HomeMy WebLinkAbout50097-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES 'WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50097 Date: 12/6/2023 Permission is hereby granted to: Maitland,_An us 375 Kin St PO BOX 74 New Suffolk NY 11956 To: Construct interior alterations to existing single family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 375 Kin St, New Suffolk SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 117.-7-8.3 Pursuant to application dated 9/19/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector.. To expire on 6/6/2025. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING-ADDITION OR ALTERATION $400.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $100.00 Total: $500.00 Building Inspector r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT ,r Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 � Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 tt s:// ww.sotltholdtownn .�o Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Vr D JGV For Office Use Only P v/�' PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: 5 E P 1 9 2023 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.IncompleteT . applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,anTTIItIit l. m I Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: Z OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: Lia GY f Aw6-vS mAr+-r-LA,v D SCTM# 1000- Project Address: 375 K,&,6 S; r n"Ew 'VV6G1-J<' N`-/ Phone#: 614t— 4722_ q-* 6T =Mail- A"6 uvr %,4 lick-. Z AAA L•Cu7K Mailing Address: S't4A? Ot-C Pitsjeer AtoIL60 CONTACT PERSON: Name. At.kV /kAi-MA,,-,1) Mailing Address: '96md aP Poeaf f Gr / pj ufS Phone#: 14 — 47.2 - Lf qV5 Email: Alu 6v rA4, 1'(1 A- .8 N+A�, DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: AN -/ZJC VemtVAILT2 I J43 V10 Mailing Address: .Sat------------- Phone#: Email: �G 3PL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: S61&0 Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ,Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes XNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ANo 1 � PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: N Intended use of property: 1'T9� Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes o IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check;IC1cux After Rew''ilii"IIVg: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. �{,-� � Application Submitted By(print nante�: hrZ S'G`I`^``"�� /Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Gate: �' " CCt IE D.BUNCI STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York No.01 BU6185050 SS: Lv2>E� �{ V S Qualified in Suffolk County COUNTY OF .. ) yi[ f(, �l Commission Expires April 14,2�= being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is theA1,C#7 (Conti ctor,A t,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this ay of 20 � Notary Public UTI" Where the applicant,W is not the owner ON ( ) I residing at v7S V►r- ciT �vF•t/' �/ J'2K ti'// �r4S6 do herebyauthorize � M z IS GkW to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein, "4� oi� 'QwAer's Signature ate AW AA k-►Ta-'.j 1) Print Owner's Name 2 _-----_�_ -----� -__ .--_-- -------- -------� f------• -------- ---------- •------------------------------------------------ -------u-------------------- ------------------1'---------------w _-Q WATER t ! m e k TESLA e , m0 f a POWER f , UP H WALL_ _ __ 1 �,DUTCHWALL I 1_".58"d',36112"h: : .f } ' B , ''I 0 ° Wd SOFFIT + WATER 0 w yL /-/— — — ' TREATMENT r P , % e tl STUDY ^ — — - ---- - — — — — — — — — - -- — — — — — — — — F! ON DEMAND la ^ .'_. r —_r —m. - -� - —_ - —,�_—� -m— -. —s .-d - '� ' / %, �',• HOT H2O PROJECT ROOM ---------------------- -------------- I ; o ' CRAWL SPACE „i -----------.w_,.__----- - w ----.-- I-..S I / i' / / 13"d SOFFIT ^ FURNACE r — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — ` � t t UTILITY- ROOM TILITY•ROOM I I D � H p I: = AIR , ,y is ( ;VLITCH WALL: • HANDLER ; , m'%46"d'361/ / f - C) SE " SERVICE W r 12'h"d SOFFIT � - ; e 23'h"d SHELF £ - - - - - - _ a--- -_-. _-_ . .__ ._. . ._. p _m. __ . ._. , _, „__ _._. . r -.e-------- ----- 0 ------ -i _-_-- q- , 7 a o HM W E -I Z EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN N S PROJECT NORTH SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" W x -� U 0 m 0 _c ------ p_ ?- IL_ � w z .� � U 0 _ N BEDROOM BEDROOM Q) BATH No. 1 N o w9 0 NO. 1 I I I I Q I SKY I I SKY I j 1 LIGHT I I LIGHT I 0 o I 1 I I . Lu L — — J L — — J RETURN ,- - - REFq)RN I I LIVING / DINING U HALL 1 PULL DOWN I I CATHEDRAL CEILING STAIR I I N L _ _ _ J II ENCLOSED PORCH r — — -k r — — I I I I 4 1 SKY 1 0 I LIGHT I I LIGHT I I I I I L J L J -=nn V/ BEDROOM BATH KITCHEN No. 3 No. 2 d 00 00 0 R �+, COW DRAWN: "4 .•r A R SCALE: ,"�'� 14 JOB#: ?'� « 7/26/2023 ;.• SHEET NUMBER: E EXISTING FLOOR PLAN N 5 PROJECT NORTH y afr ta A W I_ � SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0 F—i E...I w F- H w ,0 W CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW W WITH ARCHITECT AFTER EXPOSED PRIOR TO DEMOLITION TO EXITING STAIR AND HALF WALL CONSIDER ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED.CLOSE OFF OPENING AND NEW FLOORING TO MATCH EXISTING �W c) -- .