HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-07/08/1997SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
JULY 8, 1997
Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman
Joseph L. Townsend Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans,
Councilman William D. Moore, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Laury
L. Dowd.
9:10 A.M. - Executive Assistant James McMahon and George Weiser met~ with the
Town Board to discuss the proposal for the Town Board to sponsor'i~trant
applications to the New York State Affordable Housing Corporation and the Suffolk
County Community Block Grant Program for funding Mr. Weiser's affordable housing
proposal for Richmond Shores at Peconic. Mr. McMahon reviewed the history of the
Town's Affordable Housing Program, and existing Housing Program. Supervisor
Cocl~ran and the Town Board said they would like to look at existing housing stock
in the Town and the possibility of more senior housing, Which would free up homes
for young people. The Board declined to move forward with sponsorship of the
Richmond Shores affordable housing proposal.
9:50 A.M. Neb Brashich, Chairperson of the Transportation Committee, met with
the Board to review Ferrandino & Associates Inc. proposal to prepare a Scenic
Byway Corridor Management Plan (resolution no. 1 ). Councilwo,man Hussie
volunteered to serve on the committee to review the work of the consultant.
10:05 A.M. - Richard Israel met with the Board concerning the Greenport Village
Water Franchise. He reviewed, in del~th, the history of the Village franchise and
the former Southold/North Fork Water Franchise. The Board agreed they should
begin to look into their franchise rights and become involved in the negotiations
between the Suffolk County Water Authority and the Village of Greenport for the
purchase of the franchise. A resolution (20) was placed on the agenda authorizing
the Town Attorney to file a Freedom of Information request with the Village for
information relating to water rates, reserve funds, and ~ledicated accounts of the
Greenport Water Department.
11:30 A.M. - Thomas Maher, P.E., Dvirka & Bartilucci Consulting Engineers, along
with the Town's Solid Waste Coordinator. James Bunchuck, met with the Town Board
to review the DEC's comments with regard to the Town of Southold Closure
Investigation Plan for the Cutchogue landfill (DEC letter of June 20, 1997). At the
conclusion of the meeting it was agreed to request a meeting with Anthony Cava,
DEC Regional Solid and Hazardous Materials Engineer, who reviewed the Town's
plan, to further discuss his comments, If appropriate, Joseph Baier, Suffolk County
Department of Health, will be invited to attend the meeting.
12:45 P.M. --Recess for lunch.
2:10 P.M. Work Session reconvened and the Town Board met with Town
Investigator Edward Forrester to discuss the law with regard to the time period for
issuing a building permit, and his proposed "Application for a Tent Permit"
(resolution no. 23).
2:20 P.M. - Planning Board Member William Cremers and Senior Planner Valerie
Scopaz met with the Town Board to participate in Councilman Townsend's review of
proposed changes to uses in "B" zones. At the conclusion of the review,
Councilman Townsend set July 29th, 7:30 p.m. for a Planning & Zoning Committee
meeting, at which time he will invite the public and Chamber of Commerce
representatives to participate in further review of the "B" zones.
JULY 8, 1997
3:35 P.M. - The 'Town Board took up the following For Discussion items: No bids
were received for the construction of stairs and landings at the end of Rocky Point
Road, £a'st Marion. Supervisor Cochran ask the Board to inspect the site, and the
question of whether or not to readvertise for bids will be discussed on July
22nd.---=A resolution (22) was placed on the agenda to appoin~t Br~et L. Hedges to
the Conservation Advisory Council.----Resolution 23 was placed on the agenda to
approve ,the "Application for a Tent" form for the Building Department.----
Preparation of the 1998 budget for the Southold Wastewater District was discussed
and placed on the July 22nd work session for action.----Letter l~rom the Suffolk
County Water Authority with regard to acquiring a mailing list for homeowners in
Mattituck for the pilot'.project for main installations. The Board determined there
should be a charge for the actual cost to produce the list.----Letter from Save Our
Seashore, Inc. asking l~he Town Board to adopt a resolution requesting congressional
delegations to support conIinuation of federal funding for fiscal 1998 of FEMA,
NOAA, and particularly the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to maintain and protect
coastal resources and environment. Board would like further information before
taking such aCtion.--~-The Town Board must prepare a position description for the
Planning Board office. Councilwoman Hussie and Justice Evans will work on the
description,.----TOwn' Board set' 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 15th to interview the
applicants for Adult Day Ca~re Supervisor and Director of Code Enforcement.
3:55 P.M. Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 4:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
4:15 p.m. - Work Session adjourned.
A Recjular Meetin~ of the Southold Town Board was held on July 8,
1997, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M. with the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oilva
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Councilman William D. Moore
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Eaury L. Dowd
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to approve the audit of bills
for July 8, 19977
'Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby are ordered paid:
General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $122,215.43; General Fund
Part Town bills in the amount of $1,279.70; Highway Fund Whole Town
bills in the amount of $5,111.17; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the
amount of $7,570.98; Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of
$7,375.00; Ag Land Development Rights bills in the amount of $1,000.00;
Open Space Capital Fund bills in the amount of $28,045.10; Seavlew Trails
Capital Fund bills in the amount bf $3,640.00; Employee Health Benefit Plan
bills in the amount of $19,373.96; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in
the amount of $19,414.09; Refuse and Garbage District bills in the amount
of $7,797.72; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount of
$15,398.15; Southold Agency, & T-rust bills in the amount of $7,825.~9;
Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $2tt9.28.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: A motion to approve the minutes of June 24, 1997
Town Board meeting.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 24, 1997 Town Board meeting be
and hereby are approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Set the date of next Town Board meeting,
Tuesday, July 27, 1997, at 7:30 P.M.
Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board will
be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, July 22, 1997, at the Southold Town Hall,
Southold New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
JULY 8, 1997
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: For those of you that have an agenda next on
our agenda is Reports. As you may be aware each month the different
departments, and different committees, submH; their reports to the Town
Board, and they are in file with the Town Clerk. They are available to
you. If you, have an interest in any of them you certainly may request same.
1. Report of S0u;~hold Town Employee Leave Time ,for May, 1997
2. Southold ToWn Recreation Department Monthly Report for May, 1997.
3. Southold Town SCavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report for
June, 1997.
4. Southold Town Building Department Monthly Report for June, 1997.
5. SouthOld Town Clerk!s Monthly Report for June, 1997.
6. HHS Administrators Town Claim Lag Report for June, 1997.
7..~HHS Administrators PBA Claim Lag Report for June, 1997.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Public notices from the New York District Corp of
Engineers to construct a pier assembly.
1~.~ Corp 'of Army Engineers, New York District, application of J.N.C.
Hoh a pier assembly and float to provide for vessel
moor Sound, Southold Town, New York.
SUPE[ SORr COCHRAN: We had a letter from Stephen Rosario in relation
to of Plastic industry. In the past at the Landfill as one of
the ~les taking in the little foam dishes that come under the meat
and egg cartoons, and this kind of thing, and that was a pilot
program, but it i.s mow.. costing more than it would have when ir'was a p|loti
and rSO we had dlsc6ntmued thatj and this Society of Plastics Industry does
our act{on in that matter._ Also, we have a letter from Vic Pyle
fr( our ShOres. It's" a group that we are not too familiar with, and
we to get more information.
1. The Society of the Plastics Industry in regard to
the .T recycling program.
2; Vi Habitat Project Manager of Save the Sound with
appreciation for the support provided by Supervisor Cochran and her staff.
1. 5:00 P.M., on a "Local Law in Relation to Sleepy Hollow Lane and
Locust Lane".
SUPERVIS~OR COCHRAN: As you know the Town Board has a policy that
we ask for your input in relation to any of the resolutions before the
resolutions are passed. So, if there are any resolutions that you would
like to address us on, it is done prior to the reading and the passage of
the resolutions. I think many of you are here today in relation to the
housing project down at Richmond Shores. You are more than welcome to
stay, and sit through our entire Board meeting. It's nice to have lots of
faces out there, but I would llke to share with you the action of the Town
.Board during their Work Session. I think each Board member has had
concerns in relation to this project, be it from citing a third project in
the same school district, which is something that we had always said from
the beginning of the affordable housing program, that we would look at
very ca[~efUlly, to the existing housing stock that we have in Southold.
The Board decided this morning that we would llke to take a much longer
and harder look. We still support affordable housing. There is a need,
not only for our young people, but also for our seniors. The project up at
Richmond Shores, as of right now, is not a project. We would llke to have
the time to look at existing stock r look at options for housing within the
town of Southold. The next time that we would have the opportunity to
apply for grants wouldn't be until November, and at that time we don~t
11i2 JULY 8, 1997
know if we will be applying or not, but the present project In Richmond
Shores is dead at this point. They can still build. We are not applying
for the grant, but what you have to understand is this an already
developed subdlvlslon that if sbmeone buys it, or the owner that has tt he'
can go ahead and build on bls property. He has the 'density. It's been
zoned thls way for many, many years. The only thing we were-doing as far
as the affordable housing was applying for the grants, and 'being able to
control the housing that was there, and the people that would be moving
into the neighborhood. So, Mr. Weiss still can proceed with developing that
property. Just as long as you understand that. Sir, ! think I am going;to
do it tt~at if you woUld like to make further comment, and you would all hke
to stay, at the end of the meeting there ls time allotted so you may share
and express yourself to the Board anything in relation to Town: Board
bus|ness. We will. move along with the resolutions at thls poi.nt. We do not
have that many. We only have twenty-four, so we move along pretty good
on these things, because they' have all' been discussed during the day, and
the decisions have pretty much been determined. So, I will start with the
resolutions. Is there anyone that would like to addres~ the' Board in
relation to the resolutions, at this tlme? (No response.) If not, number one;'.
1 .-Moved by Councilwoman Huss[e, seconded by Justice Evansl; it, was
RESOLVED that the Town Beard of the Town of Southdld hereby accepts
the proposal of Ferrand|no ~ F, Associates Inc.,. Plannln! [; .Development
Consultants, York, to prepare a ScenJ'e ~idor
Management Plan of Sou[h01d, at a f~ixed .fee 00;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor Jean W. Cochran be authorized and
directed to execute an agreement between ti~e Town and Ferrandln0 F,
Associates Inc; to accomplish: the aforesaid services, all in accordance wlth
the approval of the Town Attorney.
1 .-Vote tof the Town Board: Ayes: Councihnan Moore; Justice; · Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, CounCilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor. Cochran.
This resolution Was :duly ADOPTED.
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Hus. sie, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva,
WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the 2ttth day of June, 1997, A Local Law entitled, "A Local
Law in Relation to Lot Recognition"; and
WHEREAS, this Local Law was referred to the-SouthOld Town Planning
Board and the Suffolk County Department of .planning for their~
recommendations~, and, reports; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board heYeby sets 8:07 P.M., Tuesday, July
22, 1997, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as
time and place for a public hearing on this Local Law, which reads as
A Local Law in Relation to Lot Recognition
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold Is hereby
amended as follows=
1. Town of Southold Bulk Schedule AA is amended as follows=
Bulk Schedule AA
Town of Southold
Date of Lot Creation
Lot Size Width Depth
(sq. ft. ) (ft.) (ft.)
