HomeMy WebLinkAboutRcvd 12/13/2023 - SCDHS Approved Engineering Report ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT FOR THE ENCLAVES SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK LATEST REVISION NOVEMBER 2023 PNDREW Vr SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT )f 7f These documents have been reviewed and are r found to be in compliance with Suffolk County Sanitay Code requirements based upon 2� information submitted by the applicant. [:] Approved as Noted �A 092523 ❑✓ Approved as Submifted ,� rrl�`S��o,\�V 12/13/23 [even Churchill E APPROVAL DATE REVIEW ENGINEER Prepared By: P%Arac Bryan Grogan, P.E. CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Vice President P.W. Grosser Consulting 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 Bohemia, NY 11716 PH: 631.589.6353 FX: 631.589.8705 E-Mail: bgrogan@pwgrosser.com (t) POIGC _TENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS The Enclaves Sewage Treatment Plant Engineering Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendices 1.0 SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS............................................................................................2 4.0 WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS ...........................................................................................3 5.0 DESCRIPTION ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSALS SYSTEM.......................3 6.0 DESCRIPTION OF ON-SITE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM................................................5 7.0 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED MONITORING WELLS...............................................................5 8.0 SETBACK DISTANCES...................................................................................................................6 9.0 ODOR CONTROL TREATMENT SYSTEM...................................................................................6 10.0 BASIS OF DESIGN- ON-SITE STP................................................................................................7 11.0 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TREATMENT UNITS.................................................................... 14 12.0 ESTIMATED ELECTRICAL LOADS ...........................................................................................17 13.0 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED NORMAL AND EMERGENCY STAND-BY POWER............ 18 14.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................ 18 APPENDICES 1. Location Plan 2. Site Plan 3. Proposed On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant Schematic Diagram and Hydraulic Profile 4. Floor Plan of On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant 5. Floor Plan of STP Control Building and Equipment Building 6. Equipment Manufacturer's Specifications a. BESST Process Calculations b. Raw Sewage Pumps C. Supernatant Pump d. MultiTrode Pump Level Controller e. Mechanical Screen £ Air lift pumps g. Mixers h. Blowers i. Odor Control Treatment j. Flow Monitoring Station Level Probes,Flow Meter, Chart Recorder 1. Generator P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC j 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle, WA 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 1.0 SUMMARY In order to develop The Enclaves (AVG) site, it will be necessary to construct a sewage treatment plant (STP) on the property.Construction of an on-site STP will require the approval of this Engineering Report and subsequent construction plans and specifications by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services(SCDHS). Construction of an on-site plant will not require variances from the Suffolk County Board of Review. The proposed location of an on-site STP with a 100 percent expansion area will comply with the minimum setback distances to the existing property lines and habitable structures. The closest STP would be Riverhead Sewage Treatment Plant and is located approximately 18.3 miles away from the site so it not feasible to service the proposed facility. The preliminary cost estimate to construct an on-site STP is$842,160 or about$88 per gallon of capacity. This includes the cost of the on-site sewage collection system,remote pump station,remote control building,BESST sewage treatment system and effluent disposal systems,engineering,legal and contingencies. 2.0 INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to provide a preliminary design for the necessary construction of a new AVG facility designed to meet current SCDHS nitrogen limits for discharge to the ground water so the STP discharge will be in compliance with the effluent limitations included in the State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit which would be issued for the STP discharge. This report describes the proposed sewage disposal requirements of the new AVG Facilities to be built on the north side of Main Road in Southold,Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York.The proposed community will consist of a two- story restaurant with 80 seats, (44)forty-four hotel units with 88 seats restaurant for hotel guests only, a one-story future event space with 100 seats,and a pool area.The site currently consists of one lot and the Suffolk County Tax Map Number for the lot is 1000-63-3-15.The total gross area of the site is 6.75 acres. Based on the current SCDHS standards for sanitary design flows, the community will generate about 11,420 GPD of sewage.The site is located in the 600 GPD/acre Suffolk County Groundwater Management Zone N.Based on net lot size of 6.75 (acres) the site can only discharge about 4,050 GPD of untreated wastewaters into the ground(600 GPD/acre x 6.75 acres=4,050 GPD). Therefore,to develop the site as proposed,a STP must be constructed.The new STP would be designed and constructed to meet SCDHS standards. It is intended to use the provisions for a sub-surface STP such that the reduced setbacks can be achieved. The closest STP would be Riverhead Sewage Treatment Plant and is located approximately 18.3 miles away from the site so it not feasible to service the proposed facility. Since the off-site disposal option is not viable,it is proposed to build a new subsurface STP,at the AVG site.The proposed design would comply with the SCDHS,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC)and Ten States Standards. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 1 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS The proposed STP and below grade effluent disposal facilities will be constructed in the northeast corner of the community. The community STP will be provided with stand-by power facilities. The community will have a sanitary collection system that transports raw sewage to the proposed STP facility. The influent will drain to a 10 ft.pump station/wet well. Effluent from the pump station/wet will then be transported via force main. The pump station/wet well will provide a continuous source of flow to the STP throughout the day.A continuous flow of sewage will improve the treatment plant process by providing a continuous source of organic material for the micro-organisms to use for the synthesis of ammonia nitrogen to nitrates and a continuous source of organic carbon to covert nitrates to nitrogen gas. Final effluent from the treatment plant will be recharged on-site with an underground disposal system comprised of leaching pools. The new STP and dedicated STP expansion area will be sited on the AVG property at a location that does provide a minimum setback distance of 75 feet from STP to any existing or proposed habitable structure and 50 feet from STP to non-habitable structures. The dedicated STP expansion area is to be contiguous with the STP area and be set aside to provide for a future 100% expansion of the STP and disposal system. A buffer area of 50 feet will also be provided around the proposed STP and dedicated expansion area. The area is to be used exclusively for the STP appurtenances. The location of the proposed STP is shown on Appendix No. 2—Site Plan with the SCDHS set-back requirements. 3.0 LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS The AVG Facilities will be located on the north side of Main Road (Route 25) approximately 78.92 feet east of Locust Lane,in Southold,within the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York. The specific location is shown on Appendix No. 1 - Location Plan. The proposed community will consist of a two-story restaurant with 80 seats, (44) forty-four hotel units with 88 seats restaurant for hotel guests only,a one-story future event space with 100 seats,and a pool area. The site currently consists of one lot and the Suffolk County Tax Map Number for the lot is 1000-63-3-15. The total gross area of the site is 6.75 acres. The site is sloped and mostly undeveloped. The average surface elevation is about elevation 30 feet above mean sea level(AMSL). The site is located in Zone X(minimal flood hazard)per FEMA flood map. Proposed development of the site will include on-site subsurface storm water disposal systems to dispose of storm water run-off to below grade,precast-concrete, storm-water, drywells. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC Z 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 4.0 WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS The sanitary wastewater from AVG community is expected to be typical of normally found in other similar communities. The SCDHS generally has approved design of proposed treatment facilities assuming the wastewater characteristics: 5 day Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD-5 —272 mg/L Total Suspended Solids TSS =320 mg/L Total Nitrogen as N TN-N = 65 mg/L Ammonia Nitrogen as N NH3-N = 45 mg/L The AVG STP will be designed to produce an effluent with less than 10 mg/L total nitrogen at the average and peak hourly flow rates. 5.0 DESCRIPTION ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSALS SYSTEM The process selected to treat the wastewaters is the Biologically Engineered Single Sludge Treatment (BESST). This process is a variation of the activated sludge process and will effectively remove BODS,TSS and nitrogen levels to comply with the New York State Department of Enviromnental Conservation(NYSDEC) State Pollution Discharge Elimination System(SPDES)Permit. The BESST process is designed for five-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (BODS), ammonia nitrogen nitrification and denitrification. In this process,ammonia nitrogen is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria,respectively. The nitrate is then reduced by dissimilarity nitrate reduction. In this reaction,the incoming BODS serves as the carbon source or electron donor for the reduction of nitrate to elemental nitrogen. In the process,fermentation of soluble BODS occurs in the anoxic zone. The BESST process is a modified version of the Lawrence and McCarty biological process.This process introduces sewage into an anoxic section of the tank where the micro-organisms will use the endogenous carbon to perform denitrification.This stream is mixed with a stream of nitrified wastewater coming from nitrified return active sludge from the sludge blanket clarifier. Submersible mechanical mixers are installed in the anoxic compartment to facilitate homogenous mixing and increase the denitrification efficiency.Mixed liquor flows in a plug flow manner to the aeration zone where fine bubble diffusers provide the oxygen required for nitrification and BOD5 reduction. After aeration, the mixed liquor enters the bottom of an up-flow clarifier where solid and treated effluent is separated. Mixed liquor settles to the bottom and an air lift pump conveys RAS into the anoxic tank.A weir box at the top of up-flow clarifier allows treated effluent to go to the on-site groundwater disposal system. Sanitary wastewater from AVG community will flow by gravity to the STP via a new sewage collection system. Sewage will flow by force main and gravity into the new exterior influent pump station.Wastewater would be pumped via one(1) of two (2) submersible explosion proof, solids handling pumps to a self-cleaning, mechanical screen. The pumps will P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 3 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS invoke a new technology called"adaptive impellers".This new technology will prevent all non compressible solids from becoming clogged within the pump impeller without the necessity of utilizing grinders, shredder or cutter mechanical devices. The new mechanical screen will be located above grade on a concrete pad,near the proposed BESST system. Solids removed by the screen will be discharged by gravity into the screen trash bin.The perforated openings in which the influent wastewater will cascade over will require routine maintenance to prevent excess buildup of solids. The screened wastewater will flow by gravity to the new constant head/ splitter box. This box controls the forward flow rate to the BESST treatment and the return flow rate to the influent pump station. The splitter box automatically splits the flow equally to the influent ends of the two(2)BEEST process tanks. Refer to Appendix No.4-Proposed On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant Hydraulic Profile and Appendix No. 5-Floor Plan of On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant for the general layout and process piping for the proposed STP. The BESST STP will be comprised of dual train treatment process comprised of two (2) separate aeration/clarifier tank and anoxic tank sections.A pipe and slide gate will connect the two anoxic tanks such that mixing of the RAS will occur between the two anoxic tanks thus causing both trains to have an approximate equal amount of mixed liquor suspended solids in both tanks. This will optimize operational control of the process. The BESST STP is an easy treatment process to operate because there are no cycles within the process.This STP is a flow through process.Blowers are continuously energized to provide diffused air within the aeration and sludge holding tanks and to operate the air lift pumps to return nitrified activated sludge from the up-flow clarifier to the anoxic tanks. The STP operator will be required to manually open a sludge waste valve that will divert the RAS to the sludge holding tank. The sludge holding tank will continue to process the RAS.Periodically the sludge holding tank blower will be de-energized such that the digested sludge will be able to settle.A supernatant return pump located within the sludge holding tank will convey top water from the sludge holding tank back to the pump station. This will significantly reduce the cost to haul sludge off-site for additional processing and disposal. The SCDHS allows the BESST STP process to operate with three(3)blowers.One dedicated blower will be used for the aeration and the RAS air lift pumps.One blower is used exclusively for the aeration of the sludge holding tank.The third blower is used as a standby blower in the event either one of the other two blower is out of service. Periodically the aeration tank duty blower and the standby blower is alternated such that there will be equal run time on each blower. The blowers will be located within the control building and have a soundproof enclosure. A control building will be constructed for multiple purposes. The control building will provide the required space for a laboratory and bathroom. The building will also provide additional sound attenuation for the blowers. The odor control treatment system will be located outside of the control building. The control building will also permit STP electrical equipment to be located indoors and not exposed to the elements. A flow monitoring station will be installed upstream of the groundwater disposal system and downstream of the two(2) effluent pipes from the BESST process. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 4 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Effluent from the STP will flow into a groundwater disposal system comprised of leaching pools.The leaching pools will be sized for long term disposal of effluent without the use of effluent filtration equipment. 