--_.--.-_,1 w r o A _--__.-.--.�.1 :a®0._---__-_.� ® -r r--w r---r-------d ._ ---.- .. m 1 ..-. ..... __. t E f k 3'w 13r STARa _ _ _ _ _ _ WATER (vIF) b 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( I I I I ►�`+ a � TESLA e I a O f t I I I I I I I I I I I POWER /a1 4t ?i WALL - 1 � � 4p WALLO ' DUTCH Ik� WALL 1 1 Z ' 7 58"d,361/2"h - , % + O ' 1 o a V WATER O Z u R ' N --f ----- N �_ TREATMENT ; li l It , 1 n N N fie...rrrwww-w a LL i O 0x �_ STUDY W ' 2 2X_10 , R I — 00 19 a f O z 4 Vl — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ON DEMAND A u - - - - - =�®r: v _.,'.,�- a..—�_-�- L - - �: HOT H2O X 1 (� .� , CLOSET 1 t Q) n �cf)1 _ SOLID CORE DOOR 2'-6" ' 19 PROJECT ROOM ALT.INSULATED / '/ ' t L TEMPERED GLASS DOOR) I ; I j'% !// ' '' - k Z z -----------w/WEATHERSTRIPPIN ----- _- / %;' 73^d soFFrr j O CRAWL SPACE 6 O a--e q--------. 'AND bOOR�SWEEP-P ±rra 1= I - ,j/,.', - •%;' �' �`� 16 � IR r cu , m POST TO RIDGE "�" ,'',',/ (/, FURNACE 0 rl LOCATION I I r — — — — -- - — — — - - — — — — — — — — f - - — — l � s- r�{1 S~ 1 I 1 UTILITY X f , w a I I I ,� U ; „ ROOM _ m )N Sj r< / / H °s Q lU 3 a m z AIR a e B DUTCH WALL: • HANDLER n u ' tu ' •/ f121/2"d 50FFIT _ - _ - _ - - _ t SERVICE sem....-_..� -_--'_-------__- -----_ �- ----_r -_w_,.r r a a------------------ -------�-- -n -----"_----.,--------- ---- --- -------' _--_-- �i� r------- ----f.n - T---------- - ;tr '°a V a " - _ CNA ANICAL COMPANY TO tt1 EVALUATE EXISTING AIR HANDLER Q ENT TO RELOCATE OVER .� ROOM IN ATTIC(VIF) N N E aL PROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN N S PROJECT NORTH SCALE: 1/4" = 11-011 W DRAWN: ;•�� � ..,� q, SCALE: JOB#: 7/26/2023 F SHEET NUMBER: 0 E--I c ! 1/O �1 co MECHANICAL COMPANY TO WALL BELOW EVALUATE EXISTING AIR HANDLE CAP OFF TO BE FLUSH EXISTING STOVE AND HEARTH (� IN BASEMENT TO RELOCATE OVE WITH FLOOR 1411 q" ' LI" 4" TO BE REMOVED.PATCH FLOORING BATHROOM IN ATTIC(VIF) AS REQUIRED TO MATCH EXISTING TW2636 AR31 AR31 AR31 AR31 AR31 AR31 ( 2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR O W c 1'-9" r - - - - - - - i1 EXISTING WINDOW W O o Q H W p LANDING OVER I I I I I I f I I I I TO BE REMOVED Z EX.DUTCH WALL t4 4 ' - = I I f I I I I I I I r� a .10 FBATH g _tl ;NO. I -------- 1 —I— L L 1 1 J — I— L J I I ►may l!� w 5'-61/2" 3'-01/2" -- - EXISTING STAIR AND HALF WALL BEDROOM r \,/ c -------- ------- O TO BE REMOVED.CLOSE OFF a, No. 2 STUDY Z____ -------- OPENING AND NEW FLOORING ? tl 55.2 SF TO MATCH EXISTING l y I I Z _� -------- r — — r — — L " Cly 4 - I SKY I I SKY I I Q y a n - -- 1 LIGHT I I LIGHT I �s � tl ��� tt fV o M • r (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR N (2 NSTALL OUTLET IN - - -' - - — ---- CLOSET AS PERMITTED m O r 4 2'-$" JAL/l p I� ' , z1 ", BY NEC r Q) .+ a a i 1 LIVING/ DINING 3t-3" o� � I I 1 i FLOORING TO BE REPLACED 0 a) m � QV) HALL i PULL DOWN I AS SELECTED BY OWNERS m O e r STAIR I I RE-USE EXISTING FLOORING O '= X D_ V tl r L — — _ J AS REQUIRED TO PATCH ENCLOSED PORCH � � ,� � ALTERATIONS IN HALL, r - - °' �I V-91/2" 1'_ 1/2" I I ROOMS.AND CLOSET I i 0 � a) Q) E SKY I SKY n ' 0 I LIGHT I I LIGHT I , U �, 1 1 1 1 4 p f= �I L .� N ty r e Ln m r BEDROOM Nt BATH o r KITCHEN "21 o NO. ALTERATIONS X " c lu 3 NO. 2 (DESIGN BY OTHERS) " 0 1 1 " 121-1011 00 _ i NEW 4 PANEL N 00 " DOOR w I- REPLACE EXISTING V AXW41 �1.0��G�-C., �yl,�p fie.- ,� C��i✓� � N E U PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN N 5 PROJECT NORTH SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" W DRAWN: a SCALE: JOB#: ' 11/27/2023 SHEET NUMBER: A- 3 w Q w 3O/ 11 /4 11/41) 11/4 SINK D.W. I3° SH ER F.A.I. (EAST) (WEST) 2 20 C.O. C.O. I 3 3 4'-10" - 3'-1011 lie 4 SLOPE" 1/4" PER FOOT PITCH TO DRAIN TO APROVED o o Q z 4"C.I. SEPTIC SYSTEM 1 1 TRAP HOUSE M C PLUMBING SCHEMATIC "' En SCALE: NOT TO SCALE EXISTING CROSS SECTION w SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" z 0 cq r al oln m � Q) x0 L tl z � a U � 2' U ® ® 0 0 1r ® 0 0 0 ��11�2- ° ft �r � .♦ M � 1 1 C14O 1L C !ILI f FASTENER TYPE: SPACING: No.8 WOOD-SCREW I BASED ANCHOR WITH 16'OC 1 21n.EMBEDMENT LENGTH I / 1 No.10 W000-SCREWS BASED ANCHOR WITH 16'OC O 0 1 V^ 2m EMBEDMENT LENGTH .01/4 I/M6a.LAGW to BASED ANCHOR WITH 16'OC tin.EMBEDMENT LENGTH 1 -1 L 1lr APA RATED SHEATHING SHEATHING GRADEPLYWOOD ~ I O (ALTERNATWIVE:7/16'O.S.B) ^' ® ® 1/2'APA RATED SHEATHING •V GRADE PLYWOOD (ALTERNATIVIVE:7/16"0.5 B.) ® (EAST) X _ _ EST < _LL 00 M ) W 1 N 10 FASTENER TYPE. SPACING. 