HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-06/01/1998-SSPECIAL MEETING
A Special Meeting of the Southold T. own Board was held on June 1,
199S, at the Southold ToWn Halt, Mare Road, Southold, New York.
Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at 10:00 A.M,
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussle
Councilman William D. Moore
Councilman John M. Romanelli
Councilman Brian G. Murphy
Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville
Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski
Justice Louisa P. Evans
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This is a special Town Board meeting. A Waiver of
Notice with the undersigned being members of the Town Board of the Town
of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby verily waive notice of
time, place and purpose of the meeting of the Town Board to be held at
10:00 A.M., at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road; Southold, New York,
on Monday, June 1, 1998. The same shall be held on said 'date of
transaction of any business which may properly come before said meeting.
Dated: 27th of May, 1998, Southold, New York, and signed by all
members of the Town Board. I think the first thing we will take up because
from looking at those here with us today, theit~ main interest I am sure is
the municipal electric utility system, so that will be our first order of
business, although we do have two resolutions in relation to Fishers Island'.
One is rescinding the resolution that was passed for the kids on the
mosquito control program, and the second resolution, for Fishers Island is
making a correction in the names of those that we hire. Also, there is a
resolution on for Cablevlsion, because there is a time frame on that, which
Greg will explain to us. The first order of business is the resolutions.
As you know, both resolutions to operate and establish both an electrical
system, and a gas system was on the agenda for last Tuesday's meeting,
and it was felt that we did not have adequate time to really look at all of
this with the time frame, so it was held for today's meeting, so that we can
further discuss it. Alice, I will call on you first. If there is anything
you would like to add before I ask Greg for legal opinions on this.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: No, the only thing we were waiting for was the
SEQRA process, and a determination about that, so since .that is his game,
go ahead.
the whole situation, where we are now.
I want you to explain to the Board
Greg, I am asking for your legal
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Under the attorney client privilege, that is
not an open meeting, so it does not apply, thus it would be just under a
'Board meeting. Initially you can come back in. That is how it would be.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: On what part of it, Greg? It certainly can't be
all of it. What about the SEQRA part of it?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: I did two things. One, as attorney for the
Board I prepared it, or went through it, giving my legal opinion regarding
that. That Ts under the terms of client privilege, and then my suggestion
Would be to you first discuss and then come back out.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Can we talk about it without having your
opinion? Can we ask you questions? I might say to you, have done a
SEQRA performance, which kind are we using, and that sort of stuff?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: I think there are some Issues regarding
the overall processes SEQRA first, just to let the Board know some of the
processes. That would be my suggestion.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Those processes have to' be done in Executive
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: No, they don~t have to be. We can
discuss everything right now if the Board wants to.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN~ I think we should do as much as we can in open
session, be it SEQRA, be it whatever. The resolution certainly is public
information, and everybody has had a copy of this all ready. I realize that
there are some points that, you know, that should discussed in Executive
Session, but there is so much I feel can be discussed in open session. No?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: It would difficult, I think, to do an
overall discussion. In doing the overall discUssion some issues might come
up which the Board might be more comfortable.~ That might clearly fall
under attorney client. I can do it all right now, but in discussing it, and
making an comprehensive presentation some things might come up, which
the Board might..
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I think, Greg, when we get to that point, and
you are our attorney~ you are the one that keeps us out of trouble, but I
think we should try to discuss as much as we can. If we get to a point
where you feel very, very strongly about it being client attorney.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: I feel strongly at this point that some
initial points you have discussed could be very quick, and then come back
out, and start the process. I can not promise that if we go, and I start
doing a comprehensive presentation, that some issues might not come up
which the Board might be clearly attorney-client privilege In my legal
opinion. I would be happy to discuss it all, I can express it now.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I am trying to think what it might possibly be.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: I Can't know what is in his head; I respect you,
Greg, and I am not going to second guess that.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Attorney-client communication is privileged and
confidential. I hate not taking the attorney's recommendation. You are the
one that keeps us out of trouble.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: ' I don~t want disrupt you, but I want to make a
motion that we go into Executive Session,' and give you five minutes to lay
. your..