6.0 DESCRIPTION OF ON-SITE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM The design of the required on-site sewage collection system will depend on the design of the plumbing facilities to serve the various units of the hotel community and a restaurant. It has been verified that the community will consist of a two-story restaurant with 80 seats, (44) forty-four hotel units with 88 seats restaurant for hotel guests only, a one-story future event space with 100 seats, and a pool area. The building plumbing system will have to be designed in compliance with the requirements of the SCDHS as well as the New York State Plumbing Code. The onsite sewage collection system will transport raw sewage via force main and gravity to the proposed influent pump station from the restaurant, hotel units, and cottages. An 1.25" diameter force main would convey the sewage from the restaurant to the proposed manhole. An 8" diameter DR-18 PVC gravity sewer would convey the sewage from the proposed manhole to the influent end of the pump station, entering the Influent Pump Station at elevation 19.30. Raw wastewater will then be pumped to the mechanical screen via force main. The onsite sewage collection system will consist of(1) one e-one pump station, three (3) 4-ft. diameter precast concrete manholes and two (2) 5-ft. diameter precast concrete manholes used at intersections, changes in direction and termination points. The total length of piping for the collection system is approximately 1,200 linear feet. 7.0 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED MONITORING WELLS To comply with SCDHS standards,two(2),2"diameter monitoring wells are required to be provided in the vicinity of the ground water disposal systems to permit quarterly monitoring of the effect the STP effluent has on ground water quality. The necessary new wells will consist of one(1),2"diameter monitoring wells properly sited down gradient of the leaching pool disposal system and one (1), 2"diameter well located up gradient of the leaching pool disposal system. Review of available source of groundwater maps indicates groundwater at this site is flowing in an north-south direction. Each new well will include the installation of a 4"diameter surface casing with lock,2"diameter PVC schedule 40, 15 feet long,20 slot, screened well a minimum of 10 feet into ground water. The screen shall be installed 5 feet above and 10 feet below the prevailing ground water table. New wells will be installed in compliance with the most recent requirements of the SCDHS. Wells will be monitored quarterly for required water quality parameters included in the NYSDEC SPDES permit. All well construction would be performed by a New York State licensed well driller. The proposed number and location of monitoring wells is shown on Appendix No.2—Site Plan. The installation of the monitoring wells will also include: 1. Meeting with the SCDHS to properly site the required monitoring wells based on the determined flow direction of ground water. 2. Retain the services of a licensed well driller to file for required permits. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 5 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 3. Installation of monitoring wells at the location(s) approved by the SCDHS. 4. File completion logs with the NYSDEC and the SCDHS. 5. Initial bailing of wells and collection of water samples. 6. Provide well tags and casing keyed locks on all wells. 7. Locate and inspect all new monitoring wells and record the well number, the NYSDEC number, the well casing size, and height above finished grade.Verify the depth of water in each well and if samples can be properly obtained. 8.0 SETBACK DISTANCES As required by the SCDHS standards,a 100%expansion area immediately adjacent to the STP should be provided. This area is for the construction of a replacement STP. The proposed site of the STP and the location of the 100 percent expansion area will comply with the setback standards of the SCHDS,namely 75 feet from STP to habitable structures and 50 ft from STP to the non-habitable structures setback lines. The proposed construction of the STP will comply with the setback requirements for residential dwellings surrounding the project area. 9.0 ODOR CONTROL TREATMENT SYSTEM Since the treatment system will be classified as a modified sub surface sewage treatment plant, an odor control treatment system will be installed for the process tanks and pump station. The odor control treatment system will be installed within the control building. The proposed ventilation system will utilize mechanical ventilation equipment to collect all air discharge twelve (12) air changes per hour within the STP. The basis of design for the ventilation system is as follows: Wet Well/Equalization Volume: 1,676.83 ft' Sludge Holding Tank: 5'x 10' x 9.5' —475 ft3 Constant Head Splitter Box Above Water: 2.5' x 4' x 2' =20 ft' Total Volume: 2,171.83 ft' Required cubic feet of air to be treated per hour=2,171.83 ft3x 12 (changes/hr.) =26,061.96 ft3/hr. Require air volume=26,061.96 ft'/hr. /60 min./hr. =434.37 ft3/min. The proposed odor control treatment system will be a two-stage granular activated carbon system. The system will have an air flow rate of 434.37 cfm at 7 inch of water column. Each tank size will be 48" in diameter by 54" in height. The fan will operate with a 115 volt, 1 phase, 1 hp motor. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 6 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 10.0 BASIS OF DESIGN- ON-SITE STP A. Average Daily Design Flow Based on SCDHS Criteria: 1. 44 Hotel Units>400 sq. ft. w/o kitchenette @ 150 gpd/unit — 6,600 GPD (includes 4 cottages) 88 Seats Restaurant for Hotel @ 20 gpd/seat = 1,760 GPD 74 Seats Restaurant @ 30 gpd/seat = 2,220 GPD 6 Bar Seats Restaurant @ 15 gpd/seat = 90 GPD 100 Seats Future Event Space @ 7.5 gpd/seat — 750 GPD Average daily flow = 11,420 GPD Note: 1. Pool area for use by the guests of the Hotel only therefore, no additional flow is required. 2. There are 88 seats restaurant for hotel guests use only. B. Peak Dailv Design Flow of the Sewage Treatment Plant Average daily flow= 11,420 GPD Population equivalent— 11,420 gallons/ 100 gals.per capita— 114.2 capita Peak Factor= (18 + 4P) /(4+ �P)=4.23 Peak daily flow=4.23 x average daily flow GPD =4.23 x 11,420 GPD Peak daily flow=48,306.60 GPD C. Influent Wastewater Characterizes/Design Criteria 1. Influent Wastewater Characteristics BODS =272 mg/L Suspended Solids—320 mg/L TKN=65 mg/L Alkalinity= 150 mg/L Maximum Wastewater Temperature 20 °C Minimum Wastewater Temperature 10 °C (Enclosed process tanks) Ambient Air Temperature 10 - 90 °F Site Elevation Approximately 30 feet AMSL 2. Design 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS) Average BODS =272 mg/L (Recommended standard) Design Pounds BODS/day=272 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design Pounds BOD-5/day=25.9 lbs./day P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 7 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,Me Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 3. Design Suspended Solids Design Suspended Solids/day= 320 mg/L(recommended standard) Design Suspended Solids/day—320 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design Suspended Solids/day= 30.5 lbs./day 4. Design Total Nitrogen Design TN—65 mg/L(recommended standard) Design TN-Nitrogen= 65 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design TN—Nitrogen=6.2 lbs./day 5. Design Ammonia Nitrogen Design NH3 -Nitrogen=45 mg/L (recommended standard) Design NH3 -Nitrogen=45 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design NH3TKN—Nitrogen—4.3 lbs./day 6. Design Nitrite Nitrogen NO2 = Trace 7. Design Nitrate Nitrogen Design NO3 -Nitrogen=2 mg/L (recommended standard) Design Nitrate-Nitrogen=2 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design Nitrate—Nitrogen—0.2 lbs./day 8. Design Alkalinity(Recommended Range) Design Alkalinity= 150 mg/L as CaCO3 Design Alkalinity= 150 mg/L x 8.34 lbs./gal. x 0.01142 MGD Design Alkalinity= 14.3 lbs./day 9. Design pH Design pH=6.8 to 7.2 Say: 6.8 to 7.2 10. Design Minimum Wastewater Temperature Minimum Temperature= 10°C Say: 10°C P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 8 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,Me Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS D. Process Desi!n 1. Influent Pump Station A. Criteria (1.) The influent pump station will be used for flow equalization such that there will be a constant flow of influent sewage to provide a carbon source for equalization. The influent wet well should be designed to hold a minimum of 25 percent of the average daily design flow plus an additional 25 percent of the total volume of the sludge hold because supernatant will be sent back to the influent pump station for processing through the STP. B. Wet Well Volume and Size Based on Average Daily Flow Average daily flow: = 11,420 GPD 25 Percent of Daily Flow: 11,420 GPD x 0.25 =2,855.00 GPD 25 Percent of Sludge Holding Tank: 5 feet x 10 feet x 9.5 feet x 7.48 x 0.25 = 888.25 GPD Total Wet Well Volume: 2,855.00 gallons+ 888.25 gallons —3,743.25 GPD Since the pump station is used for restaurant and hotel,the operation times of the facility are approximately 24 hours per day. Provided Capacity: 10' 0 Pump Station=78.53 cu.ft./vf 6.40' of of storage between pump off and lead pump on =6.40' x 78.53 cu.ft/vf x 7.48 gal/cu.ft. =3,759 gallons Proposed Wet Well Dimensions: Inside Diameter: 10' Overall Height: 23.02' Invert In 19.30' Elev. of High Water Level 18.80' Elev. of Lag Pump On 18.55' Elev. of Lead Pump On 12.40' Elev. of Both Pumps Off 12.15' Effective Depth(Lag on—Lead Off) 6.40' Effective Volume 3,759 Gal. (502.59 Cubic Feet) The proposed ventilation system will utilize mechanical ventilation equipment to collect all air discharge twelve (12) air changes per hour within the pump station. Ventilation Calculations: Volume of pump station — 1,676.83 ft' P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 9 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle, WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Required air flow capacity = (12 air changes/hr)x(1,676.83 ft3) 60 min/hr 335.37 ft3/min C. Influent Pump Station Pumps Peak Flow: Ten States Standards Peaking Factor—4.23 Peak Flow= 11,420 gpd x 4.23 =48,306.6 GPD 48,306.6 gpd/ 1,440 min/day—33.5 GPM Provide two (2) submersible explosion proof solids handling pumps in new influent pump station with breakaway couplings,rails and lifting chains and reversing starters. Pumps will have adaptive impeller. 2. Mechanical Screen Provide one Or-Tec MB-280KT mechanical screen with 2.0 mm opening within a 316 stainless steel enclosure, which provides a maximum capacity of 260 gpm. Provide light weight access hatch for access to screen collection bin. Screen capacity shall be a rating greater than the pumping rate of the influent pump station. All above grade piping shall be heat traced. 3. Constant Head/Flow Splitter Box Provide new 316 stainless steel Constant Head/Splitter Box at discharge from the mechanical screen. Box to be provided with one(1)Broad crested weir on an adjustable telescoping valve for return flow to Influent Pump Station. Two(2) 6"Fixed 45-degree V-notch will be utilized to measure and control forward flow to the aeration tanks. Compartments to be provided with plug valves to permit isolation of each process tank. Forward flow 45-degree v-notch weir to have a design flow of 7.93 GPM or about 11,420 GPD. Return flow over the telescoping valve with 2" of head will be approximately 21.55 gallons per minute. Range of operation should be a minimum of 6" inches (3 inches above and below the bottom of the V- Notch Weir. All above grade piping shall be heat traced. Forward flow to the BESST Treatment System is based on Average Flow = 5 GPM: Use 45 Degree V— notch weir. Height required for 7.93 gpm is 2 inches. 4. Aerated Sludge Holding Tank A. Criteria Minimum capacity based on population equivalent of BODS Equivalent population =25.9 (lbs. BODS/day) = 153 equivalent population 0.17 (lbs./day/capita P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 10 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC C IT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Minimum volume required =3 (ft3/capita)x 153 people =459 ft3 (3,433 gallons) Nominal Length = 5.00 ft Nominal Width — 10.00 ft Nominal Height = 9.50 ft Nominal Volume =475 ft3 (3,553 gallons) Supernatant Return Volume Minimum of 25% of the sludge holding tank Supernatant Volume =5.0 ft x 10.0 ft x 9.5 ft x 0.25 x 7.48 gal/ft3 = 888.25 gallon E. Aerated Sludge Holding Tank Blower Capacity Tank Volume—475 ft3 Minimum Air Flow Required = 30 scfm/ 1,000 ft3 =475 ft3 x(30 scfm/ 1,000 ft3) = 14.25 scfm Proposed Air Flow= 14.3 scfiu Blower Discharge Pressure —Aeration Depth x(0.432 psi/ft H2O)x HL =9.5 x (0.432 psi/ft) + 1 ft(head losses) =5.1 psi 5. Effluent Disposal System A. Criteria Design Leaching Rate without Filtration: 5.0 GPD/ft2 B. Required Disposal System Capacity Required Sidewall Leaching Area —11,420 GPD 5.0 GPD/ft2 Required Sidewall Leaching Area =2,284 (ft2.) Proposed Disposal System Provide 10 Feet diameter x 13 feet effective depth leaching pools. Capacity/leaching pool— 10 feet x 13 feet x 3.14 x 5.0 GPD/ft—2,041.0 GPD Required number of leaching pools=average daily flow(GPD) /capacity/pool Required number of leaching pools= 11,420 GPD/2,041.0 GPD/pool Required number of leaching pools= 5.60 Say: 6 leaching pools for 100% P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 11 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,Me Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Provide(6) six total leaching pools to meet SCDHS requirements of 100%installed at time of construction. And an additional area has been provided for 100%expansion. Each leaching pool cluster will be equipped with a gate valve, so that the clusters can be rotated. NOTE: Required disposal system capacity for future expansion will be the same size as the current design. 6. See Appendix for BESST Process Calculations 7. PWGC Aeration Calculations based on Ten States Standards BODS Removal Pounds of BODS to be removed 25.9 Pounds per Day SCDHS Requirement for BODS Removal= 1.8 Pounds of Oxygen per Pound of BODS 25.9 x 1.8 =46.62 Pounds of Oxygen Per Day NOD Removal SCDHS Requirement of NOD Removal=4.6 Pounds of Oxygen per Pound of NOD 6.2 x 4.6=28.52Pounds of Oxygen Per Day Total Oxygen Requirement— 75.14 Pounds of Oxygen Per Day Fractional Percentage Oxygen in Air=23.2% Density of Air—0.075 lbs./ft.' 75.14 Pounds of Oxygen Per Day/0.075 Lbs. Per Cubic Feet/0.232 =4,318 Cubic Feet Per Day Depth of Diffusers Below Water Surface=93.6 inches= 7.8 feet Efficiency Rating= 1.5%per foot of submergence 7.8 x 1.5 = 11.7% 4,318 /0.117=36,905.98 Cubic Feet Per Day 36,905.98/ 1,440—25.63 CFM (THIS IS FOR BOTH TRAINS) Ten States Standards minimum for Aeration utilizing the Extended Aeration Process=2,050 CF Per Pound of BODS 2,050 x 25.9= 53,095 CF>36,905.98 CF 53,095 CF/ 1,440—36.87 CFM (THIS IS FOR BOTH TRAINS) P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 12 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 8. PWGC Aeration Calculations based on SCDHS Requirements 1-1 Carbonaceous Oxygen Q X BODIx AOR,=AX 1,000,000 X 8.34 23.32 lbs./day/basin FA=Lbs.of OZ/Lbs.BODS Removed per Day 1.80 OZ Lbs. Lbs.BODS 1-2 Net Nitrogen for Oxidation AN= ((NH3,,,-NH%,,r)-(BODS,,,-RODS,)x Yoe:x x Ns)x Q x 8.34 lbs./clay/basin n 1.000.000 N,=Sludge Nitrogen Content 0.07 Observed Yield Factor(Yobs) 0.65 1-3 Nitrification Oxygen Demand AORz=AN.t 4.60 11.41 Lbs./Day/Basin Lbs of Oz/Lbs.ofNH3Removed 4.60 OI/NH3 1-4 Total Actual Oxygen 7— AODT=AODI+AODz 34.72 Lbs./Day/Basin 1-5 Convert Actual Oxygen RequiredA•• Oxygen Required •. AOR_a x B(rr r.-zo)x(S x C„rx Pnr•)x(Pm x(Csurfr))+(Csurfzo-D.0.) 