2X4 DF 2 No 8WIT STUDS ANCH R BASED ANCHOR WffH l0'a WINDOW SILL 2m.EMBEDMENT LENGTH M TYPICAL WINDOW OPENING No,ID WOOD-SCREWS ° °° T = ►'�"�W PANEL SPAN EQUAL OR SMALLER BAse2m.EMBEDMD ANCHOENR WITH it Dc T LENGTH THAN 4 FEET 1/41n.dia.LAGSCREW _~ BASED ANCHOR WITH l6'OC V tin.EMBEDMENT co TYPICAL DOOR OPENING MULTIPLE PL WOOD ASSEMBLIES FAS ENER TYPE SPACING: PANEL SPAN GREATER THAN 4 FEET 2-2X4 DF%2 STUDS CONNECTED No.B WOOD-SCREW AND EQUAL FSMALLER RGETHEIZEDBOTSW/WASTER BASEDMCHORWIH B"OC THAN 6 FEET OR GALvm NUI BOLT-w/WASHERS Ln.EMBEDMENT LENGTH AND NUTS QOT-(Y O.G V. TYPICAL MULTIPLE OPENINGS ANo.10��; ,•« PANEL SPAN GREATER THAN 6 FEET 2m.EMBEDMENT U34M M AND EQUAL OR SMALLER 1/4m.aa.LAGSOREW BASED ANCHOR WITH 16-OC THAN 8 FEET 2m.EMBEDMENT LENGTH WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL AS PER SEC.R301.2.1.2 NYS CODE: PROTECTION OF OPENING ` WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 7/16" AND MAXIMUM PANEL SPAN OF 8 FEET SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROTECTION IN ONE-AND TWO-STORY BUILDINGS.PANELS SHALL BE PRECUT TO + ; `� COVER GLAZED OPENINGS WITH ATTACHMENT HARDWARE PROVIDED.(REFER TO SECTION 1609.1.4,1609.6.5 AND TABLE 1609.1.4 OF N.Y.S.RESIDENTIAL 14, ' CONSTRUCTION CODE).THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTION FOR DESIGN-PRESSURE.ALL OPENINGS MUST HAVE DESIGN-PRESSURE UPGRADES WHERE APPLICABLE. PROPOSED CROSS SECTION ALL PANELS MUST BE CUT TO SIZE AND READY USE ANY NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS.SHUTTERS MUST BE MARKED FOR WHAT OPENING IT IS TO COVER. SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" _ �. `��_� DRAWN: HARDWARE MUST ACCOMPANY SHUTTERS FOR INSTALLATION. ION. " SCALE: JOB#: � 7/26/2023 SHEET NUMBER: �`' OF t w F—� F--�I w W w (WEST) - -- - - - ------------ (EAST) W SOUTH INTERIOR ELEVATION Q w SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Z z c7 � � � o H M � z NORTH INTERIOR ELEVATION ° SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" x -, Q U m Q) X 0 L Z U a[ E m I.=- Q) Owl CAP OFF BASEMENT WALL WITH FLOORING - — _ — OR STOOL TRIM(VIF) � w H 00 I ,Q F - - - - � O - - - - 1 EAST INTERIOR ELEVATION — — — — i SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" nt A� U c� QL d 000 Ji o � DRAWN: X^. { SCALE: WEST INTERIOR ELEVATION ;i. % JOB#: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 7/26/2023 SHEET NUMBER: A-5 E--I WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT & GOOD CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. W F--i KING STUDS ENDWALL RAFTER H WALL STUD CRIPPLE STUD W e BOTTOM PLATE RIDGE P"1 HEADER LEDGER BATHTUB O DOUBLE JOIST SIDE WALL JACK STUDS RAFTER 0 FLOOR USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 1ST. ADS5 HOLD DOWN CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS p..( ANCHOR TO FOUNDATION W/ ANCHOR BOLTS BATH / SPA TUBS TO HAVE A DOUBLE FLOOR JOISTS UNDER FOR ADDED SUPPORT CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS ON LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION RAFTER SIZE USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION SUPPORT EACH WALL RUNNING PARALLEL WITH THE FLOOR HOLD DOWN BOTH BOT. PLATE OF 2ND FLOOR AND TOP JOIST DIRECTION WITH 2 JOISTS. UNDER WALL. 2ND. ADSS ANCHOR PLATES OF 1ST. FLOOR. CONNECT THROUGH ALL OPENINGS LSTA12 1-1/4"x12" 20ga. STRAP APPLY TO EACH JACK STUD ROOF LSTA24 1-i/4"x24" 20go. STRAP APPLY OVER 21DGE TO EACH RAFTE 2x6-2x8 LS26 18ga. SLOPE HANGER PPLY TO EACH RAFTER / LEDGER ( ) FOR JOIST NOT DIRECTLY UNDER PARALLEL WALLS, PROVIDE HE FLOORS TO EACH OTHER W/ THREADED ROD. ALL OPENINGS RT3 OR RT7 TYDOWN ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH CRIPPLE STUD 2X10 LS210 1189c. SLOPE HANGER PPLY TO EACH RAFTER / LEDGER BLOCKING 024"OC WALL STUD so THROUGH-ROOF EXHAUST VENTS SELECTED AND rTl LOCATED BY CONTRACTOR w METAL STRAP so CRICKET AT TOP-SIDE OF RIM BOARD CHIMNEY VENTILATION CHANNEL RAFTER AS REQUIRED SILL PLATE(S) /WALL SHEATHING RAFTERS MAINTAIN SIDEWALL FLASHING VENTILATION W O WOOD JOIST FOUNDATION ' ' ' ' TOP PLATE BLOCKING FINISH WALL AND MOISTURE 2x4 LEDGER BLOCKING STAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS ®48"OC BARRIER - LAP FLASHING 2x4 SOFFIT JOIST 1 1 AT WALL -- MAINTAIN GAP ATTIC SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS FASCIA BETWEEN WALL FINISH AND MINIMUM NET FREE VENTILATING AREA r� .. FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION ROOFING TO AVOID SOAKING WALL STUD NOT LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF GUTTER \.J THE SPACE VENTILATED. ALL OPENINGS WOOD GIRDER INSTALL 4'0" O.C. SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION- ONTIN. SCREENED VENT O 4" - 8" LSTA24 1-1/4"x24" 20ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS RESISTANT METAL MESH WITH MESH ON ALL OPENINGS PROVIDE HEMMED EDGE AT OPENINGS OF +/. INCH IN DIMENSION. ONTIN. SOFFIT/ EXT. PLYWOOD INSTALL 4'0" O.C. FLASHING TO FORM CHANNEL LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION AND SO AS TO MAINTAIN AIR SOFFITED EAVE [� 8" - 14" LSTA30 1-1/4"00" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS GAP TO PREVENT CAPILLARY CT TO ON ALL OPENINGS / ACTION 4" - 6" RAFTER RT10 10-3/4" x 18ga. TYDOWN ANCHOR EAE EACH RAFTER PROVIDE BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS THAT ARE SPICED AND ~� M INSTALL 4'0" O.C. CONNECT TO ROOF VENTILATION / OVER BEARING WALLS AND HEADERS 14" - 16" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS 8" - 12" RAFTER RT20 21-1/8" x 20ga. TYDOWN ANCHOR EACH RAFTER SOFFITED EAVE DETAIL ION ALL OPENINGS KEEP ROOFING NAILS OUT �I W OF FLASHING 2ND. FLOOR WALL ROOFING LAPS BASE FLASHING 4 INCHES IN BASE FLASHING WRAPS CORNERS, RAFTER RIDGE CAP OF SAME EXTENDS UNDER SHINGLES AT MATERIAL AS ROOFING cli SIDES 4 INCHES AND LAPS NAILED TO SHEATHING 1 11 IL SHINGLES AT BASE MIN. 4 INCHES THROUGH VENT m � U WOOD JOIST X \ (� 10 Ll) c+l TOP PLATE tw GIRDER/HEADER 01 SIDE WALL FLASHING O X SL 10 1ST. FLOOR WALL STAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS ®48"OC WOOD JOIST co ni AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS METAL FLASHING AT ALL EAVES, SIDEWALLS, WALL STUD {!