenced to permanent surface improvements. 3. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the work. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Details not on original contract drawings. F. Delete Engineer title block and seal from all documents. G. Submit documents to Engineer with claim for final application for payment. 1.7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit two sets prior to final inspection,bound in 8-1/2 inch x 11 inch(215 mm x 280 mm)binders. B. Prepare binder covers with printed title"OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS",title of project and subject matter of binder when multiple binders are required. C. Internally subdivide the binder contents with permanent page dividers, logically organized as described below;with tab titling clearly printed under reinforced laminated plastic tabs. 12/20/2022 01 77 00-Closeout Procedures.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 D. Contents: Prepare a Table of Contents for each volume,with each product or system description identified, type on 24 pound white paper. E. Part 1: Directory, listing names, addresses and telephone numbers of Engineer, Contractor, subcontractors and major equipment suppliers. F. Part 2: Operation and maintenance instructions, arranged by system. For each category, identify names, addresses,and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers. Identify the following: 1. Significant design criteria. 2. List of equipment. 3. Parts list for each component. 4. Operating instructions. 5. Maintenance instructions for equipment and systems. 6. Maintenance instructions for special finishes, including recommended cleaning methods and materials and special precautions identifying detrimental agents. G. Part 3: Project documents and certificates,including the following: 1. Shop drawings and product data. 2. Air and water balance reports. 3. Certificates. 4. Photocopies of warranties and bonds. H. Submit one copy of completed volumes in final form 15 days prior to final inspection. This copy will be returned with Engineer comments. Revise content of documents as required prior to final submittal and payment. I. Submit final volumes revised within ten days after final inspection. 1.8 WARRANTIES A. Provide notarized copies. B. Execute and assemble documents from subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturers. C. Provide Table of Contents and assemble in binder. D. Submit for all items specified standard manufacturer/fabricator/supplier warranties unless otherwise noted. E. Submit prior to final application for payment. F. For items of work delayed beyond date of substantial completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. 1.9 SURETIES,BONDS, AND RELATED DOCUMENTS 12/20/2022 01 77 00-Closeout Procedures.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 A. Provide to the Owner a maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the final contract amount effective for one year from date of substantial completion. B. Provide to the Owner a labor,material and payment bond in the amount of 100 percent of the final contract amount effective for one year from date of substantial completion. C. Provide Underwriters Certificate approving electrical work performed under Section 01 51 00. D. Provide to Owner certificate of release of liens. E. Provide to Owner certificate for payment of debts and claims. 1.10 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING A. Provide products, spare parts, maintenance and extra materials in quantities specified in individual specification Sections. B. Deliver to project site and place in location as directed by Owner; obtain receipt prior to final payment. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0177 00 12/20/2022 01 77 00-Closeout Procedures.doc P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 0178 23 -OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for operation and maintenance manuals, including the following: 1. Preparing and submitting operation and maintenance manuals for all electrical systems and equipment installed. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section 01 33 00"Submittals"specifies preparation of Shop Drawings and Product Data. 2. Division 1 Section 0178 00 "Closeout Procedures"specifies general closeout requirements. 3. Division 1 Section 01 78 00 "Closeout Procedures" specifies general requirements for submitting project record documents. 4. Appropriate Sections of Divisions 2 through 48 specify special operation and maintenance data requirements for specific pieces of equipment or building operating systems. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintenance Manual Preparation: In preparation of maintenance manuals, use personnel thoroughly trained and experienced in operation and maintenance of equipment or system involved. 1. Where maintenance manuals require written instructions, use personnel skilled in technical writing where necessary for communication of essential data. 2. Where maintenance manuals require drawings or diagrams, use draftsmen capable of preparing drawings clearly in an understandable format. B. Instructions for the OWNER's Personnel: Use experienced instructors thoroughly trained and experienced in operation and maintenance of equipment or system involved to instruct the Authority's operation and maintenance personnel. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submittal Schedule: Comply with the following schedule for submitting operation and maintenance manuals: 1. Before Substantial Completion, when each installation that requires operation and maintenance manuals is nominally complete, submit 2 draft copies of each manual to the ENGINEER for review. Include a complete index or table of contents of each manual. a. The ENGINEER will return 1 copy of the draft with comments within 15 days of receipt. 12/20/2022 01 78 23 -Operation And Maintenance Manual P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 2. Submit 1 copy of data in final form at least 15 days before final inspection. The ENGINEER will return this copy within 15 days after final inspection, with comments. 3. After final inspection, make corrections or modifications to comply with the ENGINEER's comments. Submit the specified number of copies of each approved manual to the ENGINEER within 15 days of receipt of the ENGINEER's comments. B. Form of Submittal: Prepare operation and maintenance manuals in the form of an instructional manual for use by the OWNER'S operating personnel. Organize into suitable sets of manageable size. Where possible, assemble instructions for similar equipment into a single binder. 1. Binders: For each manual, provide heavy-duty, commercial-quality, 3-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, in thickness necessary to accommodate contents, sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11- inch paper. Provide a clear plastic sleeve on the spine to hold labels describing contents. Provide pockets in the covers to receive folded sheets. a. Where 2 or more binders are necessary to accommodate data, correlate data in each binder into related groupings according to the Project Manual table of contents. Cross-reference other binders where necessary to provide essential information for proper operation or maintenance of the piece of equipment or system. b. Identify each binder on front and spine, with the printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL," Project title or name, and subject matter covered. Indicate volume number for multiple volume sets of manuals. 2. Dividers: Provide heavy paper dividers with celluloid-covered tabs for each separate Section. Mark each tab to indicate contents. Provide a typed description of the product and major parts of equipment included in the Section on each divider. 3. Protective Plastic Jackets: Provide protective, transparent, plastic jackets designed to enclose diagnostic software for computerized electronic equipment. 4. Text Material: Where maintenance manuals require written material, use the manufacturer's standard printed material. if manufacturer's standard printed material is not available, provide specially prepared data,neatly typewritten,on 8-1/2-by-1 l-inch,20-lb/sq.ft. white bond paper. 5. Drawings: Where maintenance manuals require drawings or diagrams, provide reinforced, punched binder tabs on drawings and bind in with text. a. Where oversize drawings are necessary, fold drawings to the same size as text pages and use as a foldout. b. If drawings are too large to be used practically as a foldout, place the drawing, neatly folded, in front or rear pocket of binder. Insert a typewritten page indicating drawing title, description of contents,and drawing location at the appropriate location in the manual. 1.5 MANUAL CONTENT A. In each manual include information specified in the individual Specification Section and the following information for each major component of building equipment and its controls: 1. General system or equipment description. 2. Design factors and assumptions. 3. Copies of applicable Shop Drawings and Product Data. 4. System or equipment identification, including: 12/20/2022 01 78 23 -Operation And Maintenance Manual P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 a. Name of manufacturer. b. Model number. c. Serial number of each component. 5. Operating instructions. 6. Emergency instructions. 7. Wiring diagrams. 8. Inspection and test procedures. 9. Maintenance procedures and schedules. 10. Precautions against improper use and maintenance. 11. Copies of warranties. 12. Repair instructions including spare parts listing. 13. Sources of required maintenance materials and related services. 14. Manual index. B. Organize each manual into separate Sections for each piece of related equipment. As a minimum, each manual shall contain a title page; a table of contents; copies of Product Data, supplemented by Drawings and written text;and copies of each warranty,bond,and service contract issued. 1. Title Page: Provide a title page in a transparent, plastic envelope as the first sheet of each manual. Provide the following information: a. Subject matter covered by the manual. b. Name and address of the Project. c. Date of submittal. d. Name,address,and telephone number of the Contractor. e. Name and address of the ENGINEER. f. Cross-reference to related systems in other operation and maintenance manuals. 2. Table of Contents: After title page, include a typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged systematically according to the Project Manual format. Include a list of each product included, identified by product name or other appropriate identifying symbol and indexed to the content of the volume. a. Where a system requires more than one volume to accommodate data, provide a comprehensive table of contents for all volumes in each volume of the set. 3. General Information: Provide a general information Section immediately following table of contents, listing each product included in the manual, identified by product name. Under each product, list the name, address, and telephone number of the subcontractor or Installer and the maintenance contractor. Clearly delineate the extent of responsibility of each of these entities. Include a local source for replacement parts and equipment. 4. Product Data: Where the manuals include manufacturer's standard printed data, include only sheets that are pertinent to the part or product installed. Mark each sheet to identify each part or product included in the installation. Where the Project includes more than one item in a tabular format, identify each item, using appropriate references from the Contract Documents. Identify data that is applicable to the installation,and delete references to information that is not applicable. 5. Written Text: Prepare written text to provide necessary information where manufacturer's standard printed data is not available, and the information is necessary for proper operation and maintenance of equipment or systems. Prepare written text where it is necessary to provide additional information or to supplement data included in the manual. Organize text in a consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. Where necessary,provide a logical sequence of instruction for each operation or maintenance procedure. 12/20/2022 01 78 23 -Operation And Maintenance Manual P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 6. Drawings: Provide specially prepared drawings where necessary to supplement manufacturer's printed data to illustrate the relationship of component parts of equipment or systems or to provide control or flow diagrams. Coordinate these drawings with information contained in project record drawings to assure correct illustration of the completed installation. a. Do not use original project record documents as part of operation and maintenance manuals. 7. Warranties, Bonds, and Service Contracts: Provide a copy of each warranty,bond, or service contract in the appropriate manual for the information of the Authorities' operating personnel. Provide written data outlining procedures to follow in the event of product failure. List circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranty or bond. 1.6 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE MANUAL A. Submit 6 copies of each manual, in final form, on equipment and systems to the ENGINEER for distribution. Provide separate manuals for each unit of equipment, each operating system,and each electric and electronic system. 1. Refer to individual Specification Sections for additional requirements on operation and maintenance of the various pieces of equipment and operating systems. B. Equipment and Systems: Provide the following information for each piece of equipment, each building operating system,and each electric or electronic system. 1. Description: Provide a complete description of each unit and related component parts, including the following: a. Equipment or system function. b. Operating characteristics. c. Limiting conditions. d. Performance curves. e. Engineering data and tests. f. Complete nomenclature and number of replacement parts. 2. Manufacturer's Information: For each manufacturer of a component part or piece of equipment, provide the following: a. Printed operation and maintenance instructions. b. Assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. c. List of items recommended to be stocked as spare parts. 3. Maintenance Procedures: Provide information detailing essential maintenance procedures, including the following: a. Routine operations. b. Troubleshooting guide. c. Disassembly,repair, and reassembly. d. Alignment,adjusting,and checking. 4. Operating Procedures: Provide information on equipment and system operating procedures, including the following: a. Startup procedures. b. Equipment or system break-in. c. Routine and normal operating instructions. d. Regulation and control procedures. 12/20/2022 01 78 23 -Operation And Maintenance Manual P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 e. Instructions on stopping. f. Shutdown and emergency instructions. g. Summer and winter operating instructions. h. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. i. Special operating instructions. 5. Servicing Schedule: Provide a schedule of routine servicing and lubrication requirements, including a list of required lubricants for equipment with moving parts. 6. Controls: Provide a description of the sequence of operation and as-installed control diagrams by the control manufacturer for systems requiring controls. 7. Coordination Drawings: Provide each Contractor's Coordination Drawings. a. Provide as-installed, color-coded,piping diagrams,where required for identification. 8. Valve Tags: Provide charts of valve-tag numbers,with the location and function of each valve. 9. Circuit Directories: For electric and electronic systems, provide complete circuit directories of panelboards,including the following: a. Electric service. b. Controls. c. Communication. C. Schedule: Provide complete information in the equipment and systems manual on products specified in the following Sections: 1.7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. Prior to final inspection, instruct the Authorities' personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products,equipment, and systems. Provide instruction at mutually agreed upon times. 1. For equipment that requires seasonal operation,provide similar instruction during other seasons. 2. Use operation and maintenance manuals for each piece of equipment or system as the basis of instruction. Review contents in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION(Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 0178 23 12/20/2022 01 78 23 -Operation And Maintenance Manual P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 0178 39 -PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Detail Specifications and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Project Record Documents. B. Project Record Documents required include the following: 1. Marked-up copies of Contract Drawings. 2. Marked-up copies of Shop Drawings. 3. Newly prepared drawings. 4. Marked-up copies of Specifications, addenda,and Change Orders. 5. Marked-up Product Data submittals. 6. Record Samples. 7. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. 8. Record information on Work that is recorded only schematically. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section 01 33 00 "Submittals" specifies general requirements for preparing and submitting project record documents. 2. Division 1 Section 0177 00"Closeout Procedures"specifies general closeout requirements. D. Maintenance of Documents and Samples: Store record documents and Samples apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition. Make documents and Samples available at all times for the ENGTNEER's inspections. 1.3 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Markup Procedure: During construction, maintain a set of blue- or black-line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings for Project Record Document purposes. 1. Mark these Drawings to show the actual installation where the installation varies from the installation shown originally. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. Items required to be marked include, but are not limited to,the following: a. Dimensional changes to the Drawings. b. Revisions to details shown on the Drawings. c. Depths of foundations below the first floor. d. Locations and depths of underground utilities. e. Revisions to routing of piping and conduits. f. Revisions to electrical circuitry. g. Actual equipment locations. h. Locations of concealed internal utilities. i. Changes made by change order or Construction Change Directive. 12/20/2022 01 78 39-Project Record Documents P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 j. Changes made following the ENGINEER's written orders. k. Details not on original Contract Drawings. 2. Mark record prints of Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings, whichever is most capable of showing actual physical conditions, completely and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are marked,show cross- reference on Contract Drawings location. 3. Mark record sets with red erasable colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at the same location. 4. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. 5. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, change-order numbers, and similar identification. B. Responsibility for Markup: The individual or entity who obtained record data, whether the individual or entity is the Installer, subcontractor,or similar entity, shall prepare the markup on record drawings. 1. Accurately record information in an understandable drawing technique. 2. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup prior to enclosing concealed installations. 3. At time of Substantial Completion, submit record drawings to the ENGINEER for the Authorities' records. Organize into sets and bind and label sets for the Authorities' continued use. C. Preparation of Transparencies: Immediately prior to inspecting Certification of Substantial Completion, review completed marked-up record drawings with the ENGINEER. When authorized,prepare a full set of corrected transparencies of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. 1. Incorporate changes and additional information previously marked on print sets. Erase, redraw, and add details and notations where applicable. Identify and date each drawing; include the printed designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS"in a prominent location on each drawing. 2. Refer instances of uncertainty to the ENGINEER for resolution. 3. The ENGINEER will furnish the Contractor one set of transparencies of original Contract Drawings for use in recording changes and additional information. Other printing as required is the Contractor's responsibility. 4. The Contractor is responsible for printing original Contract Drawings and other drawings as required to produce transparencies. The ENGINEER will make original Contract Drawings available to the Contractor's print shop. 5. Where installations by 2 or more prime contractors are indicated on the same Drawing, the Contractor responsible for the principal installation, as determined by the ENGINEER, is responsible for printing and distributing transparencies. a. The Contractor is responsible for printing and distributing transparencies where the Drawing covers installations of other prime contractors and that of the Contractor for General Construction. 6. Review of Transparencies: Before copying and distributing, submit corrected transparencies and the original marked-up prints to the ENGINEER for review. When acceptable,the ENGINEER will initial and date each transparency. Acceptance by the ENGINEER indicates acceptance of general scope of changes,additional information recorded,and of the quality of drafting. 12/20/2022 01 78 39-Project Record Documents P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 a. The ENGINEER will return transparencies and the original marked-up prints to the Contractor for organizing into sets,printing,binding,and final submittal. D. Copies and Distribution: After completing the preparation of transparency record drawings,print 3 blue- or black-line prints of each drawing, whether or not changes and additional information were recorded. Organize the copies into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable-paper cover sheets. Include appropriate identification,including titles,dates,and other information on the cover sheets. 1. Organize and bind original marked-up set of prints that were maintained during the construction period in the same manner. 2. Organize record transparencies into sets matching the print sets. Place these sets in durable tube-type drawing containers with end caps. Mark the end cap of each container with suitable identification. 3. Submit the marked-up record set, transparencies, and 3 copy sets to the ENGINEER for the Authorities'records;the ENGINEER will retain 1 copy set. E. Newly Prepared Record Drawings: Prepare new drawings instead of following procedures specified for preparing record drawings where new drawings are required, and the ENGINEER determines that neither original Contract Drawings nor Shop Drawings are suitable to show the actual installation. New drawings may be required when a change order is issued as a result of accepting an alternate, substitution, or other modification. 1. Consult with the ENGINEER for proper scale and scope of detailing and notations required to record the actual physical installation and its relation to other construction. When completed and accepted, integrate newly prepared Drawings with procedures specified for organizing, copying, binding and submitting record drawings. 2. Each prime contractor has the same responsibility for newly prepared record drawings as specified for mark up of prints and preparation of transparencies. 1.4 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. During the construction period, maintain 3 copies of the Project Specifications, including addenda and modifications issued,for Project Record Document purposes. 1. Mark the Specifications to indicate the actual installation where the installation varies from that indicated in Specifications and modifications issued. Note related project record drawing information, where applicable. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection of product options, and information on concealed installations that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. a. In each Specification Section where products, materials, or units of equipment are specified or scheduled,mark the copy with the proprietary name and model number of the product furnished. b. Record the name of the manufacturer, supplier, installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made and to document coordination with record Product Data submittals and maintenance manuals. c. Note related record Product Data,where applicable. For each principal product specified, indicate whether record Product Data has been submitted in maintenance manual instead of submitted as record Product Data. 2. Upon completion of markup, submit record Specifications to the ENGINEER for the Authorities' records. 12/20/2022 01 78 39-Project Record Documents P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 1.5 RECORD PRODUCT DATA A. During the construction period, maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal for Project Record Document purposes. 1. Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where the installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submitted. Include significant changes in the product delivered to the site and changes in manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation. 2. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 3. Note related Change Orders and markup of record Drawings,where applicable. 4. Upon completion of markup, submit a complete set of record Product Data to the ENGINEER for the Authorities'records. 5. Where record Product Data is required as part of maintenance manuals, submit marked-up Product Data as an insert in the manual instead of submittal as record Product Data. 6. Each prime contractor is responsible for marking up and submitting record Product Data for its own Work. 1.6 MAINTENANCE MANUAL SUBMITTAL A. When each construction activity that requires submittal of maintenance manuals is nominally complete,but before Substantial Completion, submit maintenance manuals specified. 1. Organize operation and maintenance manuals into suitable sets of manageable size. 2. Bind data into individual binders for each manual, properly identified on front and spine. For large manuals,provide an index sheet and thumb tabs for separate information categories. 3. Provide heavy-duty, 3-ring, vinyl-covered binders, 1 to 2 inch thick as required to contain information, sized for 8-1/2-by-I 1-inch paper with inside pockets or pocket folders for folded sheets. 4. In each maintenance manual,include information specified in individual Specification Sections and the following: a. Emergency instructions. b. Spare parts list. c. Copies of specific warranties. d. Wiring diagrams. e. Recommended maintenance procedures and turn-around times. f. Inspection and system-test procedures. g. Copies of applicable Shop Drawings and Product Data. h. Listing of required maintenance materials and services. i. Names and addresses of sources of maintenance materials. j. Maintenance drawings and diagrams. k. Precautions against improper maintenance and exposure. PART 2-PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 -EXECUTION 12/20/2022 01 78 39-Project Record Documents P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 3.1 RECORDING A. Post changes and modifications to the Documents as they occur. Do not wait until the end of the Project. END OF SECTION 0178 39 12/20/2022 01 78 39-Project Record Documents P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 02 00 00—EXISTING CONDITIONS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 1100—Summaiy of Work 1.2 REFERENCES A. NONE 1.3 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Enclaves (AVG) Facilities will be located on the north side of Main Road(Route 25) approximately 78.92 feet east of Locust Lane, in Southold, within the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York. The proposed community will consist of a two-story restaurant with 74 seats, (44) fourty-four hotel units, a one-story future event space with 100 seats,and a pool area.The site currently consists of one lot and the Suffolk County Tax Map Number for the lot is 1000-63-3-15.The total gross area of the site is 6.75 acres. The pumps will invoke a new technology called "adaptive impellers". This new technology will prevent all non compressible solids from becoming clogged within the pump impeller without the necessity of utilizing grinders, shredder or cutter mechanical devices. The perforated openings in which the influent wastewater will cascade over will require routine maintenance to prevent excess buildup of solids. The screened wastewater will flow by gravity to the new constant head/splitter box.This box controls the forward flow rate to the BESST treatment and the return flow rate to the influent pump station. The splitter box automatically splits the flow equally to the influent ends of the two(2)BEEST process tanks. The construction of the AVG facilities will require the construction of a new sewage treatment plant facility. Sanitary wastewater from AVG community will flow by gravity to the STP via a new sewage collection system. Sewage will flow by force main and gravity into the new exterior influent pump station. Wastewater would be pumped via one(1)of two(2)submersible explosion proof, solids handling pumps to a self-cleaning,mechanical screen. The new mechanical screen will be located above grade on a concrete pad, near the proposed BESST system. Solids removed by the screen will be discharged by gravity into the screen trash bin. The screened wastewater will flow by gravity to the new constant head/splitter box.This box controls the forward flow rate to the BESST treatment and the return flow rate to the influent pump station. The splitter box automatically splits the flow equally to the influent ends of the two(2)BEEST process tanks. The STP process equipment comprised of differs,pumps, clarifiers,mixers, etc. will be located within the stainless steel tanks. A separate control building will be constructed to enclose the blowers and motor control center,the odor control treatment equipment will be located outside of the control building. The control building will also have a bathroom, laboratory area. The control building will be constructed of concrete masonry units and hollow core plank for the roof with an EPDM roofing system.Discharge from the STP will be by gravity to a new groundwater disposal system. The manufacturer chosen for this sewage treatment plant is the BESST as manufactured by Purestream. The system has been designed to meet the effluent requirement of the SPDES Permit. PART 2—PRODUCTS (NOT IN USE) PART 3 -EXECUTION 12/20/2022 02 00 00—Existing Conditions P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 3.1 MAINTENANCE OF OPERATIONS,COORDINATION AND CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. In addition to other responsibilities the Contractor shall have full responsibility for reviewing and verifying all information shown on the construction drawings and data affecting the performance of his work. END OF SECTION 02 00 00 12/20/2022 02 00 00—Existing Conditions P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 02 08 00-PIPED UTILITIES -BASIC MATERIALS AND PIPED METHODS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Piping materials and installation instructions common to most piping systems. 2. Transition fittings. 3. Dielectric fittings. 4. Sleeves. 5. Identification devices. 6. Grout. 7. Piped utility demolition. 8. Equipment installation requirements common to equipment sections. 9. Concrete bases. 10. Metal supports and anchorages. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Exposed Installations: Exposed to view outdoors or subject to outdoor ambient temperatures and weather conditions. B. Concealed Installations: Concealed from view and protected from weather conditions and physical contact by building occupants but subject to outdoor ambient temperatures. Examples include installations within unheated shelters. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Welding certificates. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Steel Support Welding: Qualify processes and operators according to AWS D1.1, "Structural Welding Code--Steel." B. Steel Pipe Welding: Qualify processes and operators according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualifications." 1. Comply with provisions in ASME B31 Series, "Code for Pressure Piping." 2. Certify that each welder has passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes involved and that certification is current. C. Comply with ASME A 13.1 for lettering size, length of color field, colors, and viewing angles of identification devices. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 JOINING MATERIALS A. Refer to individual Division 2 piping Sections for special joining materials not listed below. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 8 B. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1 for factory-threaded pipe and pipe fittings. C. Pipe-Flange Gasket Materials: Suitable for chemical and thermal conditions of piping system contents. 1. ASME B16.21, nonmetallic, flat, asbestos-free, 1/8-inch maximum thickness unless thickness or specific material is indicated. a. Full-Face Type: For flat-face,Class 125,cast-iron and cast-bronze flanges. b. Narrow-Face Type: For raised-face,Class 250,cast-iron and steel flanges. 2. AWWA C110, rubber, flat face, 1/8 inch thick, unless otherwise indicated; and full-face or ring type, unless otherwise indicated. D. Flange Bolts and Nuts: ASME B18.2.1,carbon steel,unless otherwise indicated. E. Plastic, Pipe-Flange Gasket, Bolts, and Nuts: Type and material recommended by piping system manufacturer,unless otherwise indicated. F. Solder Filler Metals: ASTM B 32, lead-free alloys. Include water-flushable flux according to ASTM B 813. G. Brazing Filler Metals: AWS A5.8,BCuP Series,or BAgl,unless otherwise indicated. H. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12 for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded. I. Solvent Cements for Joining Plastic Piping: 1. ABS Piping: ASTM D 2235. 2. CPVC Piping: ASTM F 493. 3. PVC Piping: ASTM D 2564. Include primer according to ASTM F 656. 4. PVC to ABS Piping Transition: ASTM D 3138. J. AWWA Transition Couplings: Same size as, and with pressure rating at least equal to and with ends compatible with,piping to be joined. 2.2 DIELECTRIC FITTINGS A. Description: Combination fitting of copper alloy and ferrous materials with threaded, solder-joint,plain, or weld-neck end connections that match piping system materials. B. Insulating Material: Suitable for system fluid,pressure,and temperature. C. Dielectric Unions: Factory-fabricated, union assembly, for 250-psig minimum working pressure at 180 deg F. D. Dielectric Flanges: Factory-fabricated, companion-flange assembly, for 150- or 300-psig minimum working pressure as required to suit system pressures. E. Dielectric-Flange Kits: Companion-flange assembly for field assembly. Include flanges,full-face-or ring- type neoprene or phenolic gasket, phenolic or polyethylene bolt sleeves, phenolic washers, and steel backing washers. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 8 1. Separate companion flanges and steel bolts and nuts shall have 150- or 300-psig minimum working pressure where required to suit system pressures. F. Dielectric Couplings: Galvanized-steel coupling with inert and noncorrosive, thermoplastic lining; threaded ends; and 300-psig minimum working pressure at 225 deg F. G. Dielectric Nipples: Electroplated steel nipple with inert and noncorrosive, thermoplastic lining; plain, threaded,or grooved ends; and 300-psig minimum working pressure at 225 deg F. 2.3 SLEEVES A. Mechanical sleeve seals for pipe penetrations are specified in Section 22 11 16 Facility Water Distribution. B. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: 0.0239-inch minimum thickness; round tube closed with welded longitudinal joint. C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53,Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40,galvanized,plain ends. D. Cast Iron: Cast or fabricated "wall pipe" equivalent to ductile-iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop,unless otherwise indicated. E. Molded PVC: Permanent, with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. F. PVC Pipe: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40. G. Molded PE: Reusable,PE, tapered-cup shaped, and smooth-outer surface with nailing flange for attaching to wooden forms. 2.4 IDENTIFICATION DEVICES A. Equipment Nameplates: Metal permanently fastened to equipment with data engraved or stamped. 1. Data: Manufacturer, product name, model number, serial number, capacity, operating and power characteristics, labels of tested compliances,and essential data. 2. Location: Accessible and visible. B. Snap-on Plastic Pipe Markers: Manufacturer's standard preprinted, semirigid, snap-on type. Include color- coding according to ASME A13.1,unless otherwise indicated. C. Pressure-Sensitive Pipe Markers: Manufacturer's standard preprinted, color-coded,pressure-sensitive vinyl type with permanent adhesive. D. Plastic Tape: Manufacturer's standard color-coded, pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive vinyl tape, at least 3 mils thick. 1. Width: 1-1/2 inches on pipes with OD, including insulation,less than 6 inches 2-1/2 inches for larger pipes. 2. Color: Comply with ASME A13.1,unless otherwise indicated. E. Valve Tags: Stamped or engraved with 1/4-inch letters for piping system abbreviation and 1/2-inch sequenced numbers. Include 5/32-inch hole for fastener. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 8 1. Material: 0.032-inch thick,polished brass. 2. Valve Tag Fasteners: Brass,wire-link or beaded chain;or brass S-hooks. F. Engraved Plastic-Laminate Signs: ASTM D 709, Type I, cellulose, paper-base, phenolic-resin-laminate engraving stock; Grade ES-2, black surface, black phenolic core, with white melamine subcore, unless otherwise indicated. Fabricate in sizes required for message. Provide holes for mechanical fastening. 1. Engraving: Engraver's standard letter style,of sizes and with terms to match equipment identification. 2. Thickness: 1/8 inch, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Fasteners: Self-tapping, stainless-steel screws or contact-type permanent adhesive. G. Plastic Equipment Markers: Manufacturer's standard laminated plastic. Use colors and designs recommended by ASME A13.1. 1. Terminology: Match schedules as closely as possible. Include the following: a. Name and plan number. b. Equipment service. c. Design capacity. d. Other design parameters such as pressure drop,entering and leaving conditions,and speed. 2. Size: 2-1/2 by 4 inches for control devices,dampers, and valves; 4-1/2 by 6 inches for equipment. 2.5 GROUT A. Description: ASTM C 1107, Grade B,nonshrink and nonmetallic, dry hydraulic-cement grout. 1. Characteristics: Post-hardening, volume-adjusting, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous, and recommended for interior and exterior applications. 2. Design Mix: 5000-psi, 28-day compressive strength. 3. Packaging: Premixed and factory packaged. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 PIPED UTILITY DEMOLITION A. Refer to Division 1 Sections 01 73 29 Cutting and Patching for general demolition requirements and procedures. B. Disconnect, demolish, and remove piped utility systems, equipment, and components indicated to be removed. 1. Piping to Be Removed: Remove portion of piping indicated to be removed and cap or plug remaining piping with same or compatible piping material. 2. Piping to Be Abandoned in Place: Drain piping and cap or plug piping with same or compatible piping material. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 8 3. Equipment to Be Removed: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment. 4. Equipment to Be Removed and Reinstalled: Disconnect and cap services and remove, clean, and store equipment;when appropriate,reinstall,reconnect,and make operational. 5. Equipment to Be Removed and Salvaged: Disconnect and cap services and remove equipment and deliver to Owner. C. If pipe, insulation, or equipment to remain is damaged in appearance or is unserviceable,remove damaged or unserviceable portions and replace with new products of equal capacity and quality. 3.2 PIPING SYSTEMS-COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. Install piping according to the following requirements and Division 22 Sections specifying piping systems. B. Drawing plans, schematics, and diagrams indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. Install piping as indicated unless deviations to layout are approved on Coordination Drawings. C. Install piping indicated to be exposed and piping in equipment rooms and service areas at right angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited unless specifically indicated otherwise. D. Install piping to permit valve servicing. E. Install piping at indicated slopes. F. Install piping free of sags and bends. G. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. H. Select system components with pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating pressure. I. Install sleeves for pipes passing through concrete and masonry walls and concrete floor and roof slabs. I. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces. a. Exception: Extend sleeves installed in floors of equipment areas or other wet areas 2 inches above finished floor level. 2. Install sleeves in new walls and slabs as new walls and slabs are constructed. a. Steel Pipe Sleeves: For pipes smaller than NPS. b. Steel Sheet Sleeves: For pipes NPS 6 and larger,penetrating gypsum-board partitions. J. Verify final equipment locations for roughing-in. K. Refer to equipment specifications in other Sections of these Specifications for roughing-in requirements. 3.3 PIPING JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Join pipe and fittings according to the following requirements and Division 2 Sections specifying piping systems. B. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 8 C. Remove scale,slag,dirt, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before assembly. D. Soldered Joints: Apply ASTM B 813, water-flushable flux, unless otherwise indicated, to tube end. Construct joints according to ASTM B 828 or CDA's "Copper Tube Handbook," using lead-free solder alloy complying with ASTM B 32. E. Brazed Joints: Construct joints according to AWS's "Brazing Handbook," "Pipe and Tube" Chapter,using copper-phosphorus brazing filler metal complying with AWS A5.8. F. Threaded Joints: Thread pipe with tapered pipe threads according to ASME 131.20.1. Cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded pipe ends to remove burrs and restore full ID. Join pipe fittings and valves as follows: 1. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to external pipe threads unless dry seal threading is specified. 2. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe or pipe fittings with threads that are corroded or damaged. Do not use pipe sections that have cracked or open welds. G. Welded Joints: Construct joints according to AWS D10.12, using qualified processes and welding operators according to Part 1 "Quality Assurance"Article. H. Flanged Joints: Select appropriate gasket material, size,type, and thickness for service application. Install gasket concentrically positioned. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. I. Plastic Piping Solvent-Cement Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces. Join pipe and fittings according to the following: I. Comply with ASTM F 402 for safe-handling practice of cleaners,primers,and solvent cements. 2. ABS Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2235 and ASTM D 2661 Appendixes. 3. CPVC Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2846/1)2846M Appendix. 4. PVC Pressure Piping: Join schedule number ASTM D 1785, PVC pipe and PVC socket fittings according to ASTM D 2672. Join other-than-schedule-number PVC pipe and socket fittings according to ASTM D 2855. 5. PVC Nonpressure Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2855. 6. PVC to ABS Nonpressure Transition Fittings: Join according to ASTM D 3138 Appendix. J. Plastic Pressure Piping Gasketed Joints: Join according to ASTM D 3139. K. Plastic Nonpressure Piping Gasketed Joints: Join according to ASTM D 3212. L. PE Piping Heat-Fusion Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces by wiping with clean cloth or paper towels. Join according to ASTM D 2657. 1. Plain-End Pipe and Fittings: Use butt fusion. 2. Plain-End Pipe and Socket Fittings: Use socket fusion. M. Fiberglass Bonded Joints: Prepare pipe ends and fittings, apply adhesive, and join according to pipe manufacturer's written instructions. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 8 3.4 PIPING CONNECTIONS A. Make connections according to the following,unless otherwise indicated: 1. Install unions, in piping NPS 2 and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final connection to each piece of equipment. 2. Install flanges, in piping NPS 2-1/2 and larger, adjacent to flanged valves and at final connection to each piece of equipment. 3. Dry Piping Systems: Install dielectric unions and flanges to connect piping materials of dissimilar metals. 4. Wet Piping Systems: Install dielectric coupling and nipple fittings to connect piping materials of dissimilar metals. 3.5 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION- COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. Install equipment level and plumb,unless otherwise indicated. B. Install equipment to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. Extend grease fittings to an accessible location. C. Install equipment to allow right of way to piping systems installed at required slope. 3.6 IDENTIFICATION A. Piping Systems: Install pipe markers on each system. Include arrows showing normal direction of flow. 1. Plastic markers, with application systems. Install on insulation segment if required for hot noninsulated piping. 2. Locate pipe markers on exposed piping according to the following: a. Near each valve and control device. b. Near each branch, excluding short takeoffs for equipment and terminal units. Mark each pipe at branch if flow pattern is not obvious. c. Near locations where pipes pass through walls or floors or enter inaccessible enclosures. d. At manholes and similar access points that permit view of concealed piping. e. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. B. Equipment: Install engraved plastic-laminate sign or equipment marker on or near each major item of equipment. 1. Lettering Size: Minimum 1/4 inch high for name of unit if viewing distance is less than 24 inches, 1/2 inch high for distances up to 72 inches, and proportionately larger lettering for greater distances. Provide secondary lettering two-thirds to three-fourths of size of principal lettering. 2. Text of Signs: Provide name of identified unit. Include text to distinguish among multiple units, inform user of operational requirements, indicate safety and emergency precautions, and warn of hazards and improper operations. 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 8 C. Adjusting: Relocate identifying devices that become visually blocked by work of this or other Divisions. 3.7 CONCRETE BASES A. Concrete Bases: Anchor equipment to concrete base according to equipment manufacturer's written instructions and according to seismic codes at Project. 1. Construct concrete bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than 4 inches larger in both directions than supported unit. 2. Install dowel rods to connect concrete base to concrete floor. Unless otherwise indicated,install dowel rods on 18-inch centers around the full perimeter of the base. 3. Install epoxy-coated anchor bolts for supported equipment that extend through concrete base, and anchor into structural concrete floor. 4. Place and secure anchorage devices. Use supported equipment manufacturer's setting drawings, templates,diagrams,instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 5. Install anchor bolts to elevations required for proper attachment to supported equipment. 6. Install anchor bolts according to anchor-bolt manufacturer's written instructions. 7. Unless otherwise indicated on the construction plans use 4,000-psi 28-day compressive-strength concrete and reinforcement as specified in Division 3 Section 03 1100 Cast-in-Place Concrete. 3.8 ERECTION OF METAL SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGES A. Refer to Division 5 Section 05 50 00 Metal Fabrications for structural steel. B. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal supports accurately in location, alignment, and elevation to support and anchor piped utility materials and equipment. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1. 3.9 GROUTING A. Mix and install grout for equipment base bearing surfaces, pump and other equipment base plates, and anchors. B. Clean surfaces that will come into contact with grout. C. Provide forms as required for placement of grout. D. Avoid air entrapment during placement of grout. E. Place grout,completely filling equipment bases. F. Place grout on concrete bases and provide smooth bearing surface for equipment. G. Place grout around anchors. H. Cure placed grout. END OF SECTION 02 08 00 12/20/2022 02 08 00-Piped Utilities-Basic Materials And Piped Methods P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 8 SECTION 02 8100—WASTE MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES A. 6 NYCRR Part 360—Solid Waste Management Facilities B. 6 NYCRR Part 364—Waste Transporter Permits 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 33 00—Submittals B. Section 02 00 00—Existing Conditions C. Section 02 41 13—Selective Demolition 1.3 GENERAL—WASTE MANAGEMENT A. The Contractor shall be responsible for waste management activities. Responsibilities for management of primary-and secondary-waste include but are not limited to the following: 1. Purchase and/or lease of DOT-approved waste transportation containers. a. Waste profiling to meet the disposal facility's waste acceptance criteria(WAC). b. Waste minimization and pollution prevention. c. Handling and on-site interim storage. Interim storage for logistical purposes will be designated on the site. d. Documentation and record keeping. e. Complying with all local, state,and federal applicable rules and regulations. f. Training of project Contractor's personnel. B. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits for disposal of waste at the disposal facility. 1.4 GENERAL—WASTE TRANSPORTATION A. The Contractor shall be responsible for waste transportation activities. Responsibilities for transportation of primary-and secondary-waste include but are not limited to the following: 1. Loading waste containers onto trucks. 2. Coordinating with the engineer before transporting waste containers,packages,and truckloads off-site. 3. Ship waste directly to the disposal facility from the work site via truck. 4. Having a thorough knowledge of all necessary policies, procedures, and regulations regarding waste transportation for State and Federal agencies and all disposal facilities. 12/20/2022 02 8100—Waste Management And Transportation P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 5. The New York State Environmental Conservation Law requires that anyone engaged in the transportation of regulated waste generated or disposed of within New York State must possess a valid New York State Part 364 Waste Transporter Permit. Specific requirements for persons transporting regulated waste are included in 6 NYCRR Part 364. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall supply all equipment required for sizing waste and for moving containers, as well as all equipment to load containers. 2.2 WASTE CONTAINERS A. The Contractor shall provide all DOT-approved waste containers. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 WASTE STORAGE AREAS A. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the waste storage areas. 3.2 LOADING CONTAINERS A. Fill containers such that the interior volume is efficiently and compactly loaded as practical up to the maximum gross weight limit of the container. 3.3 DISPOSAL A. Construction&Demolition(C&D)Debris 1. C&D debris that does not contain hazardous materials shall be disposed of at an active regulated construction and demolition debris landfill. C&D debris will be disposed of at a C&D landfill only if the debris has been determined not to be hazardous waste with proper waste determination protocols 2. Hazardous waste determinations (i.e., TCLP testing) for C&D debris that contains material with lead- based paint will generally not be required provided that: a. The Contractor takes reasonable precautions, prior to demolition, to minimize contamination of the debris from other sources of hazardous contaminants. Such precautions will generally involve inspecting the structure and removing potentially hazardous materials such as mercury thermostats, lead piping, and containerized paints, solvents, or other chemicals. If such materials are found and are determined to be hazardous wastes, they must be managed in accordance with applicable NYSDEC hazardous waste regulations;and, b. The demolition debris is disposed of at a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill that is permitted by NYSDEC and which meets the current design standards for MSW facilities of 6 NYCRR Part 360. An MSW facility has, at a minimum, a composite liner and leachate collection system as specified in 6 NYCRR Part 360 END OF SECTION 02 81 00 12/20/2022 02 8100—Waste Management And Transportation P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 03 30 00—CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections,apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies cast-in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete materials, mix design,placement procedures, and finishes. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Section 31 00 00 Earthwork for drainage fill under slabs-on-grade. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of blended hydraulic cement,fly ash and other pozzolans,ground granulated blast-furnace slag,and silica fume. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of manufactured material and product indicated. B. Design Mixes: For each concrete mix. Include alternate mix designs when characteristics of materials, project conditions,weather,test results,or other circumstances warrant adjustments. 1. Indicate amounts of mix water to be withheld for later addition at Project site. C. Steel Reinforcement Drawings: Details of fabrication, bending, and placement, prepared according to ACI 315, "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement." Include material, grade, bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, arrangement, and supports of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcement required for openings through concrete structures. D. Formwork Shop Drawings: Design and engineering of formwork are Contractor's responsibility. 1. Shoring and Reshoring: Indicate proposed schedule and sequence of stripping formwork, shoring removal,and installing and removing reshoring. E. Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance of the following with requirements indicated, based on comprehensive testing of current materials: F. Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers certifying that each of the following items complies with requirements: 1. Cementitious materials and aggregates. 2. Steel reinforcement and reinforcement accessories. 3. Admixtures. 4. Waterstops. 5. Adhesives. 6. Repair materials. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 12 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has completed concrete Work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for formwork and shoring and re-shoring installations that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material,design,and extent. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products complying with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1. Manufacturer must be certified according to the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association's Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities. D. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency, acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, qualified according to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 to conduct the testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. 1. Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician, Grade 1, according to ACI CP-1 or an equivalent certification program. E. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand from the same manufacturer's plant,each aggregate from one source,and each admixture from the same manufacturer. F. ACI Publications: Comply with the following,unless more stringent provisions are indicated: 1. ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete." 2. ACI 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials." G. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 1 Section 01 31 00 Project Meeting and Coordination. 1. Before submitting design mixes, review concrete mix design and examine procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. Require representatives of each entity directly concerned with cast-in- place concrete to attend, including the following: a. Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixes. b. Ready-mix concrete producer. c. Concrete subcontractor. H. For all concrete poured in place, a concrete testing laboratory acceptable to SCDHS shall be utilized at both concrete batching and project site. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store,and handle steel reinforcement to prevent bending and damage. 1. Avoid damaging coatings on steel reinforcement. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 12 PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 FORM-FACING MATERIALS A. Smooth-Formed Finished Concrete: Form-facing panels that will provide continuous, true, and smooth concrete surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints. 1. Plywood,metal,or other approved panel materials. B. Form-Release Agent: Commercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. 1. Formulate form-release agent with rust inhibitor for steel form-facing materials. C. Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, removable or snap-off metal or glass-fiber-reinforced plastic form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrete on forms and to prevent spalling of concrete on removal. 1. Furnish units that will leave no corrodible metal closer than 1 inch to the plane of the exposed concrete surface. 2. waterproofing. 2.2 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M,Grade 60,deformed. 1. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A 615/A 615M,Grade 60,deformed bars. B. Plain-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, as drawn. C. Deformed-Steel Wire: ASTM A 496. 2.3 REINFORCEMENT ACCESSORIES A. Bar Supports: Bolsters,chairs, spacers,and other devices for spacing, supporting,and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric in place. Manufacture bar supports according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice" from steel wire,plastic, or precast concrete of greater compressive strength than concrete, and as follows: 1. For concrete surfaces exposed to view where legs of wire bar supports contact forms,use CRSI Class 1 plastic-protected or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar supports. B. Joint Dowel Bars: Plain-steel bars, ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60. Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. 2.4 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150,Type 1. B. Normal-Weight Aggregate: ASTM C 33,uniformly graded,and as follows: 1. Class: Severe weathering region,but not less than 3S. 2. Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size: 3/4 inch. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 12 3. Combined Aggregate Gradation: Well graded from coarsest to finest with not more than 18 percent and not less than 8 percent retained on an individual sieve, except that less than 8 percent may be retained on coarsest sieve and on No. 50 sieve, and less than 8 percent may be retained on sieves finer than No. 50. C. Water: Potable and complying with ASTM C 94. 2.5 ADMIXTURES A. General: Admixtures certified by manufacturer to contain not more than 0.1 percent water-soluble chloride ions by mass of cementitious material and to be compatible with other admixtures and cementitious materials. Do not use admixtures containing calcium chloride. B. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. C. Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixture: Commercially formulated, anodic inhibitor or mixed cathodic and anodic inhibitor; capable of forming a protective barrier and minimizing chloride reactions with steel reinforcement in concrete. 2.6 RELATED MATERIALS A. Reglets: Fabricate reglets of not less than 0.0217-inch thick galvanized steel sheet. Temporarily fill or cover face opening of reglet to prevent intrusion of concrete or debris. B. Dovetail Anchor Slots: Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, not less than 0.0336 inch thick, with bent tab anchors. Temporarily fill or cover face opening of slots to prevent intrusion of concrete or debris. 2.7 CONCRETE MIXES A. Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete determined by either laboratory trial mix or field test data bases,as follows: 1. Proportion normal-weight concrete according to ACI 211.1 and ACI 301. B. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs for the laboratory trial mix basis. C. Slab-on-Grade, Building Foundations, Footings, Suspended Slabs: Proportion normal-weight, air entrained concrete mix as follows: 1. Compressive Strength(28 Days): 4,000 psi. Concrete. 2. Maximum Slump: 6.0 inches plus or minus 1 inch. D. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.45 for concrete required to have low water permeability. E. Air Content: Add air-entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement having an air content of 4 to 6 percent,unless otherwise indicated. F. Air Content: Add air-entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement having an air content as follows within a tolerance of plus 1 or minus 1.5 percent, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Air Content: 6 percent for 3/4-inch nominal maximum aggregate size. G. Admixtures: Use admixtures according to manufacturer's written instructions. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 12 2.8 FABRICATING REINFORCEMENT A. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's"Manual of Standard Practice." 2.9 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C 94 and ASTM C 1116,and furnish batch ticket information. 1. Without the presence of retarders within the concrete mix, when air temperature is between 85 and 90 deg F,reduce mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes;when air temperature is above 90 deg F,reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 2. Provide batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in the Work, indicating Project identification name and number, date, mix type, mix time, quantity, and amount of water added. Record approximate location of final deposit in structure PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 FORMWORK A. Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according to ACI 301, to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be applied,until concrete structure can support such loads. B. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position indicated,within tolerance limits of ACI 117. C. Limit concrete surface irregularities,designated by ACI 347R as abrupt or gradual,as follows: 1. Class B, 1/4 inch. D. Construct forms tight enough to prevent loss of concrete mortar. E. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. Provide crush or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal.to 1 vertical. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways,reglets,recesses, and the like,for easy removal. 1. Do not use rust-stained steel form-facing material. F. Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required elevations and slopes in finished concrete surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed strips; use strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds. G. Provide temporary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports where interior area of formwork is inaccessible. Close openings with panels tightly fitted to forms and securely braced to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at inconspicuous locations. H. Chamfer exterior corners and edges of permanently exposed concrete. 1. Do not chamfer corners or edges of concrete. J. Foran openings,chases,offsets, sinkages,keyways,reglets,blocking,screeds, and bulkheads required in the Work. Determine sizes and locations from trades providing such items. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 12 K. Clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, and other debris just before placing concrete. L. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. M. Coat contact surfaces of forms with form-release agent, according to manufacturer's written instructions, before placing reinforcement. 3.2 EMBEDDED ITEMS A. Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items required for adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use Setting Drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded. 1. Install anchor bolts,accurately located,to elevations required. 2. Install reglets to receive top edge of foundation sheet waterproofing and to receive through-wall flashings in outer face of concrete frame at exterior walls, where flashing is shown at lintels, shelf angles,and other conditions. 3. Install dovetail anchor slots in concrete structures as indicated. 3.3 REMOVING AND REUSING FORMS A. General: Formwork, for sides of beams, walls, columns, and similar parts of the Work, that does not support weight of concrete may be removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 50 deg F for 24 hours after placing concrete provided concrete is hard enough to not be damaged by form-removal operations and provided curing and protection operations are maintained. B. Leave formwork, for beam soffits, joists, slabs, and other structural elements, that supports weight of concrete in place until concrete has achieved the following: 1. At least 75 %of 28-day design compressive strength,except for walls to be fixed for imperfections. 2. Determine compressive strength of in-place concrete by testing representative field- or laboratory- cured test specimens according to ACI 301. 3. Remove forms only if shores have been arranged to permit removal of forms without loosening or disturbing shores. C. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the Work. Split, frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form-release agent. 3.4 SHORES AND RESHORES A. Comply with ACI 318 (ACI 318M), ACI 301, and recommendations in ACI 347R for design, installation, and removal of shoring and reshoring. B. In multistory construction, extend shoring or reshoring over a sufficient number of stories to distribute loads in such a manner that no floor or member will be excessively loaded or will induce tensile stress in concrete members without sufficient steel reinforcement. C. Plan sequence of removal of shores and reshore to avoid damage to concrete. Locate and provide adequate reshoring to support construction without excessive stress or deflection. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 6of12 3.5 VAPOR RETARDERS A. Vapor Retarder: Place, protect, and repair vapor-retarder sheets according to ASTM E 1643 and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Fine-Graded Granular Material: Cover vapor retarder with fine-graded granular material, moisten, and compact with mechanical equipment to elevation. C. Granular Fill: Cover vapor retarder with granular fill,moisten, and compact with mechanical equipment to elevation tolerances of plus 0 inch or minus 3/4 inch. 1. Place and compact a 1/2-inch thick layer of fine-graded granular material over granular fill. 3.6 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. General: Comply with CRSi's "Manual of Standard Practice"for placing reinforcement. 1. Do not cut or puncture vapor retarder. Repair damage and reseal vapor retarder before placing concrete. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale,earth,ice,and other foreign materials. C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locate and support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld crossing reinforcing bars. 1. Shop-or field-weld reinforcement according to AWS D1.4,where indicated. D. Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete,not toward exposed concrete surfaces. E. Install welded wire fabric in longest practicable lengths on bar supports spaced to minimize sagging. Lap edges and ends of adjoining sheets at least one mesh spacing. Offset laps of adjoining sheet widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. Lace overlaps with wire. 3.7 JOINTS A. General: Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. B. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Engineer. 1. Place joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of strip placements of floors and slabs. 2. Form from preformed galvanized steel, plastic keyway-section forms, or bulkhead forms with keys, unless otherwise indicated. Embed keys at least 1-1/2 inches into concrete. 3. Locate joints for beams, slabs,joists, and girders in the middle third of spans. Offset joints in girders a minimum distance of twice the beam width from a beam-girder intersection. 4. Locate horizontal joints in walls and columns at underside of floors, slabs, beams, and girders and at the top of footings or floor slabs. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 12 5. Space vertical joints in walls as indicated. Locate joints beside piers integral with walls,near corners, and in concealed locations where possible. C. Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: Foran weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of concrete thickness,as follows: 1. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint to a radius of 1/8 inch. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover tool marks on concrete surfaces. 2. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade,or otherwise damage surface and before concrete develops random contraction cracks. D. Isolation Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: After removing formwork, install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated. 1. Extend joint-filler strips full width and depth of joint,terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Terminate full-width joint-filler strips not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished concrete surface where joint sealants,specified in Division 7 Section"Joint Sealants," are indicated. 3. Install joint-filler strips in lengths as long as practicable. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip sections together. E. Dowel Joints: Install dowel sleeves and dowels or dowel bar and support assemblies at joints where indicated. 1. Use dowel sleeves or lubricate or asphalt-coat one-half of dowel length to prevent concrete bonding to one side of joint. 3.8 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Before placing concrete, verify that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and embedded items is complete and that required inspections have been performed. B. Do not add water to concrete during delivery, at Project site, or during placement, unless approved by Engineer. C. Before placing concrete,water may be added at Project site, subject to limitations of ACI 301. 1. Do not add water to concrete after adding high-range water-reducing admixtures to mix. D. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened enough to cause seams or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously,provide construction joints as specified. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation. E. Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers no deeper than 24 inches and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. Place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic,to avoid cold joints. 1. Consolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment. Use equipment and procedures for consolidating concrete recommended by ACI 309R. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 12 F. Deposit and consolidate concrete for floors and slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of construction joints,until placement of a panel or section is complete. 1. Consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. 2. Maintain reinforcement in position on chairs during concrete placement. 3. Screed slab surfaces with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations. 4. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. 5. Begin initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form a uniform and open-textured surface plane, free of humps or hollows,before excess moisture or bleedwater appears on the surface. Do not further disturb slab surfaces before starting finishing operations. G. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with ACT 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost,freezing actions,or low temperatures. 1. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 deg F, uniformly heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 deg F and not more than 80 deg F at point of placement. 2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators,unless otherwise specified and approved in mix designs. H. Hot-Weather Placement: Place concrete according to recommendations in ACT 305R and as follows,when hot-weather conditions exist: 1. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F at time of placement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature,provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. 2. Cover steel reinforcement with water-soaked burlap so steel temperature will not exceed ambient air temperature immediately before embedding in concrete. 3. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots,or dry areas. 3.9 FINISHING FLOORS AND SLABS A. General: Comply with recommendations in ACI302.1R for screeding, restraightening, and finishing operations for concrete surfaces. Do not wet concrete surfaces. B. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first trowel finish and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. Continue troweling passes and restraighten until surface is free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Grind smooth any surface defects that would telegraph through applied coatings or floor coverings. 1. Apply a trowel finish to surfaces indicated and to floor and slab surfaces exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry file set over a cleavage membrane,paint, or another thin film-finish coating system 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 9of12 2. Finish and measure surface so gap at any point between concrete surface and an unleveled freestanding 10-foot long straightedge, resting on two high spots and placed anywhere on the surface, does not exceed the following: a. 1/4 inch. 3.10 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS A. Filling In: Fill in holes and openings left in concrete structures, unless otherwise indicated, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as specified, to blend with in-place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling indicated or required to complete Work. B. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations as shown on Drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment at correct elevations, complying with diagrams or templates of manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. 3.11 CONCRETE PROTECTION AND CURING A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold-weather protection and with recommendations in ACI 305R for hot- weather protection during curing. B. Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces,including underside of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces. If forms remain during curing period, moist cure after loosening forms. If removing forms before end of curing period, continue curing by one or a combination of the following methods: C. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete. Cure unformed surfaces,including floors and slabs, concrete floor toppings, and other surfaces, by one or a combination of the following methods: 3.12 JOINT FILLING A. Prepare,clean,and install joint filler according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Defer joint filling until concrete has aged at least six months. Do not fill joints until construction traffic has permanently ceased. B. Remove dirt, debris, saw cuttings, curing compounds, and sealers from joints; leave contact faces of joint clean and dry. C. Install semirigid epoxy joint filler full depth in saw-cut joints and at least 2 inches deep in formed joints. Overfill joint and trim joint filler flush with top of joint after hardening. 3.13 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's approval. Concrete that allows weeping will require a high pressure polyeurethane injection allow the tanks to be waterproof. B. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of one part portland cement to two and one- half parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 sieve,using only enough water for handling and placing. C. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surface defects include color and texture irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, honeycombs, rock pockets, fins and other projections on the surface, and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 10 of 12 1. Immediately after form removal, cut out honeycombs, rock pockets, and voids more than 1/2 inch in any dimension in solid concrete but not less than 1 inch in depth. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to concrete surface. Clean, dampen with water, and brush-coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and compact with patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Fill form-tie voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured in place with bonding agent. 2. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white portland cement and standard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match surrounding color. Patch a test area at inconspicuous locations to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and spike off slightly higher than surrounding surface. 3. Repair defects on concealed formed surfaces that affect concrete's durability and structural performance as determined by Engineer. D. Repairing Unformed Surfaces: Test unformed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and verify surface tolerances specified for each surface. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness;use a sloped template. 1. Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects include spalls,popouts, honeycombs,rock pockets, crazing and cracks in excess of 0.01 inch wide or that penetrate to reinforcement or completely through unreinforced sections regardless of width,and other objectionable conditions. 2. After concrete has cured at least 14 days,correct high areas by grinding. 3. Correct localized low areas during or immediately after completing surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with patching mortar. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. 4. Correct other low areas scheduled to remain exposed with a repair topping. Cut out low areas to ensure a minimum repair topping depth of 1/4 inch to match adjacent floor elevations. Prepare, mix, and apply repair topping and primer according to manufacturer's written instructions to produce a smooth,uniform,plane,and level surface. 5. Repair random cracks and single holes 1 inch or less in diameter with patching mortar. Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean off dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply bonding agent. Place patching mortar before bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for at least 72 hours. E. Perform structural repairs of concrete, subject to Engineer's approval, using epoxy adhesive and patching mortar. F. Repair materials and installation not specified above may be used,subject to Engineer's approval. 3.14 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to sample materials, perform tests, and submit test reports during concrete placement according to requirements specified in this Article. B. Testing Services: Testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained according to ASTM C 172 shall be performed according to the following requirements: 1. Testing Frequency: Obtain six (6) composite sample for the first 50 cubic yards and six (6) for each additional 50 cubic yards. 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 11 of 12 2. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of placement for each composite sample,but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mix. Perform additional tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 3. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F and below and when 80 deg F and above,and one test for each composite sample. 4. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31/C 31M; cast and laboratory cure one set of 6 standard cylinder specimens for each composite sample. a. Cast and field cure one set of six standard cylinder specimens for each composite sample. 5. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; o laboratoty-cured specimens at 7 days, 14 days, 21, days, and 28 days. a. 25 Percent of the Test Specimens at 7 Days, 20 Percent of the Specimens at 14 Days, 20 Percent of the Specimens at 21 Days,20 Percent of the Specimens at 28 Days b. A compressive-strength test shall be the average compressive strength from the 28-day specimens. C. Strength of each concrete mix will be satisfactory if every average of any three consecutive compressive- strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. D. Test results shall be reported in writing to Engineer and Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break. E. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by Engineer but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of concrete. F. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing and inspecting agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42 or by other methods as directed by Engineer. G. The contractor shall perform exfiltration testing on all concrete tanks prior to backfilling and installation of tank coating system. Any leaks shall be repaired utilizing high pressure polyurethane injection. The contractors shall pay for all costs associated with leakage repairs. The SCDHS will witness all exfiltration testing on the concrete tanks.Maximum leakage rate is 1/4"drop within the tank over a 24 hour duration. END OF SECTION 03 30 00 06/30/2023 03 30 00—Cast-In-Place Concrete P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 12 of 12 SECTION 03 40 00—PRECAST CONCRETE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes A. Pre-cast sewer manhole and leaching structures B. Castings. C. Coarse gravel fill. D. Hollowcore Plank E. Clean Out F. Accessories. 1.2 References A. ANSI/ASTM D1557 -Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using a 10 Lb Rammer and an 18 Inch Drop. B. ASTM A48 -Gray Iron Castings. C. ASTM A 18 5 - Steel Welded Wire,Fabric,Plain,for Concrete Reinforcement. D. ASTM A615 -Deformed and Plain Billet- Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. E. ASTM C55 -Concrete Building Brick. 1.3 Submittals A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 33 00. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions and details for influent/equalization pump station,manholes,grease trap, etc. 1.4 Delivery, Storage,and Handling A. Store products on firm,level ground. B. Handle products in a manner which will not induce unnecessary stresses,cause cracks to occur or damage the product in any way. C. Any cracked or otherwise defective materials will be rejected. 1.5 Environmental Requirements A. Do not mix or place mortar if ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F(4 degrees Q. B. Do not excavate or backfill during inclement weather or when precipitation is occurring. C. Do not backfi Il over or with wet or frozen materials. 12/20/2022 03 40 00—Precast Concrete P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 PART 2-Products 2.1 Manufacturers A. Reinforced Precast Concrete Manhole,Leaching Structures,and Cleanout: 1. CARLSON PRECAST,INC. 2. COASTAL PIPELINE PRODUCTS CORP. 3. LONG ISLAND PRECAST,INC. 4. Substitutions shall be permitted only after receiving written approval form the Engineer. B. Castings: 1. NEENAH FOUNDARIES,All Covers shall have the word SEWER. 2. Substitutions shall be permitted only after receiving written approval form the Engineer. 2.2 Hollowcore Plank 1. Fabcon Precast or Approved Equal 2.3 Accessories A. Brick: ASTM C55,Grade N,Type I-Moisture Controlled;normal weight;nominal modular size as required. B. Mortar: A 1:1:5 ratio of Portland cement,masonry cement and sand,respectively. Add water as required to create a workable consistency. C. Subsoil: Reused, excavated material, free from gravel larger than 3 inches (75 min) in size, debris and contaminants. D. Gravel: Course gravel,washed,approximately 1-1/2" diameter,free from debris or foreign matter. 2.4 Fabrication A. Fabricate and reinforce all sections to the dimensions as indicated on the plans. B. Pipe Entry: Provide openings as indicated on the Drawings. PART 3 -Execution 3.1 Examination A. Verify existing grades are as indicated on the plans. B. Verify items provided by other sections of work are properly sized and located. C. Verify that rough openings for piping are as required. 3.2 Installation of Sewer manhole and Leaching Structures A. Form bottom of excavation clean and smooth to correct elevation. Compact bottom of the excavation to a 12/20/2022 03 40 00—Precast Concrete P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 minimum of 95 percent of maximum dry density. B. Place bottom of pre-cast concrete sewer manhole and leaching structures on level,well compacted base of 4" minimum well compacted crushed stone. C. Place 12"+of large diameter washed stone or equivalent rip-rap in base of pre-cast concrete sewer manhole and leaching structures. D. Cut and fit for pipe. Seal openings in wall around pipe with brick and mortar. Establish elevations and pipe inverts for inlets and outlets as indicated on the plans. Trowel surfaces smooth. E. Mount casting in a 1 inch mortar bed over access opening in slab top. Install firm,level and to the required elevation. 3.3 Backfilling A. Backfill to sub-grade elevation with reused subsoil in 12 inch compacted layers. B. Do not backfill over or with porous,wet, frozen or spongy materials. C. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage piping. D. All backfill materials are to be compacted to 95 percent maximum dry density in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D1557. Maintain optimum moisture content to attain required density. E. Remove surplus backfill materials from the site and leave fill material stockpile areas completely free of excess fill materials. 3.4 Tolerances A. Maximum Lateral Variation from Proposed Location: 1/2 inch. B. Maximum Variation from Proposed Rim Elevation: 1/16 inch. 3.5 Field Quality Control A. Tests and analysis of fill materials will be performed in accordance with ANSI/ASTM DI 557. B. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements,remove work,replace and retest at no additional cost to the Authority. 3.6 Protection A. Protect structure from damage and displacement until project is accepted by the Engineer. 3.7 Hollowcore Plank A. Installation 1. Hoists the planks from flatbed trailer and places them directly on the support structure, making all necessary plank to wall connections. 2. Plank to plank joints are first leveled and then grouted,allowing for a monolithic roof system. B. Bearing 12/20/2022 03 40 00—Precast Concrete P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 1. Hollowcore plank requires minimum 3"bearing on concrete and masonry.For masonry bearing,a bond beam is required.A multi-monomer plastic strip is placed on the wall 11/2"from the inside edge to ensure proper bearing. C. Cold Weather 1. Require insulation at the entire perimeter of the roof. D. Waterproofing 1. A waterproofing membrane is required to be installed on top of the plank prior to placement of concrete topping. This membrane shall be capable of flexibly bridging the insulation and small gaps around the perimeter of walls.It should return up the walls and terminate at the top of the topping slab. E. Grout 1. Grout keyways with 3,000 psi concrete(1:3 ratio of cement to sand).Grout mixes should not contain any aggregate. 2. Perimeter spaces more than 1"wide can be filled with grout or with the concrete topping pour. 3.8 Clean out A. Install 8"thick precast class"A"4,000 psi type 11 cement top slabs. END OF SECTION 03 40 00 12/20/2022 03 40 00—Precast Concrete P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 04 20 00—UNIT MASONRY ASSEMBLIES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes unit masonry assemblies consisting of the following: 1. Concrete masonry units. 2. Prefaced concrete masonry units. B. See Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for furnishing steel lintels installed in unit masonry assem- blies. C. See Division 7 Section 07 62 00 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for furnishing manufactured reglets in- stalled in masomy joints for metal flashing. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each masonry unit,accessory,and other manufactured product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For masonry reinforcing bars; comply with ACI 315, "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement." C. Material Test Reports: For each type of masonry unit,mortar,and grout required. D. Material Certificates: For each type of masonry unit required. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Preconstruction Testing Service: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform preconstruction testing on each type of unit required per test method indicated. 1. Clay Masonry Units: ASTM C 67. 2. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 140. 3. Mortar: For properties per ASTM C 270. 4. Grout: For compressive strength per ASTM C 1019. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not build on frozen substrates. Remove and replace unit masonry dam- aged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. B. Hot-Weather Requirements: When ambient temperature exceeds 100 deg F (38 deg C), or 90 deg F (32 deg C)with a wind velocity greater than 8 mph(13 km/h), do not spread mortar beds more than 48 inches (1200 mm)ahead of masonry. Set masonry units within one minute of spreading mortar. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblics.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 8 PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,the products specified. 2. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements,provide one of the products specified. 2.2 COLORS AND TEXTURES A. Exposed Masonry Units: 2.3 MASONRY UNITS A. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90. 1. Unit Compressive Strength: 2150-psi-(14.8-MPa-)minimum, average net-area compressive strength. 2. Weight Classification: Normal weight. 3. Type: 1,moisture-controlled units. 4. Exposed Faces of Decorative Units: Lightweight aggregate, standard finish, scored vertically so units laid in running bond appear as square units laid in stacked bond. 5. Special Shapes: Provide for lintels, corners,jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. B. Prefaced Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 744, lightweight concrete units with manufacturer's standard smooth resinous tile facing. 1. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90,Type I,moisture-controlled,hollow units. 2. Size: Manufactured with prefaced surfaces having 1/16-inch- (1.5-mm-)wide returns of facing to cre- ate 1/4-inch-(6.5-mm-)wide mortar joints with modular coursing. 3. Special Shapes: Provide for lintels, corners,jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. C. Sizes of Masonry Units 1. External bearing and non-bearing wall: 8" 2. Internal bearing and non-baring wall: 4" 2.4 MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150,Type I or II,except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207,Type S. C. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblies.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 8 D. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91. E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144; except for joints less than 1/4 inch (6.5 mm) thick, use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing the No. 16(1.18-mm)sieve. 1. Colored-Mortar Aggregates: Natural-colored sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone; of color necessary to produce required mortar color. F. Aggregate for Grout: ASTM C 404. G. Cold-Weather Admixture: Nonchloride, noncorrosive, accelerating admixture complying with ASTM C 494, Type C, and recommended by the manufacturer for use in masonry mortar of composition indicated. 1. Products: a. Euclid Chemical Co.;Accelguard 80. b. Grace,W.R. &Co., Construction Products Division;Morseled. c. Sonneborn,Div.of ChemRex,Inc.;Trimix-NCA. H. Water: Potable. 2.5 REINFORCING A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M;ASTM A 616/A 616M,including Supplement 1; or ASTM A 617/A 617M,Grade 60(Grade 400). B. Masonry Joint Reinforcement: ASTM A 951;mill galvanized, carbon-steel wire for interior walls and hot- dip galvanized,carbon-steel wire for exterior walls. 1. Single-Wythe Masonry: a. Use DUR-O-Wall Reinforcement spaced not more than 16 inches(407 mm)o.c. vertically b. Furnish and install two (2)no. 5 bar,vertically,every 4'-0" o.c. in fully grouted cell. c. Provide 44 dowels embedded into concrete slab(aligned with masonry reinforcement) 2.6 TIES AND ANCHORS A. Materials,General: As follows, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Galvanized Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82; with ASTM A 153, Class B-2 coating for exterior walls and Class 1 coating for interior walls. 2. Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 366/A 366M cold-rolled, carbon-steel sheet hot-dip galvanized after fabrication to comply with ASTM A 153, at exterior walls; and ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180), commercial-quality, steel sheet zinc coated by hot-dip process on continuous lines before fabrication at interior walls. B. Bent Wire Ties: Rectangular units with closed ends and not less than 4 inches (100 mm)wide,made from 3/16-inch-(4.8-mm-)diameter, galvanized steel wire. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblies.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 8 C. Adjustable Anchors for Connecting to Steel Frame: Two-piece assemblies that allow vertical or horizontal adjustment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to wall. 1. Anchor Section: Crimped 1/4-inch- (6.4-mm-) diameter, galvanized steel wire anchor section for welding to steel. 2. Tie Section: Triangular-shaped wire tie, sized to extend within 1 inch(25 mm)of masonry face,made from 0.1875-inch-(4.8-mm-)diameter,galvanized steel wire. D. Anchors for Connecting to Concrete: Provide two-piece assemblies that allow vertical or horizontal ad- justment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to wall. 1. Anchor Section: Dovetail anchor section formed from 0.0528-inch- (1.35-mm-)thick,galvanized steel sheet. 2. Tie Section: Triangular-shaped wire tie, sized to extend within 1 inch(25 mm)of masonry face,made from 0.1875-inch-(4.8-mm-)diameter,galvanized steel wire. E. Adjustable Masonry-Veneer Anchors: Provide 2-piece assemblies that allow vertical or horizontal adjust- ment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to wall, for attachment over sheathing to wood or metal studs, and that are capable of withstanding a 100-lbf(445-N)load in both tension and com- pression without deforming or developing play in excess of 0.05 inch(1.3 mm). 1. Screw-Attached,Masonry-Veneer Anchors: Units with triangular wire tie and rib-stiffened, sheet met- al anchor section with screw holes top and bottom and with raised rib-stiffened strap stamped into cen- ter to provide a slot for connection of wire tie. a. Products: (a) Dur-O-Wal,Inc.; (b) Heckman Building Products,Inc.; 315-D with 316. 2.7 EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS A. Metal Flashing and Accessories: Fabricated to complying with requirements specified in Division 7 Sec- tion "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." 1. Material: copper, 10-oz./sq. ft. (3-kg/sq.m)weight or 0.0135 inch(0.34 min)thick for fully concealed flashing; 16-oz./sq.ft. (5-kg/sq.m)weight or 0.0216 inch(0.55 mm)thick elsewhere. 2. Metal Drip Edges: Extending at least 3 inches(75 mm) into wall and 1/2 inch(13 mm)out from wall, with a hemmed outer edge bent down 30 deg rees. 3. Flashing Terminations: Extending at least 3 inches (75 mm) into wall and out to exterior face of wall. At exterior face of wall, bend metal back on itself for 3/4 inch (19 mm) and then down into joint 3/8 inch(10 mm)to form a stop for retaining sealant backer rod. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Compressible Filler: Premolded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1; compressible up to 35 percent; formulated from neoprene. B. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall. Made from styrene-butadiene-rubber compound complying with ASTM D 2000, Designa- tion M2AA-805. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblics.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 8 C. Bond-Breaker Strips: Asphalt-saturated,organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226,Type I(No. 15 asphalt felt). D. Round Plastic WeepNent Tubing: Medium-density polyethylene, 3/8-inch (9-mm) OD by 4 inches (100 mm)long. 2.9 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Job-Mixed Detergent Solution: Solution of 1/2-cup (0.14-L) dry measure tetrasodium polyphosphate and 1/2-cup(0.14-L)dry measure laundry detergent dissolved in 1 gal. (4 L)of water. 2.10 MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES A. General: Do not use admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. B. Mortar for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 270,Property Specification. 1. Extended-Life Mortar for Unit Masonry: Mortar complying with ASTM C 1142 may be used instead of mortar specified above, at Contractor's option. 2. Limit cementitious materials in mortar to portland cement,mortar cement,and lime. 3. For masonry below grade,in contact with earth,and where indicated,use Type M. 4. For exterior,above-grade, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and parapet walls;for interior load- bearing walls; for interior non-load-bearing partitions; and for other applications where another type is not indicated,use Type N. C. Pigmented Mortar: Select and proportion pigments with other ingredients to produce color required. Limit pigments to the following percentages of cement content by weight: 1. For portland cement-lime mortar,not more than 10 percent. 2. For masonry cement mortar,not more than 5 percent. D. Grout for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476. 1. Use grout of type indicated or,if not otherwise indicated, of type(fine or coarse)that will comply with Table 5 of ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for dimensions of grout spaces and pour height. 2. Provide grout with a slump of 8 to 11 inches(200 to 280 mm) as measured according to ASTM C 143. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Cut masonry units with motor-driven saws. Allow units cut with water-cooled saws to dry before placing, unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges con- cealed. B. Select and arrange units for exposed unit masonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblics.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 8 C. Comply with tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 and the following: 1. For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners,door jambs,reveals,and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 20 feet(6 mm in 6 m), nor 1/2 inch (12 mm) maximum. 2. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as exposed lintels, sills,parapets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than 1/4 inch in 20 feet(6 mm in 6 in),nor 1/2 inch(12 mm)maximum. 3.2 LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-than-half- size units,particularly at corners,jambs,and,where possible,at other locations. B. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Lay exposed masonry in bond pattern indicated;do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch(100-mm)horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. C. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified under this and other Sections of the Specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. D. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 24 inches (600 mm) under bearing plates, beams, lintels,posts,and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. 3.3 MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow masonry units as follows: 1. With full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells. 2. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with grout. 3. For starting course on footings where cells are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed,including areas under cells. B. Lay solid brick-size masonry units with completely filled bed and head joints; butter ends with sufficient mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. Do not deeply furrow bed joints or slush head joints. 1. At cavity walls,bevel beds away from cavity,to minimize mortar protrusions into cavity. C. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than the joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. 3.4 MASONRY JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. Provide continuous masonry joint reinforcement as indicated. Install with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch(16 mm) on exterior side of walls, 1/2 inch (13 mm) elsewhere. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm). B. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by using prefabricated"L" and"T" sections. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblies.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 8 3.5 ANCHORING MASONRY A. Anchor masonry veneers to concrete and masonry backup with masonry-veneer anchors to comply with the following requirements: 1. Fasten each anchor section [through sheathing to wall framing] [to concrete and masonry backup]with two metal fasteners of type indicated. 2. Embed tie sections in masonry joints. Provide not less than 2 inches (50 mm) of air space between back of masonry veneer and face of sheathing. 3. Space anchors as indicated,but not more than 16 inches (406 mm) o.c. vertically and 24 inches (61 0) o.c. horizontally with not less than 1 anchor for each 2.67 sq. ft. (0.25 sq. m)of wall area. Install addi- tional anchors within 12 inches (305 mm) of openings and at intervals, not exceeding 36 inches (914 mm),around perimeter. 3.6 LINTELS A. Provide masonry lintels where shown. Provide precast lintels made from concrete matching concrete ma- sonry units in color, texture, and compressive strength and with reinforcing bars indicated or required to support loads indicated. 3.7 FLASHING AND VENTS A. General: Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other ob- structions to downward flow of water in wall,and where indicated. I. Extend flashing 4 inches (100 mm)at ends and turn flashing up not less than 2 inches(50 mm)to form a pan. 2. Install metal drip edges beneath flashing at exterior face of wall. Stop flashing 1/2 inch(13 mm)back from outside face of wall and adhere flashing to top of metal drip edge. 3. Install metal flashing termination beneath flashing at exterior face of wall. Stop flashing 1/2 inch (13 mm)back from outside face of wall and adhere flashing to top of metal flashing termination. 3.8 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY INSTALLATION A. Temporary Formwork and Shores: Construct formwork and shores to support reinforced masonry elements during construction. 1. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. B. Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. C. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained sufficient strength to resist grout pressure. 1. Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for cleanouts and for grout placement, in- cluding minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform field quality-control testing indicated below. Payment for these services will be made by Owner. 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblies.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 8 1. Testing Frequency: Tests and Evaluations listed in these subparagraphs will be performed during con- struction for each 5000 sq. ft. (465 sq.m)of wall area or portion thereof. 2. Mortar: Properties will be tested per ASTM C 780. 3. Grout: Sampled and tested for compressive strength per ASTM C 1019. 4. Brick Tests: For each type and grade of brick indicated, units will be tested according to ASTM C 67. 5. Concrete Masonry Unit Tests: For each type of concrete masonry unit indicated, units will be tested according to ASTM C 140. 3.10 PARGING A. Parge predampened masonry walls, where indicated, with Type S or Type N mortar applied in 2 uniform coats to a total thickness of 3/4 inch(19 mm)with a steel-trowel finish. Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom. Damp-cure parging for at least 24 hours. 3.11 CLEANING A. Clean unit masonry by dry brushing to remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints, as work pro- gresses. B. After mortar is thoroughly set and cured,clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison pur- poses. 2. Protect adjacent surfaces from contact with cleaner. 3. Wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing the sur- faces thoroughly with clear water. 4. Clean masonry with a proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to manufacturer's written instruc- tions. 5. Clean concrete masonry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2 applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. 3.12 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAL A. Masonry Waste Disposal: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including broken masonry units, waste mortar, and excess or soil-contaminated sand,by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches(450 mm)of finished grade. 2. Remove excess, clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as described above, and other mason- ry waste, and legally dispose of off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 04 20 00 12/20/2022 04 20 00-Unit Masonry Assemblics.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 8 SECTION 05 50 00—REINFORCING STEEL PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: 1. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals as shown, specified and required to furnish and place all steel reinforcement for concrete,including all cutting,bending,fas- tening and any special work necessary to hold the reinforcement in place and protect it from injury and corrosion. 2. The work shall also include furnishing deformed reinforcing bars to be grouted into reinforced concrete masonry walls. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 31,Earthwork. 2. Section03 30 00,Cast-In-Plac e Concrete. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit for approval the following: 1. Detailed placing and shop fabricating drawings,prepared in accordance with ACI 315 shall be fur- nished for all concrete reinforcement. These drawings shall be made to such a scale as to clearly show construction joint locations,openings,the arrangement, spacing and splicing of the bars. No mate- rials shall be cut or fabricated until related drawings have been approved by Engineer. 2. Mill test certificates. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Materials: 1. Reinforcing bars shall be deformed new billet steel bars conforming to ASTM A 615,Grade 60. B. Bars noted on plans to be epoxy-coated,shall be coated with Scotch-koteBrandFusionBonded Epoxy Coating 213 or 214 asmanufacturedby 3M,St.Paul,Minnesota,or equal. Coating shall be applied to cleaned steel reinforcing bars by the el ectro static spray method and fully cured in accordance with the rec- ommendations of the manufacturer of the coating material. Before coating,the bars shall be cleaned by abrasive blast cleaning to meet the requirements ofnear white metal in accordancewith S SPC-SP10.The coating shallbe applied to the cleaned surface as soon as possible after cleaning,and before oxidation of the surface discernable to the unaided eye occurs.However,in no case shall application of the coating be delayed more than 8 hours after cleaning. The film thickness of the coating after curing shall be 5 to 20 mils,inclusive,as measured using ASTM G 12 on the body of the reinforcing bar between the defor- mations and/or ribs on a straight length of bar. The coating shall be free from holes,voids,cracks, and damaged areas discernible to the unaided eye. Damaged or other unsatisfactory areas shall be patched with a coating material and by a method recommended by the coating manufacturer. 10/07/2022 05 10 00-Reinforcing Steel.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 C. Wire mesh reinforced shall conform to ASTM A 185"Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforce- ment." D. Satisfactory test certificates shall be furnished Engineer on any shipments as required. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 FABRICATION AND STORAGE A. All reinforcement shall be cut and bent cold accurately to the dimensions approved. Bends shall be made in conformance with the Manual of Standard Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. If shipped to the job fabricated,it shall be properly bundled and tagged so that it can be handled without damage and readily identified with the approved placing diagrams. B. Reinforcing steel shall be stored above ground on platforms or other supports and shall be protected from the weather at all times by suitable covering. It shall be stored in an orderly manner and plainly marked to facilitate identification. 3.2 CLEANING AND PLACING A. Before beingplaced inposition,the reinforcement shall be thoroughly cleaned of all loose mill scale and rust,and of any dirt,coatings,or other material that might reduce the bond. B. Before being placed in position,any epoxy coated reinforcementthathas been damaged shall berepaired per manufacturer's recommendations,and shall be thoroughly cleared ofall loose mill rust and ofany dirt coating or other material that might reduce the bond. C. All reinforcement shall be placed in the exactpositions and with the spacing shown on the Drawings, or as otherwise directed. It shall be so securely fastened in position by saddle tying at intersections with annealed wire of not less than No.18 gauge or by suitable clips,that no displacement with occur. Precast concreteblocks or metal chairs as approved by Engineer shall be used for supporting horizontal reinforce- ment in slabs on grade,and footings. For all concrete surfaces,where legs of supports are in contact with forms,provide supports complying with CRST"Manual of Standard Practice"as follows: Pro- vide either,plastic coated or stainless steel legs. No reinforcement shall be placed so that there is less concrete between it and the finished concrete surface than the minimums shown ontheDrawings,or speci- fied in the ACI-318 Building Code. D. Wire mesh reinforcement shall be securely fastened at the ends and edges. Wire mesh shall be supported at elevations indicated prior to concrete placement. Edge laps shall not be less than one mesh in width and end laps not less than two meshes in length. E. Substitutions of different size bars or mesh will be permitted only with the written authorization of En- gineer. F. Concrete shall notbe placed until the reinforcing steel is inspected and permission for placing concrete is grantedbyEngineer. All concrete placed inviolationof this provision will be rejected. END OF SECTION 05 50 00 10/07/2022 05 10 00-Reinforcing Steel.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 05 50 00-METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Miscellaneous steel framing and supports. 2. Miscellaneous steel trim. 3. Metal floor plate. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections,details of installation,and attachments to other Work. B. Templates: For anchor bolts. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 METALS A. Metal Surfaces,General: Provide materials with smooth,flat surfaces without blemishes. B. Ferrous Metals: 1. Steel Plates, Shapes,and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. 2. Stainless-Steel Bars and Shapes: ASTM A 276,Type 316L. 3. Rolled-Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 786/A 786M, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A 36/A 36M or ASTM A 283/A 283M, Grade C or D. 4. Rolled-Stainless-Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 793. 5. Steel Tubing: Cold-formed steel tubing complying with ASTM A 500. 6. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, standard weight(Schedule 40),unless another weight is indicated or required by structural loads. 7. Slotted Channel Framing: Cold-formed metal channels 1-5/8 by 1-5/8 inches with flange edges re- turned toward web and with 9/16-inch- wide slotted holes in webs at 2 inches o.c. Channels made from galvanized steel complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M, structural quality, Grade 33 (Grade 230),with G90(Z275)coating; 0.079-inch nominal thickness. 8. Iron Castings: ASTM A 47, Grade 32510 (ASTM A 47M, Grade 22010) malleable iron or ASTM A 48,Class 30(ASTM A 48M,Class 200)gray iron. 9. Concrete Inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either ASTM A 47 (ASTM A 47M)malleable iron or ASTM A 27/A 27M cast steel. Provide bolts,washers,and shims as needed,hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A 153/A 153M. 12/20/2022 05 50 00-Metal Fabrications.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 C. Aluminum: 1. Extrusions: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M),alloy 6063-T6. 2. Alloy Rolled Tread Plate: ASTM B 6328 632M,alloy 6061-T6. 2.2 PAINT A. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with performance requirements in FS TT-P-664 and compatible with finish paint systems indi- cated. B. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: SSPC-Paint 20,organic zinc-rich primer compatible with topcoat. 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,the following: 2. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements,provide one of the following: a. Carboline Company; Carboline 621. b. PPG Industries,Inc.;Aquapon Zinc-Rich Primer 97-670. c. Tnemec Company,Inc.;Tneme-Zinc 90-97. C. Galvanizing Repair Paint: SSPC-Paint 20,high-zinc-dust-content paint for re-galvanizing welds in steel. 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Fasteners: Type 304 or 316 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5, where built into exterior walls, of type, grade, and class re- quired by application indicated. B. Non-shrink, Nonmetallic Grout: ASTM C 1107, factory-packaged, non-staining, non-corrosive, nongase- ous grout. C. Concrete Fill: Comply with requirements in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for normal- weight,air-entrained,ready-mix concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi,unless otherwise indicated. D. Cast Nosings And Treads: Fabricated of cast aluminum with an integral abrasive finish and with anchors for embedding in concrete. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,the following: 2. Surface: Ribbed with abrasive filler strips projecting 1/16 inch above aluminum extrusion 3. Drill for mechanical anchors and countersink. Locate not more than 4 inches from ends and not more than 12 inches o.c. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Connections,General: Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. 1. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs. 12/20/2022 05 50 00-Metal Fabrications.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 2. Weld corners and seams continuously. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and devel- op strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Re- move welding flux immediately. Finish exposed welds smooth and blended. 3. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water,or provide weep holes. 4. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth,using concealed fasteners where pos- sible. Locate joints where least conspicuous. B. Loose Bearing and Leveling Plates: Fabricate loose bearing and leveling plates for steel items bearing on masonry or concrete construction. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts and for grouting. 1. Galvanize plates after fabrication. C. Loose Steel Lintels: Fabricate loose structural-steel lintels from steel angles and shapes of size indicated for openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions at locations indicated. 1. Galvanize loose steel lintels located in walls. D. Shelf Angles: Fabricate shelf angles of sizes indicated and for attachment to framing. Fabricate with hori- zontally slotted holes to receive 3/4-inch bolts,spaced not more than 6 inches from ends and 24 inches o.c. 1. Galvanize shelf angles to be installed in exterior walls. 2. Furnish wedge-type concrete inserts, complete with fasteners, to attach shelf angles to cast-in-place concrete. E. Miscellaneous Framing and Supports: Fabricate steel framing and supports that are not a part of structural- steel framework as necessary to complete the Work from structural steel of welded construction. Cut, drill, and tap units to receive hardware,hangers,and similar items. 1. Where indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry, equip with integrally welded anchors at 24 inches o.c. 2. Fabricate steel girders for wood frame construction from continuous steel shapes. Where wood nailers are attached to girders with bolts or lag screws,drill holes at 24 inches o.c. 3. Fabricate steel pipe columns for supporting wood frame construction with steel baseplates and top plates welded to pipe with fillet welds the same size as pipe wall thickness. F. Miscellaneous Steel Trim: Fabricate units with continuously welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Miter corners and use concealed splices where possible. Fabricate cutouts, fittings, and anchorages; coor- dinate assembly and installation with other work. G. Structural-Steel Door Frames: Fabricate from structural shapes and bars fully welded together, with 5/8- by-1-1/2-inch steel channel stops secured with countersunk machine screws. Reinforce frames and drill and tap as necessary to accept finish hardware. 1. Fabricate with steel strap anchors, with a minimum 6-inch embedment, welded to frame jambs no more than 12 inches from both bottom and head of frame,and not more than 30 inches apart. 2. Extend bottom of frames to floor with steel angle clips welded to frames. 3. Galvanize exterior frames. 12/20/2022 05 50 00-Metal Fabrications.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners for securing metal fabrications to in-place construction. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accu- rately in location,with edges and surfaces level,plumb,and true. 1. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, mason- ry,or similar construction. 2. Fit exposed connections accurately together. Weld connections, unless otherwise indicated. Do not weld,cut,or abrade galvanized surfaces. B. Set bearing and leveling plates on cleaned surfaces using wedges, shims, or leveling nuts. After bearing members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts and pack with non-shrink, nonmetallic grout. C. Touch up surfaces and finishes after erection. 1. Painted Surfaces: Clean field welds,bolted connections,and abraded areas and touch up paint with the same material as used for shop painting. 2. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds,bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION 05 50 00 12/20/2022 05 50 00-Metal Fabrications.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 06 1140-WOOD BLOCKING AND CURBING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Comply with Contract Documents: 1. All Work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary, with all Sections of Division I-General Requirements,with this Section, with the Drawings and with all other Contract Documents. B. Flammable Materials or materials not conforming in all respects to the fire resistive and fire safety provisions of governing regulations shall not be left in place in the Work. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish all labor,materials, equipment and appurtenances necessary or required to perform and complete all work as shown on the Drawings including but not limited to: 1. Blocking for roofing. 1.3 RELATED WORK A. Membrane Roofing and Roof Insulation: Division 7 1.4 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Lumber: 1. Conform to the grading rules of the association having jurisdiction. 2. Bear official grade and trademark of inspection bureau and mill. 1.5 CODES AND STANDARDS A. American Society of Testing and Materials(ASTM). B. American Wood Preservers Association(AWPA). 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with Section 01 33 00. B. Product Data: 1. Species and grade of lumber. 2. Method,type and retention of preservative. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Storage: 1. Stack to insure drainage and air circulation. 12/20/2022 06 11 40—Wood Blocking and Curbing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 3 2. Cover with tarpaulins or other watertight coverings. 3. Store small-sized lumber inside as soon as practical. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate as required with all other trades for timely completion of the work. B. Protect existing buildings and grounds against damage by work performed under this Section. C. Replace completed work damaged by handling or installing of work of this Section. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. All necessary lumber and rough hardware required fro this work including all temporary barricades. B. Lumber: 1. Structural Lumber:Pine No. 1 Structural Grade Hem Fir,Douglas Fir,or Southern Yellow Pine. C. Wood Treatment: 1. Pressure impregnate lumber and plywood with preservative chemical: a. Comply with F.S. TT-W-51 and AWPA Standard P-5. 2. Pressure treat all lumber including framing,sheathing,blocking and plywood. D. Rough Hardware: 1. Provide all items of rough hardware of every description including nails,spikes,screws,bolts, lags, anchors,ramsets,ties,expansion shields and bolts, strap irons, and other items,which are required to assemble or secure the work shown or specified herein. 2. Fastenings for securing wood block,plywood and similar work to masonry,shall be metal of a type and of spacing best suited to conditions, subject to approval of the Engineer. E. All other material as herein specified. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Check,verify and compare all dimensions and conditions at the project,which effect size,construction and installation of items or features provided under this Section. B. Verify that blocking exposed under other sections is sound,firm,not deteriorated,and acceptable for receiving new roofing. 1. Have all unsatisfactory material removed. 12/20/2022 06 11 40—Wood Blocking and Curbing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 C. Notify the Engineer of any discrepancies in writing. D. Coordinate with other trades all items,which might affect or be affected by the Work. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Comply to details as indicated on the Drawings,or encountered in the field. 2. Set alll members plumb and true. 3. Do all nailing and bolting in a thorough manner using nails or bolts of ample size to secure framing rigidly in place. 4. Select pieces so knots or defects do not interfere with placing bolts,nails or connectors. 5. Do not use wood shims for leveling framing members. B. All training shall be in accordance with details indicated on the drawings. Set framing accurately to required lines and levels.Do all nailing and spiking in a thorough manner using nails of ample sizes to secure framing rigidly in place.Provide any special framing as required to complete work. C. Treated Lumber: 1. Install treated lumber as specified. 2. Liberally coat surfaces of treated lumber in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Furnish and install alll other rough carpentry work as may be necessary for the securing in place of roof work and other items furnished by this or other trades. 3.3 CLEANING A. Comply with Sections in General Conditions. B. Remove excess materials and equipment at the completion of all work under this Section. C. Broom clean and remove all debris. D Remove all cut ends and debris from exterior of work area. END OF SECTION 06 1140 12/20/2022 06 11 40—Wood Blocking and Curbing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 07531 -EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Division 1 Specification Sections,apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Adhered membrane roofing system. 2. Mechanically fastened membrane roofing system. 3. Roof insulation. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide installed roofing membrane and base flashings that remain watertight; do not permit the passage of water; and resist specified uplift pressures, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure. B. Material Compatibility: Provide roofing materials that are compatible with one another under conditions of service and application required, as demonstrated by roofing membrane manufacturer based on testing and field experience. 1. Fire/Windstorm Classification: Class IA-90 2. Hail Resistance: Moderate Hail C. Roofing System Design: Provide a membrane roofing system that is identical to systems that have been successfully tested by a qualified testing and inspecting agency to resist the factored design uplift pressures calculated according to SPRI's "Wind Load Design Guide for Fully Adhered and Mechanically Fastened Roofing Systems." D. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. E. Shop Drawings: For roofing system. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other Work. 1. Base flashings and membrane terminations. 2. Tapered insulation,including slopes. 3. Insulation fastening patterns. F. Installer Certificates: Signed by roofing system manufacturer certifying that Installer is approved, authorized,or licensed by manufacturer to install roofing system. G. Maintenance Data: For roofing system to include in maintenance manuals. H. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 9 A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified firm that is approved, authorized, or licensed by roofing system manufacturer to install manufacturer's product and that is eligible to receive manufacturer's warranty. B. Source Limitations: Obtain components for membrane roofing system from same manufacturer as roofing membrane. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Deliver roofing materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken and labeled with manufacturer's name,product brand name and type, date of manufacture, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. B. Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by roofing system manufacturer. Protect stored liquid material from direct sunlight. 1. Discard and legally dispose of liquid material that cannot be applied within its stated shelf life. C. Protect roof insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by sunlight, moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store in a dry location. Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing,and protecting during installation. D. Handle and store roofing materials and place equipment in a manner to avoid permanent deflection. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit roofing system to be installed according to manufacturer's written instructions and warranty requirements. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, without monetary limitation, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of membrane rooting system that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failure includes roof leaks. 1. Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements,provide one of the products specified. 2.2 EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE a. Basis of Design: Carlisle Fleece-Backed B. Fleece-Backed EPDM Roofing Membrane: ASTMD4637, Typclil, nonreinforced, uniform, flexible sheet made from EPDM, laminated to a nonwoven polyester fleece backing except at selvages, and as follows: 1. Manufacturers: 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 9 a. Basis of Design: Carlisle SynTec Incorporated. 2. Composite Thickness: 115 mils,nominal. 3. Exposed Face Color: Black 2.3 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. General: Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing. 1. Liquid-type auxiliary materials shall meet VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Sheet Flashing: 60-mil-thick EPDM,partially cured or cured, according to application. C. Bonding Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard bonding adhesive. D. Cold Fluid-Applied Membrane Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied bonding adhesive formulated to adhere fleece-backed roofing membrane to substrate. E. Lap Sealant: Manufacturer's standard single-component sealant color to match roofing membrane. F. Water Cutoff Mastic: Manufacturer's standard butyl mastic sealant. G. Metal Termination Bars: Manufacturer's standard predrilled stainless-steel or aluminum bars, approximately 1 by 1/8 inch thick;with anchors. H. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening membrane to substrate, and acceptable to membrane roofing system manufacturer. I. Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide pourable sealers, preformed cone and vent sheet flashings, preformed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T joint covers, in-seam sealants, termination reglets,cover strips, and other accessories. 2.4 SUBSTRATE BOARDS 1. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Dens-Deck" manufactured by Carlisle,or approved equal. B. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470,designed for fastening substrate panel to roof deck. C. Fastener: Provide adhesives meeting design requirements in areas where electrical conduits are affixed to the roof deck. 2.5 ROOF INSULATION A. General: Provide preformed roof insulation boards that comply with requirements and referenced standards,selected from manufacturer's standard sizes and of thicknesses indicated. B. Extruded-Polystyrene Board Insulation: ASTM C 578, Type IV, 1.6-lb/cu.Ft minimum density, square edged. 1. Manufacturers: 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 9 a. Dow Chemical Company. b. Owens Corning. C. Provide preformed saddles, crickets,tapered edge strips,and other insulation shapes where indicated for sloping to drain. Fabricate to slopes indicated. 2.6 INSULATION ACCESSORIES A. General: Furnish roof insulation accessories recommended by insulation manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing. B. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening roof insulation to substrate, and acceptable to roofing system manufacturer. C. Cold Fluid-Applied Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied adhesive formulated to adhere roof insulation to substrate. D. Cover Board: ASTM C 208,Type 11, Grade 2, cellulosic-fiber insulation board, 1/2 inch thick. E. Metal Securement System: Perimeter securement flashing and strapping fabricated from stainless steel, a minimum of 0.031 inch) thick. Provide fasteners as recommended by mortar-faced insulation manufacturer. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with the following requirements and other conditions affecting performance of roofing system: 1. Verify that roof openings and penetrations are in place. 2. Verify that wood blocking, curbs, and nailers are securely anchored to roof deck at penetrations and terminations and that nailers match thicknesses of insulation. 3. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrate of dust, debris, moisture, and other substances detrimental to roofing installation according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Remove sharp projections. B. Prevent materials from entering and clogging roof drains and conductors and from spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other construction. Remove roof-drain plugs when no work is taking place or when rain is forecast. 3.3 INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Coordinate installing membrane roofing system components so insulation is not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at the end of the workday. B. Comply with membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions for installing roof insulation. C. Install one or more layers of insulation under area of roofing to achieve required thickness. 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 9 D. Trim surface of insulation where necessary at roof drains so completed surface is flush and does not restrict flow of water. E. Install insulation with long joints of insulation in a continuous straight line with end joints staggered between rows,abutting edges and ends between boards. Fill gaps exceeding 1/4 inch with insulation. 1. Cut and fit insulation within 1/4 inch of nailers,projections,and penetrations. F. Adhered Insulation: Install each layer of insulation and adhere to substrate as follows: 1. Prime surface of metal deck with acceptable primer. 2. Set each layer of insulation in a cold fluid-applied adhesive. G. Mechanically Fastened Insulation: Install each layer of insulation and secure to deck using mechanical fasteners specifically designed and sized for fastening specified board-type roof insulation to deck type. 1. Fasten insulation to resist uplift pressure at corners,perimeter,and field of roof. H. Mechanically Fastened and Adhered Insulation: Install each layer of insulation and secure first layer of insulation to deck using mechanical fasteners specifically designed and sized for fastening specified board-type roof insulation to deck type. I. Install cover boards over insulation with long joints in continuous straight lines with end joints staggered between rows. Loosely butt cover boards together and fasten to roof deck. 1. Fasten insulation to resist uplift pressure at corners,perimeter, and field of roof. 3.4 ADHERED ROOFING MEMBRANE A. Install fleece-backed roofing membrane over area to receive roofing according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Unroll roofing membrane and allow to relax before installing. B. Accurately align roofing membrane and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. C. Bonding Adhesive: Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of rooting membrane at rate required by manufacturer and allow to partially dry before installing roofing membrane. Do not apply bonding adhesive to splice area of roofing membrane. D. Cold Fluid-Applied Adhesive: Apply cold fluid-applied adhesive to substrate at rate required by manufacturer and install fleece-backed roofing membrane. E. Mechanically or adhesively fasten roofing membrane securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. F. Apply roofing membrane with side laps shingled with slope of roof deck where possible. G. Adhesive Seam Installation: Clean both faces of splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. 1. Apply a continuous bead of in-seam sealant before closing splice if required by membrane roofing system manufacturer. 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 9 H. Tape Seam Installation: Clean and prime both faces of splice areas, apply splice tape, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. I. Repair tears,voids,and lapped seams in roofing that does not meet requirements. J. Spread sealant or mastic bed over deck drain flange at deck drains and securely seal roofing membrane in place with clamping ring. K. Install roofing membrane and auxiliary materials to tie in to existing roofing. 3.5 MECHANICALLY FASTENED ROOFING MEMBRANE INSTALLATION A. Install roofing membrane over area to receive roofing according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Unroll roofing membrane and allow to relax before installing. B. Accurately align roofing membranes and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. C. Mechanically or adhesively fasten roofing membrane securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. D. Apply roofing membrane with side laps shingled with slope of roof deck where possible. E. Adhesive Seam Installation: Clean both faces of splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. 1. Apply a continuous bead of in-seam sealant before closing splice if required by membrane roofing system manufacturer. F. Tape Seam Installation: Clean and prime both faces of splice areas, apply splice tape, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. G. Repair tears,voids,and lapped seams in roofing that does not meet requirements. H. Spread sealant or mastic bed over deck drain flange at deck drains and securely seal roofing membrane in place with clamping ring. I. In-Splice Attachment: Secure one edge of roofing membrane using fastening plates or metal battens centered within membrane splice and mechanically fasten roofing membrane to roof deck. Field-splice seam. J. Install roofing membrane and auxiliary materials to tie in to existing roofing. 3.6 BASE FLASHING INSTALLATION A. Install sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates according to membrane roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 9 B. Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet flashing at required rate and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to seam area of flashing. C. Flash penetrations and field-formed inside and outside corners with cured or uncured sheet flashing. D. Clean splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping sheets to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of sheet flashing terminations. E. Terminate and seal top of sheet flashings. Use mechanical anchor to substrate through termination bars where possible. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Final Roof Inspection: Arrange for roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel to inspect roofing installation on completion and submit report to the Engineer. I. Notify Engineer and Owner 48 hours in advance of date and time of inspection. B. Repair or remove and replace components of membrane roofing system where test results or inspections indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements. C. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 3.8 PROTECTING AND CLEANING A. Protect membrane roofing system from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. When remaining construction will not affect or endanger roofing, inspect roofing for deterioration and damage,describing its nature and extent in a written report,with copies to the Engineer and Owner. B. Correct deficiencies in or remove membrane roofing system that does not comply with requirements, repair substrates and repair or reinstall membrane roofing system to a condition free of damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements. C. Clean overspray and spillage from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. 3.9 ROOFING INSTALLER'S WARRANTY Contractor shall provide the following warranty information prior to release of final payment A. WHEREAS <CONTRACTOR NAME> of<CONTRACTOR ADDRESS>, herein called the "Roofing Installer,"has performed roofing and associated work("work") on the following project: 1. Owner: Calverton Hills Homeowners 2. Address: 301 Wooded Way,Calverton NY 3. Building Name/Type: Calverton Hills Sewage Treatment Plant 4. Area of Work: Areas depicted on PWGC design plan dated xxxx 5. Acceptance Date: TBD 6. Warranty Period: 20 Years 7. Expiration Date: TBD 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 9 B. AND WHEREAS Roofing Installer has contracted (either directly with Owner or indirectly as a subcontractor)to warrant said work against leaks and faulty or defective materials and workmanship for designated Warranty Period, C. NOW THEREFORE Roofing Installer hereby warrants, subject to terms and conditions herein set forth, that during Warranty Period he will, at his own cost and expense, make or cause to be made such repairs to or replacements of said work as are necessary to correct faulty and defective work and as are necessary to maintain said work in a watertight condition. D. This Warranty is made subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Specifically excluded from this Warranty are damages to work and other parts of the building, and to building contents, caused by: a. lightning; b. peak gust wind speed exceeding 110 mph C. fire; d. failure of roofing system substrate, including cracking, settlement, excessive deflection, deterioration,and decomposition; e. faulty construction of parapet walls, copings, chimneys, skylights, vents, equipment supports,and other edge conditions and penetrations of the work; f. activity on roofing by others, including construction contractors, maintenance personnel, other persons, and animals,whether authorized or unauthorized by Owner. 2. When work has been damaged by any of foregoing causes, Warranty shall be null and void until such damage has been repaired by Roofing Installer and until cost and expense thereof have been paid by Owner or by another responsible party so designated. 3. Roofing Installer is responsible for damage to work covered by this Warranty but is not liable for consequential damages to building or building contents resulting from leaks or faults or defects of work. 4. During Warranty Period, if Owner allows alteration of work by anyone other than Roofing Installer, including cutting, patching, and maintenance in connection with penetrations, attachment of other work, and positioning of anything on roof, this Warranty shall become null and void on date of said alterations,but only to the extent said alterations affect work covered by this Warranty. If Owner engages Roofing Installer to perform said alterations,Warranty shall not become null and void unless Roofing Installer, before starting said work, shall have notified Owner in writing, showing reasonable cause for claim, that said alterations would likely damage or deteriorate work,thereby reasonably justifying a limitation or termination of this Warranty. 5. During Warranty Period, if original use of roof is changed and it becomes used for, but was not originally specified for, a promenade, work deck, spray-cooled surface, flooded basin, or other use or service more severe than originally specified, this Warranty shall become null and void on date of said change,but only to the extent said change affects work covered by this Warranty. 6. Owner shall promptly notify Roofing Installer of observed,known, or suspected leaks, defects, or deterioration and shall afford reasonable opportunity for Roofing Installer to inspect work and to examine evidence of such leaks,defects,or deterioration. 7. This Warranty is recognized to be the only warranty of Roofing Installer on said work and shall not operate to restrict or cut off Owner from other remedies and resources lawfully available to Owner in cases of roofing failure. Specifically, this Warranty shall not operate to relieve Roofing Installer of responsibility for performance of original work according to requirements of the Contract Documents, regardless of whether Contract was a contract directly with Owner or a subcontract with Owner's General Contractor. E. IN WITNESS THEREOF,this instrument has been duly executed this TBD day of TBD. 1. Authorized Signature: TBD 2. Name: TBD 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 9 3. Title: TBD END OF SECTION 07 53 10 12/20/2022 07 53 10—EPDM Membrane Roofing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 9 SECTION 07 62 00-SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes sheet metal flashing and trim for the following: 1. Metal flashing. 2. Reglets. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans,elevations,sections,details,and attachments to other Work. C. Samples: For each exposed finish. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 METALS A. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated and with not less than the strength and durability of alloy and temper indicated. 1. Mill-Finish Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209,alloy 3003-H14,with a minimum thickness of 0.40 inch. 2.2 REGLETS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements,provide products by one of the following: 1. Fry Reglet Corporation. 2. Hickman,W.P. Co. 3. Keystone Flashing Company. C. General: Units of type, material, and profile indicated, formed to provide secure interlocking of separate reglet and counter flashing pieces and compatible with flashing indicated. D. Surface-Mounted Type: With slotted holes for fastening to substrate, with neoprene or other suitable weatherproofing washers,and with channel for sealant at top edge. E. Concrete Type: With temporary closure tape to keep reglet free of concrete materials, special fasteners for attaching reglet to concrete forms,and guides to ensure alignment of reglet section ends. F. Masonry Type: With offset top flange for embedment in masonry mortar joint. G. Flexible Flashing Retainer: Resilient plastic or rubber accessory to secure flexible flashing in reglet where clearance does not permit use of standard metal counter flashing or where Drawings show reglet without metal counter flashing. 12/20/2022 07 62 00- Sheet Metal Flashing And Trim P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 2.3 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Same metal as sheet metal flashing or other noncorrosive metal as recommended by sheet metal manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened. B. Adhesives: Type recommended by flashing sheet metal manufacturer for waterproof and weather-resistant seaming and adhesive application of flashing sheet metal. C. Paper Slip Sheet: 5-lb/square red rosin, sized building paper,FS UU-B-790,Type 1, Style lb. D. Polyethylene Underlayment: ASTM D 4397, minimum 6-mil- thick black polyethylene film, resistant to decay when tested according to ASTM E 154. E. Metal Accessories: Sheet metal clips, straps,anchoring devices, and similar accessory units as required for installation of Work, matching or compatible with material being installed; noncorrosive; size and thickness required for performance. F. Gutter Screen: 1/4-inch hardware cloth installed in sheet metal frames. Fabricate screen and frame of same basic material as gutters and downspouts. G. Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586,Type 1, asbestos free,asphalt based. 2.4 FABRICATION,GENERAL A. Sheet Metal Fabrication Standard: Fabricate units to comply with recommendations in SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to design, dimensions, material, metal thickness, and other characteristics of item indicated. B. Fabricate units that fit substrates and result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance once installed. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricating sheet metal. C. Form exposed sheet metal without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicated,with exposed edges folded back to form hems. D. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams in sheet metal with flat-Lock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams,and solder. E. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams in aluminum with flat-lock seams. Form seams and seal with epoxy seam sealer. Rivet joints for additional strength. F. Expansion Provisions: Space movement joints at maximum of 10 feet with no joints allowed within 24 inches of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions in Work cannot be used or would not be sufficiently weatherproof and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges,not less than 1 inch deep,filled with mastic sealant(concealed within joints). G. Sealed Joints: Form, but movable, joints in metal to accommodate elastomeric sealant to comply with SMACNA standards. H. Separate metal from non-compatible metal or corrosive substrates by coating concealed surfaces at locations of contact with asphalt mastic or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer. 1. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible. Exposed fasteners are not allowed on faces of sheet metal exposed to public view. J. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as sheet metal component being anchored or from compatible,noncorrosive metal recommended by sheet metal manufacturer. 12/20/2022 07 62 00- Sheet Metal Flashing And Trim P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 1. Size: As recommended by SMACNA manual or sheet metal manufacturer for application but not less than thickness of metal being secured. K. Aluminum Extrusion Units: Fabricate with formed or extruded-aluminum joint covers for installation behind main members where possible. Fabricate mitered and welded corner units. 2.5 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Class 1,Clear Anodic Finish: Comply with AAMA 607.1. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Unless otherwise indicated, install sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements, manufacturer's installation instructions, and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." 2. Anchor units of Work securely in place, providing for thermal expansion of metal units; conceal fasteners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install Work with laps,joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weatherproof. B. Install exposed units that are without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that are true to line and levels indicated,with exposed edges folded back to form hems. C. Install units to fit substrates and to result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance. D. Expansion Provisions: Accommodate thermal expansion of exposed sheet metal. Space movement joints at maximum of 10 feet with no joints allowed within 24 inches of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions cannot be used or would not be sufficiently weatherproof and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled with mastic sealant(concealed within joints). E. Sealed Joints: Form non-expansion, but movable,joints in metal to accommodate elastomeric sealant to comply with SMACNA standards. Fill joint with sealant and form metal to completely conceal sealant. 1. Use joint adhesive for nonmoving joints specified not to be soldered. F. Seams: Install flat-lock seams at nonmoving seams. Tin edges to be seamed,form seams,and solder. G. Seams: Install flat-lock seams at nonmoving seams in aluminum. Form seams and seal with epoxy seam sealer. Rivet joints for additional strength. H. Separations: Separate metal from non-compatible metal or corrosive substrates by coating concealed surfaces, at locations of contact, with asphalt mastic or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer. 1. Underlayment: Where installing stainless steel or aluminum directly on cementitious or wood substrates,install slip sheet of red-rosin paper and course of polyethylene underlayment. 2. Bed flanges of Work in thick coat of roofing cement where required for waterproof performance. 12/20/2022 07 62 00- Sheet Metal Flashing And Trim P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 I. Install reglets to receive counter-flashing according to the following requirements: 1. Where reglets are shown in concrete, furnish reglets for installation under Division 3 Section "Cast-in- Place Concrete." 2. Where reglets are shown in masonry, furnish reglets for installation under Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry Assemblies." J. Counter-flashings: Coordinate installation of counter-flashings with installation of assemblies to be protected by counter-flashing. Install counter-flashings in reglets or receivers. Secure in a waterproof manner by means of snap-in installation and sealant, lead wedges and sealant, interlocking folded seam, or blind rivets and sealant. Lap counter-flashing joints a minimum of 2 inches and bed with sealant. K. Roof-Drainage System: Install drainage items fabricated from sheet metal, with straps, adhesives, and anchors recommended by SMACNA's Manual or the item manufacturer, to drain roof in the most efficient manner. Coordinate roof-drain flashing installation with roof-drainage system installation. Coordinate flashing and sheet metal items for steep-sloped roofs with roofing installation. L. Splash Pans: Install where downspouts discharge on low-sloped roofs, unless otherwise indicated. Set in roof cement or sealant compatible with roofing membrane. M. Install continuous gutter screens on gutters with noncorrosive fasteners, arranged as hinged units to swing open for cleaning gutters. N. Immediately after installation, clean exposed metal surfaces, removing substances that might cause corrosion of metal or deterioration of finishes. END OF SECTION 07 62 00 12/20/2022 07 62 00- Sheet Metal Flashing And Trim P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 08 11 00—FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes fiberglass doors and frames. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each product indicated. Include door designation, type, level and model, material description,label compliance,fire-resistance ratings,and finishes. B. Door Schedule. Use same reference designations indicated on Drawings. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Provide fiberglass reinforced door and frame units made of components of standard construction furnished by one manufacturer as coordinated assemblies. B. Manufacturer: Company specializing in the manufacture of fiberglass doors and frames with a minimum of five years documented experience. C. Resins: Resins shall comply with USDA and FDA standards for incidental food contact. D. Flame Spread Rating:Flame retardant structural shapes meet the minimum flame spread rating less than or equal to 25 when tested according to ASTM E84. E. Impact Strength:FRP doors and panels 10.32 foot-pounds per inch of notch,ASTM D-256. F. Tensile Strength: a.FRP doors and panels 12,000 psi,ASTM D-638. b. FRP frames 30,000 psi,ASTM D-638. G. Flexural Strength:FRP doors,panels,and frames 25,000 psi,ASTM D-790. H. Compressive Strength: a.FRP doors and panels 18,000 psi,ASTM D-695. b. FRP frames 30,000 psi, ASTM D-695. I. Water Absorption:FRP doors,panels,and frames .27%,ASTM D-570. J. Hardware Reinforcements: FRP doors and frames fabricated with a minimum screw holding strength of 1,000 lbs. K. Warranty:Warranty fiberglass doors and frames for life of the initial installation against failure due to corrosion.Additionally,warranty fiberglass doors and frames for a period of 10 years against failure due to materials and workmanship, from date of substantial completion. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: FIB-R-DOR Division of Advance Fiberglass,Inc.; P.O.Box 13268,Maumelle AR 72113; Telephone 1-800-342-7367,FAX 501-758-9496 2.2 MATERIALS A. Fiberglass Mat:Minimum 1.5 ounces per square foot. B. Resins:Manufacturer's formulation for fabricating units to meet specified requirements. C. Anchors: Manufacturer's standard stainless steel expansion anchors for existing openings, and stainless steel masonry tee anchors for new construction. D. Fasteners: Stainless steel. E. Glazing: Type specified in Section 08800; factory installed. 12/20/2022 08 1100-Fiberglass Doors And Frames P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 2.3 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Non-rated Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic(FRP)Doors: 1. Thickness: 1-3/4 inches. 2. Thermal Insulating Value: 'R'factor 11. 3. Construction: a. Core: End-grain balsa wood,resin-impregnated. b. Door Plates:Molded in one continuous piece,resin reinforced with hand-laid glass fiber mat, nominal 1/8 inch thick,minimum 15 mil gel-coated surface. c. Door Edges:Minimum three(3)layers resin-reinforced glass fiber mat,nominal 3/8 inch thick,machine tooled. 4. Sizes:Indicated on drawings. 5.Finish: Smooth gloss surface,minimum value 88 in accordance with ASTM D 523. 6. Color: To be e chosen by the Owner C. Non-rated Fiberglass Frames: 1. Construction: One-piece pultruded fiberglass reinforced plastic,minimum 1/4 inch wall thickness, jamb-to-head joints reinforced with FRP clips and stainless steel fasteners; conforming to SDI requirements for performance equivalent to 16 gage steel frames. 2. Frame profile: 5-3/4 inches deep,2 inches wide face;double rabbeted with 5/8 inch high stop. 3. Sizes: Indicated on drawings. 4. Finish: Satin finish, with true and consistent color throughout frame thickness. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Placing Frames: Set frames accurately in position,plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is completed, remove temporary braces and spreaders, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. 1. Wall Anchors: Provide at least three anchors per jamb. For openings 90 inches or more in height, install an additional anchor at hinge and strike jambs. B. Door Installation: Comply with ANSI A250.8. Shim as necessary to comply with ANSI/DHI A115.1 G. C. After installation, remove protective wrappings from doors and frames and touch up prime coat with compatible air-drying primer. END OF SECTION 08 1100 12/20/2022 08 1100-Fiberglass Doors And Frames P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 08 71 00-FINISH HARDWARE PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Applicable provisions of the General and Supplemental Conditions and"Division 1 —General requirements". B. Furnish all labor,materials, equipment, and accessories necessary or required to perform and complete all hardware as specified and shown on the Drawings. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 08 11 00 Steel Doors and Frames 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications 1. History of successful production for products specified. 2. Engineer reserves the right to review manufacturer's qualifications. B. Subcontractor Qualifications 1. Reputation for doing satisfactory work similar in nature to this project. 2. Engineer reserves the right to review subcontractor's qualifications. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with the Section 0l 33 00. B. Product Data 1. Manufacturer's catalog and specifications. 2. Recommended installation techniques. C. Samples 1. Stainless steel finishes. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Comply with Section 01 60 00 Product Requirements. B. Delivery 1. Coordinate with construction schedule. 2. Deliver intact,assembled or packaged by manufacturer. C. Storage 12/20/2022 08 71 00—Finish Hardware P.W. Grosser consulting Page 1 of 4 1. Store inside building as soon as possible after delivery. 2. Damaged or deteriorated materials will not be acceptable and are to be removed from the site. D. Handling 1. Broken,chipped,bent or otherwise damaged materials will be rejected. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Comply with General Conditions. B. Manufacture. 1. Hardware shall be guaranteed against faulty workmanship and finish,and to satisfactorily perform the intended functions for a period of not less than two years. C. Installer 1. Covered under Section 08 1100. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS&MANUFACTURERS A. Finish hardware shall include but not be limited to: 1. Butts 2. Lock and latch sets 3. Escutcheons and astragals 4. Push and pull plates 5. Door silencers 6. Stops 7. Closers 8. Kick and mop plates 9. Crossbar Exit device 2.2 MATERIALS&MANUFACTURERS A. Approved manufacturers: 1. Hager 2. Ives 3. National Guard Products 4. Yale 5. Von-Duprin 12/20/2022 08 71 00—Finish Hardware P.W. Grosser consulting Page 2 of 4 B. All hardware shall be heavy duty,suitable for industrial use and compatible with doors and frames. Alternate manufacturers may be submitted for Engineer's acceptance. C. Finishes 1. Unless otherwise indicated,the general finish for all hardware shall be stainless steel brushed. D. Keys 1. Key all locks to master system,coordinate with Owner. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify at job site,with hardware supplier,all items and requirements necessary for a complete installation. B. Coordinate requirements and any deviations with the Engineer. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Field verify all cut outs,mortise work and other conditions which might affect the work of this Section. B. Prefit all hardware, checking alignment and function. C. Replace items which malfunction,stick or otherwise impair intended use,at no change in Contract price. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install and apply the specified finish hardware and all other hardware furnished under other sections. B. Receive, store and distribute properly prior to installation. C. Anchor all compounds firmly and securely using only the anchoring devices furnished with the hardware. D. Make all mortices correctly. E. Leave the protective covering around finished hardware as it is installed;maintain until final completion of building. F. Do not install until all wet work is completed and dry. G. Properly tag and identify all keys. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Comply with General Conditions. B. Adjust all hardware for maximum efficiency. C. Clean and polish exposed parts,removing all film from protective covering. D. Lubricate all moving parts as recommended by manufacturer. E. Keying 12/20/2022 08 71 00—Finish Hardware P.W. Grosser consulting Page 3 of 4 1. The hardware supplier shall be responsible for collecting,tagging and performing actual work of setting up and putting into operation the complete key control system. 3.5 SCHEDULE A. The Contract Drawings reflect,in general,the requirements. END OF SECTION 08 71 00 12/20/2022 08 71 00—Finish Hardware P.W. Grosser consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 08 9100-LOUVERS AND VENTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Detail Specifications, Division 1 Specification Sections,apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Adjustable,fixed and motor operated louvers. 2. Bird and insect screens 1.3 Related Sections include the following: A. Division 26 Sections for electrical power connections for motor-operated adjustable metal louvers. 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Louver Terminology: Definitions of terms for metal louvers contained in AMCA 501 apply to this Section, unless otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards. B. Standard Free Area: Free area of a louver less the restrictions due to blades, screens, etc. C. Maximum Standard Airflow: Airflow at point of beginning water penetration through a louver. 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Provide adjustable metal louvers capable of withstanding the effects of loads and stresses from wind and normal thermal movement without evidencing permanent deformation of louver components including blades, frames, and supports; noise or metal fatigue caused by louver blade rattle or flutter;or permanent damage to fasteners and anchors. 1. Wind Load: Uniform pressure(velocity pressure)of 20 lb/sq. ft., acting inward or outward. 2. Thermal Movements: Provide louvers that allow for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening of joints,overstressing of components,and other detrimental effects: a. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F,ambient; 180 deg F,material surfaces. B. Air-Performance, Water-Penetration, and Air-Leakage Ratings: Provide louvers complying with performance requirements indicated, as demonstrated by testing manufacturer's stock units. Test units according to AMCA 500. 1. Provide testing information on unpainted,cleaned,degreased units. 2. Provide water-penetration testing on louvers without screens. 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 6 C. Drainable-Blade Louver: Louver with blades having gutters that collect water and drain it to channels in jambs and mullions, which carry it to bottom of unit and away from opening. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product specified. B. Shop Drawings: For louver units and accessories. Include plans; elevations; sections; and details showing profiles, angles, and spacing of louver blades. Show unit dimensions related to wall openings and construction; free area for each size indicated; profiles of frames at jambs, heads, and sills; and anchorage details and locations. 1. For installed louvers and vents indicated to comply with design loadings, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Detail power, signal, and control systems for motorized adjustable louvers and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. C. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for units with factory-applied color finishes. D. Samples for Verification: Of each type of metal finish required, prepared on Samples of same thickness and material indicated for final Work. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. E. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of louvers certifying that the products furnished comply with requirements and are licensed to bear the AMCA seal based on tests made according to AMCA 500 and complying with AMCA's Certified Ratings Program. F. Product Test Reports: Indicate compliance of products with requirements based on comprehensive testing of current products. G. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners,and other information specified. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain louvers and vents through one source from a single manufacturer where alike in one or more respects regarding type,design,or factory-applied color finish. B. Welding Standards: As follows: 1. Comply with AWS D1.2, "Structural Welding Code--Aluminum." C. UL and NEMA Compliance: Provide motors and related components for motor-operated adjustable louvers that are listed and labeled by UL and comply with applicable NEMA standards. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify louver openings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. 1. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating louvers without field measurements. 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 6 Coordinate construction to ensure that actual opening dimensions correspond to established dimensions. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,the following: B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements,provide products by one of the following: 1. Greenheck Fan Corporation. 2. Construction Specialties,Inc. 3. Industrial Louvers,Inc. 4. Broan NuTone,LLC. C. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,those indicated in the Louver Schedule on the drawings. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221,alloy 6063-T5 or T-52. B. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B 209, alloy 3003 or 5005 with temper as required for forming, or as otherwise recommended by metal producer for required finish. C. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B 26/13 26M,alloy 319. D. Galvanized Steels: ASTM A767 E. Fasteners: Of same basic metal and alloy as fastened metal or 300 series stainless steel, unless otherwise indicated. Do not use metals that are incompatible with joined materials. 1. Use types and sizes to suit unit installation conditions. 2. Use Phillips flat-head screws for exposed fasteners,unless otherwise indicated. F. Anchors and Inserts: Of type, size, and material required for loading and installation indicated. Use nonferrous metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior installations and elsewhere as needed for corrosion resistance. G. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt mastic complying with SSPC-Paint 12 but containing no asbestos fibers,or cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with ASTM D 1187. 2.3 FABRICATION,GENERAL A. Assemble louvers in factory to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 6 1. Continuous Vertical Assemblies: Where height of louver units exceeds fabrication and handling limitations, fabricate units to permit field-bolted assembly with close-fitting joints in jambs and mullions,reinforced with splice plates and without interrupting blade-spacing pattern. B. Maintain equal louver blade spacing, including separation between blades and frames at head and sill, to produce uniform appearance. C. Maintain equal louver blade spacing to produce uniform appearance. D. Fabricate frames, including integral sills, to fit in openings of sizes indicated, with allowances made for fabrication and installation tolerances,adjoining materials'tolerances, and perimeter sealant joints. 1. Frame Type: Interior flange,unless otherwise indicated. E. Include supports,anchorages,and accessories required for complete assembly. F. Join frame members to one another and to fixed louver blades with fillet welds concealed from view,unless otherwise indicated or size of louver assembly makes bolted connections between frame members necessary. G. Join frame members to one another and to fixed louver blades with fillet welds,threaded fasteners, or both, as standard with louver manufacturer, concealed from view; unless otherwise indicated or size of louver assembly makes bolted connections between frame members necessary. 2.4 ADJUSTABLE,EXTRUDED-ALUMINUM LOUVERS A. Louver Construction and Operation: Provide adjustable louvers with extruded-aluminum frames and blades,and with operating mechanisms to suit louver sizes. 1. Motor operation, with two-direction, 110-V, 60-Hz motor; and limit switches wired for grounding; equipped as follows: a. Terminals for controlling devices. B. Single-Blade,Adjustable Louvers: As follows: 1. Louver Depth: 6 inches. 2. Frame Thickness: 0.081 inch. 3. Blade Thickness: 0.081 inch. 4. Blade Type: Plain blade with no center baffle. 5. Blade Angle: 45 degrees. 6. Accessories: Equip louvers as follows: a. Snap-on,blade-edge gaskets for each louver blade to reduce air leakage at blade edges. b. Stainless-steel jamb seals between adjustable-blade ends and jambs to restrict air leakage. 7. Performance Requirements: As follows: a. Maximum Standard Airflow: Not less than that specified on the louver schedule with not more than 0.15-inch wg static-pressure loss. 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 6 b. Air Leakage: Not more than 3.5 cfm per sq. ft. of louver gross area at a differential static pressure of 0.15-inch wg with adjustable louver blades closed. 2.1 LOUVER SCREENS A. General: Provide each louver with louver screens complying with the following requirements: 1. Screen Location for Adjustable Louvers: Exterior face, unless otherwise indicated. B. Secure screens to louver frames with stainless-steel machine screws, spaced a maximum of 6 inches from each corner and at 12 inches o.c. C. Louver Screen Frames: Fabricate screen frames with mitered corners to louver sizes indicated and to comply with the following requirements: 1. Metal: Same kind and form of metal as indicated for louver to which screens are attached. a. Reinforce extruded-aluminum screen frames at corners with clips. 2. Finish: Same finish as louver frames to which louver screens are attached. 3. Type: Re-wirable frames with a driven spline or insert for securing screen mesh. D. Louver Screening for Aluminum Louvers: As follows: 1. Bird Screening: Stainless steel, 1/2-inch- square mesh,0.047-inch wire. 2.2 FINISHES,GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish louvers after assembly. 2.3 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. B. Class lI, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A31 (Mechanical Finish: nonspecular as fabricated; Chemical Finish: etched,medium matte; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II, clear coating 0.010 mm or thicker) complying with AAMA 607.1. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Coordinate Setting Drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to Project site. 3.2 INSTALLATION 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 6 A. Locate and place louver units level,plumb,and at indicated alignment with adjacent work. B. Use concealed anchorages where possible. Provide brass or lead washers fitted to screws where required to protect metal surfaces and to make a weathertight connection. C. Form closely fitted joints with exposed connections accurately located and secured. D. Provide perimeter reveals and openings of uniform width for sealants and joint fillers,as indicated. E. Repair finishes damaged by cutting, welding, soldering, and grinding. Restore finishes so no evidence remains of corrective work. Return items that cannot be refinished in the field to the factory, make required alterations,and refinish entire unit or provide new units. F. Protect aluminum surfaces from corrosion or galvanic action by applying a heavy coating of bituminous paint on surfaces that will be in contact with dissimilar metals. G. Install concealed gaskets,flashings,joint fillers,and insulation. 3.3 ADJUSTING,CLEANING,AND PROTECTING A. Test operation of adjustable louvers and adjust as needed to produce fully functioning units that comply with requirements. B. Periodically clean exposed surfaces of louvers and vents that are not protected by temporary covering to remove fingerprints and soil during construction period. Do not let soil accumulate until final cleaning. C. Before final inspection, clean exposed surfaces with water and a mild soap or detergent not harmful to finishes. Thoroughly rinse surfaces and dry. D. Protect louvers and vents from damage during construction. Use temporary protective coverings where needed and approved by louver manufacturer. Remove protective covering at the time of Substantial Completion. E. Clean and touch up minor abrasions in finishes with air-dried coating that matches color and gloss of, and is compatible with,factory-applied finish coating. 3.4 LOUVER SCHEDULE A. Louver Type and Manufacturer: See drawings. B. Model No.: See drawings. C. Louver Construction: Extruded Aluminum unless otherwise indicated. D. Blade Type: Horizontal—Adjustable. E. Screen Type: Insect and Bird Screens Required unless otherwise noted F. Accessories:Motor Operator where specified END OF SECTION 08 9100 12/20/2022 08 9100-Louvers and Vents.DOC P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 6 SECTION 09 91 00-PAINTING PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of exposed exterior and interior items and surfaces. Surfaces include but not limited to miscellaneous metals, grating,piping, valves, mechanical and electrical equipment,etc. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each product indicated. B. Samples: For each type of finish-coat material indicated. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Samples 1. Provide paint chips finish samples for each type of coating and substrate required. B. The use of paints containing lead or mercury should be avoided. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. B. Apply waterborne paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 and 90 deg F. C. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 and 95 deg F. D. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point;or to damp or wet surfaces. 1.5 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in the quantities described below. Package with protective covering for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to Authority. 1. Quantity: 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. or 1 case, as appropriate, of each material and color applied. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include,but are not limited to,products listed in other Part 2 articles. 12/20/2022 09 9100-Painting P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 B. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the products listed in other Part 2 articles. C. Manufacturers'Names: Shortened versions (shown in parentheses) of the following manufacturers'names are used in other Part 2 articles: 1. Benjamin Moore&Co. (Benjamin Moore). 2. PPG Industries,Inc. (Pittsburgh Paints). 3. Sherwin-Williams Co. (Sherwin-Williams). 2.2 PAINT MATERIALS,GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide primers, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified that are factory formulated and recommended by manufacturer for application indicated. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. C. Colors: As selected from manufacturers full range. Submit paint chips to the engineer for approval 2.3 PREPARATORY COATS A. Exterior Primer: Exterior alkyd or latex-based primer of finish coat manufacturer and recommended in writing by manufacturer for use with finish coat and on substrate indicated. 1. Ferrous-Metal and Aluminum Substrates: Rust-inhibitive metal primer. 2. Zinc-Coated Metal Substrates: Galvanized metal primer. 3. Where manufacturer does not recommend a separate primer formulation on substrate indicated, use paint specified for finish coat. 2.4 EXTERIOR FINISH COATS (TO BE USED TO PAINT DOORS, EXPOSED PIPING, WINDOW FRAMES,VENTILATORS,INTAKE LOUVERS ETC.) PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION A. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P4 for inspection and acceptance of surfaces to be painted. B. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. C. Remove hardware and hardware accessories,plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of the item,provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. 12/20/2022 09 9100-Painting P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 D. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and re-prime. 2. Ferrous Metals: Clean un-galvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with SSPC's recommendations. a. Blast steel surfaces clean as recommended by paint system manufacturer and according to SSPC- SP 6/NACE No. 3. b. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming. c. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire-brush, clean with solvents recommended by paint manufacturer, and touch up with same primer as the shop coat. E. Material Preparation: 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. F. Exposed Surfaces: Include areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, grilles, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required,to maintain system integrity and provide desired protection. 1. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. 2. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 3. Finish exterior doors on tops,bottoms,and side edges the same as exterior faces. 4. Finish interior of wall and base cabinets and similar field-finished casework to match exterior. G. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. H. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned,pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. Omit primer over metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. 2. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish,color,and appearance. I. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush,roller, spray,or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. 12/20/2022 09 9100-Painting P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 J. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturers recommended spreading rate. Provide total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by manufacturer. K. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of mechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and occupied spaces. L. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat, as recommended by manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. M. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks,runs,sags,ropiness,or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. N. Transparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce a glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish free of laps, runs, cloudiness, color irregularity, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. O. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling,such as laps, irregularity in texture, skid marks,or other surface imperfections. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTING A. At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from Project site. B. Protect work of other trades,whether being painted or not,against damage from painting. Correct damage by cleaning,repairing or replacing, and repainting,as approved by Architect. C. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. After completing painting operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. 1. After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1. D. Ferrous Metal: 1. Alkyd-Enamel Finish: Two finish coats over a rust-inhibitive primer. a. Primer: Exterior ferrous-metal primer(not required on shop-primed items). b. Finish Coats: Exterior full-gloss alkyd enamel. E. Zinc-Coated Metal: 1. Alkyd-Enamel Finish: Two finish coats over a galvanized metal primer. a. Primer: Exterior galvanized metal primer. b. Finish Coats: Exterior full-gloss alkyd enamel. END OF SECTION 09 9100 12/20/2022 09 9100-Painting P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 22 10 00—VALVES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Contract Documents: All Work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Conditions of the Contract(general, Supplementary and Special),with all Sections of Division I -General Requirements,with the Drawings and with all other Contract Documents. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide labor, material, and equipment necessary to install valves as shown on the drawings, specified herein or as may reasonably be required by the intent of the Work. 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Operative valves shall open to the left or counterclockwise. B. Valves shall be equipped with handwheels or floor stands unless otherwise noted. Plug valves shall be furnished with wrenches (one/valve)or floor stands. C. Valves furnished shall be suitable for the service for which they are intended. D. Buried valves shall be provided with valve boxes,lids and covers and one(1)valve key for each ten valves furnished. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Provide valves of same manufacturer throughout where possible. B. Provide valves with manufacturer's name and pressure rating clearly marked on outside of body. C. Dezurik Valves or equal. 2.2 VALVES -GENERAL A. Handwheels shall be provided with arrow indicating the direction to open and the word"open". B. Provide valves suitable to connect to adjoining piping as specified for pipe joints. Use only line size valves. C. Joints for valves shall be threaded, flanged, solvent joint or mechanical joint and shall match joint system of piping in which valves are installed. D. All sewer valves shall be given two coats of asphalt varnish. 2.5 CHECK VALVES A. Valves shall be rated for 200 psi. B. Valves shall be of bronze body construction similar to Crane Co.,model number 36 or equal. 12/20/2022 22 10 00—Valves P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 2.6 PLUG VALVES A. Plug valves shall be non-lubricated,eccentric plug type,carbon steel body and cover. B. Valves shall be rated for 175 lb. working pressure and cast in semi-steel. C. Valves shall have a full round port and balanced plug coated with UHMW Polyethylene or equal. D. Plug valves shall be DeZurik Permaseal. Valves less than 4" shall be provided with levers (RLG Models)and valves 4" or greater shall be provided with handwheels (RGG Models). E. All valves installed on process sludge lines shall be plug valves. 2.7 BUTTERFLY VALVES A. Butterfly valves shall be of the tight closing,rubber seat type with rubber seats permanently bonded to the valve body. B. Valves shall be bubble tight at rated pressures with flow in either direction, and shall be satisfactory for applications involving throttling service. C. Valve discs shall rotate 90 degrees from the full open to the tight shut position and shall be satisfactory for applications involving throttling service. D. Valve bodies shall be constructed of cast iron ASTM A-126. E. Valve connections shall be Class B with flanges drilled in accordance with ASA B161.1. F. Valve discs shall be of alloy cast iron ASTM A436 Type 1. G. Valve shafts shall be constructed of 18-8 Type 304 stainless steel. H. Valve seats shall be of natural or synthetic rubber compound permanently bonded to the valve body. Bonded seats must be simultaneously molded in, vulcanized and bonded to the body and the seat bond must withstand 75 lbs. pull under test procedure D429, Method B. Valve bearings shall be nylon. I. Valve operators shall conform to AWWA Standard C504 and shall be designed to hold the valve in any intermediate position between fully open and fully closed without creeping or fluttering. Manual valve operators shall be of the traveling nut type and fully enclosed. J. Valves shall be as manufactured by Keystone,Henry Pratt Company or equal. 