Prior to Apri 9. 1957
Any Any Any
Between April 9. 1957. and
December 1, 1971
A Residential Zone:
B & B-1 Bdsiness Zones:
B-2 Business Zone:
Multiple-Residence Zone:
C Industrial Zone:
12.500 100 Any
~,500 50 Any
40.000 50 Any
12.500 100 Any
12.500 ~00 Any
Between December2.1971. 40.0QQ ~-.~_8 175
and June 30.1983
JULY 8, 1997
A Residential Zone: _40.000
M Li.qht Multiple Residence: 40.000
M-1 Multiple Residence Zone: 80.000
B-Liqht Business Zone: 20.000
.B~I General Business Zone: 30.000
C-Li.qht Industrial Zone: 40.000
C-1 Heavy Industrial Zone: 200.000
135 175
1--35_ Any
200 An~
60 Any
150 Any
20q Any
300 Any
2. The Title of Section 100-24 Lot Creation is hereby amended'as
§100-24 Lot grea[e~ Recoqnition
* Underline represents additions
Strikethrough represents deletions
2. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva. Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution, was duly ADOPTED.
This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
3.-Moved by JuStice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute agreements
between Harold Cook and the Town of Southold for the Maintenance of the
Pump Statlon of the ~Flshers Island Sewer District for a period of one year,
effective June 1, 1997 through May 31, 1998, for the sum of $~,185.00,
AND for the Maintenance of the Grounds of the Fishers Island Sewer
District, forja period df one year, effective June 1, 1997 through May 31,
1998, for thd sum of $2,335.00; sald agreements all in accordance wlth the
approval of the Town Attorney.
3. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore~ Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Cbuncllman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor C0chran.
This resolutldn was duly ADOPTED.
q.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, Seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of [he Town .of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute Agreements
between the Town of Southold and the North Fork Housing Alliance..
Counseling Project, Family Self-Sufficiency Project and the Robert Perry
Day Care Center Project, as funded by the Community Development Block
Grant Program; said agreements subject to the approval of the Town
4.-Vote of the .Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
5.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, It was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole Town 1997 budget to appropriate one-half of a
NYNEX refund to finance the fee associated with that refund as per the
Town's agreement with AudJcom Inc.:
Refunds Prior Year Expenses
Other Refunds
Town Board. C.E.
Utility Consultants
$ 981.33
COUNCILMAN-TOWNSEND: What thls is, a group agrees to come in, and
monitor our telephone bill to see if we are being billed properly to the
degree that they save us money. They get fifty percent of it. That is a
deal that has worked out pretty well for the Town, and we are getting a
small amount back.
JULY 8, 1997
5. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran ·
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
6.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sou=hold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a grant
application to the New York State Department of Justice for a $157,000
grant for the purchase of computer equipment and software for the Southold
Town Police DepaYtment, which will advance its efforts of community
policing by implementing computer and technological enhancement and
advancements to institute department-wide proactive problem solving.
6.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
7.-Moved I~y Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, It was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of tt~e Town of Sou=hold hereby modlf~es
the General Fund Part Town 1997 Budget to correct line Items that were
reversed when the Board'of Appeals 1997 budget was adopted:
B8010.1.200.100 Personnel Services, part-time $ 9,9q0.00
B8010.1.100.100 Personnel Services, full-=line $ 9,9q0.00
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, It was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sou=hold hereby amends
resolution no. 20, adopted on April 15, 1997, to include the following
salary scale for the position of Custodial Worker I1:
l/1/97 ~ 711197 111198
:26,252.38 26.252.38 26,252.38
28,869.48 29.735.56 31,135.56
29,800.78 30.694.80 32,094.80
30,671.94 31,592.10 32,992.10
31,603.24 32,551.34 33,951.3;4
32,534.50 33,510.54 34.910.54
8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, . Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution 'was duly ADOPTED.
9.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the 8th day of July, 1997, a Local Law entitled, "A Local
Law in Relation to Parking on Montauk Avenue"; now, therefore, be It
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:02 p.m., Tuesday, July
22, 1997, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as
time and place for a public hearlhg on this Local Law, which reads as
A Local Law in Relation to Parking on Montauk Avenue
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
i. Chapter 92 (Vehicles & Traffic) of the Code of the Town of Southold is
hereby amended as follows:
1. Arti~:le IV, Section 92-1~1 (Parking prohibited at all times) is
hereby amended as follows:
Name of Street 'Side
Montauk Avenue West
At Fishers Island, startlng-'-~
559 feet south of the intersection
of Crescent Avenue and extending
southerly for a distance of-2-~
188 feet.
JULY 8, '1997
II. This Local-Law shall take effect upon its filing wilh the Secretary of
Underline indicates addition
Strikethrough represents deletion
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: As for those of us w~o don't know where
MontaUk Avenue is, and most of us on the mair land don't, it is on
Fishers Island
9.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman N )ore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, ouncilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
10.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwonan Hussie,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town' ~oard of the Town of
Southold, on the 8th day of Jul.y, 1997, a Local L lw entitled, "A Local
Law in Relation to Sound Beach Drive"; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:05 P.M., Tuesday,
22, 1997, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, SoJthold, New York, as
time and place for a public hearing on this Local Law, which read as follows:
A Local Law in Relation to Sound Beach Drive
iB.E IT ENACTED, by.the Town Board of the Town of..~',outhold as follows:
· Chapter 65 (Parking at Beaches) is hereby amende~ as follows:-
1. Section 65-2.(B) is hereby amended as follows:
B. The following road end areas are hereby de ignated as Town
of Southold "Parking by Southold Town Per, nit Only" areas:
Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, north side, From the
intersection of Inlet Drive westerly for a di ;tance of 200
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of
* Underline represents additions.