- •n FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION AND RAKES -- PROVIDE HEMMED EDGES SO RAFTERSAS TO FORM 'z V PREVENT CAPIILLLAINAGE RY ACTION CHANNELS AND -� Q INSTALL 4'0" O.C. fU 4" - 8" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS LOCATION USE NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PRE-MANUFACTURED KEEP SHEATHING MIN. 1-1/2" CONNECTED ON ALL OPENINGS RIDGE VENT FOLDS / ALL JOISTS TOA LUSH CON EC OR.E SUPPORTED WITH CON'JECT EACH FROM PEAK TO ALLOW FREE RAFTER/PLATE RT15 TYDOWN ANCHOR OVER RIDGE TO INSTALL 4'0" O.C. RAFTER TO PLATE AIR PASSAGE IF ABLE, SET FIR JOISTS APROX. 1 2' HIGHER THAN LVL HEADERS -� CONFORM TO SLOPE / fn f0 -� 8° - 16" MSTA48 1-1/4"x48" 16ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS CONVECT OVER OF ROOF TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE. REDUCE BUMP OUTS V f- d1 ON ALL OPENINGS PLATE/WALL SPTH4 STUD PLATE ANCHOR PLATES TO EACH STUD U DBL. SILL PLATE �"' f6 TERMITE SHIELD ( E SILL GASKET r—SUB FLOOR 7 • WOOD JOISTS N O W 9 • NEOPRENE CONC. SLAB GASKET ///��� 2x6 2x8 CONTINUOUS WOOD PLATE NP. CONE. FOUNDATION ( /1 6 MIL. POLY / a- DAMPPRO N EXTERIOR s GRANULAR FILL ' Q vs I �ZTEDIA. BOLTS ®BEAM 48"NTH o.c. STAG. EMIL POLY ON EXTERIOR V �• • v STEEL COLUMN A • - r. e `• �' CONE. SLAB • a • 'O a r.•° ` ROOF JACK STEEL BEAM w �••s A ' �.p ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT: I 1 4" x 8" STEEL 4" x 1 tu POUREE CONCRETE: 7" / COMPACT FILL •p V f •e ' BLOCK WALL: 15ROOFING LAPS TOP AND BOTTOM PLATE KEYWAY FOOTINGe v p • 11.p �• p G • L p ^ FLASHING AT WITH 1/2" x 6" ANCHOR BOLT U �• e CONC. FTG. •p Q•p L'e' SIDES AND TOP • s ;O ANCHOR BOLT C01411ECTION USE WITH ]x3 SQUARE WASHERS 1/2" GROUT O (USP LBPS58 OR BP583) REINFORCING BARFOUNDATION 5/3" DIA. ANCHOR BOLT I 1 �• 3" STEEL COLUMN V DRAIN TILE p ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION SUPPORTING 10 KIPS MAXIMUM SPACING FLASHING LAPS ( ) SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATIONROOFING AT BOTTOM CRAWL SPACE OR FOUNDATION 1 STORY 72" OC SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION TYPICAL BEAM DETAIL E=� N TYPICAL CONE. FOUNDATION. APPLY PILASTERS 2 STORIES 36" OC WHERE NEEDED FOR STRUCTURAL BRACING. MIN. 3" STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED 70 24"x24"x12" CONE. FTG. RAV✓ SPACE R FOUNDATION STEEL / BOTTOM BEARING �--- ALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION SLAB-ON-GRADE 1-2 STORIES 57" OC ROOF JACKS & VENTS DETAIL �-SUBFLOOR CONC, SLABDOOR FRAME U 6X6 10/10 GARAGE O_JOIST COMPACT FILLILL DOOR USE 2X8 STEEL BEAM FOR BLOCKOUT 4" SLAB P.T. PLATE /'•' W/ 6X6 WMM I SLOPE /� 4"DRIVEWAY —� NOTCH JOIST AND ADJUST HEIGHT ' 1/2" AIR SPACE t 1 • ° 7 1 2" , (WITH A NAILING PLATE IF NEEDED) P4 ' ',•��'" AT END AND a• ." .p •� e'• • . • TO BE APROX. 1/2" OR HIGHER THAN MES GRADE Q�,,Q""a�: u"''"' • ,' •; �. = p GE BEAMSOF WOOD I n O • e 0 -• : •. (PROVIDESTEESTRAPPING TO EEPBEAM TO ALLOW JOISTS ALGNED) a a a e 6X6 W.W.M. -� -a +� Q t•a _ _�n MIN. ''° �•p C•p A.• .e -'----_NOTCH BEAM FOR MUDSILL IF RECUIRED -- MAXIMUM p p s n • I �SUBFLOOR •� a • REINFORCING BAR NOTCH EQUALS 1/4 DEPTH OF BEAM p e' • e° ,I .D •► REINFORCING BAR e•. a p••e•► se II-II ,01ST DRAIN TILE �� ►I •e SHEET METAL / 30#' FELT UNDER BEAM AT POINT • a�,, �� e - STEEL BEAM ' 12 OF CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR CONC. BLOCK >• a 3^ P •�'+"'�`�,►•. TYPICAL CONC. MONOLITHIC FOUNDATION. REINFORCE WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS THICKEN SLABS BENEATH BEARING WALLS AND COLUMNS. SHIMS TO LEVEL BEAM � FyS����.� REINFORCE FOOTING WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS. � *t Y' DRAWN: 3" MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE FCR WOOD BEAM • ' GARAGE DOOR BLOC KOUT g Ct SCALE: BEAM POCKET �3' I y✓ "'- JOB#: v 1^ 7/26/2023 ,t SHEET NUMBER: t a� t3•� -r WIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE PLAN CONTENTS: GENERAL NOTES 1)•RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: ROOF FRAMING: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIONW R3 RESIDENTIAL r 1-1/4"x 20 gauge strap shall be attached to each pair of rafters in accordance to table 3.4. MAIL NAIL r--( When a collar tie is used in leu of a ride strap,the number of 10d common nails required JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES BUILDING USE RESIDENTIAL DWELLING g p, q QTY. SPACING CONSTRUCTION NOTES' in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of 8d