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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/2023 Historic Preservation Commission
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Regular Meeting Minutes
(Via ZOOM Webinar)
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Santana,
Commissioner Woodhouse, and Commissioner de Conciliis.
Kim Fuentes, Coordinator and Julie McGivney, Assistant Town Attorney
Panelist, Brian Mealy, Town Councilman (Zoom)
Executive Session —3:00 PM
3:07 P.M. Motion was offered by Chairperson Ostroski, seconded by Commissioner de Conciliis to
enter into Executive Session in order to receive Attorney Advice. Vote of the Commission: Ayes:
Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, Woodhouse and de Conciliis. (This Resolution was duly
adopted (5-0).
4:15 P.M. Motion was offered by Chairperson Ostroski, seconded by Commissioner Woodhouse to
exit Executive Session. Vote of the Commission: Ayes: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin,
Santana, Woodhouse and de Conciliis. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0).
Work Session: '
Pre submission Conferences: (30 Minutes allotted to each presentation)
Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:15 PM
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve September 28, 2023 meeting minutes by
Commissioner Woodhouse, seconded by Commissioner deConciliis. AYES: Commissioner
Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, Woodhouse and de Conciliis. (5-0). Motion approved.
4:32 P.M. Chairperson Ostroski made a Motion to Open the Meeting to Public Hearings,
seconded by Commissioner Surchin. AYES: Commissioner Ostroski, Surchin, Santana,
Woodhouse and de Conciliis. (5-0). Motion approved.
Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission
October 26, 2023
4:20 PM - Gary Karrass Trust for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of
the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property for additions and alterations to a
single family dwelling, conversion of an accessory garage to a pool cabana, and to install a
Fence surrounding an in-ground swimming pool; located at 1495 Village Lane, Orient, SCTM
No. 1000-25-3-2.1.
• The applicant's representative, Dan Butler, Architect, appeared before the Commission to
describe the proposed improvements as depicted in architectural drawings last revised
September 19, 2023.
• Fence: the style as picket, and 4 feet in height compliant fence and gate surrounding rear yard,
including swimming pool.
• Elevations and materials to be used depict stone veneers, granite foundation, and brick called
out for chimney.
• Window on rear facade: align muntins, 2 over 2 to mimic existing windows
A motion was made to Close the Public Hearing by Commissioner Ostroski, seconded by
Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, de
Conciliis, and Woodhouse. (5-0). Motion approved.
A motion was made to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions and
alterations to a single family dwelling, conversion of an accessory garage to a pool
cabana, and to install a Fence surrounding an in-ground swimming pool; by
Commissioner Ostroski, seconded by Commissioner Santana. AYES: Commissioners
Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, de Conciliis, and Woodhouse. (5-0). Motion approved.
4:33 PM -Steven Bauer—for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the
Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property for additions to a single family
dwelling, (screened in porch addition); located at 22045 Main Road, Orient, SCTM No. 1000-
• The applicant's representative, Fred Weber, Architect, appeared before the Commission to
describe the proposed improvements as depicted in architectural drawings last revised
October 6, 2023.
• The facade consists of White Cedar clapboard siding.
• The western porch shall remain and dictate the height of proposed addition.
• The revised plan shows the gingerbread/decorative Azek trim to replicate or match the
existing trim design.
A motion was made to Close the Public Hearing by Commissioner Ostroski, seconded by
Commissioner Surchin. AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, de Conciliis,
and Woodhouse. (5-0). Motion approved.
A motion was made to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for additions and
alterations to a single family dwelling, (screened in porch addition); by Commissioner
Ostroski, seconded by Commissioner Santana. AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin,
Santana, de Conciliis, and Woodhouse. (5-0). Motion approved.
Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission
October 26, 2023
4:37 PM - Kathleen McDowell — Long Island Power Solutions Solar for a Certificate of
Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark
property to install roof mounted solar panels on an existing two-family dwelling and an
accessory garage; located at 51540 NYS Route
• Kevin Orlando, Representative, appeared on behalf of the applicant to describe the solar panels
plan, last revised September 29, 2023
• The engineered drawings have been revised to depict the solar panels upon the dwelling roof
reconfigured by moving the satellite antennae, so the panels can be oriented in the same
direction, as requested by the Commission.
• The Commission Members made a site visit and determined that the panels can be viewed from
the right of way and requested that the applicant's design professional alter the plans by
removing the panels from the roof that can be seen from the right of way
• Kathleen McDowell, Owner, addressed the Commission and advised that removing the panels
from front of the house will be inefficient. What will be left will not be enough to meet the energy
• The Commission agreed to adjourn the public hearing to November 9, 2023.
Old Business:
1. Landmark Incentive— No activity.
2. Potential Awards or Request Historical Status, include individuals, non-profit organizations,
etc. Discussion included Sobien Club, Indian Neck Lane,Ashe property and Jan Nicholson
3. HPC Handbook. Revision is currently in process.
4. Shiloh Baptist Church —The Commission discussed opportunities for grants for Planning
and Capital Improvements, and further discussed their support. Prior Commissioner Tara
Cube is heading up this project.
New Business: None
Meeting Adjourned: 5:22 P.M.
Motion to exit the public meeting was made by Commissioner Ostroski, seconded by
Commissioner Woodhouse. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Santana, Woodhouse and de
Conciljis. Motion approved. (5-0)
Next HPC work session and regular meeting, with Zoom access, scheduled for November
9, 2023 hearing scheduled in the Annex Building, Second Floor Conference Room.
Remaining Meetings scheduled for 2023: November 9, 2023 and December 14, 2023.
Meetings in 2024: January 25, February 22, March 28, April 25