10.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman ~ore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva~ Councilman Townsend, ouncilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor CochFan.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
11.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Council, oman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $ollthold hereby appoints
Lori Shelly as a Mini-Van Driver for the Hum~ h Resources Center,
effective July lit, 1997, for 17 1/2 hours per week, a a salary of $6.tt6 per
11.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman M ~ore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, ouncJlwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
12.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwonlan Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Soi~thold hereby appoints
Frank Rehm as a Custodian for the Human Reso[~rce Center, effective
July lU,, 1997, for 17 1/2 hour's per week, at a salary of $7.00 per hour.
12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman M~ore, Justice Evans~
Townsend, ;ouncilwoman Hussie,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
13.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoma
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to adverti:
Kitchen Aide for the Human Resources Center, 17 1/~
salary of $6.46 per hour·
13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman
Councilwoman OlJva, Councilman Townsend,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Hussie, it was
of Southold hereby
for resumes for a
hours per week, at a
M~ore, Justice Evans,
;ouncilwoman Hussie,
14.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the proposal of Residential Fences Corp., 1760 Route 25, Ridge, New York
11961, to supply and install all labor and materials in accordance with
Suffolk County Contract Letting No. 6-95.2.22, for 10 ft. high chain llnk
fence, for the tennis courts at Tasker Park, Peconic.
14.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.'
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the 1997 Solid Waste Management District budget as follows:
SR. 8160. u,. u~00. 845
SR. 8160. It. 100.700
SR. 8160.4. it50. 200
SR.8160.~. 100. 120
SR.8160 Jt.100.225
SR. 8160. u,. 100.573
SR. 8160.u,. 100.570
SR,8160.Zt. lO0.650 Town Garbage Bags
~--~,816(~.2.500,600 Misc, Sanitation Equipment
To cover cost'of new bag vending machine,
SR.8120,2.500.200 Garage F~ Shop Equipment
SR,8160,2,200,500 Misc, Office Equipment
To cover cost of air filter
~R.8160.4.200.6[t00 Maint/Supply Trailer Fleet
HAZMAT Building Maintenance
HAZMAT Training/Supplies
Employee Work Gear
Maintenance/Supply Trommel
$ q, 000.00
$ ~, 000.00
$ q. O00.O0
Maint/Supply Payloader #3 $1[t,500.00
To fund supply and maintenance line for new payloader purchased from
State bid (delivery scheduled for-week of July 21).
15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
16.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
John Skabry (3rd year) as a Lifeguard for the 1997 Summer Season,
effective immediately, ara salary of $8.00 per hour.
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
17.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town - Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the establishment of the following 1997 Capital Budget, effective
immediately, for the Vault Monitoring System:
Capital Project Name: Vault Monitorin~l System
Financing Method: Transfer from General Fund Whole Town
Budget: Revenues:
H.5031.70 Transfers from Other Funds $ 750.00
H.1620.2.500.700 Vault Monitoring System $ 750.00
17.-Vote of the Town Board; Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
JULY 8, 1997
18.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South°Id hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the
purchase of a new AS/t~00 Computer System for Southold Town Hall to
replace the existing system.
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was-duly ADOPTED.
19..-Moved by, Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the: Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole Town 1997 Budget as follows:
A7180. tt. 100.100
A7020.4.500. ~0
19.-Vote of the ToWn
Councilwoman Oliva,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
(Lifeguard Supplies)
(Basketball Program)
Board: Ayes: Councilman
Councilman Townsend,
$ 500.00
$ 500 ~00
Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Hussie,
20.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOiEVI~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Attorney to file a Freedom of Information
Request with the Village of Greenport for information relating to water
rates, reserve funds, and dedicated accounts of the Greenport Water
20.-Vote ;,of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans~
Councilwdman Oliva; Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. No:
Co.uncilman .Townsend.
This resoilation was duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would like to say my reasons for voting, no,
on this. This morning Mr. Richar_d Israel came in to discuss his concerns
about a variety of thing{ 'relative to the franchise to the water district,
that Greenport holds for an area running from Peconic to Shipyard Lane in
East Marion. His particular areas of interest were what Greenport has done
with so called bac. k bone money, and reserve funds, and so forth. That
has been the subject of a Freedom of Information request that Bill Moore
has ~g!ven the. Village of Greenport, and is now, I guess, ,going to be in
happened, g~ yen
Iitig.a~ion.. Given .that that has already and I am not
familiar with the :issues .as to why the Village has resisted giving that
infol my concern is that we talk to the Village and the'~Suffolk
Coul Authority. Get a meeting together, and not end up in some
sort of antagonistic relationship with either of those entitles. Since the
outcome of that, the information will or will not be provided to Bill Moore,
I think we are just spinning our wheels to ask for the same information.
We do represent both the people of the Village, and the people that are in
the Town, and more specifically the East-West District, and I think it"s up
to us to work out the differences, working hand and hand, as
yOU know, in a-potentially acrimonious debate. At least, that
step. We have just got through a suit on the Police
Village sued us, and I don't want to get into
Jation we are suing them. I didn't agree with that, and I
is sort of the first step towards a suit in the other direction.
am voting, no.
know w~
LRAN: I would like to add that I think it's important
solution, and that the Town Board takes a position in
g information. ! think in order to meet with the
in order to meet with Mr. LaGrande of the 'Suffolk
that there is certain information that we have to
on to requesting the information from the Village Board, our
will, also, be researcing the franchise, the water
~were given by a prior Southotd Town Board many years
We. are setting up a meeting with Mr. LaGrande, and with
, sO hqPefully this will furnish us with information so that we
we are talking about when we have the meeting.