nails in the strap. RAFTER TO 8'WALL:3-8d COMMON EACH TOE-NAIL BUILDING HEIGHT (SEE PLANS) TOP PLATE 10'WALL:4-8d COMMONTOTAL S RAFTER Q.FT.OF CONSTRUCTION (SEE PLANS) 1).The information within this set of construction documents is related to basic design 2).RAFTER-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: CEILING JOIST 8'WALL: -8d COMMON EACH DESIGN CRITERIA(UNIFORM CODE) 2020 IRCn intent and framing details.They are intended as a construction aid,not a substitute Lateral framing and shear wall connections for rafter,ceiling or truss to top plate shall be in TO TOP PLATE 10'WALL:'-8d COMMON JOIST 70E-NAIL ,2020 NYS UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE for generally accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York accordance to table 3.3.When a rafter or truss do not fall in line with studs below,rafters FRAMING ELEMENTS AS PER FLOOR PLANS,CROSS SECTION,DETAILS,AND GENERAL NOTES W State building codes.The General Contractor is responsible for providing standard or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be attached to CEILING JOIST TO AS PERTABLE 3.7 EACH FACE DESIGN LIVE LOAD(PSF)R301.5 construction details and procedures to ensure a professionally finished,structurally the to the wall stud with uplift connections.Roofs overhanging the rake side of the building PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL DESIGN DEAD LOAD(PSF)R301.2.2.2 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS R301.7 sound and a weatherproof completed product. shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. UNINHABITABLE ATTICS( O STORAGE) 10 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOOD WALLS 15 RAFTERS GREATER THAN 3:12 PITCH IJ180 CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PERTABLE 3.7 EACH FACE UNINHABITABLE ATTICS(STORAGE) 20 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)STEEL WALLS 14 (NO FINISHED CEILING) O OVER PARTITION WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL HABITABLE ATTICS AND INTERIOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS H/180 ^ , 2).The General Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction 3).WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: 3o INTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOOD WALLS to r"1 COLLAR TIE AS PERTABLE 3.4 EACH FACE ATTICS WITH FIXED STAIRS FLOORS meets current federal,state,county and local codes,ordinances and regulations,etc. Wall studs above and studs below a floor level shall be attached with uplift connections in INTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)STEEL WALLS 5 11360 O PLASTER,STUCCO EXTERIOR BALCONIES AND DECKS 40 These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building and accordance with table 3.3b.When wall studs above do not fall in line with studs below,the TO RAFTER WFCM-SBC END NAIL MASONRY WALLS(B-THICK) 80 CEILINGS( ) L/3 60 should be adhered to even if in variance with the plan. studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor assembly with uplift connectors in BLOCKING EACH TOE FIRE ESCAPES 40 CONCRETE WALLS(6"THICK) 85 CEILINGS(GYPSUM) U240 n/ 2-8dCOMMON GUARDS AND HANDRAILS 200 accordance with table 3.3. TO RAFTER END NAIL SIP WALLS )p ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS IJ240 ^ ' 3).Dimensions shall take precedent over scaled drawings. RIM BOARD EACH END GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS 50 VEHICLE GARAGES(R301.5)PER 20 SQ.IN.2000lbs EXTERIOR WALLS(PLASTER,STUCCO) H/360 1�1 (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). 4).WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: TO RAFTER 2-16dCOMMON END NAIL PASSANGER VEHICLES 50 EXTERIOR WALLS(BRITTLE FINISHES) H/240 First wall studs shall be connected to the foundation,sill plate,or bottom plate with uplift NON-SLEEPING ROOMS 40 EXTERIOR WALLS(FLEXIBLE FINISHES) HA20 4).The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no connectors.Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete WALL FRAMING: SLEEPING ROOMS 30 LINTELS(SUPPORTING MASONY WALLS) U600 responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans,nor responsibility for foundation and slab-on-grade,15 inches in masonry block foundations,or lapped under L NAIL STAIRS 40 NAI construction means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures,or for safety the plate and nailed in accordance with table 3.3b.When steel straps are lapped under the JOINT DESCRIPTION NAI SPACING NOTES ROOF GROUND SNOW LOAD 20 precautions and programs in connection with the work.There are no warranties for a bottom plate,3 inch square washes shall be used with the anchor bolts.Anchor boltQTYEXPOSURE CATAGORY (DESIGNED FOR EXPOSURE C) specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans. spacing is to be spaced and sized in accordance to table 3.2a.In addition to spacing, TOP PLATE TO 2-16d COMMONPER FACE NAIL anchor bolts are to be spaced between 6-12 inches from the end of a sill plate and all TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE:1 LOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION 5).Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. corners. TOP PLATES AT 4-16d COMMON JOINTS FACE ROOF-FOUNDATION DETAIL PAGE&GENERAL NOTE PAGE W 6).The General Contractor is to ensure that masonry or prefabracted fireplaces meets 5).TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: INTERSECTIONS EA.SIDE NAIL NAILING SCHEDULE SEE GENERAL NOTE PAGE STUD TO 24" FACE 1--� or exceeds manufacture's specifications and applicable codes. Type I exterior shear walls with a minimum of 7/16 inch wood structural panel on the exterior STUD 2-16d COMMONEGRESS SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE F�J attached with 8d common nails at 6"o.c.at the panel edges and 12"o.c.in the field,and O.C. NAIL Sym.: HEADER TO 16"O.C. FACE FIRE PROTECTION SMOKE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH NFPA 72 AND NYS R314 NYS. O 7).The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items 1/2 inch gypsum wallboard on the interior attached with 5d cooler nails at 7"o.c,at panel 161 COMMON SMOKE&CO2 DETECTORS y CARBON MONIXIDE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH R315 NYS. such as bookcases,shelving,pantry,closets,trims,etc. edges and 10"o.c.in the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL W in table 3.15a-b. TOP OR BOTTOM 2-16d COMMON PER 2x4 STUD END TRUSS DESIGN N/A-STANDARD STICK FRAME CONSTRUCTION �] 8).Wind load requirements shall be taken into account during construction. 6).TYPE II EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: PLATE TO STUD 3-16d COMMON PER 2x6 STUD NAIL ENERGY CALCULATIONS 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE NYS 19 NYCRR PART 124 n �i BOTTOM PLATE TO: FOUNDATION NOTES: Type II exterior shearwalls shall meet the requirements of table 3.15a-b times the appropriate PER FACE NAIL Z length FLOORJOIST,BANDJOIST, 2-16dCOMMO CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA g J FOOT SEE NOTE:1,2 � C7 1).The General Contractor and Mason o review plans,elevations,details and notes to END JOIST OR BLOCKING GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD `� a determine intended heights of finished floor(s)above typical grade. 7).INTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: FLOOR FRAMING: SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDS �i Allowable sidewall lengths provided in table 3.14 shall be permitted to be increased when LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED 2).All footings to rest on undisturbed(virgin)soil. NAIL NAIL interior shearwalls are used.Sheathing and connections shall be in accordance with JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES 4-4 MODERATE SLIGHT TO 3).Provide 1/2"expansion joint material between concrete slabs and abutting and 2.2.4 respectively. QTY. SPACING 20 PSF 130 B SEVERE 3 FT. TO HEAVY MODERATE 17 NONE - M JOIST TO: PER TOE M--� concrete or masonry walls occuring in exterior or unheated interior areas. 4.8d COMMON 8).CONNECTIONS AROUND onsshaEXTERIOR WALL OPENthupl SILL,TOP PLATE NGGIRDER JOIST NAIL ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: 4).Any new concrete walls being attached to existing concrete structure shall Header and/or girder connections shall be attached with uplift connections in accordance BRIDGING EACH TOE with table 3.5.Window sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2-8d COMMON END NAIL NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE W be installed with#5 re-bar,18"long at 12"o.c..Use approved epoxy for installation. 3.5. SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES Z BLOCKING EACH TOE AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD 5),Unless otherwise noted,all slabs grade to be 3000 Concrete to be TO JOIST 2-8d COMMON END NAIL 4'PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. SEE NOTES:1,3 poured on 4 inch thick sand or gravell fill with 6x6 wire meshesh reinforcing.Interior slabs 9).CATHEDRAL CEILING ASSEMBLY: to be minimum 3-1/2 inch thick.All fill to be compacted to 95%relative density with Where a ridge is to be used as a structural beam,the rafters shall either be notched and BLOCKING TO: 3-16d COMMON EACH TOE INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"0.0 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. SEE NOTES:1 (BOTH FIELDS) 6"maximum lifts(layers). anchored on top of the beam or slope connectors shall be attached to each rafter-to-ridge SILL OR TOP PLATE BLOCK NAIL NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD along the open ceiling part of the building.Connections to the ridge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS 8d COMMON @ 4"O. 8d COMMON @ 4"O.C. SEE NOTES:1,3 6).Crawl spaces to be provided with a minimum 18"x24"access opening.Install one attached with the above requirements. TO BEAM 3-16d COMMON JOIST NAIL 8x16 cast iron foundation vent for every 150 sq.ft.of area. JOIST ON LEDGER PER TOE NOTES 61 u DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: 3.8dCOMMON X 7).Dampproof exterior of foundation with bituminous coating as required by current TO BEAM JOIST NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. ~ U N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code-A 6-mil polyethylene film shall be applied over 1).Unless otherwise noted,all framing material to be#1 ACQ pressure treated lumber. BAND JOIST PER END cfl the below grade portion of exterior walls prior to backfilling. All fasteners,hangers and anchors to be galvinized or stainless steel. 