HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-04/28/19974-87 SOUTHOLD TOWN~OARD APRIL 28, 1997 WORK SESSION Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans, Councilman William D. Moore, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Laur¥ L.. Dowd. 9:10 A.M., Director of Human Services Venetia McKeighan and Neighborhood Aide Karen McLaughlin met with the Town Board to present a proposal from Met Life for developing the garage at the Human Resource Center into a Wellness Center. Met Life has offered to provide funding for the project through the Metropolitan Life Foundation. They-propose a media room, community conference room, and a ~ym utilizing modified equipment. Med Life Foundation would, donate the renovation and the. equipment to Southold Town in the event the partnership was terminated.' The Town Board ent:husiastlcall¥ endorsed this public/private partnership and authorized Mrs. McKeighan to li~ove forward with the project. 9:35 A.M. - Senior Accountant John Cushman met with the Board to clarify the Lawrence Healthcare bankruptcy matter. He said at the present time our accounts are being maintained as usual by Lawrence, but the court is looking into assignment of the assets of the agency.----On arLother subject, the Board discussed with Mr. Cushman the advantages/disadvantages of full-time vs. part-time Clerks and Clerk Typists. 10:20 A.M. - Chief of Police Joseph Conway and Lieutenant Carlisle Cochran met with the Town Board to discuss the need for additional' police officers. The Chief advised the Board they are in need of a Training/Accreditation Officer, and three Crime Control officers, in addition to three additional officers. The Town has received a grant for five new officers, but seven are needed. It appears there may be six retirements before the year is out. The Board took the request under advisement, but placed a resolution (22) on the agenda authorizing the Supervisor to execute the Universal COPS Hiring Grant which would fund new police officers. EXECUTIVE SESSION 10:50 A.M. On motion of Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss the possible purchase of th:e Fort Corchaug property. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans, Councilman Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd. 11:30 A.M. The Town Board met with Charles Cuddy, attorney for Peconic Landing, the owners of the Brecknock Hall property, Bill Thompson the President of Peconic Landir~g, James Rich, and John May, members of the Board of Directors, a representative of. Bridgehampton National Bank, and John Dussling and '.Terence Lewis, Project Coordln, ators for US Retirement Communlt.es. Mr. Thompson advised the Board that PeconiCLanding is in contract with US Retirement Communities to construct 130 cottages, 120 apartments, 24-30 nursing home beds, and ali the amenities for an assisted living facility. They have applied to the State of.New York to begin a marketing program to take applications for 70% of the units, and when that is met construction will begin. Mr. Thompson assured the Board they fully expect to pay real estate taxes on all of the project, with the exception of the APRIL 28, 1997 nursing home portion. They expect to employ 125 to 175 people at this cooperative type development, with an assisted living health care facility and nursing home care. They have an existing water and sewer contract with the village. Mr. Dessinger and Mr. Lewis displayed artists renderings of the proposed project. They explained that they were before the Town Board to attempt to dispel the damaging rumors that have been circulating, and the Board was pleased to hear about the project first hand. EXECUTIVE SESSION 12:35 P.M. On motion of Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss PBA negotiations with Chief of Police Conway and Labor Management Consultant Vito Competiello. Supervisor Cochran recused herself from most of the discussion, Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans, Councilman Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd. 1:20 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 2:30 P.M. Work Session reconvened. The Board met with Executive Assistant James McMahon to discuss the Suffolk County Community Service Sentencing Program, which would like to use the Town of Southold as a placement site for people sentenced in the Suffolk County Court System. The participants would be covered by the County's insurance, and would be placed through the Town's program and subject to space availability. The Board asked the Supervisor to discuss this with Superintendent of Highways Jacobs and Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck before committing themselves.----The Town Board placed resolutions 26 and 27 on the agenda to take action on the proposed "Local Law in Relation to LighI Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Office (LIO) Zone Uses". Another resolution (28) was placed on the agenda to appoint Director of Human Services Venetia McKeighan as Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator:±---Town Board designated the Town Clerk and Supervisor's Secretary to interview applicants for part-time Clerk Typist.----Resolutions 29 and 30 were placed on the agenda to refer "A Local Law in Relation to Lot Creation and S.~ructures" and "A Local Law in Relation to Site Plans" to the Southold Town 'Planning Board and Suffolk County DePartment of Planning. 3:15 P.M. - The Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 7:30 P.M. Regular Meeting. 3:35 P.M. The BOard reviewed th.e applications for 1997 grants, and placed a resolution (31) on the agenda awarding $16,450 worth in grants to 24 groups. A total of $18,450.00 has been awarded for 1997 from the $20,000 Grants Program budget. EXECUTIVE SESSION 4:50 P.M. On motion of Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss employment history. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend,- Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans, Councilman Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd. 5:30 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on April 28, 199~, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. ., · Sup~ervmsor Cochran opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of AIl~giance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd sum of Mo' RE! Gen Par in of Ag Isla Dis bill amc $7, of: Vot COL Sur Thi SUl me~ Mo% RE! be Vot COL Sur Thi SU Mc RE.~ will Hall Vbt Cou SuE Thi ERVISOR COCHRAN: Can we have a motion for the approval of audit ,ills. April 28, 19977 ad by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was OLVED that the following bills be and here are ordered paid: aral Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $99,139.23; General Fund . Town bills in the amount .of $978.q9; Community Development Fund bills he amount of $6,621.63; Hmghway Fund Whole Town bills in the amount ;6', 621. 63; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $6,588.92; Land Development Rights bills in the amount of $11,qq0.7t[; Fishers ~d Ferry District bills in the amount of $19,066.69; Refuse & Garbage rict bills in the amount of $~,7,215.32'; Southold Wastewater District in the amount of Sq,SqL[.95; Fishers Island Sewer District bills in the Jnt of $580,8u,; Southold Agency & Trust bills in th.e amount of 0L~.82; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency & Trust bills .n the amount 77.65. of the ~own Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, ncilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, )rvisor Cochran. ; resolution was duly ADOPTED. ~ ERVISOR COCHRAN: Approval of minutes, April 15, 1997, Town Board :lng? ad by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was OLVED that the minutes of the April 15, 1997, Town Board meeting ~nd hereby are approved. of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, 3cilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, .~rvisor Cochran. resolution was duly ADOPTED. :RVISOR COCHRAN: Setting the date of the next Town Board meeting? .~d by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Justice Evans, it was OLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board be held at L[:30 P.M., Tuesday, May 13, 1997, at the Southold Town Southold,'New York. of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, ~cilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, :rvJsor Cochran. resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUF pro. to Franck Bracco. We would like to present this to you. I worthwhile effort. Last year, how much food did you collect? ERVISOR COCHRAN: At this time I am pleased to be presenting a lamatlon, the Long Island Postal Employees Food Drive. which is going ,e held on May 10, 1997. We have the Postmaster from Southold here, know this is a FRANK BRACCO: On the Island, one point million pounds, and in Southold over a ton. That doesn't include Greenport and those places. The carriers do it on their own. They pick it up, separate it. It goes to all the food banks. It goes to Food Care, United Way, and break it up among all the food banks in the area. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is wonderful. That is lot of food. pleasure we.would like to present this. With Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by the Entire Town Board, WHEREAS, the LONG ISLAND DISTRICT POSTAL EMPLOYEES, in conjunction with the United State Postal Service, Long Island's United Way, Long Island FederatiOn :of Labor, Island Harvest and Long Island Cares Regional Food Bank will sponsor a nationwide one day FOOD DRIVE on SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1997: and WHEREAS, every day, millions of adults and children throughout our nation are in need of assistance in order to avoid the pangs of hunger. Last year, letter-carriers throughout the country collected a record of 45 million pounds of non-perishable food donations in the one day drive to help stock local food pantries', for the summer months, and Long Islanders led the nation by donating more the 1.8 million pounds of food; and WHEREAS, Local letter carriers, through this nation FOOD DRIVE, will strive to make a major positive impact on the supply of food available to the community through the Long Island Cares Regional Food Bank in Suffolk County, helping to feed their neighbors in need and demonstrating. postal volunteerism and service to their Town; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby recognizes the slgn,~lcant a o important contributions Of letter carriers and the United States 'Postal SerVice and hereby proclaims SATURDAY, MAY. 10, 1997, as POS~DA 'S FOOD DRIVE DAY in the Town of South01d. I call working to aid those annual mailboxes DATED: April 28, 1997. ' Vote df ti~e ' Town 13Joarcl: Councilwoman ~ Oliva, CoUncilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. citizens to join With 'letter carriers in n our nelghborhoods~ by .p. art|cipatmg m the n~n-perlshable food items beside their 1997. Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, FRANK BRACCO: Thank you. We appreciate your supl~ort. I. REPORTS. -SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As you know we have monthly reports submitted by the different departments and agencies, and they are displayed on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. If you would like a copy of any of them, you would obtain them from the Town Clerk's Office at a nominal charge. Anything we have there is certainly for you to share and peruse. 1. S'outhold Town Commu.nity Development Office Monthly Report for March, 1997. 2. Southold Town Justice Evans' Monthly Court Report for March, 1997. 3. Southold Town Justice Price's Monthly Court Report for March, 1997. II. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have public notices. If you have a copy of -the agenda you will notice that. 1. Corp of Army Engineers, New York District, appl|cation of John Kramer for authorization to place shellflsh cages under an existing flxed pier and floats for shellfish cultivation at Harpers Point, Jockey Creek, Southold, New York. Comments to be received by-May 2, 1997. 2. Department of Envlronme ntal Conservation, application of Joseph Castelli to close off and fill in an ex~stlng boat sllp by constructing a bulkhead and to reconstruct a bulkhead and to reconstruct a bulkhead at Wells Road, Peconic, New York. Written comments to be received by May 16, 1997. APRIL 28, 1997 49~ III. COMMUNICATIONS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We did get a letter from Ed Petrou, New York State DOT in relation to Community Pride, and they said they would be very happy that any of the bridges, or walkways, or walls, or anything on their roads, they .certainly would be very happy to clean up, and take care of. So, I think the first letter is going to be in relation to the bridge in Mattltuck. We, also, got a thank you from the Red Cross for the proclamation they received. 1. Edward J. Petrou, Regional Director of New York State Department of Transportation in regard to Southold Town's Community Pride. 