JULY 8, 1997
21.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that .the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Lorl Stoner as a Mini-Van Driver for the Human Resource. Center,
effective July 9, 1997, 17-1/2 hours per week, at a salary of $6.1~6 per
21 .- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oiiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
SuperVisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
22.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Bret L. Hedges as a member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory
Council, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Robert W. Keith,
effective immediately, for a two year term to June 18, 1999.
22.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, CounCilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
23.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southoid hereby approves
Building Department form "Application for a Tent Permit", effective July 8,
23.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That's the end of our resolutions at this point.
We do have a public hearing at five o'clock, so wherever we are in the
proceedings I will stop us at that time, and adjourn so that we can take
care of the public hearing, i am sure there are still some of you that
opted to stay, and would like to express yourself. I understand from Mrs.
Gossmer that some of .you have prepared statements in relation to
Richmond Shores!, and I v~lll enterta_in that at this time.
RON-ECK: Ron Eck from Peconic. I listened to you, and I heard
something about Richmond Shores. This past Sunday morning I was ~n
Riverhead at a luncheonette, and we were discussing the John Wesley
Village, the improvement they have been doing there, and the enlargement.
I was discussing it with a dentist friend of mine, and another man, and
they can not see it. They said, why don't they split it up and give some
to SouthOld, and I jumped in, and I said, I don't think we want something
llke that in Southold. The buildings are not being taken care of now. You
want the same thing to happen in S.outhold? That's the way I feel about
it. We don't waht a project llke that ~n Southold.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Ron. Yes, ma'am? State your name.
MURIEL ANDREWS: I am Muriel Andrews. I live on Indian Neck Lane in
Peconic, and I just wanted to say that I feel affordable housing is a real
good thing if it is done properly. Of the ninety-nine homes so far, that
are being used as affordables, nine of these homes have billing addresses
out of Suffolk County, Queens, New York City, Woodside, Manhassett,
and Port Washington. That doesn't account for others, who have Southold
addresses where their tax bills can be received. Now, I know you said
that Richmond Shores Ts on the back burner for now, but if it does pass,
as you all had said this morning, that would be the third affordable
.housing complex in the Southold School District, which is already busting at
it's seams. Greenport has one. Mattituck will have two. Let's have equal
disbursement of these homes. This mornlng, Mrs. Cochran, you and
several of the Board members addressed the idea of using existing
affordable homes in our town. It is a great idea. Mr. McMahon quoted the
average existing affordable home in Southold as being $121,000. It seems
to be the way to go, but when you pursued this Mr. McMahon said he
didn't have time to fill out the applications. Perhaps we should find
someone who would have the time to fill out these applications. We could
put ads in the local papers requesting people, who would like to sell their
homes in an affordable price range. That way there would be a fair
disbursement of existing homes throughout the town, and we would have to
JULY 8, 1997
put up new developments altering our rural landscape. Ultimately, I feel
that there are at least three things that we really need to do, and the
first one would be to rewrite the affordable housing laws, so that these
homes were made affordable houses forever. Number two, make sure there
are no loopholes, so that the homes are only for the people, who live and
work in Southold, and thirdly, let's get somebody in there who has no
conflicts of interest, and is willing to do as the Town Board and the people
of. the community request. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Yes, ma'am?
KAREN SUSKEVICH: Kar.en Suskevich, 600 Indian Neck Lane. We live
right across the street from the proposed site, and we are aware of the
numerous amount o.f~ wddhf that call this site their home. We feel that the
Department of Enwronmental Conservation needs to take an overall look at
this sit env.ironmental reasons. Since this land was subdivided
near lot of DEC regulations and standards have
cha . is endangered species now reside there. An in
depth study needs to be reformed to determine the environmental impact
this have on the community. Since the other side
Iht back and preserved this might be a viable
avenue to told that in order for impact studies to be
:ha~/e to be the ones to submit the forms for us, so
we le .possibility would be to take a look at that, because
as I ire~tly across the street from it, and we see all the
wiidJ :here.
each other.
Where would they go? There is isn't really any woOded
-se to. There is a lot of deer. We have seen the
toys. like an Amazon in there. The trees just go over
KAREN'SUSKEVICH: What agency can we use to suggest this?
PAM PARMA: Can the DEC come in and take another look? I called
there, and they said that it would have to be done through the town.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: It's still in the process of going on, but that
subdivision that you are talking about was approved a long time ago. You
used the rule. book that was in place at the time. Now, it may well be if
someone wants to go in and build a house has got to comply with the new
regulations and setbacks from wetlands, and what have you. If you go in
and buy a lot from the subdivision you would have to comply with the DEC
regulations relative to wetlands, and things llke that. :.
PAM PARMA: They would do another study?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: They would do a shorter version one, probably, for
your individual use.
PAM PARMA: When I called they said it would have to be brought
about by the Town, the Building Department, they have the forms to be
filled out.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Laury, would you pick up on this?
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: SEqRA is triggered by a government action.
Now, the private person wants to go in, and build a house, that type of
action doesnJt trigger the environmental review process. Normally when a
subdivision is approved, that is the time that the SEQRA process is
triggered, because you have to go and get an approval from the town, and
as has been mentioned, that happened many years ago with this project,
and so that checkpoint has gotten past us, and there is no real way at this
point to go back to that checkpoint again, and do it again. An
environmental review thing could be undertaken by an owner at any time of
their own property, but Jt is sometimes an expensive proposition, and not
too many people want to voluntarily do that type of thing. So, in terms of
a way to mandate it at this point there is really not a way for the town to
tell the owner he has to do it, unless the owner wants to come back in,
and change the subdivision in some way, or reopen the previous
approvals. It's not really an option at this point.
JULY 8, 1997
PAM PARMA: So, they wouldn't get involved at all?