2.8 HOSE GATE VALVES A. One inch hose gate valves shall be installed on the process water lines as shown on the drawings, for drains of sampling ports. B. Valves shall be of bronze construction, Underwriters Pattern with wedge disc, non-rising stem, cap and chain. Valve and piping shall be adequately supported. C. Valve threads shall match hose provided and shall be 1PT. Valve shall have a working pressure of 200 PSI a d shall be equal to Catalog Number 451 as manufactured by Crane Co. 12/20/2022 22 10 00—Valves P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 2.09 TELESCOPING VALVES A. Telescoping Valves shall consist of a four (4") inch O.D. brass slip tube within a six (6") inch I.D. cast iron travel pipe installed to the dimensions as shown on the plans. B. Valve operation shall be controlled by a hand crank with a rack and pinion mechanism mounted on a cast iron stand. C. The telescoping valve assembly shall be as manufactured by Walker Process Equipment or equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Install valves at locations noted on the drawings or as specified. Size valves the same size as the piping in which they are installed,unless otherwise indicated. B. Where shown on the drawings or required by the intent of the work, extension stems and valve stands shall be furnished and installed. C. Valves installed six feet above finished floor or higher shall be fitted with chain wheels. Suitable galvanized straight link welded chain shall be installed to permit operation of the valve at a level not over five feet above the finished floor. D. Valves installed shall be suitable for the service for which they are intended. END OF SECTION 22 10 00 12/20/2022 22 10 00—Valves P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 22 10 01 —NATURAL GAS PIPING PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pipe,pipe fittings, valves, and connections for piping systems. 1. Natural gas. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 22 05 29-Hangers and Support for Piping B. Section 22 05 53 -Identification for Mechanical Piping&Equipment 1.3 REFERENCES A. Division 1 -Quality Control: Requirements for references and standards. B. ASME B16.3 -Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings. C. ASME B31.2-Fuel Gas Piping. D. ASME SEC IX-Welding and Brazing Qualifications. E. ASTM A53 -Pipe, Steel,Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated,Welded and Seamless. F. ASTM A234/A234M -Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures. G. NFPA 54-National Fuel Gas Code. H. Fuel Gas Code of New York State 1.4 SUBMITTALS FOR REVIEW A. Section 01 33 00-Submittals: Procedures for submittals. B. Product Data: Provide data on pipe materials, pipe fittings, valves, and accessories. Provide manufacturers catalog information.Indicate valve data and ratings. C. Shop Drawings: Provide installation drawings indicating pipe/tubing layout and location of plumbing fixtures. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with State of New York and Town code. B. Valves:Manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. C. Welding Materials and Procedures: Conform to ASME SEC IX and applicable state labor regulations. D. Welders Certification: In accordance with ASME SEC TX. 12/20/22 22 10 01—Natural Gas Piping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 E. Identify pipe with marking including size,ASTM material classification,ASTM specification and pressure rating. 1.6 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Perform Work in accordance with the State of New York and the Town code. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND PROTECTION A. Accept valves on site in shipping containers with labeling in place.Inspect for damage. B. Provide temporary protective coating on valves. C. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary covers,completing sections of the work, and isolating parts of completed system. 1.8 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install underground piping when bedding is wet or frozen. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 NATURAL GAS PIPING,ABOVE GRADE A. Steel Pipe:ASTM A53 Schedule 40 black. 1. Fittings:ASME B16.3,malleable iron,or ASTM A234/A234M, forged steel welding type. 2. Joints: NFPA 54, threaded for pressures fourteen inches W.C. and less on pipe sizes 3-1/2 inches and smaller W.C.;welded to ANSI B31.2 for all pipe sizes at a pressure greater than fourteen inches W.C. or sizes four inches and larger pipe diameter at pressures of fourteen inches W.C. and less. B. Above grade outdoor threaded piping and fittings shall be galvanized. C. Above grade outdoor welded piping and fittings shall be painted or provided with a coating and taping system in accordance with utility company requirements. 2.2 NATURAL GAS PIPING,BELOW GRADE A. Steel Pipe:ASTM A106 Schedule 40. 1. Fittings: ASTM A234, forged steel welding type, with AWWA C105 polyethylene jacket or double layer,half-lapped 10 mil polyethylene tape. 2. Joints: ANSI B31.2 3. Corrosion Protection:Magnesium anodes, 17 pound. 4. High visibility'Hazard Warning'tape shall be installed 12 inches directly over entire length of buried gas lines 2.3 FLANGES,UNIONS,AND COUPLINGS A. Pipe Size 3 inches and Under: 12/20/22 22 10 01—Natural Gas Piping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 1. Ferrous pipe: Class 150 malleable iron threaded unions. B. Pipe Size Over 1 inch: 1. Ferrous pipe: Class 150 malleable iron threaded or forged steel slip-on flanges; preformed neoprene gaskets. C. Dielectric Connections: Union with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end, water impervious isolation barrier. 2.4 GAS COCKS A. Up to two inches: 150 psig WOG, bronze body, bronze tapered plug, non-lubricated, Teflon packing, threaded. 2.5 ESCUTCHEONS A. Chrome slip-on type,one piece. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Section 01 31 00-Project Management and Coordination:Verification of existing conditions before starting work. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends.Remove burrs.Bevel plain end ferrous pipe. B. Remove scale and dirt,on inside and outside,before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. 3.3 INSTALLATION(GENERAL) A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not install piping within air ducts or plenums. C. Provide non-conducting dielectric connections wherever jointing dissimilar metals. D. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient. Route parallel and perpendicular to walls. Effect changes in size with reducing fittings. E. Install piping to maintain headroom,conserve space,and not interfere with use of space. F. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. G. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of and access to valves and fittings. H. Establish elevations of buried piping outside the building to ensure not less than 18-inches of cover. 12/20/22 22 10 01—Natural Gas Piping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 1. Where pipe support members are welded to structural building framing, scrape, brush clean, and apply one coat of zinc rich primer to welding. J. Provide support for utility meters in accordance with requirements of utility companies. K. Prepare exposed, unfinished pipe, fittings, supports, and accessories ready for finish painting. Refer to Section 09 91 00-Painting. L. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal,not inverted. M. Pipe vents from gas pressure reducing valves to outdoors and terminate in weather proof hood. N. Sleeve pipes passing through partitions,walls and floors. O. Provide inserts for placement in concrete formwork. P. Install buried gas piping in accordance with the requirements of the local gas utility. Q. Identify piping under provisions of Section 22 05 53. 3.4 APPLICATIONS A. Install unions downstream of valves and at equipment or apparatus connections. B. Provide plug valves in natural gas systems for shut-off service. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Pressure test gas piping in accordance with utility company requirements. END OF SECTION 22 10 01 12/20/22 22 10 01—Natural Gas Piping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 22 1100—FACILITY WATER DISTRIBUTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Water distribution piping from locations indicated to fixtures and equipment inside building. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Water Distribution Piping: Inside building that conveys water to fixtures and equipment throughout building. 1.3 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide components and installation capable of producing piping systems with following minimum working-pressure ratings,unless otherwise indicated: 1. Water Distribution Piping: 125 PS1G. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. General: Comply with Section 01330. B. Water Samples,Test Results, and Reports: Specified in Field Quality Control and Cleaning articles. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide listing/approval stamp, label, or other marking on piping made to specified standards. B. Comply with ASME B31.9-Building Services Piping,for materials,products,and installation. C. Comply with NSF 61 - Drinking Water System Components--Health Effects, Sections 1 through 9 for potable-water piping and components. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPES AND TUBES A. General: Applications of following pipe and tube materials are indicated in Part 3 Piping Applications Article. B. Soft Copper Tube: ASTM B88,Types K,water tube,annealed temper for underground piping. C. Hard Copper Tube: ASTM B88,Types L,water tube,drawn temper for above ground piping. D. Galvanized Steel Pipe:ASTM A53,Type E or S,Grade A or B, Schedule 40. 2.2 PIPE AND TUBE FITTINGS A. General: Applications of following pipe and tube fitting materials are indicated in Part 3 Piping Applications Article. B. Copper, Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings: ASME Bl 6.18 cast-copper alloy or ASME B 16.22 wrought copper. 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 6 C. Bronze Flanges: ASME B16.24, Class 150, with solder-joint end. Furnish Class 300 flanges if required to match piping. D. Copper Unions: ASME B16.18, cast-copper-alloy,hexagonal-stock body with ball-and-socket joint,metal- to-metal seating surfaces, and solder-joint, threaded, or solder-joint and threaded ends. Include threads conforming to ASME B1.20.1 on threaded ends. E. Cast-Iron, Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.4, Class 125, galvanized, standard pattern with threads according to ASME B 1.20.1.Furnish Class 250 fittings if required to match piping. F. Malleable-Iron Unions: ASME B16.39, Class 150,hexagonal-stock body with ball-and-socket joint,metal- to-metal bronze seating surfaces, and female threaded ends with threads according to ASME B1.20.1. Furnish Class 300 unions if required to match piping. G. Cast-Iron, Threaded Flanges: ASME B16.1, Class 125. Furnish Class 250 flanges if required to match piping. 2.3 JOINING MATERIALS A. General: Applications of following piping joining materials are indicated in Part 3 Piping Applications Article. B. Comply with Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods for commonly used joining materials. C. Solder:ASTM B32,Alloy Sn95, Sn94,or E;lead free. D. Brazing Filler Metal:AWS A5.8.BCuP,copper phosphorus or BAg, silver classification. E. Transition Couplings: Coupling or other manufactured fitting same size as, with pressure rating at least equal to,and with ends compatible with piping to be joined. 2.4 VALVES A. Comply with Section 15110-Valves for general-duty valves. B. Comply with Section 15425 -Plumbing Specialties for special-duty valves. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION A. Comply with Division 31 -Earthwork for excavating,trenching,and backfilling. 3.2 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. Transition and special fittings with pressure ratings at least equal to piping pressure rating may be used in applications below,unless otherwise indicated. B. Flanges may be used on aboveground piping,unless otherwise indicated. C. Underground, Service Entrance and Water Service Piping: Do not use flanges or valves underground. Use following: 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 6 1. 2-Inch NPS and Smaller: Soft copper tube. Type K; copper, solder-joint pressure fittings; and soldered joints. D. Aboveground.Water Distribution Piping:Use following: 1. 1-1/2-Inch NPS and Smaller: Hard copper tube, Type L; copper, solder-joint fittings; and soldered joints. 2. 2-inch NPS:Hard copper tube. Type L;copper, solder-joint fittings; and soldered joints. 3. 2-1/2-to 3-1/2-Inch NPS: Hard copper tube,Type L;copper, solder-joint fittings; and soldered joints. 4. 4- to 6-Inch NPS: Hard copper tube, Type L with grooved ends; copper, grooved-end fittings; and copper,keyed couplings. 5. 4-to 6-Inch NPS: Steel pipe and cast-iron,threaded fittings. 3.3 VALVE APPLICATIONS A. Drawings indicate valve types to be used. Where specific valve types are not indicated, following requirements apply: 1. Shutoff Duty: Use ball or butterfly valves. 2. Throttling Duty: Use ball or butterfly valves. 3.4 PIPING INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with Section 15050-Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods for basic piping installation. 3.5 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING INSTALLATION A. Install piping level without pitch. 3.6 JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Comply with Section 15050-Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods for basic piping joint construction. 3.7 VALVE INSTALLATION A. Sectional Valves: Install sectional valves close to main on each branch and riser serving plumbing fixtures or equipment,and where indicated.Use ball valves for piping 2-inch NPS and smaller.Use ball or butterfly valves for piping 2-1/2-inch NPS and larger. B. Shutoff Valves: Install shutoff valve on each water supply to equipment, on each supply to plumbing fixtures without supply stops, and where indicated. Use ball valves for piping 2-inch NPS and smaller. Use ball or butterfly valves for piping 2-1/2-inch NPS and larger. C. Drain Valves: Install drain valves for equipment, at base of each water riser, at low points in horizontal piping,and where required to drain water piping. 1. Install hose-end drain valves at low points in water mains,risers, and branches. D. Calibrated Balancing Valves: Install in each hot-water circulation return branch, discharge side of each pump and circulator, and where indicated. Comply with Section 15425 - Plumbing Specialties for calibrated balancing valves. 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 6 3.8 HANGER AND SUPPORT INSTALLATION A. Comply with Section 15060-Hangers and Supports for pipe hanger and support devices. Install following: L Riser clamps. MSS Type 8 or Type 42,for vertical runs. 2. Adjustable steel clevis hangers.MSS Type 1, for individual,straight,horizontal runs 100 feet and less. 3. Adjustable roller hangers,MSS Type 43,for individual, straight,horizontal runs longer than 100 feet. 4. Spring cushion rolls, MSS Type 49, if indicated, for individual, straight, horizontal runs longer than 100 feet. 5. Pipe rolls, MSS Type 44, for multiple, straight, horizontal runs 100 feet or longer. Support pipe rolls on trapeze. 6. Spring hangers,MSS Type 52,for supporting base of vertical runs. B. Install supports according to Section 15060-Hangers and Supports. C. Support vertical piping and tubing at base and at each floor. D. Rod diameter may be reduced one size for double-rod hangers, with 3/8-inch minimum rods. E. Install hangers for copper tubing with following maximum spacing and minimum rod diameters: 1. 3/4-Inch NPS and Smaller: Maximum horizontal spacing, 60 inches with 3/8-inch minimum rod diameter;maximum vertical spacing, 10 feet. 2. 1-Inch and 1-1/4-Inch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing, 72 inches with 3/8-inch minimum rod diameter;maximum vertical spacing, 10 feet. 3. 1-1/2 and 2-Inch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing, 96 inches with 3/8-inch minimum rod diameter; maximum vertical spacing. 10 feet. 4. 2-1/2-Tnch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing, 108 inches with 1/2-inch minimum rod diameter; maximum vertical spacing, 10 feet. 5. 3-Inch thru 5-Inch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing, 10 feet with 1/2-inch minimum rod diameter; maximum vertical spacing, 10 feet. 6. 6-Inch and 8-Inch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing. 10 feet with 5/8-inch minimum rod diameter; maximum vertical spacing, 10 feet. F. Install hangers for steel and ductile-iron piping with following maximum spacing and minimum rod diameters: 1. 4- and 5-Inch NPS: Maximum horizontal spacing, 12 feet with 5/8-inch minimum rod diameter; maximum vertical spacing, 15 feet. G. Support piping and tubing not listed above according to MSS SP-69 and manufacturer's recommendations. 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 6 3.9 CONNECTIONS A. Connect service entrance piping to exterior water service piping. Use transition fitting to join dissimilar piping materials. B. Connect water distribution piping to service entrance piping at shutoff valve, and extend to and connect to following: 1. Water Heaters: Connect cold-water supply and hot-water outlet piping in sizes indicated, but not smaller than sizes of water heater connections. 2. Plumbing Fixtures: Connect hot- and cold-water supply piping in sizes indicated, but not smaller than required by plumbing code. Comply with Section 15410-Plumbing Fixtures. 3. Equipment: Connect hot- and cold-water supply piping as indicated. Provide shutoff valve and union for each connection.Use flanges instead of unions for connections 2-1/2-inch NPS and larger. 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect water distribution piping as follows: 1. Do not enclose, cover, or put piping into operation until it is inspected and approved by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. During installation, notify authorities having jurisdiction at least 24 hours before inspection must be made.Perform tests specified below in presence of authorities having jurisdiction. a. Roughing-In Inspection: Arrange for inspection of piping before concealing or closing-in after roughing-in and before setting fixtures. b. Final Inspection: Arrange for final inspection by authorities having jurisdiction to observe tests specified below and to ensure compliance with requirements. 3. Reinspection: if authorities having jurisdiction find that piping will not pass test or inspection. make required corrections and arrange for reinspection. 4. Reports:Prepare inspection reports and have them signed by authorities having jurisdiction. B. Test water distribution piping as follows: 1. Test for leaks and defects in new piping and parts of existing piping that have been altered, extended, or repaired. If testing is performed in segments, submit separate report for each test, complete with diagram of portion of piping tested. 2. Leave uncovered and unconcealed new, altered, extended, or replaced water piping until it has been tested and approved. Expose work that has been covered or concealed before it has been tested and approved. 3. Cap and subject piping to static water pressure of 50 PSIG above operating pressure, without exceeding pressure rating of piping system materials.Isolate test source and allow to stand for 4 hours. Leaks and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. 4. Repair leaks and defects with new materials and retest piping or portion thereof until satisfactory results are obtained. 5. Prepare reports for tests and required corrective action. 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 6 3.11 CLEANING A. Clean and disinfect service entrance piping and water distribution piping as follows: 1. Purge new piping and parts of existing water piping that have been altered, extended, or repaired before using. 2. Use purging and disinfecting procedure prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction or, if method is not prescribed,procedure described in either AW WA C651 or AW WA C652 or as described below: a. Flush piping system with clean,potable water until dirty water does not appear at outlets. b. Fill and isolate system according to either of following: (a) Fill system or part thereof with water/chlorine solution with at least 50 PPM of chlorine. Isolate with valves and allow to stand for 24 hours. (b) Fill system or part thereof with water/chlorine solution with at least 200 PPM of chlorine, Isolate and allow to stand for 3 hours. c. Flush system with clean, potable water until chlorine is no longer in water coming from system after standing time. d. Submit water samples in sterile bottles to authorities having jurisdiction. Repeat procedure if biological examination shows contamination. B. Prepare and submit reports for purging and disinfecting activities. C. Clean interior of piping system. Remove dirt and debris as work progresses. END OF SECTION 22 11 00 12/20/2022 22 1100—Facility Water Distribution P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 6 SECTION 23 07 13 -MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections,apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes mechanical identification materials and devices. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For identification materials and devices. B. Samples: Of color, lettering style, and graphic representation required for each identification material and device. C. Valve Schedules: For each piping system. Reproduce on standard-size bond paper. Tabulate valve number, piping system, system abbreviation as shown on tag, room or space location of valve, and variations for identification. Mark valves intended for emergency shutoff and similar special uses. Besides mounted copies,furnish copies for maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with ASME A13.1, "Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems" for lettering size, length of color field,colors, and viewing angles of identification devices. 1.5 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate installation of identifying devices with completion of covering and painting of surfaces where devices are to be applied. B. Install identifying devices before installing acoustical ceilings and similar concealment. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 IDENTIFYING DEVICES AND LABELS A. General: Products specified are for applications referenced in other Sections. If more than single type is specified for listed applications, selection is Installer's option. B. Equipment Nameplates: Metal permanently fastened to equipment with data engraved or stamped. 1. Data: Manufacturer, product name, model number, serial number, capacity, operating and power characteristics,labels of tested compliances,and essential data. 2. Location: Accessible and visible. C. Stencils: Standard stencils, prepared with letter sizes conforming to recommendations of ASME A13.1. Minimum letter height is 1-1/4 inches for ducts, and 3/4 inch for access door signs and similar operational instructions. 12/20/2022 23 07 13-Mechanical Identification P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 1. Material: Fiberboard. 2. Material: Brass. 3. Stencil Paint: Exterior, oil-based, alkyd gloss black enamel, unless otherwise indicated. Paint may be in pressurized spray-can form. 4. Identification Paint: Exterior, oil-based, alkyd enamel in colors according to ASME A13.1, unless otherwise indicated. D. Snap-On Plastic Pipe Markers: Manufacturer's standard preprinted, semirigid,snap-on type. Include color- coding according to ASME Al3.1,unless otherwise indicated. E. Pressure-Sensitive Pipe Markers: Manufacturer's standard preprinted, color-coded, pressure-sensitive, vinyl type with permanent adhesive. F. Pipes with OD, Including Insulation, Less Than 6 Inches: Full-band pipe markers, extending 360 degrees around pipe at each location. G. Pipes with OD, Including Insulation, 6 Inches and Larger: Either full-band or strip-type pipe markers, at least 3 times letter height and of length required for label. H. Lettering: Manufacturer's standard preprinted captions as selected by Engineer. 1. Lettering: Use piping system terms indicated and abbreviate only as necessary for each application length. 1. Arrows: Either integrally with piping system service lettering, to accommodate both directions, or as separate unit,on each pipe marker to indicate direction of flow. J. Plastic Tape: Manufacturer's standard color-coded, pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive, vinyl tape, at least 3 mils thick. 1. Width: 1-1/2 inches on pipes with OD, including insulation, less than 6 inches; 2-1/2 inches for larger pipes. 2. Color: Comply with ASME A 13.1,unless otherwise indicated. K. Valve Tags: Stamped or engraved with 1/4-inch letters for piping system abbreviation and 1/2-inch sequenced numbers. Include 5/32-inch hole for fastener. 1. Material: 0.032-inch-thick aluminum. 2. Size: 1-1/2-inches diameter,unless otherwise indicated. 3. Shape: As indicated for each piping system. L. Valve Tag Fasteners: Brass,wire-link or beaded chain;or brass S-hooks. M. Access Panel Markers: 1/16-inch- thick, engraved plastic-laminate markers, with abbreviated terms and numbers corresponding to concealed valve. Provide 1/8-inch center hole for attachment. N. Valve Schedule Frames: Glazed display frame for removable mounting on masonry walls for each page of valve schedule. Include screws. 1. Frame: Extruded aluminum. 12/20/2022 23 07 13-Mechanical Identification P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 2. Glazing: ASTM C 1036,Type I, Class 1, Glazing quality B,2.5-mm, single-thickness glass. O. Engraved Plastic-Laminate Signs: ASTM D 709, Type 1, cellulose, paper-base, phenolic-resin-laminate engraving stock; Grade ES-2, black surface, black phenolic core, with white melamine subcore, unless otherwise indicated. Fabricate in sizes required for message. Provide holes for mechanical fastening. 1. Engraving: Engraver's standard letter style,of sizes and with terms to match equipment identification. 2. Thickness: 1/16 inch,for units up to 20 sq.in. or 8 inches in length, and 1/8 inch for larger units. 3. Fasteners: Self-tapping, stainless-steel screws or contact-type,permanent adhesive. P. Lettering and Graphics: Coordinate names, abbreviations, and other designations used in mechanical identification with corresponding designations indicated. Use numbers, letters, and terms indicated for proper identification,operation,and maintenance of mechanical systems and equipment. 1. Multiple Systems: Identify individual system number and service if multiple systems of same name are indicated. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 LABELING AND IDENTIFYING PIPING SYSTEMS A. Install pipe markers on each system. Include arrows showing normal direction of flow. B. Marker Type: Stenciled markers with painted,color-coded bands or rectangles. C. Marker Type: Stenciled markers complying with ASME A13.1. D. Marker Type: Plastic markers,with application systems. Install on pipe insulation segment where required for hot,noninsulated pipes. E. Fasten markers on pipes and insulated pipes smaller than 6 inches OD by one of following methods: I. Snap-on application of pretensioned, semirigid plastic pipe marker. 2. Adhesive lap joint in pipe marker overlap. 3. Laminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe or insulation. 4. Taped to pipe or insulation with color-coded plastic adhesive tape,not less than 3/4 inch wide, lapped a minimum of 1-1/2 inches at both ends of pipe marker,and covering full circumference of pipe. F. Fasten markers on pipes and insulated pipes 6 inches in diameter and larger by one of following methods: 1. Laminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe or insulation. 2. Taped to pipe or insulation with color-coded plastic adhesive tape, not less than 1-1/2 inches wide, lapped a minimum of 3 inches at both ends of pipe marker, and covering full circumference of pipe. 3. Strapped to pipe or insulation with manufacturer's standard stainless-steel bands. 12/20/2022 23 07 13-Mechanical Identification P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 G. Locate pipe markers and color bands where piping is exposed in finished spaces; machine rooms; accessible maintenance spaces such as shafts, tunnels, and plenums; and exterior nonconcealed locations according to the following: 1. Near each valve and control device. 2. Near each branch connection, excluding short takeoffs for fixtures and terminal units. Mark each pipe at branch,where flow pattern is not obvious. 3. Near penetrations through walls, floors,ceilings,or nonaccessible enclosures. 4. At access doors,manholes, and similar access points that permit view of concealed piping. 5. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. 6. Spaced at a maximum of 50-foot intervals along each run. Reduce intervals to 25 feet in areas of congested piping and equipment. 7. On piping above removable acoustical ceilings,except omit intermediately spaced markers. 3.2 VALVE TAGS A. Install on valves and control devices in piping systems. B. Valve Tag Application Schedule: Tag valves according to size, shape, color scheme, and with captions similar to those indicated in the following: C. Tag Material: Aluminum. D. Tag Material: Stainless steel. 3.3 EQUIPMENT SIGNS AND MARKERS A. Install engraved plastic-laminate signs or equipment markers on or near each major item of mechanical equipment. Include signs for the following general categories of equipment: 1. Main control and operating valves. 2. Pumps. 3. Fans,blowers. 4. Tanks and pressure vessels. B. Optional Sign Types: Stenciled signs may be provided instead of engraved plastic, at Installer's option, where lettering larger than 1-inch high is needed for proper identification because of distance from normal location of required identification. 1. Lettering Size: Minimum 1/4 inch for name of units if viewing distance is less than 24 inches, 1/2 inch for viewing distances up to 72 inches, and proportionately larger lettering for greater viewing distances. Include secondary lettering two-thirds to three-fourths the size of principal lettering. 2. Terms on Signs: Distinguish between multiple units,indicate operational requirements,indicate safety and emergency precautions,warn of hazards and improper operations,and identify units. 12/20/2022 23 07 13-Mechanical Identification P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 C. Plasticized Tags: Install within concealed space, to reduce amount of text in exposed sign outside concealment,if equipment to be identified is concealed above acoustical ceiling or similar concealment. 1. Identify operational valves and similar minor equipment items located in unoccupied spaces,including machine rooms,by installing plasticized tags. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Relocate mechanical identification materials and devices that have become visually blocked by work of this or other Divisions. B. Clean faces of identification devices and glass frames of valve charts. END OF SECTION 23 07 13 12/20/2022 23 07 13-Mechanical Identification P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 26 00 00-ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Work under the electrical contract shall include all labor, materials, equipment, plant services and administrative tasks required to complete and make operable the electrical work shown on the drawings and specified herein,including but not limited to the following: 1. Prepare and submit shop drawings,diagrams, and illustrations to the owner. 2. Procure necessary permits and approvals and paying required fees and charges in connection with the work. 3. Protect, test, balance, clean adjust and guarantee all the work to operate safely,properly, and continu- ously. 4. Submit as-built drawings,operating and maintenance instructions and manuals. 5. Provide identification labels,tags,charts, and diagrams. 6. Execute all cutting, drilling, rough and finish patching of existing or newly installed construction re- quired for the work. 7. Excavation and back filling for the electrical work. 8. Provide hangers, supports, foundations, structural framing supports and bases for conduit and equip- ment provided or installed. 9. Provide counter flashing, sleeves and seals for roof,floor,and wall penetrations. 10. New electric service,including transformer pad,meter, socket,per PSEG requirements. 11. Temporary light and power for construction purposes. 12. Safety switches. 13. Panels,and feeders as indicated. 14. Complete wiring systems for light and power installations, feeders to panels and branch circuits to equipment, motor controllers and miscellaneous devices as indicated on the drawings, required by these specifications or by equipment provided under other divisions of the work. 15. Power, control and indication wiring and connections external to equipment provided by others, in- cluding motor control center. 16. Branch circuits extending to all lighting outlets and receptacles. 17. Receptacles,local switches,and miscellaneous wiring devices as indicated. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 25 18. Standby generator set with automatic transfer switch. 19. Lighting fixtures as indicated,complete with lamps,hangers,supports and accessories. 20. Site lighting pole mounted luminaire. 21. Electric heaters. 22. Grounding of electrical systems and equipment and process equipment per article 250 of the national electric code. 23. Balance all loads on panelboards. 24. Empty conduit for telephone and data cables. Part 2—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 GENERAL A. After carefully studying the drawings and specifications, and before submitting the proposal, visit the site to ascertain conditions of the site, and the nature and exact quantity of work to be performed. No extra will be allowed for failure to notify the owner in writing of any discrepancies noted between the existing condi- tions and drawings and specifications. B. Verify all measurements at the site and be responsible for correctness of same. 2.2 CODES,REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS A. Work shall comply with the requirements of the following codes: 1. Federal, state,and local codes having jurisdiction. 2. National fire protection association. 3. National electrical code. 4. New York state energy conservation construction code. 5. Shall comply with SCDPW and SCDHS requirements. 2.3 FEES A. Include in bid the cost of all required permits,fees, inspections, tests, and certificates of approval. 2.4 QUALITY,WORKMANSHIP,MATERIALS AND SAFETY A. Work shall be first-class in every respect and shall be neatly performed in a practical and workmanlike manner by sufficient electricians skilled in the work they are to do using the best practices of their trade, and under continuous,competent supervision.The work shall be organized in advance of operation and car- 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 25 ried out efficiently without delays which would impede progress or the quality of the work of other trades and the work as a whole. B. Materials and equipment provided shall be new and approved for the application and shall conform with the specified codes and standards. Defective or damaged material shall be replaced or repaired in a manner approved by the owner. C. Equipment shall bear the UL label and shall meet or exceed NEMA standards. 2.5 GUARANTEE A. Furnish in writing,a complete guarantee against defective materials and improper workmanship, satisfacto- ry to owner,for all parts, components, and operation for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the complete installation by the owner. B. Guarantee shall include complete maintenance of the system, including replacement parts, all labor, and materials to maintain the system in proper operating condition for the guarantee period. 2.6 CLEANING A. Remove all construction debris resulting from the work. B. Clean equipment and systems. 2.7 COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION A. The work shall be carefully laid out in advance to avoid unnecessary cutting, channeling, chasing, or drill- ing of floor, walls,partitions, ceilings, or other surfaces. Where such work is necessary,however,the work shall be patched and/or repaired in an approved manner by skilled mechanics at no additional cost to the owner. Part 3—SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings 1. Shop drawings submittals shall consist of one reproducible and three prints,or six photocopies. 2. Submit shop drawings of the following: a. Conduit b. Wire c. Panelboards d. Back-up generator e. Automatic transfer switch f. Safety switches 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 25 g. Lighting fixtures, including site lighting h. Wiring devices i. Electric heaters j. Manholes including frame and cover k. Photocells and lighting controls B. As-built drawings 1. Upon completion of the work,furnish to the owner in AutoCAD, "as-built"drawings on CD-ROM media and one set of mylar reproducible.Drawings shall include all field changes and dimensions to accurately locate all outlets, devices,equipment and the life. C. Service manuals 1. Provide three complete sets of instructions for all electrical equipment installed. D. Cutting and patching 1. Provide all cutting,drilling,rough and finish patching required for the work. 2. Provide all drilling and patching for expansion bolts, hangers, and other supports for proper and safe installation of work. E. Phase rotation tests 1. Properly test the phase rotation of feeder and branch circuits and make such changes and alterations necessary to ensure the correct rotation of all motor driven equipment throughout the new installation. F. Electrical service characteristics 1. The characteristics of the secondary electric service and distribution system are 120/208 volts,three phase, four wire. G. Tests,inspections, and approval 1. Inspect all equipment, components and materials installed or connected to ensure: a. Proper conditions. b. Components are in place aligned and secure. c. Proper internal connections. 2. The complete electrical system shall be free of grounds and short circuits. Basic electric materials and methods. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 25 Part 4—BASIC ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS 4.1 RACEWAYS A. All wiring shall be installed in conduit systems in accordance with the following: 1. Interior wiring shall be installed in schedule 80 PVC conduit with solvent welded fittings. 2. Conduit passing through rough concrete slabs or walls shall be pvc-coated galvanized steel. 3. All underground wiring shall be installed in rigid schedule 80 PVC conduit with solvent welded fit- tings.Wiring beneath roadways or parking lots shall be install in galvanized steel conduits. 4. All work installed in the building shall be run exposed: conduits shall not be embedded slabs. Conduit shall run parallel to walls and floors. 5. Minimum size conduit shall be 3/4 inch trade size unless otherwise indicated. 6. Final connections to motors and vibrating equipment shall be installed in liquid-tight flexible metal conduit.Minimum length 12-inches. B. Provide expansion joints in all PVC conduits per the nec. C. The routing of conduits indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic.Before installing any work examine the working layouts and shop drawings of the other trades to determine the exact locations and clearance. D. Conduit fittings,connectors,coupling,ells,nipples,and the like shall be of material and construction suita- ble for the conduit system used. 4.2 -WIRES AND CABLE A. Wire and cable shall be 600 volt,copper,with THHN/THWN-2 90 degrees insulation except as noted or otherwise specified herein. B. Underground wires and cables shall be single conductor,copper with 600 volt heat and moisture resistant cross-linked polyethylene insulation type USE-XLP or USE-XHHW-2. C. Wire for power and lighting shall be not less than no. 12 awg.Wire no. 8 and larger shall be stranded. D. Wires shall be color-coded as follows: 1. 208-volt systems—black,red and blue. 2. Neutral-white. 3. Equipment ground-green. 4. Provide a green insulated ground conductor with all feeders and branch circuits. 4.3—SAFETY SWITCHES A. Switches shall be rated 240 volts. B. Switches shall be heavy-duty, metal enclosed, externally operated safety switches, fused or unfused, of such type and size as required to properly protect or disconnect the load for which they are intended. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 25 C. Safety switch enclosures shall be NEMA 4x, stainless steel. D. Fuses shall be fusetrons,rated as indicated,manufactured by Bussmann manufacturing company. E. Upon completion of the work, provide to the owner three (3) spare fuses of each size and type installed in the fused switches provided. F. Operating mechanisms shall be designed so that the switches may be locked in the on or off position. G. The switch shall have an interlock to prevent unauthorized opening of the hinged cover when the switch is in the on position,and an interlock to prevent closing the switch mechanism with the hinged cover open. H. Switches shall be manufactured by: 1. General Electric company-type th 2. Square D company-type hd 3. Cutler hammer-type dh 4. Eaton 5. Siemens 4.4—JUNCTION BOXES A. Boxes for wiring devices,junction points, switching relays and the like shall be of proper size and type as required by the building and circuit conditions and shall be fabricated of fiberglass reinforced polyester or PVC with stainless steel screws and shall be UL listed for outdoor use. B. Conduit fittings,connectors and couplings and the like shall be of material and construction suitable for the conduit system used. 4.5 —WIRING DEVICES A. SWITCHES 1. Local switches shall be toggle type 120-277-volt, AC rated 20 amperes, quiet-type with silent operating mechanism. Totally enclosed in a molded composition base. 2. Switches shall be arrow-hart no. 1991,single pole,or equal by Hubbell. B. RECEPTACLES 1. Receptacles shall be termination type duplex ground fault circuit interrupter. Receptacle device rated 20 ampere, 125 volts,Arrow Hart no.GF8300 or approved equal. C. DEVICE PLATES 1. In general,plates for all wiring devices, except as indicated otherwise, shall be .040 inch satin finished stainless steel.A common plate shall cover all devices which are indicated at the same location. 2. On the inside of each device plate, write the panelboard designation and circuit number of the circuit serving the device. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 25 3. Device plates shall be secured with stainless steel screws. 4.6 -PANELBOARDS A. Panels shall consist of an assembly of circuit breakers installed in code gauge stainless steel cabinets, NEMA 4x surface mounted as indicated on the drawings. B. The panel sections shall be mounted away from the back of the cabinet trim and framed. C. The gutter space on sides, top and bottom shall be of sufficient size to prevent overcrowding of wires and cables and overheating of the circuit breakers. D. Cabinets shall be complete with hinged doors with cylinder lock,directory frame and neatly typed directory charts. E. Provide an angle piece on the inside of the bottom of each trim for ease of installation. F. The branch circuit breakers, in general, shall be molded case, bolt-on type, thermal magnetic trip, single, two or three pole as indicated on the drawings. G. Multiple pole breakers shall be single handle,common trip. H. Breakers shall be 22,000 A.I.R.for 120/208 volt service. I. Main buswork shall be high conductivity copper, and shall as a minimum, be designed to carry the full rating of the feeder breaker or switch supplying the panel without perceptible heating. J. Branch circuit breakers shall be arranged so that each breaker is readily removable from the panel without disturbing adjacent breakers. K. Phase legs shall be alternately bussed to each circuit breaker in a manner to effect balancing the branch circuit connections as nearly as possible over each phase. L. Panels shall be General Electric, Square D, Siemens,or Eaton. 4.7 -LIGHTING A. Provide in each fixture outlet indicated on the drawings the type of the fixture indicated as shown on the drawings. B. Include the cost of purchasing all fixtures specified on the lighting drawings, mounting brackets and the like, as well as all the cost involved in receiving, checking, cleaning, safeguarding, wiring, disposal of crates from the site,etc.,assembling and installing of fixtures specified. C. Include pole and foundations for outdoor fixtures. 4.8—ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. GENERAL 1. Circuit breakers shall be UL listed, molded case, fixed, interchangeable thermal magnetic trips. Trip mechanisms shall be quick-make,quick-break,trip-free with trip bar common to all poles. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 25 2. Breakers shall be mounted in a stainless steel, nema4x enclosure with on/off handle through cover. Enclosures shall have padlocking and interlocking features, the latter to prevent their unauthorized opening with the handle in the on position. 3. Line and load lugs shall be copper aluminum developing full frame rating. 4. Arc chutes shall be provided for quickly "snuffing" arcs. 5. Main service breakers shall be listed as service equipment. B. PRODUCTS 1. Breakers shall be three pole,rating as shown on the drawings. 2. Breakers shall have an interrupting raring of 22,000 AIR symmetrical amperes at 240 volts. 3. Non-compensated breakers shall be calibrated to carry rated current in a 40°c.Ambient. 4. Circuit breakers shall be Square D, Siemens,Eaton or General Electric. 5. All Circuit breakers shall be of same manufacturer. 4.9- GROUNDING A. General 1. Provide all grounding and bonding conductors and connections as indicated, and in accordance with the requirements of the NEC and all local authorities having jurisdiction. 2. All major parts not carrying current, including the following items, shall be properly grounded with a green insulated grounding conductor: a. Metallic junction boxes and disconnect switches. b. All metallic raceways, conduits and outlet boxes. c. Motor and equipment housings and metallic control panels. d. Lighting fixtures 3. Provide a"green"wire grounding conductor for all equipment and as indicated on the drawings. B. PRODUCTS 1. Conductors and connections 2. Hard drawn,stranded(ASTM 138)copper. 3. Accessible grounding conductors shall be annealed copper with 600 volt, green type thhn/thwn insulation. Conductors shall be stranded. 4. Accessible connections shall be made with multiple bolt silicon bronze connectors specifically designed and approved for the connection to be made. 5. Connections to ground rods shall be exothermic(Cadweld or equal). 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 25 6. Where connections involve dissimilar metals contributing to corrosion, interpose a third, compatible conductive material. Exothermic welds of copper to steel are acceptable. 7. Inaccessible connections shall be made with exothermic welds(cadweld or equal). 8. Grounding connectors shall be manufactured by: 1. Burndy corp. 2. Dossert corp. 3. Oz/gedney co. C. EXECUTION 1. Neutral connections to building steel or other ground source shall be made and sized so that ground fault currents do not result in damage to materials or connections 2. Panelboards and feeder pull boxes shall be grounded by means of insulated grounding bushings on all incoming and outgoing conduits 1-1/4"inches and larger. 3. Bushings shall be connected together and to the switchgear, panel, or pull box ground lug with a grounding conductor. 4. Wherever plastic or flexible conduit without internal ground conductor is used for part of a conduit run, a grounding connector shall be provided in or external to the conduit and connected to grounding connectors at each end of run. 5. The resistance to ground of any part or system specified to be grounded shall not exceed 25 ohms. Contractor shall test ground resistance with a megger ohmmeter and submit results in report form to the engineer for approval. 4.10-IDENTIFICATION AND TAGGING A. Panels, cabinets, etc. Shall be properly identified with permanent nameplates securely fastened to the front of equipment with screws. "stick-on"type letters or plates shall not be used. B. Identify equipment and key equipment components with nameplates of black laminated phenolic material. C. Coordinate nameplates with actual equipment installed. D. Submit cut sheet of nameplates for approval prior to purchase and installation. E. Minimum size nameplates shall be three inches long with 1/4 inch lettering. F. Conductors in troughs, pullboxes, gutters, etc. Shall be identified by means of tags indicating both terminating points. Part 5—EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEMS/STANDBY ELECTRICAL GENERATOR/AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH 5.1 WORK INCLUDED a. Emergency power system 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 25 b. Engine-generator set c. Control and monitoring d. Batteries and charger e. Outdoor generator-set enclosure f. Generator overcurrent and fault protection g. Automatic transfer switch h. Testing 5.2 -QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single source responsibility 1. All component parts of the engine-generator for set shall be furnished by one manufacturer, who shall be regularly engaged in the manufacture engine generator sets and shall be completely manufactured in the USA. 2. Shop drawing submittal shall include a load report summary showing voltage dip when starting the 15HP motor with the generator loaded to 45kw. This dip shall not exceed 35%. B. Standards of the following organizations shall apply to equipment supplied under this division: 1. IEEE 2. NEMA 3. Electric generator set manufacturers association(EGSMA) 4. National electrical testing association(NETA) 5. Local authorities having jurisdiction 5.3 - SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Provide a complete emergency power system, which will automatically furnish current for emergency power,as hereinafter specified, upon failure of the normal utility company power supply to the building, as indicated on the drawings. B. The engine-generator set shall have the following capability: 1. Automatic start upon failure of primary electric power source(normal utility company power). 2. Automatic takeover of load. 3. Unattended operation at full load. 4. Automatic retransfer of load to primary power source upon return of normal power. 5. Automatic exercising of generator at no load and load at pre-determined intervals 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 10 of 25 C. All equipment and locations of equipment and devices shall be approved by the local authorities having jurisdiction,and the entire system shall be installed in strict accordance with their requirements. D. Conduit,wiring,outlets,and installation shall be as herein before specified for light and power work. E. System shall be complete with all equipment, controls, wiring, conduit, outlets, fixtures, and devices to leave the system in proper operating condition. F. Current for the emergency light and power system shall be obtained from an alternating current generator, driven by a natural gas engine,with equipment and accessories as specified. 5.4-GENERATOR A. Generator shall be 120/208 volts, 3 phase; 4 wire, 60 hz, 1800 rpm, rated 60 kw at 0.8 power factor by Kohler Model 60RCLB. The generator performance shall be matched to the natural gas engine with its shaft connected to the engine flywheel through a suitable flexible coupling. The selected generator is capable of 72 hours of run time at a full load. B. Factory-assembled and-tested,water-cooled engine,with brushless generator and accessories. C. Electrical Components,Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70,by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction,and marked for intended location and use. D. Power Rating: Standby. E. Environmental Conditions: Engine generator system withstands the following environmental conditions without mechanical or electrical damage or degradation of performance capability: 1. Ambient Temperature: 5 deg F to 77 deg F 2. Altitude: Sea level to 1000 ft. F. Mounting Frame: Structural steel framework to maintain alignment of mounted components without depending on concrete foundation. Provide lifting attachments sized and spaced to prevent deflection of base during lifting and moving. G. Engine Generator Performance: 1. Steady-State Voltage Operational Bandwidth: 0.5 percent of rated output voltage from no load to full load. 2. Transient Voltage Performance: Not more than 20 percent variation for 50 percent step-load increase or decrease and meets ISO 8528-5, Class G2 for standard loads. Voltage recovers and remains within the steady-state operating band within six seconds. 3. Steady-State Frequency Operational Bandwidth: 0.25 percent of rated frequency from no load to full load. 4. Transient Frequency Performance: Less than 20 percent variation for 50 percent step-load increase or decrease and meets ISO 8528-5, Class G2 for standard loads. Frequency recovers and remains within the steady-state operating band within five seconds. 5. Output Waveform: At no load, harmonic content measured line to line or line to neutral will not exceed 5 percent total and 3 percent for single harmonics. Telephone influence factor, determined in accordance with NEMA MG 1,to not exceed 50. 6. Sustained Short-Circuit Current:For a three-phase,bolted short circuit at system output terminals, system will supply a minimum of 250 percent of rated full-load current for not less than 10 seconds and then clear the fault automatically,without damage to generator system components. 7. Start Time: 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 11 of 25 a. Comply with NFPA 110,Type 10 system requirements. H. Engine Generator Performance for Sensitive Loads: 1. Oversizing generator compared with the rated power output of the engine is permissible to meet specified performance. a. Nameplate Data for Oversized Generator: Include ratings required by the Contract Documents rather than ratings that would normally be applied to generator size installed. 2. Steady-State Voltage Operational Bandwidth: 0.5 percent of rated output voltage from no load to full load. 3. Transient Voltage Performance: Not more than 15 percent variation for 50 percent step-load increase or decrease and meets ISO 8528-5, Class G3 for sensitive loads. Voltage recovers and remains within the steady-state operating band within four seconds. 4. Steady-State Frequency Operational Bandwidth: Plus or minus 0.25 percent of rated frequency from no load to full load. 5. Transient Frequency Performance: Less than 15 percent variation for 50 percent step-load increase or decrease and meets ISO 8528-5, Class G3 for sensitive loads. Frequency recovers and remains within the steady-state operating band within three seconds. 6. Output Waveform: At no load, harmonic content measured line to line and line to neutral will not exceed 5 percent total or 3 percent for a single harmonic. Telephone influence factor, determined in accordance with NEMA MG 1,to not exceed 50. 7. Sustained Short-Circuit Current:For a three-phase,bolted short circuit at system output terminals, system supplies a minimum of 300 percent of rated full-load current for not less than 10 seconds and then clear the fault automatically, without damage to winding insulation or other generator system components. 8. Excitation System: Performance will be unaffected by voltage distortion caused by nonlinear load. 9. Start Time: a. Comply with NFPA 110,Type 10 system requirements. I. Lubrication System:Engine or skid-mounted. 1. Filter and Strainer: Rated to remove 90 percent of particles 5 micrometers and smaller while passing full flow. 2. Thermostatic Control Valve: Control flow in system to maintain optimum oil temperature. Unit will be capable of full flow and is designed to be fail-safe. 3. Closed Crankcase Ventilation: System:Prevents crankcase oil vapor from draining or escaping the engine. 4. Crankcase Drain: Arranged for complete gravity drainage to an easily removable container with no disassembly and without use of pumps, siphons,special tools,or appliances. J. Jacket Coolant Heater: Electric-tank type,factory installed in coolant jacket system. Comply with UL 499 K. Integral Cooling System: Closed loop,liquid cooled,with radiator factory mounted on engine generator mounting frame and integral engine-driven coolant pump. 1. Coolant: Solution of 50 percent ethylene-glycol-based antifreeze and 50 percent water,with anticorro- sion additives as recommended by engine manufacturer. 2. Size of Radiator:Adequate to contain expansion of total system coolant to 110 percent of capacity. 3. Expansion Tank: Constructed of welded steel plate and rated to withstand maximum closed-loop cool- ant system pressure for engine used.Equip with gauge glass and petcock. 4. Temperature Control: Self-contained,thermostatic-control valve modulates coolant flow automatically to maintain optimum constant coolant temperature as recommended by engine manufacturer. 5. Coolant Hose: Flexible assembly with inside surface of nonporous rubber and outer covering of aging-, ultraviolet-,and abrasion-resistant material. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 12 of 25 a. Rating: 50-psig maximum working pressure with coolant at 215 deg F(102 deg C),and non collapsible under vacuum. L. Air-Intake Filter: Standard-duty,engine-mounted air cleaner with replaceable dry-filter element and "blocked filter"indicator. M. Starting System: 12-V electric, with negative ground. N. Battery Charger: 1. Source Limitations: Obtain battery charger from engine-driven generator manufacturer. 2. UL Compliance: Comply with UL 1236 for Category BBHH. 3. CE Certified. 4. NFPA Compliance: Comply with NFPA 110. 5. Environmental Conditions:Battery charger to withstand the following environmental conditions with- out mechanical or electrical damage or degradation of performance capability: a. Ambient Temperature: Minus 40 to plus 185 deg F with full charger output available up to 122 deg F. b. Relative Humidity: 0 to 95 percent. c. Altitude:Meets full performance requirements from sea level to 5000 ft. Chargers installed at higher altitudes may automatically derate output power to prevent overheating of internal compo- nents,but remain operable. 6. Charger Operation: Current-limited,constant-voltage, automatic-boost-type charger designed for lead- acid batteries, with the following features: a. Automatic three-stage charge cycle for up to three independent batteries simultaneously per charger. b. Output Voltage Regulation: Charger regulates output to within plus or minus 0.5 percent of manu- facturer-provided voltage settings despite variations of input voltage,input frequency,and output current. c. Battery Thermal Compensation: Battery temperature compensation with adjustable slope,factory set at minus 0.18 percent per degree C, and equipped for sensing battery temperature. d. AC Input: Charger operates from any 45 to 65 Hz ac source with voltage ranging from 105 to 264 V rms. 7. LCD Digital Display: AC input voltmeter,DC output voltmeter, and ammeter(1 percent accuracy). 8. LED Lamp Indicators: Current limit,AC ON, and charger fail. 9. Charger Fail Alarm Contact:Voltage-free(dry type)form"C" output. 10. Filtered output for type VRLA AGM batteries. It. Charger Enclosure:NEMA 250,Type 1 (IP20),wall mounted and rated for generator duty with charger enclosure vibration resistance. 5.5- CONTROL AND MONITORING A. Automatic Starting System Sequence of Operation: When mode-selector switch on the control and monitoring panel is in the automatic position,remote-control contacts in one or more separate automatic transfer switches initiate starting and stopping of engine generator. When mode-selector switch is switched to the on position, engine generator starts. The off position of same switch initiates generator-set shutdown. When engine generator is running, specified system or equipment failures or derangements automatically shut down engine generator and initiate alarms. B. Comply with UL 508A/UL 6200 C. Configuration: 1. Operating and safety indications,protective devices,basic system controls, and engine gauges will be grouped in a common control and monitoring panel mounted on the engine generator. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 13 of 25 Mounting method will isolate the control panel from generator-set vibration. Panel will be powered from the engine generator battery. D. Control and Monitoring Panel: 1. Digital engine generator controller with integrated 7-inch graphical touch screen TFT display and microprocessor, capable of local and remote control, monitoring, and programming, with battery backup. 2. Digital engine generator controller with integrated alphanumeric display, providing two lines of data. The display has back lighting for ease of operator use in high- and low-light conditions. Capable of local and remote control,monitoring,and programming. 3. Controller Face Ingress Protection:IP 65. 4. Operating Temperature: Minus 40 to plus 158 deg F 5. Maximum Operating Humidity: 95 percent noncondensing. 6. Corrosion Resistant: Tested in accordance with ASTM B117(salt spray test). 