HomeMy WebLinkAbout17696-z I~ ~ rows xo. a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PENT MU5T BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) 't tO7 N 4 J ,A. ~ b J~ I Z Date ...i.~...if4Gh'^'~::`~:.....~. y 19~~. i Permission is hereby grahted to• n ..~Q ~....'~?.~J~ . ct premises located et ..,~a..~.a~..... ~..,+rti?-s-?.^.~.... ].J~... ~4.-.4!f:.....~.:(~. N..•~ County Tax Mop No 1000 Section Q. wi..l Block .......Q.a~...... Lot No . pursuant to opphcotwri doted .~f.~C.SL~^-a~ *1.. 19~.~., and opproved by the Building Insgpect~o}r~ Fee $.~.1.:...1.'-l. i ~(~u-(. Building Inspector Rev b/30/80 i 735Cdean Parkway Brooklyn, New York-11230 December 9, 1989 a' ~ ~ ~ adc~ ' ~ ~ 1 5% $ BLDG DEPT. Mr. Vicitor Lessard Q d TQWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Department Town of Southold Main Road Southol~, New York - 11971 IRE: Town Building Permit Dawn Drive, Greenport Section 35, Block 5, Lot 17 Dear Mr;. Lessard: I wouldlike to amend the building permit covering construc- tion of my home on Dawn Drive, Greenport, to allow me to raise t~e existing structure. We would like to convert the present crawlspace under the house tp a full cellar, by elevating the house and adding the necessary height to the foundation. Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $509.40, to coved the additional space applied for. Thank ypu for your kind attention in this matter. 2 look forward) to an early reply to my request. Should jit benecessary to contact me, I can be reached at (718) 859-8252. Yours very truly, ~ /f//(//~/r~/~r/%Z/ I ! / L i Jo eph" Geraci Enclosure - check i G ,.i,2,li, Punrh GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GW-1 September 1985 Supersedes 9/83 SECTION IV-B URETHANE COATING APPLICATION Gaco Western UB-64, UA-65, U-66 and UA-66 ever, the recommended rate varies by specifi- Series urethanes are 1.wo component, 1.1 ratio cation. The specified gallonage and uniformity liquid applied elastomers When properly coin- of coating are the critical elements of a quality biped and applied they cure to form tough, high- application strength rubber membranes. 1. MIXING 2.2 Gacoflex urethanes cure rapidly and the cleaning of rollfar covers and brushes is usually 1.1 Observe cautrons on the /abe/ about frozen impractical. Workmen should have extra roller components, Examine both Part A and Part B covers and brushes on hand. for graininess. If graininess is observed warm the entire contents of the can to 60' F. or higher, 2 3 Apply Gac:oflex urethane in a uniform and mix until smooth. Partial containers of Part thickness without skips or holidays Base coats B cannot be stored longer than one or two days can be rolled or sprayed, depending on )ob type as exposure to atmospheric moisture induces and size See separate insfructrons for spray cure When repackaged into smaller containers equipment recommendations. Allow each with minimal exposure to air, leftover Part B coat to dry until tack free and sufficiently cured may be usable for up to several weeks. Keep for foot traffic before applying additional Part B containers covered whenever possible. urethane coating. From less than one hour, to overflight, may be required depending on drying 1.2 All Gacoflex urethanes contain color pig- conditions and the particular product used inept in the Part A Mix Part A to suspend pigment prior to mixing equal volumes of 2.4 Gaco Western specifications recommend Part A and Part B. UB-64 Series Part B contains alternating colors, where possible, between a small amount of pigment which also requires multiple coats to maintain quality control on mixing prior to us@. Stir thoroughly for five the job minutes, scraping sides of container. Quantities larger than two gallons must be power mixed. 