HomeMy WebLinkAbout24020-Z I:(H[H NU. I 'I'[)~H OF IIU] I,I) I FI(; 'l'Ol~ N I1^1.1. .c]OIl'l'll[)l.I), N.Y. I 19!1 'l'l?,l,: 16;)-JB()2 IH~^IU) UI: IIE^I,'IIi . ...: .......... ] ~;1~'1'8 OF I'l.^H~ ............... ~;III~¥E ¥ ........................ CIII~CK ......................... !;El)f lC FURH ................... NOT I FY: ,:^,.,..'!).'7.7.: .72.~.c? .... ,^ , ,. .,-(, : .,7: ?.-~.~. ?.q.~ ..... ~. ~ :b.b.o.~..~..~ .d/. .......... ................. .(.tfi ~%. ........ AI'I'I.I(]A'I'IOI'I I;01[ IIIIII.DINO PI~,I~HIT I Nf;'I'I~IICT I ()NS I)nle ................ ,19... n. 'lhin ~,lqdicnt:i~.l .~mt Ix: (x,M)l(~l(~ly filh. I i,i by lylx~., iter or i. i.k taxi ~.,h.ltted to the I~ihli.R hml~Cl(. ') net. ()f I~lnsm. m:curnte i)lot i)lnn to nc;de. Fc~ ncco,di~A (o ~('ls~hlle. b. Plot: phi. ~d~inB I~a(:i(.1 ()[ h)l: .~1 of I~.ihli.l{n (.~ I-o.i~e., relnlloushil~ to ;.l.iol.i,v~ I-'~.ine. or 1~4)lie Ihin ;~lq)l icnti~.~. (t. 'lhe ~)tk (:(~er~l by thin .1~)1 hr;it lo. ~,~[y ~)l. I.~ (:(.,ll?~iKte(I I~lole i~mtuil~:e of I~li hli.8 I'e.lllt. AI'I'I.I~A'I'I(~ I~ I~l~llY ~1~ to tl~ I~Hhli.R I~l~-~rl.~nt For Ihe i~m,n.ce .f ~ I~dhll.g I'e~mil: i~,rm~n.t to the Ik'l~-h~Li~.m, for I1~ tx~mt~ti~ o[ I.Hhli,,l~. ~hliti~m or nllelntio, n~ or for so~l or ¢l~lltio.. n. hotel. ~kmc~il.~l. 'lhe .l~pllcas,t nl~r~. Io c¢~,~dy wilh .11 .i,dlc.ble h:~., ordhsm.:e., I~,ihlln~i cCxle, I.xmi.B c~le, m~l rel~H.l:il~m, m.I to ~l.il: m~tl.~ri~l hml~clor. ~l I-'~.i.en m~l i. I~.ihli~l~ for ~cennn~ (tl;.m a~.l I il le of (:o~pornte of th:e,-) : ~ ~ ..-...:.. ~ -' - -~ ~o,-/~ BE CO;',qPLETE FOFI CO. ALL CONSI'F;HCYiO.(~j SH~M_L THE REQUiRE{vIEW,TS STATE CONSTRUcTIoN CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ~E~IGN O~ CONSTRUCTION ERRORS ...... ..~.~..~...~. ~.~:~ .,~,,,, 0 .. No. 4~ 7~505 duly ~.~Jtil, (lelXm(.~.,~ ni.I nilyu II.il. lie i.,i Iii(: hi,ill ii:nitI Al'Ill il:mil ) O°0~ ~