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: Not in SEQRA necessarily, but in terms of
giving a permit for a house to be built they would give approvals in terms
of citing it, and where your cesspool, and things like that are. You have
to get permits from a number of agencies as well as your building permit,
and they will insure that the setbacks, but they won't necessarily analyze
the species.
PAM PARMA: I would think there would be something that we could do.
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: You could volunteer rto do it for the owner, :if
they wanted you to do it for them, but nothing that you can insist' that the
Town db, nothing that you can impose on a person.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I might make one suggestion. In some
instances where you have a relatively dense development in an area that
has some natural advantages like water, or views, and' vistas, it actually
works out to the developer's advantage to have a more limited development,
because his 'development costs are reduced, you know, and the property
values go way up, because you have rather exclusive lots, and then there
may be some advantage to giving up, giving the easement to some entity
like the town, or the Peconlc Land Trust, or something, and if people are
interested the way you could approach it would be talk to the developer,
and see if you could put him together with a representative of, say, the
Peconic Land Trust, or something, to develop a less dense development.
Show the developer how he could make more money doing that, or as much
money doing that. That would be more in tune with the neighborhood there.
That is one option.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: .Is there anyone else that would like to address
the Board on Richmond Shore. s? Let's keep to that topic.
ROLAND GRANT: My name is Roland Grant, and I live in Peconic. The
question / had was the Health Department with the water descriptions, and
setback for sewer. We have residential property that we adhered to 'the 150
foot rule for septic systems and well water, and I was wondering if this,
also, is a requirement of this builder, when he puts these homes on half
acre subdivision? That particular setback rule would really invalidate a
half acre zoning, I mean, with a half acre subdivision there wouldn't be 150
feet from septic to well Water.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Does that apply, Jim?
JIM MCMAHON: My understanding of it is, it's obviously a mute point
but the Town Board has elected not to move ahead with the application, but
my understanding is that if a subdivision is approved in 1980 the rules and
regulations that apply in 1980, which would probably be a hundred foot
separation between well and cesspool would be regulations that they would
have to adhere to. But, that is not to sa,/ that in this particular case, if
you have to put down individual wells, that you might not find good potable
water in that area, or other areas in the North Fork. It might be the only
way that subdivision was ever approved, as far as Health Department was
concerned would be to. bring in public water. That's probably sometime
down the road.
ROLAND GRANT: Also, with the SEQRA request, can't the Town require
that the builder, as part of their approval process, or the grant money,
undergo this search, environmental? Can the Town require that of the
builder? As part of, you know, if you are going to actually submit an
application for grant money I think that would surely be a requirement,
that the Town could press the builder to do.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That's an interesting concept.
JULY 8, 1997 1-2:1
ROLAND GRANT: You mentioned a couple different things, school district,
housing density, and the existing housing stock, and I hope that is
pursued especially with the housing stock that is available, and that people
get at least a chance to buy some of the existing stock that is there. It
seems like the real estate market is overburdened already with existing
homes right now. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I'm going to call for a recess.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, tt was
RESOLVED that a public hearing be called at this time, 5:00 P.M., for
the purpose of holding a public hearing.
Vote of the Town . Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman . Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran..
This resolutlon was duly ADOPTED.
Meeting reconyened at 5:05
in the form of a resolution.
Since there was no objection we will take action
24.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Huss~e,
WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the 21~,th day of June. 1997, a Local Law entitled, "A Local
Law in Relation to Sleepy Hollow Lane"; and
WHEREAS, -a public hearing was held on this Local Law by the Town
Board, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be
heard; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby enacts Local law No. 18 - 1997,
whlch reads as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 18 - 1997
A LOcal Law'in Relation to' Sleepy Hollow Lane and Locust Lane
BE IT ENAC?~FD, :by ~he Town Board of the Town of $outhold as follows:
I. Chapter 92 (Vehicles, & Traffic] of tt~e code of the Town of Southold
is hereby amended as ~ollows:
Alrticle IM, Section 92-42 (Parking prohibited
hours) is hereby amended by addinc~ the following:
Name of S~reet
during certain
Between the
Side Hours of Location.~
Sl[eepy Hollow Lane Both
10:00 p.m.
and 6:00 a.m.
In Southold, from the
guardraii at the east-
erl¥ terminus westerly
for a distance of 200
Article IV, Section 92-44 (Stopping prohibited at all times) is
hereby amended as follows:
Name of Street Side Location
Locust Lane Both
In Southold, from the southerly curbline
of Route 25 southerly for a distance of
60 390 feet.
* Underline represents addltions
Str|kethrough represents deletions
2q.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oilva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary of
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Back to input from the public. Mr. Mullen?
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
WILLIAM MULLEN: Bill Mullen. I reside in $outhold. One, I would be
very happy to assist Jim McMahon in regard to the affordable housing: I
am very interested in it, and ! was for eight years when I was on the
Planning Board. I got off the Planning Board, because there was nothing
being done on affordable housing. If I have an oppor.tunity to to this I
would press very hard, and I would put in my time actually without
compensation. SecondlY, this is going to be a little unique, but I offer,
because I enjoy doing it. I believe I can reduce the tax base of the Town
of Southold. If you. are interested I would be happy to sit down;with any
members of the Town' Board.
SUPERVISOR GOCHRAN: Thank you, Bill. Bill was a member of our
Planning Board for many years, and I can go back to when the first
affordable housing, proje~, and the law was being written~. We sat through
many;'many meetii~gs 't0gether. So,: we certainly do appreciate your offer,
and we are going to take you up on it. Thank you, Bill. Is there anyone
who would like to address the Town Board?