2. Marvin Broltman, President of Temple Beth Torah inviting Supervisor Cochran to the ceremony paying tribute to Raoul Wallenberg. 3. Lucy Dunne and Anne T. Dixon of the American Red Cross of the Eastern Suffolk Region thanking Supervisor Cochran for the proclamation. IV. PUBLIC HEARING. None. V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You know we have a policy, the Town Board does, if there Is anything you woul¢l llke to a(Jch'ess to the I~oard relation to the resolutions that are listed on tonight's agenda, please, feel free to do it at this time. If you have something other than relating to the resolutions as proposed, we will certainly take your comments at the end of the meeting. Is there anyone who would like to address or have any comment or Input on any of the resolutions? Yes, Mr. CarHn? FRANK CARLIN': Frank Carlin. Item 22, Madame Supervisor, on that funding from the COPS, how much was that? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: $375,000. FRANK CARLIN: That's good. Last time it was only $75,000. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN; W~ got $~75,000, and this is in addition to that, and $375,000. ~ We did have the Chief of Police, and Lieutenant in this morning, and we discussed how we can utilize these funds fo~ the future. FRANK CARLIN: Hire four more cops. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there anyone else, that would like to address the Board in relation to any of the resolutions? (No response.) If not, I will call for resolutions to be passed. 1 .-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Deputy Town Clerk Linda J. Cooper to attend a NYS-DEC Seminar on new and proposed changes for 1997-98 conservation licensing, to be held at Stony Brook, N.Y., on Wednesday, May 7, 1997, from 9;30 A.M. to 12:30 P,M., and the necessary expense for meal and travel shall be a legal charge'to the Town Clerk:s 1997 budget. I. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councihnan Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 2.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the following 1997 pay schedule for Lifeguards and Beach Attendants '. STEP NUMBER LIFEGUARD SALARY PER HOUR BEACH ATTENDANT SALARY PER HOUR $7.50 $6.00 2 $7.75 $6.15 3 $3.00 $6.30 ~.~ 9 2 aPRil za, ,997 $8.25 $6.45 $8.50 $6.60 $8.75 $G.75 $9.00 $~.90 $9.25 S7.05 2. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore. J ustlce Evans. Councilwoman OlJva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. .- Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on the 15th day of April, 1997, a Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Parking Pleas by Mail"; now, therefore, be It RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 5:10 P.M., Tuesday, May 13, 1997, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law, which reads as follows: A I'ocal Law in Relation to Parking Pleas by Mall BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 92 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 92-60 (Penalties for offenses) is hereby amended to read as follows: (A) Every person congicted of a traffic infraction for a violation of a,r~y provision of this chapter which is not a violation of any provision of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York shall, for a first conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.) or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen (15) days, or by both such fine and impnsonment: for a second such conviction within eighteen (18) months thereafter, such person shall be punished by a fine or not more than one hundred dollars ($100.) or by imprisonment for not more than fody-five (45) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment: upon a third or subsequent conviction within eighteen (18) months after the first conviction, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.) or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (B~ All persons cited on a town oarkin.q summons for a violation of this chapter, permit parkinq o r vehicle-related violations shall be subject to a fine Of thirty-five dollars ($35.) and shall answer and/or appear on or before the desiqnated return date. Persons failin.q to appear on or before the desi.qnated return date shall be subiect to the followin.q surcharqes in addition to the prescribed tines:. (1~ For failinq to answer and/or appear within three months of the return date. twenty dollars ($20.). (2) For failinq to answer and/or appear within six (6) months of the return date. an additional twenty dollars ($20.) in addition to the surcharge imposed in subsection .f 1 ~ above. APRIL 28, 1997 II. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State. * Underline represents additions. COUNCILMAN MOORE: What this will Local Law will do is enable people who get parking tickets from our officers and TCOs to submit a plea by mail, and have a fixed fine on there,, hoping to reduce some of the backlog that shows up on Friday morning here in the'Courts. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: This will also increase our revenue, because a lot of people don't bother to come in. 3. -Vote of the Board: Ayes: Councilwoman ira, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore. Justice Evans, Townsend. Councilwoman Hussie, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Just as an explanation, this is for a generator for the Human Resource Center. We found in reviewing the Emergency Preparednes the Town of Southold, that something that was not in place was levels where c~rtain people would go for their care. We know that the iority of the public goes to the school. We know that the most se tden in the home would go to the hospital, but we had this middle level of people that could perhaps need assistant care, but not to the enviror utilize the order to preparedne.. Thank you. hospital, and they certainly, wouldn't survive in the gh school with many people. So, ..we felt that we would ;ource Center, and this is one of the reasons. In there, and make that a useful part of any emergency an it had to have a generator, so we now have a generator. 5.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes James McMahon to submit an Application for Permit, on behalf of the South01d Highway .Department, to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for the Hummel Pond Drainage Project. 5. -Vote ·of the Town Board:. Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, SuperviSor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 6.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects the bid of BraCkenbuilt Homes, Inc., in the amount of $56,[t83.8tt, for the 'constructiop of a Tourist Information Booth at the S. Wentworth Horton Memorial Pa~k, NYS Route 25, Creenport, New York. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: This was a little higher than we expected, actually a lot higher than we expected, so we will try again. 6. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice- Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, 4.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED '~hat the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes ithe following Capital Budget for the Human Resource Center genera~tors, effective immediately: Capital Pr0ject Name: Human Resource Center Generators Financing I~leth0d:' Transfer from General Fund Whole Town Budget: Re,venues: H.$031.10 Transfers from Other Funds $ 33,81~0.00 Appropriations: H.~1620.2~500.100 HRC Generators $ 33,8[t0.00 4.-Vote of the .Town Boa rd: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justlce Evans, Councilwomai~. Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolut, iOn was duly ADOPTED. 7.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded' by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to readvertise for bids for the construction of a Tourist Information Booth at the S. Wentworth Horton Park, NYS Route 25, Greenport, New York. 7 .- Vote ,, of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, CouncilWoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 8.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the American Diabetes Association to use 'the following Town Roads for their sixth annual Tour de Cure cycling event on Sunday, June 29, 1997, from 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional= insured: Peconic Bay BoUlevard, Bay Avenue, Wickham'Avenue, Grand Avenue, Mill Road, Oregon .Road, Bridge Lane, Mill Road, Soundview Avenue, Lighthouse' Road, Village Lane, King Street, Orchar.d Street, Tabor Road, Cox Road, Mill Lane. 8.- Vote of the 'Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman 'Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resoluti'on was duly ADOPTED. 9.-Moved by COuncilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the sale of used Town vehicles and boats, in as ts condition. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: These are all the boats, and the cars, that are in the compound area behind the Police Station, and near the Animal Shelter, and it will be nice to get this whole mess cleaned out. 9.- Vote of the . Town Board.: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor COchran. This resolution-was duly ADOPTED. 10.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sou~thold hereby engages the services of David C. Wimpelberg to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, of the following properties for possible acquisition of development rights, at a total fee of $2,000.00: William & Theresa Ackermann, · 13936 Middle Road, Cutchogue, Tax Map #1000-108-3-7, approximately 57 acres; George Young Jr. & Barbara Young, main Road & Narrow River Road, Orient, Tax Map ~ 1000-19-1-1.2~ approximately 30 acres. 10.- Vote of the ~Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice EvanS, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Gochran. This' resolution was duly ADOI~TED. 11.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of Andrew D. Stype to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, of the following properties for possible acquisition of development rights, at a total fee of $2,000.00: Christian F. Baiz, Ackerly Pond Lane, Southold, Tax Map #1000-69-5-/~. 1, approximately 10.8 acres; Christian F. Baiz, Main Road & Bay Home Road, Southold, Tax Map #1000-56-5-1.3 approximately 22.3 acres. 11. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. APRIL 28, 1997 12.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was RESOLVED 'that the' Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Helen Browning, back-up Kitchen Aide for the Weekend SNAP Program, effective April 18, 1997. 12 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hus sie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 13.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South.old hereby ap?roves the amount of $404,861.00 for a bond for roads and ~mprovements in the major subdivision of Rockcove Estates at Greenport, N.Y., all in accordance with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector Richter. 13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Huss|e, Supe rvisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 14.-Moved by JUstice. Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED, .that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to~ver~etia. McKeighan, Director of Human Services, to place an ad in The Suffol'k Times publicizing the Elder Forum IV, to be held on Saturday, May 10, 1997~ from 9:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the Human Resource center, Mattituck, N.Y. 14.-~ of the Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, CO ~ncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Huss~e, Supervisor Cochran. · This resolution, was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR IRAN: I might say, that any of you who have not attended the, Forum up at the Human Resource Center it is really a worthwhile ,thing, I went up there last year just to give some remarks, and say hello to everyone, and ended up staying for the whole conference. I learned a~ great deal, and they'~have different attorneys and people that are able to giv~e you answers in relationship to the age some of us have now reached. It was an excellent thing. If you have the opportunity give Ve a call, I'm sure you will be more than welcome. 15.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman.-Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment of the following Capital Budget, effective immediately: Capital Project Name: Financing Method: Budget: Revenues H. 5031.20 Appropriations H.6772;2.300. 100 HRC Vans 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Human Resource Center Van Transfer from General Fund Whole Town Transfers from Other Funds $ 18,437.00 $ 18,437.00 Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, 16.