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Executive Session, the attorney-client is
exempt from the open meeting.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: That is my request, that we give him five minutes,
let him get out his uncomfortable feat, get it off his chest, and then get
back out into the public.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Your exemption to go into Executive,
however it is separate and apart from an open meeting for the Board like
any other client is entitled to certain privileges of Federal, State Law.
One of the privileges of the attorney client discussion.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Bill, make the motion, then I will call for a
second, and vote.
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVEO that the Town Board recess to go into Executive Session to
discuss items of attorney-client privilege, which is exempt from the open
meetings law, which relate to the establishment of a power company for the
Town of Southold
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore,
Supervisor Cochran. No: Councilman Murphy, Councilwoman Hussie.
This'resolutiOn was LOST.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I will have to ask the same attorney to do as
much as we can.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKi: I am going to give the presentation.
Fo.c~ssing we are.~w[l[ing :.to go. und.er t. he packet that says, attorney-client
prlvdege communicatlon"is conftde.ntlal in terms of the secon.d page. .To
is going to be that these resolutions are going
to that falls under SEQRA. That under SEQRA, that prior to
doing action SEQRA must be completed. That if you are looking at the page
that .it is~ ref~ I, that agency, in this case the Town Board, classifies
the three types of actions, a Type I, a Type II unlisted
dng my definition, the creation under Chapter. .360, the
w )f a municipal electric set;vice, and mu.nlclpal gas
uti the stated purpose of decreasing ~the electric and gas
~citizens, private citizens, and corporations of
i;n the town, and also by the town body, by the
TOwn clearly, it is at the verY least an unlisted
acti be considered a Type I action. If you go forward as
conduct an uncoordinated no other
into a Type
happened at the I~
which stated as an
y, I think it would be unl'
is a mote point,
and looking over
is you have te look
the project. Then what
i. What we are
may have at
adverse environment
I z sment fm
adYerse env
~ issued, and
In looking over
criteria, lis.ted in
are Considered .mdicato~s
Stepping back for. al
it the pro-Dosed
::Will have a signlficanl
to,mental impact. What
)1~ ex.pected to
determine that the icr
ter~m, !o. ng
iect. in !looking at
goes forward, or we
is unique, and
ch' different .than
are going
electric service..
Gus Southold whichl
of thin it has ar
~. ibout what
will result in a
as more
and real
review ls
for Type !.
in doing the
what has to be
ssed out
here is to
:ntial for
or the
it may
Then a
to an
of this
that 617C
Board or
project is
least ~one
at t;he
in '617,7C.
the site,
up .~St,
all of a
they say,
:about on
lUes aBd
in short
you can make a very strong argument that creates a vacuum in the sense
that commercial enterprises, residential developments, which might locate
further up west, might be very much attracted to come into $outhold. In
talking with the Town Planning Department, say what happened in
Greenport, the Village which has it's own electric company, and the rates
are lower to be able to move easily, than the town attract in business,
because one of the main overheads of a business is it's electric rates. In
looking over the criteria for determining the significance in 617.7C one of
the things..think about what might happen. You. have more commercial
enterprises, more residential development coming in, increase in traffic,
pressure on the development of open space that is going on. The Town
currently has an open space program going on. This might significantly
hinder the open space program for agricultural and farmers, that are going
to stay in the business, or if the land is too valuable now. In going
through the criteria to determine 'the significance look at the first little
number i, little small Roman numeral i. Substantial adverse, change in
existing air quality, ground :or. surface water qu.alit~: traffic~, or nois
levels, you can make an argument that inc~eased commercial develbpment-
and residents wOuld effect that...-- Number tw°~ you .couldiprebably make an
argument, but some many ~,mere ean cut ones. Nu )n of
material conflict withicomm goals as and
adopted.. I know rrght now, the:Town of Southol~d .has an open space
preservation program, both for farmland development open
space, going on 'right now;:' ai'
significantly dec~eased ectr'[c e that
that would' effect· that current p! of
either )f ~ energ
of energy, you~ sigl
rise.' Number ei! land
includ, ing agriCUltural? it~s
capacity the
or lwoul( a
place,~ or places in more .than ~le
who would come
Again, you
case an
is ~e CritiCal
tallied to tine~, I
haVe ta is
the Of
plarmer,~ a also
looked over
then d
the Town
the cri so
T I action. In
done. So, the next step is correcting that'step. In. addition when you do a
positive dec and you Issue it you want to list all the. impacts, as many
Impacts as I can come up with. I would like to have a I:ittle more time to
talk with our Planning and perhaps an environmental consultant as
establishing the full potential environmental impacts that clearly establish
and set forth the positive dec. That is my reasoning on the SEQRA.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Okay, now can we talk? Those are specious
arguments, if I have heard. In the first place, you are talking about
something that might happen,~ and it is going to have a significant effect on
the environment. We are not putting in any pales. We are not digging up
a piece of grOund. We are taking over an existing company, The fact that
it is going to. bring buSiness, ln~ how do know it is going to bring business
in? That is a speculation,' and besides buSiness is controlled by our
zoning, just like the number of homes that' :we have is controlled by
zoning. Just because you say we .are going to have cheaper electric rates,
Messina didn't have a sudden influx of many, many Pe0ple'com!ng .j.n..._
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Greenport hasn't had it for years.
.COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE:. Neither has Greenport. i don't understand, It
just does:, not ~ make sense. .Development is alright. Development is done by
zorn g, and then you cite this law. 'Was this an existing sewer district, or
were they going to dig up the ground, and put one in?
TOWN AqTTORNEY YAKABOSKI: They are going to establish a district.
over an
They are going to establish a district, but it
going to build new, or they were taking
I am not going to listen to that. I can not
this far. You told us that this required a
were not going to dig up any~!ng, therefore we
a' sudden we have been v~aitmg, waiting, and
~be the third time. There is something peculiar
an agency iS
ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: In reviewing the envlronmental, I
frustration. I do. Quite frankly you look at the SEQRA
being started as soon as possible. As soon as
an action.
to be
well, ~ and la
That's .why we postponed doing the vote two
EQRA thing was going to be done. It was going
going to be fairly short, and all was going to be
~¥ we were supposed to take care of this.
That was my impression. However, in
Assessment Form, and completing it..I did
Form from Power Alternative as you
'the last Board meeting. In going through it I
answers I have been filled in by Power
I did !quite frankly agree with. I received that
Environmental Assessment 'Form nine o~clock during that Work Session last
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: That's right, and we have had five or six days
in between then.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Let me just ask a question, it is sort of
rhetorical, but, Alice, maybe it is directed more at you, than it is you,
Greg. Is there some clock that we are racing against, that suggests that
we should, and don~t want to say sidestep, because I respect the fact that
you disagree that we need to take a certain step with a positive dec, or a
negative dec, or this, or that, so I am not going to address the substance
of it~ just yourr vote, but I don't get the' sense that there is nothing that
we do..if this still is a good idea, and if the numbers work out, and we
still have the. authority under State law to do this, and set It up and do it
right, and process it r~ght along according to the proper procedures, and
by the way, at som.e, point in time your bond counsel will ask you, show .me
your! SEQRA reSolUtmns, because that is part and parcel of their opimon
lettei's that go Out as they are packaged, so you have to have that in place
before you start doing anything whether it is a negative dec, or positive
dec, or something, yOU know, coordinated, or uncoordinated. Having read,
and I asked for some other opinions, and having gotten them, there was a
court case going on last week as far as this race In clock that we are.