0.49 SO Cr•rzo 1-6 Alpha and Beta Factors Value Symbol Alpha Factor 0.650 a Temperature Coefficient 1.024 B Wate r Te mpe ratu re 10.000 TSITE Beta Factor 0.950 p Site Atmospheric Pressure 14.700 PSITE Standard Atmospheric Pressure 14.700 PST[) Dissolved oxygen solubility at standard conditions 9.080 C'sat2O Dissolved oxygen solubility at 10 Degrees Celsius 11.280 Csurf3 Dissolved oxygen solubility at 20°C 9.080 Csurfz[) Residual dissolved oxygen concentration 2.000 DO 1-7 Standard Oxygen AOD SOR= AOD 70.55 Lbs Oz/Day/Basin TO-D- 1-8 Aeration System Standard Oxygen SOTR=TA 2.94 Lbs./hr TA Total Aeration in hours 1-9 Process Air Flow Required Process Air FFlow_ SOTR X 10,000 PQ„r SOTE x 0,,,..t'60 19.76 SCFM PER BASIN Air Density 0.075 Lbs./Day/Ft' Submerged Depth of Diffuser 9.500 Feet Efficiency per Depth 1.500 Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency at submerged Depth 14.250 Percent Fraction of Oxygen in Air by Weight 23.200 Percent P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc • P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 13 630 Johnson Avenue, Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA* Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 11.0 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TREATMENT UNITS A. Influent Pump Station and Headworks Design DESIGN CRITERIA PROPOSED Average Daily Influent Sanitary Flow 11,420 GPD Required Equalization Tank Capacity 0.25 x 11,420=2,855.00 gallons (25% of Daily Flow+25%pf SHT Capacity) 0.25 x 3,433.32=888.25 gallons Total—3,743.25 gallons Peak Daily Sanitary Flow Ten States Standards 48,306.6 GPD 2 Submersible Explosion Proof Required Wet Well Pumps Pumps Minimum Capacity 33.5 gpm Wet Well Diameter 10.0 ft. Wet Well Surface Area 78.53 ft.2 Wet Well Effective Depth Lead Pump On—Pump Of 6.40 ft. Wet Well Storage Volume 3,759 Gal. 502.59 ft.3 Use Homa,Explosion proof solids handling sewage pumps,4" discharge with 4"x 4" auto coupling,Model 90 gpm @ 24.2' TDH. AVX 446-200/2, 8T/C,Impeller size 7'/8", 1,160 rpm, 3 (Operating Point @ 60hz) Phase,208 Volt w/a 2.8 hp motor and VFD. Influent Pump Station equipment will consist of the following: Two(2) Influent pumps,Homa,explosion proof,solids handling,sewage pumps,4"discharge with 4"x 4" auto coupling Model AVX 446-200/2, 8T/C, Impeller size 7 'R", 1,160 rpm, 3 Phase, 208 Volt,60 hertz 2.8 hp motor with reversing starters,4"schedule 40 stainless steel discharge piping (velocity—2.27 ft./sec.at 90 gpm).Provide 316 stainless steel lift outs chains with 316 stainless steel schedule 80-guide rails. Pumps shall be complete with leak and over temperature sensors. One(1) Pump and alarm MultiTrode level probe with low level and high level duplicate floats to control pump starters in NEMA 4X316 stainless steel Pump Control Panel. Panel to be installed on unistut supports next to influent wet well. Pumps to be provided with explosion proof remote disconnect switches in influent pump station room. One(1) 1,000 lbs.minimum capacity 316 stainless steel hoist and socket for removal of influent pumps and mixers. One(1) Provide downblast blower by Plastee Model 25-4, 1/2 HP, 3 phase, 208 V, 1,725 rpm with weather hood and pedestal,provide concrete anchors to secure blower to top slab,and extend 8" diameter SCH 80 pvc pipe 12"above HWL. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 14 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS B. Process Tanks 1 � Total Design Flow 11,420 GPD Number of Process Tanks 2 Bottom of Process Tanks Elev.21.50 Top of Process Tanks Elev. 32.50 Freeboard 1.5' Design High Water Level Elev.31.00 Process Tank Width 10.0' Tank Length 32' Hydraulic Residence Time Anoxic 15 Hours Hydraulic Residence Time Aeration 18 Hours Clarifier Surface Area-Each 45 ft^2 Clarifier Surface Area-Total 90 ft^2 Clarifier Volume 2,788 Gallons Total Aeration System Fine Bubble Number of Blowers Two 2 1 Duty and 1 Standby Blower Horsepower 5 h Blower Discharge Pressure 6 PSI Aeration Blower CFM Required 39.52 cfin Airlift CFM Required 7.25 efin Total Blower CFM Required 46.77 cfm Air Lift Pump 1 each basin Mixer Horsepower 2.4 h Each Process Tank will be provided with the following equipment: One(1) 316 stainless steel submersible mixer ABS Sulzer mixer with 2.4(hp)3 phase,208 volt motors, seal fail and over temperature sensors. Mixers guide pipes and supports shall be of 316 stainless steel material. One(1)spare unit to be provided as repair spare for both tanks One(1) 1,000 lbs.minimum capacity 316 stainless steel hoists and sockets for mixer removal. One(1) Fine bubble aeration system consisting of air headers, supports, diffuser drops and fine bubble diffusers. All air piping and fittings and valves above the water surface to be schedule 10, 316 stainless steel.Diffusers to be mounted by manufacturer on schedule 80 PVC piping. Two(2) Kaeser positive displacement, sound attenuating blowers (Blower/Motor units Model BB 52C with TEFC motors 5 HP, 208 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz,maximum capacity rated at 64 (felmin.) @ 6.0(lbs./sq.in.),with integral frame/sound enclosure, inlet filter/silencer, discharge silencer, check valve, flexible connector, and pressure relief valve. One blower will be operational and the other blower will be for standby. Blowers shall automatically alternate. Provide noise attention to reduce noise to max. 50 dBA at a distance of 25' from STP equipment. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 15 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle, WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS One(1) Process control panel,with PLC type controls for all STP motors. Controls to include dissolved oxygen probes,for installation in aeration tanks,D.O.analyzer and variable frequency drives for the process blowers. C. Aerated Sludge Holdinp-Tank Desip- DESIGN CRITERIA PROPOSED Average Daily Flow 11,420 GPD Required Sludge Volume Population equivalent 3 ft3 per capita) Population Equivalent 0.17 lbs.BODS per capita) Equivalent Population 153 (people) Minimum Required Tank volume 459 ft3 3,433gallons) Proposed Tank Height 10.5' Proposed Freeboard 1.5' Proposed Tank Length 5.0' Proposed Tank Width 10.0' Max.Water Depth 9.5' Effective Tank Volume 475 ft(3,553gallons) Minimum Air Flow Rate 30 scfm/1,000 ft3 Minimum Air Flow Rate 14.3 ft3/min Min. Static Pressure 5.1 PSI Sludge Holding Tank equipment will consist of the following: One(1) Coarse bubble aeration system consisting of air header,supports,schedule 10,316 stainless steel diffuser drops and coarse bubble PVC diffusers. All above water piping, fittings and valves to be 316 stainless steels. One(1) Kaeser positive displacement,sound attenuating blower(Model BB-52 with TEFC motors 5hp, 208 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz,rated at 64 ft3/min. @ 6.0 lbs./sq.in.)Include integral frame/sound enclosure,inlet filter/silencer, discharge silencer, check valve, flexible connector, and pressure relief valve. A backup blower will be provided as a standby blower for the Aerated Sludge Holding Tank and the Aeration Tank Blowers. While 13.77 cfin is required, 14 cfm will be provided. The additional aeration of the sludge holding tank is not expected to cause issues for the operation of the sludge holding tank.Provide noise attention to reduce noise to max.50 dBA at a distance of 25' from STP equipment. One(1) 316 stainless steel hoist and socket for removal of pumps. One(1) Provide Flygt Model 3045 Supernatant Return Pump Rating 60 GPM at 16.88 ft. TDH with velocity of 6.65 ft/s. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 16 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 12.0 ESTIMATED ELECTRICAL LOADS Estimated Three Phase-208-Volt Electrical Loads No. EQUIPMENT SIZE(HP/KW) AMPERAGE (FLA) 1 Pump Station Pump No. 1 2.8 hp 10.6 2 Pump Station Pump No. 2 2.8 hp 10.6 3 Influent Mechanical Screen 1/18 hp 1.00 4 Sludge Decant Pump No. 1* 1.5 hp 5.01 5 Submersible Mixer No. 1 2.4 hp 8.63 6 Submersible Mixer No.2 2.4 hp 8.63 7 Aeration Tank Blower 5.0 hp 16.8 8 Spare Blower 5.0 hp 16.8 9 Sludge Holding Tank Blower 5.0 hp 16.8 10 Odor Control Blower 2 a 1 HP) 2.0 hp 6.70 11 Ventilator Controller 0.5 hp 1.65 12 Heaters 1 3.0 KW 3 kW - Total 3-Phase Loads (All) 3 kW 103.2 Estimated at 0.9 Power Factor - (103.2 A * 0.36 * 0.9) = 33.43 kW+ 3 kW = 36.43 (All Systems Operational) Note: For generator sizing sludge decant pump will not be operating when sludge blower is on. 103.2A-5.01A=98.19 Amps =31.81 kW+3 kW=34.81 kW P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 17 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 • www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT 6PACC CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS Estimated Sinule Phase—120/240 Volt Electrical Loads EQUIPMENT SIZE KW/HP AMPERAGE(FLA) 1 Interior and Exterior lighting 0.2 kW - 2 Heaters 1 1.5 KW) 1.5 kW - 3 Exhaust Fans and Motor Operated Louvers 0.2 kW - 4 Hot Water Heater 1.5 kW - 5 Receptacles 1.6 kW - 6 Exit and Emergency Lights 0.1 kW - 7 General Battery Charger 1.0 kW - 8 General Jack Water Heater 1.5 kW - 9 Flow Meter and Chart Recorder 1.0 kW - Total Estimated 1 Phase Electrical Loads 8.60 kW Generator Capacity Required=34.81 kW+8.60 kW=43.41 kW Provide 208 Volt,3 Phase,60 KW Generator 13.0 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED NORMAL AND EMERGENCY STAND-BY POWER The STP will be serviced by a new,underground,3 phase,four(4)wire,208 volt,power feeder from a proposed electrical service connection. A self-standing motor control center will be provided in the proposed control building. The treatment plant will require stand-by electrical power to provide emergency power for the various critical electrical devices to be incorporated into the treatment plant design.The 60 kW generator fuel will be natural gas by Kohler,model 60RCLB,60 HZ,3 phase,208 volt.(SEE section 12.0 for the size calculation). 14.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The sanitary waste waters from the proposed AVG facility will require treatment and disposal by a STP. Construction of a BESST STP meets the required setbacks and will not require a variance. The estimated cost to construct the STP including the gravity sewer system,pump station,and disposal field is approximately$842,160. P.W. Grosser Consulting, Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 18 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7• Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY• Syracuse, NY•Seattle,WA• Shelton, CT (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 1 LOCATION PLAN P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA • M • • C 48 • w. • � s • go All IL op w • • s • • D ■� t • • BEIXEC� °� �J ~► �2°' • Estates .. • p �• . 25 • •+ ` •• i • • )out. o rn �� �Z• •• • alb -s ��� _ _ •• BM 3 VIM > qp M OVERALL SITE PLAN N.T.S. SITE: (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 2 SITE PLAN P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA PROP.4' DIA. MANHOLE (MH-1) PROPOSED 1000/o PROP. 5' DIA. PROFILE A-A ZMERLY OF LEACHING POOL MANHOLE STA. 6+61.25 :GIONE EXPANSION AREA (MH-2) RIM. 31.05 0-63-03-17.3 PROPOSED 2' DIAPROFILE A-A INV. 24.60 (SE) f PUBLIC WATER) . W 24.50 DOWNSTREAM STA. 7+07.08 INV. (W) MONITORING WELL RIM. 31.25 ROPOSED PROPOSED 10' DIA. INV. 24.31 (E) ELECTRIC LII BY 13' EFF. DEPTH INV. 21.24 (S)INV. 21.14 (W) ROPOSED LEACHING POOL TELECOMML (TYP OF 6) LINE APPR. GROUNDWATER 41.3 LF-8" FLOW DIRECTION DIA.DR 18 PROPOSED 2' DIA. @ 0.44% S07°38'10"E UPSTREAM MONITORING WELL 2'- 0" PROPOSED ST 25' O CONTROL 31 ® o. BUILDING s'_0° 3 P MI n FP 1 PROPOSED 5 '_0•• EFFLUENT FLOW 50' 0. goo METER o 1.2 LF-6"DIA. PROPOSED o aMiN MiN '� DR-18 @ 2.45% SEWAGE TREATMENT o ° 5 'MIN s s s PLANT AND 100% s 6 78x6 L - s EXPANSION AREA 0. aM, 7 PROPOSED 1" DIA. COPPER (TYPE K) WATER SERVICE 75' sTv a 12.8 LF-8" 50' 25' s.T. F.E. DIA.DR-18 PROPOSED g • N @ 0.44% ° MECHANICAL °c SCREEN 00 PROPOSED— CONSTANT ROPOSE CONSTANT `,> 11.2 LF-8" HEAD BOX43'- -a DIA.DR-18 ■ S COTTAGE 7 20-0'myv @ 0.45% `44.9 LF-6" 69SF PRnPn.qFn PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 3 PROPOSED ON SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND HYDRAULIC PROFILE P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA 42.00 CONSTANT HEAD/ 41.00 SCREEN SPLITTER BOX 40.00 PIPING TO MECH.SCREEN "DIA.PVC SCH 39.00 80 PIPE APPLY HEA I I RAGE I APE 10 38.00 PREVENTION FROZEN TO ALL PIPE ABOVE GRADE .. 37.00 PUMP INV.37.54 36.00 STATION 35.00 'Ph I'�_ 34.00 33.00 TOP ELEV.33.00 CONTROL PIPING INV.ELEV.35.26 32.00 e a 0 31.00 -- 30.00 NV.ELEV.33.35t ---------;' 29.00 CONTROL PIPING 6"0 SCH.10 INLET PIPE INV.ELEV.31.16 28.00 27.00 TROUGH OUTLET TO PAHbHALL FLUME 26.00 INV.ELEV.29.50 ° 25.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 8"0 PVCDR-18 PIPING FRO MANHOLE INV.19.30 16 S.S.FeReE MAIN BOT.ELEV.21.50 PIPING TO MECH.SCREEN 21.00 O BOT.ELEV.20.50'�.{.�•'�;; 20.00 19 04 HWL ALARM 18.80 HWL ALARM,BOTH PUMPS 0 RC 19.00 E MAIN (MULTITRODE) PIPING FROM S.HINV,IzLtzV,20,10 .T. 18.55 LAG PUMP ON(MULTITRODE) 18.00 18.30 LAG PUMP OFF(MIJLTI=fR0DE)==l u um-10 rVC RETURN 17.00 PIPING FROM CONSTANT HEAD/ SPUTTER BOX 16.00 ° INV.ELEV.25.15 6.40'EFF. 15.00 a 14.00 13.00 12.00 12.40 LEAD PUMP ON(MULTITRODE) ° 114.10 LEAD ruivir Off Ottz"TRODE) 1.90 LWL ALARM(MULTITRODE) TWO(2)SOLIDS HANDLING EXPLOSION PROOF PUMPS 11.00 10.00 loaignuamnFINNFRINFIl 998 BOTTOM OF WELL 10'INNERDIAMETER 9.00 NOTE: HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUND WATER AT ELEVATION 5±. (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 4 FLOOR PLAN OF ON SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA 6"0 SCH. 10 PIPE, WEIR TROUGH OUTLET Z, w N.P.T. AIR INLET FROM REMOTE BLOWERS, 10Y4" TO 2" THD, S.S. GATE CENTERLINE FROM TOP OF TANK VALVE, TYP. PLANKING AND HATCH SLUD SUPPORT STEEL, TYP. 5'-9„ PIPIN 4'-2" 10' 0MI 11 I AIR LIFT SKIMMER i / 0 O I o 0 I N SLUDGE RETURN LINE 6"0 COUPLING, 6" FROM TOP OF TANK TO CENTER OF �'_F» PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 5 FLOOR PLAN OF STP CONTROL BUILDING & EQUIPMENT BUILDING P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA NEW 4'-10"x 8'-8" x 1-0" AA CONCRETE LANDING CENTER AT DOOR. NEW 4'-6"x 6'-0"x 0-6" p`-3 CONCRETE LANDING CENTER AT DOOR. PROCESS BLOWERS (TYP. OF 3) 4'-10" NEW WALL MOUNTED p 4 1 EXHAUSTFAN (TYP.) .. 6'-9" 1 10'-9" 01 L :1 E ---- --------- i NEW 6" THICK CONCRETE BASE. EXTEND 6" BEYOND THE EDGE OF THE BLOWERS. i 7 i BESST DESK CONTROL Q) PANEL 00 13'-6" i 3 KW ELECTRIC BB i HEATER FILE A-3 i ABINET 6" MIN BLOWER ROOM (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS APPENDIX 6 EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S SUBMITTALS P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS BESST PROCESS CALCULATIONS P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA PES Project # BJB-103123-TE Date: 10/31/23 Job Name: The Enclaves QTY & Flow BESST DESIGN CALCULATIONS 1) B, Actual Sludge Load [ kg BOD5 / kg VSS / d ] BX = B x 1.02(tmin-20) BX = 0.120 x 1.02 ( 10 -20) Bx = 0.0984 kg BODS / kg VSS / d 2) A Sludge Age [ days ] A = (1 / (YBx)) x (1-0.5((YBx) / kac)) + (Sgrt(1 + ((YBx) / 2kac)2)) A = (1/ ( 0.60 x 0.0984 )) x ( 1- 0.5 x((0.60 x 0.0984 ) / 0.090 ))+ (Sgrt (1 + (0.60 x 0.0984 ) / (2x 0.090 )2)) A = 29.1936 days 3) kd Actual Rate of Decay [ d-' ] kd = kac/ ( 1 + Akac) kd = 0.090 / ( 1 + ( 29.1936 ) ( 0.090 ) ) kd = 0.0248 d-1 4) X Sludge Concentration [ kg ss / m3 ] X = 1000 x Vx/ KI X = 1000 x 0.600 ) / 100 X = 6.0000 kg ss / m3 5) X„ Volatile Suspended Solids Concentration [ kg VSS / m3 ] X„ = (X)(p) X„ = 6.0000 x 0.65 X„ = 3.9000 kg VSS / m3 Page 1 of 5 PES Project # BJB-103123-TE Date: 10/31/23 Job Name: The Enclaves QTY & Flow 0 BESST DESIGN CALCULATIONS, Cont'd. 6) v Actual Hydraulic Loading [ m / h ] v = Lesser of v, or v,, where v, = 1 V� _ (Nx/ X) X e0.03(tmin-20) v�, _ ( 6.0000 / 6.0000 ) (e 0.03 *(10 -20) ) V, = 0.7408 m / h v = 0.7408 m / h 7) VB Aeration Volume [ m3 ] SR = ST - (0.966(p)(NL)) VB = (Q(SO- SR)) / XvBx VB = (( 43.2248 )( 0.3500 - 0.0000 ) / ( 3.900 )(0.0984 ) VB = 39.41 m3 39.41 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 10411 gallons 8) Ss Clarifier Surface Area [ m2 ] Ss = ((QQ)(Q) / 24v Ss = (( 3 )( 43.225 )/ ( 24 * 0.7408 ) Ss = 7.293 m2 7.293 m2 x 10.76 ft2/m2 = 78 ft 9) Vs Clarifier Volume [ M3 ] Vs = SS / SV Vs = 7.293 / 0.69 Vs = 10.570 m3 10.57 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 2793 gallons Page 2 of 5 PES Project # BJB-103123-TE Date: 10/31/23 Job Name: The Enclaves QTY & Flow 0 BESST DESIGN CALCULATIONS, Cont'd. 10) Px Net Mass of Volatile Suspended Solids Produced [ kg VSS / d ] Px = (Y/ (1 + Akd))(Q)(So - SR) Px = ( 0.60 / ( 1 + ( 29.1936 ) ( 0.0248 ))( 43.22 )( 0.3500 - 0.0000 ) Px = 5.264 kg VSS / d 11) Pt Sludge Production [ kg ss / d ] Pt = Px/ p Pt = 5.264 / 0.6500 Pt = 8.099 kg ss / d 12) VN Nitrification Volume [ m3 ] VN = (Q(No - N)) / (PNmuXv) VN = ( 43.2248 ( 0.0650 - 0.0000 )) / (( 0.0504 )( 0.6085 )( 3.9000 )) VN = 23.495 ms 23.49 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 6207 gallons 13) VD Denitrification Volume [ m3 ] VD = (QNoY) / (0.75mzXv) VD = ( 43.22 (( 0.0650 )( 0.60 ))) / ( 0.75 ( 0.0250 )( 3.9000 )) VD = 23.053 m3 23.05 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 6091 gallons Page 3 of 5 PES Project # BJB-103123-TE Date: 10/31/23 Job Name: The Enclaves QTY & Flow 0 BESST DESIGN CALCULATIONS, Cont'd. 14) VA Volume of Aeration [ m3 ] VA = Larger of VAB or VN VAB= VB - VD((1 + Akd) / (2.77(Amz))) VAB= 39.41 - 23.053 (( 1 +( 29.1936 )( 0.0248 )) / ( 2.77 ( 29.1936 )( 0.0250 )) VAB= 19.743 VA = 23.495 m3 23.49 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 6207 gallons NOTE: Aeration Zone Volume will bi 8565 gallons per Suffolk County pilot plant design Anoxic Zone Volume will be 7137.5 gallons per Suffolk County pilot plant design 15) VT Total Volume of Reactor [ M31 VT = VA + VD + VS VT = 23.495 + 23.053 + 10.570 VT = 57.12 m3 57.12 m3 x 264.2 gal/m3 = 15091 gallons ROTE: Actual total volume of reactor may be greater due to oversized Aeration and Anoxic Zone; 16) 02 Oxygen Consumption [ kg 02 / d ] 02 = Q((So - SR) / 0.55) - 1.42Px + 4.57Q(No - N) 02 = 43.22 (( 0.3500 - 0.0000 ) / 0.68 ) - 1.42 ( 5.264 ) + 4.57 ( 43.22 ) ( 0.0650 - 0.0000 ) 02 = 32.871 kg 02 / d 32.871 kg 02 / d x 2.205 lbs./kg = 72.48 lbs. 02/d Page 4 of 5 PES Project # BJB-103123-TE Date: 10/31/23 Job Name: The Enclaves QTY & Flow 0 BESST DESIGN CALCULATIONS, Cont'd. 17) Nm Air Consumption [ Nm3 / h ] Nm= 02(cs / (cs - 2))(ok / (0.024a)) Nm= 32.871 ( 9.1580 / ( 9.1580 - 2 )) ( 1.3000 / ( 0.024 ( 20 ))) Nm= 113.90 Nm3 / h 113.90 Nm3 / h x 35.31 ft3/Nm3= 4021.87 ft3/h 4021.87 ft3/h divided by 60 min/hr= 67 ft3/min Page 5 of 5 BESST PROGRAM AND FORMULA LISTING The following variable and formula lists represent the program listing for the computer model used to design and size the BESST system. Not all of the formulas are listed due to copyright and patent protection. Formulas that are NOT shown are mainly sub-formulas of those listed. For formula verification see Metcalf Eddy: Wastewater Engineering; and K.R. Imhoff: Taschenbuch def Stadtenwasterung. 