HomeMy WebLinkAbout25583-Z · FORN HO, I TOI~N OF $OUTIIOLD BUILOING DE P&RII41DIT TO~IH IIALL SOUTilOLO, N.Y. 1197 I Till,: 765-1802 Disapproved ~/c ' · .. FOE BUILDINO ELgG. D?T. INSTRUCTIONS 'Dal:e ........... ,19. .. a. 'lids application ~tmt be conpletely filled in by t-ype~riter or in ink'and ~ulxnitted to tim I~dldin~ Inspector vi 3 sets oE plans, accurol:e plot plan l:o scale. Fee accord|ut to actmdule. b. Plot plan ti~ir~ local:ion of lot and o[ bolldi~s on pr~d~as, rslati__coeJdp to edjoJnl~ premises Or lxd)lic streets or areas, and 81vin~ a del:oiled deacripl:ion of lol~JC oE property aunt be dnu~ ~ tim dt~,'~n ~hich i# part. of ellis applicacion. c. 'tim ~ork covered by this application ~ay not be co,,~nced befora ls~anc~ o[ Iluiidin~ cl. Upon approval o[ this application, tim I~llding Inspector viii la,tm a i~lldt~ i~mi~ to tim applicant. peu~it slmll be.k~pC on tim pr~dsem available f~r inspecttoo thmui~l: Om ~rk, e. No boildir~ ~mll be occupied or used in ~l~le or in part f~r nny p~rpo~ ~hatevar t~t~l a Cerl:iiicate of Occupancy ~tmll I~ve been ~t,~l:ed by tim i~dldir~ Itmpector. td'Pl.IC~rlON IS W=~g NAI~ to tim I~tldint~ DepartJ~enl: for tim i~suanc~ o[ ~ iiulidin~ Pemit porauan~ to tim Iloildi~ Zooe Ordinanc~ o[ the T~Sal og Southold, Su[iolk CoJnCy, Ne~ York, and otlmr applicablm I~, Ordilm~ea or Re~ul.atio~, got l:be construction of buildings, additions or altenci~, or for run,wi or d~,olition, a~ berlin described, llm applicanl: a~% to conply with ~11 applicable lays, ordinsncas, boildit~ eo~, l~ostt~ code, and re~fiacto~,~=,xl to admit aothoriz~! inspectors on v~tse$ and in boildin~ [o~n~ctions, ' ,~.... Z.. · ·, ~-,-~-. -,- ................................. (~tSnature O[ .ppllca~, or n~ue, if e corlx~ration) (Name and l:itle of corporate officer) I. Nature o[ ~x)rk (dmek dildl a~)tien~le)l ~ ~lldi~ .......... ~iti~ Alrera~i~ ...... I~l~ir ............ ~ ............ ~litl~ .............. Offer ~ .................................. ~rlp~i~ i. ~c i*mt~l ~sr ........ ~ ........... f~ ....................................... (to ~ ~id tat filit~ this a~lleatl~) ...... .... i. If I~mit~ao, ~.,=~lal ~ ml~q~, ~el~ ~Cura a~ ~CenC of east ty~ o~ u~ ...................... 1. I)it~al~m of ~istl~ nt~Ms. 1~ s~: ~t ................ ~sr ............... ~p~h ................. I)Jmnal~m o~ ~ ntn~m ~lth alteratl~ or '~l~l~al ~r~t ............... ~ar ............... ~ I~l)th .................... 1blUrt .................... ~t~r of Stories ............... ' I)Ju~sJ~m of ~tlu ~ ~sr~tf~: ~r ................ ~nr ............... ~p~h .............. I~i~r .... Refer o~ Stories ..................... 9. Sin o~ '1o~: ~t ............. ~ar ................... ~pU~ ..................... lO. I~lt'e of ~trdsa~ . . ~ of Fon~r ~r .~ I I. ~m or u~ district In ~[dt p~l~n am at~r~ .............................................................. 12. ~a ~ ~mt~tl~ violate ~ ~I~ 1~. o~l~e or ~darl~t ...~ ................. 13, ~[11 lot I~ ~ . ................. ~tll ~na fill ~ ~ ~ ~l~n: ~ ~ ............................... 15. ~s thin p~r~y wl~dn ~ f~.of n tt~l ~rl~? ~ ~ .... ~ ~ .......... ~ PLOT l,~cate clearly and distinctly ell b~ildln~8, ~lmtlmr existing or proponed, nnd Indicate ali set-back dimensions f'roa pcoF~rty linen, give attest nod block nmlmr or description according ro deed. and aho~ street m~res arm i~xllcnra x.4mtlmr inferior or corner duly ~)n;, delx)sea taxi ~ys LhaC I)e ia tl~ appl. icm~t of s~ld om)er or o~nera~ nnd in duly nuthorlz~-M to imrfona or h~e l~r~c)rn~ tl~ ~[(1 ~tk atxl to ~ke n~l file thin alqd lentil;; that all statute ~ital~ in this n~llcntl~l are t~ to Ul~ lm~L of his kt~l~e thaL tim ~ ~ill I~ ~r~ In tim ~mer ~t forth in Ute a~tlcatt~ fl~tle~tU~. ..... ..... ANGEtJH~ ~RUNO , (Sts~l~lre ()~ A~)l. Jcant) ...... NOTARY ~13~[C ?,~,,c of New Ho. 4984492 Qualified in Su[iolk Coun,~ ~ Commission Expires July 22, ] 9~ ~ .