talking about. The two villages that are ahead us process-wise had raced
into the Appellate Division seeking to leapfrog through the Imminent domain
process. You know of what I. am speaking, right, Greg? They want to seize
assets immediately sized up into procedural mechanisms in place, because at
least those villages and their counsel believed that. if they were going to
accomplish the task they. had to obtain the. assets prior to the
LILCO/LIPA closing last week, and the court said, no, I am assuming :we
are stuck with that court's decision. Whether we agree.that the laW, that
we can still use imminent' domain down the road as a proper course of action
to take, that door has been ~closed to us; sol don't need to put
your foot to the metal, :and-go hell!s have .steps,.to
be done p~ l~m sorr~y, but. I can"t
give you the premium :you need
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: I talked to Power Alternatives, heavily
involved. They are also involved, and very familiar with those two cases. I
asked them point blank. I said, are we under any deadline? What are our
deadlines ~right now? They '_said, no, .you are~ not .on any deadlines. In
addition, backing up a step in this process the project, the goal here, the
goal with the decreased electric rates, .the plan was to form a municipal
utility service such' that, ~ that ser~me could thence, it is really the
purchase of power off the power bridge, It is called wheel in po.wer from
out of state. In revieWing the whOle file, again, :1 fOund nothing from
Endpact. power System,:.l:~ :out. This is dated
October 29, 1996;
It Said there isa:recent decision
has orderedi, that open'retail commi:
early 1998, There's
this, that Perhl we~.are
to Power
they also indicated
citizens, could be bring, in power
service. Those are other issues.
I dc
without forming
~e Board.
New York .in
.more about
also talked
other day,: and
an initial utility
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSi!E: Those things are .for the Town to act as a
wholesaler for itself, for it's own buildings,: and: little places that it
owns. School districts can do the same things'. Okay;~so we spent $180,000
on electric for
everybody. : The
why..I am not sa
they are racing
disturbed to
through, this .I
this. We
check the
understand 1
to follow the
head. We are
changing anything.
but we spent $19r;000,~000! all
anything ~to
i, because
am very
I have been
have been through
have to
person can
I realize we have
can also, use your
ronment. We are not
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: These arguments can go two ways.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Absolutely true, and correct. Regarding
the dragging process, I appreciate your frustration. Part of what has
happened since I came on board, and accepted responsibility for this
when I first came on board..this was a long: ways along, and Power
Alternatives was heavily involved. In looking at everything it was my
impression, rightly or wrongly, that Power Alternatives was leading this,
advising the Board, advising the town on what the legal steps, and on the
feasibility of What had to happen. What has happened is when I receive
things at the last second, the B. oard 'rightly has. asked my opinion, and
what happened is a couple of things, is' that hawng to sign off on.those
things, I am not comfortable in signing off some of the things that don~t
look go.od to me, especially the last second, especial!y the SEQRA, which
was delivered at the 'last Board meeting,r Since that time, unless the Board
would !ike ~to change ~that,. I noticed, poWer Alterna.t?es that since this is
happemng ~t is unf~arr to the Board.. I believe that ff I have to sign off at
the end that I become involved much earlier, and take the lead role, and
use them as the expert advisors.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Are you taking the lead role, or taking
opinions? Are you making decisions or giving us your opinion?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: This is my thoughts on it. To help
alleviates what is so frustrating, which is~the fact that things come in, at
the last second things are getting pulled, because when I review them they
are not comfortable, and then When I ask questions I am being told they
are good questions by our experts, by Power Alternative. So, that is what
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would like to clarify one thing, Greg. I spoke
with Greg, and said, as a attorney to the .Town of Southold it is his
responsibility to make sure we do this whole process correctly with all the
i~s dotted, all the t's crossed. I personally feel that we should have
SEQRA, and I see it as a type of action. I really do.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: . I,think it is going to affect the environment. I
think it affects economics in the town. I think it will, Alice, and you
know.as we.Il as I know that'this community is going to receive lawsuits as
we go through and try to. fight this thing. It is going to be part of the
whole process, lawsuits. I do not feel that having this Town obligate
themselves to $u~7,000,000. It is fair to them until we know the answers,
and they know the answers. So, the time frame, in my mind, is not the
key point.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: There is not going to be SU,0,000 being dedicated
or anything until the referendum is done.
have to get out there.
I still think there is lot of information that we
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: We will never get it until we establish ourselves.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: It is a legal regarding the expenditure of
the bond, and things like that. The only reason I brought it up was the
fact that once we go forwat-d, however, as I said there is a paper here now
that has some pitfalls on it. Again, I fully appreciate your frustration,
which is why I have made my statement that I did last week to Power
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Not as much frustration as it is puzzlement,
actually puzzlement. This thing has been going on for six weeks, and now
we are ready, we said, yes, we are right there ready to do it, and
suddenly pull back the reins, and we have to stop for a reason. Why?