2.5 Extend each coat over cants and up vertical Best results are obtained by pouring Part A into surfaces of pads, curbs, walls and parapets Part B while mixing Polyethylene or poly- The top of curbs and equipment pads shall be propylene mixing containers are recommended similarly coated. In the case of walls and par- es they can be re-used. Set up material is easily apets, extend coating to the point where coun- stripped out cleanly the following day, terflashings enter the masonry. Where no coun- UB-6411 has a five to fifteen minute pot life and terflashing is specified, hold the base coats lust should be used only with multi-component short of the termination line at edge of deck to metering and mixing equipment. avoid seeping under masking tape or spilling on ad)acent unprotected surfaces 2. APPLICATION OF BASE COAT 2.6 If the entire job cannot be carried through 2.1 After priming and installing tape, including to completion without interruption, the inter- coating where requited, apply overall base coat- ruption should occur after the first coat. This ing of Gaco Western urethane in specified cover- will provide protection for the tape system age. All specified quantities are on an undiluted and the general roofing area. basis. Better films are usually produced with less entrappeu air when the rate of application Coated surfaces must be clean and dry before is no more than 1'/~ gallons per square. How- work resumes. The preferred method of clean- GACOuWESTERN P.C.80x846/Waki~ha, WI8~187'-08/8/(4~)644.802 / a083128th 5tC 6u ny 6C. V3W6W1/(604)59&7161 Pnntttl m U S A GW-1, Section IV-B ing is to wash with liquid detergent and water UA-65 Series coatings are not suitable for and follow with a thorough rinse. An alternative trowel application. UB-64 Series are not in- method is to lightly solvent wipe, using extreme tended for use as top coats. care to avoid lifting or wrinkling. 3. COLD WEATHER APPLICATION 5.2 Inspect for damage prior to the application of top coat. Any surface damage must be re- During cold weather, special precautions must be paired by re-flashing, re-taping and replacing taken in applying two-component urethanes. of base coat so that a continuous membrane in These coatings should not be applied to surfaces substantially uniform thickness covers the 40' F, or colder. Store materials above 65° F., entire surface prior to top coat application. or warm to above 65° F, prior to use. One half ounce per gallon of combined Part A and 5.3 While careful color matching procedures Part B will increase cure rate as follows: are used, different batches of urethane may UB-6411 by 25%, U-66 by 75%, UA-66 by vary slightly in hue This variation will be too 75%, UA-65 by 200%, and UB-6407 by 500%. slight to be perceptible if changes are made at natural breaks in the surface. Intervmiwng An accelerator, U-5651, is available to increase of batches may be necessary or desvable to cure rate. assure consistency in top coat color. 4. HOT WEATHER APPLICATION CAUTION: Excessively heavy applications of Product data on pot life and cure rate are provided urethane (greater than 40 mils wet) can cause for materials at 70' F. At temperatures above 70° pigment separation during drying, resulting in F., pot life and cure time will decrease propor• a blotched color. Uniform application at the tionately as temperature incrAases. Store materials specific coverage is important to provide proper out of direct sun and mix ohly the amount that results. can be applied within the pot life. Refer to the Product Data Sheet for the particular Gacoflex urethane coating for details. 5.4 Remove masking tape at edges of coating area as soon as the final coat of urethane is 5. APPLICATION OF TOP CQATS applied. By removing the tape while the coating is wet, it will not be necessary to cut it off to 5 1 AFFI'r urethane topcoat or trowel coat avoid damage to the edge of the coating. Any the next day, after the base coat, if possible, seepage under the tape on rough surfaces can (Note: See paragraph 2.6 in reference to inter- be wiped off with thinner while wet. ruptions.) r APPLICATION SPECIFICATION GW-14U GACOFLEX URETHANE RUBBER COATING SYSTEM FOR May 1986 ROLLI=R APPLICATION ON PLYWOOD AND CONCRETE DECKS Supersedes 1/86 NOTE TO ARCHITECTS ANp ENGINEERS. This spec- 1.32 The surface shall be accepted by the architect ification covers the construction of a durable, waterproof, and the roofing contractor. Start of work consti- fire retardant surface suitable for foot traffic, patio furor tutee acceptance. ture and similar egmpment. Por automobile parking decks and ramps, Specification GW15 is recommended. 