~ ~.;:. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE 98- ?86 NO TE , LOT NUMBER REFER TO 'MINOR SUBDIVISION' MADE FOR J~MES W. DAF/SON I am fomi~r with fhe STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCTION OF' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES a~l will ebMe by fhe conditions sel forfh fherein end on fhe permif 1o consfruct. FLOOD ZONE LINES FROM FIRM 3610~C0166 G MA Y ~ ~O~NEFiIV~IJI~ICE NOT AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION COASTAL BARRIE~ ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. The Iocotions of wells and cesspools shown hereon ore from field observoflons ond or from doto ohio/ned from ofhers. AREA = I. 113 acres to tie line NO TE' ~UB$URFA~ ~FIA6E DISPO~4L SYSTEM OESl6N BY, ~OSEPH FISO~TT& ?.1~_ HOBART ROAD SOUTHOI.% MY. 11971 ~161 765 - ~954 T~ST HOLE cleyey send SC linetomedk, m $~nd SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT BA YVlEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. ~ - 87- 05 - 23.10 SCALE.. Y' = 40' MAY19, 1998 JUNE ~S. ~e ( TOe ) .IUL Y ~5, 1998 (prop. l~e & pool ) Aug. 14, 199E (revisions) Sept. I, 1998 ( fesf hole #2 ) Jon. 25, 1999 (odd/lions) 02. $, 8' SI= J ANY ALTERATION O~ ADDITION TO TI'IS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION Mar. 3~999 (revised FIRM) I OF'SECTION 7209 OF IHE I~'~ YORK STA TE EDUCA TION LAW, ~ I EXCEPT AS PER SECTION ~I.~I~iISlON g. ALL CERTFICATIONS ,~'~.~ Ut IVFi~'~ I av. us~ ay ,om ,~e ALL su~VEYo~su~m,~,~ .c?.y Hlltl -. ~ o I~ IlUlll ~,~ot r~%v?u~ut~"I I : -~: ~ I ~OL~L.N.~gn I I ..... I ~- 186 LOT ~ REFER TO ~ S~~ ~ ~ J~S W. DAWSON /,o ~ t~J il4' DIS~SAL SYSTEMS F~ S~LE ~d will ~ by the con~lions set f~th t~rein peril to conMruct. FLOOD ZONE LINES FROM FIRM $6105C0166 G MA Y ~ 1998 ,FL~ II¢$URAA~E NOT AVAILABLE FOR ~EW COb~TRUC770N ~ . COASTAL BARRIER ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G. V.D. The Iocofions of wefts end cesspools shown hereon ore from field obseYvolions end or from dote obfoined from o/hers. [] = prop .lev, NOTE' SUBSURFA~ ~ETIAGE DISPOSAL SYSTOI DESIGN BY, JOSEPH F'~TT~ P.P I~BART ~ t4Y. 11971 GRADING PLAN ~ ~ ~ SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT BA YVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. - 87- 05- 23.10 CERTIFIED TO, THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK F~DELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK FNT 99 ZE3Z4 MARIE JONES SCALE.. Y'.= 40' MAY 19, 1998 JUNE 2a ~ee t TOB ) JUL Y IS, l~8 (prop. hee & pool ) · _ KEVIN R. MIDDLETON Aug I~t, 1998 (revisions) AREA = ! ~ acres to tM ~ L/SO C~S~T~ CORP. Sep~ I, 1998 ( les/ hole ~2 ) ~Y AL~ ~ ~ TO ~ ~ ~ A ~A~ ~~ (revl~d F~M) J ~A ~ ~ ~s ~ ~ ~m ~L ~ ~ ~ / / ~///~ ~ N.Y.S. LIC. ~. 4~18 I . . RS, P C ~~Y TO ~Y ~ ~ LAW ~ ~T ~ ~ BY ~ ~ ~ ~Y~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~~ I 98- 188 RE~ ALL I ~ f~r w/Ih the ST~DARDS FOR APPROVAL c/~/ [~ , C~C TION SUBSURFACE SEWAGE IE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR S~GLE FA~L Y RESIDENCES ~d w/Il ~ b~ /he con~n$ se/ forth therein ~d on the 4+? ~0~ G ~Y % 19~ ~ : prop elev, ~ ~ ~ ~,~ SURVEY OF PROPERTY SYS~M ~ ~LeV~ro ~.s.~Sv.o. ~ ~~o ~, ~ ~rr~ P.~ TO WN OF SOUTHOLD ~o, ~. ,~, SUFFOLK COUNTY, N The Iocdions of wells =nd cesspools ~6~ ~ - ~ CmTmZ~ TO, ~~ ~"= 40' shown hereon ore from field observolions T~ S~FOLK COUNTY NATIONAL and or from dola obtained from athos. P~ELITY NA TIDAL TITLE INSTANCE CO. ANY OF NEW Y~K FNT 99 KgVIN R. ~ETON Aug. !~ 199~ (revisions) A~ = ~ ~ ~ to ~ ~ L/SO CONSTRUCT~N CORP. Sep/. I, 1998 ( ted hole ~T ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~y~ U~ A C~Y (63/) 765 - 1797 A~. 5, 1999 (fm~) N.Y. 119~ 98- 186