ARTHUR GOSSNER: My name is Arthur Gossner. I live in Pecon.!c.,
Indian Neck, across from where these proposed homes would be built. I
would like to read a copy of my letter to the Town Board. With reference
to the 2u, lot Richmond Shores affordables, we wish to voice our complete
opposition to this proposal. This project does not fit into the rural
character of the neighborhood in that the whole area, with the exception o
several houses on~ Indian Neck and Spring Lane, is made up of agricultural
properties, such as vineyards, sod farms and vegetable farms. The town
keeps~ promoting the idea of open space and has been buying up
develoPment rights and property to prevent exactly what is being proposed
here. :~ Why hasnit 'the~ '~°Wn done the same for this piece of f~agile
property bordering Richmond Creek as is being done on the East side of
the creek? While this subd.vision was granted in 1980 and lay dormant
since that time and the Master changed the zoning to two acres, the Town
Board and/or the. Planning Board never saw fit to review or re-bond this
subdivision or .upzone this property even though it had been brought to
their attention on numerous, occasions by us and others. If the Town
Board sees fit to endorse this development, there are a number of questions
that must be answered in an attempt to safeguard the rights of the
neigh~or]n.g owners. Being a cluster project means that the houses will be
cluste~d. In'a small area, ~1/2 acre lots, leaving open space on: 'the balance
of the' property. Wh° Ys going to maintain this open space and'l~eep it from
becoming an overgrown eyesore? And who is going to pay the taxes on
this open space since a number of park and recreation properties in major
subdivisions have been taken over by the County since no one paid the
taxes or maintained them? Why does the Southold School District have to
be bcirdened by ,another large increase of students, since the~e will be 3
Homes, surely not for retirees. Please check the other
i in Southold to see the impact on our school population
What assurance do we have that none of these homes will
become rental units when purchased by some investors. Surely you know
that in some of l~he other Southold affordable projects this is happening to
a fairly large extent. It has come to our attention that there~ are people'
from down West who use them as weekend and summer homes. We would
appreciate hearing from the 'Town Assessor as to the effect on property
values in the surrounding area as well as whether or not the taxes that
might be collected on these 24 units will cover the cost of the services the
Town must provide. We have always heard that the open land Ills the best
way to~ keep down taxes as it requires minimal municipal services. We
would call to your attention the fact that there exists in Southold Town a
number of houses in the same price ranges as is the affordables. Why
can't the state subsidy of $25,000 and the federal grant of~ $25,000 be us.ed
to enable these 86 people on Mr. McMahon's list to Purchase homes which
are currently for sale thus helping those people who wish to sell as well as
the mould-be purchasers. It is incumbent upon the Town Boa~..d that they
invest~igate this matter and determine if this is what the affordable housing
program is meant for. And do we really need it? I Would alscl like to say
.that we need housing for the elderly in this town, who would like to move
into a small house, and something should be done to enable th~m to move
out of their large houses, sell them to someone who can use there, and find
suitable housing, and still remain in the town. Thank you.
Ju,¥ 8, 997
the Town Board?
Is there anyone else that would like to address
RICHARD TYNEBOR: My name is Richard Tynebor. I live over on
Indian Neck Lane. First of all, I want to reaffirm what Muriul said, and
what Arthur said. It's very interesting, about a week ago my wife and I
were siting on our veranda, which is adjacent to the property, and these
two young people, who look pretty well-to-do were walking by our home,
and they said, gee, we can't walt until we can buy a home over in that
property, meaning their second home. I said to wife, I wonder what this is
about. Then a week and a half later we read in the paper about this
~.roposal. Secondly~ we spent many years over on the South Fork. We loved
~t very .much, but unfortunately we felt that we couldn't llve there, we had
to escape there: because there were so many people, because the land was
very q~lckly being bought up, and developed. We moved to Southold~ and
we purposely purchased an older home, fixed it up, because we feel, as
has been stated here also, that it is so important to keep our natural
resources. I know you know this. Southold is a very~ very beautiful
town, and it is very well managed, and I hope that you Collocate a way of
keeping our town a beautiful hamlet, and whatever we can do as far (tap~
like to ~ ' o
change) Most~ importantlY, I would thank you for. saying, n , this
morning to this proposal,' and again I would encourage you to continue to
purchase :land, so that:we don~t have people llke us who have to escape
Southoid. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there anyone else who would like to address
the TOwn Board?
(No response.) If not, I will call for Board reports.
anything to report from Fishers Island? Things
,joying the holiday?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Councilwoman Hussie.
COUNCI;I~WOMAN HUSSIE: Councilwoman Hussie is perhaps going to put her
foot in her mouth by suggesting that we rezone that piece of property.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We talked about that this morning.
COUrNC:ILWOMA~N HUSSIE: It is sitting in the middle of an R80, AC, and in
a sense it's almost Spot zoning. But anyway, I just threw that out. The
thing that I ~eally .wanted to say, I am forever recycling, and I found a
new item, to
have some
:cycle; I have been doing some gardening at my place, and I
~ns, which I am giving to beautify the dump, the
this idea. I thought, wouldn't it be a great thing for
It would make the entrance to the landfill look a
and besides it would make us good neighbors. The
east side, we would be able to kind of screen the entrance
might have evergreens that they don't know what to do
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This is very true. I have one.
just said yesterday, Jean, where do you want this planted?
know but it's beautiful.
My husband
I said, I don't
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: It's recycle and beautify at the same time.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We did talk at one time that possibly letting the
employees park outside the fence, and landscaping the front, so kind of
look at~ the total plan and concept before you start digging holes.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I am not going to dig any holes~ but I have
talked to some of the people up there at the landfill, and we can pick them
up, we can dig them out if you have a big evergreen, we will pick them
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This is part of our Community Pride.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: This is part of keep everything beautiful, and
make it even more beautiful.
JULY 8. 1997
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Councilman Townsend, would you
llke to report?
