HomeMy WebLinkAbout23597-z · OR~ NO. ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ~T.o BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) ................. ................... Permission is hereby granted to:__ . ....... ~~ ....... ~.~.~ ............. ..... ~z~.~..~.~~...~- ,o ~'~,' ,,t pre,,se', I,~ated ot ........... ~././....'~.... ........ ~Z'.Z/.~.~.~......~ ...................................... ................................................................. ~....~..~....../...%~ .......................................... ¢o~ To~ Mop No. ~000 Sec.on ..../~..~.. ......... ~o~k ..... ~ ...... Lot No....~. ....... 1 Building Inspector. Fee $ ........................ /~l.¢l~g Inspector Rev. 6/30/80 'h f&~ht~e o{: wodc (check ~ddch nl~dicable)~ I'k.a~ l~:ildin8 .......... &klition .......... Alteration .......... 6 Eat in~t~l (~st' ~ ' " .......................... fee ............................................... (lo Im fid {~; filing lhi~ applicati{~0 5. If (k~llins, ~lll~r Of tk~lli~ unit~ ............ Ikn/~r of {k~llin8 tndla ~ each fl¢x)r ................ 7. I}i,~n~li~m of exinling ali~turna, if any: I~rg~sl ................ I~a~' . .............. I~pLh ................. I~i~l: ......................... Kid~r of 81Drier ...................... ,,,. ~,~ o,: a.~ o~ ,,~,~~-.~r~.v. ~T~.L~T~¢~ ~ ~/.~¢r~,~ .~~7..~Y ........ 15. 'Is this [)aq~Ly ~Jtilin ~KJ feel of a ti~bl ~etls~l? ~ ~I~S .......... ~ / PI.OT D IAGllAH NOTIFY BUILDING DEPAR*MENT AT 786-1802 9 AM TO 4 PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPE~ONS: 1. FOUNDATION - ~O REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCR~, a. rO~H - FRAM NO 4. Final - ¢OnSTaUC;10n Be COMPL~E FORC.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL ME~ TNE REOUI.EMENTS OF STATE CONSTRUCTION CODES. NOT RESP~~R DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRS8 (~.t~ of i,~livldual s' ~ igni,}8 c(ml,acL) t~r-n, delx)se8 m~l f;ay~; that lie i,~ the appl J(:~nll Ik,. i,; u,e .................... .C~.**~Z. ~.e.(. ................................................................ {(k:,)Lra(:tor. clj[o.i)l~. COrIX)I'iI[e officer, of ~Jai(l (~r or (~ra, taxi ia duly authorl~ad to inrfo,,, or- have Ix~rl'onled the tmJd ~)[k taxi to n~d~e mai file Illi~ alq)l [cnLion; thaL al I 8LaIai~iiI. i; concai,~M in this ;]piH i(:at.i(m are I~t~ to Ihe IK~t;I: of his ktR~l~lge taxi Is~l iefj alxl ,~)rn Lo I~fore ll~ Ihi:l ...... ....... ..... N~aw Public, State of Ecw York No. 52-8125850, Suffolk CounW. Term ~ires O~o~r 31, 19~ ($il~-e of ^l,lC/-ica. t) FORH ltO. I 'l'O{N OF SOUTIIOLD BUI 1,1)IHG DEPARTHENT TO{Iq IIAI,L SOUI'HOLD, N.Y. 1197 I TEL: 765- 10(}2 APPLICATION FOR BU]I.DIN~ PERHIT a. 'lhis appllcatlo~ 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan b. Plot: plm~ I~()ARI) OF IlI~AI,'I'II ............... 3 SETS OF PLANS ............... SURVEY ........................ CI1ECK ......................... SEPT'lC FORH .................... NOTIFY: CALl ................... HAil. 'FO: .................... INSTRUCTIONS ' l)ate ................ , 19 .... ,letely [illcd ie by tyl~riter or in hdc m~l sut~uittc4 to the Building lnsF~ckor wltb scale. Fee accordi~g to schc~lule. lot and o1~ buildings c~ pronlsea, relat:icamhip to adjoining premises or la~blic streets or areas, and giving, a del:ailc4 description of layout o1~ l~COperl:y ,a~st be drmm m the dla~an ¢lldl is Imrt off Ihis a~filcaticm. c. 'lhe ~rk c~r~ I~ this aH~ icati¢m ray ~x~t: I~ cod~e~l I~fore isstmt~e of ~ilding Peunit. .., d. I1~ a~al of this al~flle;~tlon, tim ~dlding lnsl~el:or will ismm a Mildi~ Pe~mlt to the n~llcanl:. I~nnit shall I~ I~pt cs~ 1.1~ p~onises ,~vailable For insl~cti~ fhrc~t the e. ~ txdlding ~mll Im ~piel or u~d in ~le or in lmrt for m~ ~se ~mt~er ~mEil a C~rtlflcate (~oq~q[~y Mmll. h~ l~en g~ant~l I~ lm ~dldlag lnsl~ctor. AI~q,If~TI~ IS lEggY ~g t~ ~t~ ~dlding l~rtneat: For the is~:e of a Ikdlding Permit ~rmmnE Ikdhli~ Fxx~ O~limmw~ of the To~ o~ ~tl~ld, ~fffolk (~mty, ~ Yeti% and other applicable l~s, O~li~es I~gula~iam, for tlm ~mkx~i~ o~ ladldi~s, mkliti~s or alteraCltms, or for r~a[ or ~li~io~, as lmrein ages to c~ly with all a~licable ~s, ordinates, ls~lldi~ c~, I~si~ cnde, llm ret~flatiCxm, and to &it a~fl~rlz~l ns~ctors em lw~i~s and~ln Isdtdlrq} for ~cesea~ State ~letler a~licant is ~er, les m, a~nt, architect, engi~mr, gererat contractor, eleetrlcimb plmt~r qr Ixfilder. * Y ' . .............. ~e oP ~r of p~i~s ........ 7'; ......................... ~"'"' ~ ......................... (aa s~ the tax nflI or l~tesk de~l) ~,uo,~ ~.~ ~ ...... :./~.~.. l~lect:r tells Lieen , Otler 'lY~*s Licen~ ~ ....... .............. .................................. ' ' ' ................. ' ' / ................................................... ~lJ~JvJsJal .................... j .................. FJl~] ~ll~ ~) ................ l~t ............... (~) , 2. 8tat'e exiati~ u~ aJ~ ~:LXII~IK:yj Of prenJ~s mKI Jntendal use and ~cu~q~y of p~l camttuctiom a. Exlsking u~ and ~o~Da~y . 'I .......... ~ ~ ............................ ' ................... ,, b, lnLmx~d u~ and ~:~..,...,...: .. ~ ..........................................