28.Auflage, Oldenboi Munchen-Wien 1993. INPUT VALUES 1.) B Sludge Load (kg BOD/ kg VSS) 0.03 to 0.20 2.) Nx Flux Flow(kg ds/m2/h) 6.00 function of temperature (use @ 20 degrees Celsius) 3.) VL Limit Hydraulic Loading (m / h) 0.99 to 1.1 4.) VX Sludge Volume (mL/ L) 4.0 to 0.7 5.) KI Sludge Index (mL/g) 70 to 120 6.) p Volatile Suspended Solids (%) 0.62 to 0.68 7.) Y Maximum Yield Coefficient(kg VSS/kg BOD) 0.53 to 0.6 8.) kac Decay Rate (d) constant 0.09 9.) Q Flow Rate (m3/d) 10.) QQ Flow Variation 1.5 to 3 11.) So Influent BOD (kg/m) 12.) ST Effluent BOD (kg/m) 13.) No Influent Ammonia (kg/m) 14.) N Effluent Ammonia (kg /m) typically 0.005 1 INPUT VALUES 15.) N3 Effluent Nitrates N-NO3 (kg/m) typically 0.001 to 0.015 16.) NLo Influent TSS (kg/m) 17.) NL Effluent TSS (kg/m3 18.) min Minimum Water Temperature (°C) 19.) max Maximum Water Temperature (°C) 20.) a Oxygen Transfer Coefficient(g / Nm3) 15 to 50 21.) SV Ratio, Separation Surface to Separation Volume 22.) m; Specific Growth Rate of Nitrificants constant 1.37 23.) pH pH 6.0 to 8.0 24.) Mid Specific Growth Rate of Denitrificants constant 0.1 to 0.3 25.) Ok Peak Load of Aeration constant 1.3 2 Nitrification and Denitrification Nitrogen is removed by the nitrification and denitrification processes. Nitrification is autotropic and all Purestream ES, LLC integrated bioreactors are designed for complete nitrification of ammonia to NO3 (pleaE see Metcalf& Eddy, Third Edition, Chapter 11-6). Denitrification, however, is heterotropic and requires a carbon source. Conventional plants' "separate sludge denitrification" requires that carbon is added, typically in the form of methanol. This adds to operating costs, and if used in excess, to increased BODS content. BESST technology's "single-sludge denitrification" approach uses an endogenous carbon source to maintain dentrifiers. Influent is combined with nitrified mixe liquor in the anoxic compartment providing the carbon source needed for denitrification. Relatively high mixe liquor recycle rates are employed and sufficient denitrification retention times provided. Total nitrogen reduction (NT) is a subject of not only providing sufficient anoxic volume for denitrification and keeping temperature above a certain minimum, but also a function of Recycled Activated Sludge (RAS)flow rate. The efficiency of NT reduction is expressed as follows: r/ _ (1 - 1/(1 + n))x 100 Where n = RAS flow multiple of average flow Q. The following are typical efficiencies and RAS flow multiples used/required: n M Domestic 2 66 3 75 4 80 Slaughterhouse Wastewater 14 93 Hog Manure 29 97 3 Phosphorous Reduction BESST technology delivers not only high efficiency reduction of organic matter, but also increased efficiency of phosphorous removal. Two processes, biological and chemical precipitation are employed with advantagE The mechanics of biological phosphorous removal, known as "Luxury Uptake", are due to exposure of activated sludge to alternating oxic and anoxic conditions. Under these conditions, the cells store more energy in the form of phosphorous than needed for their survival. If strictly oxic conditions are maintained during subsequent clarification, phosphorous will be retained by the cells and will eventually be removed with the excess sludge. Unlike most other methods of clarification, these conditions are maintained by the BESS' process, and biological phosphorous reduction to less than 3 mg/L are readily achievable. The basic reaction involved in the precipitation of phosphorous with iron is as follows: Fe+3 + Hn(PO4)n 3 • FePO4 + nH+ In the case of iron, 1 mole will precipitate 1 mole of phosphate. The advantage of the process is its low chemical consumption, close to stoichiometric, and consequently, the reduction of ballast sludge production. Followed by microfiltration, reductions to 0.5 mg/L are possible. If yet further reduction of phosphorous is required, ferric sulfate precipitation after the bioreactor followed by microfiltration must be used. 4 BESST Sizing and Pricing Program v7.9.2004.01 P/E Job No. BJB-103123-TE Date 10/31/23 Job Name The Enclaves B 0.12 kg BOD/kg VSS d 0.12 Bx 0.098441796 Nx 6 kg SS/m2h 6 A 29.19360047 vl 1 m/h 1 kd 0.024810995 Vx 0.6 ml/I 0.6 X 6 KI 100 ml/g 100 Xv 3.9 P 0.65 MLVSS/MLSS 0.65 v 0.740818223 Y 0.6 kg-1 VSS/kg BOD 0.6 VB 39.41 kac 0.09 d-1 0.09 Ss 7.29 Flow 11,420 GPD 43.22483 Vs 10.57 Peak 3 QQ 3 Px 5.26 BODin 350 mg/I 0.35 Pt 8.10 BODout 0 mg/I 0 Vn 23.49 NH3-Nin 65 mg/I 0.065 Vd 23.05 N13-Nout 0 mg/I 0 Va 23.49 TNout 0 mg/I 0 Vt 57.12 TSSin 320 mg/I 0.3202 32.87 TSSout 0 mg/I 0 Nm 113.90 T min 10 C 10 uc 100.00% T max 20 C 20 20 0.69 1.37 7 0.1 1.3 Material Copyright CC 2003 Michael G. Vesio (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS RAW SEWAGE PUMPS P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA The Enclaves-Influent Pump Station Equivalent Lengths of Pipe check valve 21 plug valve 18 (4)90s 20 Pipe Length 10.5 Horizontal 27.5 Vertical Total 97 System Curve Calcs HWL LWL Length of Pipe (Feet) 97 Diameter of Pipe (in) 4.026 Static Head (Elev.In feet) 23.54 20.34 26.74 "C" Pipe Roughness Coefficient 120 FRICTION TDH- PUMP FLOW HEAD TDH-AWL HWL TDH-LWL HEAD VELOCITY Flow GPM (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) 0 0.00 23.54 20.34 26.74 26.6 0.00 50 0.23 23.77 20.57 26.97 25.4 1.26 90 0.67 24.21 21.01 27.41 24.2 2.27 1001 0.82 1 24.36 1 21.16 1 27.56 124 2.52 1501 1.73 1 25.27 1 22.07 1 28.47 22.2 3.78 2001 2.95 1 26.49 1 23.29 1 29.69 1 20.2 5.04 Pump:Homa AVX446-200/2,8T/C @ 60hz Note:2 mm Or-Tec Screen MB280KT has a capacity of 260 gpm Influent Pump Curve 35.00 30.00 tTDH- $ 19 AWL 0 25.00 (ft) -a-PUMp U 20.00 A 11m HEAD x (ft) u TDH- m 15.00 HWL o (ft) --X-TDH- c 10.00 LWL 5.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Flow(GPM) P.W.GROSSER CONSULTING 11/3/2023 Technical Information * 1, m r4 V AVX446-200/2,8T/C r u M P E N M ' T S Y S T E M Operating data Testnorm: P2>10kW,HI Standard Grade 213 Flow P2<10M HI Standard Sect. Head Shaft power P2 1.93 hp [ft] Head Pump efficiency 26% 42 Required pump NPSH 40 Pump type Single pump 38 No. of pumps 1 36 Fluid Wastewater 34 32 30 Pump 28 Pump Code AVX446-200/2,8T/C 26 Impeller Vortex impeller 24 Impellersize 7'/9" 22 Solid size 4 inch 20 Discharge port 4"ANSI 18 Suction port DN100 16 14-- 12-- M 412M otor 10 Rated voltage 230/460 V 8 Frequency 60 Hz 6 Rated power P2 2.8 hp 4 Rated speed 1160 rpm 2 Numberof poles 6 0 Efficiency 82% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 [US. .p.m.] Rated current 8.2/4,1 A Degree of protection IF 68 Wet well installation with coupling Wt(T,200...230) Dimensionsin mm [inch], letters see table Materials pp d—dr-- Motor housing Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B Pump housing Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B Impeller Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B Motor shaft AISI 430 F Stainless Steel �ax Bolts AISI 304 Stainless Steel Table Dimensions (inch ) Elastomers Nitrile Rubber om H 288/,e Mechanical seal on motor side Sic/sic7� Mechanical seal on medium side Sic/Sic Lower Bearing Double row angular ball bearing _ �_ Upper Bearing Deep Groove Ball Bearing m N O CO O CO O N Project Project no.: Created by: Page: Date: Performance Curve Imi N r4 V AVX446-200/2,8T/C r u M P E N M ' T S Y S T E M Impeller Impel I er type: Solid size 0: Max. 0: Min. 0: Sel. 0: Vortex impeller 4 inch 9'/16" 7'/8' 7'/a' Operating data Speed: Frequency: Duty point: Shaft power P2: Discharge port: 1160 rpm 60 Hz 0 = US g.p.m. H = ft 1.93 hp 4" ANSI Powerdata referred to: Testnorm: P2>10kW, HI Standard Grade 2B Water,clean [100%] ;68°F;62.322lb/ft'; 1.0818E-5ftl/s P2<10kW, HI Standard Sect. IN Head 44 43 42 41 40- 39- 38- 37- 36- 35- 34- 33- 32- 31- 30- 29- 28- 27- 26 03938373635343332313029282726 25- 24 23- 22- 21- 20- 19- 18- 17- 16- 15- 14- 13- 12- 11- 10- 9- 8 32221201918171615141312111098 7 6 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 43 2 1 CO 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 [US g.p.m.] 0 N Project Project no.: Created by: Page: I Date: Dimensions Imi N r4 V AVX446-2OO/2,8T/C F U M p E N M I T S Y S T E M Wet well installation with coupling kit(T,200...230) Dimensions in mm [inch],letters see table 884 , [34 3/4'7 Upperslide rail bracl�t 656 [25 7/8'1 60 87 [23/8'] [33/8'] m (Anchor bolt x[5/8'9 pipe 1 1/2" 109 280 [41/4'] [11'] 200 [7 7/8'1 DNI 00 PN10 [Flange 4"Ansi 1251 b/sq.In.RF] = min 1-1 V 424460 [163/4'9 [181/8'9 (4x) 2 Anchorbdt [3/4'] 240 ry [01/2'] Table Dimensions ( inch) H 289/16 m N O min level=Minimum fluid level for intermittent operation(S3) o 0 N Project Project no.: Created by: Page: Date: Technical Data * 1, m r4 V AVX446-200/2,8T/C r u M P E N M ' T S Y S T E M Operating data Flow S g.p.m. Head ft Shaft power P2 1.9 hp Static head ft Pump efficiency 26.0 % Required pump NPSH ft Pump type Single pump No.of pumps 1 Fluid Water,clean Temperature 68 °F Density 62.32 Ib/ft3 Kin.viscosity 1.082E-5 ftz/s Pump 09-- Pump Code AVX446-200/2,8T/C Speed 1160 rpm Suction port DN100 Head Max. 26.6 ft Discharge port 4"ANSI Min. 14.6 ft Impellertype Vortex impeller Flow Max. 321.0 US g.p.m. Solid size 4 inch Pump efficiency max. 44.5 % ImpellerO 7.87 inch Required rated power max. P2 3.2 hp Moto Motor design Submersible motor Insulation class H Motor name AM 1 73.3,4T/6/3 Degree of protection IP 68 Frequency 60 Hz Temperature class T3C Rated power P2 2.8 hp NEMA code E Explosion protection Rated speed 1160 rpm 100% 82.0 % Rated voltage 230 /460 V 3— Efficiency 75% 83.0 % at /o rated power Rated current 8.2 /4,1 A 50% 82.0 % Starting current,direct starting 32.0 /16 A 100% 0.78 Starting current,star-delta V A cos phi 75% 0.72 at%rated power Starting mode Directly 50% 0.59 Power cable 10G1,5/14AWG-4+14AWG Control cable Type of power cable H07RN8-F PLUS/RHW-2 Type of control cable Cable length 32.8 ft Service factor 1.15 Shaft seal Mechanical seal on motor side sic/Sic Mechanical seal on medium side sic/Sic Bearing Lower Bearing Double row angular ball bearing Upper Bearing Deep Groove Ball Bearing Remarks Materials / Weight Motor housing Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B Bolts AISI 304 Stainless Steel Pump housing Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B Elastomers Nitrile Rubber Impeller Cast Iron ASTM A48;CI.40B m M N O Motor shaft AISI 430 F Stainless Steel 0 Weight aggregate 238.1 Ib 0 N Project Project no.: Created by: Page: Date: (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS SUPERNATANT PUMP P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA The Enclaves Sludge Holding Tank Pump Calculations Equivalent Length of Pipe 64.1 ft Diameter of Pipe 1.92 in Equivalent Lengths of Pipe Low Water Level 23 (2)90s 10 High Water Level 31.66 Pipe Length 54.1 Discharge Invert 31.91 Total 64.1 Low Static Head 0.25 Average Static Head 4.58 ft(Approximate Height Above LWL) High Head 8.91 "C" 120 (Avg.of PVC and Stainless) Formula for Friction=(10.44 x L x V^1.85/(C11.85 x d^4.8655) FLYGHT FLYGHT TDH TDH TDH D 3045 D 3045 Velocity Flow GPM Friction (Low Head) (Average Head) (High Head) (HIGH) (LOW) (ft/s) 0 0.00 0.25 4.58 8.91 28 21 0.00 60 7.74 7.99 12.32 16.65 24 13 6.65 90 16.40 16.65 20.98 25.31 19 0 9.98 130 32.37 32.62 36.95 41.28 2 14.41 Sludge Supernatant Pump Curve 45.00 40.00 w 35.00 --*--TDH _ (Low Head) 0 �30.00 -&-TDH v � (Average Head) = 00 25. -d"-TDH E 20.00 (High Head) m C p 15.00 --X-FLYGHT D3045(HIGH) m 10.00 --I-FLYG HT D3045(LOW) 5.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 8o 100 120 140 Flow(GPM) The rpump or everyapplication Flygt 3045 Performance Product specific data* [m] IN Rating,HP(kW) 1.1-1.8(0.8-1.3) Discharge,in(mm) 2"(50) 20 Impeller material Polyamide PA66 Installation P,S,F,H — 10-30 C 3 45 Weight,Ibs(kg) 62(28) Height,in(mm) 17-19"(432-483) 20 = s Impeller options 10 C Channel impeller D Vortex impeller 2 � I Mechanical seals Material Inner Outer 30 60 90 130160 [USGPM] Carbon/aluminum oxide 2 5 10 20[1/s] Silicon carbide/silicon Flow carbide C=Channel impeller D=Vortex impeller Flygt 3057 Performance Product specific data* [m] IN Rating,HP(kW) 2.3-3.8(1.7-2.8) Discharge,in(mm) 2"(50) 20 t Impeller material Stainless steel/cast iron Installation P,S,F,H 10-30 Weight,Ibs(kg) 75(34) Height,in(mm) 19-21"(483-533) � 20 = s Impeller options 10 C Channel impeller D Vortex impeller 2 Mechanical seals Material Inner Outer 3060 90 130160 [USGPM] Carbon/aluminum oxide I I I I 2 5 10 20[1/s] Aluminum oxide/corrosion Flow resistant cemented carbide Corrosion resistant cemented C—Channel impeller D—Vortex impeller carbide/corrosion resistant cemented carbide 6 (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS MULTITRODE PUMP LEVEL CONTROLLER P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA 0 AO �sf¢i • Mult! Smart Pump Station R Manager, The new face of technology, Mu I I'iti mar[ , by C+R �.�il urate +.w+tJ11r.�.nw.i�+3SiM f1/,F .erg ar 5�•w.wu14 mu i rode WATER #WASTEWATER PUMP STATION #TECHNOLOGY - ca OFF.4 Ow o ejP 406 What is a It's the next generation of technology for water & wastewater pump stations— combining the best of PLCs, RTUs and pump controllers pump station into a comprehensive and intuitive package. manager? The pump station manager also integrates up to 15 control panel components, reducing control panel cost and enabling energy cost/CO2 reduction. Why choose Mult!Smart? MultiSmart was designed to make Utilities better managers of their assets, Benefits include: • Lower cost of control panel (over$10,000 is often achievable). • Reduces operational costs by up to 70%. • Reduces energy costs&CO2 footprint by up to 15%. • Wealth of asset management data, mukkrod¢ (NATER NASTEWATER PUMP ST TIOII TECHNGL,Gl r: r ]y 1 s � 49 AW O /y gvqi/ �qs /tea//y P0/ q/ 1 44 /-, a �usfo ve sqf;/;fy Pr �o rte. T e hiP/ek f J,C Van q/ isxfor�q f;oma Harm President, Gr user i's vir andTech Inc. y Byron Centre' Michigan MulfiSmart at a glance, "Setup wizard"for commissioning of a new station Save/Copy configuration using compact flash card Advanced pump control functionality for up to 6 pumps Flow without a flow meter Data logger for 50,000 events (10,000,000 direct to CF card) History page with detailed fault& event data 3-phase supply voltage monitoring and protection Flexible RTU with Modbus& DNP3 protocol for SCADA& local connectivity Energy, power& pump efficiency monitoring Expandable 1/0 MultiSmart Pump Station Manager.The new face of technology. 