Because it is going to cause more business to come into town? That is a
dream, or a nightmare. I don~t know, how does everyone else feel?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I feel you go through the process, legal manner,
the manner we are supposed to go through, and SEQRA is an important
part of this whole process, and I feel we start the process of SEQRA
immediately, and then follow our steps as we should.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: The SEQRA process that Greg, you can argue
them on the other side, too. I mean they are suggestions, they could
happen. You could completely make a strong argument that it is not going
to bring more business, that your zoning and your planning.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The process will show you that.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: What, another study? The Environmental Impact
Statement, which is a study.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: John, just .weighing in with a little bit. If you
want something to stick, and you want to assure yourself, that you have
not given your opposition that Is oUt there something to grab on to, SEQRA
is one place where the courts are much more respectful of. The Boards are
stopped, looked, and examined, and then taken their action versus those
that have sidestepped, or said, oh, we don~t thik, and others come back
and say, hey, wait a second, .that warranted what they call the hard look,
and you didn't give it. That is the only concern~ I am not saying
whether it should, or shouldn't: have, which way you: want to go' on it in
that respect, but having done it, you can't be faulted with having done
it. We hired these guys, what last fall?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Okay, .and they were late in getting their report to
us, and everyone is trying to race a perceived deadline.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: And regarding the fact that commercial
and residential development might come in, this is what they stated in their
own feasibility report. This is where a lot of the bases came from, on page
six, attracting more commercial investment development in the town as
desired, increasing property values, and stimulating the commercial and
residential real estate sector~. So, that is the first step in SEQRA. That
is the impact. That is a perceived impact, and then you look at the
criteria, which are listed in 617. C, and you look at that, and it starts
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Public water could do the same thing.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Did the Suffolk County Water Authority do it?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: When they took over Greenport they did.. They did a
full DEIS. I read it. I don~t know if the extension has gone to, but I
know they did it on the acqUisition.
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Really reading this, .and this, LIPA would have
to give us a statement to reduce the rates by 20%.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Interesting enough, i was doing some research over
the weekend. LIPA, actually, because they are a State Authority were
granted a New York State Legislative exemption.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: There you go, but that is the point. State
Legislature sits there and exempts itself from the laws to which it puts
everybody through, and we have to adhere with it, and they give
themselves an exemption.
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I don~t see where this is going to affect. It is an
existing system. It is already here. The zoning Is in place. I don~t see.
Now it would be a 20% decrease, because we are already getting twenty
from LIPA, so what we are looking at is 20% more decrease. The way our
zoning is right now, it is not going to change.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: My question is what is the harm of doing the
process then? If there is not time critical deadline here, that what we are
not racing against some closing statement, we are not racing against some
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: In other words, justification for taking a Negative
Dec on it.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: When I first looked at lt..these are just
my recommendations that I gave to the Board. When I first looked at it,
when we talked about it, and just take note of the sys[em, and then
started talking to different people, and started looking again at the
feasibility report, and looking at perceived impact, and that, and you
JUNE 1, ~98
know, there is a line between Riverhead and Southold, you have
rates. What that might do, especially with a lot of open land, undeveloped
land, that is still out here, that is both zoned commercial and residential,
that is kind of why I came to my conclusions. My initial feeling exactly as
you pointed out, and that is as Alice pointed out, which Is all we are doing
is taking over the system.
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: At that rate, Greenport shouldn't have a bit of
land left in it. It has been less than half of our rate for how many
years? There shouldn't be a piece of land left in Greenport if you take
that logic.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I think you are focussing on just one point.
There are more points than just that it will increase business. I don~t
know if it is going to increase business or not, but certainly a DEIS is
going to show you that. It Is going to give us answers we. don't now have.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: And you won't have them later'. You don't know
what~ business Is going to do, and according to this if I sneeze I need to do
a SEQR thing, because It says it is creating of a hazard to human health.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Another factor which came into play was,
I know a lot of the Board members have talked about, hey, it would be nice
if all power lines were underground, and currently I know our Planning
Department requires that any developments that the power lines be
underground. That has a lot of aesthetic value. You know you drive down
the road. One thing that Power Alternatives was mentioning at one point
when~ they were here, was the fact that potentially there are companies that
are out: there, that can come in and lay a whole new system. So, when you
are I~oking at purchasing existing (tape change) I also do' knoW there are
environmental factors put into play.