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund'- Whole town 1997 Budget to' appropriate Park & Playground funds for the fence and rail around the tennis courts on Fishers Island: To: Revenues: A2025;00 Appropriations: A7110.4.500,325 l$,-Vote of the Town Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Special Recreation Facilities $ 7,456.00 Park & Beach Facilities $ 7,456.00 Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie. APRIL 28, 1997 17.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the reduction of the performance bond for Pheasant Run Estates (formerly known as Mooresland) Phase I, from $156,000.00 to $107,559.00,. and upon recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering Inspector Richter, who advises that many of the improvements have been completed or partially completed for Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, approve the $107,559.00 as a total bond amount for the outstanding improvements for the entire project. 17.-Vote of the T~wn Board: Ayes: Councilmar~ Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, COUncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution 'was duly ADOPTED. 18.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the issuance of a refund in the amount of $17.20 and a credit of $22.1~0 to the account of Dave Creato, d/b/a North East General, Matt~ituck, N.Y., inasmuch as Mr. Creato was erroneously charged when he brought brush from his own property to the Disposal Area on Monday, April 21, 1997 during the Spring Leaf and Brush Clean-up Week. 18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend. Counc|lwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was~ duly ADOPTED. 19.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold has not received the renewal Letter of Credit for the $156,000.00 performance bond for major subdivision of Moore's Lane at Greenport (Pheasant Run), Phase I, which Letter'of Credit expires on May 11, 1997; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Attorney to draw upon the $156,000.00 Letter of Credit issued by The Long Island Savings Bank if the renewal Letter of Credit is not received by ~4:00 P.M., Friday, May 9, 1997. 19.-Vote of the - Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Coc~hran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Listen very carefully, because I think this is a real sweet thing this man is doing. 20.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the volunteer services of Robert Pettit, Ma.pie Lane, Southold, who will spruce up the skateboard area at the Recreation Center, trim and prune some trees, replace the basketball hoops, and paint the backboard, through the assistance of Superintendent of Highways Jacobs who will take the brush and debris to the Landfill, and supply the necessary paint. COUNCILMAN MOORE: That is the resolution, but, Jean, I think you should explain how this came about, and I think it's appropriate during this week of volunteerism. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Volunteerism and Community Pride, and just that this gentleman wants to take the time to clean up. How did this come about? Alice, I think he gave you a call. 'COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Mr. Pettit called me last week. He had been up at the Rec Center with his grandchildren at the skateboard rink, guess you can call it, and while they were skateboarding he was just mossing around, and he found things that needed attention. So, he called, and said, would the Town mind if he pruned some trees, and cleaned up some of the debris, that was there, and painted the backboards of the basketball court. So, I checked with Ray Jacobs. He said, be my guest, and so we are doing it. I think it is wonderful. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Give him one of those blue ribbons we got for kindness things. I have one in my car. APRIL 28, 997 49'7 COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: It is very nice, but it's an indication of the way people in Southold feel about the town, and do more than just complain. You know we get an a-~rful lot of complaints, then there are people like Mr. Pettit, who do things for us. My hat is off to him. 20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was.duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, 21 .-Moved by Justice Evans', seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby promotes John H. Jerome to the position of custodial Work II, effective immediately, at a salary of $30,671.9t[ per annum. 21. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, CouncilwOman Oiiva, COuncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolUtion was duly ADOPTED. 22.-Moved by. CounCilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it .was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute the acceptance of the Universal COPS Hiring Grant Award #95CFWX5776 S-1, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. COUNCILMAN MOORE: This is the one that lists for $375,000. 22. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, 23.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation of Marvin Knight, back-up driver at the Human Resource Center, effective April 28, 1997. -- 23. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman i Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 24..-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill No. S.5125, and Assembly Bill No. A.7660, entitled "AN ACT to amend the town law, in relation to increasing the number of, and the length of the terms of office of; district commissioners of the Fishers Island garbage and refuse district, an improvement district located in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County." It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, as the Town Board does not .have the power to enact such legislation, as the Town Board does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law. 24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, COuncilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 25.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, the residents of the Town of Southold that own homes or businesses on or near the shore are no longer able to obtain hazard insurance from the many insurance companies doing business in the State of New York; and ih EREAS, for many of these residents, The New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association is the insurer of last resort; and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature has not authorized the renewal of funding for the New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association and has, therefore, left many property owners without the ability to insure their largest assets; now, therefore, be it 4~8 APRIL 28, 1997 RESOLVED that the Town Board notify the New York State Legislature that many of our residents are in great economic peril and that we request the immediate refunding of the New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: If I could explain a little bit about this. We did this last year. I am in the business, so I am very aware that it is very difficult to get fire and windstorm insurance if you are right on the coast. It is difficult here, and also very difficult on the South Shore. That doesn't represent a large-percentage of our population in New York, so it hasn't gotten a lot of attention., the legislation, but this organization is sponsored by New York State, and it provides fire: and windstorm coverage for these property owners, who can not get it anywhere else. Many of them tie it into another kind of policy, a tenant's policy, but this is what protects their main asset. This is the secohd year in_a row, that the Legislature had let this funding expire, which means that not only we will not be' able to write new insurance throug!h this 0~rganization., but the houses that are covered this way when the policies expire they will be out of luck.-, All of those mortgages, th.at were :nt on this insurance Will now be in jeopardy, if the,- Legislature renew this funding. 25. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moo~e, Justice iEvan:s, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, 26.-Moved by JuStice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617.10, and Chapter ~L[ Of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that 'the Southold Town Board in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unlisted action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Prc~posed "Local Law in Relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Eight" Industrial Office (LIO) Zone Uses", which amends Chaptel' 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold. This modification would delete accessory residential uses, bars, restaurants, retail sales of boats, sauerkraut factories and museums. It adds tourist and RV camps, recreational facilities, golf' courses, machine workshop~ and food catering 'facilities to the LIO zone. It adds repair, machine and custom workshops to the LI zone. It changes boat yards, servicing and. storage, light manufacturing and printing plants from special exception uses to permitted uses in both zones. The proposal has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment. It emphasizes the industrial nature of the LI and LIO districts by :removing residential an retail uses. The LIO zone will have a greater emphasis:on fam.ly-orlented recreation activities. An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the proposal be implemented as planned. 26. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 27.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, .WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on the 18th day of March, 1997, a Local law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Office (LIO) Zone Uses"; and WHEREAS, this Local Law was referred to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for recommendations and reports, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on this Local Law on the 15th day of April, 1997, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board I~ereby enacts Local Law No. 6 - 1997, which reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO, 6 - 1997 A Local law in Relation to Light Industrial (LI) and Light Industrial Offices (LIO) Zone Uses BE IT ENACTED, .by the Town Board of the Town of $outhold as follows: I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of $outhold as follows: 1. Sec'dan 100-13 (Definitions)is hereby amended as follows: AUTO REPAIR SHOP -A ccmmerdal use involvina the adiustment. oaintin~, reolacement of sorts or o(her reoair or restoration of motor vehicles. FOO0 CATERING FAC~LIT'{ - A fc6d oreoaration coeration !hat ore,ares fccd for ccnsumotion ~t a s~ecffic off-site Ioca[icn and/or e,¢ent distfn~ ,'rcm the restaurant (rade. FO00 PROCESSING FACILITY -A wholesale oueration where fccd is crccassed from ~ raw or semi-orocassed state to a finished :rcduc ~uitabie for resale at re[ali cutlets or ~.o restaur,nts. A food crccessin~3 fadiib/shall not include _=n outlet store, whether ~cc~__~sc~v or c~indual. GOLF COURSE, STANDARD REGULATION -A (]olfinq facility ooen to the qeneral public for a olay qreens fee, which is at least t25 conti.quous acres of eroperty and contains a requlation eiqhteen (18~ hole.qolf course. The followinq accessory. uses may be included providin.q sufficient land is available: practice tees for instructi?n purposes, pro shop and school, driving ranqe, snack bar'or restaurant caterin.q and banquet facilities, club houses, course offices, vehicle maintenance shed. employee facilities, locker rooms and showers, swimminq pool and tennis courts. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES -are uses which involve fabrication. reshapin.q, reworkinq, assembly or combininq of products from previously orepared materials and which do not involve the synthesis of chemical or chemical products other than for pharmaceutical or research purposes or the processin¢t of any raw materials except agricultural raw materials. Such uses may include industrial operations such as electronic, machine parts and small comoonent assembly, as opposed to heavy industrial operations 'such as automobile 'assembly or millinq activities. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - recreational uses characterized by predominately outdoor activities by oatrons, includinq but not limited to stables and ddinq academies, requlation .qolf courses and qolf related activities, tennis and racquet sport clubs, platform soods, baseball battinq and pitching caqes and swimminq oool facilities. It shall not include such activities as racinq, iai-alai and amusements oarks. 2. Section 100'-:131 A and B (Use Regulations in the LIO Zone) is amended as follows: In'the LIO District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose except the following: A. Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted uses and, except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(1) hereof, are subject [o site plan approval by the Planning Board: 61-)~r-mi~t. ed uses se¼'o,'-th in =nd =s r-egulctod by ~r-mit4ed uses set--forth in a,m~Lae-regulat-e~t--~y 1. The aqricultural operations and accessory uses includin.q irriaation, the raisinq of field and qarden croos, vineyard and orchard farminq, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal sale of products qrown on the premises, the keepinq, breedinq, raisinq and traininq of horses, domestic animals and fowl, barns. stora.qe buildin.qs, qreenhouses and other related structures to the same extent and subiect to the same conditions allowed in the AC zone. 2. Buildinqs. structures and uses owned or ooerated by the Town of Southold. school districts, uark districts and fire districts. 3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and buildinq material storaqe and sale, but e×cludin.q storaqe of coal, coke, fuel oil or iunk.. 4. Buildin.q, electrical and .Dlumbinq contractors' businesses or yardS. 5. COld storage olants, bakinq and other food erocessinq and packa.qinq plants that are not offensive, obnoxious or detrimental to nei.qhborin.q uses by reason of dust, smoke, vibration, noise, odor or effluent. 6. Office buildings for businesses, governmental and professional uses, including administrative training, data processing, publication, financial and sales offices. 7. Telephone exchanges. 8. Wineries as regulated by § 100-101A(11 ). 9. Tourist came. APRIL 28, 1997 501 10. Recreational facilities which meet the followinq conditions: (al Minii'num parcel size sr~all be three f3) acres. lb) There shall be three (3) acres for each use. 11.. Standard reaulation.golf course.. 12. FOod caterinc~ facility,.. 13. Machine and equipment workshoo. 14. 8oat buildina, boat septicin.q and boat storaae facilities. excludinq retail sales of boats and accessories. 15. Liqht industrial uses. subiect to the fo lowina conditions: la) No.such orocess or ooeration shall involve the handlinq, stora.qe or discharqe of explosives or permit upon the premises any virus or other type of infectious orclanisms identified with diseases ¢ ar~imals or humans. (bi No offensive noises, qases, fumes, smoke, odors. dust, ~ffluent or vibrations shall emanate from such use and no waste products shall be discharqed. therefrom of a dhafacter to create a nuisance or to be iniude~Js.td health er tb ne.qatively imoact qroundwater. lc) Suc~q orocesses shall involve the use of only oil, gas or electricity for fuel. 16. Printinq and oublishinq plants. B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by [he Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided, subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: ~,,~'~ ~ ,~qy spe6iaPe~eptien use-set 1. Research, desian or development laboratories, orovided that any manufacturinp shall be limited to orototvoe and products for testing. 2. Laundry or drv-cleaninq olants, subject to the followino conditions: All orocesses and storacle shall be carried on within an enclosed buildind. (bi all fluids used in processino shall be recycled, and the overall facility shall be des~qned, located and o oerated to protect surface waters and the groundwater reservoir from pollution. 502 APRIL 28, 1997 (a-)No such cr-e6ess o,~epecat-ien shall inve~ handling, s*~erage-er die6harge-ef-e,'~leeivos op i~,&,-mibc,,',,",n the~¢remisee-any-v4rus or ot~car tyf~e ef-i~fe6~ieus ost~ani-~,ms-ident4fie6Lwiil:~liseaees of aNma!S (bi Ne--effer~eive noises, gaeesr-, fumes, smoke, o~tor-.~-,, lel. 5. Conference facilities, subject [o the following conditions: (al Where rooms are provided for conference attendees, said rooms are permitted as set fodh and regulated by §100-61B(4) of the Resort Residential (RR) District. 6. Public utility structures and 'uses. 7. Pr-ir~f~in~-or-F~u b lis bin g -p la n~. 8. Truck or bus terminals (garages; parking facilities, loading docks, etc.-). 9. Food processing and packaging plants, not including fish processing plan[s. 10. ~q~le,~ala aFid re~ai! sales-a~'~t Repair of boats and marine items. 11. Beat buiMing, boabserv-~ng-and beat s~r-a~jc fac!!itie.~. i2.--Rer, t-a u r a~t¢-~. 1 ::%_Saue¢krau~ar~ufaCud~'.g 14. Basic Utility Stage II airport, subject to the following conditions: 503 APRIL 28, 1997 (a) Minimum parcel size shall be one hundred (100) acres. 3. Section 100-141 A and B (Use Regulations in the LI Zone) are amended as follows: In the LID strict, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a'bUilding shall be erected or altered which.is arranged, intended or designed to be used. in whole or in part. for any purpose except the following: A. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted uses and, except for those uses permitted under Subsection A(1) and Subsection A(2~. hereof, are subject to site plan approval' by the Planning Board: 1. The aqricultural ouerations and accessory uses includina irrioation, the raising of field and garden croos. vineyard and orChard farming, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal sale of products qrown oq the .oremises. the keepin.q, breedina, raising and trainina of horses, domestic animals and fowl. barns, storaae bUildinqs.:qre,enhouses and other related structures to the same extent and subject to the same conditions allowed, in the AC zone. 2. Buildinqs. structures and uses owned or ooerated by the Town of Southold, school districtS, Dark 8istdcts and fire districts. 3. Wholesale businesses, warehouses and buildin.q material storaqe and sale. but excludina storaqe of coal. coke. fuel oil or iu.n~- 4. Buildi.nq, electrical and plumbinq contractor's businesses or yards. 5. Cold; storaqe plants, bakinq and other food orocessinc~ and oacka.qinq olants that are not offensive, obnoxious. or detrimental to neiqhborina uses by reason of dust. smoke., vibration, noise, odor or effluent. 6. Office buildinas for businesses, flovemmental and professional uses. indudinq administrative tra nina, data processinq, uublication, financial and sales offices. 7. Teleohone exchanqes,. 8~ Wineries as regulated by § 100-101A(11 ). 9. Auto repair shoo. 504 APRIL 28, 1997 10. Repair shoo fnot includinQ auto and madne). 11 .' Custom workshop. 12. Machine and e~uioment workshop. 13. Lioht industrial uses. 14. Publishing and orindnq plants. 15, Boat buildin(], servicine and storade, excludin(] wholesale and retail sales of boats and accessories. B. Uses permitted by special exception of the Board'of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: Office P-a r-k 1. Research. desion or development laboratories. provided, that any manufactudnq shall be limited to pro[StyPs's and products for iestine. 2.. Lau'iidrv or drwcleanin(] plants, subiect to the followinq conditions: (al/MI oroces'ses and storaqe shall be carried cn within an enclosed buildina. (b) All fluids used in orocessinq shall be. recycled, and the overall facility shall be desic:lned, located and operated to protect surface waters and the .qroundWate~: from pollution. 3_ Ddnki~q esteblishmcn~ 4. Liqht industrial uses. subiect to the followinq conditions: fa} No such process or operation shall involve the handlinq, storage or discharqe of explosives or pen:nit upon the premises any virus or other, type of infectioUs orqanisms identified with diseases of animals or humans. (b) No offensive noises, qases, fumes, smoke, odors, dust. effluent or vibrations shall emanate from such use and no waste products shall be discharced therefrom of a character to create a nuisance or to be iniurious [o health or to ne~: ativelv impact (]roundwater. (c) Such processes shall involve the use of only oil.. qas or electricity for fuel. 505 APRIL 28, 1997 5. Conference facilities, subiect to the followinq cond tions.: (a) Where rooms are provided for conference attendees, said rooms are oermitted as set forth and reclulated by .~100-61B(4) of the Resort Residential (RR) District.. 6.' Public utility structures and uses,. 7. u,4,,,~,,,, "r sublishi~-ela~. 8. Truck or bus terminals (qaraees. oarkinq facilities. oadin.q docks, etc.~. 9. Food orocessinq and oackaqino olants, not includin.q fish orocessm~ olants. 10..~.,,~,~-,~~a~k"~""~:" ~-~.,,_, ~.~,,-~*~;I .~te~ ~t Re air of boats and marine items. fa~oi~es~e~u.dj~-r~t~l-sa{ ~ ~ ~¢4aoa ...... acc~or4e~. 12. Rest-auraR~,~ II, 13. Sa.derkraut-manufa~uciP,~ plaRt~ This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State. Underline represents additions Strlkethrough represents deletlon~ 27. -Vote of the ~Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Su pekvisor Cochran. This resolu.tlon was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, 28.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accepts the resignation of Executive Assistant Ja~es C. McMahon as Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator for the Town of Southold; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby appoints Director of Human Services Venetia McKeig'han as Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for the Town of Southold, effective immediately, she .to serve in this position without compensation. 28. -Vote ' of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 29'.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on the 28th day of April, 1997, a Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Lot Creation with Structures"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department. of Planning, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. Said Local Law reads as follows: A Local Law in Relation to Lot Creation with Structures BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: 506 APRIL 28, 1997 I. Section 100-24 of the Southold Town Code is amended as follows: §100-24. Lot creation. [Added 11~28o1995 by L.L. No. 23-1995] A. A lot created by deed or f. cwn approval shall be recognized by the lown if any one (1) of the following standards apply and if the lots have not merged: (1) The identical lot was created by deed recorded in the Suffolk County Cl~rk's office on or before June 30. 1983, and the lot conformed ~o the minimum lot requirement(s) set forth in Bulk Schedule AA~ as of the date of lot creation. (2) The lot(s)in question is/are aporoved by the Southold Town Planning 8oard, (3) The lot(s) in question is/ere shown on a subdivision map approved by the Southold Town Board prior to June 30. 1983. (4) The lot(s) in question is/are approved and/or recognized by formal action of the Board of Appeals prior to .June 30. 1983. '- (5) The Iotfs) in duestion nave residential or commercial struc{ures which have obtained a certificate of oc:uoancv frcm !he Buitdina Deoartment as of (he date the develooment entitlement ~s souqnt. B. All lots which are not recognized by the town pursuant to the above section shall not receive any building permits or other development entitlements. C. All lots are subject to the merger provisions of §!00-25. II. State. t * Underline represents additions This Local Law shall takb effect upon filing with the Secretary of 29.- Vote of the Town Board: A.yes: Councilman 'Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. Thls resolution was duly ADOPTED. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on the 28th day of April, 1997, a Local Law entitled, "A Local law in Relation to Site Plans"; now, tt~erefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this Local Law to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. Said Local Law reads as follows: A Local Law in Relation to Site Plans BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 30.-- 1. Section 100.252.1 ~Waiver of Site Plans) is hereby added as follows: The Plannind Board is authorized to waive site plan approval if'it determines that: 1. The oroiect involves no chanqe in an ex~stinq structure: and . 2. The oroiect use will not cause any chancre in use or intensity of use of the site which would effect the characteristic of the site in terms of oarkinq, loadind, access, drainac~e, ooen soace or utilities. APRIL 28, 1997 507 The decision on waiver will noLr_g_g_u_lre a_public !)earinq and may be .qranted uoon majority vote of tl~e board at a oublic meetinq, 2. Section 100-255.5 (Violations of conditions) is t~ereby added as follows: Failure of the ot owner or o!he.r_person responsib e for a ,pro ect er proposal io'apply for and obtain site plan_a~prova or to roi ow the, ayout.. or confi.quration shown on an_a.p~oroved site plan or failure to comply with any limitation or condition of siLe pi.an ap_proval eitlier durin.q construction or subsequent thereto shall constitute a violation'of this chapter; 3. Section 100-255(A) (Duralion of plan) is hereby amended as follows: A. An approved site development plan shall be valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of approval provided the site plan is 'n conformance with zoning. All work proposed on the plan shall be completed will'fin three (3) years from the date of approval unless a longer period was approved or the applicant obtains an extension from the Planning Board. 4 Section 100-255(B) (Dt,'alion of plan) is hereby deleted as follows: II. This State. * Underline represents additions Strlkethrough represents deletions I~,--AlPei~e~t~lans-whi6h-have--re6eiva~J4inal.-al~,Fcreval-F~rier-to-the-enaetment ef-lhi~A¢li~e-shall-remain.