3. Why invest in Pl-Cs, RTUs, pump controllers and $1000s of programming. . . PLC RTU HMI FLOWMETER 10 El E1,11 ❑-❑-❑-o - 0 0 VOLTMETER PHASE FAIL RELAY CURRENT METER MOTOR PROTECTION 0000 Ftl 00 A � AY ENERGY&POWER METER INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTER HOURS RUN METER $10,000S - of design, f ul-ll 117,, �• �� programming and integration. i mukkrod¢ WATER WASTEWATER PUMP STATIOU•TECHNOLOGY when MultiSmart does it all , MultiSmart �. N EHicimq This WeO:1233 Fr1AWb _ -2 NUT TORUN Yrmzl AMLAME � r Ei k*nq Vfib woo:law Omwe QaV:78 Aug 208;.87:32-85 Supp—Aff-2U®V•BC--20'OV,£di_2a6V t1 ago L► = i WD Ni17ner Fsuiu w 1. 4WW or W% 4v 4— IV MultiSmart Pump Station Manager.The rn face of technology. 5. c • S C 0 a AO 16 A 14 MultiTrode Inc - USA Unit 3, 990 South Rogers Circle Boca Raton Florida 33487 Tel; +1 561 994 8090 Fax; +1 561 994 6282 USsales@multitrode.com MultiTrode UK ` Ivybridge, Devon Tel; +44 1 752 547355 Fax; +44 1752 894615 —01*oilillii� k U Ksal es@ m u Intro d e,co m MultiTrode Pty Ltd -Australia Brisbane Technology Park 18 Brandl Street PO Box 4633 Eight Mile Plains Old 4113 Tel; +61 7 3340 7000 Fax; +61 7 3340 7077 AUsales@m ultitrode,com MULTITRODES and MULTISMART®are registered trademarks of MultiTrode Pty Ltd in Australia,USA,and Europe.PUMPVIEWO is a registered trademark of MultiTrode Pty Ltd in the USA and Australia. Designs registered for the MultiSmart Pump Controller Remote and Base Modules In Australia,USA,Europe and China. Patents pending in Australia,USA,and Europe.02009 MultiTrode Pty Ltd. This publication is protected by copyright.No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process,electronic or otherwise,without the express written permission of MultiTrode Pty Ltd. mu i rode VTCAT9.4 WATER •WASTEWATER • PUMP STATION •TECHNOLOGY Mult!Trode, For ultra- reliable level sensing and control . f mul i rode The Liquid The most reliable and cost-effective level sensor for wastewater. Level Sensor Lasts for over 20 years! • Reduces maintenance costs. youdon't • No more false readings or burnt-out pumps, needneed to clean ,p9 Simple to Install and guaranteed for 10 years. * Cuts the risk of spills. Why is it so reliable? No electronics and no moving parts means there is nothing to fail— that's why It gets a 10-year warranty, How does it work? The Probe works by using the conductive properties of the water itself to complete a circuit with a controller, It's mounted near the inflow, allowing the turbulence to keep it clean, Even if a build-up does occur it's usually conductive (in wastewater) and so the Probe keeps right on working. When cleaning is required,the probe is installed off a mounting bracket that includes a cleaning device. f FI -1 .° � MI 1 Typical installation in the V When a sensor is not covered with liquid Each sensor completes a separate circuit here is no circuit to ground/earth, to around/earth through the liquid. Primary Level in Wastewater, Connects to: ' 'as MultiSmart Pump Station Manager Full control and monitoring with SCADA connectivity— see MultiSmart brochure for details. MTDPC Pump Controller Simple lead/lap control with level display,typically non-utility, MTIC Indicator Controller 4-20mA output to connect to PLC control and 10 Digital Outputs (for each level sensor) for simple control. MTISB Intrinsically Safe Barrier U The MTISB is used between the MultiTrode probes and control equipment, It eliminates the risk of dangerous energy entering the potentially explosive environment where the probe Is located. 5-channel (MTISBS) and 10-channel (MTISBI 0) barriers available, MultiTrode.For ultra-reliable level sensing and control. 3. Primary Level Single Pump Control, in Industrial Works well in confined spaces and with a wide variety of effluents. Applications. F l ' MTP with MTRA with SafeSmart-TL version with 2 single sensor probes 3 single sensor probes 3-sensor probe 2 Pump Control, f k + 1rt MTIC with 10-sensor probe M>-DPC with 10-sensor probe How accurate is the Probe? The probe gives 10% resolution, more than enough for most pump stations. Why is it easier to install than other level devices? All you do is hang the Probe on Its own cable into your wet well, using the bracket we supply. Installation is simple—any one of your technicians could do It in an hour or so. What's more,you install the Probe relatively low down in the wet well, so compared to ball floats it allows the well to be cleaned out more thoroughly That means less debris build-up, odors and pump clogs. ul�,y Flo we l ire flame prohe ? If's sil'�f'le, safe, Kufs l�Iaih�ehahGe -fine AnJ makes �i�e so fylU�� easier Two single sensor probes(e.g.from a sump pack), with optional extender bracket Gray Walls,Public Works Director,Town ofi Troy,N (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS MECHANICAL SCREEN P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA OR-TEC MICRO BAR SCREEN The OR-TEC Blue Whale Micro Bar Screen is a superfine mechanical bar screen suitable for the headworks of both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants a1 ,a x i # !J r ' 1p "Screen as small as Imm, guaranteed not to blind" - 14500 Industrial Ave. South Cleveland, OH 44137 P: 216-475-5225 or-tec.com 06AM;C F: 216-475-5229 i ry C WHRUPWRIFr E D info@or-tec.com �; OF Special Features of the Micro Bar Screen Scraper Rake - I I 14 _ I / / -- Discharge -_-1 / I Chute I �,I I Micro Bars ; I I , 1 Rake Rubber Sealin O I o , I , l 0 Rake Traveling Chain I , I 0 r 7 �O I Micro Bars O0 w ; oil I , , 00 1 ------------------ O 0 �-O�0 0 Oo 0 O . Oo 0 � O O The Micro Bar Screen consists of a parallel array of wedge—sectioned bars with even spaces. It is located in the influent wastewater channel at about 700 angle. The water flows through the openings between the screen bars while the solids are captured on the upstream side of the screen bars. Captured solids are lifted up to the top of the screen by the travelling rakes whose penetrating teeth fully clean the openings between the screen bars. This screenings are discharged by a scraper mechanism. * Over 1,000 units of the 1-5mm opening Micro Bar Screens are installed in wastewater treatment plants protecting pumps and valves by removing stringy material and scum * Removing suspended solids at the headworks solves the problem of the solids settling, improving the efficiency of whole wastewater treatment plant * Optimal screen for protecting the 0.5-3.0mm opening pre—membrane filters * With 7 patents this state of the art technology is guaranteed not to blind the 1-5mm screen openings and ensures almost complete maintenance free operation for over 10 years * No high pressure washwater spray systems required to keep the screen openings clean (This results in huge savings in water and electrical usage) * No rotating brushes are required so there is no maintenance or replacement of brushes Flow Capacity of Micro Bar Screen® (m3/Hr.) (mgd) CW Cn Cn Cn-0 C C N 0� O v c c TI Cn C7 C') 7"I CA CA cr) m (Q v v a' Q v (Q N �a 0 a a 90 3 m o N s v v v v3 (a m m m o M a v m �, s o m� Application -a = _ = Cn m F m m _� v N N Ao m m v e w c4 m y o v v a 0o � 0 7 m (Dcfl o m 0 03 Opening(mm) 5 2 3 5 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1.5 MB-360 145 87 111 145 29 37 63 30 37 48 53 53 58 15 53 39 39 39 77 58 36 36 51 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 M B-460 197 118 152 197 39 51 85 40 51 66 73 73 79 20 73 53 53 53 105 79 49 49 70 1.2 0.7 1 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 M B-4120 394 237 303 394 79 101 171 81 101 131 146 146 158 40 146 105 105 105 210 158 97 97 140 2.5 15 19 2.5 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 1 03 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.3 1 0.6 0.6 0.9 MB-6100 493 296 379 493 99 126 214 101 126 164 182 182 197 51 182 131 131 131 263 197 121 121 175 3.1 1.9 2.4 3.1 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.1 MB-6150 739 444 569 739 148 190 320 152 190 246 273 273 296 76 273 197 197 197 394 296 182 182 263 4.7 28 3.6 4.7 0.9 1.2 2 1 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 0.5 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 25 1.9 1.2 1.2 1.7 MB-6200 893 536 687 893 179 229 387 183 229 298 330 330 357 92 330 238 238 238 476 357 220 220 317 5.7 3.4 4.4 5.7 1.1 1.5 25 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.3 0.6 2.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 2.3 1.4 1.4 2 MB-6300 1478 887 1137 1478 296 379 641 303 379 493 546 546 591 152 546 394 394 394 788 591 364 364 526 9.4 1 5.6 7.2 1 9.4 1 1.9 24 1 4.1 1 1.9 24 1 3.1 1 3.5 3.5 1 3.7 1 1 3.5 1 25 1 25 25 1 5.0 1 3.7 1 2.3 2.3 1 3.3 MB-7100 671 402 516 671 134 172 291 138 172 224 248 248 268 69 248 179 179 179 358 268 165 165 238 4.3 26 3.3 4.3 0.9 1.1 1.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 0.4 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.1 23 1.7 1 1 1.5 MB-7150 893 536 687 893 179 229 387 183 229 298 330 330 357 92 330 238 238 238 476 357 220 220 317 5.7 3.4 4.4 5.7 1.1 1.5 25 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.3 0.6 2.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 2.3 1.4 1.4 2 MB-7200 1314 788 1011 1314 263 337 569 270 337 438 485 485 526 135 485 350 350 350 701 526 323 323 467 8.3 5.0 6.4 8.3 1.7 2.1 3.6 1.7 21 28 3.1 3.1 3.3 0.9 3.1 22 22 22 4.4 3.3 21 21 3.0 MB-7300 1971 1183 1516 1971 394 505 854 404 505 657 728 728 788 202 728 526 526 526 1051 788 485 485 701 12.5 1 7.5 9.6 1 12.5 1 2.5 3.2 1 5.4 1 26 3.2 1 4.2 4.6 4.6 1 5 1 1.3 4.6 1 3.3 1 3.3 3.3 1 6.7 5.0 3.1 3.1 1 4.4 MB-9150 1232 739 948 1232 246 316 534 253 316 411 455 455 493 126 455 329 329 329 657 493 303 303 438 7.8 4.7 6.0 7.8 1.6 20 3.4 1.6 20 26 2.9 2.9 3.1 0.8 2.9 2.1 2.1 21 4.2 3.1 1.9 1.9 2.8 MB-9200 1643 986 1264 1643 329 421 712 337 421 548 607 607 657 168 607 438 438 438 876 657 404 404 584 10.4 6.2 8 10.4 2.1 2.7 4.5 2.1 27 3.5 3.8 3.8 4.2 1.1 3.8 2.8 2.8 28 5.6 4.2 2.6 2.6 3.7 MB-9300 2464 1478 1895 2464 493 632 1068 505 632 821 910 910 986 253 910 657 657 657 1314 986 607 607 876 15.6 9.4 12 15.6 3.1 4 6.8 3.2 4 5.2 5.8 5.8 6.2 1.6 5.8 4.2 4.2 4.2 8.3 6.2 3.8 3.8 5.6 MB-10150 1478 887 1137 1478 296 379 641 303 379 493 546 546 591 152 546 394 394 394 788 591 364 364 526 9.4 1 5.6 7.2 1 9.4 1.9 24 1 4.1 1.9 24 3.1 3.5 3.5 1 3.7 1 3.5 25 25 25 1 5 2.7 2.3 2.3 1 3.3 MB-10200 1971 1183 1516 1971 394 505 854 404 505 657 728 728 788 202 728 526 526 526 1051 788 485 485 701 12.5 7.5 9.6 12.5 2.5 3.2 5.4 26 3.2 4.2 4.6 4.6 5.0 1.3 4.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 07 5 3.1 3.1 4.4 MB-10300 2957 1774 2274 2957 591 758 1281 607 758 986 1092 1092 1183 303 1092 788 788 788 1577 1183 728 728 1051 18.7 112 14.4 18.7 3.7 4.8 8.1 3.6 4.8 6.2 6.9 6.9 7.5 19 6.9 5 5 5 10 7.5 4.6 4.6 6.7 MB-10400 3942 2365 3033 3942 788 1011 1708 809 1011 1314 1456 1456 1577 404 1456 1051 1051 1051 2103 1577 970 970 1402 25 15 19.2 25 5 6.4 10.8 5.1 6.4 8.3 9.2 9.2 10 2.6 9.2 6.7 67 6.7 13.3 10 6.2 6.2 8.9 MB-12150 1807 1084 1390 1807 361 463 783 371 463 602 667 667 723 185 667 482 482 482 964 723 445 445 642 11.5 6.9 8.8 11.5 23 29 5 24 29 3.8 4.2 4.2 4.6 1.2 4.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 6.1 4.6 28 28 4.1 MB-12200 2409 1446 1853 2409 482 618 1044 494 618 803 890 890 964 247 890 642 642 642 1285 964 593 593 857 15.3 9.2 11.8 15.3 3.1 3.9 6.6 3.1 3.9 5.1 5.6 5.6 6.1 1.6 5.6 4.1 4.1 4.1 8.1 6.1 3.8 3.8 5.4 MB-12300 3614 2168 2780 3614 723 927 1566 741 927 1205 1334 1334 1446 371 1334 964 964 964 1927 1446 890 890 1285 22.9 13.7 17.6 22.9 4.6 5.9 9.9 4.7 5.9 7.6 8.5 8.5 9.2 2.4 8.5 6.1 6.1 6.1 122 9.2 5.6 5.6 8.1 MB-12400 4819 2891 3707 4819 964 1236 2088 988 1236 1606 1779 1779 1927 494 1779 1285 1285 1285 2570 1927 1186 1186 1713 30.6 18.3 23.5 30.6 6.1 7.8 13.2 6.3 7.8 10.2 11.3 11.3 122 3.1 11.3 8.1 8.1 8.1 16.3 122 7.5 7.5 10.9 MB-12500 6023 3614 4633 6023 1205 1544 2610 1236 1544 2008 2224 2224 2409 618 2224 1606 1606 1606 3212 2409 1483 1483 2142 38.2 1 22.9 29.4 1 38.2 1 7.6 9.8 1 16.5 1 7.8 9.8 1 12.7 14.1 14.1 15.3 3.9 1 14.1 10.2 1 10.2 10.2 20.4 15.3 9.4 9.4 1 13.6 MB-15200 3066 1840 2359 3066 613 786 1329 629 786 1022 1132 1132 1227 314 1132 818 818 818 1635 1227 755 755 090 19.4 11.7 15 19.4 3.9 5 8.4 4 5 6.5 7.2 7.2 7.8 2 7.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 10.4 7.8 4.8 4.8 6.9 MB-15300 4600 2760 3538 4600 920 1179 1993 943 1179 1533 1698 1698 1840 472 1698 1227 1227 1227 2453 1840 1132 1132 1635 29.2 17.5 22.4 29.2 5.6 7.5 126 6 7.5 9.7 10.8 10.8 11.7 3 10.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 15.6 11.7 7.2 7.2 10.4 MB-15400 6133 3680 4717 6133 1227 1572 2657 1258 1572 2044 2264 2264 2453 629 2264 1635 1635 1635 3271 2453 1510 1510 2181 38.9 23.3 29.9 38.9 7.8 10 16.8 8 10 13 14.4 14.4 15.6 4 14.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 20.7 15.6 9.6 9.6 13.8 MB-15500 7666 4600 5897 7666 1533 1966 3322 1572 1966 2555 2830 2830 3066 786 2830 2044 2044 2044 4088 3066 1887 1887 2726 48.6 1 29.2 37.4 1 48.8 1 9.7 125 1 21.1 1 10 125 1 16.2 1 17.9 17.9 1 19.4 5 17.9 1 13 1 13 13 1 25.9 19.4 1 12 12 1 17.3 MB-20250 5202 3121 4001 5202 1040 1334 2254 1067 1334 1734 1921 1921 2081 534 1921 1387 1387 1387 2774 2081 1280 1280 1850 33 19.8 25.4 33 6.6 8.5 14.3 6.8 8.5 11 12.2 12.2 13.2 3.4 12.2 8.8 8.8 8.8 17.6 13.2 8.1 8.1 11.7 MB-20300 6242 3745 4802 6242 1248 1601 2705 1280 1601 2081 2305 2305 2497 640 2305 1665 1665 1665 3329 2497 1537 1537 2219 39.6 23.7 30.4 39.6 7.9 10.1 17.1 8.1 10.1 13.2 14.6 14.6 15.8 4.1 14.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 21.1 15.8 9.7 9.7 14.1 MB-20400 8323 4994 6402 8323 1665 2134 3607 1707 2134 2774 3073 3073 3329 854 3073 2219 2219 2219 4439 3329 2049 2049 2959 528 31.7 40.6 52.8 10.6 13.5 229 10.8 13.5 17.6 19.5 19.5 211 5.4 19.5 14.1 14.1 14.1 28.1 211 13 13 18.8 MB-20500 10404 6242 8003 10404 2081 2668 4508 2134 2668 3468 3841 3841 4161 1067 3841 2774 2774 2774 5549 4161 2561 2561 3699 66 1 39.6 50.7 1 66 1 13.2 16.9 1 2B.6 1 13.5 16.9 1 22 24.4 24.4 1 26.4 6.8 24.4 1 17.6 1 17.6 17.6 1 35.2 26.4 16.2 16.2 1 23.5 MB-25300 7885 4731 6065 7885 1577 2022 3417 1617 2022 2628 2911 2911 3154 809 2911 2103 2103 2103 4205 3154 1941 1941 2804 50 30 38.5 50 10 128 21.7 10.3 128 16.7 18.5 18.5 20 5.1 18.5 13.3 13.3 13.3 26.7 20 123 12.3 17.8 MB-25400 10513 6308 8087 10513 2103 2696 4556 2157 2696 3504 3882 3882 4205 1078 3882 2804 2804 2804 5607 4205 2588 2588 3738 66.7 40 51.3 66.7 13.3 17.1 28.9 13.7 17.1 222 24.6 24.6 26.7 6.8 24.6 17.8 17.8 17.8 35.5 26.7 16.4 16.4 23.7 MB-25500 13141 7885 10109 13141 2628 3370 5695 2696 3370 4380 4852 4852 5257 1348 4852 3504 3504 3504 7009 5257 3235 3235 4673 53.3 50 64.1 83.3 16.7 21.4 36.1 17.1 21.4 27.8 30.8 30.8 33.3 8.5 30.8 22.2 22.2 22.2 44.4 33.3 20.5 20.5 29.6 MB-25600 15770 9462 12131 15770 3154 4044 6834 3235 4044 5257 5823 5823 6308 1617 5823 4205 4205 4205 8411 6308 3882 3882 5607 100 1 60 1 76.9 1 100 1 20 25.6 1 43.3 1 20.5 1 25.6 1 33.3 36.9 1 36.9 1 40 1 10.3 1 36.9 1 26.7 1 26.7 1 26.7 1 53.3 40 24.6 24.6 1 35.5 * Listed peak flows for the reference only. Actual downstream liquid levels status may cause decrease in the flow capacity. 1N08Z8W 3 W 31 IA NO REVISIONS DATE DRAWING 3'-1 1a" sI Outlet-5" i I ii i 2 Tank STS 304 1 1 Micro Bar Screen STS 304 1 MB2' r I�- NO DESCRIPTION MAT'L Q'TY I M.N. ENRE sDUF BWS-MB280KT-Q01 07/30/2021 / DRAWING NAME DRAWINNoeG MB280KT Dm� CXEgCE Micro Bar Screen AI PRW Or-Tec Micro Bar Scre (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS AIR LIFT PUMPS P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA November 1, 2023 Project: The Enclaves, 11,420 GPD SLUDGE AIRLIFT CALCULATIONS AND DATA A. Maximum flow at eleven times average daily flow 11420 x 11 = 88 GPM total 1440 B. Two (2) 2-1/2" airlifts provided, each rated at 44 GPM C. See performance curve attached for 2-1/2" airlift At Lift (HL) = 1' At Lift(HL) =2' Flow=44 GPM Flow=44 GPM Submergence (Hs) = 7.75' Submergence (Hs) = 7.75' % Subm. = 7.75 x 100 = 88.6% % Subm. = 7.75 x 100 = 79.5% 8.75 9.75 Required Air = 3 CFM per airlift Required Air= 5 CFM per airlift At actual lift(HL) = 1.5', use 4 CFM per sludge airlift D. Minimum flow at seven times average daily flow 11,420 x 7 = 56 GPM total 1440 E. Two (2) 2-1/2" airlifts provided, each rated at 28 GPM F. See performance curve attached for 2-1/2" airlift At Lift (HL) = 1' At Lift(HL) =2' Flow= 28 GPM Flow=28 GPM Submergence (Hs) = 7.75' Submergence (Hs) =7.75' % Subm. = 7.75 x 100 = 88.6% % Subm. = 7.75 x 100 = 79.5% 8.75 9.75 Required Air = 1.75 CFM per airlift Required Air= 2.25 CFM per airlift At actual lift (HL) = 1.5', use 2 CFM per sludge airlift November 1, 2023 Project: The Enclaves, 11,420 GPD SKIMMER AIRLIFT CALCULATIONS AND DATA A. Maximum flow at two times average daily flow 11420 x 2 = 16 GPM total 1440 B. Two (2) 2" airlifts provided, each rated at 8 GPM C. See performance curve attached for 2" airlift At Lift(HL) = 1' At Lift(HL) =2' Flow= 8 GPM Flow= 8 GPM Submergence (Hs) = 5' Submergence (Hs) = 5' % Subm. = 5 x 100 = 83.3% % Subm. = 5 x 100 = 71.4% 6 7 Required Air = 1.25 CFM per airlift Required Air=2.25 CFM At actual lift(HL) = 1.5', use 1.75 CFM per skimmer airlift nuC 18 08 04: 15p Purestream Inc. 859-371 -3577 p. 2 {�{► TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES '�{► YVasteY4later Treatment Systems FOR A 2INCH AIR LIFT - - — I-FOOT 2 FOOT Boa — LkFT loo — — --- LIE=T 70 70 50 -- — 50%SUBMERGENCE 30 65%SURiAERGENCE 30 PO 20 tr.. U. u u i0 10 - - -- 50 .77 a _ 5 .65 60 3 7d 3 ES 2 2 80 5 90 9!3 IO 10 20 DO 40 50 70 10 .: 20. 50 40 5[i GPM-DISCHARGE IWGALLONS PER MINUTEGPM .' I o I. 2 9 4 y. : o 1 2 3 4 5 FPS VELOCITY IN TAIL PIPE 1N FT. PER SEC. FPS t., :THE AIR UFTPERFORMANCE.CURVES ON- rt pISCHARGI: PIPE `THIS CHART.ARE'TYPICAL FOR PUMPING OR_KL IN RM CLEAR WATER.ANO ARE INTENDED TO BE USED FOR ESTIMATING. -- 2: THE PERCENT SUBMERGENCE� Hs+HLX roe•? THROTTUNG vALVE IT IS SUGGESTED.THAT THE CURVES.NOT ~ BE EXTENDED BEYOND-THE LIMITS"' ' HL SHOWN BECAUSt THE APPROXIMATE MAXIiriM OISCHARGE' FOR'EACH CONDITION IS INDICATED 4. FOR LIFTS BETWEEN THOSE INDICATED ON•:, THIS CHART USE A STRAIGHT ARITHMETICI � PROPORTION WHEN INTERPOLATING VALUES (SAME . (SAME EnS PIPE ' SIZE a5 � E?cAMPLE: . TAIL PIPE) GIVEN: LIFT, H;,- 3",.SUSM, HS-12' aR PIPE DESIRED UISCH. 40 GPM 1z' (ousSloE OF FINO= PER CENT SUBMERGENCE I�;�- x loo■GO Ep+xtoR PfPI:) AIR REO`D - 9 SCFM rt. FOUTPIECE VELOCITY IN 2" TAI€. PIPE ■ 4.1 FPS (AIR INLErl STANDARD CUBIC.FEET OF AIR PER MINUTE AT. ." SAIL PI?E � 14-7 PSIA AND 70•F' TYPICAL AIR SIFTS Pupestream ; e _ � , WASTEWATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 68 Florence, KY 41022-0068 Phone (859) 371-9898 Fax (859) 371-3577 engineering b z. data sheet �� SIR LIFT PUMP 2T SIZE TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES I FOOT' 4F4 3•FOOT to. LIFT �_ °o :.: -,.. .-= ' loo _ -- . , LIFT Trq... e0y.SUBMERGENCE .I.___ 10=-- ^..y0%SU RGENCE -.. To _- 4]%Su8MERGENCE so- 50 0 30 - — _...f__ 30--- 0 0 ._ I Ibo 73!- S IOU-. 1/u 43_ 3! j _ 70 •- 3 70 Ru _ I3 .0 i0. —60- 20 ♦0 p m ♦0 30 GPM UI�CHARGE IN GALLUN5 PER MINUTE GPM GPM I I i_. ' 1 __i__.. _-- O � I s ♦ ! O I 17- 3 ♦ 5- 0 t 2 ! . _ FNS VELUCITY IN TAIL PIPE IN F PER SEC FPS FPS Or] 4- Ivv 5 -FOOT LIFT F LIFT /U 1t17.�utlMlbb'HL[ to to ♦O% UBMERGEtlCL /1 1 I I 20 - 40 tj 43 V 43 U __ ♦3 _- � 7 3- b0 - 3 .- 60 7 10 b! b5 OS tp 2 _. p. _. 80 w >'] BS 93 - -9830 93 - ,5- 20 aq Op tl0 IO 20 40 BO 80 �O 20 a0 t50 80 GPM GPM GPM o I 2 3 l ♦ ] 0 I 2 ! ♦ 3 o I ¢ 3 4 S FPS FPS FPS NOTES. kDISCHARGE PIPE Z h 1. THE AIR LIFT PERFORMANCE CURVES ON OR W L.IN RECEIVER O {I(11� IIIc IO•FOOT THIS CHART ARE TYPICAL FOR PUMPING .00 I l L LIFT CLEAR WATER AND ARE INTENDED TO BE THROTTLING ' 7O USED FOR ESTIMATING VALVE ♦U'45VtlMEMGt IKE HS r M ]0 It 2. THE PEP CENT SUBMERGENCE•MS—H`><100 i I 7 L )u I S. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT THE CURVES NOT I _ BE ExTENDED BEYOND THE LIMITS WATER LEVEL _ to SHOWN BECAUSE THE APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM b�, w EDUCTOR PIPE DISCHARGE FOR EACH CONDITION IS INDICATED N i0 q (SAME SIZE AS, ' t•I 0 FOR LIFTS BETWEEN THOSE INDICATED ON TAIL PIPE) / 50 THIS CHART USE A STRAIGHT ARITHMETIC V S 55 - PROPORTION WHEN INTERPOLATING VALUES AIR PIPE(OUTSIDE 1¢N ea EXAMPLE OF EDUCTOR PIPE)' 3 70 7! GIVEN:LIFT,HL•3.SUBM,HS•IZ I 0 t 80 DESIRED DISCH •40 GPM I 9s0 �y3 FIND PER CENT SUBMERGENCE i2+;X IOO.801L to t0 ♦O 60 p AIR REDO•4 SCFM GPM VELOCITY IN Z f TAIL PIPE•2.6 FPS (i FOOTPIECE- 1 I AIR INLET) 3 ♦ ] •STANDARD CUBIC FEET OF AIR PER MINUTE AT 14.7 P51A AND 70•F `�-TAIL PIPE (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS MIXER P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA SULZER Sulzer Pumps ABS Submersible Mixer XRW 4 '�1 The World-Class Range of Submersible Mixers Sulzer Pumps first launched the ABS The Most Appropriate Motor Cost-Effective Installation and submersible mixer XRW as an inno- Technology Maintenance vative medium-speed mixer concept The use of multiple motor configu- The combination of compact in 2010.After widespread success, rations gives the ABS submersible design and considerably reduced it is now available as a complete mixer XRW the best balance of equip- weight allows easy mixer installa- mixer range with motor technologies ment price, motor efficiency and long- tion and removal. Additional mainte- adapted to varying applications. term operating costs. No single motor nance advantages are offered by the technology can achieve this. medium-speed models of the ABS The ABS submersible mixer XRW submersible mixer XRW(see right). was introduced as the first submers- When you choose the ABS submers- ible mixer with a permanent magnet ible mixer XRW,you therefore choose Superior Reliability motor. But its defining feature was the market's best energy performance. The reliability of the ABS submersible not the motor itself. It was the mixer's But you also get the best lifecycle mixer XRW is just as high as its effi- unique balance of energy efficiency economy, from initial purchase to ciency. Contributing factors include: and value. ongoing operation. • Optimized mechanical seal • Enhanced design of the solids Sulzer Pumps has kept this balance in Minimal Energy Consumption deflection ring focus when expanding the ABS sub- The use of premium-efficiency motor • Strong new bearings with a life mersible mixer XRW into a full prod- technologies, together with optimized of 100 000 hours uct range.To maintain it at various and proven propeller designs, gives • High overload capacity(medium- speeds, three distinct motor configu- the ABS submersible mixer XRW the speed models) rations have been used: lowest energy consumption for each • Robust gearbox with hardened • High speeds mixing speed.You gain a total effi- helical gears(medium-low-speed Shaft-mounted premium- ciency improvement of up to 35% models) efficiency IE3 motor compared with other mixer designs, which reduces your power consump- • Medium speeds tion and carbon footprint. Premium-efficiency permanent- magnet motor(IE3-equivalent) • Medium-low speeds Premium-efficiency IE3 motor with gearbox Choosing the right configuration for the job has substantial advantages over applying the same construction to every need. T XRW400 XRW650 i Medium-speed models of the ABS submersible mixer XRW come in a CR version manufactured entirely from stainless steel.All other models are available in both the CR version and an EC version,which has a mixer body of epoxy-painted cast iron. g A V ' fir•- �:+.►�� 4 140 Additional Benefits with Permanent Magnets Part of the ABS EffeX Revolution Medium-speed models of the ABS Fewer mixers for wide application _ ABS EffeX revolution submersible mixer XRW offer several The use of a permanent-magnet Sulzerongoing effort from additional advantages.These derive motor and a variable-speed drive to push the boundaries of waste- from the use of permanent-magnet allows a limited number of basic water technology, especially in motors and include: mixer sizes to cover a wide range efficiency.the area of energy of applications. Uptime can thus be Encompassing the whole chain • Greater process control ensured with a reduced stock of from design A variable-speed drive allows spare equipment and parts. resultedit has in the most inno- process optimization and further vative and resource-conserving reductions in energy consumption Even more cost-effective solutions on —beyond the savings obtained maintenance through the high-efficiency equip- An ABS EffeX Exchange Program The revolutionbegan in 2009 ment design. for permanent-magnet motors, the launch of -ABS • together with the smaller number ible sewage pump XFP. Since of basic mixer sizes, gives you then, it has expanded to comprise cost-effective maintenance without a complete •- of • • the need for specialist equipment. wastewater products.Their energy reduced •• footprint • high reliability • -to processesefficient growing demands placed on the wastewater industry. TheaABSEffeXRevolutiom;ontinues The Most Appropriate Motor Technology Two factors decide the configuration of the ABS submersible mixer XRW. The first is the required intensity of the mixing and flow.The second is how premium efficiency can be achieved most economically.Three motor con- figurations provide the best possible balance. For High Speeds In more intense applications with high speeds, the most economical way to premium efficiency is a squirrel-cage induction motor of IE3 standard.This configuration is direct-driven, whichfTa means the motor is mounted on the shaft without any gearbox. - = - For Medium Speeds In the medium-speed range, an IE3- equivalent permanent-magnet motor provides the lowest possible energy consumption and best lifetime econ- Sulzer Pumps has an extensive knowl- The speed reducer is a robust sin- omy.Variable-speed control allows edge of permanent-magnet motors, gle-stage helical gearbox with high precise optimization of your process, derived from their development and efficiency and a very long operating as well as a reduction in spare parts, inclusion in our range of ABS turbo- life. Its hardened helical gears allow since one mixer size covers a wider compressors HST.You can learn more numerous reduction ratios, which range of speeds. about permanent-magnet motors and makes the drive both compact and their advantages by folding out the lightweight. adjacent page. The gearbox has the same design as For Medium-Low Speeds that of the low speed ABS flow booster In applications involving medium-low XSB,which is part of the ABS EffeX speeds, a squirrel-cage induction range and an ideal choice for low- motor of IE3 standard is used with a speed mixing. speed reducer.While a permanent- magnet motor would be effective here as well, a more traditional solution pro- vides better value at these speeds. euwri� a+sAw rYrils�lil6 Vii:naLm- boo 9 I 1 High Speeds �ILS t� �. XRW210 (4-pole motor) a XRW300 Premium-efficiency IE3 squirrel-cage (6-pole motor) induction motor Medium Speeds XRW400 Permanent-magnet motor (IE3-equivalent) XRW650 Medium-Low Speeds Premium-efficiency IE3 squirrel-cage induction motor Single-stage planetary gearbox - XRW900 I Fn1r1 njit fnr a HPtailan'1nnk at tha mivar cnnstructinn and tha arhiantarrac of narmanant-mannat mntnrc An Overview of Permanent-Magnet Motors Permanent-magnet motors provide A Growing Trend In addition, their growth is being unique advantages in medium-speed Permanent-magnet motors have been driven by the demand for energy sav- models of the ABS submersible mixer commercially available for about 20 ings. Permanent magnet motors XRW. Sulzer Pumps has an extensive years, but lower component prices require less electrical power, and they knowledge of their use, derived from and and better technology have provide higher motor efficiency within their development and inclusion in our recently made them more attractive. a wide range of speeds. range of ABS turbocompressors HST. For example, there has been a contin- uous reduction in the cost of the var- iable-frequency drives(VFD) used to run them. Abrasion-resistant galvanically insulated guide tube and suspension Hydrodynamically designed solids deflection ring Self-cleaning 3-blade propeller Double shaft sealing with medium side mechanical seal of pure sintered silicon carbide Thermo Control System (PTC)in the winding DI-electrode for seal monitoring and indication that an inspection is due SULZER Submersible Mixer XRW 210 Date: 06/14 Submittal D ata Dwg: DS-M30-002 Rev: A - Motor Specification Motor Design NEMA design B,squirrel cage induction Motor Type Fully enclosed Premium Efficiency submersible, IP68 protection rating Motor Efficiency Standard and Rating IEC 60034-30,IE3 rating Motor Efficiency Test Protocol IEC 60034-2-1 Insulation Materials Class H, 180°C(3560F),copper windings Motor Filling Medium Air Temperature Rise Class A Maximum Fluid Temperature 40°C(104°F)continuous Motor Protection Thermal Normally closed bimetallic switch in each phase,connected in series, 140°C(284°F) Leakage ABS Sealminder moisture detection probe in oil chamber, motor and cable connection chamber Sensing Chamber Filling Medium Environmentally safe, non-toxic oil Bearing Type Upper Pre-loaded Single row ball permanently lubricated Lower Single row ball permanently lubricated Motor Starter Types DOL, Suitable for use with Variable Frequency Drives Maximum Starts per Hour 15, evenly spaced Inverter Duty Rating Motors meet NEMA MG1, part 31 requirements Maximum Submergence 20 meters(65 feet) Available Voltages 208,230,480,600 Voltage Tolerance from Rated +/-10% Motor Ratings Motor Input Power Nominal Rated Full Locked NEMA NEMA Motor Power Model Power Output Speed Voltage Load Rotor Code Service Efficiency Factor (P1) (132) Amps Amps Letter Factor at%Load at%Load (kW) (kW/HP) (RPM) (V) (A) (A) 100 75 50 100 75 50 208 8.1 51.3 PA 18/4 2.11 1.80/2.41 1750 230 7.3 44.4 1.3 85.2 85.3 83.5 .73 .63 .50 480 3.5 22.2 600 2.8 17.8 Cable Data Cable Motor Motor Voltage Cable Qty Cable Type Cable Nominal Dia.+/-.5mm(.02") 208 volt Power Cable PA 18/4 230 volt 1 18.5mm(0.72")diameter 480 volt SOOW 14/7 600 volt Control Cable All All Included in Power Cable Cable Length Standard: 10m(33 ft) Optional: 15m(49 ft),20m (65 ft),30m(98 ft),40m(131 ft),50m(164 ft) Specifications subject to change without notice~" Page 1of2 �� SULZER Submersible Mixer XRW 210 Date: 06/14 Submittal D ata Dwg: DS-M30-002 Rev: A - Hydraulic Data Propeller Data without Flow Ring,60Hz. Mixer Number Propeller Thrust Propeller Mixing Mixing Power Hydraulic of Diameter ISO 21630 Speed Capacity® Power PP© Consumption Number Blades in (mm) Ibf(N) (RPM) ,O GPM(m3/s) HP(kW) Pip HP(kW) 2121 2 8.27(210) I 51.0(227) I 1765 I 1426(0.09) I 1.53(l.14) I 1.80(l.34) 2131 3 8.27(210) 73.3(326) 1750 1586(0.10) 2.36(l.76) 2.70(2.01) Propeller Data with Flow Ring,60Hz. Mixer Number Propeller Thrust Propeller Mixing Mixing Power Hydraulic of Diameter ISO 21630 Speed Capacity O Power PpO Consumption Number Blades in(mm) IV(N) (RPM) GPM(m3/s) HP(kW) Pi® HP kW 2141 2 8.27(210) --- 1765 --- --- --- 2151 3 8.27(210) --- 1750 --- --- --- ,p Nominal speed at full load z0 Flow rate in dean water at 68T(20T) O Power in dean water at 68°F(20T) Materials of Construction Parts EC CR Motor Housing Cast Iron EN-GJL-250(ASTM A-48,Class 3513) Stainless Steel 1.4404(AISI 316L SS) Motor Shaft Stainless Steel 1.4021 (AISI 420 SS) Stainless Steel 1.4401 (AISI 316 SS) Propeller Duplex Stainless Steel 1.4460(AISI 329 SS) Duplex Stainless Steel 1.4460(AISI 329 SS) Fasteners Stainless Steel 1.4401 (AISI 316 SS) Stainless Steel 1.4401 (AISI 316 SS) Lifting bracket Stainless Steel 1.4404(AISI 316L SS) Stainless Steel 1.4404(AISI 316L SS) O-Rings and Cable Glands Nitrile(Buns-N) Nitrile(Buns-N) Dual Lower Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide,Nitrile,316 SS Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide,Nitrile,316 SS Mechanical Seal Upper Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide,Nitrile,316 SS Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide,Nitrile,316 SS General Data Motor Size PA 18/4 Mixer Weight without Flow Ring 90.0 lbs(41.0 kg) Mixer Weight with Flow Ring 102.0 lbs(47.0 kg) Specifications subject to change without notice Page 2of 2 (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS BLOWER P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA 11/6/23,2:07 PM Data Sheet-BSM Data Sheet KAESER Blower(Package) RICO] • - Data sheet ID 39ad60a5 Created by Fernando Dongo/ DW Martine &Associates, LLC Contact fernando@dwmartineassociates.com Date 11/6/2023 Project description jEnclave STP Process/Airlift & SHT Blowers (REV1) Blower IBB 52 C -4115 Operation mode jPressure operation IMedium jAir Performance-relevant components OFilter intake air G4 ONon return valve OSilencer intake air Wound enclosure OSilencer discharge air OCooling air ventilator Design details Options Intake: Room Pipe 0Unloaded start up valve OTemperature gauge with switch point OPressure switch OSliding ring Rated data machine at mains operation Rated speed blower [1/min] 4115 Electrical grid [V/Ph/Hz] 208/3/60 Mains voltage [V] 208 Rated power motor[kW/HP] 4.0/5.0 Efficiency motor [%] 88.50 Max. Lp(A)/ Lw(A) [dB(A)]h172/87 Set pressure safety valve pSV [psi] 17.5 Intake conditions of process air into machine Intake pressure p 1 [psi] 14.7 Intake temperature 0 1 [°F] 90.0 Relative humidity cp [%] 85.00 Differential pressure Op a [psi] 6.0 Discharge pressure p 2 [psi] 20.7 Altitude a.s.l. [ft] 0 Performance data under project conditions Volume flow 1 (V'min) 2 (V') 3 (V') 4 (V') 5 (V' max) Design point n block 1/min 1283 1983 2688 3398 4115 3776 fthree-phase current Hz 18.70 28.92 39.19 49.54 60.00 55.06 motor V' b CFM 16.9 38.2 59.5 80.8 102.0 92.0 V' i.N.f CFM 14.5 32.8 51.1 69.3 87.6 79.0 m'dry lbs/min 1.2 2.6 4.1 5.6 7.1 6.4 P blower shaftc hp 1.5 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.3 3.9 P overall kW 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.7 3.4 P motor shaftc hp 1.6 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.5 4.1 P specific kW/(100*CFM) 7.70 4.84 4.08 3.77 3.64 3.69 eta isentropic % 22.34 35.55 42.15 45.58 47.23 46.62 KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE©2023 l,3.