COUNCI.EWOMAN HUSSIE: Of course there is an environmental factor. As
you recall that feasibility study laid out a number of different ways to
acquire the company, a number of different ways to run the company, a
number of different goals, or possible goals. You yourself said, well, they
have everything in hera, so that we can go either way. That is what we
wanted to do. Now, suddenly that is being turned against us.
COUNC;ILMAN MURPHY: In that situation, let's make the determination at
some.!point .down the road to put the stuff underground, because it was a
definite environmental consequence, digging up.
TOWN YAKABOSKI: The current plan would probably have to
change . an amendment to the current resolution to allow a
co. mplete?lf you didn't purchase all of the existing transmission and
diStributions lines, instead Went with a third party different company, they
put everything underground you would probably have to amend the plan.
thing to finish up on SEQRA in general, just because you go
thro t½e process and there is a Positive Dec, and an Environmental
is required, that doesn't mean that the project doesn't go
means, all SEQRA was trying to do in legislature
was ~when various boards, including this board, were sitting
runs, weighing decisions on different actions, that an
be taken, that this decision of land use would also
factors into the consideration. That Is why in this
case when the Board of Appeals overturned it, and the
Division overturned they went back to square one, because they
said. the people had to vote they deserved to have all the
envir factors before them. They might stilil come out with the
exact same~ vote. if they had done SEQRA this case could have gone right
for. ward. Nobody could have annulled it. The factors were before the
pe vote was the same still. You never would have had to
g happened in this particular case.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: :Alice, you said the last administration did not
move on .this at all. I feel that we have been moving. I think we have
been movir{g. We have had this firm on board what, less than a year?
COUNC;ILWOMAN HUSSIE: We have gone through them, and we still are not
any place.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We are moving, though, and SEQRA is a part of
that moving. I just feel that we should start that SEQRA process. I don~t
know exactly how long it will take timewise.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: That means we have to go out to Kramer, and
Vorhis, and somebody, and get this, and do the other thing, and wait,
and it will be another six weeks, eight weeks, ten weeks, maybe it will be
three months.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It is a good idea, it will still be a good idea six
weeks from now.
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: As I say, that was just simply my
recommendations to the Board as preparing, and looking It over, that type
of thing. As I stated in the beginning, Supervisor, it could have been done
at the turning point-but.. I just want everybody to know.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This is an important thing for the community of
Southold, and I think that people should hear as much as they can. Alice
has worked very hard on this project, and we ask you to be just a little
bit more patient, Alice, and let's take each step and do it, so that when
the lawsuits cOme down we have certain protections..Let's keep moving in a
forward directiOn.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: In the spirit of bitterness I wonder how long it
is going tO be, what is going'to be the thing to hold it up the next time.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We will move it as quickly as we can. I was also
asked to express. Councilwoman Evans position on this,: and she did sign a
waiver, SO that we could meet without her today, bu~ she is against the
resolution at this time, and she wants Fishers Island completely out of the
process, so I have done her: bidding, and I have relayed this Information.
She also shared it with the Town Attorney. Okay, it is up to the Board.
Do you want to present the resolution and vote? Do you: want to hold itt
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLi: Do we need a resolution to go forward on a full
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: On that, if it is okay with the Board, I
would like to again consult with the environmental consultant and the
Planning Department. I believe that is strong case for a Type I
Coordinated Review. That means that we would rescind the earlier
resolution because it is going to be an uncoordinated review. I thought it
was just simply an unlisted action, when I spoke last time. An
uncoordinated review more agencies are involved. I am waiving on that. I
think that has been held until the next Board meeting as to the type of
action, and the type Of review, that would be my suggestions.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: I offer the resolution that we retain the services of
Nelson, Pope and Voorhis, which is the Environmental Consultant, to
perform whether it is the Long Form EIEF, make a decision on negative
and positive dec, and go from there. Whatever step you are at with the
material you have presently, that we retain them to perform that service.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: We are going to do that. We are not going to
take a vote on the present thing. We are just going to let it slide, is that
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Alice, this is your resolution. As Chairman you
were going to present the resolution. You may still present it, and we can
vote on it. Is that what you are saying?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I am asking. You are the Chairman, Madame
Supervisor, or the one pulling the strings here. What are we going to do
about this? Are we each going to put up our reasons for not doing it, or
are we just going to .let it languish in the gutter; and move on to something
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I have just asked, would you like to present
your resolutions, and we can vote on it, otherwise the Board can take the
direction, i do have a motion on the floor at this point. I don~t have a
second yet, but I do have a motion on the floor. I can ask Bill to rescind
his motion if you would like to present yours. We will vote on it. If it is.