7. Controller Features: a. Mode Selector: Allowing selection of one of the following modes: a) Off/Reset: Prohibits the generator from starting and resets shutdowns. In this mode, controller does not respond to remote start and stop commands. b) Manual: Allows user to locally start and stop to operate the generator.In this mode, controller does not respond to remote start and stop commands. c) Auto: Allows generator to start and stop based on remote commands. In this mode, generator does not respond to manual start and stop commands. b. Emergency Stop Switch: Latch-type remote stop switch, red in color with mushroom-type head. Depressing stop button will irmnediately stop the generator set and lock out any automatic remote starting. C. Audible Alarm: Horn sounds for specific warning and shutdown conditions. d. Alarm Silence/Lamp Test Pushbutton: Silences audible alarm when depressed. All controller-indicating lights are simultaneously illuminated while actuated. e. Fault Light:LED indicating abnormal conditions: a) Yellow:Active warning condition or mode selector switch not in automatic. b) Red: Active shutdown condition. f. Real-time clock and calendar for time-stamping events. g. Load Management: a) Programmable outputs to command the connect and disconnect of loads based on system state: a) Loads connected based on available capacity. b) Loads disconnected at system startup. c) Loads disconnected based on a maximum kW setting or underfrequency setting. b) Support up to 16 load steps. h. Engine Control Features: a) Programmable engine start delay. b) Programmable engine cool-down delay. C) Programmable warm-up delay based on time or engine temperature. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 14 of 25 d) Programmable idle speed. e) Programmable cyclic cranking with adjustable on time, off time, and number of cycles. i. Event Logging: a) Maintain record of a minimum of 1,000 events with date and time locally for warning and shutdown faults. b) Event log easily available for download onto USB storage device or PC. c) Event Snapshot: Capture 15 seconds of critical data around the time of a fault or warning. Data to be viewable on the controller and downloadable. j. Data Logging: Capable of time-based recording of customized parameters. a) Parameters selectable from all monitored parameters. b) Sample period configurable from one second to one day. C) Collected data stored on USB storage device plugged into the control panel. k. Minimum of three user access levels. 1. Password protection to prevent unauthorized modification to system parameters. M. Customizable Interface: a) Overview Screen: Dedicated screen allowing user to display up to 16 parameters for immediate access. b) Favorites: User-customizable menu set up for enhanced usability. 8. Monitoring Instruments: Accessible through the digital engine generator controller and viewable during operation. a. Engine-coolant temperature. b. Battery voltage. C. Running-time meter. d. Engine speed. e. Oil pressure. f. Fuel pressure. g. Oil temperature. h. Fuel temperature. i. Intake air temperature. j. Exhaust temperature(with optional sensor). k. Ambient temperature. 1. Charge air pressure. in. Charge air temperature. n. AC output voltage for each phase,0.25 percent accuracy. o. AC output current for each phase, 0.25 percent accuracy. p. AC frequency meter,0.25 percent accuracy. q. Power factor total and per phase with leading/lagging indication. r. kW total and per phase, 0.5 percent accuracy. S. WARS total and per phase,0.5 percent accuracy. t. kVA total and per phase, 0.5 percent accuracy. U. kW hours. V. Generator duty level (actual kW loading divided by kW nameplate). 9. Service Data: Stored in the controller and available for display. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 15 of 25 a. Generator model number and serial number. b. ECM serial number. C. Alternator part number. d. Engine model number and serial number. e. Controller serial number and firmware version. 10. Operational Records: Stored in controller beginning at system startup. a. Total run-time hours. b. Total loaded hours. C. Total kW hours. d. Controller run-time hours. e. Number of starts. f. Total unloaded hours. g. Controller hours. h. ECM run-time hours. i. Number of crank attempts. j. Last crank duration. k. Last start runtime duration. 1. Last start date and time. in. Last stop date and time. 11. Maintenance Records: Stored in controller beginning at system startup,user resettable to zero. a. Total run-time hours since last maintenance. b. Total loaded hours since last maintenance. C. Total unloaded hours since last maintenance. d. Total kW hours since last maintenance. 12. Controls and Protective Devices: Controls, shutdown devices, and common visual alarm indication,including the following: a. Mode selector switch not in automatic position. b. Overcrank shutdown. C. Low lubricating-oil pressure warning. d. Low lubricating-oil pressure shutdown. e. Low coolant temperature warning. f. High engine temperature warning. g. High engine temperature shutdown. h. Overspeed shutdown. i. Low fuel pressure shutdown. j. Coolant low-level shutdown. k. Coolant high-temperature warning. 1. Coolant high-temperature shutdown. in. ECM Digital Trouble Codes warnings. n. ECM Digital Trouble Codes shutdown. o. Loss of ECM Communications shutdown. p. ECM mismatch shutdown. q. Battery high-voltage warning. r. Battery-charger malfunction warning. S. Battery low-voltage warning. t. Remote manual stop shutdown. U. Local manual stop shutdown. V. Alternator protection shutdown. W. Overcurrent warning. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 16 of 25 X. Overcurrent shutdown. Y_ Underfrequency warning. Z. Underfrequency shutdown. aa. Overfrequency warning. bb. Overfrequency shutdown. CC. Overpower warning. dd. Overpower shutdown. ee. Undervoltage warning. ff. Undervoltage shutdown. gg. Over voltage warning. hh. Overvoltage shutdown. ii. User-defined input warning. J. User-defined input shutdown. kk. No oil pressure signal shutdown. 11. No speed sensor signal shutdown. mm. Fail-to-start shutdown. E. Connection to Datalink: 1. Provide connections for datalink transmission of indications to remote data terminals via ModBus RTU or equal approved. F. Supporting Items: Sensors, transducers, terminals, relays, and other devices located on engine or generator unless otherwise indicated. G. Remote Emergency-Stop Switch: Wall mounted unless otherwise indicated. Push button must be permanently labeled and protected from accidental operation. H. Remote Alarm Annunciator: LED indicator light labeled with proper alarm conditions will identify each alarm event, and a common audible signal will sound for each alarm condition in accordance with NFPA 110. Silencing switch in face of panel will silence signal without altering visual indication. Connect so that after an alarm is silenced, clearing of initiating condition will reactivate alarm until silencing switch is reset. Controls to include "Lamp Test" momentary switch wired to illuminate all LED indicator lights regardless of alarm state while switch is on. Cabinet and faceplate are surface- or flush- mounting type to suit mounting conditions indicated. I. Start Signal Wiring Integrity Monitor: UL-listed modular system to monitor condition of generator remote start circuit(s), annunciate faults, and start generator in accordance with NFPA 70, Article 700.1o(D)(4). 1. Output Contacts: Two form"C" contacts,one for engine start and one for start circuit 5.6—OUTDOOR GENERATOR-SET ENCLOSURE A. Description: 1. Vandal-resistant, weatherproof steel enclosure with 14-gauge-thick walls; wind resistant. Multiple panels to be lockable and provide adequate access to components requiring maintenance, minimum two doors per side. Access to controller and main line circuit breaker in accordance with NFPA 70. Panels to be removable by one person without tools. Instruments and control to be mounted within enclosure. 2. Vandal-resistant, sound-attenuating, weatherproof steel enclosure, with 14-gauge-thick walls; wind resistant. Multiple panels to be lockable and provide adequate access to components requiring maintenance minimum two doors per side. Access to controller and main line circuit breaker in accordance with NFPA 70. Panels to be removable by one person without tools. Instruments and control to be mounted within enclosure. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 17 of 25 3. Vandal-resistant, sound-attenuated, weatherproof aluminum enclosure with 0.125-inch-thick walls; wind resistant. Multiple panels to be lockable and provide adequate access to components requiring maintenance, minimum two doors per side. Access to controller and main line circuit breaker in accordance with NFPA 70. Panels to be removable by one person without tools. Instruments and control to be mounted within enclosure. 4. Prefabricated or pre-engineered galvanized-steel-clad, integral structural-steel-framed, walls-in enclosure,erected on concrete foundation. B. Source Limitations: Obtain enclosure from engine-driven generator manufacturer. C. Structural Design and Anchorage: Comply with ASCE/SEI 7 for wind loads up to 186 mph. D. Hurricane-Rated Aluminum Sound Enclosure: 1. Constructed in accordance with Florida Building Code. 2. Enclosures are tested and certified in accordance with the following standards: a. Large Missile Impact Level E(FBC TAS 201-94). b. Uniform Static Air Pressure(FBC TAS 202-94). C. Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading(FBC TAS 203-94). d. Ultimate Design Pressure- Wall Panels 65PSF. e. Ultimate Design Pressure-Roof Panels 100PSF. 3. Enclosures must be tested and certified by a certified third party. E. Minimum Snow Load Rating: 70 psf F. Access doors and panels rubber sealed to prevent water intrusion and minimize noise. G. Hinged Doors: Lockable;keyed alike with recessed locks. H. DC Lighting: Provide weather-resistant LED lighting,powered from starting battery on fused circuit with 0-60 minute"No-Lock-On"timer. I. Insulation Flammability Classification:UL 94 HFL J. Muffler Location: Complete exhaust system located within enclosure. 5.7—GENERATOR OVERCURRENT AND FAULT PROTECTION A. Overcurrent protective devices will be coordinated to optimize selective tripping when a short circuit occurs. 1. Overcurrent protective devices for the entire EPSS will be coordinated to optimize selective tripping when a short circuit occurs. Coordination of protective devices will consider both utility and EPSS as the voltage source. 2. Overcurrent protective devices for the EPSS will be accessible only to authorized personnel. B. Generator Overcurrent Protective Device: 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 18 of 25 1. Molded-case circuit breaker, thermal-magnetic type; [80] [100] percent rated; complying with UL 489: a. Tripping Characteristic: Designed specifically for generator protection. b. Trip Rating: Matched to generator output rating. C. Shunt Trip: Connected to trip breaker when engine generator is shut down by other protective devices. d. Mounting:Adjacent to or integrated with control and monitoring panel. 2. Molded-case circuit breaker,electronic-trip type; 100 percent rated;complying with UL 489: a. Tripping Characteristics:Adjustable long-time and short-time delay and instantaneous. b. Trip Settings: Selected to coordinate with generator thermal damage curve. C. Shunt Trip: Connected to trip breaker when engine generator is shut down by other protective devices. d. Mounting:Adjacent to or integrated with control and monitoring panel. 3. Insulated-case circuit breaker,electronic-trip type; 100 percent rated;complying with UL 489: a. Tripping Characteristics: Adjustable long-time and short-time delay and instantaneous. b. Trip Settings: Selected to coordinate with generator thermal damage curve. C. Shunt Trip: Connected to trip breaker when engine generator is shut down by other protective devices. d. Mounting:Adjacent to,or integrated with control and monitoring panel. 4. Molded-case type disconnect switch: a. Trip Rating: Matched to generator output rating. b. Shunt Trip: Connected to trip switch when signaled by generator protector or by other protective devices. C. Generator Protector: Microprocessor-based unit will continuously monitor current level in each phase of generator output, integrate generator heating effect over time, and predict when thermal damage of alternator will occur. When signaled by generator protector or other generator-set protective devices, a shunt-trip device in the generator disconnect switch will open the switch to disconnect the generator from load circuits.Protector performs the following functions: 1. Initiates a generator overload alarm when generator has operated at an overload equivalent to 110 percent of full-rated load for 60 seconds. Indication for this alarm is integrated with other generator-set malfunction alanns. Contacts will be available for load shed functions. 2. Under three-phase fault conditions, generator to supply 300 percent of rated full-load current for up to 10 seconds. 3. Tested to AC output short-circuit requirements. 4. Energy Reduction Maintenance Switch/Mode. D. Generator Protective Relay: Multifunctional, microprocessor-based relay systems complying with IEEE C37.90. 1. Standard generator protective functions for shutdown with user-adjustable limits and time delays: a. Overvoltage (ANSI Device 59): a) User-Adjustable Pickup: 100 to 130 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay: Zero to 120 seconds. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 19 of 25 b. Undervoltage(ANSI Device 27): a) User-Adjustable Pickup: 70 to 100 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay:Zero to 120 seconds. C. Overfrequency(ANSI Device 810): a) User-Adjustable Pickup: 100 to 140 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay: Zero to 120 seconds. d. Reverse Power(ANSI Device 32R): a) User-Adjustable Pickup:Zero to 50 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay:Zero to 120 seconds. e. Overpower(ANSI Device 320): a) User-Adjustable Pickup: 90 to 150 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay: Zero to 120 seconds. f. Loss of Field(ANSI Device 40 Reverse VARS): a) User-Adjustable Pickup: 10 to 100 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay:Zero to 120 seconds. g. Overcurrent with Voltage Range: a) User-Adjustable Range: 100 to 200 percent. b) User-Adjustable Time Delay: Zero to 120 seconds. E. Ground-Fault Indication: Comply with NFPA 70, "Emergency System" signals for ground fault. 1. Indicate ground fault with other engine generator alarm indications. 2. Trip generator protective device on ground fault. 5.8—FINISHES A. Indoor and Outdoor Enclosures and Components: Heavy-duty, high-durability, fade-, scratch- and corrosion-resistant finish achieved through a multi-stage finishing process from the genset manufacturer including: 1. Pre-cleaning: Enclosure components and skid cleaned with a two-stage alkaline cleaning process to remove grease, grit, and grime from parts then subjected to a Zirconium-based conversion coating process to prepare the metal for electrocoat(e-coat)adhesion. 2. Primer: All enclosure parts to receive 100 percent epoxy primer electrocoat (e-coat) with high- edge protection. 3. Finish Coating:Powder-baked paint for superior finish,durability,and appearance. 4. Minimum Enclosure Corrosion Resistance: 3000 hours salt spray test in accordance with ASTM B 117. 5. E-coat for fading and abrasion resistance. 5.9—SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 20 of 25 A. Prototype Testing: Factory test engine generator using same engine model, constructed of identical or equivalent components and equipped with identical or equivalent accessories. 1. Tests: Comply with IEEE 115. B. Project-Specific Equipment Tests: Before shipment, factory test engine generator and other system components and accessories manufactured specifically for this Project. Perform tests at rated load and power factor.Include the following tests: 1. Test alternator, exciter, and voltage regulator as a unit. 2. Load Test: 25,50, 75, and 100 percent rated load. 3. Single-step load pickup. 4. Safety shutdown. 5. Overcrank. 6. Locked rotor. 7. Mechanical Readings: Oil pressure,ambient temperature, and coolant temperature. 8. Test components and accessories furnished with installed unit that are not identical to those on tested prototype to demonstrate compatibility and reliability. 9. Maximum power. 10. Voltage regulation. 11. Transient and steady-state governing. 12. Provide 14 days' advance notice of tests and opportunity for observation of tests by Owner's representative. 13. Report factory test results within 10 days of completion of test. 5.10-INSTALLATION A. Comply with NECA 1 and NECA 404. B. Comply with packaged engine generator manufacturers' written installation and alignment instructions and with NFPA 110. C. Equipment Mounting: 1. Install engine generators on cast-in-place concrete equipment bases. Comply with requirements for equipment bases and foundations specified in Section 03 30 00"Cast-in-Place Concrete." 2. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases for engine generators. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete,reinforcement,and formwork requirements are specified with concrete. 3. Install engine generator with a skin-tight enclosure. 4. Remote Radiators: a. Install remote radiator with concrete base on grade. D. Install packaged engine generator to provide access, without removing connections or accessories, for periodic maintenance. E. Cooling System: Install Schedule 40, black steel piping with welded joints for cooling water piping between engine generator and heat exchanger. 1. Install isolating thimbles where exhaust piping penetrates combustible surfaces. Provide a minimum of 9 inches clearance from combustibles. 2. Insulate cooling system piping and components. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 21 of 25 F. Exhaust System: Install Schedule 40, black steel piping with welded joints and connect to engine muffler. Install thimble at wall. Piping sized in accordance with allowable back pressure for the engine and indicated on mechanical plans. 1. Install isolating thimbles where exhaust piping penetrates combustible surfaces with a minimum of 9-inch clearance from combustibles. G. Drain Piping: Install condensate drain piping to muffler drain outlet with a shutoff valve, stainless steel flexible connector, and Schedule 40,black steel pipe,the full size of the drain connection. H. Electrical Wiring: Install electrical devices furnished by equipment manufacturers but not specified to be factory mounted. 5.11 - CONNECTIONS L Connect fuel, cooling-system, and exhaust-system piping adjacent to packaged engine generator to allow service and maintenance. J. Connect cooling-system water piping to engine generator and remote radiator with flexible connectors. K. Connect engine exhaust pipe to engine with flexible connector. L. Gaseous Fuel Connections: 1. Connect fuel piping to engines with a gate valve and union and flexible connector. 2. Install manual shutoff valve in a remote location to isolate gaseous fuel supply to the generator. 3. Vent gas pressure regulators outside building a minimum of 60 inches from building openings. M. Ground equipment in accordance with NFPA 70. N. Provide flexible conduit routed to the engine generator from a stationary element. O. Balance single-phase loads to obtain a maximum of 10 percent unbalance between any two phases. 5.12—FACTORY TEST A. The engine-generator shall be tested at the factory of final assemble. Insofar as practical, all components of the unit,including meters and accessories, at time of test shall be the same components in the set when delivered. B. If any parts or components are substituted after the factory test of the engine generator set, a written statement shall be submitted describing the substitution and explaining the reason. If requested by the owner,additional tests shall be performed to demonstrate performance of the new components. C. The factory test shall include continuous operation for a minimum of(four) eight hours, during which time the generator shall cavy 110%rated load at rated power factor for two hours continuous, and 100% rated load at rated power factor the remainder of the time. D. Interruption of engine operation or of load for any reason during the test shall be cause for a completely new test. E. The 110%load test may be at any time during the test,after engine E temperatures have stabilized at n normal for full load. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 22 of 25 F. A complete log shall be kept of the test,with reading at least every 15 minutes of all instruments, and no- station of all significant events and operating conditions including: 1. Output amperes 2. Output volts c output kw 3. Engine speed 4. Water temperature 5. Lube oil temperature 6. Exhaust gas temperature 7. Specific fuel consumption G. The log shall be submitted to the owner prior to the shipment to the project site. The owner reserves the right to observe the test. H. Date and time of test shall be arranged by the contractor as to give the owner no less than one-week advance notice. 1. Any defects which become evident during the test shall be corrected by the engine-generator set supplier prior to delivery to the project site connected to the load side of the transfer switch whether or not indicated. 5.13—FIELD TESTS A. After completion of engine-generator installation,including fuel system,exhaust system,battery, charger, and load transfer switch, the factory test procedure shall be repeated. Duplicating to the extent possible all conditions,or components,and witnessing of tests by the owner. B. In addition,all functions of the control systern shall be tested under all possible circumstances(E.G., 89% of rated voltage on one phase: failure of primary power during manual operation of the engine: and primary power failures for varying lengths of time. C. Control system functions that will interrupt the continuous operational test shall be delayed until successful completion of the duplication of the uninterrupted factory test. In order that unnecessary repetition of testing may be avoided. 5.14—AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH A. The automatic transfer switch shall transfer the emergency load to the engine-generator source when any phase of the normal electric power source drops to 80% (adjustable) and shall automatically retransfer the emergency load to the normal power source when all phases are 90%or higher. B. The automatic load transfer control system shall perform the following: 1. Monitor the primary power source if voltage of one or more phases drops below 80% of normal and remains so for a preset time period, cranking of the natural gas generator shall be initiated. The time period for starting of cranking shall be adjustable within the period recommended by the equipment manufacturer. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 23 of 25 2. Controlling the cranking of the natural gas engine. A predetermined program shall be followed with number and duration of cranking periods and rest periods as recommended b the engine manufacturer. a. Cranking shall cease when the engine starts. b. if the engine has not started at the completion of the program, the cranking system shall be locked out until manually reset. C. A visual signal located near the reset device shall indicate lockout of the cranking system. d. Contacts shall be provided for a remote signal of cranking system lockout. e. A positive method shall be provided to prevent attempted cranking while the engine is running or coasting 3. Transfer load to the engine-generator. In the event of failure. 4. Retransfer load to the primary source. Following restoration of normal power on all phases to 90%, adjustable, of rated voltage and frequency, an adjustable time delay period of two to 25 minutes shall delay retransfer of power to allow stabilization of normal power. If the emergency power source should fail during this time delay period,the switch shall automatically return to the normal source. 5. Shut down the engine-generator. Following retransfer of the load from the standby generator to the primary power source. The engine shall run at normal speed for approximately fice to ten minutes(adjustable),and then shut down. C. Switch ratings shall be as indicated on the schedules and on the drawings. 1. Switches shall be three poles plus neutral and ground,open transition,for a nonnal and emergency source of 120/108 volts 3 phase,4 wire,60HZ. 2. Switch and accessories shall be housed in a NEMA 4X, stainless steel enclosure. 3. Transfer switches shall be fully rated for all classes of load, the time of transfer in either direction shall not exceed ten cycles. 4. Three sets of auxiliary contacts shall be provided on each switch. a. Contacts shall be N.O.to close when the load is connected to the emergency source. b. Each set shall indicate closure on a red-jewel pilot light provided in the switch cabinet cover. D. Transfer switches shall be double throw open transition operated by a single solenoid mechanism momentarily energized. 1. Operating current for transfer shall be obtained from the source to which the load is to be transferred. 2. Failure of any coil or disarrangement of any part shall not permit a neutral position. 3. The switch shall be positively locked mechanically on either source without the use of hooks, latches, semi-permanent magnets,or springs. 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 24 of 25 4. Main contacts shall be silver surfaced and protected by arcing contacts. 5. All contacts and coils shall be readily accessible for replacement from the front of the panel without major disassembly of associated parts. 6. Switches shall be equipped with magnetic blowouts and arc barriers on all poles. 7. All relays shall be wiping contact industrial types. 8. The transfer switch shall be capable of manual operation under load without opening the enclosure door. A mechanical indicator for switch position shall be provided. E. Provide the following accessories on each transfer switch, all wired and connected to complete the emergency light and power system through the automatic transfer switches: 1. Control cabinet with swing-out service panel and door lock. 2. Engine starting contacts to start engine upon loss of normal service, through an adjustable time delay of six cycles to ten minutes. 3. Adjustable time delay on retransfer to normal (and i=engine-generator shutdown) two minutes to 25 minutes. 4. Exerciser for operating the plant automatically without transfer of load for 15 (adjustable)minutes every 168 (adjustable)hours. 5. Three sets of N.O. auxiliary contacts are closed when the generator starts,as previously specified. 6. Close-differential relay protection on normal, for 3 phases, 4 wire, relays shall be factory set for 95%pickup,90%drop-out,and shall be field adjustable for drop-out. 7. Test switch for test operation of engine,generator,and automatic transfer switch. 8. Voltage frequency relay to prevent transfer of emergency load until engine generator voltage and frequencies are attained at normal rating. 9. Mounted pilot light to indicate switch is in normal position(include fuses and relay). 10. Mounted pilot lights to indicate auxiliary functions, previously specified, and that switch is in emergency position(include fuses and relay). F. Automatic transfer switches shall be as manufactured by: 1. Automatic switch company(ASCO) 2. Russell Manufacturing Co. (Russell Electric) End of section 26 00 00 12/20/2022 26 00 00-Electrical Specifications P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 25 of 25 SECTION 31 00 00—EARTHWORK PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3123 23—Grading B. Section 3123 33—Trenching and Backfill C. Section 3125 00—Erosion and Sedimentation Control 1.2 GENERAL A. The work covered in this section shall include: 1. Excavation of soils. 2. Fill Material. 3. Backfilling and compaction of soil. B. Grading is covered under Section 3122 00—Grading. C. Backfill materials are covered under Section 3123 23 —Trenching and Backfill. D. Excavation shall be performed to facilitate demolition of below grade concrete and utilities,and installation of below grade structures. E. The Contractor shall repair any damaged asphalt parking lots or roadways resulting from the work that were not included in an area to be removed. Asphalt shall be restored in accordance with Section 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Code and Standards: 1. OSHA 29 CFR 1926 2. ASTM D 698 "Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort." 3. ANSI/ASTM D1557 - Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb(4.54 kg)Rammer and 18-inch(457-mm)Drop. B. Permits and Regulations: Contractor shall perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 12 C. Tests: 1. The Contractor shall retain the services of a testing laboratory approved by the Engineer to make tests and determine acceptability ofthe fill or material as listed below. 2. RequiredTests: a. Select Fill Samples: Gradation,ASTM D422. b. Compacted Select Fill: Compaction,ASTM D 698 and ASTM D 1556. 3. Testing laboratory will submit copies of the following reports directly to Engineer with a copy to Contractor: a. Tests on borrow material. b. Field density tests. 1.4 UTILITIES/MARKOUTS A. The Contractor is responsible for markouts of all known utilities and piping prior to starting work. B. The work described in this section shall not commence until all utilities have been properly disconnected or otherwise addressed, and the work progression to take place has been agreed upon by the Contractor and all pertinent agencies. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall provide the required documents in accordance with Section 0133 00 -Submittals. B. Samples: 1. At least two weeks prior to the date of anticipated use,the Contractor shall submit,to the Engineer, for approval, a representative sample of all on-site and off-site material required along with a laboratory sieve analysis of each sample. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of the source of each sample. C. Disposal Sites: 1. List ofdisposal sites for unsuitable materials and all required pen-nits for use of the sites. D. Manufacturer's Data: 1. Submit for approval manufacturer's specifications, performance characteristics and operating instructions for the compaction equipment. 1.6 ACCESSIBILITY A. The Contractor shall maintain the site in such condition that all the employees of the Owner may conduct their work without interference. 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 12 1.7 LINES OF EXCAVATION A. All excavations shall be made in such manner and to such widths as will give ample room for properly building and inspecting the structures and piping they are to contain,for such sheeting and bracing,as may be necessary,and for application of damp-proofing if required. B. When excavating for structural work,special care shall be taken not to disturb the bottom of the excavation and the final removal of material to subgrade shall not be made until just before concrete is placed. 1.8 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Soil material used to fill an excavation. B. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. C. Excavation: Removal of soil material. D. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. E. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances,or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. F. Type A Soil: Includes cohesive soils with unconfined compressive strength,which exceeds 1.5 tons/square foot, and cemented soils such as caliche and hardpan. Excludes soils, which are fissured or subject to vibrations from heavy traffic,pile driving or similar effects,and soil that has been previously disturbed. G. Type B Soil: Includes cohesive soils with an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tons/square foot minimum to 1.5 tons/square foot maximum; granular cohesionless soils including angular gravel, silt, silt loam, sandy loam, and in some cases silty clay loam, and sandy clay loam; previously disturbed soils except those which could be otherwise be classified as Type C soil; and soil that meets Type A requirements but is fissured or subject to vibration. Excludes soils that are part of a sloped layered system dipping into the excavation on 4 horizontal to 1 vertical; and soils that are submerged or from water is freely seeping. H. Type C Soil: Includes cohesive soils with unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tons/square foot or less; granular soils including gravel, sand, and loamy sand; or submerged soil or soil from which water is freely seeping; or submerged rock that is not stable; or material in a sloped layered system dipping into the excavation of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical or steeper. 1. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 SEGREGATION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS A. General: 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 12 1. All materials removed by excavation shall be stockpiled and tested for gradation and compaction (relative density),by the Contractor for the presence of any unsuitable materials(e.g.,organics,silts or clays)or unsuitable materials(e.g.,debris from prior construction). 2. Locations of these stockpiles shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.The stockpiles shall be segregatedbyapproveduse(i.e.,Topsoil,Select Fill,General Fill),and shaped to drain. 3. Unsuitable material shall be immediately removed from the Owner's property and the project site and disposed of by the Contractor in an acceptable disposalsite.Contractor shall furnish appropriate manifests for disposal,to the Engineer. 4. Selection ofmaterial for each classification shall be at the direction of the Engineer. 5. Surplus excavated material,either unsatisfactory for or over and above that required for backfilling or regrading shallbe disposed ofby the Contractor,at his own expense,off the site of the work. 6. All materials removed by excavation(excluding paving,concrete,etc.)shall be reused as General or Select Fill,unless found to be unsuitable or unusable. 7. Local,deeper excavations should be made, as required for construction. 8. Local dewatering should be made,as required for construction. 9. Field density tests for all backfill material shall be performed at the rate of 1 test per 150 cu yds placed, one testper lift,or 1 test per structure,whichever results in the greater number of tests. Compaction criteria shall be as defined below. 10. Compaction criteria for stockpiled material reused in construction shall be based upon tests made on materials taken from stockpile. It. Compaction criteria shall be the highest dry unit weight and corresponding moisture content, as determined by the following tests: Location ASTM-D 1557 or ASTM-D4253/4 Below structures and pipe 98% 85% All other areas 95% 80% B. SelectFill: 1. Where quantity of on-site fill material is not sufficient,additional select fillshall Ibeprovided by the Contractor as ordered by the Engineer and shall meet the following requirements: Sieve Size PercentPassing F, 100 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 12 #4 60-95 #20 35-85 #60 10-30 #100 5-15 #200 less than 4 2. Materials for select fill shall consist of well drained on-site or off-site material,free of clay,mud,frost, organic matter or construction debris. 3. Select Fill shall be used to backfill around pipe(except as otherwise specified)and under structures, and as shown on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. 4. Unless otherwise specified,directed by the Engineer or shown on the Plans,Select Fill shall be placed in compacted lifts of 6"maximum thickness and compacted by means of a mechanical tamper to at least 98% dry density (ASTM-D1557) or 85%(ASTM-D4253/4). The use of heavy duty self- propelled compaction equipment/compactionequipment excavator attachments is prohibited. Compaction shall be accomplished by utilizing"Walk Behind"vibratory plate orjumpingjack hammers. Aminimum of 3' backfill cover is required prior to use of"Walk Behind"jumping jack hammers. 5. All controlled backfilling shall be performed with Select Fill obtained either from excavated material or from outside sources. C. General Fill: 1. Material for General Fill shall be acceptable for backfill in areas other than under structures and piping as shown or directed. 2. The selection of material for General Fill and the location for its use shall be as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. 3. It shall consist of clean,compactible sound granular material free from rubbish or other unsuitable material. 4. Unless otherwise specified,directedbythe Engineer or shown on the plans,general fill shall be placed in compacted lifts of 12"maximum thickness and compacted by means of a mechanical tamper to at least 95% dry density (ASTM-D1557) or 80%(ASTM-D4253/4). The use of heavy duty self- propelled compaction equipment/compactionequipment excavator attachments is prohibited. Compaction shall be accomplished by utilizing"Walk Behind"vibratory plate or jumping jack hammers. Aminimum of 3'backfill cover is required prior to use of"Walk Behind"jumping jack hammers. D. FlowableFill 1. Flowable fill shall be utilized as a backfill material when ordered by the Engineer and conform to NewYork State DOT Standard Specification 733-01 Flowable Fill for Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM). 2. The CLSM mix design shall be developed to ensure that the flowable fill is excavatable through the entire service life of the installation. Mixture ingredients and proportions shall be submitted for 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 12 approval. The flowable fill mixture shall be designed as a low strength, flowable material requiring no subsequent vibration or tamping to achieve consolidation. CLSM shall have a 28-day unconfined compressive strength between 40 psi and150 psi, excavatability by hand tools and conventional machinery such as backhoes. 3. The flowable fill shall be provided by an approved ready-mix concrete supplier and shall be produced,transported and delivered through conventional ready-mix equipment. Certified test results of unconfined compressive strength of the mix design shall be submitted for review and approval by the Engineer prior to delivery/use. 4. The utilization ofthe flowable fillmaterial shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as approved by the Engineer. E. Unsuitable Material: 1. Material unsuitable foruse in backfilling are clay,boulders,peat, construction debris,organics and any other material so designated by the Engineer. 2. Stockpiling of Unsuitable Material shall not be permitted. 3. Unsuitable Material must be promptly removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor,at his own expense,off the site of the work. F. Excess Material: 1. Any excavated material not required for use in the project shall become the property ofthe Contractor and shall be removed by him from the site. G. Crushed Stone:Crushed rock conforming to the following gradation: Sieve Size PercentPassing 2" 1 1/2" 0-10 1,, 30-65 3/4" 85-100 3/8" 95-100 2.2 FILTER FABRIC A. The fabric used shall conform to the Specifications for Mirafil40-N.S. Fabric as manufactured by Celanese Fiber Marketing Company,or an approved equal. The fabric shall be non-woven nylon/polypropylene fabrichavingthe following properties: 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 12 1. Minimum.Weight 140 g/m2 2. Average Thickness 30 mils 3. Grab Strength, Wet Retention 120 lbs 70 degrees F. 100% 4. Grab Elongation,WetRetention at 70 degrees F. 130% 40% 5. Trapezoid Tear Strength 65 lbs. 6. Air Permeability 250 cfm/ft2 2.3 SHEETING AND BRACING A. The Contractor shall be required to use sheeting and bracing(temporary support system)onthis project,where conditions or laws require it.All costs for sheeting shallbeincludedinthe lump sumpricebid.Thetemporary support system shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer(NYS) engaged by the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall furnish,put in place,and maintain such sheeting,bracing, etc.,as may be necessary to prevent groundwater frompenetrating into the excavation and to support the sides ofthe excavation to prevent any movement of earth which could in any way diminish the width of the excavation to less than that necessary for proper construction,or could otherwise injure or delay the work, or endanger adjacent structures,or embankments.All sheeting shall be adequate and conform totheprovisionsofthecurrentNew York StateIndustrial Code Rule 23 as established by the New York State Department of Labor,Board of Standards and Appeals,as well as all appropriate State and Federal regulations including OSHA. C. The Contractor shall leave in place any sheeting,bracing,etc., which the Engineer may direct him in writing to leave inplace,at anytime during the progress of the work,for the purpose of preventing injury to structures or property. D. The Engineermay directthattimberu sedforsheetingand bracing be cut off at any specified elevation. E. All sheeting and bracing not to be left in place shall be carefully removed in such manner as not to endanger the construction or other structures.All voids left or caused by the withdrawal of sheeting shall be backfilled immediately with select fill and compacted by ramming with tools especially adapted to the purpose,by watering,or by other means as may be directed. F. Vibrating type hammers shall not be permitted.Any material which stops the installation of sheeting shall be removed by the Contractor. G. Wood Sheeting:New or used timber meeting the requirements for Douglas Fir Dense Construction grade or Southern Pine No.2 Dense S3. H. Steel Sheeting:Steel conforming to ASTM A328.Steel for soldier piles,wales and braces may be new or used and shall conform to ASTM A36. 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 12 1. Safe and satisfactory installation ofthe sheeting shall be the entire responsibility of the Contractor. 2.4 REMOVAL OF WATER A. The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that someoftheworlcmaybebelowgroundwater,perched water,etc.Therefore,the needfor an adequate andwell planned dewatering system may be necessary to allow excavation and construction to be performed in a dry suitable environment. B. The Contractor,at all times during construction,shall provide and maintain ample means and suitable equipment,consistent with conditions encountered,with which to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water entering excavations or other parts of the work.All excavations shall be kept dry at all times until the structures to be built or pipelines to be installed therein are completed and backfilled to approximate final grades except where otherwise approved by the Engineer in writing. Concrete for structures,pipe and sanitary structures shall be placed on subgrades which are dry.Water shall be disposed of in a suitable manner so as to avoid damage to adjacent property,existing structures and all work under construction.It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prevent flotation of any structures during construction. C. Systems used to lower the groundwater level shall be maintained in operation continuously, 24 hours a day,7 days a week,until the structures are completed adequately to prevent flotation. Termination of the dewatering operation shall receive approval of the Engineer. D. No additional compensation will be given to the Contractor because of damage from flooding caused by groundwater or surface waters rising above ground elevations. E. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and adhering to all provisions of necessary dewatering permits atno additional costs to the Owner.Groundwater shall notbe permitted to be discharged into stormdrains or surface waters without proper approval from regulatory agencies. F. Dewatering system shall be installed as required to lower the groundwater level in general excavation at least 2 feet below final subgrade. G. Priorto instal ling and operating any dewatering system,the Contractor shall install a series of observation wel Is and monitor same for aminimum period oftwo working days in order to determine the groundwater level at the time of construction.The observation wells shall be located both within and adjacent to the proposed construction site.Observation wells located within the limits of the proposed construction site shall be situated outside ofthe physical limits ofthe structures and protected from damage.Any damaged observation wells shall be replaced or repaired.During construction,the water level in the observation wells shall be measured and recorded periodically.During start-up,the water levels shall be read a minimum of once each day and reported to the Engineer.After start-up,the water levels shall be read a minimum of once each week. 2.5 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Whenever the excavation is carried beyond or below the lines and grades shown on the plans, or given by the Engineer,the Contractor shall at his own expense,refill such excavated space with select fill as directedby the Engineer. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 12 A. The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for excavating, backfilling, and compacting soil. C. The Contractor shall erect, install, and maintain barriers, signs, warning devices, lighting, bridging, and other items required to safeguard life and property. D. The Contractor shall excavate with extreme caution when working in areas of known existing utilities until all utilities are found and exposed. The Contractor shall confirm with the utility Owner that the exposed utility is deactivated before further handling and removal. The Contractor shall stop work immediately upon discovering utilities that are not marked out or known to exist. E. The Contractor shall not excavate, without the authorization of the Engineer. This authorization shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for damage caused by the Contractor to any active utility. 3.2 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall protect all existing facilities, utilities,etc.which are to remain in service from damage due to his operations throughout the duration of the work.Facilities which are to be replaced during the course of the Contract shall be protected until the Engineer gives notice that they are no longer required to be in service. B. Facilities which must be protected include but are not limited to utilities,adjacent structures/houses, building,tanks,piping,manholes,valves,etc.Priorto execution of the work,the Contractor shall check and verify governing dimensions and elevations. The Contractor and Engineer shall jointly survey the condition of adjoining structures.Photographs and records shall be made ofany prior settlement or cracking of structures, pavements,and the like,that may become the subject of possible damage claims. C. The Contractor shall not use machinery which threatens theintegrity of existing facilities or facilities under construction.When the machinery in use threatens the integrity of such facilities,the Contractor shall use other machinery or do the work by hand.Any damage resulting from improper equipment use shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. D. The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace any facilities which are damaged by his operations. Repairs or replacement,etc.shall be made to current standards of the Owner. E. All existing electric conduits,lighting poles,telephone lines, chains,fences or other structures especially including underground process piping which are encountered or uncovered by the excavation and which do not,in the opinion ofthe Engineer,require to be changed in location,shall be carefully supported and protected from injury by the Contractor and if damaged or removed,they shall be restored by the Contractor,without compensation,to at least as good condition as that in which they were found immediately before work was begun. 3.3 EXCAVATION A. PipelineFxcavation: 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 12 1. Pipe trenches shall be excavated below the pipe bottom by an amount sufficient for placement of the pipe bedding shown on the drawings and as specified. 2. Trench width shall be minimized to greatest extent practical but shall conform to the following: a. Sufficient to provide room for installing,j ointing and inspecting piping,but in no case wider at top of pipe than pipe barrel outside diameter plus 2 feet(5 foot wide maximum). b. Enlargements at pipe joints may be made if required and approved by Engineer. c. Sufficient for sheeting,bracing and sloping. d. Sufficient to allow thorough compacting of granular embedment adjacent to bottom half of pipe. e. Do not use excavating equipmentwhich requires the trench to be excavated to excessive width. 3. At road crossings,trenching width shall be minimized by the use of sheeting,trench boxes or similar protection methods. B. Structure Excavation: 1. Excavation shall be made to the grades shown on the Contract Drawings and to such widths as will give suitable room for construction of the structures/manholes,for bracing and supporting,pumping and draining.The bottom ofthe excavations shall be rendered firm and dry and in all respects acceptable to the Owner. 2. Excavation shall be accomplished by methods which preserve the undisturbed state of subgrade soils.For structures having multiple bearing levels or adj ac ent structures at different levels, excavation and foundation construction shall first be accomplished at the lowest levels to prevent undermining foundations and disturbing adjacent bearing soils at higher levels. 3. Excavation equipment shall be satisfactory for carrying out the work in accordance with the Specifications.Earth shall notbe plowed,scraped,ordugwithmachinessoneartothe fmishedsubgrade as to result in excavation of,or disturbance of material below grade. 4. When excavation for foundations has reached final depths,the Engineer shall be notified and will inspect conditions.Ifinaterials and conditions are not satisfactory to the Engineer,the Engineer will issue instructions as to the procedures for correction of the unsatisfactory condition. 5. During final excavation to subgrade level,take precautions required to prevent disturbance of material.Hand excavate the final 6-in as necessary to obtain a satisfactory undisturbed bottom. 3.4 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADES A. Subgrade for Reinforced Concrete Structures: 1. Provide aminimumof12inches ofcrushedstone below the bottom slab of structures and manholes. B. Subgrade for Pipe: 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 10 of 12 1. Undisturbed subgrade and 6 inches of crushed stone acceptable to the Engineer. C. Unsuitable Subgrade: 1. When clay or other material incapable of supporting the loads to be imposed is encountered at or near the subgrade elevation of any pipe or structure,the Contractor shall remove such material andreplace it with Select Fill unless otherwise directed. 3.5 STOCKPILING A. The Contractor shall stockpile clean soils and debris within the work area. The Owner will coordinate with the Contractor a convenient area for clean stockpiling. B. Stockpiling of contaminated stockpiles is not permitted. 3.6 GRADING A. Areas to be graded shall be constructed true to grade, shall be shaped to drain,and shall be maintained free from extraneous accumulations until final inspectionhas been completed and the work has been accepted. B. Finished grade elevations shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. C. Pavement,gutters,curbs,walks,driveways and roadways disturbed or damaged by the Contractor's operation shall be restored or replaced by him as specified or as shown on the contract drawings or to original or better condition. 3.7 CONTROL OF WATER A. Before restoring the site,the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent surface water drainage from entering and accumulating in excavations. Surface water infiltration shall be controlled in conformance with Section 3125 00-Erosion and Sedimentation Control. 3.8 BACKFILLTNG AND COMPACTION A. Clean, stockpiled soils from the excavation shall be used as backfill,if suitable. B. Additional backfill materials shall be approved by the Engineer and obtained from an approved borrow source. At a minimum of ten (10) business days prior to the planned start of backfill activities, the Contractor shall provide certification to the Engineer that the borrow source shall pass the requirements of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) TAGM#4046. If the Contractor cannot provide this certification, the Contractor shall collect and analyze soil samples at Contractor's expense in accordance with Section 3123 23—Backfill. C. The borrow/fill soils shall be free from frost, organic matter, loam, clay,trash, boulders, rock larger than 2 inches in any direction,or other deleterious materials. D. The fill shall be spread evenly (i.e., in lifts and section by section) in horizontal layers not exceeding 12- inches. Each lift shall be compacted to 95% maximum density, (per ASTM D698) or 90-92% maximum 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 11 of 12 density (per ASTM D1557). Proctor-testing frequency shall be one for every 1,000 cubic yards placed (minimum),and also if there is a change in the source,or type of fill from a source. E. In-place density testing shall be one per 1,000 cubic yards or one per lift(whichever quantity is smaller). F. The proper moisture content of fill material shall be maintained to permit compaction to the required density. 3.9 DOCUMENTATION A. At a minimum,the Contractor shall record,document,and maintain,the following information: 1. Excavation a. Daily records on: (1) Volume of soil excavated (2) Volume of soil backfilled (3) Summary of work performed each day 2. Site Restoration a. Volume of fill placed each day b. Source of the fill c. Type of fill d. Compaction testing results e. Analytical data for fill END OF SECTION 3100 00 12/20/2022 31 00 00—Earthwork P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 12 of 12 SECTION 3123 16—EXCAVATION PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavation for site structures. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3123 23—Grading B. Section 3123 33—Trenching and Backfill C. Section 31 41 00—Shoring D. Division 45—Sanitary Sewer 1.3 REFERENCES A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)Regulations. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Do not excavate wet or frozen materials without written approval from the Engineer. 1.5 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify that survey benchmark and intended elevations for the work are as indicated. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01 31 00. B. Coordinate work with Section 31 41 00- Shoring,and all other applicable sections. PART 2—PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing substrate and site conditions under provisions of Section 01 31 00. B. Verify elevations and grades are as indicated on the plans. C. Verify proposed locations of excavations are as indicated on the plans. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines,levels, contours and datum. B. Identify above and below grade utilities. Stake and flag locations. 12/20/2022 3123 16—Excavation P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 3 C. Notify and coordinate with subject utility companies, the location, identifications, support, protection and maintenance of above and below grade,existing utilities to remain. D. Locate,identify,support and protect above and below-grade utilities which are to remain. E. Protect plant life, lawns, rock outcropping, wetlands and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping. F. Protect benchmarks,existing structures,fences,sidewalks,paving and curbs from excavation equipment and vehicular traffic. G. Erosion control measures shall be installed prior to rough grading operations and as instructed by the Engineer. Approved erosion control measures shall be installed around all catch basins and flared end inlets/outlets to prevent sediment from entering any adjacent storm sewer systems. H. Notify the Engineer prior to commencement of excavation. 3.3 EXCAVATION A. Underpin adjacent structures which may be damaged by excavation work,including utilities and pipe chases. B. Excavate topsoil and subsoil required to accommodate building foundations, slabs-on-grade, paving, drainage or sanitary structures, sidewalks, landscaping and construction operations to the limits as indicated on the plans. C. Machine slope banks to angle of repose or less,until shored. D. Excavation cut not to interfere with normal 45 degree bearing splay of foundations. E. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation. F. Hand trim excavation. Remove loose matter. G. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cu yd (0.25 cu m) measured by volume. Larger material will be removed under provisions of Section 31 23 16.26. H. Notify Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. 1. Stockpile topsoil in area designated on site to a height not exceeding 8 feet(2.4 m). Protect from erosion. Remove excess topsoil not being reused from site. Do not remove any topsoil from the site prior to obtaining the approval of the Engineer. J. Stockpile subsoil in area designated on site to a height not exceeding 8 feet(2.4 m). Protect from erosion. Remove excess subsoil not being reused from site. Do not remove any subsoil from the site prior to obtaining the approval of the Engineer. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide for visual inspection of bearing surfaces. B. If Work does not meet the requirements specified in Contract Documents,remove and replace until accepted by the Engineer,at no additional cost to Owner. 12/20/2022 3123 16—Excavation P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 3.5 PROTECTION A. Prevent cave-ins or loose soil from falling into the excavation, to protect excavations and adjacent property and structures, by shoring, bracing, sheet piling, underpinning or other methods as required and in accordance with pertinent OSHA regulations. B. Protect bottom of excavations and soil adjacent to and beneath foundation from freezing. C. Ensure safe working conditions at all times in and around excavations and adequately mark and barricade excavations. END OF SECTION 3123 16 12/20/2022 3123 16—Excavation P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 3123 23—GRADING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3100 00—Earthwork B. Section 32 60 00—Topsoil Placement 1.2 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for grading operations of backfilled and disturbed areas. B. The Contractor shall spread and grade topsoil over backfilled and disturbed areas. 1.3 CODES AND STANDARDS A. OSHA 29 CFR 1926 B. Applicable regulations,codes and standards. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Failure Criteria for grading includes,but is not limited to,the following: 1. Formation of pools of water; and, 2. Settlement of fill. PART 2—PRODUCTS (NOT IN USE) PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 GRADES A. The Contractor shall provide final grading of areas to match existing grades and slopes. B. The Contractor shall shape the surface of areas to within 0.10 foot above or below existing elevation of surrounding area and compact as specified. Abrupt changes in slope shall be rounded. C. The Contractor shall slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent formation of pools of water. 3.2 MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall repair and reestablish grades in settled,eroded,rutted,or otherwise damaged areas. In damaged compacted areas,the surface shall be scarified,reshaped,and compacted to required density. END OF SECTION 31 22 00 12/20/2022 3123 23—Grading P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 1 SECTION 31 23 33—TRENCHING AND BACKFILL PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavate trenches for piping and utilities outside building. B. Compacted bedding and backfill around and over piping and utilities to subgrade elevations. C. Backfilling and compaction. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3123 16—Excavation B. Section 3125 30—Shoring C. Division 45—Sanitary Sewage 1.3 REFERENCES A. AN Sl/ASTM C136—Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. B. ANSI/ASTM D1557—Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb(4.54 kg)Rammer and 18-inch(457 mm)Drop. C. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)Regulations. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 33 00. B. Test Reports: Submit a sieve analysis for bedding to be used. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Do not excavate wet or frozen materials without written approval from the Engineer. B. Do not backfill over or with wet or frozen materials. C. Provide safety barricades around open excavations. 1.6 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify that survey benchmark and intended elevations for the Work are as shown on plans. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01 3100. B. Coordinate trenching with installation of pipe or conduit. C. Coordinate trenching with installation and removal of sheeting. 12/20/2022 3123 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 6 PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL A. Select Fill: 1. Where quantity of on-site fill material is not sufficient,additional select fill shall be provided by the Contractor as ordered by the Engineer and shall meet the following requirements: Sieve Size Percent Passing 1" 100 #4 60-95 #20 35-85 #60 10-30 #100 5-15 #200 less than 4 2. Materials for select fill shall consist of well drained on-site oroff-site material,free of clay,mud,frost, organic matter or construction debris. 3. Select Fill shall be used to backfill around pipe(except as otherwise specified)and under structures, and as shown on the Plans or directed by the Engineer. 4. Unless otherwise specified,directedby the Engineer or shown on the Plans,Select Fill shall be placed in compacted lifts of 6"maximum thickness and compacted by means of a mechanical tamper to at least 98% dry density (ASTM-D1557) or 85%(ASTM-D4253/4). The use of heavy duty self- propelled compaction equipment/compaction equipment excavator attachments is prohibited. Compaction shall be accomplished by utilizing"Walk Behind"vibratory plate orjumpingjack hammers. Aminimum of 3'backfill cover is required prior to use of"Walk Behind"jumping jack hammers. 5. All controlled backfilling shall be performed with Select Fill obtained either from excavated material or from outside sources. B. General Fill: 1. Material for General Fill shall be acceptable for backfill in areas other than under structures and piping as shown or directed. 