-valM re~..a-~erie~-ef-lhree-~g)-yea~ f~em-lhe Cat~e~eu~e~a6~men ~hie- ~erie¢-wilPbe~ in-whe~ell-¢evemme~al a~val~ve-bee~b~ine~ Local tLaw shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of 30. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva. Councilman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Number 31, the allocation of funds from our Grants Program. JUSTICE EVANS: It was a very difficult late afternoon discussion doing this. It was finally resolved today, but it has been months and months to try to come to this conclusion, and I don~t think everyone is happy with everything, but It was the best we could do to get us all to agree, and go ahead with this. 31 .-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby allocates the following funds under the 1997 Grants Program: Community Action of Soutbold Town, Inc. East End Seaport Museum and Marine Foundation Loaves I; Fishes Food Pnniry North Fork Chorale, Inc. Tbe Arts in Southold Town, Inc. Archaeological Association (Ir~c. lian Museum) American Legion, Burton Poller Post No. 185 American Legion, Raymond Cleaves Post No. 861 $2,000.00 800.00 500.00 ~i00.00 600.00 800.00 350.00 In Kind Services 508 APRIL 28, 1997 Nortt~ Fork Envh'onmental Save tim Peconlc Bays Norlh Fork Parish Outreach Orient Comt~unity Activities Dotlgl~s Moor~ ~elllr]ri~l Islm~l Peopt~s Project East End Aris COuncil' Spay, Alter,. Vaccinate, Every Stray Inc. Ducks Unlimited Inc. - Greenwing Peconic Y~0uth Football Henry L Ferguson Museum Rnilroacl Museum of I_ong Islm~cl Stifling Historical Society Oysterpon~s Historical SocieLy First Night MattJtuck/North Fork Soccer CJi.il) MattJ[uck Historical Society (Soli(I Waste c(mrerence) 500.00 I, 000. OO q00.00 II00.00 1,000.00 q00. O0 200.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 1 , go0.00 300.00 800.00~ SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would like to make a statement. I have to recluse myself from this. I am involved in several of the organizations that are receiving their funds, and we have $20,000 to try give some of these Services Support. Most of them are things that the Town can not afford to do, but ~hey do this in the community, so we try to give them a stipend to help them'with'their budget. I certainly do support each and every one. This Is a resolution as a total,, and I can not pick and choose, so I am going to recluse, because I serve on the Board of the Indian Museum, I work with Duck~ Unlimited, I started the Oreenwing Program, and I have a lgr~ndson that plays Peconic Youth Football, so I won't be voting on thJs2 There are enough votes to carry it, and we congratulate those that have received it. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I have to recuse myself, because I am also on the Board of' C.AJS:T. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I am going to vote, yes, on this, but I would like to talk about it. ! am voting yes on this, because I think we have to go forward with it, but many decisions were made in this process, that I wasn't happy with', and I know that is true of a lot of people. We had very significant differences of opinion, but we had to. to get it done. But, my basic underlying problem with the program was that when we went to this new format, which was a glance type format, from a prior one which was admittedly almost under the table with the few people that got it, made requests arid got it; expectations were ralse(I. A lot of people spent a lot of time preparing requests, and there were a lot of very needy .projects out there, and I am disappointed that the Town Board didn't fund of them. As I pointed out to the Town Board.. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You were sitting there. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I said this. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Say it clearly. APRIL 28, 1997 509 COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: When we consider how much money we spend on this, it really comes down to not too much money. Fifty thousand' dollars, for instance, which was originally suggested, I think. Then~ it was reduced to thirty, because some money was moved in the budget p~ocess, and then cut down to twenty, is not too much, when you consider .it is not really even one employee' in town, and I think next year when we consider this we really should consider funding more of this sort of thing. I think t~hat, lt is not a large expenditure, as far as the town is concerned, and it benefits a lot of people. . SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thirty thousand dollars was put,in the budget thls year, because it was $30,000 last year. I believe, that~you were 100% in favor of cutting it to $20,000' when we cut the budget, Joe. COUNCI.LMAN TOWNSEND: I voted for the budget, but when . we i discussed this particular item.. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We'll have a few months down the road to get into this,~so let's not do it now. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: On most every issue you are correct. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I am going to vote for this, but I will have a few things to say, too. One of them being that we devised this form that we had, that we sent out to various organizations to make their applications. The idea was that we would fund those situations, which the Town would ordinarily have to do, and instead a charitable, organizati,on, or' ~n is going to do it. I have had a little bit of a problem, w i .has a problem. I have a problem. My problem is that these are public funds, and in a sense we are asking the taxpayers to contribute to organizations that they may, or may not wish to contr~bu e to. S0; .there is ;another piece that we have to put into the puzzle, but, yes. JUSTICE EVANS: On another note, there are many worthy organizations here: that applied. Some we didn't give money to, some we:d~d g~ve mon y to. There are a ~lot more erganlz~tlons out there, and We hope tha{ the community itsel~r will c°ntrJbute tt~e needed funds, and make their choices where they thlrik that money should go. 31 .- Vote of. the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Ollva, C~ounclhnan Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Townse~d, Councilwoman Evans, Hussle. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You can see why it took us so long to make this determination. This is really one topic that goes in all directions. Nbw, to the Board this morning, I did present a letter, because I feel that perhaps the best thing to do is to dissolve the Grants Program, and at budget time sit down, and try to work up something that is workable, and fair to all. When this program originally started, it was started I am going to say ten, fifteen years ago by supporting the libraries in-town, and then it kind of went t.o the historical societies, and your veteran organizations, and then we began to give bits and pieces to groups, volunteer and non-profit groups within the community, that supplied services that the Town could not afford to give, but if they were serving the community, and they were valid, and had something to offer to service £he whole, and then we began to support, and it just kind of mushroomed, and rolled, and rolled, and rolled, so that we are getting more and more reque.sts. The budget was cut to $20,000. On the other hand we have 'taxpayers, that want their taxes lowered. It was cut to $20,000. Twenty thousand dollars is not very much to disperse to the community, and we had 35 applications. So, you can see by our give and take tonight we have been doing that for the last couple of months, and finally today we said, we have to bring this to a conclusion, and hopefully we will come up with a better system at budget time. Thank you. At this time finishing the resolutiofls, we will go to comments from the audience. If anyone has anything they would like to share with us now is the time to do it. Mr. Richter? 510 APRIL 28, 1997 CRAIG RICHTER: First of all, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the :first Town Board meeting I have ever made. My name is Craig Richter. I watch it on TV once in awhile. I am from Greenport, actually in the 'great town .of Seuthold. It is a beautiful village, the hamlet of Greenport, and probably the greatest school district in NeW York' State. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: He is on the School Board in Greenport. CRAIG RICHTER: There are a couple of things I have. First of all, I would like to thanl~ you for waiving the landfill charges for our community cleanup..~ .we had two tons worth of trash picked up this Saturday by apprOXimately ~ .a,nd with Boy Scouts and Cub SCOuts great. Now, ~concern I .have, I tal, ked to~r e, taxation. We know that San Simeon just came off the , and that Mi~tc'helii. P. ark has~ just come off the tax roll. The~ talk .that I hear in Greenport, being on the School Board, is that there is a possJb.hty o a nursing care facility on the Brecknock Hall property. The W~rd iS buzzing around ~Greenport, .t~hat there is a possibility off the tax roils, or a reduction in taxation. Our assess~ is extremely Iow. We keep our budgets within llne under ion' but we seem to be losing assessment. Our assessment is,.unde~$1~,000;Q00 in Green District. Southold is double that, and;Oy;~ter~p0nds I not entitle we in G urge sure you make the right decisions to be, supERviSOR 'COCHRAN; concern. grou the the is around eighteen or ask watch,for our tax dollars, a off the tax roll, such as the , which ! ~g home, which we are gei~g )~i',lose .un[ess et it back on the.tax rolls. We not aff~rd' tax dollars. It is real of the[ We certainly will give every consideration and We did have the gentleman from Peconic Landing, that is the or 'looking at, who are before the Planning Board.now, at Brecknock Hall. There housing w0~'id remain on ~ve a small nursing facility. and that would not be. ta;xable~ ~est ~ble. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: It is not a nursing home. It's llfe care, so there will be a nursing component. It's prlmariiy 250 units, that can be bought in a co-op situation. That is all taxable, but th~ nursing part is not, possibly. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would just llke to say it is a very small percentage of the overall part of the property would be off the tax roll, even it was determined the nursing facility was off the tax rolls. As you know we are still contesting the other nursing home, that recently just won the first round in the court. But, I think it would be substantial tax source for the school district in Creenport, if it happened, and I don't think you have to worry about it being off the tax roll. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN.: W~ are looking for guarantees that it isn't going to be. CRAIG RICHTER: A few of us have discussed that, and some of the things I hear are that some of the property will be donated to the Peconic Land Trust. I don~t know if that is correct or not. .COUNCILMAN MOORE: It wasn't discussed today. CRAIG RICHTER: That is the only reason I am here, is to make sure that.. APRIL 28, 1997 511 SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Craig, this is why they came in today, because there are so many misconceptions floating throughout~ the community, that they came in, they explained the whole project to us. Their attorney was with them also, and we are satisfied that ~they are headed in the right direction, and we will be watching very carefully as far as the taxes are concerned. Bi. Il even brought up the point of pilots, which to those of you, it's payment in lieu of taxes, is what they are referred to, is pilots. sometimes there are other guarantees, so we will be watching thls very closely, because we realize we need these pieces on the tax rolls. CRAIG RICHTER: Especially in Greenport. We definitely need the taxation dollars. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Would anyone else like to address the Board on any topic relating to Town Board business? FRANK CARLIN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Frank Carlin from Laurel. Before I start I think, but I am not sure, but on resolution 25 I think you made a mistake there. That resolution involves insurance, right? You' voted on it. You are an insurance agent. That is conflict of interest. You. should have abstained your vote. I hate doing th:ils, but knowing me~ it must be done. Somebody said to me the other day, Why do you~ go to the Town.' Board meetings, Frank, so many time for? Well; I come here to express my' thoughts. ~. This is the way I have to express my thoughts. I don~t, have that option after the Board meeting for the newspaper people come: ,up to me With their pad and pencils, and ask me all kinds of questions; So, this is .a way of expressing my thoughts. I want to straighten out one more thing, that I mentioned awhile back. I am not, a mouthpiece for 'the :Republi'dans. That I was accused ot~ awhile back. :1 say it th~ .way it is, and I 'Call the shots the way I see it. i let the chi'Ps fall Where they may. [Tape change) I said this, als0, once before. When are we going to go back to the old system of voting? Democrats, Republicans. You are getting so that you pick up the paper, you don't who you are going to be.,votlng for anymore, Democrat, United' Southo!