a positive vote, then you are voting to move ahead without doing the full
SEQRA process. If it is a negative vote, then I will entertain Billls motion
to hire Voorhis, and we will go in the direction of an environmental
study, SEQRA.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Okay, then I move that the Town Board at this
time creates a ..
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: If the Board is then going to go prior to
your resolution, suggest that prior to making a resolution, make a
resolution for a Negative Dec SEQRA, then make your motion.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Did we do that last Tuesday?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: It was lead agency. Prior to making a
finding, make a finding on Negative Dec and the reasons, and then the
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I move the Town Board declares this action of
creation of Southold Electric Utility having a negative impact on the
environment. How you do that?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: There are two things. One is a Type I, or
unlisted, and then the Negative Dec. The only reason for a Type I is
that, I did have a clear answer on this one, 'is that if the action occurs
wh.o. ll.y with the parcel within, or substantialiy indigenous to any historic
building~ structure, facility, site, or prehistoric site as listed on
NatiOnal Register .of Historic places, or has proposed by New York State on
Historic Preservation for recommendation to the State Historic Preservation
Office for nominal. I didn't know the answer to this, and talking to the
Planning Department it was thought that Fort Corchaug falls under ~ha~
I don't Enow the answer. That would be the only reason for a Type ·
not, it Would be an unlisted action.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: Instead of trying to figure out these things out
of my head. You know you often take an informal poll. Let's do an
informal poll.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, we can do that.
COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Take an informal poll, on what?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: On a negative dec.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Why don~t you do it on the establishment?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, letEs do it on the establishment. I have
no difficulty with that.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLi: My only problem is with all this discussion we
had today. We have given the attorney, who want to sue the town if we go
forward all the ammunition they need. We have given them the argument to
sue us. Right out here in the public meeting, so we would really have to..
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, do you want to know where the chips fall?
TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: I suggest to the Board, if we do the
informal call first as to an unlisted, I think it clearly unlisted, only
vote whether it is a Type I or not, and then after that it would be a
negative* or positive dec.
Okay, let's do this poll, and this is on the
TO. WN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Unlisted, or Type I, you have to declare
which type of action.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I just wanted to know where everybody stood,
and I guess I know where everybody stands.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I am holding it. I am going to go through the
process, and I. am going to continue with the process, but I am going to do
it the correct way~ and that is doing SEORA first. I am holding. I am not
moving ahead with the resolutions today. That is where I stand. Bill?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: I am in agreement. I am ready to go to the next
step, which is do your resolution declaring it an unlisted action SEQRA.
We already are the lead agent, and then we authorize the hiring of Nelson,
Pope, and Voorhis to perform the necessary environmental review.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Let's go ahead with the full SEQRA thing.
Gentlemen, I would still like to know your feelings.
COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: I agree with you at the moment on this point at
this stage that we need to hold it.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Just by way of understanding what I am talking
about. We didn't sit here, and I didn't just suggest that we just positive
dec thls thing. I simply ask that we hire people to prepare a long form
EAF. The attorney had one from Power Alternatives. Let them prepare
a Long Form EAF. If you decide having read that, and you ask them
these very good questions about this type of, which are an existing thing,
it is really a debt obligation as opposed to building new lines, and that
kind of stuff. These guys do this all the time. Let's get their opinion on
what type declaration is appropriate. You. have a long form EAF filled
out by a designated environment consultant, you are not going to be, as
far as we are talking about our legal advise, and our positions to the
public you can't be faulted for having a designated person sit there and
assist you in preparing the environmental review on a long form.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, I will entertain your resolution, Bill, once
again. Would you like to repeat it?