2. The selection of material for General Fill and the location for its use shall be as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. 3. It shall consist of clean, compactible sound granular material free from rubbish or other unsuitable material. 4. Unless otherwise specified,directedbythe Engineer or shown on the plans,general fill shall be placed in compacted lifts of 12"maximum thickness and compacted by means of a mechanical tamper to at least 95% dry density (ASTM-D1557) or 80%(ASTM-D4253/4). The use of heavy duty self- propelled compaction equipment/compaction equipment excavator attachments is prohibited. Compaction shall be accomplished by utilizing"Walk Behind"vibratory plate orjumpingjack hammers. A minimum of 3'backfill cover is required prior to use of"Walk Behind"jumping jack hammers. 12/20/2022 31 23 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 6 C. FlowableFill 1. Flowable fill shall be utilized as a backfill material when ordered by the Engineer and conform to NewYork State DOT Standard Specification 733-01 Flowable Fill for Controlled Low Strength Material(CLSM). 2. The CLSM mix design shall be developed to ensure that the flowable fill is excavatable through the entire service life of the installation. Mixture ingredients and proportions shall be submitted for approval. The flowable fill mixture shall be designed as a low strength, flowable material requiring no subsequent vibration or tamping to achieve consolidation. CLSM shall have a 28-day unconfined compressive strength between 40 psi and150 psi, excavatability by hand tools and conventional machinery such as backhoes. 3. The flowable fill shall be provided by an approved ready-mix concrete supplier and shall be produced,transported and delivered through conventional ready-mix equipment. Certified test results of unconfined compressive strength of the mix design shall be submitted for review and approval by the Engineer prior to delivery/use. 4. The utilization ofthe flowable fill material shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as approved by the Engineer. D. Unsuitable Material: 1. Material unsuitable foru se in backfilling are clay,boulders,peat, construction debris,organics and any other material so designated by the Engineer. 2. Stockpiling of Unsuitable Material shall not be permitted. 3. Unsuitable Material must be promptly removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor,at his own expense,off the site of the work. E. Excess Material: 1. Any excavated material not required for use in the project shall become the property ofthe Contractor and shall be removed by him from the site. F. Crushed Stone:Crushed rock conforming to the following gradation: Sieve Size PercentPassing 2" 1 1/2" 0-10 l,, 30-65 3/4" 85-100 3/8" 95-100 G. Materials for sewer foundation shall conform with SCDHS Standard details for Sewer Foundation. 12/20/2022 3123 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 6 PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Carefully examine the site to clearly determine the nature and location of the required Work and to confirm corresponding soil conditions. B. Verify existing site conditions and substrate. C. Verify fill materials to be reused are acceptable. D. Verify items to be buried during backfilling process have been inspected prior to backfilling. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines,levels, contours,and datum. B. Identify above and below grade utilities. Stake and flag locations. C. Notify and coordinate with subject utility companies, the location, identifications, support, protection and maintenance of above and below grade,existing utilities to remain. D. Locate,identify, support and protect above and below-grade utilities which are to remain. E. Protect plant life, lawns, rock outcropping, wetlands and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping. F. Protect benchmarks, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving and curbs from excavation equipment and vehicular traffic. G. Erosion control measures shall be installed prior to rough grading operations and as instructed by the Engineer. Approved erosion control measures shall be installed around all catch basins and flared end inlets/outlets to prevent sediment from entering any adjacent storm sewer systems. H. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of in-situ compaction. Backfill with subsoil fill and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent backfill material. I. Compact subgrade to accepted requirements for subsequent backfilling. 3.3 EXCAVATION A. Excavate topsoil and subsoil required for installation of piping and associated appurtenances. B. Cut trenches to the dimensions shown on the Contract Drawings. C. Excavation shall not interfere with normal 45 degree bearing splay of foundations. D. Hand trim excavation,including for bell and spigot pipe joints. Remove loose matter. E. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cu yd (0.25 cu m), measured by volume. Larger material will be removed. F. Stockpile topsoil in area designated on site to a height not exceeding 8 feet(2.4 m). Protect from erosion. Remove excess topsoil not being reused from site. Do not remove any topsoil from the site prior to obtaining the approval of the Engineer. 12/20/2022 3123 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 6 G. Stockpile subsoil in area designated on site to a height not exceeding 8 feet(2.4 m). Protect from erosion. Remove excess subsoil not being reused from site. Do not remove any subsoil from the site prior to obtaining the approval of the Engineer. H. Correct unauthorized excavation at no cost to Owner. I. Notify Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF BEDDING A. Support pipe and conduit during placement and compaction of bedding fill. B. Place bedding to the dimensions and limits as shown on the plans. C. Place bedding material against and to 1 foot (300 mm) over the top of the pipe or conduit in 6 inch (150 mm)compacted layers. D. All bedding material shall be compacted to 95 percent maximum dry density in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D1557. Maintain optimum moisture content to attain required density. E. Place bedding simultaneously on both sides of the pipe or conduit. 3.5 BACKFILLING A. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials. B. Backfill to the dimensions and limits shown on the Contract Drawings with reused subsoil. C. Systematically backfill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. D. Place and compact material in continuous layers not exceeding 6 inches(150 mm)compacted depth. E. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage conduit or pipe. F. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work or adjacent existing utilities. G. All backfilled materials shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with ANSUASTM D1557. Maintain optimum moisture content to attain required density. 3.6 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation from Top Surface of General Backfilling: Plus or minus 1 inch(25 mm). B. Maximum Variation from Top Surface of Backfilling Under Paved Areas: Plus or minus 1/4 inch(13 mm). 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests and analysis of fill material will be performed in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D1557. B. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, change and retest until requirements are satisfied at no additional cost to Owner. C. If Work does not meet the requirements specified in Contract Documents, remove and replace until accepted by the Engineer,at no additional cost to the Owner. 12/20/2022 3123 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 6 D. Unless additional testing is required by the Engineer,compaction tests shall be taken every 100 feet(30 m), at the springline of the pipe and every 2 vertical feet(6 10 mm)of backfill. 3.8 CLEANING A. Clean work under provisions of Section 0177 00. B. Remove surplus backfill materials from site. C. Leave fill material stockpile areas completely free of excess fill materials. 3.9 PROTECTION A. Prevent cave-ins or loose soil from falling into trenches, to protect trenches and adjacent property and structures, by shoring,bracing, sheet piling, underpinning or other methods as required and in accordance with pertinent OSHA regulations. B. Protect bottom of trenches and soil adjacent to and beneath all foundations,from freezing. C. Ensure safe working conditions at all times in and around trenches and conduct Work in accordance with pertinent OSHA regulations. D. Adequately mark and barricade trenches. E. Recompact fills subjected to vehicular traffic. END OF SECTION 3123 33 12/20/2022 31 23 34—Trenching And Backfill P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 6 SECTION 3125 00—EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Temporary erosion control is defined as the total program of control and prevention of soil erosion from disturbed areas during the construction process.Protection activities by the Contractor shall include,but are not limited to,the following: 1. Construction and maintenance of sediment traps as approved by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction thereof. 2. Installation, maintenance, and removal of silt fences as authorized by regulatory authority having jurisdiction and the Engineer. 3. Control of the flow of surface flow of runoff to minimize erosion at its source. Activities shall include construction of berms, swales,ditches,downdrains,and diversions. 4. Protection of erodible areas to include mulching, temporary grassing, and application of protective materials. 5. Removal of silts from, and restoration of any areas impacted by silt deposits from the construction area. 6. Periodic removal of silts from silt entrapment devices constructed under the approved erosion protection program employed by the Contractor. 1.2 JOB CONDITIONS A. Erosion control shall be employed during the construction period and shall include all necessary temporary measures required to prevent soil erosion from the site until permanent erosion control and finished surfaces are installed. B. Installation,maintenance, and operation of erosion control measures shall be continuously done throughout the construction period. 1. Erosion of soil into flowing streams and wetland areas is a violation of state law and county ordinances, Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent sedimentation and erosion into streams and wetlands from occurring. 2. Contractors personnel shall be responsible for reviewing and monitoring the erosion control program and initiating precautionary measures in advance of problems occurring. 3. The various regulatory agencies, as well as Engineer, shall monitor Contractor's erosion control program. Contractor shall take prompt action on recommended precautionary or remedial construction measures. 1.3 REFERENCES A. 6NYCRR700-705"Surface Water Quality Standards" B. 6NYCRR750-758"State Pollution Discharge Elimination System"(SPDES) C. 40 CFR 141.1 1-16"National Primary Drinking Water Regulations"(NPDWR) 12/20/2022 31 25 00—Erosion And Sedimentation Controls P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 5 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Erosion control measures for construction shall conform to these Specifications, the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control of New York published by the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee of New York,and all conditions of the SPDES General Permit for the State of New York. B. Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Suffolk County Department of Health regulations. 1.5 DESCRIPTION AND TYPES OF DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROLS A. Silt Fence 1. Intercepts and ponds sediment-laden sheet flow runoff from slopes. 2. Ponding the water reduces the velocity of the incoming flow and allows most of the suspended sediment to settle out. 3. Water exits by percolating through the silt fence. B. Slope Drain 1. Collects and transports storm runoff down the face of a slope. 2. Consists of a berm at the top of a slope,a pipe culvert with end sections,and outlet protection. 3. Used until permanent facilities are installed,or until vegetation growth is adequate. C. Drop-inlet Barrier 1. Intercepts and ponds sediment-laden runoff. 2. Ponding the water reduces the velocity of the incoming flow and allows most of the suspended sediment to settle out. 3. When the pond height reaches the top of the barrier, water flows over the bales or stones and into the drop inlet. If a silt fence barrier is used, the ponded water percolates through the silt fence fabric and into the drop inlet. 4. Types: a. Straw or Hay Bale Drop-inlet Barrier b. Stone Drop-inlet Barrier c. Silt Fence Drop-inlet Barrier D. Sediment Trap 1. Intercepts and ponds sediment-laden concentrated flows. 2. Ponding the water reduces the velocity of the incoming flow and allows most of the suspended sediment to settle out. E. Curb Inlet Barrier 12/20/2022 31 25 00—Erosion And Sedimentation Controls P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 5 1. Intercepts sediment-laden runoff. 2. Minor ponding may occur. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 SILT BARRIER A. The Contractor shall construct a silt barrier to control silt-laden runoff from traveling off the work site. The silt barrier shall consist of geotextile fabric affixed to wooden stakes with the bottom of the fabric buried approximately 12 inches below grade. The geotextile fabric shall be made of ultra-violet resistant material, silt-film fabric having the following characteristics: 1. Grab strength(ASTM D 4632): 90 lbs. 2. Burst strength(ASTM D 751): 145 lbs. 3. Elongation(ASTM D 4632): 15%at 45 lbs. 4. Permeability coefficient(ASTM D 4751): 0.2 mm/sec at constant head of 50 mm. 5. Apparent opening size(ASTM D 4751): U.S. Standard Sieve Number 20,minimum. 6. Retained strength after accelerated weathering and ultra-violet exposure(ASTM D 4355):70%. B. Hardwood stakes: 2 inches square(nominal)by 4 feet length. C. Fasteners: Staples,wire,zip ties,or nails. 2.2 SLOPE DRAINS A. Slope drains shall be flexible plastic pipe of a manufacture for the intended purpose. B. Riprap or rock lining: Fifty percent of the riprap to be between 6 inches and 12 inches with a maximum size of 12 inches and a minimum size of 4 inches. C. Straw or hay bales and hardwood stakes: 2 inches square(nominal)by 4 feet. 2.3 DROP-INLET BARRIERS A. Straw or Hay Bale: Refer to this Section,Paragraph 2.00 A. B. Stone: Refer to this Section,Paragraph 2.00 B. C. Silt Barrier: Refer to this Section,Paragraph 2.01. 2.4 SEDIMENT TRAP A. Riprap or rock lining: Refer to this Section,Paragraph 2.02 B. 2.5 TEMPORARY BERM A. Existing Soil. 2.6 CURB INLET BARRIER 12/20/2022 31 25 00—Erosion And Sedimentation Controls P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 5 A. Concrete building blocks. B. Stone: Refer to this Section,Paragraph 2.00 B. C. Wire mesh: 13 mm(1/2-inch)by 13 mm(1/2-inch). PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Provide or construct measures such as check dams, silt barrier, slope drains,drop-in inlet barriers, sediment traps, and other erosion control devices to prevent erosion and sedimentation during construction and/or shutdown periods. B. Temporary erosion control shall be directed toward and have the purpose of controlling soil erosion at its potential source. Downstream sediment entrapment measures shall be employed, but only as a backup to primary control at the source. C. A continuing program of maintenance of sediment control shall be employed during the construction and shutdown periods. 3.2 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Temporary erosion control construction shall be employed until such time as permanent paving, planting, and restoration of natural areas is effective in control of erosion from the site. B. Sediment Traps: 1. Sediment traps shall be installed at approved locations in accordance with the Contractor's approved erosion control plan with details provided to the Engineer for approval prior to construction of same. 2. Sediment traps shall be maintained until other erosion control methods can be substituted for them. Other sediment traps at locations other than approved may be required by construction operations. 3. Sediment traps shall be cleaned out when they are one-half filled with silt. 4. Sediment traps shall be finally removed from the construction area when their use is no longer required by construction under this Contract. C. Silt Barriers: 1. Temporary silt barriers shall be located at all points where surface water can leave the construction area having bypassed a silt trap if the source area is subject to soil erosion. 2. Silt barriers shall be constructed to remove sediments from flowing water through filtration and sedimentation. 3. Silt barriers shall be arranged to create ponding behind them. Provisions shall be made for removing accumulated sediments and maintaining ponding capacity. 4. Silt barriers shall be removed and the area restored when permanent erosion control is effective. 5. Silt barriers must be maintained or replaced whenever necessary and as directed by Engineer. 12/20/2022 31 25 00—Erosion And Sedimentation Controls P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 5 D. Grading Operations: Grading operations shall be scheduled so that the ground surface will be disturbed for the shortest possible time before permanent construction is installed. Large areas shall be maintained as flat as possible to minimize soil transport through surface flow. 1. Wherever steeper slopes or abrupt changes in grade are required, a diversion or berm shall be constructed at the top of the slope to cause the surface water to flow along the diversion to a control point to be transported downslope in a slope drain. In no case shall surface water be allowed to flow uncontrolled down slopes. E. Slope Drains: Temporary slope drains shall be provided to convey surface water down slopes. Slope drains shall be provided with an apron at their tops to anchor them and properly direct water into them. Stone or rubble shall be placed at slope drain outlets to prevent scour at these points. F. Storm Drainage System: As much of the permanent storm drainage system as is practicable shall be initially installed and surface water diverted into the system. The remainder of the storm drainage system shall be installed as soon as conditions will allow. 1. Temporary sediment barriers shall be maintained around drainage structures until final subgrade preparation is begun. G. Ground Cover: 1. Ground cover shall be applied to erodible areas where permanent planting is delayed due to construction operations or seasonal limitations. 2. Ground cover shall consist of temporary grass,mulch,or protective coverings. 3. Temporary grassing shall be planted in areas designated on the plans or by the Engineer. 3.3 CLEANUP AND REMOVAL A. At the time that permanent erosion control is effective,temporary devices and their accumulated sediments shall be removed,including those measures installed under a previous contract,if existing. END OF SECTION 31 25 00 12/20/2022 31 25 00—Erosion And Sedimentation Controls P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 5 SECTION 31 41 00—SHORING PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Wood and steel sheeting. B. Sheeting box. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3123 16-Excavation. B. Section 3123 33—Trenching and Backfill 1.3 REFERENCES A. Occupational Safety and Health Standards - Excavations; Final Rule (29 CFR Part 1926) - OSHA Standards. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 33 00. B. Shop Drawings: Provide proposed plans and methods for placing, maintaining and removing all protective structural systems to be installed in the Work. The proposed plans shall be sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of New York. Providing these plans shall not relieve the Contractor of being responsible for the safe execution or successful and timely completion of the work. 1.5 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for Work are as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform all work of this section in accordance with OSHA Standards and approved shop drawings. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of Section 01 31 00. B. Coordinate work with all other sections requiring temporary sheeting and bracing. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Wood Sheeting: Hardwood species of size and dimensions capable of being driven to the required depths and capable of supporting excavation sides and soil pressures when braced; free from wormholes, wind shakes, loose knots, decayed or unsound portions or defects which would impair its strength or tightness;2 inches(50 mm)thick minimum. 12/20/2022 31 41 00—Shoring P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 3 B. Steel Sheeting: Corrugated 'Y" shape cross-section; of size and dimensions capable of being driven to the required depths and capable of supporting excavation sides and soil pressures when braced; structurally sound; special shapes for corner construction and transition points. C. Sheeting Boxes: Steel, of size and dimensions capable of supporting excavation sides and soil pressures; structurally sound. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing substrate and site conditions under provisions of Section 01 31 00. B. Verify elevations and grades are as indicated on the plans. C. Verify proposed locations of excavations are as indicated on the plans. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Excavate to a depth no greater than 4 feet(1.2 m)from existing grade. B. Assemble and drive the sheeting in accordance with approved Shop Drawings. 3.3 INSTALLATION—SHEETING A. Drive sheeting in place to thoroughly support both sides of the excavation using a sheeting hammer. Use a steam or pneumatic hammer for steel sheeting. B. Water jetting of sheeting will not be permitted. Do not loosen adjacent ground which might result in collapse. C. Install wales and braces or shores tight and in accordance with approved shop drawings. 3.4 INSTALLATION—SHEETING BOX A. Place box in trench utilizing a means which will not damage structural integrity of the box. B. Excavate ahead of the sheeting box only enough to advance the sheeting box and only immediately prior to moving the sheeting box. C. Backfill on both sides of the sheeting box as it is moved. 3.5 REMOVAL OF SHEETING A. Remove sheeting only as backfilling progresses. B. Carefully remove sheering such that compacted backfill is not displaced. Add additional backfill to the areas vacated by the sheeting. C. All sheeting is to be removed from the site once its use is no longer required. D. The Contractor may not leave sheeting or bracing in place after backfilling is completed. 3.6 CLEANING 12/20/2022 31 41 00—Shoring P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 A. Clean work under provisions of Section 01 77 00. B. Clean site of any debris from work of this section. END OF SECTION 31 41 00 12/20/2022 31 41 00—Shoring P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 32 31 13—CHAIN LINK FENCING PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Scope-This work consists of constructing: 1. Fences,gates,and gateways of woven wire fabric,chain link fabric,or combinations,to the lines and grades shown or directed. 2. Protective fences,on and off structure as shown or directed. B. All dimensions shown on the plans are horizontal and vertical measurement. Actual quantities required for the installation may be greater depending on the slope of the terrain. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Fences—Fence,gates,gateways,and appurtenances,regardless of kinds and types. B. Gateway—Supported fence wire or fabric stretched between gate posts and fastened by bars, wire hinges and locking devices. C. Panel—That portion of fence between adjacent posts. D. Run—As used in this specification,run is defined as follows: 1. Fences,gates,and gateways—The length of fence between end posts,intermediate end posts,corner posts,and gate posts. E. Single Gate—Frame of tubes with fence fabric with hinges on one side and padlocking hatches on the other side. Latch to lock to post. Gates shall swing on 180-degree hinges. Corner fitting, ball and socket hinges, catch, stops and center rest to be heavy galvanized malleable iron. Provide a hasp assembly for double padlocks. F. Dimensions as shown on the Drawings. G. Double Gate—Two single gate units used together for all fence openings with dimensions as shown on the Drawings. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. All submittals shall be accordance with Section 00 13 00 unless otherwise noted. B. Product Data:For each type of product indicated. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. The Contractor shall provide chain link fencing where indicated on the Drawings. 1. Fence and gateway material and accessories shall conform to ASTM F626, using fabric of 2-inch diamond mesh 9-gauge galvanized steel wire chain link in one-piece widths. 12/20/2022 32 31 13—Chain Link Fencing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 2. Fabric shall be installed with approximately 2 inches between finish grade and bottom selvage and 2 inches between top selvage and any overhead structure. a. Top and bottom selvage shall be knuckled finish. 3. Chain link fabric, ties, and tension wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 181 supplemented and modified as follows: a. Use ductile,zinc-coated steel meeting the coating requirements of ASTM A641/A 641M,Class 1 for wire fabric ties,wire ties,and hog rings. b. Tension wire shall have a Class 2 coating. 4. Posts,braces,toprails,and appurtenances shall conform to AASHTO M181. 5. Gateways shall be constructed with drop rods,padlocks, latch assembly and gate keepers. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Construct fence including the assembly and erection of all component parts and materials complete in place at the locations shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. B. All gates shall be at the location shown on the Drawings. 3.2 LINES,GRADES AND PREPARATION WORK A. Fill or excavate ground surface irregularities which interfere with maintaining clearance above ground surface of the bottom wire of the fence as shown on the Drawings. Limit the width as necessary to provide a clear way for the fence. B. Excavate for concrete footings to reasonably neat lines,but not less than as shown on the Drawings. The depth of concrete footings in rock shall be no less than 18 inches. Prevent disturbance of original ground at the sides and bottom of the excavation. C. Clear and grade gate openings to permit the gate to swing fully open in a horizontal plane in both directions. D. Install fence, line posts, and gate posts in a straight and true alignment between corner posts. All line, gate, and corner posts shall be vertically plumb within 1/8- inch when measured between the top and bottom of each post. E. Dispose of materials removed under these provisions, including excess excavation, in accordance with local and state regulations. END OF SECTION 32 31 13 12/20/2022 32 31 13—Chain Link Fencing P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 SECTION 32 50 00—ASPHALT PAVING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3100 00—Earthwork B. Section 3123 23—Grading 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment as required to mix, place, and compact a plant mix bituminous surface course. B. Prepare base course and compact prior to placing asphalt. 1.3 REFERENCES A. CL-19: The Asphalt Institute Bulletin,"Full Depth Asphalt Patching." B. ASTM D 946: Standard Specification for Penetration Graded Asphalt Cement in Pavement Construction. C. ASTM D 2397: Standard Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt. D. ASTM D 3381: Standard Specification for Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement for use in Pavement Construction. E. ASTM D 3628: Standard Practice for Selection and use of Emulsified Asphalt. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 ASPHALT CEMENT A. Furnish asphalt cement meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3381 and ASTM D 946 B. Conform to MPT-Standard Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder. 2.1 AGGREGATE A. Aggregate for shall consist of stone, gravel or other approved inert material of similar characteristics, and shall be clean and free from organic matter and other deleterious substances. B. Aggregate Gradation 1. Use an aggregate that the combined dry mineral aggregate is uniformly graded and of such size that it meets the gradations specified below when tested in accordance with AASHTO T-30. 12/20/2022 31 50 00—Asphalt Paving P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 4 COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE GENERAL LIMITS JOB MIX SCREEN SIZES PERCENT PASSING TOLERANCE 11/211 100 - 1" 95 -100 - 1/2" 70-90 ±6 1/4" 48-74 ±7 '/8 32-62 ±7 NO. 20 15 -39 ±7 NO.40 8 -27 ±7 NO. 80 4- 16 ±4 NO. 200 2-8 ±2 Asphalt Cement,% 4.5-6.5 f0.4 2.2 TACK COAT A. Furnish tack coat material meeting the requirements of ASTM D 2397 and ASTM D 3628. 2.3 MIXES A. Use dry material to avoid foaming. Mix uniformly in central plant. B. Mixture: 5 to 7 percent of asphalt cement by weight in total mixture. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Remove surface, base course and subgrade to reach firm support. Extend at least one (1)foot horizontally into pavement. B. Make square or rectangular cuts. Make faces straight and vertical, with one pair of faces, where practical, parallel to the direction of traffic. C. Trim and compact subgrade. Compact subgrade to at least one hundred (100)percent of standard proctor density or ninety-five(95)percent of modified proctor density. D. Tack coat vertical surfaces with ASTM D 2397 or D 3628 asphalt emulsion types SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1 or CSS-lh diluted with equal parts of water. 3.2 MIXING A. Supply materials that are of the proper temperature,gradation,and mix consistency. 3.3 SPREADING AND COMPACTION A. Maintain the temperature of the bituminous mixture in the lay down operation at not more than 310 °F and not less than the value shown in the following chart. 12/20/2022 31 50 00—Asphalt Paving P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 4 Minimum Lay Down Temperature Chart °F Compacted Paving Mat Thickness Ambient Air 3�4„ 1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" Temperature 45-49 -- -- -- -- 280 50-59 -- -- -- 280 270 60-69 -- -- 285 275 265 70-79 -- 285 280 270 265 80-89 280 275 275 265 260 90+ 275 270 265 260 255 B. Do not place asphalt when the ambient air temperature is below that allowed in the table for the given mat thickness and when frozen materials are present in the base or sub-base. C. Spread the bituminous mixture with self-propelled mechanical spreading and finishing equipment capable of spreading the mixture to the proper grade,thickness,and typical section as specified in the plans. D. Use spreader box or other methods of spreading the material approved by the Engineer for small projects under 200 square yards, for irregular areas, for miscellaneous construction, such as detours and sidewalks, and for initial leveling courses. E. Roll the surface longitudinally, beginning at the outside edge or lower side and proceeding toward the higher side. Overlap each pass of one roller over the preceding pass by at least one-half the width of the roller. For finish rolling,pneumatic rollers are required. 3.4 FINISH A. Place the bituminous course to the line, grade, elevations, thickness cross section and finish as shown on the plans. B. The variation of the surface from the testing edge of the string line between any two contacts with the surface will at no point exceed 0.025 feet for longitudinal measurements. The variation of the surface from the testing edge of the straight-edge between any two contacts with the surface will at not point exceed 0.01 feet for transverse measurements. Correct all humps or depressions exceeding the specified tolerances at no expense to the Owner with a method approved by the Engineer. 3.5 WEATHER AND SEASONAL LIMITATIONS A. Place bituminous surface course only between April 15 and the closure date of the asphalt mix plant and when the air temperature in the shade and the sub-base temperature are as noted in Paragraph 3.3 B. Do not place bituminous surface course during rain,when the sub-base is wet, or during other adverse weather conditions. B. For cold weather patching,emergencies,or other situations where conditions do not comply with Paragraph 3.3 B, all bituminous surface course placed will be considered temporary and will be removed and replaced,warmer weather permitting. 3.6 TEMPORARY PAVING A. Temporary bituminous paving will be at least two inches thick. B. Place temporary paving as soon as the backfill is suitable and leave in place until ready for permanent paving. C. Maintain temporary paving until removal and replacement with permanent surface course. 12/20/2022 31 50 00—Asphalt Paving P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 4 END OF SECTION 31 50 00 12/20/2022 31 50 00—Asphalt Paving P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 4 SECTION 32 60 00—TOPSOIL PLACEMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 3123 23—Grading B. Section 32 70 00—Turfs and Grasses 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Furnish and spread topsoil on prepared areas. 1.3 REFERENCES A. AASHTO T 88:Particle Size Analysis of Soils B. AASHTO T 194:Determination of Organic Matter in Soils by Wet Combustion C. Textural Triangle National Soils Handbook,Part 603-5 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit laboratory test results from each topsoil source to be used. 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not place wet or frozen topsoil. B. Do not place topsoil on wet or frozen ground or when precipitation is occurring. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 TOPSOIL A. Topsoil shall meet the following: 1. pH: 6.0 to 8.0. 2. EC(Electrical Conductivity):less than 4 ds/m. 3. SAR(Sodium Adsorption Ratio):less than 10. 4. Organic matter: 1 to 20 percent. Determined by release upon combustion,Walkley-Black or modified Walkley-Black testing method. 5. Noxious weed content: Less than 5 percent of total weed seed germination test. 6. Textural classification: Loam, sandy loam, silt loam, or sandy clay loam not exceeding the following percentiles: 12/20/2022 32 60 00—Topsoil Placement P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 Soil Component Percentile Ranze Sand 20-70 Silt 20-70 Clay 10-30 7. Particle size analysis to be determined by hydrometer testing method. 8. The topsoil shall pass the requirements of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) TAGM #4046. In addition, the concentration of PCBs in the soil shall not exceed 0.10 ppm, and the concentration of lead shall not exceed 100 ppm. This requirement shall be confirmed either by a certificate from the borrow source or through collection and analysis of a composite soil sample at a frequency of one per 1,000 cubic yards from the borrow source. The soil samples shall be analyzed by a New York State accredited analytical laboratory for VOCs by EPA Method 8260,SVOC by EPA Method 8270, Pesticides/Herbicides/Cyanide, PCBs, and Priority Pollutant Metals. The certificate or laboratory analytical data shall be provided to the Engineer a minimum of ten (10) business days prior to the planned start of topsoil placement activities. The sample collection and analysis shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. B. Topsoil shall be free of: 1. Subsoils(no B or C horizon soils). 2. Coarse sand and gravel. 3. Stiff clay,hard clods or hard pan soils. 4. Rocks larger than 3 inches in any dimension. 5. Trash,litter or refuse. 6. Topsoil may contain a maximum of 5 percent rock smaller than 3" 2.2 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Soil Testing: 1. The Contractor shall submit soil samples to an approved independent soil testing laboratory capable of performing the tests listed in Paragraph 2.00. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Place topsoil just before seeding only if it can be seeded within the upcoming spring or autumn seeding seasons. B. Do not handle topsoil when it is wet or frozen. C. Work topsoil only when it can be left in a friable,loose,and crumbly state. 3.2 SPREAD TOPSOIL A. Clear area to receive topsoil of all trash, debris, weeds, and rock 3 inch or larger, and dispose of objectionable material in an approved manner. 12/20/2022 32 60 00—Topsoil Placement P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 B. Place and spread the topsoil over the prepared areas to depths of not less than 4 inches and no greater than 6 inches. C. Disc or harrow the prepared areas following topsoil placement. When discing or harrowing slopes, follow the contour to help prevent erosion. D. Provide a crumbly soil texture. END OF SECTION 32 60 00 12/20/2022 32 60 00—Topsoil Placement P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 32 70 00-TURFS AND GRASSES PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes seeding. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Finish Grade: Elevation of finished surface of planting soil. B. Manufactured Soil: Soil produced off-site by homogeneously blending mineral soils or sand with stabilized organic soil amendments to produce topsoil or planting soil. C. Planting Soil: Native or imported topsoil,manufactured topsoil,or surface soil modified to become topsoil; mixed with soil amendments. D. Subgrade: Surface or elevation of subsoil remaining after completing excavation,or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately beneath planting soil. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Product certificates. C. Planting Schedule: Indicating anticipated planting dates. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on Project site when planting is in progress. B. Topsoil Analysis: Furnish soil analysis. 1.5 LAWN MAINTENANCE A. Begin maintenance immediately after each area is planted and continue until acceptable lawn is established, but for not less than the following periods: 1. Seeded Lawns: 60 days from date of Substantial Completion. B. Mow lawn as soon as top growth is tall enough to cut. Remove no more than 40 percent of grass-leaf growth in initial or subsequent mowings. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED A. Seed Species: State-certified seed of grass species,as follows: 1. Full Sun: Long island Mixture Sun and Shade. 12/20/2022 32 70 00-Turfs And Grasses P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 2.2 PLANTING MATERIALS A. Topsoil: ASTM D 5268, pH range of 5.5 to 7, a minimum of 4 percent organic material content; free of stones 1 inch or larger in any dimension and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. 1. Topsoil Source: Reuse surface soil stockpiled on-site and supplement with imported or manufactured topsoil from off-site sources when quantities are insufficient. Verify suitability of stockpiled surface soil to produce topsoil. 2. Topsoil Source: Amend existing in-place surface soil to produce topsoil. Verify suitability of surface soil to produce topsoil. Surface soil may be supplemented with imported or manufactured topsoil from off-site sources. B. Fertilizer: 1. Commercial Fertilizer (for Spring and Fall months): Commercial-grade complete fertilizer of neutral character, consisting of fast- and slow-release nitrogen, 50 percent derived from natural organic sources of urea formaldehyde,phosphorous,and potassium in the following composition: a. Composition: 1 lb/1000 sq. ft.of actual nitrogen,4 percent phosphorous, and 2 percent potassium, by weight. 2. Slow-Release Fertilizer(for Summer and Winter months): Granular or pelleted fertilizer consisting of 50 percent water-insoluble nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in the following composition: a. Composition: 20 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous,and 10 percent potassium,by weight. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 LAWN PREPARATION A. Newly Graded Subgrades: Loosen subgrade to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Remove stones larger than 1 inch in any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous matter and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. 1. Apply fertilizer directly to subgrade before loosening. 2. Thoroughly blend planting soil mix off-site before spreading or spread topsoil, apply soil amendments and fertilizer on surface,and thoroughly blend planting soil mix. 3. Spread planting soil mix to a. depth of 4 inches but not less than required to meet finish grades after light rolling and natural settlement. Do not spread if planting soil or subgrade is frozen, muddy, or excessively wet. 3.2 SEEDING A. Sow seed at the rate of 3 to 4 lb/1000 sq.ft. B. Rake seed lightly into top 1/8 inch of topsoil,roll lightly,and water with fine spray. C. Protect seeded areas with slopes not exceeding 1:6 by spreading straw mulch. Spread uniformly at a minimum rate of 2 tons/acre to form a continuous blanket 1-1/2 inches in loose depth over seeded areas. Spread by hand,blower,or other suitable equipment. 12/20/2022 32 70 00-Turfs And Grasses P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 D. Protect seeded areas from hot, dry weather or drying winds by applying topsoil within 24 hours after completing seeding operations. Soak and scatter uniformly to a depth of 3/16 inch and roll to a smooth surface. 3.3 SATISFACTORY LAWNS A. Satisfactory Seeded Lawn: At end of maintenance period,a healthy,uniform, close stand of grass has been established, free of weeds and surface irregularities,with coverage exceeding 90 percent over any 10 sq. ft. (0.92 sq.m)and bare spots not exceeding 5 by 5 inches. B. Satisfactory Sodded Lawn: At end of maintenance period, a healthy, well-rooted, even-colored, viable lawn has been established,free of weeds,open joints,bare areas,and surface irregularities. C. Reestablish lawns that do not comply with requirements and continue maintenance until lawns are satisfactory. END OF SECTION 32 70 00 12/20/2022 32 70 00-Turfs And Grasses P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 32 90 00-PLANTINGS PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SECTIONS INCLUDES A. Trees, shrubs,plants,and groundcover. B. Topsoil and soil amendments. C. Initial maintenance of planting materials 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 32 92 00—Turfs and Grasses B. Section 32 91 —Topsoil Placement 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00-Administrative Requirements. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used,including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. C. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data,including the maintenance schedule. D. Notices: Submit 48-hour written notice prior to turnover to the Owner for watering and maintenance. E. Warranty: Warrant trees and shrubs for a period of one year after the date of Substantial Completion, against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth and except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse by others, or natural phenomena. Replace unsatisfactory plant material at the end of the warranty period at no additional expense to the Owner. One replacement is required. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications:Minimum 2 years of experience installing similar products. B. Balled and Burlapped Plants and Trees: Graded to American Standard for Nursery Stock,ANSI Z60.1. C. Testing: Laboratory testing for suitable soil amendments and fertilizer. 1.5 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Convene a minimum of two weeks prior to starting work on this section. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store products as recommended by the supplier/nursery until ready for installation. B. Handling:Handle materials to avoid damage. 12/20/2022 32 90 00-Plantings P.W. Grosser Consulting Pagel of 3 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature,humidity, and ventilation)within limits recommended by the manufacturer/nursery for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside the supplier's/nursery's recommended limits. 1.8 SEQUENCING A. Ensure that products of this section are supplied to affected trades in time to prevent interruption of construction progress. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS/NURSERIES A. Acceptable Manufacturers/Nurseries: Long Island Natives- Eastport NY; Bay Gardens — East Moriches, NY;Hicks Nursery—Westbury; Dropseed Native Landscapes—West Hempstead,NY B. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00 -Product Requirements. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Plantings: 1. Plant Materials: Deciduous trees and shrubs —Acre Rubrum L (Red maple); Amelanchier Canadensis (Canadian Serviceberry); Cornus Amonum(Silky Dogwood). 2. Plant Materials: Ground cover and plants — Carex Pennsylvanica (Pennsylvania Sedge); Clethra Alnifolia(Summersweet Clethra); Grass Seed Mix 3. Topsoil: Site stockpile. 4. Topsoil:From offsite. 5. Soil Amendments:Based on soil testing. 6. Accessories: a. Filtration Fabric:Water permeable Fiberglass or polypropylene fabric. b. Wrapping: Tree-wrap tape. c. Stakes and Guys:New hardwood,treated softwood,or redwood. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been adequately prepared. B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify the Engineer of inadequate preparation before proceeding. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install materials in accordance with approved submittals. Install landscape work in proper relation with adjacent construction and with a uniform appearance. Coordinate with work of other sections. B. Should, the proposed location of trees be within 20' of overhead utilities, relocate said trees to min. 20' to wires. 12/20/2022 32 90 00-Plantings P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 3 C. Should,the location of trees be within 5' of underground utilities,relocate said trees to min. 5' from ball to utilities. D. Planting deciduous trees and shrubs shall occur between April 1 to June 1 and October 15 to December 15. planting of evergreen trees and shrubs shall occur between April 1 to June 1 and September 1 to November 15. E. All planting areas shall be cultivated to a depth of 8 inches and raked to remove sod clumps, weeds, stones, and other foreign material exceeding 2 inches in diameter. F. Excavate as required for trees and shrubs. G. Install plant material and backfill with soil mix. H. Immediately after planting, wrap deciduous tree trunks from base to the fast limb with 4-inch wide bituminous impregnated, insect-resistant tape or paper manufactured for that purpose. Tie with jute at top and bottom.The trunk wrap shall be removed one year after planting. 1. Stake and guy trees.Water thoroughly.Allow for soil settlement. J. Upon completion of landscaping work,all excess soil,debris,etc., shall be removed from the site. K. Provide maintenance and watering until turnover to the Owner for maintenance and watering. L. Replace damaged materials and dead or unhealthy plants prior to turnover to the Owner. 3.4 PROTECTION A. Touch-up,repair,or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 32 90 00 12/20/2022 32 90 00-Plantings P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 3 SECTION 44 30 10—PROCESS EQUIPMENT PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Contract Documents: All Work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Conditions of the Contract with all Sections of Division 1 - General Requirements, with the Drawings and with all other Contract Drawings 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. The Work shall include all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary to furnish and install all Mechanical and Electrical Work as shown on the Drawings, specified herein or as be reasonably be required by the intent of the work to provide a complete system to operate as described herein or as required by the Owner to include but not be limited to Mechanical Screen and Controllers, Pumps and Pump Control Panels, Blowers, Diffusers, Pump Hoists, constant head box; screw screen and accessories, valves and electrical actuators, air piping and diffusers, electrically operated butterfly valve, and other equipment specified herein or as may be required by the intent of the Work. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Working layout drawings of the equipment and appurtenant piping, showing location and dimensions shall be submitted for review. B. Specifications provide for submission of "or equal" mechanical and electrical equipment. In the event substitutes are accepted and they require a change in dimension or shape of the structure, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings, including required steel reinforcement,required electrical services, etc. for review. C. Whenever the Contractor submits equipment other than that specified, he shall submit proof that the substitution is equal to that specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay for all required changes to his and all other affected trades as a result of this substitution including all engineering services. D. Documentation: The Contractor shall supply a minimum of 8 bound sets of standard submittal drawings, operation and maintenance manuals,parts lists,etc. Standard submittals shall consist of,as a minimum: 1. Pump Data including pump system curves. 2. Control Data. 3. Access Frame Data. 4. Typical Installation Guides and Drawings. 5. Parts Lists and Ordering Information. 6. Accessory Data. 7. Electrical Wiring diagrams including interconnection of all devices. 8. Complete ladder drawing for each control panel. 9. Catalog cuts of models actually used. 10. Technical Manuals of models actual used. 11. Maintenance Manuals. 12. Lubrication Instructions. 13. Detailed layout and dimension of each control panel including all components. 14. Detailed sequence of operation within each control panel. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 28 1.4 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS A. All material furnished shall be new, guaranteed free from defects in workmanship or design, and the Contractor shall replace,without cost to the Owner, any part or parts of any equipment,which is defective, or show undue wear within one year after the equipment has been in permanent operation and finally accepted by the Owner. 1.5 CONTROL PANELS GENERAL A. For all sections,the following shall apply: 1. All work shall comply with Division 26-Electrical. 2. All 3-phase motors shall be provided with 3 overloads,located on un-grounded side of starter relay. 3. All 1-phase motors shall be provided with integral overloads. 4. All wiring and controls shall be as described herein and as shown on the Contract Drawings. 5. Provide the following options/devices in each control panel: a. Side mounted,convenience, 120V,grounded power outlet(weatherproof). b. Four(4)auxiliary contacts per motor. (Two normally open and two normally closed). c. Each motor circuit breaker shall have provisions for being locked in the open position. d. Nameplates shall be provided for the following: (a) Panel Front. (b) Each device (i.e. pushbutton, switch, selector switch, pilot light, indicators, circuit breaker, etc.). e. All necessary control transformers (including where a separate neutral or where 208/240 volt has to be derived. f Each motor/pump to have individual controls and indicating lights. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.1 MECHANICAL SCREEN A. General Description: B. Model OR-TEC MB280KT Automatic Fine Bar Screens with 2.0 mm openings. C. Screen components are all corrosion resistant. The screen bars are rynite and rakes are polycarbonate. The screen is driven by a 1/18 HP, 120 volt/l/60 gear motor with a 15 feet long sealed cord for wiring to the control panel. D. Two (2) Mercury level float switches are provided. One to turn on the fine screen and one to sound an alarm in the event of a high level. E. Fabricated 316LSS Enclosure box with hinged lid for installation of the Fine Screen. The Enclosure shall have three (3) 3" flanged inlet flanges and one (1) 6" flanged bottom outlet. Four (4) mounting angles on the enclosure are provided. F. Heat Tracing. G. One (1)NEMA 4X 316 Stainless Steel Local Control Panel for Automatic fine screen operation with high water audible alarm, 1/60/120 volts,Includes float switches. H. Operation and Maintenance manuals 1. One(1)Aluminum Support Stand 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 28 J. Startup and Commissioning, as described in the field service Section 1. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials and services needed to install and place into operation complete one(1)stainless steel,self-cleaning, screen as manufactured by OR-TEC as shown on the Contract Drawings. The unit shall have a peak capacity of 260 gallons/minute. K. Design Summary 1. Number of Semi-Cylindrical Screens - 1 2. Flow per Screen,gpm -260 3. Drive Motor Size,hp - 1/18 4. Electrical Power Characteristics,VAC—Hertz—Phase -208-60-3 5. Motor and Solenoid Valve Electrical Classification -Class I— Division 1 —Group D 6. Liquid Level Sensing System Type -Float switch 7. Electrical Enclosure Type -NEMA 4X 316 stainless steel L. Construction: 1. General a. The screen shall be designed and built to withstand maximum possible static hydraulic forces exerted by the liquid to the screen. All structural and functional parts shall be sized to prevent deflections or vibrations that may impair the screening, conveying and pressing operations. All submerged components and all components of the screen in contact with the screened solids shall be of stainless-steel construction. b. Gearmotor — Totally enclosed non-ventilated design, TENV. Does not require periodic greasing or oil change. The gearmotor shall be washed without harming the unit. c. Lower Bearings - solid lube bearings made from UHMW. Grease applied at initial assembly.Periodic greasing shall not be required. d. Upper Bearings—Roller bearing shall consist of two spring clips that hold the cap over the end of the shaft,a lock collar with two set screws. e. Grease seals— There shall be a grease seal between the flow path and the upper and lower bearings. f. Frame—316SS construction. g. Bars—high impact 316SS. The bars shall be replaced by removing the lower front cover. h. Rakes—rakes shall be 316 stainless steel. i. Chain guides—Shall be UHMW strips attached to a stainless-steel angle bolted to the frame. j. Rubber side seals and backing plates shall be neoprene side seals and plastic backing plates 2. Drive Assembly a. Explosion-proof motors shall be furnished with over-temperature thermostats in the windings designed for cut-out at approximately 160 degrees C. 3. Operation a. Screen operation is controlled by a dual float switch or an Ultrasonic level meter with dual set points. The low-level switch initiates and terminates the screen operation as flow enters or drains out of the channel. When the low-level switch is tripped to terminate screen operation a timer is activated allowing the screen to continue operating up to 30 seconds prior to shutting off. The high-level switch initiates an alarm condition sending a signal to the PLC indicating a high-water level upstream of the screen. The operator on duty should acknowledge the alarm condition and investigate the cause. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 28 b. All controls necessary for the fully automatic operation of the screen shall be provided in accordance with NEMA 4X. C, The electrical control system shall provide for automatic control of the screen via a high liquid level using a liquid level control system. d. The float switches shall be a hermetically sealed,axially non-position sensitive type,non-mercury- switch activated and enclosed in a polypropylene housing. The switches shall operate over a narrow switching angle and have a minimum rating of 1 Amp at 120 VAC. A 20-ft long PVC jacketed power cable,weight,grip cord, and stainless-steel mounting bracket shall be furnished as part of the switch assembly. For a Class I — Division I electrical classification environment the level switching circuit shall be rated intrinsically safe by inclusion of a UL approved switch isolator with relay output. The switch isolator shall be rated for 120 VAC service with output contacts rated for 2 Amps minimum. 4. COLD WEATHER PROTECTION a. The contractor shall install heat tracing on exposed non gravity discharge piping. b. The cold weather protection system shall include heat tracing, adjustable thermostat, outdoor rated insulation and a protective jacket. Heat tracing shall be suitable for an electrical environment. C. A stainless-steel weather protection housing shall be provided to cover the top of the screen basket to minimize wind chill effects. 5. ANCHOR BOLTS a. Equipment manufacturer shall furnish all anchor bolts of ample size and strength required to securely anchor each item of equipment. Bolts, washers, and hex nuts shall be AISI Type (316) (316)stainless steel unless noted otherwise. Anchor bolts shall be drilled-in epoxy-type. b. Anchor bolts shall be set by the CONTRACTOR. Equipment shall be placed on the foundations, leveled,shimmed,bolted down, and grouted with a non-shrinking grout. 2.2 CONSTANT HEAD/FLOW SPLITTER BOX A. General Description: 1. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools,materials and services needed to install and place into operation complete one(1)stainless steel constant head/splitter box,as required to provide a proper functioning system to maintain an adjustable constant forward flow of influent sewage to the process tanks as shown on the contract plans and included in these specifications. The unit shall have a minimum capacity of 110 gallons/minute,forward and return flow. B. Construction: 1. The Constant Head/Splitter Box shall be constructed of'A"316 stainless steel plate with 316 stainless steel hardware. All side walls, bottom, baffles, partitions, fixed weir plates, etc., shall be welded continuously inside and out. After welding,all weld spatter and extreme roughness shall be removed. C. Weir Plates 1. The return flow shall be a broad crested weir mounted atop a telescoping valve. The forward flow weir shall be two 6" fixed V notch 45 degree (or as shown on the drawings). The telescoping valve shall be operable over the required full range to provide a maximum of 200 gallons per minute forward flow. The valve adjustment shall be by means of a hand wheel valve stand mounted to the splitter box 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 28 above the weir plate. D. Telescoping Valve 1. The constant head box shall include a telescoping valve. The telescoping valve shall be provided with an aluminum handwheel for adjustment of either the forward or return flow. 2.3 PUMPING STATIONS A. Material: 1. The Contractor shall furnish and install at locations shown on the Contract Drawings or as specified herein, specified on the pump schedule included on the Contract Drawings, or as required by the Engineer/Owner, submersible, non-clog sewage pumps complete with all specified accessories including but not limited to power cords, pump slip couplings, lifting cables, guide rails, electrical motors, electrical controls, starters,process control panels, float switches, timers, timing relays, relays and control panel wiring. 2. Influent pumps, Homa, explosion proof, solids handling, sewage pumps, 4" discharge with 4" x 4" auto coupling Model AVX446-200/2, 8T/C, Impeller size 7 7/8", 1,160 rpm, 3 Phase, 208 Volt , 60 hertz 2.8 hp motor with reversing starters, 4" schedule 10 stainless steel discharge piping (velocity= 2.27 ft./sec.). Provide 316 stainless steel lift outs chains with 316 stainless steel schedule 80-guide rails. Pumps shall be complete with leak and over temperature sensors. Pump will be equipped with a VFD to run pump at 60hz. a. Provide downblast blower by Plastec Model 25-4, 1/2 HP, 3 phase, 208 V, 1,725 rpm with weather hood and pedestal, provide concrete anchors to secure blower to top slab, and extend 8" diameter SCH 80 pvc pipe 12"above HWL. B. Installation: 1. Workmanship a. All pumps shall be installed in accordance with the Contract Drawings and in compliance with accepted shop drawings by experienced workman in a first-class workmanship manner. Pumps shall be set level and true to grade and secured in accordance with details shown on the Contract Drawings and in strict compliance with manufacturers' installation instructions. All required accessories and discharge piping shall be installed as specified in other sections of these specifications. Where deviations to the specified are proposed, such deviations shall first be submitted by the Engineer/Owner. 2. Influent Pumps/Raw Sewage Pumps a. Approved Manufacturer's (a) Submersible wastewater/sludge pumps shall be as manufactured by a company regularly engaged in the manufacturing and assembly of wastewater/sludge pumps for a minimum of five(5)years in the United States. The pumps shall be as manufactured by Homa.If noted on the proposal forms alternate pump manufacturers may be approved if suitable materials are submitted with the bids to show that the proposed manufacturer is an approval equal to Homa, meeting substantially all of the specifications and that there is a substantial credit offered to the owner. b. Start-Up (a) Pumps shall be tested at start-up by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. A start-up report as provided by the manufacturer shall be completed before final acceptance of the pumps and the system. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 28 c. Pump Construction (a) Pumps shall be capable of handling raw or treated,unscreened domestic sewage consisting of water,fibrous materials, as specified in the pump schedule on the Contract Drawings. Pumps handling screened sewage shall be capable of passing solid with a 2-inch diameter, unscreened pumps shall be capable of passing a 3" solid. The pumps shall be capable of handling liquids with temperatures to 160 degrees F and shall be capable of running dry for extended periods of time without damage to the motor and/or seals. (b) The pump body, seal plates, impeller, and motor housing shall be constructed of high-quality ASTM Class 30 cast iron or better. A coat of air-dry enamel shall be applied before and after assembly. All exposed hardware shall be 300 Series stainless steel. All gaskets shall be of the compression square ring type eliminating critical slip fits and the possibility of damage during service associated with sliding O-ring sealing arrangements. The pump construction shall contain no points of critical clearance nor require periodic adjustment or replacement to maintain reasonable operating efficiency. (c) The pump casing shall be designed to provide unobstructed passage of the minimum size solid as specified on the pump schedule. Discharge connections shall be of the size, type,and orientation specified on the pump schedule. The impeller shall be of the two vane, non-clog design with pressure vanes on the back side and of the key drive design. The impeller shall be dynamically balanced and shall be capable of handling solids, fibrous materials, and other matter found in non-nal sewage applications. d. Seals (a) Seals shall consist of either double mechanical or single oil filled cavity design as follows: (i) Single Mechanical Seals: 1. The mechanical shaft seals shall operate in an oil-filled seal cavity. The materials of construction shall be carbon for the rotating face and ceramic for the stationary face, lapped and polished to a tolerance of one band, stainless steel hardware and with all rubber parts of Buna-N. Seals, which are lubricated by the liquid being pumped, shall not be considered equal. A secondary Buna-N seal shall be provided between the mechanical seal and pumped fluid. (ii) Double Mechanical Seals: 1. The double mechanical shaft seal shall be of the single spring design operating in an oil-filled seal cavity. Pump-out vanes in the back of the impeller shroud shall develop a radially increasing pressure differential from the impeller hub outward. This pressure differential shall be transmitted by means of a rubber diaphragm to the oil in the seal cavity, thus producing a higher pressure inside the seal cavity than immediately adjacent to the seal face in the pump case forcing the oil in the seal cavity to be the seal face lubricant. The materials of construction shall be carbon for the rotating faces and ceramic for the stationary faces, lapped and polished to a tolerance of one light band, stainless steel hardware, and with all rubber parts of Buna-N. Seals, which are lubricated by the liquid being pumped, shall not be considered equal. A moisture detection system shall be integrated as standard within the oil-filled seal chamber. e. Motors (a) The motor shall be the standard product of an established American motor manufacturer. The motor shall be designed to be non-overloading over the entire pump curve. The room and stator assembly shall be of the standard frame design secured to the pump seal plate by four threaded fasteners allowing for easy serviceability. Motor designs incorporating shrink or 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 28 press fit assembly of the stator and motor housing shall not be acceptable. (b) The motor housing shall be of submersible construction with the windings operating in a. sealed environment containing clean dielectric oil,making it capable of operating in a totally, partially or non-submerged condition for extended periods of time without damage due to the heat being generated. Air-filled motors will not be acceptable. The motor windings shall be of Class F insulation rated at 155 degrees C. (c) Raw Sewage and Supernatant Decant Pump Motors shall be Division 1, Class 1 (Explosion Proof)Rated. (d) The motor shall meet the standard for enclosure, type of mounting and basic electric design. The motor shaft shall be of 416 stainless steel. The thrust bearing shall be of the double row ball type with the upper radial bearing of the single row ball type. f. Motor Power/Sensor Cords (a) The cable entry design shall be such that it precludes specific torque requirements to insure a watertight and submersible seal. All incoming lead wires shall be in the motor terminal housing. After splicing, the terminal housing shall be filled with epoxy to seal the outer cable jacket and the individual strands to prevent water from entering the motor housing. A secondary rubber pressure grommet shall be provided as an additional sealing point and strain relief at the point of cable entry. Cable entry designs utilizing terminal boards to connect power cord leads with motor leads will not be acceptable. All pumps shall be furnished with sufficient power and sensor cables to allow installation as shown on the Contract Drawings without splicing to specified junction boxes with a minimum of 3 feet of extra cord. (b) NEMA 4X watertight junction boxes shall be furnished for connection of the pump and control wiring. The boxes shall be constructed of fiberglass with a minimum wall thickness of 3/16 inch. The box cover shall be bolted on with stainless steel fasteners and sealed with a neoprene gasket. Individual corrosion-resistant and liquid tight cable connectors constructed of thermoplastic with neoprene bushing and sealing ring shall be provided. The box and all connections shall be completely watertight and shall be capable of withstanding an external liquid pressure of 10 PSI. A minimum size 1-1/2-inch electrical conduit hub shall be provided on the back of each box. g. Lift-out (a) A slide-away coupling shall be incorporated to eliminate the need for personnel to enter the wet well for service or inspection of the pumps. The moveable portion shall attach to the pump discharge piping and shall slide freely on two (2) 3/4" diameter stainless steel guide rails. An o-ring seal shall be incorporated in the moveable fitting to eliminate leakage. The stationary fitting shall be located in elevation as shown on the Plans. (b) Both moveable and stationary fittings shall be cast iron or galvanized iron pipe. Guide rails shall be anchored at the top and bottom. '/4" Stainless steel lifting cables shall be provided for each pump. Chain lifting cables will not be approved. Lift out coupling shall be as manufactured by the pump manufacturer of the size and model no specified in the pump schedule or specifically approved equal. h. Check Valves (a) If specified or shown on the plans the contractor shall furnish and install ball check valves, on all pump discharges Each check valve shall be of the same size as the pump discharge and shall consist of just three major components; body, access plate and ball. The design of the valve shall be such that it keeps solids, stringy material, grit, rags, etc. moving without the need for back flushing. (b) In the operating mode, the ball shall not impede flow through the valve. The operating flow area shall be equal to the nominal size of the valve. The ball shall clear the waterway providing "full flow" equal to the nominal size. It shall be non-clog in design. There shall not be outside levers, weights, springs, dash pots or other accessories required for swing 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 28 (clapper) type check valve. The ball shall be runner covered hollow iron and be resistant to material normally found in sewage. The body and access plate shall be gray cast iron,ASTM Class 30,or better. All fasteners shall be 316 Stainless Steel. i. Pump Test (a) The pump manufacturer shall perform the following inspections and tests before shipment from the factory on all pumps: (i) A check of the GPM,head,voltage,current and frequency shall be made as shown on the nameplate. (ii) A motor and cable insulation test for moisture content or insulation defects shall be made. (iii) The pump shall be completely submerged and run to determine that the unit meets three predetermined performance points. (iv) A vibration report shall be submitted showing the aforementioned tests have been performed in accordance with the Specifications. j. Pump Warranty (a) The pump manufacturer shall warrant the units being supplied to the Owner against defects in workmanship and material for a minimum period of twelve (12) months from start-up under normal use, operation, and service. The warranty shall be in printed form and apply to all similar units. k. Controls (a) Liquid level sensors and pump controls,motor starters, etc. shall be as specified in subsequent sections of these Specifications. All motor starters shall be solid state reversible design. C. Influent Submersible Sewage Pump Control Panel 1. An automatic electric alternator shall be included to provide alternating operation of the pumps at shut down of one pump and by adjustable 24-hour time clock, or simultaneous operation in cases of high level. High and low water alarms contact shall be included to indicate extreme high levels of liquid in wet wells. 2. Liquid Level Sensors a. Furnish and install one (1) Autotrol liquid level control sensor and two (2) redundant float switches in the wet well with suitable length of SJTO-W/A cable. Float switch level sensors shall be mercury type pilot duty devices mounted in a corrosion resistant polypropylene housing. The Autotrol liquid level controller shall serve to trigger the following functions: All pumps off; Lead Pump on;Lag Pump on;Lag Pump Off,Lead Pump Off and high and low water alarm. 3. Pump control panels in a Nema-4X stainless steel enclosure for 208-volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle. For each pump motor provide individual circuit breakers, three phase thermal overload protection, elapsed time meters, H-O-A selector switches, motor overtemperature protection circuit with indicating light and manual reset. The controller shall contain a 120-volt control circuit with fused line protection to power the MULTITRODE MultiSmart MSU3MP processor and relays. 4. The controller will be supplied by (a single power supply and control circuit shall be protected by a disconnect circuit breaker with overload protection. Two power supplies and control circuit shall be supplied by a fused "flip flop" relay circuit to automatically select a power supply from either power source.) 5. The panel will include auxiliary H-O-A selector switches separate from MultiSmart and shall be manufactured by Revere Control Systems,Inc Birmingham,AL. 6. The primary level control system shall be Multitrode Duo-probe in conjunction with a Multitrode 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 28 MultiSmart controller. The secondary level control system shall be MultiTrode Safe-TL allowing monitoring of over-temperature and leakage. Two differential level sensors to be set at high and low levels in the wet well and shall serve as back-up to the primary probe system. 7. Motor Protection a. The MultiSmart shall monitor the current and provide alarms when there is an over or under current situation. Insulation resistance of motor windings shall be tested by the MultiSmart every time a motor starts. KVA, kW and power factor measurement shall be available, and the pump controller shall be capable of checking the integrity of the grounding function. 2.4 BESST PROCESS DESCRIPTION A. Description 1. The system shall incorporate continuous activated sludge technology. The system shall use a compartmentalized single vessel in which the activated sludge is moved between aerobic and anoxic sections. Solids liquid separation shall occur in an upflow clarifier in the anoxic section of the tank. Treated effluent shall be decanted or withdrawn from the liquid surface with solids remaining in the clarifier. An air lift pump will convey solids to the aeration section of the tank. An automated sludge waste system will convey sludge to the sludge digester. 2. The functions of flow equalization, biological oxidation, nitrification, sedimentation and aerobic sludge stabilization shall all be carried out in a pre-engineered 316 L stainless steel tank. All side walls, end walls bottom and partitions shall be of structural grade type 316L stainless steel plate with a minimum thickness of 10-gauge(.135)inch. All structural shapes used for reinforcing and bracing shall be type 316L stainless steel and have a minimum thickness of one-quarter (1/4) inch unless noted otherwise. All internal pipe and pipe fittings shall be Schedule 40 type 3161- stainless steel unless otherwise noted B. Influent Wastewater Characteristics Average Daily Flow: 0.01142 MGD Peak Flow: 0.0483066 MGD BODS: 272 mg/1 Suspended Solids: 320 mg/1 TKN: 65 mg/1 Temperature Range(Water): 10 OF Temperature Range(Air): 0 OF C. Effluent Quality Requirements 1. The following effluent limits shall be on a 30-day arithmetic average: BODS: 10 mg/1 Suspended Solids: 10 mg/1 Total Nitrogen: <10 mg/1 2. The BESST process has been designed on the assumption that the wastewater does not contain any threshold concentration of inorganic pollutants that are inhibitory to biological treatment processes. 2.5 Rotary Positive Displacement Blowers A. SCOPE OF WORK 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 28 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install complete, ready for operation and field-test three(3)new rotary positive displacement blowers and appurtenances,as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. (The blowers will be provided by the Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer) 2. The entire blower package and its components shall comply with all applicable safety and environmental regulations. B. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 00, copies of all materials required to establish compliance with this Section. Submittals shall include at least the following information: 1. Certified general arrangement drawings showing materials, details of construction, dimensions and connections. 2. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 00, copies of all materials required to establish compliance with this Section. Submittals shall include at least the following inforination: 3. Certified general arrangement drawings showing materials, details of construction, dimensions and connections. C. Complete Blower Performance Data including: a. RPM b. Capacity C. Discharge pressure d. HP D. Provide recommended spare parts broken down into on hand parts and long term for 2 years operation and 3 to 5 years operation. 1. Descriptive Brochures 2. Performance Curves 3. Motor Data E. ASME PTC—9 Performance Test Results Complete blower package operating and maintenance instructions professionally published, hard copy and electronic copy, shall be furnished for all equipment included under these specifications. F. BLOWER PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 1. Quantity of Blowers Three(3) Installation Location: Process/Airlift and SHT Blowers Blower Manufacturer: Kaeser Compressors,Inc. Blower Package Model: BB52C Operation Protocol: VFD Controlled Elevation: 0 FT Gas: Air Ambient Pressure: 14.7 psia K-Value: 1.4 Ambient Temperature: 68 °F Specific Gravity: 0.076 lb/ft^3 Relative Humidity: 36% Molecular Weight: 28.966 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 10 of 28 Maximum Allowable Blower 72 dBA Estimated Blower 72 dBA @ 1 Meter(provide noise Package Noise Level: @ 1 Meter Package Noise Level: attention to reduce noise to max. 50 dBA at a distance of 25' from STP equipment) Inlet Volume: 64 icfm Blower Speed. 2,965 RPM Inlet Pressure: 14.7 psia Relative Humidity 85% Inlet Temperature: 90 OF Differential Pressure 6.0 psig Discharge Pressure: 20.7 psia Discharge Temp: 172 OF Relief Valve Set Pressure: 7.5 psig Rated Motor Power: 4.0 kw/5.0 hp Electrical Grid: 208v/3ph/60hz Efficiency Motor 88.5% G. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1. All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, skid mounted, crated and delivered to protect against damage during shipment. 2. All exposed flanges shall be covered and sealed with shrink-wrap to prevent the entrance of moisture. Finished iron or steel surfaces not painted shall be properly protected to prevent rust and corrosion. 3. All equipment delivered to the site shall be stored as specified in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. H. MAINTENANCE 1. Spare Parts a. Furnish the following spare parts for each blower package specified: Three(3)—Air filter elements for each blower. Three(3)—Sets of V-Belts for each blower One(1)—Case(12 quarts)of SB-220 synthetic blower oil for each blower b. Spare parts shall be properly bound and labeled for easy identification without opening the packaging. 1. BLOWER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Blower packages shall be designed to minimize the life-cycle costs and maximize plant reliability. The design and the selection of the components shall be based on a minimum useful life of 15 years and a Mean Time Between Overhauls of 5 years of continuous operation. No special foundations shall be required. The blower packages will be installed directly on a concrete slab without grouting the base frame. There shall be only 4 easily accessible anchor points. 2. The blower casing shalll be of one-piece construction, with separate sideplates that are bolted and pinned to the housing. Materials shall be close-grained cast iron ASTM A48 suitably ribbed to prevent distortion under the specified operating conditions. Minimum blower casing pressure rating shall be 36 psig. Inlet and outlet shall be flanged connections. The casing shall incorporate a proven means of pulsation cancellation. The vibration level as measured at the blower casing, in the X/Y planes of the bearings, shall not exceed 1/2 "/ sec RMS when operating at the specified maximum operating pressure and speed in the actual blower package. 3. Each blower stage shall be factory tested in accordance with ISO 1217 performance test to verify flow and brake horsepower at blower maximum conditions. A slip test shall not be acceptable. The 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 11 of 28 acceptance criteria are+5%tolerance on power and—5%tolerance on flow regardless of the size of the machine. 4. Each impeller shall be of the "stiff' design with first lateral critical speed at least 120% of the maximum allowable operating speed. The impellers shall be of the straight, three-lobe type, and shall operate without rubbing or liquid seals or lubrication. Rotor/shaft shall be drop forged in one single piece of AISI 1043 or equivalent. Cast, hollow rotors shall be capped, dust tight. Open rotors are not acceptable. The impellers shall be statically and dynamically balanced per ISO]940/ANSI 52.19 G6.3. 5. Each impeller/shaft shall be supported by anti-friction bearings, and fixed to control the axial location of the impeller/shaft in the unit. Regardless of theoretical bearing life calculations,the bearings shall be sized for a minimum expected life of 5 years between overhauls. 6. The impellers shall be timed by a pair of single helical AGMA 12 quality gears with hardened and ground teeth; minimum AGMA service factor of 1.70. Gears shall be mounted on the shafts with a tapered interference fit,and secured by a locknut. 7. Seal shall be designed to prevent lubricant from leaking into the air stream as well as to prevent oil from leaking out of the machine. Four rotary piston ring shaft seals, an oil slinger and an O-ring seal shall be provided at the point where the shaft passes through the side plates. Further provision shall be made to vent the impeller side of the oil seal to atmosphere to eliminate any possible cavy-over of lubricant into the air stream. 8. The timing gears and the bearings shall be splash lubricated. Grease lubrication shall be not acceptable. 9. A recessed oil sight glass must be provided on each oil sump. Protruding sight glasses are not acceptable. 10. Painting shall be per supplier's standard meeting the following criteria. Excepted for machined sealing and machined mounting surfaces, the package shall be painted dark blue. Aluminum, stainless steel, and brass shall not be painted. The supplied motor shall not be over sprayed and will be supplied with the motor manufacturer's standard protection and paint color. Painted Cast Iron and Carbon Steel shall be Alkyd Resin Primer and Final coat with a total dry film thickness of 70mm. Surface preparation SSPC10 or better. Sound enclosure shall be powder-coated polyester base total dty film thickness 80mm. Galvanized components may only be painted with appropriate surface preparation. J. BLOWER ACCESSORIES 1. Each package shall be supplied with one combination inlet filter silencer. The filter media efficiency must meet the requirements of ASHRAE 52.2 MERV7 50-70% @3-10 microns corresponding to EN779 G4. The inlet filter silencer shall be mounted directly to the inlet flange of the blower. The silencer portion shall be located upstream of the inlet filter. Filter and silencer performance losses shall be included in the blower performance calculation. 2. Each package shall be supplied with one combination base frame/discharge silencer. a. The silencer shall be a chamber type design for maximum sound attenuation and shall not use fibrous or absorption materials of any kind. Fabricated of a single shell of pressure vessel quality steel with continuous welds, the silencer must be subject to a pressure test for tightness and strength at a minimum of 1.65 times the maximum blower operating pressure. The silencer shall have a machined inlet connection where the discharge flange of the blower stage bolts directly to, with no intermediary pieces. Discharge silencer performance losses shall be included by the blower vendor in the blower performance calculation. b. The base frame is to be constructed from welded carbon steel or cast iron that shall be designed to maintain alignment of the blower internal components and the drive during operation. It shall be designed to resist distortion while being installed on vibration isolating mounts. The blower manufacturer shall supply a stainless-steel grounding lug fully welded to the base. 3. Each package shall be connected to the plant piping via flexible connector(s)located downstream of the discharge silencer(and upstream of the inlet silencer if the specifications require the inlet air to be piped to the blower package). They shall prevent the transmission of noise and vibrations from the blower 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 12 of 28 package into the piping. The flexible connectors shall be Unaflex"Supreme"Style 189,with a standard ANSI flange discharge connection. 4. Each package shall be supplied with a WEG manufactured TEFC motor that shall operate on 208 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Hertz current RPM. All frame sizes shall be NEMA standard suitable for overhung belt drive, and with the conduit box location on top of the motor. IEC frame motors are not allowed. The motor will be mounted on a pivoting base to provide automatic tensioning of the belts. The motor nominal rating after any corrections for ambient conditions shall be 10%above the maximum operating bHp. The motor shall have a 1.15 service factor. Blower manufacturer shall be responsible for coordinating the starting torque requirement of the blower and the motor. Should an unloading valve be required, the blower manufacturer shall supply it. It shall be an automatic type mechanically operated valve requiring no electrical connections mounted upstream of the check valve. 5. Each package shall be supplied with a V-belt drive that shall be of the high capacity type, oil and heat resistant. Drive shall be designed for a minimum service factor of 1.4 times operating power (bHp), or 1.1 times the motor nameplate Hp, whichever is larger to allow a minimum of 1.4-service factor based on the maximum blower bHp. Belt tensioning shall be automatic without the use of any devices or interaction on the part of the operator. Neither slide rails nor load-adjusting springs shall be used. Sheaves shall be dynamically balanced regardless of the operating speed. 6. Each package shall be supplied with vibration isolating feet with a minimum efficiency of 80%. Blower manufacture shall be responsible for attenuating noise and vibration in the blower package such that no special installation base shall be required, nor shall any additional measures be required to reduce vibrations form the blower package being transmitted to the base or the piping. 7. The belt drive shall be guarded in compliance with OSHA regulations. Portions of the guard shall be easily removable allowing for belt inspection and replacement. Guard material shall be perforated carbon steel. 8. Each package shall be supplied with a single pressure safety valve on the discharge side of the blower mounted downstream of the discharge silencer and upstream of the check valve. The safety valve shall be set to protect the blower from exceeding its maximum pressure rating, and shall be sized to pass 100% of the design flow. The valve shall be field adjustable, spring loaded, and have a certificate of conformity to PER The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. If the blower package is supplied with a sound enclosure, the pressure relief valve shall also be housed by the sound enclosure and shall relieve into a segmented section of the sound enclosure. 9. Each package shall be supplied with one check valve that shall be installed on the discharge line. It shall be of the full-bore low pressure-drop, flapper type design with a steel body, and steel flap embedded in EPDM with full-contact seal. The valve shall be removable without disturbing the piping. The valve shall be manufactured by Aerzen. Pressure losses produced by the check valve shall be included in the blower performance calculation. 10. Each package shall be supplied with the following instrumentation: a. One inlet vacuum gauge, Dwyer model 2040 with 4"dial and scale from 0 to—40 inches of water column. Gauge to function as a filter maintenance indicator. b. One discharge pressure gauge, Aerzen model 32-0053-02 with 4"dial and scale from 0 to 20 psig. The pressure gauge shall have a stainless-steel case and be glycerin-filled for pulsation dampening. A pulsation snubber shall be provided. C. One discharge temperature gauge / switch, Jumo type 8523-20-10 with 4" dial and scale from 32°F to 572°F. NEMA 4 enclosure, 5A @ 250volt, SA 28 SPDT microswitch, and UL &CSA approved. 11. Each blower shall receive it initial oil filling at the factory. Oil to be fully synthetic Mobil SHC 629. For continuous discharge temperatures greater than 248°F,Mobil SHC 630. 12. Each package shall be supplied with a sound enclosure covering the entire blower package. The enclosure shall provide suitable protection for outdoor installation under the specified site conditions 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 13 of 28 (wind load and snow load). The enclosure shall be designed so as to be able to install them side-by-side with all maintenance done from the front or back of the package. Details are as follows: a. Panels shall be made of galvanized steel sheet, powder coated in a light reflecting. Sound enclosure acoustic material shall comply with UL 94 - HFI for fire-retardant, self-extinguishing, non-dripping materials. b. The enclosure and the blower package must be both mounted on a skid/oil-drip pan designed for meeting environment protection standards and for easy transportation and installation. C. A grounding strap shall be installed between the blower base and the package skid to bypass any vibration isolating mounts. d. Quick release panels, each less than 50 lb (as mandated by MSHA) must provide easy and quick access for routine maintenance of the blower and the package components. e. A high efficiency blower shaft driven ventilation fan shall provide ventilation and cooling integral to the sound enclosure. Cooling fan shall be sized for sufficient heat removal from the sound enclosure,even when the blower is operated with a VFD. f. Electrical components, instrumentation and instrument connections shall not be mounted or interface with moving panels of the sound enclosure. g. Both blower oil sumps shall be piped to a common fill and drain, located at the front of the package for easy maintenance. An oil level indicator shall be mounted on the outside of the enclosure, which gives an accurate oil level indication while the blower is in operation. All oil lines to be hydraulic hose with fittings. No plastic tubing with compression fittings are allowed. 13. A sound enclosure shall be provided. The sound enclosure shall be made of rotomolded polymer polyethylene. It shall have acoustic foam insulation and shall provide sound attenuation of up to 20 dB(A). The enclosure shall have a removable panel on the front of the package to allow maintenance access. Panels shall incorporate locking closures. An installed, integral ventilation fan, sized to provide adequate cooling of the package, shall be provided (wiring of fan by others). Power supply for the fan motor shall be 208 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz. Wiring and circuit protection for these fan motors is by others. Most local electrical codes require a dedicated branch circuit complete with starter and overload protection for the cooling air fan motors. K. INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall install the blowers in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions. B. Representatives of the blower manufacturer shall verify and adjust blower and motor alignment. C. The Contractor shall make all electrical and process connections to the blower package prior to the arrival of the manufacturer's representative. L. FIELD TESTING 1. After installation of all equipment has been completed and as soon as conditions permit, the manufacturer shall provide one (1) trip for a total of 9 hour to verify the installation and conduct an acceptance test under actual operating conditions. The test shall consist of 3 hours operation of each blower with readings taken and recorded at 30-minute intervals. 2. If required, Contractor shall make any changes, at his own expense, to the installation that may be necessary to assure satisfactory operation. Contractor shall be held liable for changes needed in the installation. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 14 of 28 2.6 FINE AND COARSE BUBBLE AERATION SYSTEMS A. SCOPE 1. Furnish all materials and equipment for the fine coarse bubble aeration systems in the aeration sections of the BESST process tank and the sludge holding tank. 2. Furnish all equipment as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. B. EQUIPMENT COMPONENETS INCLUDED 1. Stainless steel droplegs. 2. PVC manifolds and air distributors. 3. PVC diffuser holders and retainer rings. 4. 316 Stainless steel supports and anchors. 5. 316 Stainless steel bolts,nuts and gaskets for aeration system flange connections. 6. Air distributor purge systems. 7. Membrane disc diffusers with integral O-ring gaskets and subplates. 8. Stainless Steel Coarse Bubble Diffusers C. SUBMITTALS 1. Submit information to establish compliance with the specifications in accordance with the provisions of Section 01300 Submittals. a. Submittal drawings showing plan,elevation and cross sections of the equipment. b. Component details of the aeration equipment showing diffusers, diffuser holders, gaskets, retainer rings,supports,threaded union and/or flanged joints and a purge system. c. Materials and Manufacturing specifications. d. Equipment booklet including: (a) Equipment data sheet. (b) Performance data including oxygen transfer calculations. (c) Headloss calculations and pressure requirements. (d) Descriptive literature and bulletins. (e) Customer contact list with telephone numbers (minimum of 10 contacts from similar size facilities). e. Operation and maintenance manual with installation instructions. Submit after approval of equipment and prior to shipment. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 15 of 28 f Detailed list of any exceptions taken to these specifications. Include specification reference and proposed alternative with reason stated for exception. g. Certified Oxygen Transfer Performance Curve(s) (a) Submit certified oxygen transfer performance curves to demonstrate capability of the aeration equipment to meet the specified oxygen transfer requirements. (b) Base oxygen transfer curves on the following criteria: (i) A minimum of 3 tests for each specified condition in complete accordance with ASCE Clean Water Test Procedure(1992 or latest edition) (ii) Conduct tests by an independent aeration testing firm in a full-scale aeration test tank (minimum of 200 sq. ft.) at the specified submergence and water depth with a diffuser density equivalent to the specified tank configuration. Diffuser density is defined as the ratio of the total tank surface area to the total active diffuser surface area. (iii) Conduct shop test with air rate and mass rate of oxygen transfer directly proportional to the ratio of the shop test tank volume and the design tank volume. (iv) Plot of pounds of oxygen per day per 1000 cubic feet of tank volume versus air per 1000 cubic feet of tank volume in tap water at 14.7 Asia, 20°C and zero dissolved oxygen at the specified submergence. (c) Submit curves for all specified conditions for approval by the Engineer prior to manufacturing aeration equipment. D. SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFOMANCE(AERATION SYSTEM) 1. Design Conditions The Manufacturer shall submit design calculations indicating the intended biological and nutrient wastewater treatment system can meet the design standards required in this specification by the Suffolk County Department of Health. Submitted will be provided and reviewed by the Suffolk County Department of Health. 2. Two (2) aeration zones shall have a minimum total capacity of 8,565 gallons, and will be complete with air header, diffuser drops with adjustable ball valves, and fine bubble diffusers in sufficient quantity and placement to assure even distribution throughout the compartment. Each air diffuser shall be connected to the air header with a 1 1/4" Schedule 40 type 316L stainless steel drop pipe. The drop pipe shall be connected to the air header in a manner that will permit raising the drop pipe and diffusion device above the water surface quickly and without disturbing air flow to the other diffusers or requiring emptying of the compartment contents. The air diffusion device shall have an efficiency such that an adequate supply of oxygen is maintained in the aeration tank to treat the sewage load for which the plant is designed. 3. Two(2)anoxic zones shall have a minimum total capacity of 7,138 gallons, and will be complete with mixers, slide bracket, sludge return pipe, air lift slimmer, interconnecting slide gate valve, etc. The mixer slide rails shall be installed in a manner that will permit raising the mixer above the water surface quickly. E. MATERIALS,FABRICATION,AND FINISHING 1. Stainless Steel—Pipe,Fittings Supports 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 16 of 28 a. Fabricate all welded parts and assemblies from sheets and plates of 316 stainless steel with a 21) finish conforming to ASTM A240, 554,774,778. b. Fabricate non-welded parts and flanges from sheets, plates or bars of 316 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A240 or ASTM A276. c. Welds&Welding Procedure (a) Weld in the factory with ER 316L filler wire using MIG,TIG or plasma-arc inert gas welding processes. Provide a cross section equal to or greater than the parent metal. (b) Provide full penetration butt welds to the interior surface with gas shielding of interior and exterior of joint. (c) Continuously weld both sides of face rings and flanges to eliminate potential for crevice corrosion. d. Corrosion Protection and Finishing (a) Clean all welded stainless-steel surfaces and welds after fabrication by using the following procedure: (i) Pre-clean all outside weld areas to remove weld splatter with stainless steel brushes and/or deburring and finish grinding wheels. (ii) Finish clean all interior and exterior welds and piping by full immersion pickling and rinse with water to remove all carbon deposits and contaminants to regenerate a uniform corrosion resistant chromium oxide film per ASTM A380 Section 6.2.11, Table A2.1 Annex A2 and Section 8.3. (iii) Corrosion protection techniques not utilizing full immersion methods are unacceptable and will be cause for rejection of the equipment. F. AERATION SYSTEM COMPONENETS 1. Droplegs -Provide a stainless steel dropleg from the air main connection to the dropleg connection on the manifold. 2. Manifolds—Provide manifolds for connection to the air distribution headers: a. Design manifold, distributor connections and supports to resist thrust generated by expansion/contraction of the air distributors over a temperature range of 125°F. b. Spare Parts (a) Package spare parts in a separate container clearly marked as "Spare Parts" and provide inventory list on exterior of the container. 2.7 CLARIFIERS A. Design Parameters: 1. Two(2)clarifiers shall be located as shown on the contract drawings. The clarifiers shall be of the self- regulating type relative to flow,with a total surface area of 90 square feet, and a total volume of 2,788 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 17 of 28 gallons. The primary function of the clarifiers will be that of a sludge blanket clarifier separating the sludge floc from the clear,treated water. 2. On the aeration zone sides of the clarifiers' wall, and as shown on the contract drawings,there shall be an inlet structure to the clarifiers which will be of sufficient size to allow a stream of aerated wastewater to enter at the bottom of the clarifier cone where the sludge floc will begin to develop. Specific design of this inlet structure shall be as shown on the drawings. 3. At the clarifiers surface, and located as shown on the drawings, will be a baffled effluent trough with an adjustable 316L stainless steel weir plate. Effluent from this trough will flow by gravity to downstream process(es)as required. 4. The clarifiers shall be fabricated of structural grade type 316L stainless steel. 5. The clarifier weir and trough shall always be visible from above when the hatches are open thereby providing the operator with a visual check of the effluent quality during the decant phase of the cycle. 6. The clarifier shall not require effluent valves, valve vaults, flex joints, throttling capabilities, or dewatering supports. B. Materials: 1. All in-basin welded clarifier shall be constructed of corrosion and ultra-violet resistant 316 stainless steel All fasteners shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel. 2.8 SLUDGE HOLDING TANK A. A sludge storage tank shall be provided to hold wasted sludge prior to off-site disposal. The tank shall be integral to the main treatment plant, and shall have a volume of 3,553 gallons. The tank shall have a supernatant return "T" pipe positioned to facilitate gravity flow of the returned supernatant to the anoxic zone of the treatment plant as shown on the plans. The tank shall be aerated by stainless steel plenum coarse bubble diffusers so spaced to ensure proper mixing of the tank contents and located parallel to and near the bottom of the chamber. Diffused air shall be supplied by the sludge storage tank blower. The tank shall be constructed of type 316L stainless steel plate,suitably reinforced for its intended service. B. A supernate pump shall be located in the sludge storage tank as shown on the contract drawings. The pump shall be equipped with a slide rail system and a flexible hose to allow the pump to draw off liquid from various levels of the tank. The pump shall be a Flygt Model CF 3045 HT capable of pumping 60 gallons per minute at 16.88 fleet total dynamic head. The pump motor shall be 1.5 H.P., 208 volt, three phase, 60 cycles. C. One(1)high water level switch with mounting hook shall be provided for sludge storage tank. 2.9 AIR LIFT PUMPS A. The manufacturer to furnish one (1) air lift pump in each train to convey return activated sludge from the clarifier to the anoxic section of the process train. 2.10 SLIDE GATE A. A 10"square port with a type 316 stainless steel Golden Harvest slide gate shall be located between the two (2)anoxic compartments as shown on the plans. 2.11 SUPERNATENT DECANT PUMP 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 18 of 28 A. A supernatent pump shall be located in the sludge storage tank as shown on the contract drawings. The pump shall be equipped with a slide rail system and a flexible hose to allow the pump to draw off liquid from various levels of the tank. The pump shall be a Flygt Model CF 3045 HT capable of pumping 60 gallons per minute at 16.88 feet total dynamic head. The pump motor shall be 1.5 H.P., 208 volt, three phase,60 cycles. 2.12 BESST CONTROL PANEL 1. Control Panel a. The supplier to furnish a complete control system. This shall include a master control panel Programmable Logic Controller, Motor Starters, Variable Frequency Drives, Control Switches, and Pilot lights. b. Motor Starters and Variable Frequency Drives shall be included in the Motor Control Center supplied by the manufacture. 2. Related Work a. Electrical motor controls, instrumentation,power and instrumentation wiring and conduits will be provided by the Electrical Contractor. b. The following system components will be controlled by the control panel. (a) Positive Displacement Blowers for Process Tanks /Air lift Pump, Sludge Holding Tank and Backup Blower. (b) Cooling Fans for the Blowers (c) Sludge Waste Pumps (d) Mixers c. The control panel enclosure shall be a heavy duty, free standing, NEMA 12, enclosure with a flange mounted disconnect for a three-phase power supply. The panel shall be made of 10-gauge steel and fully braced. The doors shall be heavy duty 3-point latching doors with a padlocking handle. The master circuit breaker disconnect shall be on the far right,and be interlocked with the doors. The panel shall be UL approved. The control panel shall be Hoffman or equal. d. 120-volt control power shall be provided. All 120V branch feeders shall be protected by circuit breakers. e. Control relays shall be industrial plug-in type, rated at 7 to 10 amps, and shall be Allen Bradley Type 700-HC or equal. Motor starters shall be UL Listed as a self-protected control device type of combination starter [rated at 42,000 AIC], and shall be Allen Bradley or equal. Terminal blocks shall be high-density type, rated for 600 VAC, 30 amp minimum. Ten percent spare terminals shall be provided. All internal devices shall be clearly marked and identified on the outside and inside of the panel. All terminals and wires shall be clearly tagged in accordance with the schematic and wiring diagrams. f. Push buttons and pilot lights shall be Allen Bradley 800FD industrial Monolithic style, 22mm devices, or equal. A "Hand-Off-Auto" switch will be provided for each motor. Selector switches shall be Allen Bradley SOOT industrial, NEMA 4/13, 30mm, water/oil tight devices. The Auto 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 19 of 28 position will allow automatic PLC operation while the Hand position will allow the operator to bypass the PLC when operating equipment. g. Uninterruptible Power Supply system (UPS) shall supply power to the PLC and MMI/Display Unit. The unit shall be line-interactive, providing no breaks in output power, regardless of what happens to the input power. The power output is a true Sine-Wave Output with brownout boost voltage protection. The system shall have lightning and surge protection. The system shall be able to provide backup power to the PLC and MMI for 30 minutes. The UPS shall be a SOLA model S3K700 or equal. B. Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) 1. The Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)shall consist of an Allen Bradley Compact Logix L32E or equal, with 750k program memory and up to 960 discrete I/O capacity. RAM memory shall be protected by a backup battery with further memory protection from a Compact Flash card. The processor shall have LED Indicators showing Run, Fault, and Battery Low status. Typical Scan Time is Ims/lk ladder logic. The processor shall have one dedicated serial port, which supports RS232 communications. The processor shall have a built in Ethernet port for network communications. A modem with a built in four-port Ethernet switch shall be provided to allow direct access for online technical support. The Ethernet switch will provide the network connections. The modem shall be an Allen-Bradley 9300-RADES. C. Control Logic 1. The VFD(variable frequency drive) shall be microprocessor based, all-digital,compact style,low-noise PWM type. It shall allow programming of the torque curve, speed and voltage, over current and overload protection. It shall have protective warning and diagnosis functions. The unit shall have programmed automatic fault restarts and low power ride through. The control unit display shall be mounted in an easily accessible location. The unit shall have a NEMA 1 rating suitable for mounting in a panel, on a wall, or in an MCC. The VFD unit shall be an Allen Bradley Powerflex 700 series vector control type or equal. The VFD will be setup, programmed, and post commissioned supported by BEEST personnel. 2.13 MIXERS A. The supplier to furnish three (3) submersible mixers, one (1) in each anoxic section, one (1) stand-by replacement. B. The mixers shall be ABS Model XRW 210 constructed of stainless steel. Each mixer shall be equipped with a 2.4 HP, submersible explosion proof electric motor, suitable for operation on 208 volt, three phase, 60 Hz. C. Each mixer shall be of the direct-driven, close-coupled, submersible type, and all components of the mixer, including motor, shall be explosion proof and capable of continuous underwater operation. The motor and propeller shall operate at a speed of 1,765 RPM. The propeller shall be constructed of stainless steel. D. Mounting of the mixer shall be done with the use of a mixer slide rail assembly to facilitate its vertical adjustment within the tank, or removal from the tank when necessary. A portable hoist shall be provided for this purpose. 2.14 DECKING AND ACCESS HATCHES A. Hatch supports shall be provided at the top of the sewage treatment plant as shown on the contract drawings. The supports shall consist of type 316L stainless steel structural angles supported by type 316L stainless steel tubing. Hatches shall have a 1/4" thick one-piece, mill finish, extruded frame. Door panel shall be '/4" aluminum diamond plate, reinforced to withstand a live load of 300 lbs/ft2. Door shall open 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 20 of 28 to 90 degrees and automatically lock with a stainless-steel hold open arm with aluminum release handle for ease of operation. The hold open arm shall incorporate an enclosed stainless-steel compression spring assist. Door shall close flush with the frame and rest on a built-in neoprene cushion/gasket. Lifting handle, hinges and all fastening hardware shall be stainless steel. Unit shall lock with a stainless-steel slam lock with a removable key. The non-hinged decking areas as shown on the contract drawings shall be constructed of banded fiberglass planking. 2.15 STP WARRANTY A. Warranty period shall begin upon acceptance by the regulatory agency for a period of two year from the date of acceptance by SCDHS of the equipment. 2.16 PORTABLE HOIST A. A portable hoist shall be provided to facilitate removal of the mixers and the supernate pump from the tank. The hoist shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel. The hoist shall have a maximum capacity of 1000 pounds. Three(3) stainless steel hoist mounting sockets, one located at each mixer and one at the supernate pump, shall be bolted to the walls of the sewage treatment plant. Each piece of equipment shall include 30 feet of stainless-steel cable for the portable hoist. 2.17 ODOR CONTROL TREATMENT SYSTEM A. The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, and materials necessary to furnish and install the two (2)pre-engineered odor control systems in accordance with the drawings and as specified. The odor control system components specified under this section shall be the end products of Sierra Environmental Technologies, Wildwood, MO. (636) 273-5189 to ensure that the unit integrity and quality of the completed assembly meets the original design specification and performance criteria. B. Warranty 1. All equipment supplied under this Section of the Specifications shall be warranted for a period that is the earlier of one year from startup or 18 months from shipment. 2. The equipment shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship, design, and materials. If any part of the equipment should fail during the warranty period, it shall be repaired or replaced, at the sole discretion of the Manufacturer,as per the Manufacturer's standard Terms and Conditions. C. CAST ALUMINUM FANS 1. One (1) cast aluminum fan shall be as manufactured by American Fan, Model No. AF-9, flange mounted on the top of each of the two (2) carbon vessels. The fans shall be equipped with a direct- drive 1 HP 1/60/115-230V premium efficiency, wash down duty motor. The fan shall have a Teflon shaft seal and a stainless-steel motor shaft. The discharge of the fan shall be equipped with a slide damper and discharge guard. D. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM 1. The Manufacturer shall furnish two (2) complete, pre-engineered odor control systems. The Manufacturer of the Odor Control Systems shall be responsible for the design and fabrication of the complete systems within the limits specified herein. Site preparation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as described and as specified. 2. Odor Control Systems—Design Basis Per System(2 Req.) 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 21 of 28 a. Foul Air Flow Rate(acfm)439 b. System Inlet Pressure(in.wcg.): -3.0(estimated) c. Average Inlet H2S Level(ppm.): <5 d. Peak Inlet H2S Level (ppm.): <10 e. HzS Removal Efficiency(%) >99.0 f. Fan Total Static Pressure(in.wcg.): 7.2 g. Carbon Adsorber Dimensions(in.):48"dia. by 54"S WH 3. Ventilation Fan a. Manufacturer: American Fan Company b. Model: AF-10-R11027-6 c. Drive: Direct Drive d. Arrangement: 4 HM,Inlet Flange Mount e. Rotation: Clockwise f. Capacity(acfm): 439 g. Total Static Pressure (in.wcg.): 7.2 h. Fan Speed(rpm):3450 i. Fan bhp(@439 acfm): 0.88 j. Motor HP: 1.0 Speed(rpm):3450 Enclosure: TEFC,Class I,DIV2,Group D Voltage,Three-Phase(V.): 208-230/460 k. Sound Attenuator: LD6 4. Ventilation Fan First Stage a. Type: SweetAire PC 30 b. Base Material: Activated Carbon c. Particle Type, Size: Pelletized,4 mm d. Volume of Media (lbs.): 840 e. Bed Depth(in.): 28 f Media Diff.Pressure Drop(in.wcg.): 2.0 g. Media Bulk Density(lbs./cu.ft.): 28 Second Stage a. Type: SweetAire PP 600 b. Base Material:KMnO4 Impregnated Zeolite c. Particle Type, Size: Granular,4 x 6 Mesh d. Volume of Media(lbs.): 360 e. Bed Depth(in.): 6 f. Media Diff.Pressure Drop(in.wcg.): 1.0 g. Media Bulk Density(lbs./cuff): 60 E. FIBERGLASS(FRP)VESSELS 1. The vessels shall be fabricated from premium vinyl ester fire-retardant resin such as CORVE8441LH or approved equal. 2. Vessels shall be manufactured per ASTM D3299,D4097,and PS 15-69,as applicable. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 22 of 28 3. Vessel design shall include a flat flanged bottom and a flat gasketed top with fiberglass grating media support system with polypropylene media retention screen. 4. Vessels shall be designed to contain the specified media. 5. Vessels shall be 48"diameter by 54"high. 6. Each vessel shall have a 6" diameter FRP pipe stub inlet with FERNCO connectors, 1/4" FNPT drain fitting with PVC ball valve,two (2) 1" diameter FNPT half coupling carbon sample ports, a 6"diameter flanged and gasketed outlet located in the center of the vessel lid. 7. All mounting hardware shall be 316SS. 2.4 MEDIA SYSTEM—TWO STAGE A. First Stage Media—The first stage media(lower bed)shall consist of a bed of high H2S capacity activated carbon. The 4 mm pelletized carbon, SWEETAIRE PC30, has an H2S capacity of 0.3 gms H2S/cc carbon. The first bed of activated carbon,30 cu.Ft. (840 lbs.)is designed to remove most of the 112S in the system. B. Second Stage Media—After passing through the first bed of media,the foul air will pass through a bed of potassium permanganate(KMnO4)impregnated zeolite granular media to remove the balance of the malodors. The secondary media, SweetAire PP600,will provide secondary removal of any remaining H2S as well as any other malodorous compounds that may be in the air stream. The secondary bed of media shall contain 6 cu.ft. (360 lbs.)of media. 2.5 ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANELS A. The operation of each system shall be controlled by an electrical control panel with a type 316 stainless steel NEMA 4X enclosure. Refer to the project plans for the location of the panel. Two (2) combination starter electrical control panels each with a fused disconnect switch, over load protection, auxiliary contacts, H-O-A hand control and one (1) red "power on" indicator light on the front door of the enclosure shall be provided. The electrical control panels shall be shipped loose to be field-mounted and field wired to the supply power service to the fan motors. 2.18 REMOTE DIALER A. The contractor shall furnish and install one 4 zone remote dialer system model number DC2005 as manufactured by Security Product Solutions or approved equal. B. Features 1. Built-in Low Battery or Power Loss Monitoring Overriding beep during outgoing message notifies you of power loss/low battery 2. Calls Up To 8 Telephones,Cellular Phones,Or Pagers 3. Outgoing Messages,Programmable in Any Language,allow you to monitor up to four other conditions (in addition to power loss) 4. Built In Line Seizure 5. Remote Reset Feature Allows Termination of Activated Channel 6. EEPROM Memory Retains Program Despite Power Loss 7. Listen in Verification Permits 2-Way Voice Communication 2.19 FLOW METER A. Level/Flow Monitor shall be Pulsar OCF 6.1 to be mounted to an exterior flow metering/sampling box.. B. Level/Flow Monitor to consist of an non-contacting ultrasonic sensor, connecting cable, and a 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 23 of 28 remote enclosure with indicating,transmitting and controlling electronics. C. Measurement accuracy shall be±0.25%of Range or 2 mm (0.08"),whichever is greater, and shall be automatically temperature compensated. D. Sensor cable length shall be as required by installation,not to exceed 500'(152 m). E. System shall have no moving parts and shall not contact the material being measured. F. Shall include PC software program disk to determine open channel flow calibration values for non-standard flumes and weirs. G. SENSING ELEMENT 1. Sensor shall be constructed of PVC and Teflon. 2. The sensor shall have a minimum deadband or blanking of 12" (305 mm) and a maximum range of 32 ft. (10 m) and have an operating frequency of 42 kHz with an ultrasonic beam angle of 8 Degrees. 3. Sensor shall withstand accidental submersion to 20 psi. 4. Sensor operating temperature shall be from-40°F to 150°F(-40°C to 65°C). 5. Sensor shall include integral temperature sensor. Temperature sensors requiring separate mounting and wire runs shall not be accepted. H. SENSOR CONNECTING CABLE 1. Provide coaxial cable 50' (7.6m) continuous length, with waterproof, potted bond to the Sensor head. 2. Extended sensor cable shall be coaxial to a maximum of 500' (152m). Cable shall be spliced with screw terminal connections in manufacturer's recommended steel NEMA4 Junction Box. 3. Level and temperature signals shall be conducted on one single coaxial cable. Separate or multiple-conductor cables shall not be accepted. 4. Sensor cable shall be installed in PVC conduit. 1. TRANSMITTER 1. The transmitter shall provide for field-calibration. Systems requiring calibration by Parameter codes,BCD switches or external calibrators shall not be accepted. 2. Calibration data shall be password protected and permanently stored through power interruptions for a minimum of 12 months. 3. Field calibration shall allow selection and automatic conversion of measurement units,measurement span and control relays. 4. The transmitter shall provide for field calibration in user-selected Range, Level or Open Channel Flow modes. Flow mode shall allow calibration to common primary metering devices, plus allow entry of calibration formula for non- standard flumes,weirs or open channels. 5. Transmitter shall permit field programmable damping to smooth output with turbulent level. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 24 of 28 6. Transmitter operating temperature shall be from -5° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C). Transmitter shall contain a thermostat-controlled enclosure heater for condensation protection below 30°F(-1°C). 7. Transmitter shall have an isolated 4-20mA output rated for 1000-ohm maximum load with menu-selectable 0-5VDC alternative. 8. Provide two relay contacts rated 5-amp SPDT programmable for single set point alarms, dual set point pump control, pump alternation, temperature alarm, flow totalizer pulse and/or echo loss alarm. 9. Provide a backlit matrix LCD display indicating flow rate, level, velocity, totalizer and relay states in user-selected engineering units. 10. Transmitter display indicating level or flow rate, units of calibration, totalizer and relay states shall be visible without opening cover. 11. Transmitter and circular chart recorder shall be mounted to front panel of motor control center.Mounting hardware shall be included. 12. Transmitter electronics shall be surge protected on AC power input, sensor and 4-20mA outputs. 13. Transmitter power input shall be 100-240VAC 50-6011z with power consumption of 3.5 Watts or less. 14. The transmitter shall permit plug-in field installation and auto-detection of optional accessories including data logger and additional control relays. 2.20 LABORATORY A. The contractor shall furnish the following laboratory furnishings. 1. Industrial Grade Toilet 2. Industrial Grade Bathroom Sink with Faucet 3. 70 CFM Bathroom Fan 4. Stainless Steel Laboratory Sink with Adjacent Working Tray. 5. 3' x 2'Deep Industrial Grade Desk 6. Steel File Cabinet 7. Exhaust fans and louvers B. The contractor shall furnish the following laboratory equipment. 1. (1)nitrogen series meter and reagents 2. (1)centrifuge with tubes 3. (2)imhoff cones and bracket 4. (1)portable dissolved oxygen meter with calibration and cleaning kit 5. (1)portable ph meter 6. (2) 1,000 ml beakers 7. (2)500 ml beakers 8. (2) 100 ml beakers 9. (2)250 ml beakers 10. (2)settleometers 11. Bottle brushes for settlemeters and beakers 12. (1)laboratory thermometer(calsius) 13. (1)chlorine test kit 14. (1)alconox cleaning agent 15. (1)microscope with slides and covers 16. (1)safety goggles/glasses 17. (1)eyewash station 18. (1) 10 ml graduated cylinder 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10-Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 25 of 28 19. (1) 100 ml graduated cylinder 20. (1)funnel 21. (1)wash bottle 22. Ph buffer solution 4 and 7 23. (1) Sampler as determined by type of sample point 2.21 OPERATION AND MAINTANANCE MANUAL A. Five (5) Operation & Maintenance Manuals shall be furnished during start-up. These manuals shall include maintenance instructions for all equipment provided. B. FIELD SERVICES 1. Services of a field representative to advise on the field installation shall be provided. The services of the field representative shall include five (5) days, exclusive of travel time, and one (1) travel trip during the time that the equipment is being installed. The Owner shall notify the manufacturer a minimum of ten working days prior to the time that the field services are desired. 2. The Owner shall notify the manufacturer when the installation of the equipment has been completed. A representative of the supplier shall inspect the installation. The Owner shall be advised in writing of any corrections or adjustments that are required for the equipment installation. After the installation has been completed to the supplier's satisfaction, a letter of certification that all equipment is installed in accordance with its instructions and that the equipment is ready for operation shall be furnished. C. START-UP AND TRAINING 1. Upon receipt of a letter from the Owner certifying that the installation is ready for start-up, the services of a field person for a total of five (5) days, and one (1) trip shall be provided. The field person shall do a functional check of each item furnished and start-up of the process. During this time, the field representative will provide operation training, which shall include familiarization with the process,its requirement and review of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 2.22 SPARE PARTS A. Spare parts shall be furnished with each piece of equipment. Where not specifically called for, the Contractor shall furnish the manufacturers standard spare parts. All spare parts specified or supplied shall be available prior to the acceptance of the equipment and at the one-year guarantee. Any specified or supplied spare parts used during the guarantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. All spare parts shall be delivered to the plant packed in protective containers. No spare parts shall be delivered to the plant until proper storage facilities have been established. Spare parts, in addition to what is called for in other sections of the Specifications,shall include,as a minimum, 10%of each type of the following: 1. Fuses 2. Lamps 3. Relays 4. Buttons 5. Switches 6. Indicators B. Bearing lubrication 1. All bearings designed for grease lubrication shall be equipped with alemite or equal fittings which are readily accessible without need for dewatering of units. Fittings for all bearings are in inaccessible areas; suitable copper tubing shall be piped from the bearings to an accessible area. 