3-16d COMMON ctl +� TO JOIST JOIST NAIL 1).For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof,including 4 feet on each side of the roof peak, U 8).Drainage as required by current N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code. 2).Girders for deck joists to be bolted to each post with washers and nuts. BAND JOIST TO: 2-16d COMMO PER TOE NAIL the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. Q X Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE:1 Q LL g FRAMING NOTES into concrete with a minimum 1/2"dia x 7"long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. ROOF H 2).Tabulated 12 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49. Z U aL For framing members with<0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. Q) IJ7 Q r Taming techniques and methods as prescriptive design of current SBC High Wind 3).Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to a 12"x12"x12"thick concrete footing. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL � � S � Edition Wood Framing Construction Manual. QTY. SPACING Use a minimum 1/2"dia x 8"long anchor bolt with washers and nuts.Footings Shall be 3 ft. 3).Tabulated 4 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49.For 2).Unless otherwise noted,all framing and structural wood material to be#2+BTR. below grade.Porches with covered roofs shall have 12"dia.concrete piers for the girders. STRUCTURAL PANEL 8d AS PER TABLE 3.8 framing members with 0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 inches o.c. (X 4 U te' �z'FCM-SBC WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: o Douglasto � ' r to Fir. 4).Deck joists to have blocking at 8'0 o.c.. �[ CEILING SHEATHING: NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE 3).Floors,walls,ceilings and rafters to be spaced at 16 inches o.c.unless noted SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES V M 5).A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be installed between the building and ledger. NAIL NAIL AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD 01 _ N otherwise. Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2"dia.bolts with washers and nuts JOINT DESCRIPTION QT SPACING SEE NOTES:1,3 (BOTH FIELDS) 11 9 where needed. 4'EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD 0 Q Q) 4).Unless otherwise noted,all bearing wall headers to be(2)2x10#2+BTR.Doug.Fir. GYPSUM O.C.EDGE N Og ( )j ( ) g WALLBOARD 5d COOLERS 1,7" 0"O.0.FIELD INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12"O.C. SEE NOTE:3 Bearing wall headers to have 2 jack studs and 2 full length studs on each side of all 6).Concrete piers shall be a minimum 6"above grade. openings.LVL headers to have(3)jack studs and(2)full length studs on each side of WALL SHEATHING: Q- openings.Bearing wall window sills shall also have(2)window sill plates for 2x4 wall 7).All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors.Each Joist shall also be anchored NOTES openings between 4'1 and 6'0 and 2x6 wall openings between 511 and 89.Provide fire to girder(s). JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. and blocking where applicable. QTY. SPACING y duty g g 8).Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building. STRUCTURAL AS PER TABLE 3.9 1).For wall sheathingwithin 4 feet of the corners,the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shallE=rl 5 .All flush beams/headers to be installed with heav du galvinized hangers and PANELS 8d COMMON WFCM-SBC ) � anchors where applicable to all connecting joists. PLUMB l N G NOTES be used. 4 7/16"OSB 3"O.C.EDGE _ PLYWOOD 6d COMMON 6"O.C.FIELD 2 . 6).Double up floor joists under walls that run parallel to the floor joist and under bathtu s. l).All water supply,drainage and venting to be installed as per N.Y.S.Residential ) Tabulated 12 inch D.C.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with Floors to have ceramic tile installed shall be verified for proper load capacity unless noted Construction Code. GYPSUM 7" O.C.EDGE G>0.49.For framing members with 0.42<G<,the nail spacings shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. Q on plans. WALLBOARD 5d COOLERS 10"O.C.FIELD N 7).Provide 2-1-3/4"thick microlams(height to match floor joists)around stairwell and/ r 2)•Verify septic system with the Engineer for Suffolk County Health Department approval. 3).For exterior panel siding,galvinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. to other access openings unless otherwise noted(typical). FLOOR SHEATHING: 3).If wall studs,plates or joists are cut out during installation for any plumbing related work, NAIL I NAIL 8).Dormers runningu roof rafters are to be supported b double rafters on either side provide adequate bracing and plates to protect and secure the structure.Verify with the JOINT DESCRIPTION r► P PP Y QTY. SPACING 1).PROVIDE 5/8"TYPE-X SHEETROCK FIRE STOPPING AT 10'0 MAXIMUM DISTANCES FOR NON ACCESSIBLE AREAS. where applicable unless otherwise noted. state code and manufacture's recommendation for maximum hole size and spacing permitted. 2).USE SIMPSON HANGERS AND ANCHORS WITH z-MAX TRIPPLE PROTECTIVE COATING FOR CONTACT WITH ACQ. W N STRUCTURAL PANELS 6"O.C.EDGE EGRESS OPENINGS MIN.5.0 SQ GRADE FLOOR 3).INSTALL 1-Co2 DETECTOR IN ADDITION TO SMOKE ALARMS PER FLOOR. }- HVAC SYSTEM NOTES 8d COMMO 1NL 1"OR LESS 12"O.C.FIELD (5.7 SQ.FT.2ND.FLOOR) 9).Provide blocking bridging in floor joists at 8'0 o.c..Use solid blocking in floor joists MIN.44"SILL-AFF ,�• under all bearing walls. 1).Mechanical subcontractor is responsible for adhearing to all applicable codes and safety NOTES: NYS Residential Code R302.11-FIREBLOCKING REQUIRED �I requirements. Fireblocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draft openings(both vertical and horizontal) 10).Provide insulation baffles at eave vents between rafters.Install draft blocking as NOTE: and to form an effective fire barrier between stories,and between a top story and the roof space. needed. THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TEST TO VERIFY Fireblocking shall be provided in wood-frame construction in the following locations. 2).HVAC subcontractor is to fully coordinate all system data and requirements with the MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTE;ONLY. EXISTING CONDITIONS.MINIMUM 3000#CAPACITY. 1).In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions,including furred spaces.at the ceiling and floor ((� equipment Supplier. levels.Concealed horizontal furred spaces shall also be fireblocked at intervals not exceeding 10 11).Unless otherwise noted,all roofs and walls to have a minimum 1/2"thick,4-ply Fir 1).Nailing requirements are based o1 wall sheathing feet.Batts or blankets of mineral or glass fiber shall be allowed as firebiocking in walls constructed / CDX exterior sheathing grade plywood.Plywood to cover over plates and headers. SOIL COMPACTION: using par rows of studs or staggered studs. 3).HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit it to the General nailed 6"on-center at the panel edge.If wall sheathing 12).Unless otherwise noted use 3/4"thick T&G PTS Fir or Advantech plywood subfloor Contractor and owner for final review and approval. is nailed 3"on-center at the panel eige to obtain higher 1),NEW FILL TO BE CLEAN OF ORGANIC MATERIAL.CONTRACTOR 2).At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, p shear capacities,nailing re uiremen s for structural TO VERIFY EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILL drop ceilings and cove ceilings. V. adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor joists.Finished floor to be installed ELECTRICAL NOTES: P g q REMOVE AND ADD ADDITIONAL FILL AS NEEDED. members shall be doubled,or alterrate connectors, 3).In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run.Enclosed spaces over subfloor as per manufacture's instructions. such as shear plates,shall be used tomaintain load path. 2).COMPACTION OF NEW FILL SHALL BE AT LEAST 95%PROCTOR under stairs shall comply with current N.Y.S.Residential Code. 1).All electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code. DENSITY(PER ASTM D 698 AND ASTM D 1557), COMPACT THE 13).All bathroom walls to have 1/2"thick moisture-resistant sheetrock.Garage walls and SOIL AT 12"LIFTS(TYPICAL).CONTRACTOR TO HAVE FILL 4).At openings around vents,pipes and duds at ceiling and floor level,to resist the free passage of �I ceilings and over furnace to have 5/8"thick type-x sheetrock.All other parts of building 2).All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter. 2).When wall sheathing is continuous over connected TESTED BY A PROFFESSIONAL AGENCY FOR COMPACTION. flame and products of combustion. to have regular 1/2"sheetrock.All walls to be taped and finished. members,the tabulated number of mils shall be permitted 3).DO NOT BACKFILL UNTILL FIRST FLOOR DECK CONSTRUCTION, 5).For the flreblocking of chimneys and fireplaces,as required by current N.Y.S.Residential Code. 3).All electrical work to comply with 2014 NEC. to be reduced tol-16d nail per foot. INCLUDING SUBFLOOR,IS COMPLETE. 14).All roof with a pitch less than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice&Water barrier or pp q pp g 4 Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R314 approved equal.Flat roofs shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPDM )• torch down type material over. and R315 of IRC. R. + 16).All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete to be pressure treated.Sill plates to EXTERIOR FIBERGLASS COLUMNS TO BE HB&G 6` � DRAWN: be installed with a foam sill gasket and cop-r-tex termite shield or approved equal. OR APPROVED EQUAL INSTALL WITH CAP AND BASES.USE WITH FLASHING CAPS TOSCALE:• j� JOB#: COVER TOP I � s �+ 7/26/2023 +� r SHEET NUMBER: - 7