.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold declares the
formation of public utility service for electric and' gas as unlisted actions
of SEQRA, and engages the services of Nelson, Pope and Voorhis,
Environmental Consultants, to perform an environmental review process, and
to prepare the Long Form Environmental Assessment Form.
.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Hussie, SUpervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Our next order of business relates to
Cablevision. Alice, would you share this with the group.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: The Board probably knows that over the last
January we had received many, many complaints from cltJzens in Southold
concerning the rate increase. They did what they thought they were
supposed to do, which was to make their complaints to the Department of
Public Service. That done, we then have to get involved with the FCC. In
March, I wrote a letter to the FCC saying, that on January 1st
Cablevision raised it's cable user rates, and the Town of Southold has gone
on record to protest this unwarranted 'increase. The Town of Southold, the
franchising authority has received at 'least two consumer complaints
concerning this increase, and therefore filed it's rate complaint with the
FCC. The Town further notes the clause on complaint process established
by Congress. The practice of sending rate increases and basic service to
the State Public Service Commission, while sending rate increases in higher
levels to the FCC, presents the cable companies with the perfect
opportunity for slight of hand. High plan rate increases, Or decreases, In
different levels of service against each other, they can mask unfair rate
increases with opportunity for a comprehensive review. That was in March
30, 1998. Last Thursday I got a phone call from Mr. Gary Ramandeno
from the FCC saying that I had followed the'wrong process, and what all
this explanation that they sent to the people who complained rea!ly meant
was that we had to fill out a form. and we have 180 days m which to do
that, so we are okay on that score except if you follow 180 days from
January 1st it brings us to June 30th. Also, in the instructions for
this it says, that we have to give our complaint, fili out on their form
here, two pages worth of form, and send it to Cablevision. But, before we
can do that we, as a Board, have to decide that we have received these
complaints, and we are following their steps, that indeed, the resolution
says that the increase took effect and we received the complaints, and it
effects two tiers of service as a franchising authority. So, I have gotten
this, and I do believe the form has been filled out to be sent, and it just
requires that you agree that this kind of thing should be done. There is
an interesting little fli.P in here, though, and that is that we have 180
days, but tl~e Cablevlsion peOple have 30 days, at least, 30 days to get
their reply back to means that they would have to get their
reply back us to comply with the 180 days. I
don~t know why I.ast minute to let me know, because
he has had th's for three months. It ~s such a Catoh-22 :situation. It is
absolutely Joseph Hiller. He'is probably sitting here: somewhere.
2.- Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold as the
franchising authority dealing with Cablevision, hereby determines that the
increase instituted by Cablevision, Inc. of R|verhead took effect no more
than ninety days before the subscriber complaints were received, and that
the: increase pertains to the cable programming services tier(s).
2.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Resolution #3 in relation to Fishers Island,
rescinding the hiring of the mosquito course over there.
3.- Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Supervisor Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rescinds
Resolution #13 of May 26, 1998, Southold Town Board meeting which reads
as follows:
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Megan Gallaghan, Kristin Unfried, and Katherine HolbroOk, and
Lasser O'Callaghan as technicians under the Fishers Island Safe BTI
Mosquito Control Program, effective May 16, 1988 through October 10, 1998
at a salary of $6.50 per hour, total expenditure not to exceed $8,500 for
the 1998 season.
3.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Resolution to hire three of the people with the
job, and their salaries.
~.-Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by COuncilman Romanelli, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby' appoints
the following individuals as Technicians under the Fishers Island Safe BTI
Mosquito Control Program, effective May 16, 1998 through October 10, 1998,
at the following salaries total expenses not to exceed $8,500 for the 1998:
Lasser O'Callaghan $ 6.50 per hour
Megan Gallaghan & Katherine Holbrook 8.00 per hour
Kristin 'Unfried 10.00 per hour
4.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to adjourn?
Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
11: 0u, P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Romanelli, Councilman Moore~ Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolUtiOn was duly ADOPTED.
Elizabeth A. Nevill~
Southold Town Clerk