-, ' https://bsm.kaeser.com/calculation/data-sheet?locale=en-US 1/3 11/6/23,2:07 PM Data Sheet-BSM Data Sheet KAESER Blower(Package) Rice] • - �2g 10F 306.2 225.8 204.6 196.0 192.3 1193.6 _ Volume flow(f) - Specific pourer(e) 90 8.0 so 7.5 70 7.0 U- 60 0 V 6.0 'a 50 Y c 5.5 40 a 5.0 30 va 4 20 n 10 3.5 1000 1500 2000 2500 3D00 3500 4000 4500 1D 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Block speed[1/min] Volume flow f[CFM] _ Motor shaft power � Block shaft powe- - Differential pressure(a) - Electrical power consumption(d) 7.0 4.0 6.5 6 3.5 .0 � � y 5.5 a 3.0 5.a N 4.5 n v 2.5 w o 4.0 d a`> 2.0 0 3.5 3.0 1.5 2.5 1.0 2.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 90 0 20 40 60 80 "Do Volume flow f[CFM] Volume flow f[CFM] a: Machine pressure differential between inlet and outlet (compensator) b:Air-mass flow at machine discharge as usable volume flow at intake. Tolerance on deviation of quoted to measured data to ISO 1217 Annex C/E.Air flow at intake conditions: 53-530 cfm: ± 5 %, >530 cfm: ±4 % c: With consideration of the pressure losses of all flow contacting machine components d: Electrical motor power at nominal efficiency with consideration of the pressure losses of all flow contacting machine components e: Tolerance on deviation of quoted to measured performance data according to ISO 1217 C/E for specific power (Poverall/V): 53-530 cfm: ± 6 %, > 530 cfm: ± 5 % KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE©2023 https://bs m.kaese r.com/calculation/data-sheet?locale=en-US 2/3 11/6/23,2:07 PM Data Sheet-BSM Data Sheet KAESER Blower(Package) RICO] • - f: DIN 1343: in physical normal state 14.7 psia, 32 °F, dry air 0% r.H. (Vi.N.) US-Standard (CACI): 14.7 psia, 68°F, air 36% r.H. (Vs) g: Discharge temperature (calculated value) h: DIN EN ISO 2151 and ISO 9614-2, 1 m distance, figures +-3 db(A), with sound isolated pipework is calculated from Poverall and V When measuring performance data, the values quoted under project conditions will be converted to test conditions as per the specified standard. KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE©2023 https://bs m.kaese r.com/calculation/data-sheet?locale=en-US 3/3 (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS ODOR CONTROL TREATMENT P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA 4 3 32.7 A D 1 � 1 1 • T \ 11.25° 52.0 048.5 C (OD) I I � I (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS LEVEL PROBES, FLOW METER & CHART RECORDER P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA Ultra 3 Ultra sophistication in a smart package, Ultra 3 combines reliable non-contacting ultrasonic level and volume measurement, high specification pump control and open channel flow measurement to international standards.Three control or alarm relays, optional data logging, Pulsar's world-leading DATEM echo processing software and a choice of wall,fascia, panel or 19" rack mounting. Ultra 5 Ultra 5 continues where Ultra 3 leaves off, maintaining the same reliability, flexibility and menu-driven programming simplicity,with two extra relays, extra features for advanced pump control, differential level and open channel flow, plus the option of RS485 digital communication and 4-20 mA input. U ItraTWI N Two independent ultrasonic systems in one unit. Each channel is user- configurable to operate in any combination of: a full function open channel flow monitor calculating flow rate to BS ISO standards, a pump control system or as a level and volume monitoring unit for liquids or solids, calculating volumes and providing alarms. UltraTWIN features six relays configurable for either channel as well as four digital inputs and 2 x 4-20mA outputs. ri i i Ultra Range : Ultra 3 Features Ultra 3 combines several full-function, world-beating ultrasonic level measurement • Solids or liquids level instruments into one. Pulsar engineers have created devices that can be simply measurement configured by the user to provide top-drawer performance. Through the use of • Choice of wall, panel, ULTRA WIZARD, an integrated high level software configuration tool, you choose fascia or 19" rack mount your application and the Ultra unit leads you through the set-up process for that controllers specific operation. Full control functions are available: open channel flow is • RS232 standard with calculated to BS ISO 1438 and 4359. Pump control features are built into Ultra 3, optional 485 Modbus and an extensive set of volume calculations and linearisation facilities are available and Profibus for a tank or silo level measurement task. • AC or DC supply as standard Ultra 3 features the benefits of DATEM, the world's most • No special advanced echo processing software, for level measurement. interconnection cable • Up to 1000m separation Level Pump control • Ultra Wizard easy set up Perfect for the wide range of level measurement Pulsar pump control units are used throughout the • Backlit display applications in solids and liquids found in the food, global water and waste industries. Ultra 3 gives you pharmaceutical,chemical,power generation and sophisticated pump control on changing level or rate • DATEM Software many more industries.In level measurement of level change to provide: configuration,Ultra 3 has three control relays and a . Power on delay,allows to delay switching on measurement range from 125mm to 40m. y pumps when power resumes. Volume • Pump start delay,allows delay switching on pumps after another has started. Ultra 3 features pre-programmed tank shape •Fixed duty assist conversion for a wide variety of standard tank •Fixed duty back up shapes including:cylindrical, rectangular,cone base, pyramid base,sloped base, horizontal including •Alternate duty assist parabolic ended tanks and spherical. Unusual •Alternate duty back up shapes are also accommodated through the 32 point Duty back up and assist Iinearisation function. •Service ratio duty assist Display: •Service ratio duty back up •FOFO(alternate first on first off duty assist) PANEL MOUNT OPTION • 8 digit on-board totaliser • 6 digit display of flowrate or head Open Channel Flow • Bar indicator displaying head or flow Ultra 3 in open channel flow mode provides non- contacting,maintenance free flow measurement and control in a wide range of flumes and weirs by _ calculating flow from the measured head preceding a primary element. Flow calculation to BS ISO 1438 and 4359.Three control relays for control choices. A data logging board is an optional extra with RS485 connection and large data log capability together with Profibus DP VO and V1 or Modbus communications. 64, yea — 19"RACK MOUNT OPTION �IG1G��7��19)=11 r '400� Standard Range t A range of compact high acoustic output, non contacting transducers are Y designed for liquids or solids level measurement use.All have ATEX EEx m as standard for use in zone 1 flammable atmospheres. Y Threaded Range These incorporate the performance features of the standard products, but additionally offer a front thread mount option to suit threaded nozzles or flanged tank entries. ri i i ♦i♦ u sa r M E A S U R E M E N T G reyl i n e + OCF 6. 1 43.936 x Continuously monitor, O display, totalize, and data log oo flow and level through any flume or weir. Easy to Install & Calibrate. Simple, Accurate, & Reliable. Non-Contacting Sensor The OCF 6.1 uses a non-contacting, ultrasonic sensor mounted over a flume or weir to measure flow, or inside/ above a tank to measure level. It is accurate, reliable, and verifiable. The separate, THE RIGHT METER . watertight electronics/display enclosure can be mounted within 152.4 m (500 ft) of the sensor. The OCF 6.1 continuously displays, Flow totalizer, transmits, and data logs open channel flow or level. with Flume or Keypad Operating System - Influent - Water Use the built-in keypad for fast, easy configuration with menu - Effluent - Wastewater selection of flume or weir and measurement units (e.g. liters, - Sewers - Chemicals gallons, etc.) Configuration settings and data logs are password protected and retained during power interruptions. The OCF - Irrigatio 6.1 will display on-screen flow or level reports with daily total, - Environmental minimum, maximum, and average flow/ level and will transfer data logs to a USB flash drive. PC software for easy report generation is included. 26 Million Point Data Logger Smart Operating System The OCF 6.1 stores time and date-stamped flow values at The OCF 6.1 tracks flow continuously through a flume programmable intervals of 10 seconds to 60 minutes. Daily or weir. False echoes from turbulence, splashing rain, reports are automatically created and can be viewed right or snowfall are automatically rejected. Temperature on the instrument's LCD display including total, minimum, compensation is automatic for high accuracy. The flow maximum, and average flow rate or levels. Daily reports can also rate and totalizer are shown on the large backlit LCD be downloaded easily to a USB drive in .csv format. display. INFO@PULSARMEASU REM ENT.COM PULSARMEASUREM ENT.COM GREYLINE OCF 6.1 i Easy Data Logger Downloads You don't need a laptop to retrieve log files! Plug any USB Flash Drive into the OCF 6.1 USB output to download data log files automatically, Downloaded files are sequentially named by the meter, so log files from the same, or multiple, instruments can be stored on one flash drive. Greyline Logger Software for Windows Greyline Logger is included with each OCF 6.1. This powerful software Gre,I eo�Lo.3 �. displays data in both graph and table formats. You can view flow and level oM data onscreen, generate reports, and save files to disk. Graphs can be m�fG�USG exported as images and data tables can be exported as delimited text files, <a —� or directly to Microsoft Excel. +roe em. ami nav • Display, analyze, and export log files in graph and table formats • Generate reports including totalizer, minimum, maximum, average flow rates, and level • Convert measurement units • One-click export to Microsoft Excel Non-Contacting, Ultrasonic Sensor Each OCF 6.1 includes either a non-contacting PZ15 sensor designed for the special requirements of open channel flow measurement, or a PZ32T sensor designed for the special requirements of tank level measurement. The ultrasonic sensor beams are narrow enough to work on very small flumes and powerful enough for really large applications. The OCF 6.1 automatically tunes to extended cable lengths up to 152.4 m (500 ft) lengths. OCF 6.1 Outputs Included Connect the OCF 6.1's isolated 4-20mA output to external displays, chart recorders, or controllers and use the built-in relays for flow/ level alarms and flow proportionate pulse to samplers, chlorinators, or external totalizers. Retains Memory During Power Interruptions Date, time, calibration data, and user settings are stored and retained in back-up battery protected memory. Datalog files are stored in Secure Digital (SD) non-volatile memory. Security Access to the OCF 6.1 calibration menu and settings are password-protected when enabled. Programmable for Any Flume or Weir The OCF 6.1 includes a built-in 5-button keypad for fast, easy calibration. Select your choice of engineering units (gallons, liters, cubic meters, etc.) and choose your flume or - weir type from the menu. The flowmeter also supports the entry of flow formulae for non-standard flumes and weirs. 'Find K&n' software (included) can be used to calculate non-standard calibration constants for entry into the OCF 6.1 calibration menu. Built-in control relays can be programmed for flow alarms or a flow proportionate pulse for remote totalizers, samplers, or chlorinators. The isolated 4-20mA (or 0-5 V) output can be connected to chart recorders, remote displays, and controllers. INFO@PULSARMEASU REM ENT.COM Technical Specifications GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Parameters: Flume or weir to measure flow,or inside/above a tank to measure level Programming: Built-in 5-key calibrator with English, French,or Spanish language selection Electronics Enclosure: NEMA4X(IP66)polycarbonate with clear,shatterproof cover Accuracy: ±0.25%of measured range or 2 mm(0.08 in)whichever is greater, Repeatability and Linearity:±0.1% Display: White,backlit matrix—displays flow rate,totalizer,relay status,operating mode,and calibration menu Power Input: 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz(see Popular Options), 10 V A max depending on options Output: Isolated 4-20mA 0-5 V, 1 <0 load maximum Control Relays: 2 Relays,form'C'dry contacts rated 5 A SPDT;programmable level alarm, pump control,pump alternation,failsafe /echo-loss,air temperature alarm Data Logger: Built-in 26 million point data logger with USB output and Windows software. Operating Temp. -20°C to 60°C(-5°F to 140°F) (Electronics): Approximate Shipping 4.5 kg (10 Ib) Weight: Approvals: CE,cCSAus TRANSDUCER SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Range: 4.6 m(15 ft)with standard PZ15 sensor • 9.8 m(32 ft)with standard PZ32T sensor Operating Temperature: 15°C to 80°C(5°F to 175°F) Deadband(Blanking): Programmable, Minimum 203.2 mm(8 in) Beam Angle: 8° Operating Frequency: PZ15:92 kHz • PZ32T:42 kHz Operating Temperature: -40°C to 65°C(40°F to 150°F)with automatic temperature compensation Submersion Rating: Protected for accidental submersion to 3 m(10 ft)maximum Sensor Cable: RG62AU coaxial,7.6 m(25 ft)standard length(See Popular Options) Hazardous Locations: •Non-incendive for Class I,Div 2,Groups A,B,C,D •Optional:Intrinsically safe for Class I,Div 1,Groups C, D;Class II,Groups E,F,G;Class III;Encl.Type 4 POPULAR OPTIONS Industrial Automation Modbus RTU via RS485 Protocols: Transducer Cables: 15.2 m(50 ft)continuous or 30.5 m(100 ft)continuous RG62AU coaxial from sensor,or splice up to 152.4 m(500 ft) with junction box Intrinsic Safety Barriers: For sensor mounting in Class I,Div 1,Groups C,D;Class II,Groups E,F,G;Class III;Encl.Type 4 hazardous locations Power Input: 9-32 V DC, 10 W max Control Relays: 4 additional(6 total),rated 5 A SPDT Enclosure Heater: Thermostatically controlled to-40°C/°F—recommended for temperatures below 0°C(32°F) Sunscreens: Sensor sunscreen and enclosure sunscreen for outdoor installations Sensor Mounting Stand: Adjustable,includes galvanized steel pipe,flanges,fittings,and hardware PULSARMEASUREM ENT.COM Select LEVEL Mode for Tank Inventory & Level Control Setup using the built-in keypad is fast and easy. Scroll through the menu prompts to configure the OCF 6.1 to display level in your choice of measurement units (ft, gallons, liters, inches, meters, mm, percent, etc.)for vertical and horizontal round tanks. Connect external devices through the OCF 6.1's isolated 4-20mA output or control relays. -188 mm(7.4 in) 0�� 25 R/7.6 m RG62AU C�-�r 164 mm(6.46 in) 130 mm(5.12 in) Coaxial Cable 25 ft/7.6 m RG62AU (50 R 115 m or 100 ft/ Coaxial Cable ______________ 30 m Optional) (50ft/15mor100R/ -------------- —3/4"NPT 30 m Optional) pulsor� '/."NPT� / � Isolation Coupling / (Supplied) � � Isolation Coupling (Supplied) 6 Z.o -4.25'mT 3/4'NPT —%"NPT E E / 108 m 3.875' E E / Overall 98.4 mm N / 3.125' 79.4 mm OCF 6.1 127 mm 1.125' Ove211 28.6 mm oO e ______________ 175" 44.5 mm ............... 