1.33 Concrete desks shall be allowed to dry for four weeks after the Curing period before coating. If 'Thu system meets the requirements for Class A rating on ram occurs after the drying time and poor to apply non-combustible wbstrates and Class B rating on 1/2" ply- cation of primer, allow at leapt twa days of good wood decks when tested under ASTM E-106/UL 790. drying weather. , This application specification is prepared m a beef form 1.34 All surfaces sha~~l be dry. so that it can be used verbatim m the roofing or special section. It is necessary only to make the selections indic- ated to complete rt General Instructwn GW1, which is incorporated by reference, providgs detailed step-by-step 2. hAATERIALS instructions for the guidance of conttactors and inspectors All products fisted arb manufactured or supplied by Gaco 1. GENERAL Western, Inc. 1.7 Work Included. Install deck covering consisting 2.1 General: Urethane Rubber Coating shall~ of a base coat of urethane rubber, reinforcement for yomts and ftashmg, second base coat of urethane rubber a. meet~the published proi~erties of these products~ with granules sprinkled onto the wet coating and a top- coat of urethane rubber. Apply in accordance with b. together with thinner and outer related products these specifications and GW-1 General Instructions be supplied in solvent systems w6idv meet applicable pubiisfied by Gaco Western, inc. Work shall be per- Ali Pohution Control regulations SThls regwre- formed by an applicator approved by Gaco Western, merit applies only to areas with such regulations Intl, relating to solvents m architectural coatings). 1.2 Work Excluded: c. meet the requirements of ASTM E•108 as fol- lows 1.21 Concrete Finish: See GW2 for recommend- ations regarding finishing and curing of various types ffon•Combustible Surface Class A of concrete These should be incorporated in the Plywood Surface Class B concrete section 2.2 Urethane Rubber Coatings: 1.22 Inttailatian of Plywood: Sea GVJ-3 for recomm- endations regarding the selection and installation of 221 Bataeoats: Gacoflex UB-64 or U-BB Series plywood These should be incorporated in the car- urethane pemry section 222 Topcoat: Gacoflex U-68 Series urethane. 7.23 Roof drams, vents, ducts and other penetra- tions. 2.23 Optional Topcoat: Gacoflex UA-85 Serves urethane. 1.24 Gutters and metal cap and counter-ftashmg. 2.3 Granule: Gacoflex Granule, a hard (90 Rockwell 1.3 Condition of Deck Surfaces: Scelel, non crushable, non-extractable organic granule with a specific gravity of 1 3. Size 18 on 40 unless 1.31 Surfacas shalt be free from protections, depres• otherwise specified. sions, loose scale, sand, curing compounds, grease, oil, pairrf, asphalt and other foreign deposits Con- 24 Othar Materials Raquired: Primer-sealer, thinner struction work on the deck shall be completed and and cleaner, expansion joint covers, reinforcing mate~ drains, ducts and other penetrations installed. rials, caulking and flashing compounds shall he sup• plied by Gaco Western, Inc ~ACO WESTERN P O Box Bs69a / s.aitl~, WA 98188-0698 / (4061 5750460 / GACOFLEX W ESTERN, LTD. wxtxowurris wuanuoarrr P 0. Box 616 / Wauknhs, WI G1187-0648 / (4141 642.8pM 8063 146th St. ! Surny, B.C. V3WBW1 / (604) 598.7181 Printed m U S A GW-14-U 3. APPLICATION OF COVERING 3.4 Second Base Coat and Texture: Apply UB-64 or U-66 urethane by roller to secure a minimum coverage of one gallon per 100 square feet. While coating is still 3.1 General: Apply primer-sealer, expansion joint covers wet, broadcast or blow granules onto coating to com- (where called for), seal cracks and joints, install ftashmg ptetely and uniformly cow:r surface Approximately six and apply urethane coatings aS directed in Gaco Western, pounds (one gallon dry volume) are required for each Inc General Instructions GW-1. 100 square feet. Coat and sprinkle small areas at a time, taking care not to overlap coating and granule at edges. When texture coat is cured enough to walk on, lightly 3.2 Taping: Apply UB-64 or U-66 urethane by brush sweep away loose granule m a five to six rnch wide step coat centered over al{ joints, cracks and changes of plane to be taped. Wh~e 3.5 Top Coat: Apply U-66 urethane by roller m an this coat is still tacky, unroll 66B tape into the coating overall coat in the desired color over the granule at the and apply a coat of urethane over the tape, smoothing rate of 1-t(4 gai(ons per 100 square feet, Allow 48 hours out wrinkles and fishmouths. Allow to cure a minimum time before deck is put into use. In cool temperatures, of 1.1 /2 hours before proceeding to next step. On ply- a longer curing time may be required. wood substrates, taping application will require approx- imately 1/3 gallon of urethane coating per 100 square 3.6 Optional Topcoat: Alter top coat has cured a mim• feet. mum of 24 hours, apply the optional UA-65 urethane topcoat by roller at a minimum rate of 3/4 gallon per 100 square feet Allow 48 hours before deck is put into 3.3 First Base Coat. Apply UB-64 or U•66 urethane use by roller m an overall coat to Secure a mim,num coverage of 1.1/4 gallons per 100 square feet, (Total wet film Note: The finished dry lilm th~ckneu will average 42 thickness • 20 mils) Allow to cure completely (8 hours mils of urethane rubber elastomer and will have an minimum at 70oF.) ~ approximate total thickness with granules of 51 mils. INSTALLATION DETAILS Standard Details GW 1 - DE October 1983 Supersedes 6/S1 TERMINATIONS 1. General: These Details show termmatlon methods for The type, number of ccats, or quantity of coating Is roof and deck speclf~catlons. For claNty, base coat and stated In the lob speclfication.Tape methods are shown top coat systems are mdlCated and punier is not shown. In InstallaUOn Detail Gly-1 - DC. TOP COAT SYSTEM TAPE BASE COAT SYSTEM TAPE r ,m~ ~ TAPE METAL BLOCKED FASCIA TAPE THRESHOLD N-1 04 _ _ 1 I I SHINGLES I ~ II METAL FLASHING 1 TAPE TAPE II (aACOWESTERN PO Box 88698/Seattle, WA 981864698/(208)57SW50 GACOFLEXWESTERN,LTD wecvawurrts rooareanirr P O. Box 646 / Waukesha, W 153187 0646 ! (414) 542.8072 / 8083 128th St. / Surrey, B G V3W6W1 / (604) 596-7161 Pnn[ea m V s A GW-1 - DE ~ vr~~` .a~•~ g• ~ . ~ ~ ~ # per: ~ ~ a ~ ~ -==1 ~ - ~ . I I MASONRY Appal N-tooa f ~ tape bed to fill irregular sur- II faces Terminate coatings on ' ~ • ~ yertmal surfaces at a mortar line ~,~r ~q TAPE fJ-1004 ~ TAPE ~ , METAL CA? OR COUNTER FLASHING ~ ' ; PLASTER TAPE ~ ~ A: ~;'k1'., 11 TAPE ~ - a} -IcLD 'l;.s.E.::iu;+ if~ni :;ONMCN7° ^o _ 7 . - e a_ H ~ - "3 ^OUIJDATION (1st) a f c ` ti FOUNDATI0IJ (2nd) ~ ~ 2. `o pOUGH FRAME & ~ rJ`. PLUMBING ti ~ H 3. x m m IIJSULATION PER N. Y. 'j ~ STATE ENERGY CODE x a r s 4, y FI;JAL o ADDITI0IIAL COMMENTS: m i ~ ~ ' x ^o a H H ~9 O +O 0 f A r ~ _ H x o m ~v H 735 @ean Parkway Brooklyn, Mew York-11230 December 9, 1989 t i 1 To yf j~~~~tt i ~ f4~ / ~ b' lIE 4 S EsLL'G vcPi Mr. Vector Lessard ~ Q d TOi4`N CF SCJTHOLD Building Department Town ofiSouthold Main Road Southold, Mew York - 11971 RE: Town Building Permit Dawn Drive, Greenport Section 35, Block 5, Lot 17 Dear Mr. Lessard: I would 1, like to amend the building permit covering construc- tion of my home on Dawn Drive, Greenport, to allow me to raise tfie existing structure. We would like to convert the present crawlspace under the house tq a full cellar, by elevating the house and adding the necessary height to the foundation. Enclosed please find my check >.n the amount of $509.40, to coved the additional space applied for. Thank ydu for your kind attention in this matter. I look forwardlto an early reply to my request. Should t benecessary to contact me, I can be reached at (718 859-8252. Yours very truly, i ~ /1 5' %Joseph' Geraci Enclosu~e - check