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 26 of 28 C. Motors 1. All motors shall be General Electric, Westinghouse,U.S. Motors or equal. All motors shall be designed for the service for which they are intended. All motors 1/2 horsepower and above shall have a 1.15 service factor. D. Equipment Base and Anchor Bolts 1. All bases for equipment shall be grouted after the equipment is in place in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and suitable anchor bolts shall be installed to firmly fix equipment to base. E. Metal Guard 1. Metal guards shall be furnished on all equipment with exposed moving parts. Guards shall be of a design approved by the equipment manufacturer and shall be readily removable. F. Painting 1. All parts of mechanical equipment subject to corrosion shall be given a priming coat and two finish coats of approved corrosive resistant paint, the last to be gray enamel or of a color specified on the Contract Drawings. The two(2)finish coats shall be given in the field after equipment has been installed. PART 3—EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Inspects all newly constructed work to ensure that all preliminary work has been properly completed and is ready for installation of mechanical items. Check dimensions and elevations of facilities prior to fabrication of new equipment. 3.2 ON-SITE EQUIPMENT STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. All mechanical equipment which the Contractor elects to store on the site, shall be stored in a dry, heated enclosure,not subject to adverse weather conditions or flooding,in a manner as approved by the equipment manufacturer. No mechanical equipment shall be delivered to the site until provisions have been made to store and protect it properly. B. The Contractor, in accordance with the equipment manufacturers recommendations, shall take special care in the protection of bearings, couplings, shafts, rotating or moving parts and assemblies, etc. during the period of storage of said mechanical equipment and its installation into the Work. The Contractor shall also continue protection of said mechanical equipment until the time the equipment is placed into permanent service. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. All mechanical equipment shall be erected and installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. The method of installation, including anchorages,clearances and tolerances for rotating assemblies,method of support for equipment and adjacent piping, shall be as recommended by the equipment manufacturer, and certified in writing to the Owner after installation. A competent representative of the manufacturer shall, in such cases, be made available during the testing period, as well as such additional personnel as may be required to perform the necessary tests. 3.4 FINISH WORK 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 27 of 28 A. Paint: All parts of mechanical equipment subject to corrosion shall be given a priming coat and two finish coats,the last to be enamel of the colors as selected by the Engineer. The two finish coats shall be given in the field after equipment has been installed. . B. Lubrication: All bearings designed for grease lubrication shall match existing fittings which are readily accessible without need for dewatering of units. Fittings for all equipment shall be uniform and of the same manufacture. Where bearings are in inaccessible areas, suitable copper tubing shall be piped from the bearings to an accessible area as directed by the Engineer. C. Guards: Metal guards shall be furnished on all equipment with exposed moving parts. Guards shall be of a design approved by OSHA and the equipment manufacturer and shall be readily removable. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. As soon as conditions permit,make field tests of all equipment and appliances. Provide all labor,materials, instruments and all other items necessary to accurately perform all required testing. B. All tests must be witnessed by the Engineer. Perform all tests required to verify that all equipment has been properly installed,meets operating conditions,runs at the proper speed, and is free from defects such as overheating,overloading the undue vibration. C. Procedures for conducting and reporting tests on pumps shall be in accordance with the Test Code of the Hydraulic Institute. D. Run each pump,at maximum rated speed,under the following conditions: 1. Minimum flow rate. 2. Rated flow rate. 3. Maximum flow rate. E. The above shall be as evidenced by the corresponding total dynamic head as shown on the pump gauges. Take simultaneous ammeter readings. Vary the rate of flow by throttling the discharge valve. The rated motor nameplate current and power shall not be exceeded at any rate of flow within the specified range. Take meter readings,when directed by the Engineer,and record the results. END OF SECTION 44 30 10 11/22/2023 SECTION 44 30 10—Process Equipment P.W.Grosser Consulting Page 28 of 28 SECTION 45 10 00-PIPPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: 1. Contractor shall furnish all labor,materials,equipment and incidentals as shown on the Contract Draw- ings,specified and required to provide ductile iron sewer pipe,fittings and specials necessary to complete the Work. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Division 31,Earthwork. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: Obtain pipe and fittings from one manufacturer. B. Reference Standards: Comply with applicable provisions and recommendations of the following,except as otherwise shown or specified. a. Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe(PVC) 1) ASTM specification ASTM D-1784 and ASTM D2467 b. Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe(DI) 1) AWWA C104(ANSI A21.4),Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water. 2) AWWA C110(ANSI A21.10),Gray-Iron and,Ductile-Iron Fittings,3 in.through 48 in., for Water and Other Liquids. 3) AWWA C111 (ANSI A21.11),Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. 4) AWWA C115 (ANSI A21.15),Flanged Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pipe with Threaded Flanges. 5) AWWA C150(ANSI A21.50),Thickness Design of Ductile-Iron Pipe. 6) AWWA C151 (ANSI A21.51),Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast,in Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds for Water or Other Liquids. 7) ANSI B18.2.1, Square and Hex Bolts and Screws. 8) ANSI B 18.2.2, Square and Hex Nuts. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 11 9) ASTM A 307,Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. 10) ASTM A 354,Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners. c. High Density Polyethylene Force Main(HDPE) 1) ASTM D 3350, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Mate- rials. 2) ASTM F714- Standard Specification for Polyethylene(PE)Plastic Pipe(DR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit for approval Shop Drawings showing the following: 1. Catalog Data consisting of specifications,illustrations and a parts schedule that identifies the materials to be used for the various piping components and accessories.The illustrations shall be of sufficient de- tail to serve as a guide for assembly and disassembly. 2. Complete layout and installation drawings with clearly marked dimensions.Piece numbers which are coordinated with the tabulated pipe layout schedule shall be clearly marked. Scale and size of the draw- ings shall conform to the specifications in the Supplementary Conditions. B. Tests: Submit description of proposed testing methods,procedures and apparatus. Submit copies of all test reports. C. Certificates: Submit certificates of compliance with referenced standards. D. Record Drawings: Submit in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications. 1.4 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handle allpipe,fittings andaccessories carefully with approved handling devices.Do not drop or roll pipe off trucks. Do not otherwise drop,roll or skid pipe. Materials that are cracked,chipped,gouged,dented or oth- erwise damaged will not be approved. B. Store pipe and fittings on heavy wood blocking or platforms so they are not in contact with the ground. C. Pipe,fittings and specials shall be unloaded as close to the place where they are to be laid as is practical,at a location which has been approved by the Engineer.Interiors shall be kept completely free from dirt and foreign matter. D. No material furnished under this specification shall be shipped to the job site until all submittals have been approved. PART 2-PRODUCTS 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 11 2.1 MATERIALS 1. General: 1. Joints shallbe as specified.If not specified,use flanged joints for exposed piping and mechanical joints for buried piping. 2. Pipe Marking: a. Class designation shall be cast or painted on each piece of pipe and fitting. b. Each piece of pipe and fitting shall be clearly marked with a designation which shall conform with designations shown on the Shop Drawings. 2. Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe (PVC) a) Joints shall be solvent welded. b) Flanges where required for connection to tanks, valves,pumps, etc. shall be PVC Schedule 80, 150- pound flanges with full-faced gaskets. c) Hinges shall be wrought iron of a screw adjustment type. d) Floor stands shall be solid concrete or type 2-inch steel or galvanized pipe. e) Wall Sleeves. 1) Wall sleeves shall be Schedule 40 Black Steel and meet the requirements of ASTM A120. f) Link Seals. 1) Horizontal pipe sleeves to be furnished with link Seals as manufactured by the Thunderline Cor- poration or equal. g) Pipe Supports. 1) Pipe support hardware shall be as manufactured by Grinneil Co.,F&S Manufacturing Corporation or equal. h) Expansion Couplings. 1) Expansion couplings shall be as manufactured by Dresser Manufacturing Co. or equal. 3. Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe(DI) a) Pipe and Fittings: 1) Pipe: a. Gravity Sewer Pipe: Conform to AWWA C150 and C151 for material,thickness,dimensions, tolerances, tests, markings and other requirements. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 11 i. Thickness:Ductile ironpipe and fittings shall be minimum Class 53,unless otherwise specified. b) Joints: 1) Mechanical Joints: Conform to AWWA Cl l 1. a. Gaskets:Plain tip. b. Bolts and Nuts:High strength,low alloy steel. c. Glands:Ductile Iron Retainer Gland with heat treated parkerized steel set screws. 2) Restrained Joints: a. Restrained joints for mechanical joint piping shall be: i. Lok-FastJointbyAmericanCastlron Pipe Company. ii. Or equal. b. Coatings and Linings: i. Ductile iron pipe and fittings,except as shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer, shall be lined with a bituminous seal coated cement-mortar lining in ac- cordance withAWWA C 104.This lining shall be twice the standard thickness speci- fied in AWWA C104. ii. Buried pipe and fittings shall be coated on the outside with a bituminous coating, ap- proximately 1-mil thick.Exposed pipe shall be prime coated. c) Couplings: 1) Sleeve Type,Flexible Couplings: a. Pressure and Service: Same as connected piping. b. Materials: Steel(with bituinastic coating). c. Gaskets: Suitable for service intended. d. Bolts and Nuts:Type 304 stainless steel bolts and nuts. e. Couplings shall be as manufactured by Dresser Industries or equal. 2) Adapters: a. Provide appropriate adapter couplings for the connection of different pipe materials and sizes, subjecttothe Engineer's approval.All hardware including band,bolts,nuts,etc.,shall be 304 stainless steel. b. Ends shall conform to Specifications for the appropriate type joint. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 11 4. High Density Polyethylene Force Main(HDPE) a) HDPE Fittings 1) The fittings shall be manufactured using the same pressure rating as the pipe. 2) Fittings shall be manufactured to standardized dimensions and shall be compatible with local agency's Water standard fittings,valves,tees, service saddles, curb stops,and meter stops. 3) Heat fusion fittings shall be manufactured from the same material as the extruded pipe, shall be rated for pressure service at least equal to that of the pipe, and shall have outlets manufactured to the same DR as the pipe. 4) Molded fittings shall be manufactured to ASTM D 3261 and socket fittings to ASTM D 2683. 5) Connections to the existing water system other than HDPE pipe shall be restrained mechanical joint fittings,with stiffeners,or inserts if recommended by the manufacturer. 2.2 IDENTIFICATION A. All pipeline material shall be stamped, marked or identified with the following: 1. Name of manufacturer. 2. Pipe size. 3. Pipe material. 4. Wall thickness. 5. Rating. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. The Contractor shall inspect all piping to ensure that piping is free from defects in material and workmanship. The compatibility of all pipe,fittings and coatings shall be verified. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Install piping as shown on the Drawings,specified and as recommended by the manufacturer. 2. Request instructions from Engineer before proceeding if there is a conflict between the manufacturer's recommendations and the Specifications. 3. Pipe, fittings and accessories that are cracked,damaged or in poor condition or with damaged linings will be rejected at the time of laying,the pipe shall be examined carefully for defects,and should any pipe 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 11 be discovered to be defective after being laid,it shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe by the Contractor at his expense. 4. For specially fabricated piping Contractor shall provide the services of a competent manufacturer's in- stallation specialist when pipe installation begins,unless otherwise approved by Engineer. 5. Conflicts between piping systems and equipment or structures shall be presented to Engineer for de- termination of corrective measures before proceeding. 6. Minimum cover over piping shall be three feet unless otherwise shown orapprovedbytheEngineer. 7. Earthwork required is specified in Division 31. B. Piping: 1. Install straight runs true to line and elevation. 2. Provide temporary caps or plugs over all pipe openings at the end of each days work and when other- wise required or directed by Engineer. 3. Cutting:Cut pipe from measurements taken at site,not from Drawings. 4. Bed pipe with materials as specified below and as shown on the Contract Drawings. a. Trenches shall be excavated below the pipe bottom by an amount sufficient for the placement of granular embedment material(Select Fill)for pipe bedding as shown on the drawings or as specified. All loose and unsuitable material shall be removed from the trench bottom. b. Granular embedment material(select fill)shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of Section 31 23 33 within the following limits: 1) Six(6)inches below the bottom of the pipe to six(6)inches above the crown of the pipe for pipe sizes of 30 inch diameter and smaller. 2) Twelve(12)inches below the bottom of the pipe to twelve(12)inches above the crown of the pipe for pipe sizes greater than 30 inches in diameter. c. Granular embedment shall be placed in maximum 6-inch layers and compacted for the full width of the trench.Recesses in the embedment shall be provided around each joint to allow space for mak- ing joints and inspection. 5. Carefully and thoroughly compact all pipe bedding and fill. 6. No piping shall be laid until Engineer approves the bedding condition. 7. No pipe shall be brought into position until the preceding length has been bedded and secured in its final position. C. Laying Pipe: 1. Conform to manufacturer's instructions and to ASTM&AWWA standards. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6ofII 2. Install all pipe accurately to line and grade shown unless otherwise approved by Engineer.Remove and relay pipes that are not laid correctly. 3. Slope piping uniformly between elevations given. 4. Ensure that water level in trench is at least 12 inches below bottom of pipe.Do not lay pipe in wa- ter. Maintain dry trench until jointing and backfilling are complete. 5. Start laying pipe at lowest point and proceed towards the higher elevations,unless otherwise approved by Engineer. 6. Place bell and spigot pipe so that bells face upstream unless otherwise approved by Engineer. 7. Excavate around joints in bedding and lay pipe so thatonlythe barrel receives bearingpressure from the trench bottom. 8. Permissible deflections at joints shall not exceed 75 percent of the amount allowed by manufacturer. 9. Prior to laying pipe, eveiy precaution shall be taken to ensure that no foreign material enters the piping. 10. All pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined for cracks,damage or other defects while suspended above the trench,before installation. Defective materials shall be immediately removed from site. 11. Interior of all pipe and fittings shall be inspected and all dirt,gravel, sand,debris or other foreign mate- rial shall be completely removed from pipe interior before it is moved into the trench. 12. Field cutting pipe,where required,shall be made with a machine specially designed for cutting piping. Cuts shall be carefully done,without damage to pipe or lining,so as to leave a smooth end at right an- gles to the axis of pipe. Cut ends shall be tapered and sharp edges filed off smooth.Flame cutting will not be allowed. 13. Blocking underpipingshall notbepermittedunless specifically accepted by Engineer for special condi- tions.If permitted,conform to requirements of AWWA C600. 14. Repair protective coatings and linings in a satisfactory manner prior to backfilling.Refer to specific pipe specifications for coating systems required. 15. Where connecting new pipe to existing manholes,the demolition of existing manhole walls shall be done in a neat,workmanlike manner,and limited in size to the minimum necessary to remove the existing pipe and install the new sewer pipe.Grout shall be nonshrink type with 1/4-inch overlay of polyester patching system such as Quick-Rok manufactured by Fosroc, Sikadur Le Mod Gel Mortar 1:1 Gel/Sand manufacturedby Sika,or equal.Afterthenewpipes are in place and grouted,the molded con- crete invert fill shall then be replaced as required,true to the sewer pipe invert elevations,and shall be well shaped to smoothly channel the flow into the outlet pipe. Bypassing shall be maintained until the new concrete invert has cured,to the satisfaction of the Engineer. D. Joints: 1. General: a. Make joints in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and the requirements below. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 11 b. Cutpiping accurately and squarely and install without forcing or springing. c. Ream out all pipes and tubing to full inside diameter after cutting.Remove all sharp edges on end cuts. d. Remove all cuttings and foreign matter from the inside of pipes and tubing before installation. Thoroughly clean all pipe,fittings,valves, specials, and accessories before installing.Bell and spigot mating surfaces shall be thoroughly wire brushed and wiped clean and dry immediately be- fore pipe is installed. 2. Gaskets shall be suitable for service intended in accordance with manufacturer's ratings and instruc- tions. 3. Lubricate and adjust gaskets and"O"rings as recommended by manufacturer. 4. After"O"rings are compressed and before pipe is brought fully home,each gasket shall be carefully checked for proper position around full circumference of the joint. 5. Conform to ASTM &AWWA standards and to all applicable manufacturers recommendations per- taining to jointing pipe. 6. For mechanical joints the plain end shall be centered and pushed into the bell and the gasket shall be firmly pressed evenly into the bell. The gland shall be slid to the bell for bolting.All bolts with oiled threads shall be alternately torque tightened 180 degrees opposite to each other to seatthe gasket evenly. The maximum torque shall be as follows: Bolt Size(inches) Applied Torque(ft-lbs) 5/8 50 3/4 80 1 90 1-1/4 150 All bolts and nuts shall be heavily coated with an approved bituminous coating. 7. Clean and lubricate bolt threads and gasket faces for flanged joints. 8. All bolts and nuts for underground service on valves,hydrants,mechanical joint fittings,pipe joint and other ferrous metal appurtenances shall be packed in an asphaltic material.After the joint has been made and the bolts drawn to the proper tension,thejoint,including glands,flanges,bolt heads and nuts shall be packed to a minimum thickness of one inch over all surfaces with Talcote,or other equal asphaltic ma- terial.Alternatively coat all joint areas and fasteners with two heavy coats of coal tar epoxy. E. Backfilling: 1. Conform to applicable requirements of Division 31. 2. Backfill by hand until pipe is covered by at least one foot of fill. F. Transitions from One Type of Pipe to Another: 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 11 I. Provide all necessary adapters, specials and connection pieces required when connecting dif- ferent types and sizes of pipe or connecting pipe made by different manufacturers. 2. Where new pipe is to be connected to existing pipe,the existing pipe shall be cut straight and smooth.The two pipes shall be joined with a flexible neoprene boot with stainless steel compression straps. This boot shall be manufactured by Fernco,or approved equal. Contractor shall verify type, size and class of existing sewer where replacement pipe is being installed and order the appropriate"Fernco Coupling" as necessary. Be advised that standard style couplings will not be permitted to be installed on sewers of different materials,class or size. G. Restraints,Supports and Thrust Blocks: 1. Provide concrete and metal cradles,collars,kickers,and blocks as shown or otherwise required and approved by Engineer. 3.3 TESTING OF PIPING A. General: 1. Test all piping as specified below unless otherwise authorized by Engineer. 2. Notify Engineer 48 hours in advance of testing. 3. Provide all testing apparatus including pumps,hoses,gages,and fittings including temporary restraints, etc. 4. Pipelines shall hold the specified test pressure for a period of four hours. 5. Pipelines which fail to hold specified test pressures or which exceed the allowable leakage rate shall be repaired and retested. 6. Test pressures required are atthe lowestelevation of the pipeline section being tested,unless otherwise specified. 7. Unless otherwise approved,conduct all tests in the presence of the Engineer. 8. All pipe shall be tested between manholes. B. Test Requirements: 1. All sanitary sewers shall be tested for watertightness throughout their entire length. 2. Each section of pipe between manholes shall be tested individually for infiltration and exfiltration and for a length of time as specified and/or as directed by the Engineer.No specific allowance will be made for manholes,except that they will not be subtracted from theoveralllength ofpipe under test in compu- ting the total allowance for the section under test. 3. The Contractor will furnish all necessary and approved material, equipment, labor and other facilities required to satisfactorily perform the tests and shall make all necessary repairs or replacements and re- tests,as required,at his own expense. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 11 4. After pipe trenches have been satisfactorily backfilled to full depth and groundwater has been allowed to rise to normal levels,the sewer shall be checked by the Engineer to determine if any displacement of the pipe has occurred.A bright light shall be flashed between manholes. If the illuminated interior of the pipe shows poor alignment,displacedpipe or any other defects,the defects as designated by the En- gineer shall be remedied as directed,at no additional cost. 5. An infiltration test will be used whennormal water level is above the pipe invert and when the normal groundwater level is at normal levels for the entire section of pipe tested during the period of the test. Groundwater observations at the time of testing will be determined by means of test holes made by the Contractor atappropriate locations,if ordered by the Engineer, at no additional cost. 6. Each section of pipe between manholes will be tested individually.That is,separate measurements will be taken for each link between two consecutive manholes. This may be done using a system of two weirs (or other Engineer approved devices) and recording the infiltration,if any,flowing over the weir at the upstream manhole and subtracting that amount from the reading taken at the downstream manhole.If the test has been satisfactory to the Engineer,the weir located at the upstream manhole may now be moved to the next consecutive manhole downstream(leaving the center weir in place)and the process repeated for each link.The weirs will be moved in such a manner that all manholes have been included for testing.Other methods may be acceptable to the Engineer provided that they meet the objectives of this specification. 7. Infiltration tests will be made as soon thereafter as the groundwater has risen to its normal level to the sat- isfaction ofthe Engineer,and all necessary facilities for conducting the test are inposition.The weir,or weirs,will be inposition for at least 24 hours before the test begins. The test will be conducted for a dura- tion acceptable to the Engineer,but will not be less than four hours in duration,during which five con- secutive hourly readings shall be taken. 8. The maximum allowable quantity of infiltration or leakage into the section of sewer under test shall be 200 gallons per inch of internal diameter per mile of pipe per day(0.1578 gal/1001f/inch/hr). Tributary house connections shall be included with the sewer in determining the allowable leakage if they are in groundwater. 9. An exfiltration test shall be made by filling the pipe and manholes with water to provide a positive dif- ferential head of at least two feet above the exterior crown of the pipe at the highest point of the line under test.If groundwater levels are found to be above the exterior crown of this pipe,but not as much as two feet above,the positive differential head referred to above shall be two feet above the eleva- tion of the groundwater. The test shall be carried out for a period acceptable to the Engineer,but will in no case be less than four hours in duration. 10. The line shall beventedtopen-nit all airtoescape and a waiting period of at least one hour shall elapse from the time the section has been completely filled with water,vented,and subjected to the required in- ternal pressure before the test begins. 11. The maximum allowable quantity of exfiltration or leakage out of the section under test shall be 200 gallons per inch of internal diameter per mile of pipe per day(0.1578 gal/1001f/inch/hr). 12. If the measured infiltration or exfiltration exceeds the specified allowance,the necessary repairs or re- placements shall be made immediately and as directed by the Engineer.The tests shall be repeated as many times as necessary, at no additional cost,until the requirements hereinbefore specified have been met. The above notwithstanding,all visible leaks shall be repaired.When a section under test fails to meet the specified requirements and therefore must be retested,the retest shall not extend beyond the portion of the sewer tested in the original test. 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 10 of 11 13. As specified above, all infiltration/exfiltration tests leading to acceptance of the work shall be per- formed after the trench has been backfilled to full depth. This is not meant to preclude independent tests performed by the Contractor for his own information prior to backfilling. C. Testing of Force Main-(Method I or Method II may be implemented): Method 1: a. Force mains shall be subjected to a pressure test of two hundred(200)psi for a period of thirty(30) minutes,measured at the lower end of the section. Pumps,pipe connections,gauges and all necessary apparatus will be furnished by the Contractor,and all defective pipe,couplings and fittings will be re- placed by the Contractor at his expense. b. Then the force main shall be tested for leakage at seventy-five(75)psi for a period of six(6)hours, measure at the lower end of the section. At such pressure the leakage shall not exceed forty-six(46) gallons per inch diameter per mile per twenty-four(24)hours.All necessary pumps,gauges and other apparatus will be furnished by the Contractor. In the event that the force main fails to meet the leakage test,the Contractor, at his own expense will locate and repair the defective pipe or joints until the leak- age is within the allowable limit. Method 11: a. Force mains shall be subjected to a pressure test of two hundred(200)psi for a period of two(2)hours measure at the lower end of the section. At such pressure there shall be no leakage loss. All necessary pumps,gauges and other apparatus will be furnished by the Contractor. In the event that the force main fails to meet the leakage test,the Contractor at his own expanse will locate and repair the defective pipe on joints until there is no leakage loss. 3.4 CLEANING A. All piping shall be thoroughly cleaned and flushed prior to placing in service in a manner approved by En- gineer. END OF SECTION 45 10 00 12/20/2022 45 10 00—Pipping P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 11 of 11 SECTION 45 20 00—MANHOLES AND LEACHING STRUCTURES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 Description A. Scope: Contractor shall furnish all labor,materials,equipment and incidentals necessary to provide all manholes shown,specified and otherwise required to complete the Work. B. General: 1. Structures shall conform in shape,size,dimensions,material,and other respects to the details shown the County Standard Details Drawings. 2. Pipe penetrations,inverts, shall conform to the details shown on the County Standard Details Draw- ings. Side inverts shall be curved and main inverts,where direction changes,shall be laid out in smooth curves of the longest possible radius which is tangent to the centerlines of adjoining pipelines. C. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Division 31,Earthwork. 2. Section 05 10 00,Reinforcing Steel. 3. Section 03 30 00,Cast-]n-Place Concrete. 4. Section 03 40 00,Precast Concrete. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. General: 1. The Contractor must give the Engineer twenty-four hours written notice plus travel time prior to the commencementofanymanufacturingprocessortesting sequence for manhole components made of pre- cast concrete. 2. At the place of manufacture of precast concrete components,the Engineer reserves the right at all times: a. To inspect the materials,the processes of manufacture,and the records of analysis and tests. b. To select test specimens. c. To inspect and test manhole and leaching structures components, accessories and joint material. d. To inspect and test cast-in-place concrete. 3. Upon delivery to the site the Engineer reserves the right to inspect and test: a. Manhole and leaching structures components,accessories and joint material. b. Cast-in-place concrete. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 9 4. All manhole and leaching structures components made of precast concrete deliveredto the site shall be clearlymarkedatthe factory with the date of manufacture and the manufacturer's identification. Omis- sion of this information may be cause for rejection of the manhole components. B. Reference Standards: Comply with applicable provisions andrecommendations ofthe following,exceptas oth- erwise shown or specified. 1. ASTM C 32, Sewer and Manhole Brick(made from Clay or Shale). 2. ASTM C 139,Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes. 3. ASTM C 140, Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units. 4. ASTM C 207,Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. 5. ASTM C 478,Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. 6. ASTM C 923,Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Pipes. 7. ASTM D 543,Test for Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents. 8. ASTMD 1248,Specification forPolyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials. C. Manufacturer's Testing: 1. Tests on reinforced concrete manhole components shall be in accordance with the"Physical Require- ments"section of ASTM C 478. 2. The Contractor shall ensure that the manufacturer furnishing manholes under these Specifications shall be fully equipped with testing facilities of the approved type and capacity.The Contractor shall furnish the requirednumberofspecimens ofmanhole components at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Absorption Test: a. For every 100 manhole bases and manhole riser sections manufactured,one specimen shall be se- lected for an absorption test.As a minimum,one specimen representing a manhole base and man- hole riser section shall be tested. The absorption test shall be performed in accordance with the re- quirements ofASTM C 478. b. In the event any specimen fails to meet any of the requirements of the absorption test,then two addi- tional test specimens shall be selected for each specimen that failed,from the lot represented by the specimen that failed. The additional specimens shall be tested; and should any one of these fail to meet the requirements specified,the entire lot represented by these tests shall be rejected. 4. Compression Test: a. For each ofthe four manhole components made of precast and cast-in-place concrete (manhole base,manhole riser section,transition slab and top slab)compression tests shall be made on stand- ard rodded concrete cylinders. A minimum of four concrete cylinders shall be molded for each day's production of a particular manhole component.Each cylinder representing a particular man- hole component shall be molded from the same concrete batch utilized forthe manufacture ofthe component. The concrete cylinders shall be tested in accordance with the specifications of ASTM C 478 except for the required strengths of the cylinders,which shall be as follows: 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 9 The strength of precast concrete shall be considered satisfactory if both of the following require- ments are met: 1) The average at 28 days of three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds 4000 psi. 2) No individual strength test falls below required strength by more than five hundred psi. b. Inthe eventa concrete cylinder's compressive strength is unsatisfactory the manufacturer shall select one ofthe following two options: 1) The entire day's production ofthe manhole component represented by the test cylinder shall be re- jected. 2) The manufacturer shall have the option to drill two cores from manhole components repre- sented by the unsatisfactory test cylinder and perform compression tests on the cores. The manhole component sampled shall be selected by the Engineer. Should the compression tests on these core samples meet the strength requirements as specified in this Section,the Engi- neer shall determine the acceptability of all manhole components represented by the test,con- sidering the results of the tests on the concrete cylinders as well.Based on the Engineer's evaluation,if the compression test for the cores is determined to be unacceptable the entire day'sproduction ofthe manhole component represented by the core sample shall be rejected. The Engineer's decision shall be considered final. 5. Top and Transition Slabs: a. In lieu of a proof of design test for the top and transition slabs the Contractor shall submit in the Shop Drawings top slab and transition slab design calculations and Drawings for approval by the Engineer. b. The design calculations shallbe in accordance with requirements specified in this Section. 1.3 Submittals 1) Submit for approval samples of brick and all accessories required for the manholes and leaching struc- tures. 2) For all manholes and leaching structures submit Shop Drawings for approval.Shop Drawings shall in- clude,but not be limited to,the following information: 1. Size and spacing of steel reinforcement. 2. Wall and slab thicknesses. 3. Concrete cover over steel reinforcement. 4. Joint design between component manhole sections, show all dimensions. 5. Concrete mix design including design compressive strength. 6. Design of flexible manhole seal assemblies and/or specified seal arrangement 7. Final grade elevation at manhole. 8. All pipe penetrations into manhole. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 3 of 9 9. Plan of manhole base invert. 10. Certificates of compliance with referenced standards. 11. Certified test results. 1.4 Product Delivery,Storage and Handling A. Manhole and leaching structures components shall not be shipped until the 28 day strength is reached. B. Handle all manhole components carefully with approved handling devices.Manhole components shall be kept completely free from dirt and foreign matter. C. Manhole and leaching structures components with damaged"O"ring or sealing grooves will not be approved. D. Contractor shall clearly mark and immediately remove all damaged manhole components. E. Certified copies ofall testresults shall accompany each manhole component shipment and shall be furnished to the ENGINEER with each shipment. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 General A. Manholes and leaching structures shall conform to the details shown.All concrete manhole and leaching structure bases,transition slabs,riser sections and top slabs shall be precast,unless otherwise approved. A. Exceptwhereotherwise specifiedmanholecomponentsshalI conform to ASTM C 478. B. Mark date of manufacture and name or trademark of manufacturer on all precast concrete items. C. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings,joints for all precast concrete manhole components shallbe of thebell and spigot type with a round"O"ring rubber gasket meeting the requirement of ASTM C443, or a preformed plastic sealing compound as specified in the Federal Specifications SS-S-2 10A.Joints shall be formed so that adjacent manhole sections will tit and seal properly. D. All lifting holes shall be sealed tight with a solid rubber plug driven into the holes and the remaining void filled with 1 to 2 cement-sand mortar. 2.2 Castings A. General: All manhole and leaching structures frames and covers(standard and oversize)unless other- wise shown or required, shall be locking type andwatertight.All manhole and leaching structures frames shall be of the nonadjustable type,with frames suitable for installation over manholes and leaching structures. Refer to Standard Details Drawings. 1. Material: Cast iron conforming to ASTM A48,Class 30. 2. Size:As shown on the Standard Details Drawings suitable for slab type penetrations or man- holes as required and specified. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 4 of 9 3. Construction: All manhole castings shall be heavy duty watertight nonadjustable consisting of frame and cover.Bearing surfaces between frame and cover shallbe machined,fitted together,and matchmarked to prevent rocking. Gasket shall be 1/4"min.neoprene.All manhole castings for slab type penetrations shall be Campbell Foundry 6500 Series nonadjustable consisting of frameandcover.Manhole castings for nonslab type installations shall be 1500 series.All cast- ings shall include a security saddle plate for padlocking. Casting cover shall include the Own- ers Name,as directed by the Engineer.Refer to Standard Details Drawings. 4. All distribution leaching pools shall have a casting to grade. All other pools shall have a reinforced concrete cover. 5. Product and Manufacturer:Manhole and leaching structures frames and covers shall be as man- ufactured by: a. Campbell Foundry. b. Neenah. c. LeBaron Foundry Company. d. Or equal. B. Terminal or Flush Manholes:Manhole covers equipped with vent holes shall be installed on all terminal or flush type manholes. C. Oversize Manhole Frame and Cover: Oversized manhole frames and covers,as shown on the Draw- ings,shall be furnished and installed on all manholes. D. Provide stainless steel manhole cover inserts for each manhole cover provided. The insert shall be con- structed of 16gauge 304 stainless steel and designed to allow a loose fit into the casting for easy re- moval. It shall include a gasket,lift handle and relief valve. The insert shal I be custom made to fitthe manholeframe. The gasket shall be made of closed cell neoprene and shall have a pressure-sensitive adhesive on one side. The gasket shall have a minimum total thickness of 1/8-inch. The gasket is to be installed by the manufacturer. The insert shall have a heavy duty handle made of plastic coated 304 stainless steel cable installed in the bottom of the insert. The handle shall be attached with 304 stainless steel bolts with flat washers and self-locking nuts. The gas relief valve shall be designed to release at a pressure of 0.5 to 1.5 psi and have a water leak down rate no greater than 5 gallons per 24 hours. 2.3 Concrete A. Concrete shall conform to the requirements of Section 03 30 00, Cast-In-Place Concrete. 2.4 Brick Masonry A. Brick: All brick used as specified under this Section shall meet the requirements stated in ASTM C32. B. Mortar and Plaster: All mortar and plaster required to complete brick masonry as shown on the Draw- ings or as specified herein shall be in conformance with ASTM C 150 Type II. 2.5 Steel Reinforcement A. Steel reinforcement shall be placed in all concrete manhole components as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein.The reinforcing shown on the Drawings is the minimum amount required. All steel reinforcement shall meet the requirements specified in Section 05 10 00,Reinforcing Steel. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 5 of 9 2.6 Top Slabs and Transition Slabs A. Each top slab placed on the top of the manhole riser sections shall be manufactured in accordance with the Standard Details Drawings and as specified herein. B. Concrete slab thicknesses shall not be less than the dimensions shown on the Drawings. C. Each top slab and transition slab shall be of acceptable design and of sufficient strength to safely support an AASHTO H-20 loading. 2.7 Manhole and Leaching Structure Bases and Riser Sections A. The minimum diameter or size for each manhole and leaching structures base shall be as shown on the Standard Details Drawings. B. Manhole and leaching structures base sections minimum slab and wall thicknesses shall be as shown on the Standard Details Drawings. C. Manhole base sections slotted to fit over existing sewer pipes shall be installed on cast-in-place base slab as shown on Standard Details Drawings. D. Manhole bases shall be castmonolithically to at least 2 inches above the top of the highest pipe entering the manhole. E. Manhole and leaching structures riser sections shall have a minimum wall thickness of inches and the same in- ternal diameter as the manhole base(unless otherwise shown). F. Manhole riser sections shall be constructed of various lengths to provide the correct height with the fewest joints.No pipe penetrations shall be located atajoint. 2.8 Manholes A. Minimum diameter is 4.0';where an internal drop assembly required minimum diameter is 5.0';must conform to ASTM C478 latest revision. B. Minimum of 0.1' difference between incoming and outgoing pipe inverts. C. Inverts greater than 2.0' difference, provide a drop assembly; drop pipe diameter —lateral pipe diameter+2". D. Manholes not located in the flood plain shall have an Adjustable Manhole Casting Type"F",Item No. 1 as shown on Sheet 5 of the Suffolk County Standard Sewer Details. E. Manholes located in a flood plain or in areas subject to flooding shall have a Watertight MH Casting Item No. 3 as shown on the Suffolk County Standard Sewer Details F. When finished grade is below the 500-year flood FEMA Flood Plain elevation,provide watertight cover and provide an above ground vent assembly when watertight cover is installed on a flush man- hole. G. Cores on existing manholes must be 1' above or below joints. H. Manhole brick for riser adjustment shall be Red Clay Grade MS brick and shall meet the requirements of ASTM C32. Mortar to be Type 2 Portland Cement. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 6 of 9 2.9 Leaching Structures A. Design using all 8.0' or all 10.0' diameter leaching rings. B. Maximum effective depth per pool shall not exceed 16.0'.The total depth of pool shall not exceed 20.0'. C. Top slab shall be H2O loading. Dome top may be used provided total depth is not exceeded. D. The pools shall be arranged in five pool clusters (a distribution pool with 4 satellite pools)with a minimum clearance between pools of 8.0',edge to edge. E. All distribution pools shall have a casting to grade. All other pools shall have a reinforced concrete cover. F. Connecting pipes shall be a minimum of 6"diameter and shall have a minimum slope of 1%between pools. G. Effluent pipes from a distribution pool shall have an 18"drop tee and be set a minimum of 3"below the invert of the influent pipe. H. Effective depth shall be measured from the invert of the effluent pipe of each pool and all pools shall have the same effective depth. I. 200%of calculated leaching area shall be installed at the time of initial construction of a WWTP and 100%additional non-disturbed area shall be provided. J. The number of pools shall be calculated using only side wall area at a rate of 5 GPD/SF without pol- ishing filters and 10 GPD/SF with polishing filters. 2.10 Pipe Connections A. Each manhole base and leaching structures shall be provided with circular or slotted openings atthere- quired locations and elevations fortheproperconnection ofal 1pipes.The circularpipe connections shall be sealedwith a flexible modular seal assembly;slotted openings shall be sealedwith nonshrink grout. B. The flexible manhole and leaching structures seal assemblyshall beinstalledin accordance with the rec- ommendations ofthe seal assembly manufacturer and shall conform to ASTM C923.Flexible modular seal assemblies shall permit at lease a seven degree deflection from the centerline of the opening in any direction while maintaining a watertight connection. The flexible modular seal assembly shall be manufac- tured by: 1. Kor-N-Seal(Trelleborg Pipe Seals/NPC) 2. Or equal. C. When a nonshrink grout is used to seal the pipe connection,the concrete bonding agent and nonshrink grout used to seal the pipe connections in the slotted manhole base section openings shall be in accordance with Section 03 30 00. D. The existing pipe within the slotted manhole base shall be saw cut and removed as shown on the Draw- ings after grouting the pipe penetrations into the manhole base section. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 7 of 9 PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation A. Excavation:All excavation required for the construction of manholes shall be performed as specified in Division 31,Earthwork. B. Shoring:Shoring of all excavations shall be provided as specified in Division 31,Earthwork. C. Dewatering:Dewatering shall be performed as specified. 3.2 Installation A. Manhole: 1. No manhole components shall be installed prior to the acceptance of all test results by the Engineer. 2. Manhole Bases,Base slab for slotted manhole Base Section:During excavation the soil below each base shall not be disturbed.Over-excavated areas shall bebackfilledwith crushed stone and compacted as speci- fied in Division 31,Earthwork.Manhole bases and base slab shall be checked for proper bearing onthe subgrade and proper elevation.Orientation of manhole bases shall be set to receive the incoming and out- going pipes atthe designated elevations. Specialcare shall betaken in placing concrete supports aroundthe bottom ofthe pipes in manhole bases to obtain a waterproof structure. 3. Manhole Riser Sections: a. Set sections vertical with sections in true alignment. b. Install sections,joints and gaskets in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 4. Joints: a. Joints betweenmanhole components shall be madewith the materials specified in Paragraph 2.I.D.of this Section. b. Gaps between sections shall not exceed 3/8-inch. 5. Manhole Watertightness:All manholes shall be free of visible leakage.Exfiltration/infiltration testing shall be performed for each manhole installed as specified with the pipe testing.Each manhole shall be pe- riodically inspected for leaks,and all leaks shall be repaired in a manner subject to the Engineer's ap- proval. 6. Brick Masonry: a. Brick masonry may be utilized to close up openings in manhole walls where existing pipes have been removed during construction.Installation ofbricked up openings shall not interrupt maintenance of sewage flow. b. Brick shall be satisfactorily wet when being laid and eachbrick shallbe laid inmortar so as to form fullbed,end and side j oints in one operation.The joints shall not be wider than 3/8-inch. 12/20/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 8 of 9 7. Followingthe placement ofthe brickwork,aone half inch layer of cement mortar shall be applied to the exte- rior surface of the brick and troweled to a smooth finish. 8. Covers for Manholes:Installation shall be as shown on the Contract Standard Details Drawings. B. Leaching Structures: 1. Installation of pools must be in a grass area. No pavement,trees,bushes,shrubs or any other obstruc- tion is allowed in or over the leaching area. 2. Pipes shall not enter or exit a pool through a dome top.Domes with cut outs will not be allowed. 3. Pools shall be valved to allow rotation in 25%increments. 4. All soils between pools shall be clean sand and gravel,and shall extend beyond the outer pools a min- imum of 3.0',and below the bottom of each pool a minimum of 3.0'. 5. All pool bottoms shall be installed a minimum of 3.0' above the highest recorded groundwater elevation. 6. Soils must be compacted under connecting pipes between pools. Water jetting or puddling will be allowed. 7. When more than one leaching pool is used,all pools shall be the same size and depth. 8. When a distribution pool is used,all outlet pipes shall be set at the same elevation and be at least three inches below the inlet pipe. All outlets shall be provided with an 18-inch drop tee. 9. All sewer pipes shall penetrate the vertical sidewall of the leaching pool and shall be sealed with grout. There shall be no penetrations within domes. 10. Leaching pools shall be installed in clean sand(defined as SP or SW by ASTM Standards). H. Unsuitable soils shall be removed and replaced with clean sand for a diameter six feet greater than the leaching pool (three foot collar)extending down until a hydraulic connection is established with a min- imum six foot stratum of acceptable material. 12. The bottom and sidewall area of the leaching pools shall be free of debris before backfilling. 13. In cases where clean sand cannot be encountered,consult the department for alternative design re- quirements. END OF SECTION 45 20 00 10/07/2022 45 20 00—Manholes and Leaching Structures P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 9 of 9 SECTION 44 30 00—CONSTRUCTION JOINTS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish all materials,labor and equipment required for the construction of all construction joints speci- fied herein and shown on the Drawings. 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION A. Constructionjoints shall be provided in accordance with Part 3 of Section 44 30 00. B. Manufacturer's instructions shallbe strictly followed in the use of all materials specified under this section. Ifrequiredbythe Engineer,the Contractor shall arrange for the presence of a factory approved representative in insure that proper procedures are followed. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with the procedures and requirements,the Contractor shall submit the following: 1. Samples 2. Shop Drawings B. Each submittal shallbe identifiedbythe Specifications Section No. C. Each submittal shall be complete in all respects,incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required forevaluation ofthe proposed materials compliance with the Contract Documents. D. Partial,incomplete or illegible submissions will be returned to the Contractor without review for re- submission. 1. Samples shall include: a. One(1)sample of each type of PVC waterstop, each sample to include a splice. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 WATERSTOPS A. Waterstops shall be provided in all construction joints in water bearing structures and at other such loca- tions as required by the Contract Drawings. B. Waterstops for construction joints shall be polyvinyl chloride(PVC). C. WaterstopMaterials: 12/20/2022 45 30 00—Construction Joints P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 1 of 2 1. PVC Waterstops: The polyvinyl chloride shall be extruded from an elastometric plastic com- pound of which the basic resin shall be polyvinyl chloride(PVC). The compound shall contain any additional resins,plasticisers,stabilizers orothermaterials needed to insure qualities which will meet the requirements of the Corps of Engineers'Specifications CRD-C-572-65. 2. The required minimum physical characteristics for this material are: a. Tensile strength: 1,400 psi. b. Ultimate Elongation: Not less than 280%. 3. No reclaimed PVC shall be used forthe manufacturing of the waterstops. The Contractor shall fur- nish certification that the proposed waterstops meet the above requirements. 4. Waterstops for construction joints shall be flat ribbed type,6 inches wide with a minimum thickness at any point of 3/8 inches. 5. Waterstops shallbemanufacturedby W.R.Meadows,or equal. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 WATERSTOPS A. Waterstops shallbe carefully positioned so that they are embedded to an equal depth in concrete on both sides of the joint. They shall be kept free from oil,grease,mortar orotherforeignmatter. ThePVC waterstopsshall be braced or supported to maintain them inpositionprior to the concrete pour. B. Splices in PVC waterstops shall be made with a thermostatically controlled heating element. Splices shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended instruction and procedures. At least three satisfactory sample splices shall be made on the site. The sample splices shall be tested in an approved laboratory for strength and watertightness. The splices shall exhibit not less than 80%of the strength of the unspliced material and shall be watertight. END OF SECTION 44 30 00 12/20/2022 45 30 00—Construction Joints P.W. Grosser Consulting Page 2 of 2 sSECTION 45 40 00—House Connections,Risers,and Cleanout Assemblies PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: 1. This section includes the provisions for the installation of all house connections,risers and cleanout as- semblies ofthe types and sizes as shown on the County Standard Detail Drawings and as specified. 1.2 PIPE OPTIONS 1. All house connection pipes shall be a minimum 6-inch diameter unless specify on the plans. 2. In general,all house connection pipe,riser pipe and all fittings shall be manufactured of the same mate- rial and class as the mainline sewer pipe. 3. Where the sewerpipe is of reinforced concrete,the house connection pipe shall be connected to a cored opening. The house connection pipe,riserpipe and fittings shall be either PVC,or DIP,as approved by the Engineer. 4. Where the depth of cover over the pipe is less than four(4) feet, all pipe shall be DIP as approved by the Engineer. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Shop drawings shall be submitted for all pipe,pipe fittings,risers and cleanout assemblies. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General 1. All pipe,fittings,joints and incidentals shall conform to the requirements of Sections 45 10 00—Pip- ping. 2. Cleanout castings,iron body ferrules and brass screw plugs for cleanout assemblies shall conform to the requirements of SCDHS. 3. Saddles for sewer connections to existing sewers and all reinforced concrete pipe shall be PVC or cast iron as approved by the Engineer. Saddles for all riser connections and the horizontal connections to re- inforced concrete pipe shall be Sealtite Model"US"or equal.Horizontal connections to sewers 8 through 24-inch diameter shall be made with Sealtite Model"ES"saddles or equal. 12/20/2022 45 40 00—House Connections, Risers, P.W. Grosser Consulting and Cleanout Assemblies Page 1 of 4 4. Concrete for connections shall be 4000 psi conforming to the requirements of Section 03 30 00 and 03 40 00 of these specifications. 5. Provide 6-inch wide utility marking tape at a location 24 inches above the top of the piping. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. All requirements for preparation shall conform to the requirements of Sections 45 10 00 specifications. B. The exact location and depth of house connections shall be as directed in the field by the Engineerto best suit, in location and depth,the property to be served. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. The installation of all pipes,fittings,assemblies,concrete encasement and incidentals necessary to com- pletethevarious items ofworkshallbe as shown on the Standard Detail Drawings. 2. The open ends of all pipe stubs or lines installed for future connection shall be capped or plugged wa- tertight. The use of solvent-cemented caps or plugs will not be permitted. B. House Connection Assemblies 1. For 8 to 24-inch diameter sewers,fittings for house connection assemblies shall be reducing wye fit- tings.The straight run of the wye fitting shall be the same size as the sewer line in which it is installed, and the reducing leg shall be the same size as the house connection pipe. 2. The wye fittings shall be installed in a rotated position at an angle of approximately twenty(20)de- grees to the horizontal. The elbow shall be installed that it will best suit the run and slope of the house connection piping. The degree of rotation of the wye fitting shall be limited so that the joints of con- necting pipes and fittings are not impaired by excessive deflection. 3. For reinforced concrete pipe,a 6-inch saddle,pipe coupling and fitting shall be installed over a 6-inch cored opening in conformance with the details shown on the drawings. C. Riser Assemblies 1. A riser assembly shall be made with a reducing"T"fittings and elbows of the same kind and strength class asthepipe installed in the sewerline unless otherwise required by the Engineer. The straight run of the"T"shall be the same size as the sewer line in which it is installed and the leg of the"T"fittings shall be the same size as the riser and house connection pipe. 2. When a riser assembly is to be installed on a section of reinforced concrete pipe or an existing sewer, a saddle and coupling shall be placed over a cored opening and the joint shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings. D. Additional Riser Height 12/20/2022 45 40 00—House Connections, Risers, P.W. Grosser Consulting and Cleanout Assemblies Page 2 of 4 I. The additional length of straight pipe required to increase the height of a standard riser assembly for a house connection shalt be as ordered by the Engineer and shall be installed in a vertical position as shown on the Standard Detail Drawings. 2. Care shall be taken by the Contractor to ensure that the riser pipe and fittings are properly braced.Ris- er pipe and fittings shall be held rigidly in place during backfilling and shall be maintained in a vertical position. E. House Connection Pipe 1. All house connection pipe shall be aminimum 6-inch diameter pipe. 2. House connection pipe shall be installed from the connection assembly or the riser assembly to a point one(1)foot inside the curb except as listed below: a. Where storm drains orutilities are located in the sidewalkarea,the house connections shall be installed to a point beyond the back edge of the drain or utility. b. In Statehighways,the house connections shall be installed to the property line. c. House connection tunneled close to poles or trees shall be extended to a point as determined by the Engineer. d. House connections (depth 9 feet or greater)shall be extended to apoint 5 feet beyond the edge of pavement and/or as directed by the Engineer. 3. Where the house connection pipe cannotbe placed on undisturbed soil,the trench mustbe backfilled and compacted to the invert of the house connection prior to the installation of any horizontal partof a house connection pipe. 4. If in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary to install a house connection under or close to a pole or tree,the house connection shall be tunneled. 5. The Contractor is advised that it will be his responsibility to accurately mark the location of the house connection at the curbline.This will be accomplished by means of two parallel chisel marks approxi- mately two(2)inches apart,one-quarter(1/4)inch deep and four(4)inches in length perpendicular to the curbline.These marks shallbe painted green with durable paint approved by the Engineer.Ifno curb exists atthe house connection location,these marks will be chiseled and painted on the sidewalk.If no sidewalk or curb exists at this location,a 2-inch by 2-inch by 18-inch hardwood stake shall be driven flush with the soil.The top of this stake shall be painted green with a permanent paint. F. Cleanout Assemblies 1. Cleanout assemblies shall be constructed in accordance with the details on the drawings. 2. Theseassemblies shall be installed in locations as determined by the Engineer.In general,cleanout as- semblies shall be installed on house connections that exceed thirty-five(35)feet in length from center- line of sewer to curb and in locations where the total length of house connection pipe from centerline of sewer to outlets at the residence or building exceeds seventy-five(75)feet. The distance between 12/20/2022 45 40 00—House Connections, Risers, P.W. Grosser Consulting and Cleanout Assemblies Page 3 of 4 cleanout assemblies shall not exceed seventy-five(75)feet on house connections longer than one- hundred-fifty(150)feet. 3. All pipe and fittings shall be properly braced,supported and protected to avoid displacement or dam- age to the assembly and joints during the placement and compaction of the backfill,and they shall be maintained in a vertical position. END OF SECTION 45 40 00 12/20/2022 45 40 00—House Connections, Risers, P.W. Grosser Consulting and Cleanout Assemblies Page 4 of 4