~d, RepUblican,' U~itec~ $outh~i~l. You are going throUgh two parties,,.at ~rle tlme. This is town business", Madame Supervisor, because this is voting for the Town peopl~ on the Board. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Please, don't get into the political realm. You can say. what you have to say, but this is not the fbrum for that opinion. FRANK CARLIN: I got to vote for you, or whoever runs. I have the right to express my opinion, what I think is right. Twenty-two thousand people can think I~m wrong~, but this is my thought. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Frank, let's do it this way. Do it without being personal. Can you do that? FRANK CARLIN: This isn't personal. It's a party line. This is not personal. COUNCILMAN MOORE': We are not supposed to get into a political forum. FRANK CARLIN: You are not getting into it. i'm the one that is mentioning the controversy. I'm not asking you to horn in on it. TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: I don't see that there is a prohibition against it. I can't think of any prohibition against him speaking. FRANK CARLIN: Freedom of speech, that's number one, unless you want to change it, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I don't think I am going to change it. Not from here. Frank, let's not make it personal. FRANK CAR;IN: This missile I'm going to have to be involved in it, too. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Who is? 512 APRIL 28, 1997 FRANK CARLIN: This missile I'm going to fire off next is going to be involved in it, too. My opinion is, now, it may be not as critical as you think the.other one was. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I'll let you finish. FRANK CARLIN': Okay, you may have your comments. You never want to have.~slx member Board, for one reason, too much grid lock: RiYerhead has flve.'~ SouthamptOn ~has five. Greenport has five, and I know what you are going to say to. me. You are going to say to me, it's necessary because we, have Fishers Island. JUSTICE EVANS: Frank, I have said before that I think Fishers Island would be happy to secede, if we could take our taxes with us. FRANK CARLIN: You may talk all night if they want to. Madame Supervisor may comment, please, let me finish. Don't get nervous. I tell you why. There are things, resolutions that are voted on have nothing to do with Fishers Island. I have nothing against you Judge Evans. The things, that are voted on have nothing to do with Fishers Island. Police, hiring.the police, had nothing to do with Fishers Island. They have their own Constable and State Police. Land Preservation has nothing to do with Fishers Island. ~They have no farmland over there. You were giving away, '.or possibly almost, giving away two acres our land in Laurel, our precious land for the YMCA. : That had nothing to do with Fishers Island. Our~ landfill had nothing to do with Fishers Island, They have their own lan(Jfilr; Last but not least the McDonalds issue .for five years. My Cod, they don't travel t:wol boats across the water ten miles, and wanting to come to..McDOnalds; Fine. i sa¥=, vote, fine, but vote on the budget, and vote on ~'thlngs that have to do with Fishers Island. That is what I am saying. ! want to ask' you one question, Judge Evans. How much time do you really spend~over here? JUSTICE EVANS: Quite a bit, and I spend a lot of time doing Town busrness on Fishers Island. But, I would llke to respond to our involvement in the Police issue~ and things llk~ that. We pay quite a bit of monies to support the poilce force over here, which we do get benefits from, but not quite the same ibenefit everyone gets here, and there are a lot of things we spend..I come over to provide services over here, like the Human Resource Center, which we don't enjoy over on Fishers Island. So, that's what I said before, I think that many people on Fishers Island would be happy to not be involved with Southold as much as they tore this [own, because it cost them a lot of money for a lot of services, that we do not get. FRANK CARLIN: Right, and I do agree with you. You might get them when you vote on the budget, so you got that one under control right the~e, so I wouldn't.-you know. You will catch that on the budget, that's why I mentioned you vote on the budget. JUSTICE EVANS: We also pay for the Open Space Program, and for the Farmland Preservation, even though there is no farmland preserved on Fishers Island, because we don't have any, but it does help in the long run to keep our tax dollars dbwn, because the more land that is preserved is that the less services that have to be offered to those if it was subdivided. FRANK CARLIN: That's possible; but there is, like tonight's issue here, probably two issues on this whole resolution that said Fishers Island on it. There are some things that don't even..this was mentioned to me by several people in town already about this. Nobody wants to come up here, and mention it, so, I'm doing it. You wanted to give away two acres of our nice precious land in Laurel for the YMCA two years ago. I mean almost gave it away. The YMCA would have went up, you would have gave it away without even the people in Laurel having a chance would have anything to say about it. That's what I'm saying. Nothing against you, Judge Evans, this is what I feel, that there is issues in this resolution time and time again, that had nothing to do with Fishers Island, should either abstain, or no contest, and .that's the way I feel about APRIL 28, 1997 JUSTICE EVANS: My.only comment is that on almost every issue we deal with involves money, and money spent, and money received, and since we pay tax dollars we have a right to have.. FRANK CARLIN: I don't know why you get involved in Land Preservation for. You don't have any farmland anyway, so why should they get involved in the money for farmland preservation over there. We spend enough money on farmland Preservation over here now. I mean it's all funded, $175,000,000 bond .we voted for, but it's all comwng out of taxpayers money. It all ends up with the taxpayers no matter who is funding the thing. Let's be honest'wlth ourselves. Now, we got another Farmland Preservation 28 acres. Joe, I wasn't here but you said, I can't understand why nobody 'is standing up here, and saying anything about that Farmla~nd Preservation resolution~ speaking on being a public hearing on that farmland 28 acres. Remember you said that7 I can't understand why nobody stood up, ;nobody is, here speaking on it. Do you know why? I got the answer for that, Joe. Man, if I was getting $6,000 an acre selling 28 acre ye anything to say either. You wanted to know why, and t why. SU'PER~/ISOR COCHRAN:. Frank, direct your questions or your remarks to then 1 · will call on these people if they would like to I got one more thing while I'm up here. This is food for if I. hit some sensitive spots tonight, but that's the wa, I say it the way it is. You don't have to think I'm right' or,wrong. I don~t care' what people think. It's what I think. It's my opini~0n. BUt, I have lived in the town long enough to knoW what's going on. Can I just ask Judith Terry one question, please? Get off this subject for one second. I remember Judith, if you remember, I'm going to show you how long I'm in this town. Do you remember back in the late ~50's 1 think we had a Supervisor, a young fellow called Brown. Do you remember him? We had a Supervisor: way back in the the late '50s called Brown. TOWN CLERK TERRY: No. FRANK CARLIN: He lasted about one year. TOWN CLERK TERRY: A Town Supervisor? FRANK CARLIN: Brown. He was killed in a fatal acci~lent. TOWN CLERK TERRY: No, that was Henry Tuthill from Greenport. FRANK CARLIN: 'You remember way back then? TOWN CLERK TERRY: before that, too. Oh, yes, I do. I was here then. I was here FRANK CARLIN: Then Martocchia. TOWN CLERK TERRY: Normah Klipp, Lester Albertson. FRANK CARLIN: All the good boys, Bill Pell, Frank Murphy, and Scott Harris. TOWN CLERK TERRY: .FRANK CARLIN: I Su pervlsor. TOWN CLERK TERRY: SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: believe. Homan, don't want to forget Tom Wickham, and Madame Everyone you mentioned, and then some more. Judy has been here over thirty-five years, I 514 APRIL 28, 1997 FRANK CARLIN: I seen her tonight, and I said to her, Judy, it's going to take you six months to gear down when you retire. I see her in here sometimes on a Saturday, working, and overtime, very conscientious. You deserve it, and I tell you one thing I worked with you a long time, and never worked wlth a nicer person than you. You do a good job, and I know that the Town Board is going to miss you, and the people in Town Hall will miss you, but there is a lot of people in the town Will be mlss|hg you · TOWN'CLERK TERRY: Thank you. I am going to miss everybody, too. FRANK CARLIN: Food for thought. I submerged my submarine. I'm up. I throwing out life preservers. I'm looking for survivors. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Open the hatch, and let's have the 'finale here. FRA~NK CARLIN: Last spring Suffolk County Water Authority ripped up part of the north side of the road there just east of Suffolk Times, and that new medical building that was built there across from McDonalds, a cllr~ic being built there. It's very strange it going up quick, because, it took McDonalds five years, but anyway, they tore that up. They put the water mains in there, and for about 200 feet there was never no sidewalk there. So, I see when they filled it back up, we planted grass. Can't the Town at least for 200 feet, can't the town complete that series of sidewalk the~e, and have a,,sldewalk' from the Laure Pos~c Office ali the way down tq the v llage. Are we that 'low in money that we can't replace 260 feet of. sidewalk for': the convenience of the children on b cycles, and. people walking? It's right across from McDonalds. SU:PERVISOR COCHRAN: It's my turn. It's New York State, and we certainly can send a letter, and request that a sidewalk be put in. FRANK CARLIN: Well, send a letter or do something. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You just brought it to our attention, so can I send the letter tomorrow mor=ning? FRANK CARLIN: I can see it all the time, why can't other people see it. I mean the town people see it, or whoever? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN.' You say it's 200 feet? FRANK CARLIN: About 200 feet. tt could be less, could be more. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, I will contact Superintendent of Highways Ray Jacobs, and have him contact the state. FRANK CARLIN: Years ago, way back in the 20's, all the sidewalks were put in years ago by the people. All the work was done with the taxpayers' money, and it all got done, all these sidewalks, all these tunnels, all these bridges. 'in New York. The last one that was built was the Verrazanno Bridge in '62. The tunnels were built back in the 20's, but nothing can get done now. Where is our money going? I could sit here all day and explain where it's going, but I won't. So, this is it. You have your comments. I appreciate you letting me have this time. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Frank. I used to ride my bicycle from Aqueboque to Mattltuck on sidewalks all the way years ago. FRANK CARLIN: They are all the way from Laurel. In fact, they are putting brand new in, because they ripped up that main llne to put the sewers in. They. are putting brand new sidewalks in there, and Riverhead is putting in the mains. But it's funny they getting the sidewalks put in, though. You say it's from the State, right? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, we shall contact them. APRIL 28, 1997 515 FRANK CARLIN: I think if you contact them, and talk nice to them maybe they will complete that whole length' all the way to the Riverhead line, Do you have comments about what I said bet~ore? You said you were going to comment on what I was saying before. Then I won't bother waiting for it. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: ! don't remember, Frank. Is there anyone who would llke to make a comment to Mr. Carlln? FRANK CARLIN: You want to wait until after the meeting, Joe, because I ain't going to walk out this time? COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Frank, this is not a debate. You mentioned 1920. It sounds like that is when you started. Let someone else have a speech, or have their say. This is one of the few meetings where we have a few people, let them speak. FRANK CARLIN: Joe, I know when I talk to you, though, it goes in one earr and o:ut the other anyway. Next time don't vote on something that you are involved in. It's a conflict of interest. SUPERVISOR C~CHRAN': Frank, you are out of order. Is there anyone else who;woUld I,ke t~o address the Board7 JAMES DINIZIO, JR.: James Dinlzio, Jr. Sound Road, Greenport. I am here mostly in support of Craig, and Greenport School Board, because of the taxes in my district, the Greenport School District.It is no ' secret, I complained two years ago to do something in my school district. I could name off probably every piece of non-taxable land in our district. If you colored it red you would cover more than half of the Village of Greenport. I don't see it getting any better. I see LIPA wants to take over LILCO, and they don't want to take the plant, but as soon as enough people complain that their electricity is too high, it's going to off the~ tax roll. That's $60,000 in my district. That's a few years down the road, i'm looking at that. I look at the nursing home, that we lost iust recently, I 10ok at the Mitchell pr~opert;y. Now, I'm looking at the east end building. I know it wasn't' part of the Mitchell property, but it was part of the purchase. It is off the tax rolls. I mean about a year ago I stood her;e before you, and asked you to consider taking the Ceyer property, perhaps let the Village take that. It could build some type of business industry there. The ~eason why we gave it up was that the Town doesn't want encourage businesses on the North Road. -' Now, we have 250 condominiums going in at Brecknock Hall. I f~nd that rather curious, Louisa, I can certainly agree with your feelings on Fisher Island, because my school is the sa.me~ if not in more dire need. Yeah, we have industry. YoU knOw industry'~s'supposed to produce taxes. Look towards Riverhead. That is supposed to be a production for the taxes for their school. I got a hospital. I got a power plant. As a matter of fact I've got two power plants. One pays taxes. The other one doesn't. I don't see the savings in that. The people in the Village do. The sewer district is the same thing. The water district is the same thing. I've got to pay $5,000 to hook up to that water. I am getting to the end of my rope. It's getting where it doesn't look good at all, ever, for the School District in Greenport. Months ago, about fourteen months ago to be 'exact, I went to a Southold School District meeting. They were discussing how they have an overload of children in their school, and that they need to do something concerning that. Their main suggestion was to build another school. My suggestion was, well, we have plenty of room in our school. Their answer was, sorry, we can't merge with you, because our taxes will go up. I can!t blame these .people. Who wants ~helr taxes to go up? But, my district~ keeps getting the brunt of this. Yes, it benefits Southold Town. Yes, it benefits the Village of Greenport, but it doesn't benefit my school district, not one iota. My children will be out of school in two or three years. Well, what do I do? Move out? Am I going to watch the death of my school d'strict, and then where do these kids going? I got a ~ire district, the East-West Fire District. Guess what? I can't vote. I could vote, but everyone of those people from the East-West Fire District, who vote for budget, prepare the budget in the East-West Fire District, do you know what? Not one of th'em llve in our district, not one. East Marion, Orient, Mattituck, SoUthold, do you understand what I'm saying? Listen, it's not your fault, but something has to be done. Many years ago, I would say eight or .nine, APRIL 28, 1997 the Chamber of Commerce came up with an idea concerning laws and how they come about in Southold Town, and one very wise gentleman came up with an idea about an .economic impact statement, concerning the laws that you make, and what impact it would have on the town, on the people of the town. I always thought it was a great idea. It somehow seemed to have gotten lost. Tonight when I was walking in someone handed me a sheet of paper from Concerned Citizen of Southold Town, of which I am not. It kind of just gives an overall view of the Brecknock Hall Project. I was wondering if somehow the Town, your Board, could perhaps look this over, and tell me just how accurate it really is. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I don't know what you are talking about, Jim. JIM DINIZIO.~ JR..' I can give it to you. What ! would like..I mean this is what Craig is talking about. You know, there is a lot of talk around town. You hear a lot of things. You have got thirtY-one? Well, I was upstate three days this week, there is no way I could possibly understand a quarter of these, let alone all of these. This is going to effect me for the rest of my life, if what this says, which is. the total revenue from Peconic Landing is $175,000,000, and if this other project went through, 350 town ho'uses we would get $4,000,600. Now, what .I..would llke is for someone, please, to tell me how accurate this is, and pu't~ in Some type of record. COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: We haven't seen it. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: I'll give it to you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If you would give it to Judy, so she can copy it for the Town Board, and then we will try. JIM DINIZIO, JR;: It says here it was taken from the Assessors Office. Let say i read in the legal notices concerning this proposal, this particular law. I read on the bottom that my taxes would be raised in such and such a bill, and my taxes would lower in such and such a bill, don't you think I :would be up he_re say{ng, hey, this is what I want you to do. Well, this isn't what I want you do. I just think that the people have to be more infor~mdd. That would be a step in the right direction. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Jim, there is no opportunity. The Town Board does not ha'ving to make a choice between this a..lleged proposal, and whatever has appeared before us today, and we don't have anything to say about that anyway. The point is, though, as a matter of just business, the Peconlc Landing people evidently have gotten into some sort of a preliminary contract with the owner of the property before the other group has. JIM DINIZIO, jR.: It's a responsibility to me who builds on this piece of property. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: How could we interfere with it? JIM-DINIZIO, JR.: I don't want you to. I don't want you to interfere with it. I would like someone to come to the realization that decisions that you make effect me a lot more than they effect the person in Mattituck, when this type of project is being built. What is going on up there you are going to have to deal with. I sure that is going to be a subject of whatever, lawsuits, or whatever happens there, site plan, subdivision. WhateVer is going to happen there I'm sure that is going to happen. What I am looking for is, hey, at least ~1 see problem, at least let's try to correct this particular problem, which is, hey, if you make a law, I want you should know all the consequences, and the people should know all the consequences. This is one that may have been a law. I don't know, but someone is telling me here, that I can get three million more dollars. I would just like to know. COUNCILMAN MOORE: May I just have a comment on that real quick? understand something, in doing the law change that allows the life care community up there, it simple adds a use to a zoning district. It did not take away the opportunity for someone to use a site plan, and do luxury condos. That did not go away. Whatever the present owner wants to APRIL 28, 1997 517 do, contract negotiation rights, picking up what Alice said, they can do. We didn't say, oh no, we don't want condos, we don't want luxury townhouses. That is not the case at all. Now, the number one issue, that was on this entire..l'm going to be presumptions, at Board meeting this morning we were all dying to jump at these guys, talk to us about taxes. We listened very politely to all the rest of the presentation, but we were all jumping out bf our chairs to make sure taxes was number one issue, that got raised, because that was the question that was coming up from the community. JIM DINIZlO, JR.: Let me ask you this.question. I don't really mean to put you on the spot. I didn't come here for that. The Town takes care of lawsuits, that people have, or grievances that people have concerning taxes. Am I correct? San Simeon Nursing Home had a litigation concerning a similar type of use. Okay? A nursing home. They had a suit against the town pending while this law was being discussed. We all know how I know that. This law was passed. In my opinion, at least, with someone knowing that there was a law soon concerning taxes in this type of use. I am somewhat upset about that, simply because it affects me more. Listen if it were in Mattituck, Bill, I don't know that I would be here in all honesty. I mean, I'd read about it in the paper, and s~ay,~ gee, you know I think he's got a problem, but I don't know that I woUid b~' her~ either. All I!m saying is, I wish maybe learn from it, if that is all you are going to do when you make a law how it affects people, because I have seen in the past two years, a year and a half. COUNCILMAN MOORE: Let's get something straight. You are assuming two' things. One, there haS been an appeal of the San Simeon lawsuit. That fight iS not over, because one judge has said something doesn't mean the Town Board agrees with it. Item fi2, as I said before, the vast majority of the use to which they propose to use the Brecknock will be taxable. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: I am not concerned about that, though. What ! need is revenue. That is what my district needs. COUNCILMAN MOORE: Tha.t is what taxable status is about. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: Brecknock Hall gets taken off. COUNCILMAN MOORE: You see you are assuming something. right to that conclusion. That is a mistake. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: I'm not. Someone is telling me that. You ~umped SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: it is wrong. JIM DI:NIZIO, JR.: I read these things in the paper. them from. This is were I get SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: This could go on forever. JIM D'=INIZ!O, JR.: WhEt ! am saying, I am upset. You can bet I am upset about this, because someone is telling me that. I'm asking you to verify that information basically. Okay? San Simeon asider if that is going to get taken off the tax rolls in any manner, shape, manner or form, that hurts my district. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Jim, may I say something, and then we are going to cut this off. I can tell you what I know, and understand, and what was told to us today, and these are respectable people from the community who are involved in this project. Then you can have someone else give you this piece of paper, and explain to you, but you have to make the decision who you want to believe, who is telling you the facts about the project itself. I don't think we can sit here, and go back and forth. We know you are unhappy. We are all concerned about the tax base of Southold Town, not just in Greenport but throughout the whole town. When Mattituck starts building, and Southold starts building everybody's taxes are going to go up, and everyone is concerned about it. We, as a Town Board, certainly are not going to do anything that erodes our tax base if we can help it. We have been told in good faith, that, and they are not condominiums, they are individual cottages, will remain on the tax roll. This is this Town 518 APRIL 28, 1997 Board's first priority. We need that tax base. You have to Believe me, or not,. Jim. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: I never said I don't believe you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: But you believe this? JIM DINIZIO, JR.: No. I am merely bringing that in to you, and saying that someone is telli, ng me this. Understand, please. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You have to make the decision of what you want to believe. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: I will believe what I see. Thank you very much. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Jim, please, come in. much information as possible that I have with you. i will try to share as JIM DtNIZIO, JR.: It should just be public. SUPERVISOR~COCHRAN: I can do it public, too. That is what we've been trying to do. You haYe got~ to 'understand. JIM DINIZIO, JR.: One people, say one thing. Some people say something else. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Again, you have to make your decision as to' what you would like to believe. I can't do that for you. That is not even signed. It says concerned citizens. Give me a name. Give me someone we can talk to. Please, common sense. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Town Board? (No response.) If there is no one else who would like to address the Board I will call on the Board for reports, or any comments. I will start on my left with Joe. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I have been waiting for awhile to respond tonight. The conflict of interesL charge has been thrown out on several fronts, and it is sort of-ironic, because I just finished filling out the disclosure form, which we instituted a couple of years ago, where we put down all our sources of income, and all the sources of income of our close relations, and property we own, trusts we may be involved in, all those things. I woUld encourage anybody that wants 'to see my situation to do that. Frank, I am in the insurance business. I--have said that. This organization that I was talking about is a quasi public group, that provides a last resort for people who can't get insurance. The State is letting it expire. You don't need an agent to use that even. You can go into New York, and write insurance from them directly. I have no relationship with them. I have no agency agreement. I don't know how much income my agency gets from that public organization, but I don't believe it constitutes a conflict. I believe it constitutes a service to me. The rest of the Board members were not aware of this. It came out from the organization that .they were about to lose their funding, and I thought it appropriate, that we respond. I think many other towns are going to do the same thing. I am just tryir~g to protect the property owners in this town. More disturbing to me than that particular charge of conflict is something that relates to.. observation, I~m sorry, it relates to, I suspect it is the concerned citizens. A few weeks ago I got a call from the papers about 'some sort of relationship I had with Peconic Landing, that encouraged me to pass on one part of a zone change. Now, I am the head of the Planning and Zoning Committee. I was sort of mystified as to what it was about, and then I got a call frOm the other paper, I talked to the other paper about it, and they had also been informed, that somehow there was sort of collusion, and a couple weeks ago, Io and behold, I get a deposition, one person that was opposing wants to depose me, and now, Ruth, for the same supposed conflict, er whatever. I asked the people when they came in today from Peconic Homes, I knew a couple of them, because as Jean said they are members of the community, but the people that are developers I never lald eyes on before. I think other members of the Board have met them, but I had never seen them, and purposely did not want to know anything about anybody, that was making application for this sort of thing, when we were contemplating a change in zone. I am concerned that these accusation get thrown around. I mean, you see it in the newspaper all the APRIL 28, 1997 519 and time, ' people think where there is smoke there is fire, but I have no idea why Ruth and.l were picked out on this thing. I know now i.t!s the tax issue. Before it was the conflict of interest issue. I do know there is another group of people that want to develop that property. They want to develop in what it also is zoned for, which is traditional multi-family housing, luxury housing.' It's been zoned for that since 1970, In fact there is one proposal. There is foundations from the prior co~d. omlnium project that ~vent bust. They:. 13aVe had an opPortunitY to deal. with t.he' .e. lement. This Town Board haslnever gotten in ;cl~e Way of any private inltiabve, to develop. ' n err . t is zoned that way. This is ir.r. esp0nsible '.In my oplnlo that prop y . · ' hln we should ....... ~---es around I th~nk ,t Is somet g to start throwing [nese ~,,--~ ' ' 't look at carefully, because they have not only raised ~ with me, now, *:hey They got everybody frightened, about taxes, it's ~ be off the tax rolls, and; frankly, I think :rt~.' is a bu think they should compete in a fair man;ner, and compete, · the acquisition of the property. I don~t mean to get carried awa' but I have had it up to here wi[h this particular issue. Having said that, I'm sorry to vent all that on you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It had to be said, Joe. COUNCILWOMAN OLIV, A: I, again, would like to reiterate what Joe has said w~ith these allegati°ns· that we had something to do with this whole Peconic 'Landing is just absolutely full of baloney. The first time I laid eyes i-on~these people, was this morning. I have never had a conversation with tl~em on the ~hone. I have never had any written correspondence with d.e. The ortly person that I knew there that is now on th'e Board 's is Jim ,~Rich. Otherwise, I have never laid 'eyes on these and I 'really ~esent saying that I would do anything, that would be a :.of interest: 'to anything in this town, I never, have done it, I am a onorable per I will continue to be so, and I resent it. On a note, a very good Anti-Bias Task Force, meeting last Detective from the Anti-Bias Crime Unit from Suffolk Cou d of it his name is Sergeant Joe SaYata. He gave ii Informate · Our Police Chief was here. I think us ~;, .~o,~1 ~ our own police officers, so that the. y we ar~ rteously and with respect· Y. ou wdl get the same In will treat eve~ return, We will a very wonderful evening, tentatively on May. 19th. ~ School. They will be showing a film, Not In OUr [s to do with the prejudices of: ethnic~ race, rellglon and s~ forth think you will f. lnd it very informative, archi I hope .. We will be having a panel to interpret this, and we many h U~ from the townspeople at eting, that Bill chairs. We some ium for cellular towers. This is blem that is we are looking for answers, so~ attended the )peals meeting, because specifically of tower in Or I not resolved, and it's a difficult ~ssu , We: all want th It is the biggest booming business 'gclng; but Dave to put up. these towers Shorte~ shorter di~ receive i:t. That is something jimt° r othe 'day I went with Su and ~lths Inlet right by the j ;aw this because there, are a pair ~re. species, and ~im walked an ,~ Ployers, ~r~d' wish get our qulckly~ so can inter~sting, bec I' ~ I~ve in down at to York, and they said, aw a I . beach all the time. It'{ goo have SL ~: These two little tiny birds have the whole re?. (;O : I will be real brief, Just fo lowing UP on the Code Cc ,last week, two reso utions on for tonight, the Me Waivers were topics in discussion last week. and As Ruth said we worked on telecommunications, puiblic hearing, whether' or ;not we Shou!ld impose We ha~e on :MaY 13 520 APRIL 28; 1997 a 1.20 day moratorium~ but I wanted the committee to get to work on discussing issues anyway. We can't be accused of dragging our feet. We will work on them right now. We began to discuss what zoning districts.we should try and encourage these uses. You can't stop them from coming to town. We don't want to stop them from coming to town, because you can't. We are working on that. It ~s coming to our attention that there is a seminar. Pa exactly this At the May allow me to.traVel to beautiful and Code Committee , telecommunication tower zonin ar includes drafting of ordinances, addressing. Of cell sites, and telec0mmunicati0n towers. gotng ask the =Board s~ perm~ss,on~ to Ne~ Jersey. *wear my al s hat t to attend 'a two day seminar SUPERVISOI~ COCHRAN: from the Island? J'udg~ Evans. do you have anything to report , JUSTICE 'EVANS: I have done my talking for the evening. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Councilwoman Hussie? COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I only want to point out sOmething. I hear a sub-text vis a vis the property at Brecknock Hall and the Peconlc Landlng area. It seemed to me that it sounded as if you were talking about laws and codes, Mr. Dinizio. We didn't change the zone. There was no zone change. What we did was add a use, and it doesn't only apply to that place. There are seven other hamlet density spots in town, so it is a broad part of the town that, that Code addition effects, Non-controversial we had a combined Sort Of Arbor Day celebrat, ion on Friday. The Arbor Day celebrat,;on: happened up att the Landfil . We had Classes from: the fourth gradesr iin.lSo~hbld '~ch0ol, Who came up tO the: Landfill in buses, and went'o~ a ~Whole ~ur. They saw the tub grinders grinding, and~hey saw the sc.reeners s~i~eening, and saW the Whole operation.. One ofi the peoD!e, whd wa~ there~was Peter-Mokalus from Marcel !paper to Whom We and who.~also buys the office paper from us, who a so that we can plant a beault;iful, some more money for some. more. but that~wa.s suhshiner inr e~verybody~s h~arts. trees. It Was I just thoUght I you that. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: everybody's the youn~ East End S, first meeting: discussed .the bill there ~s operation for that chang~ Now.. there that o the allowing phones. Suffolk the C. the Five East stating second end towns. regional stud working for a looking at rail. It was a rainy day, and there was sunshine in ust congratulate Alice aPid Ed Dart, Chairman of the nice program tha~ yo~ had planned withi the Uld like to report that I am serving as Chairman 0f the Mayors AssOciation for t.his year, and I had my -man last week held overi~ in~ North Haven. We which as you may 'or may not know, on every These funds'were used mainly for the t, then the New. York State !~Legislature passed a law the surcharge could l also be used for salaries. of salaries. There is the salaries of the people then there is the salaries of the people from develop this systemi~ ~he County is now ay for the operators, ithe people that man the for sa[arles in tee five e~st 'end towns, only that ~tlTils is unfa:r and 'unjust, although our fair sba!re, but we think it is fairi that out 'of tha't 35¢ su land we can't, I had recommended, ito the ~group thst we ~do a ~ anners in~ ~he~ five e~st town~. They have been .~nd they did an absolutely~.fantastic job, not only air. and ferry, and car traffic (tape change) tThey adopted, one resolution endorsing the Regional Plan Association's cal!i for better ~ntegrated I!nkages between rail and bus with air transportation hubs throughout the Ne~v York Metrop0 iran area. Another resblutlon they agreed to support. ISTE. bout to run out. so that was to:~ adopt a resol~ut-mn supporting the rization of the ISTEA Grants. Also.~ ~we had a discussion on '( on. I checked~ with Laary. who is ~ our ~own Attorney, and ibn has a right to scih~eduie ~heir pr0gramm|r~g as APRIL 28, 1997 they see, but there has been a call from WLNG, who has always on the channel given the 24 hour news service in addition .to the menu that rolls, and gives shows. The five East End Towns Supervisors and Mayors thought it was important that this continues. Now, they can not dictate to Cablevision to do this, so they have sent a strong request to Cablevlsion to continue to supply this to the entire east end. On the 24th I traveled up to Riverhead, and there was an update on Peconlc County. Channel 27 did film it, so I don~t' know when it's airing. Paul, do you know when it's airing? No. If you watch the schedule you can pick it up. It's an update on Peconlc County. Assemblywoman Acampora, and Assemblyman Thlele were there to explain the New York State Legislation that they are trying to get past. It is to allow the people to make the decision in relation to Peconic County. That we would like to be able to make our own decision of our destiny, and our future. There will be a lobbying bus going up. I believe it's on the 6t;h of .May, and they will be going up to Albany once again to lobby for this leglsl~tlon. If you can catch it on TV you really should watch it, so you can bring yourself up to date as to what is going on. i had the pleasure of attending several Fire Department Ladies Nights in Mattituck. It was a very lovely affair, and also, down in East Marlon~ It's been: busy. Saturday, it was a fun thing, Mattituck decided that they would make it Pete Saber Day. I think many of us know Pete Sa.bet. He. has worked and organized the baseball Little League i'.n Mattituck area thirty some years ag~. He has been working with the program ever since, so they had the red, White and blue bunting, and a P.A. system set up, and a sign that said, Pete Saber Day, and he threw out the first baseball in the town. On behalf of the Town Board members I presented a. proclamation for his .volunteer services to the community all those years. Every once in awhile you go to some of things, and it's kind of heart-warming, and it was a nice affair to attend. Tomorrow many of the Town BOard members, and our reason for having our meeting today on Monday, many of our Town Board members will be heading up to Danfords in Port Jeff tomorrow ~0.attend the Management and Protection Estuary and Coastal Water, an'd it~ iS tools for local government, so we can better understand this problem, and find the best ways Possible to protect and p~eserve. So, we Will be off tomorrow most of us. If anyone has anything else. If not I will .ask for an adjouPnment. Moved by CounCilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Mpore, J ustice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 'Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk