HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/12/1998-FIAUGUST 12, 19,98 REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Southoid Town Board was held on August 12, 1998, at Fishers Island, Southoid, New York. Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at 1:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would like to thank Fishers Island for once again offering the opportunity to come to the island, and gte. et each and every one. We had a meeting earlier, which was open, an open meeting, with the Ferry District, and we are building some lines of communication, which is always a positive direction. We would like to introduce those attending today in case there is anyone from the island that would like to speak to these people. We feel it is an opportunity for officials, not only from Southold, but from Suffelk County, and New York State to get to know you all of a little better, and you would get to know us. We are going to introduce all the officials, so that you know who is here, 'and my Deputy, Bill Moore is going to help with the list. We are going to share them. We will be starting with Patty Acampora, our New York State Assemblywoman from this district. Patty, would you like to say, hello? PATRICIA ACAMPORA: Good afternoon, everyone. It is a pleasure to be here. As usual you have beautiful weather. It was a beautiful trip over. I was just talking to some of the people here on some of the issues that I have been involved in, and certainly I will continue to be very earnest in the advocacy for the fisherman and Iobsterman, who are suffering problems this year. I would like, also, to thank publicly while we are here our Regional Director Ray Cowan, who has assisted us through the DEC. He has helped us. Also, Captain Eugene Cocoran is here from the New York State Police, who has been very helpful, when we had some problems back in November, December. So, those agencies, I thank them very much. This year is an interesting year in the Senate. One of the pieces of legislation we do have was to increase the number commissioners for Fishers Island Garbage District. So some of the legislation during these year, I think the most important for Home Rule Message has come out of Southold for Fishers Island. So, I am here if anyone needs to speak with me. I will be more than happy to speak with you, if there is anything my office can assist with, I am in Riverhead, and I have a card with me if you need a number. Thank you for having me here today. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Pat. We have Nicholas, is it Acampora also, the name you are saying, that is what is listed here. We have Bill Flyer, who is with Newsday. He has just begun covering the Town of Southold, so we welcome him. He worked on the series that you see on Channel 12 about historic Suffolk County. I guess it is the whole of Long Island, and now they didn't 'know what to do with him, so they put him out in Southold, so it is nice to have you with us, Brit. DEC, New York State Tony Cava, John Conover, Mark Carrera. EugeneCoccoran from the New York Police Department out of the Hampton Bays area. Ray AUGUST 12, ~'998 ~<_~i' Coway from Stony Brook, our DEC leader. Fred Daniels, I think he is on the island for Emergency Preparedness. Diane Devon from Mike Caracciolo, his office. Diane, you are here somewhere. Craig Elgut, DEC. Stanley Fargas, New York State DEC. No one is in the office, Suffolk County Department of Planning is Andrew Freleng, and Department of Social Services is Rose Fuences, and Theirry Garry, another New York State DEC person. COUNCILMAN MOORE: My list is of County, and some local people as well. We have Jim Grathwohl, who is on the committee, Friends of Fort Corchaug from over in Southold, Brian Hassemann. from the Resource Center, Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services. Tom Iwanejko, Suffolk County Department of Public Works, Florida Jones, Department of Social Services, Steve Jones, Suffolk County Department of Planning., ~ steve Keuhhas, from the District Attorney, ADA, Harry Mulhail, Suffolk County Probation Department, Thomas Martin, Suffolk County ' Department of Health, Douglas McCabe, Department of AgriCultUre, Joseph Michaels, Assistant Deputy Suffolk County Department of; Public Safety, Katherine Murphy,, Red Cross Kathleen Newcomer, Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Erik Parks, Staff Assistant of Congressman Forbes, Paul Ponturo, Suffolk County De.partment of Health~ Maureen Porta, Suffolk Cou of the Aging., frank Randall.[, Suffolk County Department i°f Holly RhOdes.Teague, D of Suffolk County Department of Aging, Michael Schiosberg, Suffoll Clerk's Office, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Phyllis Atkinson is from the Board of Assessment Jim k, who is the Department Head of the Landfill in a[ Coil ~s, who Ts a new member on the Zoning Board of ', Joe is our Chief: =of the Southold Police who is our Accounting Officer, and runs that f=r us very well indeed. Ed Dart, who is from our Tree the ZBA, Melanie Doroski from my office. is from my office also. Ruthanne runs and they had the assignment of purchasing and setting up for helping make the day. Of Course,~we all kno~ · Ed Forrester is fr.o.m, our Enforcement and who is with the ShellfiSh Advisory Committee, the Planning Depa Iohn Sullivan, he is .=ssment Review, Robert 'dion, he is on ~ry Committee. Bob, thank you; Creg ~Yakaboski is just want to take a moment, though because I did hit these listed, and I did hit Louisa, but I would lilke to interject right here~ and int~pduce the Board. I will start on my left, and Creg Yakaboski is the S6uth~l~i Town Attorney. Then we have John Romanellj, who is a new Board member. Then we have Alice Hussie, who is a .~nior Board member. It ~t mean old, it means senior, and we is my .~Iso,. Councilman, and Betty Neville oL and of course, Louisa, and then Brian Murphy, who is our Board member. Bill, continue. A de Mei the Val~ from our our Town Attorney. COUNCILMAN MOORE: We also have Craig Siracusa, Regions Director from Suffolk County Executive's Office, Paul Sparza, who is our cameraman from Channel 27, Robert Stanonis, Suffolk County Department of the Aging, John Stype from the Stype from Stype Insurance Company, which is the company that helps keep the town squared away on it's insurance. Mary Ann Wowak, Legal Assistant to the Suffolk County. Legislature is here. Ed Boyd with the Fire Chiefs Council is here, Claire Clew from the Town Assessors Office, Cerry Coehringer, the ZBA Chairman, John Jerome is here helping setting up. He is from Southold Maintenance Department. Bob Kassner is here from the Planning Board. Trustee Jim King is here, our Iobsterman. He is friend of Iobsterman on FiShers Island. Bill ~Kremers is here from the Planning Board. Vee~ McKeig~an our Director of the Human Resource Center, along with Karn McLa~glhlin, who works at the Human Resource Center as well. Community Development Director Jim McMahon, Val Meyer from the Landfill is here. Trustee Ken Polyw.oda is here. Our Tax Receiver, Marilyn Quintana, John Raynor, wh~) ~s our Emergency Management Coordinator or Director, Ken Reeves, Department head of Recreation, Jamie Richter, the Highway Department Town Engineer, Barbara Rudder from the Town ACcounting Department, Scott Russell, one of our Assessors, and Dick Ryan, the Chairman of our Land Preservation Committee. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I think I skipped Lydia, Lydia Totora, ZBA. Thank you, Lydia. Sorry about that. Is there anyone that I have skipped on the list. We have tried to check in with those of you who were boarding this morning. We didn't want to lose anyone on shore. Okay, as you may or may not know the Town Board has a policy that a this time before we act on any resolutions, those attending may certainly offer their input to the Town Board, or any comments in relation to the resolutions on the agenda. If not, if it is just general Town business, that you would like to share something with us, we will~ take that at-the end of the meeting. So, at this time before we begin to pass the resolutions, is there anyone that would like to address the Town Board in relation to the resolutions? (No response.) If not, I am going to read the first resolution. I would ~like Jim King to join me up here. Jim .and I worked on this resolution, and I would say that Jim gave more input than I may have~ but. we both feel very strongly about it. Although Jim, this is not:his Board to yore, I would like him to be here with me, because 'of. the support he ~has shown for the lobster industry on Fishers~ Island. 1.-Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, the lobster resource is the most valuable marine resource in New' York State, and WHEREAS, the American lobster resource has been declared over-fished throughout its range, mandating fishing effort reductions and lobster stock rebuilding to sustainable levels, and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State of New York that' the primary principle in managing the State's marine fishery resource is to maintain the long term health and abundance of marine fisheries resources and their habitats, and to ensure that the resources are sustained in usable abundance and diversity for future generations, and WHEREAS, utilization and allocation of available resources will be administered consistent with the restoration and maintenance of health stocks and habitats, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the. Town Board of the Town of Southold strongly support thb; ~impleme.ntation of a Fishers Island Lobster Conservation Area, crafted to reduce fishing effort, protect and increase the brood stock abundance and reduce fishing mortality to levels which would minimize risk of stock depletion and recruitment failure and maintain the stewardship relationship between fisherman and the .resource, as per Supervisor Jean Cochran and TruStee James King. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Jim, thank you for helping me on this, and let's see~ how the Board votes. 1 .- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Evans, Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This will be sent to the Governor, to all key people in government, and different agencies throughout New York State in hopes that they will put into place conservation area, We are not saying that you can't do certain things, but we certainly should begin to look at preserving and managing the resources, so hopefully this will taken in all seriousness and see some results. We will certainly will continue to fight for it. Thank you, Jim. 2.- Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the preparation and filing of an application to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) and the United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for designation 'of the creeks and embayments of this Town as a Vessel N-Discharge Zone (NDZ); and be it further RESOLVED that the Peconic Baykeeper is hereby requested a nd authorized to assist the Town in the preparation and filing of said application. ~ ..... ! ~ AUGUST 12, 1998 2. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Evans, Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, 3.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Katherine Holbrook as a technician under the Fishers Island Safe BTI Program. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolutionr was duly ADOPTED. ~.-Moved by Councilman. Murphy, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Ann Ellis as a TeChnician under the Fishers Island Safe BTI Mosquito Program,. to replace Katherine Holbrook who resigned, at a salary of $6.50 per hour, effective immediately. ~.- Vote of~ ; the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ROmanell:i~ COuncilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is the end of the planned resolutions. We did'. feel ~that we Would like to share some things with you, that are going on .in the mainland. Reverend Dozier was supposed to be with us today, and at the last minute he was unable to join us, but many of the Board members to different committees throughout the town, and it is their work with these committees. They report back to the Board ye know what is going on where. Councilman Moore does work Anti-Bias Task Force Committee, and Bill, we are sad that us, but if you would just maybe fill in a little bit, and share what the committee function is. COUf Thank you. The paraphrase on what was sa~id, evil car ~good people sit by and do nothing, and the Town Board of decided not to sit by and do nothing, it declared 1998 to Free Year for the Town of Southold. It sounds great and thou(. Ind it's a great goal. It doesn't make it so. It also created sever an Anti-Bias Task Force. This the focus was really to be do more things. The Anti-Bias Task Force has three su ne is an education component which goes into the schools to children at an early age what 'bias is about, and how other people. It has no place in a community of people /es on open-mindedness and concern for their neighbors. T:he: t of this organization is a legal committee which looks at some crime legislation pending in Albany, and trying to encour, a, and the third is a social component, which is to en between people who might not otherwise interact, and a terrific 1950~s Motown Dance down at the American Legion C So, it is an instance where it is a very active committee. A wide range of people are involved all over the community, and we a part of it. It's too bad Reverend Dozier couldn't make it, J expound more fully on what all is going on, but I am hap be p committee and serve on it on behalf of the Town Boa SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Bill. We have a Supervisor's update here, and .there are several issues that are happening, and things going on that are important that you have updates on. The first one is the Community Preservation Project Plan, which many of you probably know more as the 2% Land Bank Bill. In fact, I just attended the meeting in Riverhead the other day, and the discussion followed, well, gee, if we put · Community Preservation on the ballot in November people aren't really going to know which plan it is, so I think they are putting both the 2%, so you wi!l.'~ identify with the plan that is being developed, and going on in the Town of Southold. Valarie Scopaz, our head Planner. Dick, are you a part? of th~s. I don~t who has been updating. Just yourself? Dick Ryan, he is here~ He is Chairman of our Preservation Committee, and Brian is the AUGUST liaison Town Board member with that committee. As I said, this will be on the ballot in November, so it is important that we all know what is going on. VALERIE SCOPAZ: I just wanted to give you a brief update. As you know in June of this year, the Governor signed his legislation into being, and the Town has until September 1st to put together a draft plan and a map, which shows which properties we would preserve providing we take part in this program. All of this has to be put together in time for September 1st. It has to be put together 60 days prior to the November election. We put together a draft. Extra copies will be left with Louisa. I am hoping that copies can be distributed to wherever, local library, the post office, pass it around. I think you should take a look at it. Just so yOu know I have the map here. This map was prepared by the staff in the building,. Planning staff along with the Land Preservation Commission committee, and also all the other different' departmentsl in Town Hall, and :also from Fishers! Island. A special trip was made by 'the Planning staff ~with along with Tim Caulfield of the PecOnic Land Trust, and E They came on Saturday, July .25th to go over this map here;, and. to~ solicit input as to what changes should be made to the map. On the .far~ left is the update of what we did on this map incorporated into our final copy, which is on This= i~. going to be the subject of the Town Board public hear:lng ~next week, August 18th. If it is adopted by the Town Board as a final., plan~, this ~is what will be before the voters in November. Just to gjye you a brief background, what is shown in orange on the map i.s that: v~e, are proposing to be put on as potential acquisi' is a 100.%i voluntary program, there has some concern about that. ! just want .to mention that some of these properties, there was a .rationale behind picking out these properties. The Legislation requires certain tyl ~. to be considered. We not only looked at the but we took into account the recommendations of Plan, and the Fishers Island Watershed in connection with the Suffolk County Health or th ago. So, we tried to incorporate all those recommendation into thiS~ p. Also, of note, there is a printout of all the les. On August 5th a mailing went out to all the had noted on the map, and I am ,hoping that all the destination. We received a few back in the a~nd so far, that were undeliverable. That basicali: what this program is about, and just te~ let on the list. The program is a voluntary progr you as property owner have this as an option, it. You are net bound to sell your property, can sell partial rights to your property. All of here, so I suggest if you have a few minutes t~ various mechanisms, or preservation options in conjunction with the property. If there are Dick Ryan here also, and Grog Yakaboski, he can tel s of the legislation. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: to this bill? Yes? Thank you. Are there any questions in relation TWIG STICKNEY: Quickly in summary, the 2% goes into a pot, or a pool. I assume this is sort of going to several., this is segregated by the area that it comes from. In other words, if $5,000~000' of the property gets over to Southold proper, Fishers is excluded from that. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Fishers is a part of the $outhold Town. Each of the five East End towns is separate, and Fishers Island, of course, is a part of Southold Township, so they become available, and what is so nice about this is the money will not just be used for open space, or farmland development rights, it can be used for scenic vistas. It can be used for wetland areas. It can be used for historic structures, if you have historic houses here, so it is very broad. There' is many, many things. Riverhead and Southold's plan is for improved property, $150,000. Anything above the $150,O00 would have the 2% attached to it. For unimproved land it would be $75,000, so if there was young person that is going to buy a house for $180,000, they would only 2% on the $30,000. Okay? Now, you don~t have spend it AUGUST 12, 1998 '::'~ ]5 · TWIG STICKNEY: It=s not so much that, I guess it goes back to the age old, you know, if you put in whether we get back, the custom here is we put in, are we assured of getting back? Might we get back more than what we put in, or? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: No. I would like to think that it is all of us, not just me put in, or you put in, you are a part of SoUthold Town, and we respect, and we like having you as part of Southold Town, and if there is recommendations from the island in relation to a purchase it will be given every consideration. Committee-wise the bill calls for having a committee, rather than duplicate with a committee we felt that we would use the Land Preservation Committee. We did have an applicant from Fishers Island, but it was felt that rather than put them as a full member of the committee, we would have them as a liaison, and t. hey will be invited, they Will receive minutes every They will be invited to come over whenever there is some piece of or something historic that Fishers ISland feels they would llke to be Ioo] at, and purchased. So, we are involving the island as much as we ~ can. It is not a you and I, it is a we. We are going on this. It will benefit all of us. Yes, sir? FRANK wou Id credita why, and I; and d seem that having a full member of the committee It would seem that it would add and representation. I am sure there are reasons they could be accomplished, and whatever whether on other' issues, but having a alternate from Fishers island ! think lust was just made woUld, I belieYe~" raise .'the the appropriate level. Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like CF two on a Cherie Rafferty, Fishers Island, New York. I am about this type of use of the land. I wondered whether you for example, the larger piece. If you choose between to know a little bit more before we really decide as this. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: not ThE have. per saidl one and and' p~r~ tel. th~:: Anyone else like-to address the Board? (No enable us to purchase additional land, as I said, but on the mainland. It is problem we all see. ~roperty here on the island right now, that the Town is have good news for you yet, but hopefully we will are concerned with Fishers Island, so although there will not be a the committee at this point, it will be liaison. As I the Land Preservation Committee, because that was ~.had two vacancies, and we have filled those vacancies, the vineyards, the grapes, he manages a vineyard, is someone who is very involved With the waters, itry, and we have tried to keep a balance on the from different areas. So, as vacancies come along considered, but at this point we would like this v~ith approval from the island hei'e, and we will m. uch as any voting member. Any other comments in Ihity Preservation Fund? (N.o respon.se~.) If not, we RaynOr has been meeting with, I believe, people from in relation to the emergency plan. safe a to we o Good,afternoon. I will just give you a quick update on the in relation to the Millstone Nuclear fa~cility, and the plan for the Fishers Island residents. About three years direction of Supervisor Cochran we initiated a review of the place with the NRC for Fishers Island, and we found it nt fo~ a number of reasons. Number one, there would lines to ~on to New London, regardless of what type of incident Within this petition both FEMA an~l NRC should plan with revision to give the town more options. been successful, but it took awhile dealing with the period, as you know all the..after that Millstone use of operating safety violations. About a month ago rtheast Utilities permission to restart reactor number AUGUST 12. 1998 three, which is their newest reactor. Northeast also hopes to get reactor number two on the line this fall, and they have decided to shut down the oldest reactor, number one. They won't be putting it back on line. This is pertinent. As of now Millstone is ready to shut down again. They developed what they described as a minor leak of non-reactive water from a valve, so they are going to be shut down for a minimum of seven to ten days. As the Supervisor said, right now I am meeting with representatives of New York State, and Suffolk County, along with Alan Thibodeau for the island. We are very close to preSenting our final revision of the plan to the Town Board, and to FEMA, and NRC, and basically what we want to do is keep it in light .the type of-incidence-.we .could .have at. Millstone. We wouldn't have enou.gh of options, and what we are looking at. is the firSt option is a sheltering place on the island. It is very ~ssible that t. he release will be not significant enough to evacuate the people. :Evacuation of the island at any ti~e, especially in the summer is not s~mething that w.e are going to take lightly. So our plan will focus .putting Sheltering in place, and. it will also 'call for,evacuating the P. opulati°n, if neceSsary, to either Orient point or Stomngton,' Connect[icUt. Recently the ferry district ran a test to make sure the bbats could get into StOnington. That test was successful. On the Long Island Sound side we have already set up shelters, busing, an.ct we hope to reach with Cross Sound Ferry for transportation. When that plan is dl it to the Town Board for discussion, I!y I accept it. We are actually to accomplish. It is a arge taSk force We happy have developed befor~e~ .~uffolk County and New to say No~theastlUtiiities of the state of Corn have I cooperative. We hope it is going to asked me the time frame on this. one yesterday. We would prefer that the p!ant did plan in place. We had FEMA evaluatiOn and years ago. Judge Evans participated, and in that exercise., we able to prove that New London is not a viable option, because in .the London was contaminated, and three hours later they; the island into New London, so our questions with the~ be correct. So, based on that .actual demonstration, we have done we may have conwnced them that we/do lan. We have been seven to ten days time to work on it. We are it seriously. I like tq get back to our meeting. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: John, thank you. Does anyone have a question of John:? (No response.) Bob Kassner is a member ~ Landmark Preservation ~ ~ '~ Commission, and he wanted to share some from the committee, plus some information. BOB KASSNER: Good afternoon, ladles and gentlemen. I am Bob Kassner. I am a member of Southold Landmark Preservation Commission. The Commission asked me to address very briefly, for the reason that there is no home, not one isingle home, a historic site on Fishers .Island. in the Town's Register of historic places, and sites. This kind:~.=0f surprises the Commission. The reason perhaps may be so~e .misUnd&~standi~g of the Commission's p~rpose;: There is actually no proh'lbitlon against'changing t.h.e facade, or building &nything on their home. You can . emolish it, althOugh we Would hope you wouldn't. One of the a of the commission listing, several think, one is it is a 'gnation for their home. You would go on Southold~s official 'lc homes. We do have a.book of historic homes, or even a s you have a historic site. There is a very large and attractive brass plaque you are awarded at a Town Board meeting from the Supervisor, wh:ich can be affixed to your home. So I just wanted to say that if.a~one. V~lshe~s to be on the Reg~ster~ please come forward, and let the Con~nlssli°~ kn°w· We would appreciate your input. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thanks, Bob. This is a voluntary program, and it does not impose anything on you. It is just that it keeps us updated on the old homes tha~ we have within the .township, and as: Bob Said~ you can make changes to your home,' It ~s not going to prohibit anything, but we certainly love to, if .there are old sites or homes on l=lS, hers Island have them as a part of the listing for Southold Town. ! would just ~ke to update you. The: last thing on the agenda is junk car removal. I :went into New York City to the Association of ~'owns meeting this ~ast year'~ and one AUGUST 12, 1998 of the programs was the National Guard and their Guard Help Program. I have a son that is a Colonel in the National Guard. He is commander of the 369th Harlem Hellfighters, so he is right there with a lot of good guys, and so I decided I would go to the seminar. I don't think there were anymore than five of us there, but they began to spell out, share with us, what the National Guard is trying to share with municipalities, and towns, and villages. It is support in many ways. They have a drug abuse program, which is absolutely great. I would like to see it incorporated into Southold's DARE Program, .or perhaps run it. It is for 7th graders, and it is. done through th~'N~tional Air Guard. One of the projects that we are ook~ng at, Louisa had m~n~ti0ned at one t~ime that there Were rust cars on Fishers Island. I said, aha, I was a Park Commissioner for the County at the time that we had the National Guard remove the junk cars from the Pine Barrens. So,.to me it sounded like a pretty logical project, that we could do. perhaps for FiShers Island so I have been working back and forth with the NatiOnal Air Guard., and ~ understand the General Up-state New York, this is his favorite, project. He .thinks .this is one he would like tosee go, so wait for Federal funds to come down ~: are very hopeful ;that they will be able to airl off Fishers Islarnd over to the.mainland, and from there be~taken to a junk dealer, i believe workil ;. It is not our responsibility t ;, ,any uids have to be,remoVed from the ~rS before ithey are airli this very successfully, as. '! say, Barr~ no reason it ~an't~.ha.Ppen here. So[~ we. al~e and to :e.. We are strll Worklng, way j,ust ~had to send a~ letter that ling with to:, ma on, and~ so forth 'for t to: the ~airfield, so able how list, :and we will stionS, any sir? Firs~ of'all I on just ~ochran and the spending a day out ,I schedules are, the Old this ~0 tions ,to here years a rec of the CountyIs via the non-payment of taxes. I would like to report to you, as you know, that it did come to Walsh Park, and I would further like to report that we are very close now to be getting the renovations of this house. It has land unused for a long period of time. We have had some wonderful volunteer help from our friends within Walsh Park, and within the island, to clean up the inside of this house, which was pretty well vandalized, to clear the yard, and prepare this house for renovations. We have a contractor on the island, who is volunteered to play a major role to put this house in shape for us at a price, one that we can easily afford. It is going to be done at cost, or less, and we being a tax-exempt corporation can offer some ability ~to have a person 'restore it~ a margin of the issuing letter with respect to taxes. So, we thank you for that support. We report happily that we are about'to renovate this house~ and it will be the thirteenth home, and we are contemplating making this a rental property, because as you heard before, I think,~ rental property on Fishers Island: in terms of quality rental projects have been an issue, and we are going to try and address that issue. So, that is one thing. The second thing, ! am the. President .of the Fishers Island Development Corporation~ which owns the .roads at. the east end of Fishers Island. I have been. working, as.. the corporation has, very closely with Nancy Hunt, i and the poi;ice Advi.sory Committee with ~respect to law enforcement and here on Fi;shers Island. I would like to .say briefly~i that we wonderful coming together.early this :year with Chief Conway~ you~r Chief ,of Police, ou~;Chief of. '.Police, and Captain 'Eugene Corcoran, the. head, of subsequently we =heard,~ from 'the InSpector Ric with ~ respect about, law Islandl. I.Would .port just briefly our agenda, we were seeking a number of to law enforceme :hange) lot :of m to .have B a L,;i and Albany ~hers t~of view of :or a ~sJand : ~Chief itable and to land, that I think have 1 exists donmt 'me, that we to New very, ~ inters to the been no of it, ~'t do Novem we ~are im a con! On thrnl~ Civil that the also sti day, med may more with you to May to ,the two Board and of dmost to time. that we Under and been the ill every ghat the As you of and a to )lead to our AUGUST 12, 1998 getting more coverage than we have, and we think that the constable method of going is an incredible cost affective way from the Town's point of view, and does give us the kind of level comfort that is greater than what we have today. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Bill, I saw you write down from December to April they have no protection here. That is llke saying to the world I am going on vacation, my house is empty for two days, so you could just kind of just skip over those dates. I don't know how the TV does it, but it is not Wise to let the outside world know that from December to April you can come and break in the houses here. Just my way of thinking. Is there anyone else that would like to address the Town Board? JOHN THATCHER: I am John Thatcher, President of the Fishers ISland ConServancy, and Jean not only do I endorse what Frank just said, I wanted to thank the Town Board personally on behalf of the Fishers Island Conservancy .and= the Fishers Island Iobstermen for that resolution you passed just a little earlier this afternoon. It is a first step which I think w~ll help enormously because one of things we really want to do'is: sit down, aind talk~ to people at both the Legislative area, and the regulati~ve~ and !Ray' Cowan, i know, is sitting right there. Hopefully. he will listen to what I am trying to save, because unless we get that this problem, may not be solved, and I think it can be, and I think it can be in that it wil~l be mutually satisfactory; :~hopefully to both sides in the dispute. Thank you all very, very much. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, John Is there anyone else that would like to address the Town Board on any Town Board business? PAT KIBBE: I am Pat Kibbe, and I am on the Fort Wright Association Centennial Committee. I would like to present a plaque to you from the Lighting Committee for letting our lights shine on Fort Wright Officers Row. I appreciate the fact that John Cushman was able to receive all the wonderful donations that the Fishers Island people gave for the lights, and figure everything out for us. Of course, Tom Doherty has just being wonderful, and I know George Esser and I appreciate all the help we received from you for our celebration. Thank you very much SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you very much. I came over for the day for the celebration, and it was a hot summer day. We came across first on the ;New London Ferry, and then the Fishers Island Ferry, and I thought, now I really appreciate Louisa when she has to use the boats rather than fly over. It is quite a trip, but we had a nice day, and thank you, and we got the lovely book on the Fort, which my son confiscated, but we thank you very much for this plaque, and it will be hung in Town Hall, and thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to address the BoardZ (No response.) If not, would any of the Board members like to say anything? John? COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: I would like to say this is my first time on Fishers Island, newly elected on the Board. What I saw so far it is a beaUtiful place, and want to thank you all for having us here, and what we talked about on the Town Board, Louisa has brought it to our attention a waterfront piece of property that has been tossed around about trying to cut a deal, and buy it. I would love to see this piece of land before we leave here today, if we can. If someone has the opportunity to show it to me, I would appreciate it. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I think any Board member that hasn't seen it should really go down and see the property that we are talking about. Alice, would you like to say, greeting? COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Thank you. We had that little reference before the introduction between the junior and senior, and it got me to thinking this is my seventh visit to Fishers Island, and it is a great place. It was great the first time, and it is the second time. I did have one thing that I wanted to talk to you about, and that is a surprise that I had when Justice Evans had told before that the people on Fishers Island were not interested in being part of a Southold Gas and Electric Utility Company. I am not here to sell anything. I just thought I would ask if you had seen the consultants report, and if you haven't if you want a copy. Your rates I understand are AUGUST 12, 1998 even worse than ours over in the mainland, so to speak. If we were to break away, if you broke away, as we are hoping to do, your rates would be less, so the only thing I want to say to you is if you are at all interested in this whole thing ask us for a copy of the consultants report, and make up your mind. It is nice to be here again. See you next year. JUSTICE EVANS: May I just clarify something? It's not that we are not interested. It is at this point we don't have enough information for Fishers Island to join and be part of the legislation, and I was hesitant to have us included in legislation without the research being done before hand, and I am hoping that is being done now. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: This is going to be a little bit of a dialogue. Louisa did mention ~to me that she felt, or there were those of you who felt, that no investigation be done for Fishers island. I checked immediately with the consultants when I heard this, because I thought, my goodness, how can do anything without even checking it out? They assured me that they..although they did not talk to you individually, .and personally, they did check with the =Public Service Commission. They' checked with your supplier in Connecticut, and they researched the various forms and reports that are on file, the two states. I was going to get: that infOrmation to her, and I didn't do it. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Alice, please, get the information to Louisa. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Tuesday. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Mr. Moore? COUNCILMAN MOORE: Southold Town is a great place, and it is great to have Fishers Island be a part of Southold Town. The Supervisor mentioned before that given the geographic separation we can fall into the us, and them, and we, and you, kind of thing, and hopefully by coming over, and here to visit we can break down that. We have the same thing happen to the village, us and them kind of thing, and Mattituckers can~ do an us and them, and Orienters can do an us and them, and hopefully we will remember that we are all a part of the same town, and it is one hell of a town, one of the nicest places you can ever visit. I know you all know that, so we are just preaching to ourselves, but the 2% Land Transfer Tax is one of the many tools that the Town has if the voters pass this referendum. Among other things that are going on the Town as a whole has bonded regularly to buy open space, and farmland preservation rights, so this ~s just one more tool in a tool kit, if you look at it that way, to help maintain the beauty of a great town, and I want to thank you for your hospitality. I enjoy visiting here by boat, by ferry, by plane. It is a great place, and I thank you again for having us. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: This is my third .trip in, I think, in a month and a half. It has been a very unusual experience. I decided this is probably the best kept secret on the whole east coast, Fishers Island, and I hope it stays that way. I know, and I think I voice with the rest of the Board, we are very happy that you are part of Southold Town, and we hope that we can help you accomplish what you want to accomplish, and you can help us accomplish what we want to accomplish, so I thank you very much, and we will be back. JUSTICE EVANS: I just want to reiterate what Frank Burr said, and thank everybody for coming, all you from the State, the County, and the Town. Also, thank the island residents summer and winter for coming, because if you don't come to this meeting, and ask questions, and talk to people a lot doesn't get done, because we need your participation. I thank everybody for being down here. If you have issues you want brought to the Town Board, just talk to me. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Betty, would you like to say, hello? TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: Yes, I would. Although I am a new Town Clerk, as of January 1st, I am not new to the town. I think I had my first trip to Fishers Island back in 1968, if I am not mistaken, to come over to do stenography work for the Justice Court, and I have been back many times, and I have enjoyed every trip very' much. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Betty. I would like to thank Scudder Sinclair. I am going home with two boxes of Boroleum. He said I have to share it, but I don't know if I will. I have been looking for this for years. I used to work in a drug store years ago in Southold when I first got married, and this is the ointment that old Doc Stevens across the street recommended to everyone, so we used to sell this stuff by the case. At some point in my life, maybe when I was on the Board ten or twelve years ago, and I came over here, and they said this is where Boroleum Ts made, and I said, you are kidding, on Fishers Island, like a factory making this ointment? It wasn't like that, but anyhow, I am just so happy to find it again after all those years, and each Board member might get a half a tube. Thank you for joining us. Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 2:35 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. t Southold Town Clerk