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND; Spent some time, since the last Town Board
meeting, looking into the issue of this subject which we have just been
talking about, and developed some of the same information that some of the
other Board members had, and you know, about the concerns on the
issue. Worked on the changes to uses in business zones, which we
discussed at a Planning and Zoning Committee meeting today, which the
results of which you. will see shortly. We are going to have a meeting that
will. include the business community on the 29th, and I encourage anybody
to come, or anybody that owns business property, because there Is some
significant changes~ that are along the lines of the goals of our Master
Plan. I attended a meeting, and Bill will talk about
Committee on the towers, which was interesting, informative, and we had
the opposition there,.'not the opposition but we had people that were
interested there. It .was pretty productive. I guess that is about it..
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Councilwoman Oliva?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I would just like to say that I am just delighted
that we finally saw the' completion of the preservation of Fort Corchaug.
I think many people should be thankful. I thank everyone that was involved
in this.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: It seems llke a long time ago, but that closing was
. just last Monday. It was terrific event. I am just going to speak very,
very quickly on the lawsuit, which was raised before. I am glad that the
Town Board passed the resolution it did to request information. Perhaps
with 'this town's weight behind my request it will be given some attention,
and the village will, in fact, provide the information requested. I don't
find lawsuits necessarily acrimonious when one has to step up and assert
their rights. I am simply asking information. I'm not presuming what the
information is going to say, and that is really, what it is all about. So,
when the Town Board has.thrown rt's weight behind it for a similar request
for information, I think nothing harmful comes from providing public
documents to people who ask for them. Enough 'said on that. Joe made
mention of the Code Committee meeting last week. We are working through
a deadline, which we have not hit yet, which is good, about mid
September. We worked on a first very rough, cut draft of the
telecommunications ordinance last week, and we did invite people from that
industry to come in, and' make their comments, and provide us their
critique of it, which is not to suggest that we are going to roll over, and
do what they ask, but it is to get the benefit of their input. We have
another meeting scheduled, and let Judy hear this, so I say it publicly for
next Wednesday at 7:00 .P.M. Anyone interested is invited to attend. We
are still working through the draft~ but .we. are gettirlg there. If you are
interested, please, come and ~oin us, and listen up and weight in with your
comments. That's really about it.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: ! would like to report that last week we did have
our East End Supervisors and Mayors meeting on Shelter Island, and as
always we discussed mutual concerns for the five East End towns. I would
llke to thank Hoot Sherman for hosting the meeting, and we will be meeting
a. gain in another month. If there is anything that you are concerned with,
as far as the East End towns are concerned, I would be very happy to
place the topic on the agenda for discussion with the Supervisors and
Mayors. There are many th~ngs that concern all of us. Perhaps there is
-something that cohcerns you, that we haven't thought of. So, there is
always an opening there for things on the agenda. I would like to thank
all the groups that were involved in the preservation of Fort Corchaug.
It was a long time coming. More than ten years it was worked, more than
that, by many, many people, and we were fortunate in bringing together
the Land Trust, the Town, the County, the State, the Historical Society in
Cutchogue, and everybody~ played a part. Peconlc Land Trust played a big
part in negotiating. I would just like to thank Pellegrini. After we
signed the final papers, _and we signed most of them here in Town Hall,
and then just left one or two for the end up at Fort Corchaug, so the
people attending could be part of that; I would llke to thank Pellegrini
JULY 8, 1997 125
Vineyard for hosting. It's opposite the site, and they were kind enough to
provide the refreshment. Also, I would llke to thank the Seafood Barge,
who supplied us with some finger foods to go with the refreshment. I
.would also like to thank Catapano's for suppling the flowers, that helped
decorate the site that day, and make it even more lovely than it is
naturally. Also while I'm mentioning flowers, Mr. Catapano did donate all
the flowers you see out in front of Town Hall. It looks quite lovely. We
had enough to. plant, not only here, but Police Headquarters, and some at
the Nutrition GenreF. and some down on Silversmith's Corner here on the
Green, so we thank Mr. Catapano for that also. It was a busy Fourth of
July. I had the opportunity to go down, and take part in the festivities in
New Suffolk. I had a good time, because it is real Americana. It was small.
It is one of our smallest hamlets, and everybody was in red, white, and
blue, and enthusiastic, and they had a parade, and there was a sing-a-long
of some of the old favorite songs, and everyone turned out, and the
pledge, and it typified the Fourth of July many years ago, it
was celebrated.~ President' iBuchanan said at the time that
Fourth-~ of: July Should be celebrated with fireworks, ar
family function~. This was neat. I enjoyed it. A vet
the )n, !il wa,s invited as guest of the New Yo 6f
Parks boarded a. boat in Captree, and rOde the
wetJa~nds in t~h~'. Glfeat. South~'i Bay, and: saw many, many,
waterfowl. It was .one. o~..the loveliest .rides I have ever 'ha~l:;
hour ride, a down at Jones Beach, and we
there. It is' a restaurant, and
front~ row seats when we wa1 'ks.
ora million people it
) seven,y-five
it ood. but my"
kend. I, also, ha to
ir show. They the
clubs do, and t~uhd
y to go
of you that
ng that has been traditional
for ma
When any of our
come, and they ar
to the helmets, to.
they spray the new truck;.
really did a wash and a
~ the'noise and the
3n for the new addi'
.~ to restore the old
ago in t(
good weathe
~don't very often get
~ut in
We, as a
people, Although the
I are ~oing to be Iooki
abo~t the housing
the different nei¢
Jng at this.
:it is just
we' have to kind of step
can dO~ and provide where the need is.
MOore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
tha Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Su.pervJ:sor Co~hran.
This res°lutionlWas duly ADOPTED.
Judith T. Terry 6/
Southold Town Clerk