2.1"/53mm Conduit Entry Location Side View PZ15 SENSOR PZ32T SENSOR Greyline OCF 6.1 Front&Side View PZ15&PZ32T Sensors So r' ► MEASUREMENT Delivering the Measure of Possibility I N F O@ P U L S A R M EASU REM E N T.C O M United States Canada United Kingdom Pulsar Measurement is o trading name of Pulsar Process +1 888-473-9546 +1 855-300-9151 +44(0) 1684 891371 Measurement,Ltd. Asia Oceania pulsarmeasurement.com Copyright°2027 Pulsar Measurement +60 102 591 332 +61 428 692 274 Registered Address:7 Chamberlain Square CS,Birmingham 83 3A Registered No.:3345604 England&Wales Rev 70 (t) PAW CLIENT DRIVEN SOLUTIONS GENERATOR P.W. Grosser Consulting,Inc• P.W. Grosser Consulting Engineer&Hydrogeologist, PC 630 Johnson Avenue,Suite 7 • Bohemia, NY 11716 PH 631.589.6353 • FX 631.589.8705 •www.pwgrosser.com New York, NY•Syracuse, NY• Seattle,WA KOHLER. Model: 60RCLB Multi-Fuel LPG/Natural Gas 09001 Standard Features 4 KOHLER. • Kohler Co. provides one-source responsibility for the NATIONALLY REGISTERED generating system and accessories. • The generator set and its components are prototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested. --__-= • The generator set accepts rated load in one step. • A standard 5-year/2000-hour limited warranty covers all systems and components. • Quick-ship (QS) models with selected features are available. __- See your Kohler distributor for details. • GFCI service outlet installed on the junction box. • RDC2 Controller IWOFI o One digital controller manages both the generator set and transfer switch functions (with optional Model RXT ATS). o Designed for today's most sophisticated electronics. o Electronic speed control responds quickly to changing demand. The Kohler® Advantage o Digital voltage regulation protects your valuable • High Quality Power electronics from harmonic distortion and unstable power Kohler generators provide advanced voltage and quality. frequency regulation along with ultra-low levels of • Engine Features harmonic distortion for excellent generator power quality to o Powerful and reliable Kohler 6.2L liquid-cooled engine protect your valuable electronics. o Electronic engine management system. • Extraordinary Reliability o Simple field conversion between natural gas and LP vapor Kohler is known for extraordinary reliability and fuels while maintaining emission certification. performance and backs that up with a 5-year/2000-hour . Innovative Cooling System limited warranty. o Electronically controlled fan speeds minimize generator • Aluminum Enclosure set sound signature. Attractive aluminum enclosure allows installation as close as 18 inches from your home or small business. • Approved for stationary standby applications in locations Optional 291 kph (181 mph) wind-load-rated enclosure served by a reliable utility source. door kit is available for field installation. • Certifications • Fast Response o The 60 Hz generator set engine is certified by the Kohler's Fast-ResponseD X excitation system delivers Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conform to the excellent voltage response and short-circuit capability New Source Performance Standard (NSPS)for stationary using a rare-earth permanent magnet (PM)-excited spark-ignited emissions. alternator. o cUL/UL listing, CSA certification standard are available. • Quiet Operation o Accepted by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Kohler home generators provide quiet, neighborhood- Plumbers and Gas Fitters. friendly performance. o Meets NFPA 37 requirements for 18 in. offset for installation. Generator Set Ratings Standby Ratings Natural Gas LPG Alternator Voltage Ph Hz kW/kVA Amps kW/kVA Amps 120/240 1 60 58/58 242 60/60 250 120/208 3 60 60/75 209 60/75 209 4P10X 127/220 3 60 60/75 197 60/75 197 120/240 3 60 60/75 181 60/75 181 277/480 3 60 60/75 91 60/75 91 401 OX 120/240 1 60 58/58 242 60/60 250 * 50 Hz options available.Contact your Customer Service representative. RATINGS: All three-phase units are rated at 0.8 power factor. All single-phase units are rated at 1.0 power factor. Standby Ratings: Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source. The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with ISO-8528-1 and ISO-3046-1.Obtain technical information bulletin TIB-101 for ratings guidelines,complete ratings definitions,and site condition derates. The generator set manufacturer reserves the right to change the design or specifications without notice and without any obligation or liability whatsoever. Availability is subject to change without notice. Contact your local Kohler generator distributor for availability. 34-307 (60RCLB) 6/21 Alternator Specifications Specifications Alternator • The unique Fast-Response°X excitation system delivers Manufacturer Kohler excellent voltage response and short-circuit capability using a Type 4-Pole, Rotating Field rare-earth, permanent magnet(PM)-excited alternator. Exciter type Brushless,Rare-Earth • Brushless, rotating-field alternator. Permanent Magnet • NEMA MG1, IEEE, and ANSI standards compliance for Leads:quantity,type temperature rise and motor starting. 4P10X 12, Reconnectable 4Q10X 4, 110-120/220-240 • Sustained short-circuit current of up to 300% of the rated Voltage regulator Solid State,Volts/Hz current for up to 10 seconds. Insulation: NEMA MG1 • Sustained short-circuit current enabling downstream circuit Material Class H breakers to trip without collapsing the alternator field. Temperature rise 130°C,Standby Bearing:quantity,type 1,Sealed • Self-ventilated and dripproof construction. Coupling Flexible Disc Amortisseur windings Full • Windings are vacuum-impregnated with epoxy varnish for Voltage regulation,no-load to full-load ±1.0% RMS dependability and long life. Unbalanced load capability 100%of Rated Standby Current a Superior voltage waveform from a two-thirds pitch stator and One-step load acceptance 100%of Rating skewed rotor. Peak motor starting kVA: (35%dip for voltages below) • Total harmonic distortion (THD)from no load to full load with 480 V,400 V 4P1 OX(12 lead) 275 (60 Hz),220(50 Hz) a linear load is less than 3.5%. 240 V,220 V 4Q1 OX(4 lead) 144(60 Hz), 132(50 Hz) Application Data Engine Exhaust Engine Specifications 60 Hz 50 Hz Exhaust System 60 Hz 50 Hz Manufacturer Kohler Exhaust manifold type Dry Engine:model,type KG6208 6.21- Exhaust flow at rated kW,m3/min. (cfm) 16.4(580) 13.6(480) Natural Aspiration Exhaust temperature at rated kW,dry Cylinder arrangement V-8 exhaust, °C(°F) 649(1200) Rated rpm 1800 1500 Maximum allowable back pressure, Displacement,L(cu. in.) 6.2(378) kPa(in.Hg) 10.2(3.0) Bore and stroke,mm (in.) 101.6 x 95.25(4.00 x 3.75) Exhaust outlet size at engine hookup, Compression ratio 10.5:1 mm (in.) 76(3.0)OD Max.power at rated rpm,kW(HP) 77.0(103) 64.3(86) Cylinder head material Cast Aluminum Fuel Piston type and material High Silicon Aluminum Fuel System Crankshaft material Cast Iron Fuel type LP Gas or Natural Gas Valve(exhaust) material Forged Steel Governor type Electronic Fuel supply line inlet 1 in.NPT Frequency regulation, no-load to full-load Isochronous Natural gas fuel supply pressure, kPa(in. H2O) 1.2 Frequency regulation,steady state ±1.0% 2.7(5 11) Frequency Fixed LPG vapor withdrawal fuel supply Air cleaner type Dry pressure,kPa(in.H2O) 1.2 2.7(5-11) Fuel Composition Limits* Nat.Gas LP Gas Engine Electrical Methane,%by volume 92 min. — Engine Electrical System Ethane,%by volume 4.5 max. — Ignition system Electronic Propane,%by volume 1.0 max. 87 min. Propene,%by volume 0.1 max. 5.0 max. Battery charging alternator: C4 and higher,%by volume 0.3 max. 2.5 max. Ground(negative/positive) Negative Sulfur, ppm mass 25 max. Volts(DC) 12 Lower heating value, Ampere rating 130 MJ/m3(Btu/ft3),min. 33.2(890) 84.2(2260) Starter motor rated voltage(DC) 12 * Fuels with other compositions may be acceptable. If your fuel is Battery, recommended cold cranking outside the listed specifications,contact your local distributor for amps(CCA): further analysis and advice. Qty,rating for-18°C(0°F) One,630 Battery voltage(DC) 12 Lubrication Battery group size 24 Lubricating System Type Full Pressure Oil pan capacity,L(qt.) 5.7(6.0) Oil pan capacity with filter, L(qt.) 7.1 (7.5) Oil filter:quantity,type 1,Cartridge G4-307 (60RCLB) 6/21 Application Data Cooling RDC2 Controller Radiator System 60 Hz 50 Hz Ambient temperature, ° (°F) 45(113) Radiator system capacity,including engine, L(gal.) 21.3(5-6) Voltag60.0 Hz]240V O Engine jacket water flow, Lpm (gpm) 131 (34.6) 109(28.8) Freq:o Heat rejected to cooling water at rated OOO O0O 00 kW,dry exhaust,kW(Btu/min.) 54(3070) 49(2790) ,-��� 00 � � � Water pump type Centrifugal ... A.*a ..N Fan diameter,mm (in.) qty.3 @ 356(14) Fan power requirements(powered byo 0 0�� L7J, engine battery charging alternator) 12VDC, 18 amps each The RDC2 controller provides integrated control for the Operation Requirements generator set, Kohler(D Model RXT transfer switch, Air Requirements 60 Hz 50 Hz programmable interface module (PIM), and load shed kit. Radiator-cooled cooling air, The RDC2 controller's 2-line LCD screen displays status m3/min. (scfm)# 3 62.2 (2200) 62.2(2200) messages and system settings that are clear and easy to read, Air over engine,m /min. (cfm) 31.1 (1100) 31.1 (1100) Combustion air,m3/min. (cfm) 5.5(195) 4.6(162) even in direct sunlight or low light. t Air density=1.20 kg/m3(0.075 Ibm/ft3) RDC2 Controller Features Fuel Consumption* • Membrane keypad: Natural Gas,m3/hr.(cfh)at%load 60 Hz 50 Hz o OFF,AUTO, and RUN pushbuttons 100% 28.7(1013) 24.9 (878) o Select and arrow buttons for access to system 75% 21.6 (761) 18.7 (660) configuration and adjustment menus 50% 14.0 (493) 12.1 (427) . LED indicators for OFF,AUTO, and RUN modes 25% 7.0 (248) 6.1 (215) 9 LED indicators for utility power and generator set source LP Gas,m3/hr.(cfh)at%load 60 Hz 50 Hz availability and ATS position (Model RXT transfer switch 100% 10.1 (357) 8.8 (309) required) 75% 7.2 (255) 6.3 (221) 50% 5.4 (191) 4.7 (166) • LCD screen: 25% 3.2 (113) 2.8 (98) o Two lines x 16 characters per line 1 Nominal Fuel Rating: Natural gas,37 MJ/m3(1000 Btu/ft3) o Backlit display with adjustable contrast for excellent LP Vapor,93 MJ/m3(2500 Btu/ft3) visibility in all lighting conditions LP vapor conversion factors: • Scrolling system status display 8.58 ft.3= 1 Ib. o Generator set status 0.535 m3=1 kg. o Voltage and frequency 36.39 ft.3=1 gal. o Engine temperature o Oil pressure Sound Enclosure Features o Battery voltage • Sound-attenuating enclosure uses acoustic insulation that o Engine runtime hours meets UL 94 HF1 flammability classification and repels • Date and time displays moisture absorption. a Smart engine cooldown senses engine temperature . Internally mounted critical silencer. • Digital isochronous governor to maintain steady-state speed • Skid-mounted, aluminum construction with two removable at all loads access panels. • Digital voltage regulation: ±1.0% RMS no-load to full-load • Scratch-and corrosion-resistant Kohler(D cashmere • Automatic start with programmed cranking cycle powder-baked finish. • Programmable exerciser can be set to start automatically on Sound Data any future day and time, and to run every week or every two weeks Model 60RCLB sound levels are 62 dB(A) during weekly engine • Exercise modes exercise and 63 dB(A) during normal operation. o Unloaded exercise with complete system diagnostics All sound levels are measured at a distance of 23 ft. (7 m)from o Unloaded full-speed exercise the generator set. Actual sound levels may vary based on o Loaded full-speed exercise (Model RXT ATS required) installation parameters. • Front-access mini USB connector for SiteTechTI connection • Integral Ethernet connector for KohlerO OnCueG Plus • Built-in 2.5 amp battery charger • Remote two-wire start/stop capability for optional connection of a Model RDT transfer switch See additional controller features on the next page. G4-307 (60RCLB) 6/21 KOHL KOHLER® Phone 9 CO.,Kohler,Wisconsin 9-164 USA Phone 920-457-4441, Fax 920-459-1646 For the nearest sales and service outlet in the US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444 KOHLERPower.com Additional RDC2 Controller Features Available Options (continued) • Diagnostic messages Enclosure Option o Displays diagnostic messages for the engine, generator, ❑ 291 kph (181 mph)wind load rated enclosure Model RXT transfer switch, programmable interface Starting Aids§ module (PIM), and load shed kit ❑ Block Heater, 120 V o Over 70 diagnostic messages can be displayed ❑ Block Heater,240 V • Maintenance reminders § Recommended for ambient temperatures below 0°C(32°F) • System settings Controller Accessories o System voltage,frequency, and phase ❑ Lockable Emergency Stop(lockout/tagout) o Voltage adjustment ❑ Programmable Interface Module(PIM) o Measurement system, English or metric (provides 2 digital inputs and 6 relay outputs) • ATS status (Model RXT ATS required) Automatic Transfer Switches and Accessories o Source availability ❑ Model RXT Automatic Transfer Switch o ATS position (normal/utility or emergency/generator) ❑ Model RXT Automatic Transfer Switch with combined interface/ o Source voltage and frequency load management board • ATS control (Model RXT ATS required) ❑ Model RDT Automatic Transfer Switch LJ Load shed kit for RDT or RXT o Source voltage and frequency settings ❑ Power relay modules(use up to 4 relay modules for o Engine start time delay each load management device) c Transfer time delays ❑ Other Kohler@ ATS o Fixed pickup and dropout settings Miscellaneous c Voltage calibration ❑ Rated Power Factor Testing • Programmable Interface Module (PIM) status displays ❑ Maintenance kit(includes air filter,oil,oil filter,and spark plugs) c Input status (active/inactive) Literature c Output status (active/inactive) ❑ General Maintenance Literature Kit • Load control menus ❑ Overhaul Literature Kit o Load status ❑ Production Literature Kit c Test function Warranty Generator Set Standard Features [_J Extended 5-Year/2000 Hour Comprehensive Limited Warranty ❑ Extended 10-Year/2000 Hour Comprehensive Limited Warranty • Aluminum sound enclosure with enclosed silencer • Battery rack and cables Dimensions and Weights • cUUUL 2200 listed, CSA certified Overall Size, L x W x H, mm(in.): 2280 x 836 x 1182 • Electronic, isochronous governor (89.8 x 32.9 x 46.5) • Engine-generator set is designed and manufactured in Shipping Weight,wet,kg(lb.): 859(1894) facilities certified to ISO:9001. Weight includes generator set with engine fluids and 4Q1 OX alternator, • Flexible fuel line sound enclosure,and silencer. • Gas fuel system (includes fuel mixer, electronic secondary gas regulator,two gas solenoid valves, and flexible fuel line between the engine and the skid-mounted fuel system components) H • GFCI service outlet (120/240 V)for customer connections • Integral vibration isolation • Line circuit breaker • NEC prime mover shutdown switch W L IN • Oil drain extension NOTE:This drawing is provided for reference only and should not be • OnCue® Plus Generator Management System for remote used for planning installation. Contact your local distributor for more monitoring (see specification sheet G6-140) detailed information. • Operation and installation literature DISTRIBUTED BY: • RDC2 controller with built-in battery charger • Standard 5-year/2000-hour limited warranty Available Options Electrical System ❑ Battery ❑ Battery Heater ❑ OnCue®Plus Wireless Radio Kit O 2021 Kohler Go. All rights reserved. G4-307 (60RCLB) 6/21